Fresh is Best! 1 Fresh Produce Wash 1 Reusable Produce Bags, set of 3
Item#: cu1JUL
(reg. $39.98)
Sale Price
July Customer Specials Keep Summer Fresh!
Microfiber Magic! 1 Microfiber Variety Pack (BacLock速) 1 EnviroCloth速, graphite (BacLock速) 1 Window Cloth, purple (BacLock速)
Item#: cu2JUL
(reg. $55.97) Sale Price
13859_JUL16_CS_USA v1
Orders must be received in the Home Office from noon, CDT, July 1 through noon, CDT, August 1, 2016. Note: Products and colors in packages are predetermined and may vary based on inventory availability.