Hospital News New England Jan/Feb 2017 ebook

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Heart Health The New England Edition


See page 23 for details

Lisa Deck survived four strokes. HOME SUBSCRIPTION - $18/YEAR

JAN/FEB 2017

She is a National Go Red For Women spokesperson. Her story on page 8

Professional Development & Recruitment Section Begins p15

Still not CRCST certified? Not a problem with Nexera p17

Let Center for Vein Restoration help your aching legs! p24

Visit Hallkeen Assisted Living at a community nearest to you p3


Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553



Jan/Feb 2017

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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017



Jan/Feb 2017

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Go Red for February—American Heart Month

The American Heart Association (AHA) wants you to Go Red on Friday, February 3rd for National Wear Red Day to help shine a light on the number one killer of men and women—heart disease. Companies, community organizations and residents are invited to get creative to make landmarks, main streets, buildings and homes “Go Red” to kick off February’s American Hearth Month. “This is such a simple way to make a difference in our community. Every red heart, red ribbon or red dress in a store window reminds women, and all of us, how important our hearts are. Heart healthy should be our main priority in February and all year long to prevent our number one killer,” said Jennifer Miller, AHA Go Red For Women Director in Westchester-Fairfield. In addition to landmarks going red, thousands of employees will participate in National Wear Red Day by donating $5 to the Go Red For Women campaign. In turn, they will receive a red dress pin or wristband, and lifesaving heart health education. Some organizations will offer heart healthy lunch and learn programs, organize healthy walks, or offer healthier foods in vending machines or cafeterias. To sign up, visit or call the AHA at 845-867-5374. The AHA’s Go Red For Women movement photos provided focuses on women’s heart health awareness in Survivors pictured L to R: Lynne Versaci, Bhavani Babu, Linda Thomas, Diane Vitarius, Katie O’Keeffe February because far too many women are still unaware of the facts that heart disease is About the American Heart Association The good news is that more than 80% of heart disease events in their number one killer--killing more women women can be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes like eatThe American Heart Association is devoted to saving people from than all forms of cancer combined; or that the ing healthier, quitting smoking and exercising 30 minutes daily. Go heart disease and stroke – America’s No. 1 and No. 5 killers. We team symptoms of heart attack can be different in Red For Women also encourages women to know their family health with millions of volunteers to fund innovative research, fight for women vs. men, causing women to delay history and “Know Your Numbers.” Knowing total cholesterol, HDL stronger public health policies, and provide lifesaving tools and inseeking treatment; or that ninety percent of or “good” cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass formation to prevent and treat these diseases. The Dallas-based assowomen have one or more risk factors for heart index or BMI can help women and their healthcare provider deter- ciation is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization disease or stroke. This lack of awareness mine their risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. To learn more or to get means that more women than men are dying Women can get lifesaving information at involved, call 1-800-AHA-USA1, visit or call any of from heart disease and stroke. Go Red For and join in the healthy lifestyle conversation at https://www.face- our offices around the country. Women’s goal is to save women’s lives. groups/GoRedGetFit/.

Faces of Heart Ambassadors: Virginia Kuper, AHA, Board Member with Survivor Ambassadors Patty Macias, Cindy King, Selina Santos, Martha Glantz and Beverly Paige

Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017


Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE

ADVERTISER INDEX American Heart Association


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Heart Disease is the number 1 killer of Women in the United States, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer. National Wear Red Day is Friday, February 3, 2017 to help fight heart disease. In 2003, the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute took action against a disease that was claiming the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year – a disease that women weren’t paying attention to. A disease they truly believed, and many still believe to this day, affects more men than women. Stemming from that action, National Wear Red Day was born. It’s held on the first Friday in February every year to raise awareness about heart disease being the No. 1 killer of women. This will mark the 14th anniversary.



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Hospital Newspaper - New England edition - Vol. 14 No. 1 is published 6 times a year for $18 per year by Belsito No. 1 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, $ NY 12553. Postage Paid at New Windsor, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Hospital Newspaper, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY, 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month of publication.

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• 21 percent fewer women dying from heart disease • 23 percent more women aware that it’s their No. 1 health threat • Publishing of gender-specific results, established differences in symptoms and responses to medications, and women-specific guidelines for prevention and treatment • Legislation to help end gender disparities • But despite progress, women are still dying. They’re still unaware of their risks and the facts. It’s time to stand stronger, speak louder and join the fight this National Wear Red Day.

