Healthcare News August 2013 ebook

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Healthcare news August 2013

Westchester County

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Remarkable way to Lose Weight with PLExuS SLim…

The Gelb Center in White Plains can help Headaches, Sleep Disorders and will bring back your smile!

Ely Rosenzveig will show you how Estate Planning will protect your assets, family and future!

Physician Profiles start on page16


Healthcare news is excited to announce our special edition of

Boomers & Beyond

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Westche ster Cou nty

August 2013

Healthcare Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553




August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

After helping hundreds of Westchester County herniated disc sufferers eliminated their pain, Local Doctor explains how…

“Back Pain Technology Cheats Mother Nature Helps Herniated Discs Heal Naturally… In As Little As 25 Minutes!” At Last! Westchester County Doctor Offers Technology That Doesn’t Just End SEVERE Pain From Herniated Discs, But Helps Your Body To Start Rebuilding Them… As Fast As Humanly Possible! Best Part: You can check it all out for FREE if you like! There is no doubt… technology has made all of our lives better… and easier. Just about every miraculous medical cure and comfort of modern living can be attributed to amazing breakthroughs in technology. Heck, laser eye surgery can give people who are almost as blind as a bat perfect 20/20 vision. How amazing is that? That’s why it’s no surprise that technology might be able to solve your back and neck pain from herniated/bulging discs or sciatica…for good. Here is why: Back and neck pain can be devastating. And nothing is worse than going to doctor after doctor… trying treatment after treatment… spending money you can’t afford… and still suffering in pain. That’s why… I bet you would love to instantly end your pain… without any risk what-soever… and have it never come back for the rest of your life? Well, that might NOT be so easy. But, what if there was a wonderful advancement in technology that, with a handful of simple, non-invasive treatments, could possibly have you out of pain and on your way to healing naturally? Better yet, what if this technology could possibly heal your herniated/bulging discs (instead of cutting it out like surgery) so you have the best chance to live pain-free and do all the things you want and love to do? And what if this technology was: 3 FDA cleared! 3 Proven safe and effective! 3 Allows your herniated discs to heal naturally without the risky and dangerous side effects of surgery! 3 Relieves pain fast… in some cases in as little as 25 minutes! Well, guess what? There is such technology and there is a very good chance it can help you… like it has already helps thousands of herniated/bulging disc and sciatica sufferers all around the country… No Matter How Bad Your Pain Is, How Long You’ve Been Suffering Or How Many Other Treatments And Doctors Have Failed You! Don’t laugh. It’s really true. Here’s proof…

When you have a herniated disc, compressive forces cause your spinal bones to come together… basically squashing your disc. The space in between your bones decreases and the soft, jello-like disc material leaks out. This disc material that leaks out is called a herniated disc and can cause severe pain, numbness and tingling in your neck, back, arms or legs when the herniation pushes into and “pinches” a nerve. So it makes sense, if you could slightly pull the spinal bones apart… that would open up the space, take the pressure off the disc, the disc off the nerve and solve the problem. Right? But the only problem is… how do you do that? For years and years, doctors have been trying to do it with traction. But traction has been proven ineffective and often very painful. Why? Traction doesn’t work because when you have a herniated or bulging disc, the area is injured and when you try to move, your muscles go into spasm. Spasm is your body’s way of trying to protect you from causing further injury. That’s why traction hurts so much. As soon as the traction starts… your muscles overprotect the area and spasm. But the good news is: Now there is technology that out-smarts your body’s natural spasm reaction. In other words: It fools mother nature! This technology is called non-surgical spinal decompression (NSSD) and here’s how it works… NSSD is very different from plain traction because it has advanced computer technology that actually senses your spinal muscles. When it starts to gently pull, it immediately knows when your muscles start to contract and it stops pulling. As soon as your muscles relax, it starts pulling again. The amazing thing is: the computer senses your muscles contraction so early… you don’t even feel what is going on. Which means you never feel any pain! In fact, the only thing most patients feel is… RELIEF!!! But the best part is: NSSD is able to gently separate your spinal bones which, in many cases, actually sucks the herniated disc material back into the disc where it belongs! This takes away your pain and allows your herniated and bulging discs to heal naturally!

And check this out: Treatments are pleasant and simple. All you have to do is lie on your back, listen to your favorite music, read a magazine… or… take a nap! The wonderful technology does everything while you simply RELAX the pain away! To sum up NSSD: • For most patients it is 100% painless… in fact many patients actually fall asleep during treatment! • Works fast! Most patients get relief after a handful of treatments – some after the very first! • Is non-invasive so it does not have the dangerous risks of surgery! • Gets to the root cause of the problem and helps it heal naturally! Isn’t modern technology wonderful? And wouldn’t you like to… Give This Great Technology A Try… For Free? If you would, there’s great news. There is a Doctor located at 1241 Mamaroneck Ave. right here in White Plains, NY who has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in this wonderful technology and has been treating herniated/bulging disc and sciatica patients with incredible success. His name is Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS and he is so excited about the results he’s been getting, he would like to share it with as many pain sufferers as possible. But There Is A Catch… There’s always a catch... isn’t there? Even though this technology has helped a majority of the patients Dr. Donath has treated… it is not a wonder cure and it does not help everyone.

On the right: healthy disc. Center: Herniated disc with soft disc material leaking out. On the left: Herniated disc material compressing or “pinching” nerve.

For that reason, Dr. Donath does a complete examination on every potential patient and only accepts you if he feels you are most likely to get the pain relief and outcome you are looking for. Dr. Donath’s Special Deal For You! Because the economy is so bad and Dr. Donath wants to help you if possible, he is offering the first 17 people who respond to this article a free consultation and NSSD qualification examination. And if you qualify for NSSD treatments, Dr. Donath will also give you one treatment for FREE! And if you do not qualify, Dr. Donath will help you find the best option for you. That’s why, if you suffer with pain from a herniated/bulging disc or sciatica you should call 914-259-8104 right now. When Barbara answers the phone, simply tell her you would like your free non-surgical spinal decompression consultation and examination. If you are one of the first 17, she will schedule you within the next few days. If you are in a lot of pain or already scheduled for surgery, tell Barbara and she will be sure to get you in immediately. Maybe even today.

On right: Herniated disc with spinal bones “squished” together. Center: NSSD slightly pulls the spinal bones apart, opens up the disc space and allows herniated material to move back into the disc. Left: Herniated material completely back in center of disc allows the disc to heal naturally. Your consultation and examination should take about 60 minutes. During this time you can get all of your questiones answered in a warm and friendly environment. You will know exactly what’s causing your pain and the best possible way to solve it. Dr. Donath will explain to you all your possible options along with his recomendations so you can make the best choice for YOU.

Why Limited To 17? Dr. Donath has limited the number he will accept right now to 17 because he does not believe patients should wait and they should also get the quality personal attention they deserve. When you go for your free visit, I’m sure you will see how unique and pleasant the experience is. It’s nice to be treated like a person and not a number or based on insurance coverage. It’s also nice to know exactly what’s causing your pain and how to relieve it as fast as possible. Dr. Donath’s favorite cases are the one’s that were able to cancel back surgery after only a handful of treatments. Dr. Donath also loves when a herniated disc patient that is in excruciating pain and thinks they’ve tried everything, lays down on the NSSD table, takes a 25 minute nap… and… wakes up with all their pain GONE! Just imagine how it would feel to have all your pain finally gone. Imagine going to bed and being able to sleep the entire night through… … and waking up refreshed and energized… ready to take on the brand new day – without the pain and stiffness that has been terrorizing you. And imagine finally knowing you have the solution to your herniated disc pain. Well, you may not have to just “imagine” anymore… because… NSSD might start relieving your pain… in just 25 minutes! So, if you’d like to see if you qualify and give this amazing technology a try for free… give Barbara a call at 914-259-8104 right now. Why wait one more day in pain when the solution may be one quick phone call away? Call now before someone else gets your free spot. One More Thing It’s Important… Ever since getting this wonderful technology, Dr. Donath’s office has been flooded with calls. For that reason, if when you call, the lines are busy or you go to voice mail… just keep calling back. The possibility of living pain-free is well worth the time and effort it may take you to get through and schedule your appointment. 914-259-8104



August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

At home ❤ ■ ■

Pack waste-free lunches by using permanent containers, reusable utensils and cloth napkins. Host a fun clothing-swap party for friends and neighbors. Avoid buying too many supplies by inventorying what’s already at home. Rather than throw away unwanted items, gather up extra pens, pencils, rubber bands, paper clips and the like for donation to a local elementary school or to nonprofit organizations that accept school supplies.