Please share your stories with us at Jim can be reached at 845-202-4737 and via email at

845-534-7500 • (fax) 845-534-0055


And looking back on what has been accomplished, there have been tremendous strides. They include:


Fairfield County Medical Association


Celebrate National Wear Red Day with Go Red for Women


Heart Health The New



Lisa Deck su


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JAN/FEB 2017

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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017



Lisa Deck’s Story Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE

Stroke Survivor, Age 40, N. Attleborough, MA

A week before her college graduation, a severe headache and numbness in her left arm sent Lisa Deck to the hospital. She never dreamed she could be having a stroke. At first neither did doctors. They told the 21-year-old that it was a migraine. They gave her the name of a neurologist to see if her symptoms didn’t improve in a few days. As days passed, things got worse. Lights seemed too bright and sounds seemed too loud. Her left side went numb. Her head ached. She took herself to the hospital—the one where the neurologist worked. While in the waiting area of the emergency room, she noticed the American Stroke Association’s poster for Stroke Awareness month. It listed the stroke warning signs—and Lisa realized she was experiencing all of them. “I thought, ‘Wow, that’s crazy, that can’t be what’s happening to me,” Lisa said. “I thought stroke was something that happened to old men and killed you when it happened.” A series of tests showed Lisa had indeed experienced an ischemic (blockage-caused) stroke, but doctors couldn’t determine a cause. She underwent occupational therapy to regain lost function in her left hand. Every few weeks she visited the doctor for more testing. Knowing she’d survived a stroke emboldened Lisa to live life to the fullest that summer. She spent quality time with family and friends, traveled, attended concerts, visited the beach and took thrill rides on roller coasters. “I did everything I could,” she said. “I wanted to live for the moment.”

After taking the summer off, Lisa began her first job in the fall of 1997. She worked as a consultant, putting her degree in business to use. She’d completed her six weeks of training and was on her first assignment with a client when she began having stroke symptoms again. She called her neurologist, who told her to go to the hospital immediately. Lisa was hospitalized and had two weeks of intensive testing and medication trials before being diagnosed. She had a rare brain disease called central nervous system vasculitis. It causes inflammation in the walls of the blood vessels in the brain, leading to her stroke. Treatment took four years and combined intense chemotherapy, steroids and blood thinners. It was rough, and so were the side effects: depression, high blood pressure, hair loss, decreased bone density and a 70-pound weight gain. For the first two-and-a-half years she kept working, struggling to maintain the career she’d strived for. “It made me feel as normal as I could as a 20-something,” Lisa said. “I was determined. It was my first real job and I wanted to give it my all.” Lisa survived a third stroke in 2000 as doctors were tapering her medication, but she’s been in remission since 2001. Lisa, is now 40, married with two children, and lives in North Attleboro, Mass.. She still can have numbness on her left side, especially during times when she’s over-tired or stressed. She also gets fatigued easily and occasionally has difficulty finding words readily, another effect of her strokes. She’s never been able to return to work.

Once her disease was in remission, Lisa got involved in the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association. To improve her health, she started with the “Train To End Stroke” program, which culminated in a half marathon. Since then, she’s become an active volunteer in the AHA’s advocacy program, sharing her story with lawmakers and advocating for heart health issues. She also organized a survivor luncheon in conjunction with the AHA’s National Lobby Day to provide an opportunity for survivors to connect. Given her experience, Lisa urges people to learn to recognize the signs of a stroke, no matter their age. “The faster you get help,” she said, “the better your outcome will be.” She also encourages survivors to live life to the fullest. “Don’t let a major health catastrophe ruin your life,” she said. “It was hard to go through, but it has helped me appreciate the small moments in life and focus on what I have and how precious life is.”

Photo courtesy of American Heart Association

About the American Heart Association The American Heart Association is devoted to saving people from heart disease and stroke – America’s No. 1 and No. 5 killers. We team with millions of volunteers to fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies, and provide lifesaving tools and information to prevent and treat these diseases. The Dallas-based association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. To learn more or to get involved, call 1-800-AHA-USA1, visit or call any of our offices around the country.

Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017


Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital names new Medical Director Dr. Debra Twehous, a Board certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician, has been appointed medical director at Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital. Dr. Twehous previously served as the hospital’s Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Prior to joining Fairlawn in 2012, Dr. Twehous was a medical director at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, the Burbank Rehabilitation Center in Fitchburg and the VA Medical Center in Long Beach, California. Dr. Twehous earned her medical degree and completed an internship in Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; she completed her residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of California at Irvine. An assistant professor in the Department of Orthopedics and Physical Medicine at the University of Massachusetts

Keith Marks promoted to Director of AdCare Outpatient Services Warwick

Keith Marks, LMHC, of Providence, RI, has been promoted to Director of AdCare Outpatient Services in Warwick, RI. Previously a counselor at AdCare Outpatient Services in Quincy, Mr. Marks joined the AdCare family nearly four years ago from Bay Cove Human Services in Boston, where he was a substance use clinician. In his new position, he oversees AdCare Warwick’s expanded continuum of alcohol and drug treatment, which now includes a Structured Early Recovery Group offered three times per week, in addition to Intensive Outpatient Programs offered five days per week in the Day and Evening . “The office has added a Parenting in Recovery Group to our mix of specialty groups, as well a complimentary Family and Friends Informational Program for anyone impacted by the substance use of a family member or friend.” Mr. Marks earned his bachelor’s degree at Gordon College in Wenham, MA, and a master’s of arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a specialization in Holistic Studies from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. AdCare provides a full continuum of alcohol and drug treatment from hospital-level of care in Worcester, MA to inpatient residential treatment in North Kingstown, RI, and outpatient services at offices conveniently located throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. AdCare … your recovery begins here. For more information contact Mary Beth Papcsy, AdCare Media Relations (800) 345-3552, ext. 4058.

Medical School in Worcester, Dr. Twehous has also held academic positions at Harvard Medical School in Boston and The University of California at Irvine in Orange, California. She resides in Lancaster, MA. Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital is a 110bed, inpatient acute rehabilitation hospital that offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services designed to return patients to leading active and independent lives. A collaboration of UMass Memorial Health Care and HealthSouth, Fairlawn combines the expertise of two highly respected leaders in patient care. Our hospital provides a wide range of physical rehabilitation services, a vast network of highly skilled, independent private practice physicians and HealthSouth therapists and nurses, and the most innovative equipment and rehabilitation technology, ensuring that all pa-

tients have access to the highest quality care. Designed with our patients’ care in mind, Fairlawn offers semi-private rooms, with two or three beds allowing for patients to share their recovery experiences with one another. Each patient has his or her own bureau, wardrobe closet, and complimentary access to telephone, television and wireless internet capabilities. In addition to caring for general rehabilitation diagnoses such as amputation, burns, cardiac, neurological disorders, orthopedic, lymphedema, multi-trauma and spinal cord injury, Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital has specialized inpatient programs for stroke and brain injury. Other services offered include outpatient treatment, home evaluations, direct admission from home, emergency wards and physician offices. For more information, please visit

FAIRLAWN REHABILITATION HOSPITAL Is Pleased To Announce The Opening of Its

“When you’re receiving inpatient rehabilitation, you want to spend as much time as possible in therapy. That’s why Fairlawn opened its new hemodialysis suite. Now our patients who need dialysis can get their treatments here instead of taking time out from therapy to get them somewhere else.” ~ Dr. Bernie DelRosario

A Higher Level of Care®

For the benefit of patients who need hemodialysis during their inpatient rehabilitation stay, Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital now provides those services on-site.

For more information or a tour, please call 508-791-6351, Ext. 192


189 May Street, Worcester, MA



Jan/Feb 2017

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Leavitt Family Jewish Home resident and volunteer celebrates birthday milestone—Abe Neigher turns 100

Family, friends, volunteers and staff of JGS Lifecare’s Leavitt Family Jewish Home celebrated the 100th birthday of resident Abe Neigher Sunday, December 18, 2016 in the nursing home’s Gloth Family Auditorium, the fifth nursing home resident to reach the birthday milestone this year! Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno presented the family with an official proclamation declaring the date as “Abe Neigher Day” in the City of Springfield, and Senator Eric P. Lesser sent the family more good wishes from the state legislature. The celebration also included heartfelt presentations of Abe’s first century, a performance by the Debbie Neigher Trio, and birthday cake in his honor. Abe was born December 23, 1916 in Springfield, the youngest of nine children. He graduated from the High School of Commerce and served his country with distinction during World War II as a pharmacist’s mate in the Navy. He was married to his beloved wife Molly for 66 years before her passing in 2007. Their only child William was the master of ceremonies for Sunday’s celebration, joined by his children Aaron and Deborah, as well as numerous extended family, including fellow centenarian Ethel Neigher, who was married to Abe’s brother Hi, who also reached his 100th birthday before his passing in 2015. Indeed, longevity runs in the Neigher family. Abe is the fourth sibling to reach the milestone, along with his two oldest sisters Goldie and Betty, and his older brother Hi. A dedicated and committed fundraiser for Jewish and secular causes, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of New England, and was honored by that organization, appearing on the