Keep a running list of needed items on the fridge, helping you stay organized to avoid multiple, last-minute car trips.

Create weekly meal plans in advance to stock the fridge in one trip, saving time and gas money and reducing congestion and pollution.

Choose tap water over bottled products. It’s just as good and – at less than a penny per gallon – it’s a great bargain.

At school  ■

Take good care of your pack, folders, cell phone and other items. They’ll last longer, saving you money in the long run. Prevent waste and unnecessary purchases by using pens until the ink runs out, holding on to pencils until they’re too short for writing and making use of each blank page in your notebook. Connect with dorm mates ahead of time to determine which housewares – from dishes and hair dryers to furniture and electronics – you can share, cutting down on unnecessary purchases. Reuse items from home when furnishing the dorm room. For remaining items still needed, check local thrift stores near the school.

On the go ✇ ■

Shop for back-to-school apparel at thrift and vintage clothing stores, giving good-quality, one-of-a-kind fashions a second life.

Consider refurbished computers over new ones. They often cost less, and some come with a warranty when purchased from the manufacturer.

Choose products with more recycled content – paper with a higher percentage of post-consumer materials, for example – and less or no packaging. If the product comes with packaging, first ensure the wrapping or container includes recycled content and can be recycled. Look for pens and pencils made with sustainably harvested wood or recycled content. Check thrift stores for reusable school supplies such as binders and backpacks. Collaborate with other parents on a carpool for the kids to reduce pollution and traffic congestion while saving time and money.


GreenTips Getting ready for school? Go green with tips to save money, conserve natural resources and reduce your carbon footprint.

ATTORNEYS AT LAW Many Years of Experience Protecting the Legal Interests of the Elderly & Special Needs Populations Advising Families about: • • • • • • • • •

Medicaid Asset Protection Planning Estate Planning & Administration Special Needs Home Care Long Term Care Health Care Proxies Powers of Attorney Guardianships See more information on page 12

Client Testimonials You came to our aid during the most stressful time of life for my family. You are like a guardian angel to us - with every task you gave us 110 percent of your efforts and you have resolved many issues for us, in both financial and legal matters. We have known you for over eight years and you have always demonstrated fairness and good judgment. In addition, you have provided invaluable comfort, friendship and legal guidance for my family and we are grateful for your services. We look forward to continue to work with you and your firm. – Beatrice Y. Navigating all the overwhelming details and complexities in my mother's case was handled with the utmost efficiency and sensitivity. The expense and endless sharing of information and paperwork resulted in an outcome that is totally beneficial to my mother.

2 Gannett Drive, Suite #108 White Plains, New York 10604 Email:

Tel: (914) 816-2900

-Arlene L. Attorney advertising • Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome






August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester




The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine


Center for Vein Restoration




Cortlandt Chiropractic PLLC


Doctors Express in Hartsdale, NY


Edward M. Feinberg, DMD


The Gelb Center


Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco


Keystone Financial Services


Mount Kisco Medical Group PC


Madelon R. Murphy, DMD


Recovery Physical Therapy



23, 28

Plexus Slim


Premier Vein Centers


Edward Prus, DDS


Resource Directory

22, 24

Spa for Beautiful Skin

Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, PC



United Hebrew


VNA of Hudson Valley Westchester Spinal Decompression Ctr


What makes a good doctor? A degree from a top medical school? A good bedside manner? We all choose our physicians based on different criteria. But what makes a top doctor? One of the many perks of living in Westchester County, is the abundance of great doctors. They are innovators in their field, cutting-edge, renowned. This edition of Healthcare News presents Westchester’s Top Doctors. Of course, there were so many to choose from. Just because one of your doctors didn’t make the list, doesn’t mean you should search the internet for a new one. The doctors included in Healthcare News listings were selected carefully after peer nomination, extensive research and careful review and screening by our editorial staff. We also consulted, online, the directory of top doctors provided by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. The mission of Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. is to help consumers find the best healthcare. They publish a variety of books including the “Top Doctors” series, the most popular of which is America’s Top Doctors®. These Top Doctors’ medical educations, training, hospital appointments, disciplinary histories - and much more are screened by the Castle Connolly physician-led research team. Doctors do not and can not pay to be listed as a Healthcare News Top Doctor. See our special Top Doctors section beginning on page 16. As always we welcome your ideas and news! Our staff welcomes your e-mail, text or call! Jim Stankiewicz can be reached at 845-534-7500 extension 219 and via email at


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Brendan Coyne, John Jordan

CORPORATE INFORMATION Healthcare News - Westchester, New York edition Vol. 6 No. 8 - is published monthly, 12 times a year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Postage Paid at New Windsor, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Healthcare Newspaper, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY, 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month of publication.

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Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Page 7

Healthcare News’

TOP10 Back To School Tips 1

Make homework time a daily habit.

Find a quiet and consistent place at home where your child can complete his or her homework. If your child is having difficulty with his or her homework, make an appointment with the teacher to discuss the difficulty. Check with the counselor and the teacher about tutors to get your child help.


Get your sleep.

Doctors recommend children in the first through fifth grades get as much as 10 to 11 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep can affect a child's ability to learn and may affect their immune systems.


Have a healthy breakfast.

Hungry children do not learn as well as well-nourished ones. If you don't have time to pack a healthy lunch, schools usually serve students well-balanced meals. Low-income children may qualify for free and reduced-price meals. Just fill out an application directly at your school.


Stay active.

Keep children physically active with bike rides, basketball, and walkathons. Studies show that physically active students have better classroom behavior and a better ability to learn and achieve.


Avoid school absences.



Chronic absences are an early predictor of students dropping out of school that could affect their academic and career success.

Reading to children calms them at bedtime and exposes them to language, sounds, new ideas, and the love of reading. Create a comfortable, quiet, well-lit place to study in your house for older children, away from distractions like electronic devices and toys. This will help them concentrate and absorb more of what they are trying to learn. continued on next page

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013


VARICOSE VEINS? TIRED, ACHY LEGS? We have a solution! Look and feel your best! Dr. Arlen G. Fleisher, has successfully treated thousands of patients with venous diseases such as varicose and spider veins, and their related symptoms. Premier Vein Centers offer state-of-the-art technology and techniques in the comfort of a doctor's office. Call our offices at 888-400-9105 for a free screening and visit our websites or for more information. IN-OFFICE PROCEDURES MINIMAL DOWNTIME LATEST LASER TECHNOLOGY INSURANCE ACCEPTED FOR MOST PROCEDURES DIPLOMATE OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF PHLEBOLOGY

Get to know your child's teacher.

7 8

This will help create a good line of communication to help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings about your child's education.

Lend a hand.

Volunteer your time, raise money through booster clubs, and donate supplies to your local school. In these tough economic times, schools have cut back severely. Plus, the school and students benefit from parents who are actively engaged in their children's education.


Drink plenty of water.

Many students have already started training for the high school sports season. With temperatures still in the 90s, everyone needs to watch out for heat exhaustion. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention has created a free online course to prevent heatrelated illness.


Spend quality time with your kids. This helps in your children's development and happiness, and helps reduce your own stress.



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August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Fall Foods

that will make your skin look great

Sure, everyone loves a good facial, and aren’t they wonderful? Cranberries A good skincare regimen can keep your skin looking radiant, but Eat cranberries what you eat is what can give you that youthful glow all season long. this season to Seriously. It can be challenging to eat fresh and healthy foods during the colder months, but there are several fall foods that will help your skin stay healthy, resilient, and radiant. A few tweaks to your diet could be all it takes to have beautiful skin. Pumpkin Pumpkin facials are a treat for the skin during the fall months but you can also eat pumpkin to get your dose of beta-carotene, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Pumpkin also has hydrating properties and is a fairly versatile ingredient that you can use it in many sweet and savory recipes.

Sweet potatoes


get plenty of vitamin C into your system. Cranberries contain more antioxidants than other commonly-eaten fruits. Fresh cranberries and homemade cranberry sauce can be a tasty addition to your favorite fall recipes. Dried cranberries are also a good source of fiber and can be incorporated into many of your baked goods.

Orange and yellow foods contain phytonutrients and a ntioxidants that support a healthy lifestyle, and these nutrient-rich foods can also be good for the skin. Flavonoids and antioxidants in dark orange foods like carrots may even reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Make some carrot juice this season for a boost of nutrition.

Did somebody say super food? Add sweet potatoes to your for an energy boost and you will also enjoy some skin benefits. Like pumpkin, sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene and are also loaded with vitamin C. Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber so they’ll support a healthy digestion. Your skin will look better when your digestive system is working properly, so make sure you’re eating plenty of fiber-rich foods each day.

Spa for Beautiful Skin 300 Martine Ave. Suite 2M White Plains Phone (914) 285-7217 Rufina Fernandez has over 26 years of experience in the industry. We specialize in women and men skin care. Come to the Spa for Beautiful Skin for one-on-one treatment with a smile. Whether you’re looking to benefit from the latest state-ofthe-art anti-aging treatments, seeking a deep tissue massage, stress therapy, or if you’d prefer to sample one of our overall wellness treatments, then the Spa for Beautiful Skin is for you.

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Your hair is an important aspect of your image. Who doesn’t want beautiful and healthy locks? But, factors such as stress, pollution and unhealthy lifestyle can cause hair loss. While there are several chemical treatments and products that promise stronger hair, why not try the simpler and natural ways to prevent hair fall? Here are five ways:


Massaging your scalp for a few minutes stimulates blood circulation. Good circulation keeps your hair follicles active and healthy. You could improve your blood circulation by massaging your scalp using a few drops of almond, mustard or sesame oil. Essentials oils such as lavender also help.

Growing Healthy Hair

Natural juices: Garlic, onion and ginger have properties that help in boosting hair growth. They are also anti-bacterial and keep fungus and bacteria at bay. You can rub your scalp with garlic, ginger or onion juice a few hours before washing your hair. Leave it for a while and rinse thoroughly.

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Keep scalp clean: Oily scalp attracts dust and grime. An unclean scalp is more prone to hair breakage and loss. Wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo paying special attention to the scalp.

Meditate: One of the root causes of hair fall is stress and tension! Relaxing your mind and leading a stress-free life can help reduce hair fall. Meditation is one of the best ways to relax and unwind. Regular meditation can also help restore hormonal balance.

Cover your hair: It’s always a good idea to cover your head with a scarf while travelling as pollution, harsh UV rays of the sun and dust can cause hair loss.

Page 11

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August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

2 Gannett Drive, Suite #108 White Plains, New York 10604 Email:

Tel: (914) 816-2900

The Importance of Elder Law: You must protect your assets, family and future now! For nearly 30 years, practicing law has been Ely Rosenzveig’s passion. His inspiration? That comes from, among other things, his life experiences, the people he has met, and the clients he works with every day. The widow who didn’t have a will and was concerned about her financial future. The family that was reeling from health issues impacting their elderly loved ones without any planning in place to address their needs, leaving them with the prospect of exorbitantly expensive care needs. Ely Rosenzveig was a rabbi in Westchester County. The plight of some in his congregation moved him to practice elder law and trust and estate planning. He would become a senior partner at one of the foremost elder law firms in the country, but left to join hands with his son, Ariel. “I really jumped at the opportunity to work in this area of law,” Ely Rosenzveig said. “I think it’s special kind of work. To help people and work with your son is incredibly rewarding. Ariel is a great asset – a wonderful and gifted young attorney.” The law firm of Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. in White Plains practices in all areas of elder law, including trust and

estate planning, administration, and litigation, tax counsel, asset protection and special needs planning, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security disability benefits, guardianships, long term care planning, spousal recovery claims, and Medicaid lien resolutions. Father and son pride themselves on an unyielding commitment to the zealous advocacy of their clients’ interests. Estate planning is one of the most important steps any person can take to make sure that their final property and health care wishes are honored, and that loved ones are provided for in their absence. A comprehensive estate plan can resolve a number of legal questions that arise whenever anyone dies. Appropriate estate and Medicaid planning can help preserve assets, reduce taxes, and help individuals qualify for Medicaid. “People don’t want to talk about illness and death,” Ariel Rosenzveig said. ““It’s a tough subject. People are reluctant, but the type of measures that we implement for our clients can save them and their loved ones a lot of money. Proper planning will help provide financial and emotional security for all involved.”

The firm is very experienced in making sure that those eligible for Medicaid and Medicare get the benefits they deserve. Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. has been very successful in negotiating the complex bureaucratic minefield in which Medicaid is now mired, a dynamic only exacerbated with the passage of the Deficit reduction Act of 2006, and the new rules regarding the look-back requirements, and penalty period calculations for non-Medicaid exempt asset transfers. The firm has achieved remarkable results for clients on a host of Medicaid related issues, from getting Medicaid approvals for coverage of home care and institutional care benefits, to very accommodative resolutions of Medicaid spousal recovery claims, where the office of Medicaid aggressively pursues the non-institutionalized (i.e., or “community”) spouse for Medicaid benefits provided. No matter what the case, Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. prides itself on working with each client individually, catering to each one’s diverse needs. Estate planning should begin at a young age with a will, health care proxy, living

will and durable power of attorney. As you grow older and accumulate assets, it is especially important that you speak with an experience elder law attorney issues pertaining to issues concerning Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and further estate planning. Elder law is about more than just saving money. When viewed properly, elder law is about two major things: First, ensuring that your personal wishes — financial, medical, and legal — are carried out; and second, understanding that elder law is a family matter affecting an intricate web of individual relationships. Knowing that your potential long-term care needs have already been addressed frees you and your family from needless worry. And Ely and Ariel Rosenzveig are there to help their cherished clients every step of the way. “We want every client to feel like they are our only client,” Ely Rosenzveig said. “We are totally committed to ensuring that we be fully responsive to our clients’ every need. For us, this is tremendously rewarding. It is the very reason why we have become elder law attorneys.”

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

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August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

What do doctors do to treat their own pain? As a board-certified internist who has been in practice for over 13 years, I spend much of my time attempting to alleviate the pain and suffering of my patients. As a clinician, one of the biggest challenges I face is helping my patients deal with musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes—those all-too-common, yet frequently debilitating ailments caused by bad backs, pinched nerves, arthritis, and the like. Unfortunately, much of what I have to offer my patients boils down to the following: take a pain pill, stretch if you can, wait, and hope for the best. After a failed trial of “conservative” therapy a call might go out to the orthopedic surgeon for assistance; a truly satisfactory result is not common. The simple fact is that physicians are not well trained to deal with musculoskeletal pain, and patients can suffer as a result. Thankfully, my views on this topic have been turned completely upside down since I havepersonally discovered Dr. Jonathan Donath’s outstanding practice. After beginning a vigorous exercise regimen I started to experience awful neck and upper back pain, accompanied by numbness and tingling down my left arm and fingers. For weeks I tried to nurse the pain with non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, but the pain persisted and got to the point that I was almost unable to work, sleep, or most importantly, play guitar. I wasliterally in tears from the excruciating pain. A neurosurgeon diagnosed a herniated disc and pinched nerve in my neck and offered to decompress it with an operation. In desperation I called Dr. Donath instead. My visit to Dr. Donath’s office was an outstanding experience. He spent about an hour with me and combined multiple modalities to fix the herniated disc in my neck: deep massage, active release techniques, traditional manipulation, cold therapy, and finally spinal decompression. After that first hour with Dr. Donath my pain had decreased from a 10/10 down to a manageable 4/10, and I was able to comfortably move my head and neck. That very night I was able to play guitar again. Two days later I went back for another series of treatments and the pain decreased even further. After about five days the pain was absolutely gone. Unbelievable! Since then he has used the same wonderful techniques to help me overcome painful bouts of sciatica as well. My own patients and family members have become “believers” in Dr. Donath’s abilities as well--- the results he achieves are real and lasting. He is my go to guy for the majority of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes that I now realize are truly treatable. Dr. Robert Sidlow MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