Jerry Lewis Telethon on their behalf. He is a Shriner, and a 32nd degree Mason. Now a resident of the Leavitt Family Jewish Home, he was a volunteer before becoming a resident, and is proud to hold the honor of third most hours worked among his fellow volunteers. When asked about his (and his family’s) secret to living long and meaningful lives, he said “I worked very hard [but so did everyone else]; I had a positive outlook on life. Never held a grudge. I loved everyone. If something didn’t work out I tried something else. I was very proud of being Jewish.” And we, at JGS Lifecare, are very proud of Abe. Mazel Tov!

About JGS Lifecare: JGS Lifecare is a leading health care system serving seniors and their families. The wide range of lifecare services we offer includes nursing home care, home health and hospice care, assisted living, adult day health care, rehabilitation services, palliative care, music therapy and subsidized independent living. Learn more at

About the Leavitt Family Jewish Home: The Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home is a Joint Commission accredited 200-bed skilled nursing facility offering long-term nursing care and Alzheimer’s care. Short-term rehabilitation is offered through the new Sosin Center for Rehabilitation. Part of JGS Lifecare’s family of services, the Jewish Nursing Home is located on the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus in Longmeadow, MA.

Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno declares Dec. 18th “Abe Neigher Day” in the City of Springfield.

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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017

Kent Hospital awarded Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers from The Joint Commission

Kent Hospital announced that it has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check mark for Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers. The Gold Seal of Approval® and the HeartCheck mark represent symbols of quality from their respective organizations. “Obtaining this advanced certification is a great achievement for the Stroke Center at Kent Hospital and reiterates the top quality, aggressive stroke care we provide to our patients,” said Michael Dacey, MD, president and COO, Kent Hospital, “We are continually focused on providing timely care to those who have suffered a stroke, with the best possible outcomes.” Kent Hospital underwent a rigorous onsite review in November 2016. Joint Commission experts evaluated compliance with stroke-related standards and requirements, including program management, the delivery of clinical care and performance improvement. This is the fifth consecutive time Kent Hospital has received such designation since the first certification in 2008. “Kent Hospital is thoroughly committed to providing our patients the highest quality stroke care to ensure continued improvement in treatment,” said Arshad Iqbal, MD, chief of neurology and director of the Stroke Center at Kent Hospital. “The Primary Stroke Center Certification has given us the opportunity to highlight the exceptional stroke care we provide for our patients and help us improve care overall for our community.” Established in 2003, Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers is awarded for a two-year period to Joint Commission-accredited acute care hospitals. The certification was derived from the Brain Attack Coalition’s “Recommendations for the Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers” and the “Revised and Updated Recommendations for the Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers.”

“Kent Hospital has thoroughly demonstrated the greatest level of commitment to the care of stroke patients through its Advanced Certification for Primary Stroke Centers,” said Patrick Phelan, interim executive director, Hospital Business Development, The Joint Commission. “We congratulate Kent Hospital for achieving this designation,” said Nancy Brown, chief executive officer, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. “By adhering to this very specific set of treatment guidelines Kent Hospital has clearly made it a priority to deliver high quality care to all patients affected by stroke.” Stroke is the number four cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability in the United States, according to the American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association. On average, someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds; someone dies of a stroke every four minutes; and 795,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year. The Stroke Center at Kent offers a multidisciplinary team that is available 24/7 from the moment of the patient’s arrival in the Kent Emergency Department through diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care. Kent Hospital’s 20-bed Inpatient Rehabilitation program provides 24/7 nursing supervision, daily physician visits and three hours of therapy a day to recovering stroke patients. Kent Hospital, a Care New England Hospital, is a 359-bed, acute care hospital. It is Rhode Island’s second largest hospital, serving approximately 300,000 residents of central Rhode Island. A teaching affiliate of The University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kent offers programs in Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and an Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Fellowship. Kent’s redesigned Emergency Department (ED) sees approximately 70,000 patients a year and ranks Kent’s ED volume among the top 10-percent nationally. It was the first hospital in the state to eliminate the practice of ambulance diversion. For more information, please visit