I am a pediatrician and in my work, I have to bend down a lot and I’m constantly lifting kids. I usually have one to three bad flare ups of low back pain every year. When my back would "go out", I could barely walk to the bathroom and would have to lie down in bed for a few days. I have tried everything: doing nothing and "toughing it out", muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic, therapeutic massage, and even painful steroid injections. Nothing worked. When I moved to Westchester, I met Dr. Jonathan Donath. In just a couple of sessions with Dr. Donath, the pain completely disappeared. If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it. During my last flare up, I was expecting to be on my back for 2-3 days and in pain for 2 weeks. Instead, after one session with Dr. Donath, I was able to walk; two more sessions and I was fine. I could walk, bend down and I had almost no pain. Since that last back episode, Dr. Donath has helped me with my tendonitis in my right hand and with my chronic knee problems. I recommend Dr. Donath to everyone with back, muscle or joint pain. Even if you have not had relief with other treatments and other Chiropractors, give Dr. Donath a chance. I did and he changed my life. Eugene Dinkevich MD, Mount Vernon, NY It’s my great pleasure to write about Westchester Spinal Decompression Center. I really don’t have words to express my feelings about the care I got in last 3 months. I was almost handicapped, living with terrible pain all the time, crippling my day to day life. I am a medical doctor and work in a hospital with all sorts of amazing physicians, but after seeing a physical therapist, getting epidural steroids injections, many orthopedists and neurosurgeons, finally my destination lead me to see Dr Jonathan Donath. With great skepticism, I lied down for spinal decompression therapy. It was unbelievable that after only two initial sessions, my radiating pain down my leg had almost disappeared. Gradually, I started getting better, started doing exercises that they gave me midway through the treatment. Now, I am doing all my daily activities without any pain. I highly recommend Dr Jonathan and his colleague Dr Kavita for any problems related to the musculoskeletal system, you will definitely feel at home and will get better. Dr. Pankaj Jain, M.D New York, NY Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS, Clinic Director Joint Effort Chiropractic / Westchester Spinal Decompression Center

1241 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 914-259-8104

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013


Diets—just about anyone I know (including myself) has been on one or currently is on one. We deprive ourselves of specific foods; limit ourselves to shakes, bars, food that tastes like cardboard, no fat, no carbs, and the list goes on and on. Why do we diet? We diet to feel better about ourselves, to be that certain number that society feels be should be or because of health reasons. There are so many diet options out there— how do we know which one is right for “ME”? They all claim to work wonders, be the “miracle” that we have been waiting for and most say that you don’t need to do anything except follow their rules. I have tried a number of diets through my life from Weight Watchers, South Beach, Atkins, to the bars, shakes and smoothies—just about everything short of the prepackaged meal plans. Will every diet work for every person? –NO! We are all made differently, have different health issues, take different medications, have different physical limitations, and so on. The other reason our weight loss fails is the word “diet”—we associate that with negativity –“I can’t have that”, “I won’t cheat on my diet and have that cookie”. This brings about

more stress and depression and this is why we end up failing because the more we deprive ourselves of something we want. The more we want something and don’t satisfy our need for it, when we finally give in to it, we end up overindulging in it and eating much more than we wanted to.

There is no “miracle” pill, drink or bar that is magically going to take the weight off of you. It didn’t go on overnight; it’s not going to come off overnight. You have to eat right and exercise and live healthy –keep your body moving, your blood flowing and everything circulating. I have PCOS and after doing the diets mentioned above and going to a nutritionist, I was given a meal plan to follow that was specifically for people with PCOS. So I bought the foods from the list, measured everything I ate, went to the gym 5 or more days a week and I didn’t drop any weight. I was even more depressed because I was depriving myself of any non -approved snacks and was still hungry. I was just about to Purchase Sensa figuring it was worth a shot when I was introduced to PLEXUS Slim.

IT IS 1 PINK DRINK A DAY! There is NO diet! NO shakes! NO meal replacement! NO exercise involved!

Page 15

Myths, Gimmicks and Reality I mentioned in my last article that I was so not interested in this product; it was another weight loss gimmick and just was not going to work for me. Boy was I wrong. For the first time in my life I was NOT hungry. I kept my diet the same but am eating less because I now satisfied. By leveling, my blood sugar, my brain is now always concentrating on when my next meal will be. It was as simple as that! I added the Probio 5 probiotic and daily cleanse and now the nutrients in my body are being absorbed properly that my hair and nails are growing in thicker and stronger than ever before. I can have my cake and eat it to! Seriously though, proper nutrition is most important for daily living. I have read the reports like you and yes I know that “whites”

are bad for you but again, everything in moderation is acceptable. I am now satisfied with 1 cookie (when I actually crave them these days) and not 4. A handful of chips satisfy me, I no longer need to eat the whole bag. Since February 16th when I started PLEXUS, I have gone from a size 14 to a 10/12 (more 10 than 12) and have bought a few size Mediums (I have NEVER been anything other than a large or XL). PLEXUS is not a gimmick, it has a 60 day money back guarantee and if you take advantage of the preferred pricing which is the auto ship plan, customer service will NOT give you a hard time about canceling. Just wait 15 days after your order to call and cancel and they will be more than happy to accommodate you. Go PINK and you won’t be disappointed.


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August, 2013

Special Advertising Section

Healthcare News - Westchester


Doctors Express in Hartsdale, NY 359 N Central Ave Hartsdale, NY 10530

P (914) 448-CARE (2273) F (914) 448-2200

Dr. George DiRago Board Certified Emergency Medicine

Dr. Michael A. Tugetman Board Certified Family Practice

When you need fast medical treatment, urgent care may be the right choice. At Doctors Express, our state-of-the-art urgent care center, we can treat a variety of conditions that need immediate attention. For your convenience, no appointments are necessary, simply walk-in. With minimal wait times, you can expect to be seen by our highly trained staff soon after you arrive. Whether you suspect you have broken a bone or are suffering from a bug bite, we are here for you. Our office uses the latest technology including electronic medical recording and is stocked with modern equipment that allows us to perform diagnostic tests in our onsite lab and digital x-rays. Our physicians can also write prescriptions and refer you to a specialist when necessary. Come see us when you need a physical, medical testing, and other non-emergency services. Our rates are reasonable, and we accept most insurance plans. In most cases, a visit to our office is less expensive than a trip to the emergency room, and it is often faster than waiting for an appointment with your regular doctor. If you think you or your family members can benefit from visiting a reputable urgent care center, call Doctors Express today. We are conveniently open 7 days a week, Monday to Friday 8 am – 8 pm and Saturday/Sunday 8 am – 5 pm. Our physicians are always on-site and treat patients with urgent, but non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries. We'll be able to treat most common illnesses and injuries, from colds and flu to fractures and sprains, as well as laceration repair and abscess removal. In addition, we'll be a dependable, accessible source for employment and sports physicals, drug screenings, occupational medicine, workers compensation injuries, travel immunizations, and immigration physicals.

You will be treated by either Michael A. Tugetman or Dr. George DiRago. Michael A. Tugetman is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. Prior to Doctors Express, he was in private practice directing all aspects of family practice care - pediatric, adolescent, adult, geriatric and women’s health. He is a federally registered Civil Surgeon authorized to perform immigration physicals, a certified Medical Examiner for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, as well as an authorized Yellow Fever vaccine provider. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queens College, CUNY and his Medical Doctorate from Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, D.C. George J. DiRago, MD, is certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is trained in anesthesiology and has served as a Clinical Instructor in Anesthesiology. Dr. DiRago received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, and his Medical Doctorate from Georgetown University Medical School in Washington, D.C. He served with the United States Navy at Key West Naval Hospital and Philadelphia Naval Hospital. He also spent 2½ years training in physiatry and non-operative orthopedics and neurology at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital and Temple University Hospital, both in Philadelphia, PA. There is no other urgent care center in the northern metropolitan New York and lower Connecticut region like us, and we are looking forward to redefining the patients’ experience when they are in need of urgent care. We are located at 359 N. Central Ave, Hartsdale, NY. Call us at 914-448-2273 or visit our website We look forward to seeing you soon!

Congratulations to the MKMG Physicians Named Top Doctors by Castle Connolly Allergy & Immunology Craig Osleeb MD David J. Resnick MD Lois Tuerk-Mendelsohn MD Cardiovascular Disease Mark Lieb MD Daniel A. Leonard MD Colon & Rectal Surgery Jerald D. Wishner MD Dermatology Ross Levy MD Timothy Mattison MD Jeffrey P. Schachne MD Michael Stillman MD Diagnostic Radiology Marc Hertz MD Claire A. Hibbard MD

Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Jeffrey S. Powell MD Eric A. Rudin MD Gastroenterology Louis N. Aurisicchio MD Marvin Chinitz MD Jane Geders MD Oren Kahn MD William W. Tung MD Geriatric Medicine Margaret Vaughan MD Gynecology Oncology Iris Wertheim MD Hand Surgery Alan Schefer MD

Hematology Thomas J. Lester MD Infectious Disease John T. Raffalli, MD Internal Medicine Kavita Aggarwal MD Barbara Alpert MD Thomas M. Burnette MD Jeffrey D. Gross MD Sharon Krieger MD Paul Mangiafico MD Steven Margulis MD James Turro MD Robert Wolfson MD Maternal & Fetal Medicine David J. Berck MD

Medical Oncology Jonathan S. Goldberg MD Jeffrey L. Halaas MD Nephrology Thomas Guzzardi MD Michael Rosen MD Martin Saltzman MD Neurosurgery Deborah L. Benzil MD Neurology David B. Duncan MD Kishore Ranade MD Albert Szabo MD Eugene Tolunsky MD Otolaryngology John C. Scott MD Gregory S. Wisdom MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology Elisa E. Burns MD Regina Giuffrida MD Scott D. Hayworth MD Adina Keller MD Orthopaedic Surgery Evan H. Karas MD Arthur Pidoriano MD Steven R. Small MD Kurt V. Voellmicke MD David Yasgur MD Pain Medicine Jacob Handszer MD Bella M. Malits MD Plastic Surgery Simon H. Chin MD Douglas A. Roth MD

Pediatrics Marc E. Childs MD Pediatric Gastroenterology Audrey Birnbaum MD Pediatric Neurology Tanya-Marie Sweeney MD Pediatric Otolaryngology Jeffrey Keller MD Pulmonary Disease Sergio Bures MD Marilyn Jacobowitz MD Scott Klares MD Asaf Savir MD John A. Kiselak MD

Rheumatology Margaret Lenci MD Sports Medicine Seth P. Shifrin MD Surgery Carl F. Calica MD Barry A. Kassel MD Maud Lemercier MD Adam B. Semegran MD Urology Sheldon Axelrod MD David Breslin MD

A Lifetime of Care That’s Convenient & CompleteSM


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Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Page 17

TOP DOcTORs Of WesTchesTeR

Edward M. Feinberg, DMD

Precision Restorative Dentistry 914-723-2170 Office Location: 14 Harwood Court, Suite 322 Scarsdale, New York 10583 914-723-2170

By the time he was 16, Edward Feinberg was working as a dental assistant for his dad, Elliot, a respected dentist with a practice in Scarsdale. “I’m very proud of my dad,” Edward Feinberg said. “He was an amazing practitioner and an amazing human being. I learned everything from him.” Like his father before him, Dr. Edward Feinberg is now a renowned dentist. He works in the same office his father opened in 1948. Indeed, Precision Restorative Dentistry has become an institution in Westchester County. It certainly makes sense. Dr. Feinberg and his staff are caring, experienced and innovative. Dr. Feinberg offers a unique approach to restorative dentistry and specializes in precision attachment cases for the health of your teeth. “Very few other practices offer patients different choices,” Dr. Feinberg said passionately. “It is heart-wrenching to see that because just replacing teeth with implants isn’t always the best option. There is all this high-tech equipment, but in the long run, it might not be effective for the patient. My mission is to help patients.” Dr. Feinberg calls it his mission: It’s to educate patients, colleagues and peers about options and techniques available for all types of dental issues. His enterprising and safe methods have allowed patients to enjoy restorations for 15 to 20 years without having to replace them.

Dr. Feinberg and his staff is committed to providing patients with fully custom-designed dental work completed in his private, fully-equipped office. “We treat all of our patients special,” Dr. Feinberg said. “We have a close relationship with all of them and we explain everything. There doesn’t have to be pain in the dentist’s office and we make sure everyone is comfortable.” To Dr. Feinberg, dentistry is an art form. His techniques last for many years, providing comfort and function, while improving esthetic appearance and includes a contingency plan in the event that something goes wrong. His dentistry is created on sound engineering principles designed to prevent recurrent decay and periodontal problems. All of the dyes, models and set-ups are fabricated in his in-office laboratory. Great care is taken to ensure that temporaries provide comfort, promote health, improve appearance, and function properly without getting loose or falling out. It’s no wonder that Dr. Feinberg has come to be so respected in Westchester County – and beyond. He cares about his patients, he cares about his craft – dentistry – and will never settle for anything less than the best care and techniques for his patients.

Dr. Feinberg guarantees that!

pAGE 18

August, 2013

Special Advertising Section

Healthcare News - Westchester


Dr. Edward Prus, DDS

Your mouth is the doorway to your body and your personality. A healthy smile is not just about looking good, but it reflects your body’s overall health as well. Your mouth is under attack on a daily basis. In order to successfully fight back against these health threats you need a partner who not only has the experience to fight for you, but gives you the tools and the knowledge to help you fight back. Dr. Edward Prus spent most of his career of over 30 years in Manhattan focusing on preventive and reconstructive clinical dentistry and now practices in the Hudson Valley. He has developed a unique style of providing dental care. He does not just treat diseases of your mouth. Dr. Prus focuses on curing whatever tries harms it. Dr. Prus will not only help you achieve a state where you are happy with your smile, he will give you the knowledge and tools to maintain your smile and your mouth’s health. From this preventive base all his expert care from simple restorations to full mouth reconstruction will endure for many years to come.

Two convenient locations: 222 Westchester Avenue Suite 404 White Plains, NY


2529 Rt. 52 Suite 1 Hopewell Junction, NY


The truest testament to the success of his care is his patients. They still travel from Manhattan and even as far as New Orleans for the simple reason they trust him. His patients value his skills, passion and honesty. They know Dr. Prus will deliver the smile they want as well as a smile that is healthy and will last a lifetime.

Lasting Beauty…a lifetime of smiles©

Your Mouth Faces Many Threats Each Day Dr. Edward Prus can Defeat Them and Protect Your Mouth Gum disease, tooth decay, fractured teeth and fillings, poorly functioning and positioned teeth, discoloration, excessive wear, jaw joint problems and more Over 30 years in Manhattan dedicated to Cosmetic, Reconstructive and Preventive Dentistry If you Suffer from any of these problems or Want Your Smile to be More Beautiful Call Dr. Edward Prus to receive your complimentary exam and consultation Allow Your Smile to reflect the best of your personality



Lasting Beauty…a lifetime of smiles©

Appointment times are limited. You deserve the Opportunity to Heal.

Two convenient locations: 222 Westchester Avenue, Suite 404 2529 Rt. 52, Suite 1 Hopewell Junction, NY White Plains, NY



Or visit Dr. Prus at his website

Special Advertising Section

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Top DocTors of WesTchesTer

THE CENTER FOR PODIATRIC CARE AND SPORTS MEDICINE 111 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128 Tel: 212-996-1900 Fax: 212-996-2110 10 Mitchell Place, White Plains NY 10601 Tel: 914-328-3400 Fax: 914-328-3411 Josef J. Geldwert, D.P.M., FACFAS Katherine M. Lai, D.P.M., FACFAS Ryan Minara, D.P.M. Nadia F. Levy D.P.M.

Walk into Dr. Josef J. Geldwert’s White Plains office and you will quickly notice the different pictures of patients that adorn the walls. There are shots of Olympic and professional athletes, and celebrities. This wall of fame, if you will, is a tribute to Dr. Geldwert’s acumen as a Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon and his sterling reputation. For all of those big names he’s treated, Dr. Geldwert takes as much pride in treating local high school and college athletes. With a practice in Westchester County, residents can now get the same care they would at a New York practice. The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine – headed by Dr. Geldwert – is dedicated to the diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical correction of foot and ankle disorders resulting from structural deformities and sports injuries. Dr. Geldwert, who has been practicing for nearly 40 years, also has an office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. “I have five children and some were athletes,” Dr. Geldwert said. “ Dealing with high school athletes is the most gratifying. It just provides you so much satisfaction to help them get back in the game. For us, it’s fulfilling to help them reach their dreams.”

Dr. Geldwert is a recognized authority on the most advanced surgical techniques to correct bunions and hammertoes. He is the medical director for the New York City Triathlon, Hamptons Marathon and a consultant with the New York Liberty of the WNBA. Dr. Geldwert’s practice also specializes in sports injury treatment, reconstructive foot surgery, arthroscopic and laser surgery, toe joint replacement for arthritis, knee and foot pain treatment and plantar fasciitis and heel pain treatment. Dr. Geldwert estimates that he and his renowned staff have more than 80 years of experience between them and have treated at least 35,000 different sports injuries. His associate in the practice, Dr. Katherine Lai, is Board Certified in Foot Surgery and has lectured extensively on The Diabetic Foot and Wound Care and on the Scope and Practice of Holistic Podiatry. Dr. Ryan Minara completed a four-year Foot and Ankle residency at New York Hospital Queens, where he was the Chief Resident. Dr. Minara’s focus in the practice is on the treatment of complex foot and ankle problems. Dr. Nadia F. Levy completed her three-year residency in foot and ankle surgery at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut, where she served as

Chief Resident her final year. She has extensive training in bunion surgery, diabetic wound care, foot deformities, cosmetic foot issues and sports injuries. The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine’s success can be traced to, not only its experience, but the approach of Dr. Geldwert and his staff. They don’t only focus on the injury, but the subtleties and causes of the condition. Most importantly, in a fast-moving, often impersonal world, the staff takes time with every patient – whether you are Dustin Hoffman, who Dr. Geldwert has treated – or a senior from Scarsdale High School with an ankle injury. “I take a lot of pride in the way I care for every patient,” Dr. Minara said. “Many of my surgical residents have asked me about this and I told them you should treat every patient as if you were treating your own mother or someone close to you --, with a lot of care.” Since The Center for Podiatric Care and Sports Medicine began seeing patients in White Plains four years ago, the response has been overwhelming. The level of care Dr. Geldwert provides is top-notch and the pictures on his office walls are a tribute to his diverse group of patients.

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PAGe 20

August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Special Advertising Section

ToP DocTors of WesTchesTer

Recovery Physical Therapy 1385 Boston Post Road Larchmont, NY 10538

P: (914) 834-7222 F: (914) 834-7744

Recovery Physical Therapy (RPT) provides a full range of rehabilitation services and programs for patients experiencing disability due to a wide variety of physical conditions. Our centers are equipped to facilitate the highest level of reconditioning while shortening the recovery process. Recovery Physical Therapy treats patients of all ages and backgrounds; from professional athlete's with sports related injuries to elders that have been injured in a fall. In all cases, our mission is to provide expert, cost effective care that results in full recovery and fulfillment of all treatment goals. Recovery Physical Therapy is one of the first and only companies in the NYC area to offer it's patients the advanced capabilities of the Biodex System 4 Pro and Biodex Balance System SD.

Cortlandt Chiropractic PLLC Dr. Manisha B. Patel-smith

220 Tate Avenue Suite 3 Buchanan, NY 10511

Tel 914 788-8793

“One Life, One Body” Most insurance accepted

Dr. Manisha Patel-Smith utilizes what she has found to be the best techniques and the most innovative therapies. She individualizes treatment based on your specific needs with focus on the correction of spinal mechanics. In her experience she has found Cold Laser Therapy to be a phenomenal therapy helping varied conditions and injuries along with reducing pain. Cold Laser Therapy is effective, safe and painless. Cold laser accelerates tissue repair for conditions such as sprains, muscle strain, tendonitis, fracture and more by decreasing inflammation and increasing blood flow to the site of injury. Dr. Manisha Patel-Smith treats more than just low back and neck pain. Other conditions treated; disc injuries, sciatica, whiplash (auto injuries or work related injuries), headaches, TMJ, Plantar Fasciitis (and other foot pain), numbness and tingling in arms and legs, various joint pain, reduce stiffness and more. “Remember your body reacts to everything you do in life whether it be work or play so take care of it, you only get one.”

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Page 21







Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800

15 North Broadway 2nd Floor White Plains, NY 10601 (914)428-6000

5 Coates Drive Suite 2 Goshen, NY 10924 (845)294-1234

30 Greenridge Avenue Suite 207 White Plains, NY 10605 (914)328-8555

180 East Hartsdale Avenue Suite 1E Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)725-2010

3 Michael Frey Drive Eastchester, NY 10709 (914)337-3500

688 White Plains Road Suite 210 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914)723-3322

334 Route 202 Bailey Court Somers, NY 10589 (914)277-4367

154 Pike Street Port Jervis, NY 12771 (845) 858-4444

105 Stevens Avenue Suite 101 Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (914)667-8777

PagE 22

August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Resource Directory Adult Day Health Center JewishHome Lifecare / Sarah neuman Center 845 Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 phone: (914) 864-5800

Audiology Premiere audiology Karen Manley Au. D. CCC-A Doctor of Audiology At Premiere Audiology we strive to offer you a wide variety of choices for your hearing solutions. We work with many hearing instrument manufacturers so you can find the right hearing instrument for you at a price you are comfortable with.

House Calls available! 2065 Boston Post Rd. Larchmont, NY 10538

(914) 834-0130 Insurance Accepted —Financing Available

Chiropractors westchester Spinal Decompression Center Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS 1241 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, New York 10605 (located in the Full Circle Family Care Building)


Contract/Practice Management Services mED★EXCEL USa Providing Emergency Medicine Excellence for over 20 years EmErgEnCY mEDiCinE COntraCt managEmEnt Physician Owned and Managed Award winning Customer Relations Program Continuous Quality Improvement Risk Management Innovations Cost Containment Measurable Outcomes EmErgEnCY mEDiCinE SErViCES COnSULtatiOn SErViCES Customer Satisfaction TeamBuilding/Staff Development Conflict Mediation ED Systems Analysis PraCtiCE managEmEnt SErViCES Hospital and Physician Billing/Coding/Auditing/Consultation nEw YOrK BaSED OFFiCE mED★EXCEL USa Please contact Marie Buchanan at 800.563.6384 Ext. 249 all inquiries are confidential


Prepare for a Career in Healthcare Sector Management at Long Island University. Earn an advanced certificate or an M.B.A. degree in the growing field of healthcare management at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester. Demand for healthcare managers with business skills has never been greater. Responding to this need, Long Island University has launched a new Healthcare Sector Management program, offering two graduate study options in the field of healthcare administration. After completing your advanced certificate or your M.B.A. at the University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, you will be prepared to advance in middle and upper management positions in the healthcare industry. Option A: The Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Sector Management Enhance your credentials by enrolling in the advanced certificate program. Certificate candidates will complete four healthcare sector management courses for a total of 12 graduate credits on a part-time basis in just two semesters. Option B:The M.B.A. Degree with a Healthcare Sector Management Concentration Students in the M.B.A. program follow the standard 48credit curriculum, normally completed by part-time students over a 24-month period, with a focus on leadership in healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Sector Management Program will be offered at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, located on the grounds of Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, N.Y. Courses are offered on weekday evenings and on Saturdays. “The healthcare management field is one of the few sectors of our economy we know will continue to grow significantly over the next five years,” according to Dr. Lynn Gunnar Johnson, director of the M.B.A. Healthcare Sector Management program. For information, contact Dr. Johnson at 914-931-2711 or Long Island University Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester 735 Anderson Hill Rd. Purchase, NY 10577

Elder Law Estate Planning EttingEr Law Firm 150 Grand Street, White Plains, New York 10601 (914) 684-6100 9 NY locations. Call 800-500-2525 ext. 117 or email to schedule a free consultation. Combining Elder Law and Estate Planning, we address our clients’ needs for comprehensive estate planning to avoid probate, save estate taxes and keep assets “in the blood”. At the same time, we take steps to ensure that our clients’ assets are protected from the costs of long-term care as they age by using Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts. Our trademarked free maintenance program includes a review every three years to insure your plan will work when you need it.

Elder Law Estate Planning

Lamson & Cutner, P.C. 9 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel: 877-493-3535 Tel: 914-449-1300 Email: ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS WHO CARE AND GET RESULTS Frequently, individuals who need long-term care, and their families, must confront the fact that the ruinous costs of home care, or nursing home care, will soon deplete their life’s savings, often leaving them, their spouses, and other family members in dire circumstances. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Lamson & Cutner, one of New York’s preeminent Elder Law firms, can show you how proper and ethical tools and strategies will allow you to obtain the care that you need from Medicaid, while preserving your money, investments, and property. Make an informed decision about your future. Call now for an in-depth consultation, where you will receive sophisticated and thorough advice, and straightforward answers to all your questions.

Life & Health Insurance

Residential & Health Care Services • 24- Hour On-Site Nursing Services • Attending Physicians/ Medical Director • IV Therapy/ Wound care • Dental/ Podiatry • Mental Health/ Social Services • Registered Dietitian & Specialized Diets • Full Service Dining-Room • Housekeeping & Laundry Services • In-House Beauty Parlor • Therapeutic Recreation • Exercise Program/ Nursing Rehabilitation • Palliative & Comfort Care • Specialized Residence For Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Rehabilitation Services • Physical/ Occupational & Speech Therapy • Short Term Stay Available • Surgical Recovery • Cardiac Recovery • Pulmonary Care • Orthopedic Recovery & Care • Neurological Recovery & Care • Medically Complex Care • Disease Management Education

Physical Therapy A Healthier You, L.L.P.


Keystone Financial advisors 50 Main Street, Suite 1000 White Plains, NY 10606 Tel: 914-682-2190 Fax: 914-931-8400 Toll: 877-676-9900 ANDREW J. CAVALIERE, CLTC Life Insurance Health Insurance Long-Term Care Insurance Long-Term Disability Insurance Guaranteed Fixed Annuities Medicare Supplements

Hospitals Burke rehabilitation Hospital 785 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 914-597-2268

Nursing & Rehabilitation VICTORIA HOME Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Person- Centered Care on a Riverview Estate Since 1916. Victoria Home is a New York State Licensed Nursing Facility. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a tour. 25 North Malcolm Street Ossining, New York 10562 (914) 941-2450 Fax: (914) 941-2962

Move Better • Feel Better • Live Better Personalized In-Home Physical Therapy and Wellness Services for All Abilities! A Healthier You, LLP (A.H.Y.) provides personalized and integrative in-home physical therapy and wellness services in lower Westchester and Fairfield Counties. Owners Dr. Delali Goka, PT, DPT and Stacey Rittenberg, PT, MPT, NCS bring over twenty years experience in rehabilitation, fitness, and wellness to your doorstep. Their passion and expertise are evident in their approach to patient care. Choose A.H.Y. to: • Gain peace of mind at home • Recover faster from surgery or injury • Take back control of your health • Manage a chronic condition or pain effectively • Achieve you personal best In-Home Physical Therapy Services • Evaluation/Treatment of Orthopedic, Cardiopulmonary and Neurological Conditions • Balance and Fall Prevention • Customized Home Exercise Programs • Caregiver Training Programs • Home Modification/Safety Assessments • Aquatic Therapy • Vestibular Rehabilitation Wellness Services • Wellness Assessments • Personalized and Diagnosis Specific Wellness Programs • Wellness Seminars • Wellness Parties Phone: (914) 458-2249 E-mail: Web:

all Listings are also available online at Click on resource Directory on the top right side. to include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email


Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Page 23

is an ideal time to make sure everyone is up-to-date on vaccines before heading back to school and to plan ahead to receive u vaccine.

Why? August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). The goal of NIAM is to increase awareness about immunizations across the lifespan, from infants to the elderly. There are many different ways you can protect your health by being

immunized against infectious diseases. Encourage parents of young children to get recommended immunizations by age two.

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Discovering a lung nodule can be a lifesaver.

Help parents make sure, preteens, and teens have received recommended vaccines before they return to school Remind college students to catch up on immunizations before they move into dormitories Educate adults, including healthcare workers, about vaccines and boosters

Educate pregnant women about getting vaccinated to protect newborns from diseases like whooping cough (pertussis) Remind everyone that the next u season is only a few months away


If you are at risk for lung cancer, a lung nodule screening could save your life. Most lung nodules are benign. But even when a nodule is a malignant lung cancer, it can be cured – especially if detected early. The Westchester Lung Nodule Center’s team RI ERDUG FHUWLÀHG WKRUDFLF VXUJHRQV SXOPRQRORJLVWV DQG RWKHU specialists have decades of experience in diagnosing and WUHDWLQJ OXQJ QRGXOHV DQG OXQJ FDQFHU 3DWLHQWV EHQHÀW IURP extraordinary expertise combined with the latest technology and procedures. So if you are at risk, consider having a screening — it could save your life. 914 366-2333 THE WESTCHESTER LUNG NODULE CENTER


August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Resource Directory Senior Living

Services DML LICE SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER (914) 424-1367 60 Blanchard Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

FREE Service Helping Families Find Senior Residences Golden Years Living Solutions is a FREE senior living advisory service. We help families navigate the overwhelming process of finding and selecting a new senior residence for a loved one. We work directly and personally with each of our clients to guide and assist them through the entire process in choosing the right residence. We provide information regarding various senior living options (including care, services, amenities, activities and costs) and we help evaluate the most suitable arrangement for you or your loved one. These residences include: 55+ Communities, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Residential Care, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Skilled Nursing, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please call (914) 437-8675 or email Golden Years Living Solutions, Inc. 333 Mamaroneck Avenue #211 White Plains, New York 10605 Phone: 914-437-8675 Fax#: 888-900-9850 Email: Website:

Senior Living

Getting better…. just got better.

United Hebrew is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, multi-service senior living campus serving the Westchester metropolitan area since 1919. Our dedicated short-term rehabilitation suite is staffed by Burke Rehabilitation professionals. The exemplary clinical team of professionals will design a personalized treatment plan for care in our nurturing environment. Features include country kitchens, recreation rooms on each floor, a courtyard garden for recreational use, private dining and family rooms and wireless internet access. United Hebrew Family of Services: • Nursing Home Care • Burke Rehabilitation at United Hebrew • Willow Towers Assisted Living Residence • Soundview Apartments for Independent Seniors • Long Term Home Health Care Program • Azor Home Health Agency For more information or to schedule a tour please call Admissions at 914-632-2804 x1148 or email Karen Nodiff at United Hebrew 391 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 914.632.2804

Weight Loss

WELLU MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS Terry Ellman, M.D., M.P.H. 34 South Broadway, Suite 210 White Plains, NY 10601 (located next to The Westchester shopping mall) 914-920-7217 WellU Medical Weight Loss offers the ultimate in bariatric care using a comprehensive and individualized approach crafted for you. Dr. Ellman specializes in preventive and bariatric medicine (non-surgical weight loss/management) and uses the most advanced innovative interventions consistent with the latest and best available scientific evidence and guidelines. Our medically-supervised weight loss programs will guide you through your journey to achieve and maintain a healthier weight and lifestyle. You will enjoy one-on-one physician support every step of the way. Call us today for an appointment at 914-920-7217 or schedule online at

Women’s Health FULL CIRCLE WOMEN’S HEALTH Holistic, Integrative Health Care for Women of all Ages 1241 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 914-421-1500

Your Ad Here

All Listings are also available online at Click on Resource Directory on the top right side. To include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email

“Phelps Farmers Market at the Park,” will open for the season on Thursday, July 11, from 11am to 3pm, and continue weekly through November at the entrance to the Rockwood Hall area of Rockefeller State Park, at the end of Route 117. Sponsored by Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, this source for fresh local produce, artisanal farm products and healthful prepared foods welcomes shoppers from nearby communities. The farmers market is part of Phelps’ Vitality Initiative, which focuses on encouraging wellness in the community. “We are all about promoting good health,” says Phelps Senior Vice President Daniel Blum, “and good health starts with good food. The market was so popular last year, we wanted to continue to offer our staff and residents of the area convenient mid-week access to farm-fresh produce and other healthy foods.” Once again, the market will be organized and managed by Pascale Le Draoulec of Hastings, a food writer and author w ho runs farmers markets in Chappaqua, Hastings and Irvington. Shoppers will find a wide range of farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, farm products such as cheeses, eggs, and meats, as well as prepared foods such as baked goods, sandwiches and salads. Some of last year’s popular vendors will return, including True Food, offering heart-healthy burritos and salads such as garlicky chickpea and kale, and Betsy Rich with her delicious Champagne and Guinness flavored brownies. Wright's Apple Farm from New Paltz will be offering homemade jams, fruit pies and pickles, plus free-range chickens and eggs. Exciting additions to the line-up this year include: • Red Barn Bakery, the renowned organic baker from Irvington, offering savory tarts and “farm-to-table” gourmet sandwiches • Black Forest Flammkuchen Co. pizza truck serving Alsatianstyle thin crust pizzas • R&G Produce, an extensive farm with deep roots in Orange County's Black Dirt Country, whose market bins will be brimming until late fall with tomatoes, sweet corn, arugula and eggplant. Rotating vendors will include the vintage Penny Lick Ice Cream cart, Clean Ridge Soap Company, and the Bronx Baking Company, famous for their bacon-wrapped pretzels. “Phelps Farmers Market at the Park” will be open every Thursday from 11am to 3pm through November. Convenient free parking is available in the Rockwood Hall parking lot at the end of Route 117. More information may be obtained by calling 914-366-3937.


We are proud to announce that our stunning new nursing center has opened and has private and semi-private rooms with magnificent views of Long Island Sound.

Dale Longworth, the Original Lice Expert of Dobbs Ferry/Westchester has removed lice and eggs from thousands of children and their families using all natural and non-toxic products. She has been in business as a professional lice technician since 1997 and is highly recommended by doctors and nurses throughout Westchester County. Her services provide a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere for you and your children during treatment and you will be guaranteed to leave satisfied and lice free!

The Farmers Market at Phelps is back at a new location

NWH provides

advanced head and neck cancer treatment

Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2013

Northern Westchester Hospital recently announced that it has become the only facility between Manhattan and Syracuse, NY, to offer patients advanced head and neck cancer treatment using the latest and most advanced system for stereotactic radiosurgery. The Gamma Knife Perfexion is considered the gold standard for the non-invasive treatment of a variety of cancerous and benign neurological conditions, such as acoustic neuromas, arteriovenous malformations, gliomas, pituitary tumors and trigeminal neuralgia. By eliminating a surgical incision, trauma to surrounding delicate brain tissue no longer occurs. The results of stereotactic radiosurgery treatment are typically so good that even highly experience neurosurgeons would be challenged to equal those results with open surgery,” said Alain C.J. de Lotbinière, M.D., C.M., FACS, FRCSC, Medical Director of the Gamma Knife Center at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, NY. “This highly precise, non-invasive procedure enables us to treat patients in one day, allowing the patient to return to regular activities the following day with fewer long-term complications.

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The Gamma Knife technology is used to treat patients with brain tumors by applying beams of radiation that pass harmlessly through healthy tissue, but combine at a single concentrated point to destroy diseased tissue or brain tumors without a single incision. The well-established technology works by precisely concentrating 192 individual beams of radiation on a single disease site, while sparing healthy tissue. Each beam by itself is too weak to have an effect on its own and passes harmlessly through healthy tissue. When the beams are concentrated on a single location, their energy combines to destroy the diseased tissue. This is especially valuable for patients with inoperable brain tumors, as the beams of radiation can reach the tumor site and work together to destroy the tumor without invasive surgery. Patients typically return home the same day and the treatment is non-invasive, silent, and painless. On average, 60,000 of these procedures are performed each year globally. Over 700,000 patients have been treated through Gamma Knife technology worldwide, and it continues to be one of the most highly researched radiosurgery devices with over 40 years of clinical use and more than 3,000 peer-reviewed clinical articles.

The Outlook Just Got Better At

United Hebrew of New Rochelle’s Rehabilitation and Nursing Pavilion

View from our gracious nursing pavilion

Burke Rehabilitation Therapists On-Site Private Rooms with Stunning Views

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Burke Rehabilitation | Willow Towers Assisted Living Independent Living | Home Health Care

New York State Department of Health Award Winner – Top 4% Performer in Nursing Care

For more information or to schedule a tour, please call 914.632.2804 ext. 1148.


August, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester


In today’s competitive work environment, when loyalty and opportunity are not enough to retain key people, employers often need incentives to hold on to valuable employees. When given as an added benefit, Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) will often do the trick. One of the most effective ways to get employers interested in offering LTCi as an employee benefit is with an Executive Carve-Out plan. This plan, in essence, is a set of “golden handcuffs". Everyone knows that people are living longer today than ever before. And everyone knows the tremendous financial benefits afforded by LTCi so many employees are very interested in this coverage. Everyday 10,000 people turn 65 years old in the United States and John Hancock is currently paying out over $2MM in total daily LTC claims to many of them1. Moreover, as Baby Boomers retire there will be fewer middle-aged people to replace them. Recruiting and retaining key workers will be crucial for many companies to succeed. For just that reason, Executive Carve-Outs are becoming more and more important to employers for attracting, rewarding and retaining employees. Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked Executive Carve-Out questions: Who is included in the Carve-Out? An Executive Carve-Out plan can be used to reward a few key employees or a larger group of employees. The employer can pick exactly who he wants in this group. All issues of discrimination testing are avoided.

A s k A n

Who pays? The employer usually pays for the benefit premiums. What are the tax advantages? ➢ All premiums are fully deductible as a business expense to the employer if the business is a C-corp. ➢ Sole Proprietors can deduct the maximum eligible tax qualified premium for Long Term Care policies purchased for themselves, spouses, or dependents. However, premiums paid for employees and their families are fully deductible as a business expense. ➢ S-Corp employee shareholders owning more than 2% of the corporation shares, LLCs, and Partnerships may fully deduct premiums purchased on behalf of the business owners and their families as a business expense.2 The business owners must report the premium as income on their individual tax returns, but also get to deduct the maximum eligible tax qualified premium.3 Premiums paid for employees and their families are fully deductible as a business expense. ➢ Premiums are not included as taxable income for the employee. ➢ Benefits received are not included as taxable income for the employee. ➢ Some states offer additional tax incentives to employers. Are there special discounts? Many carriers offer a 5% employer sponsored discount on all executive carve-out applications as well as preferred health and spousal discounts. This allows for extremely attractive premiums for executives, their spouses, and other family members like parents and siblings. How many applications are required? The sponsoring company needs to have a minimum of five (5) eligible full-time employees and submit at least three (3) applications including family members. If you are an employer looking to reward certain key employees, an Executive LTCi Carve-Out plan may be for you. For more information about Executive LTCi Carve-Outs, please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free at 877-676-9900. Andrew is Certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10606 and at 50 West Putnam, Greenwich CT 06831. 1. John Hancock 2011. 2. Deductible premiums for "S" Corp owner/employee spouses are limited to the eligible premium due to IRS Attribution rules. 3. A self-employed person may not deduct LTCi premiums for any month he/she is eligible to participate in a LTCi plan subsidized by the self-employed person’s employer or spouse’s employer.

E x p e r t

Celebrating 115 Years For 115 years, Westchester residents have trusted us for their home healthcare needs. Now Putnam residents can too. In addition to the hospice and licensed homecare services we have been providing to Putnam residents for more than 20 years, we now also offer certified home care services. Our programs provide an unparalleled continuum of care and innovative services, including skilled nursing, physical therapy and rehab, eldercare, hospice and Telehealth. You can rely on VNA of Hudson Valley to help you maintain your quality of life while remaining in the comfort of your own home.



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GET BETTER Where do doctors go when they need medical treatment? For hernias, many of them go to the Hernia Center at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, where even the most complicated cases are managed every day. From common inguinal hernias to complex abdominal wall reconstructions or other more complicated cases, the Hernia Center offers expert diagnosis and treatment – with revolutionary procedures that require fewer incisions, speed recovery time and reduce the risk of the hernia recurring.

So for diagnosis and treatment from doctors whom doctors trust, call the (ERNIA #ENTER AT 0HELPS TODAY s PHELPSHOSPITAL ORG HERNIA

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