If you’d like to reach the health and hospital communities of New England each month, there is no more cost-effective way than the Hospital Newspaper. Call Maureen Linell to place your advertisement: 508-869-6201


Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE


Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017

Spaulding Rehabilitation Network and Department of Conservation and Recreation announce partnership to improve access to adaptive sports at Nickerson State Park New McGraw Center for Adaptive Sports will serve as national model to promote accessibility

Next summer people with physical and cognitive challenges and their families will have access to new adaptive sports programming at DCR’s Nickerson State Park in Brewster, MA thanks to a generous donation from Melissa and David McGraw, the Donald C. McGraw Foundation. The gift establishes a first-of-itskind collaboration between Spaulding Rehabilitation Network’s Adaptive Sports Centers and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in Massachusetts, and it establishes The McGraw Center for Adaptive Sports as a resource for residents and a vacation destination for increasingly mobile and connected adaptive sports enthusiasts. “This expansion of Spaulding’s adaptive sports program unites organizations with a similar mission to improve quality of life for persons living with disability,” says David Storto, President of Spaulding Rehabilitation Network. “We have a committed partner in DCR, and we are so grateful to Melissa and David McGraw for supporting our shared vision and facilitating the work that will serve as a model for the country.” Through Spaulding Adaptive Sports Centers (SASC), persons living with disability can engage in recreational activities under the guidance of therapists and adaptive sports professionals. SASC are also Paralympic Sport Clubs and offer competitive sports for seasoned and developing athletes. Through its Universal Access Program, DCR has been working to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities for people of all abilities since 1995. “There isn’t anything like this in the country,” says David McGraw. “I’m so impressed with the state’s willingness to help and promote this program. We’ll be leading the country by creating a program other parks can follow.”

Tom McCarthy, Director of DCR’s Universal Access Program, says that DCR’s program “brings the world of outdoor recreation to everyone through design, facilities and hands-on programming. What the partnership will bring to the disability community and everyone who surrounds that community – family, friends and everyone – is very powerful. People can take advantage of our excellent resources in a prime vacation spot.” Though the McGraw Center will formally open in 2017, this past summer, SASC, DCR and the McGraw Center offered a pilot program of adaptive cycling, hiking, and kayaking. Sixteen people from ages seven to 82 participated in 64 sessions from July – September. Among them was Stephen Leek, 66, of Hyannisport, whose elbow was rebuilt following a mountain biking accident in 2015.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Week


The staff, he says, “helped me get over a barrier. I could have said I’ll never ride again, but everyone was there to help. I was exhilarated, not scared.” Recreation and sports for all is a foundational goal of SASC. “Whether you’re a patient with a new disability transitioning from the hospital to home or someone with longstanding limitations, recreation and sport bring together able-bodied and disabled people in a common activity in a way that transcends barriers,” says Mary Patstone, Director of SASC for the Spaulding Rehabilitation Network. In addition, adaptive sports “help demystify disability by building a culture of inclusion,” says Oz Mondejar, SRN’s Vice President of Mission and Advocacy. “You see what people can do, what creativity and determination they have, and you might be more inclined to offer a job.”

The McGraw Center will launch in 2017 with a yurt-style operations center, storage trailers for adaptive equipment, handicap parking, and water activities on Cliff Pond, with plans for improved bathroom and shower facilities and an archery range in 2018. The Cape Cod Rail Trail, beach access to Cape Cod Bay, hiking trails, accessible yurts for camping, and more will be available to participants and their families at Nickerson State Park. The season will kickoff with a grand opening event at Nickerson on June 17. Steve Katzenback, SCC physical therapist who will oversee the McGraw Center, notes that the staff’s expertise in fitting equipment and teaching adaptive strategies will ensure a structured, safe environment to help participants build skills and confidence. All activities will be overseen by SASC staff, who include physical and occupational therapists trained in adaptive sports. “I’ve seen the passion and commitment Mary and the Spaulding team have, and I’ve seen how adaptive sports have improved quality of life for friends with disability,” says McGraw. “That’s our mission at the Foundation -- to support programs that change people’s lives for the better.” McGraw’s five-year commitment funds the necessary infrastructure to launch the programs and support the education and research pillars of SASC. The gift will fund internships and capital improvements, such as refurbishing of the park’s tennis courts, and foster collaborations that will sustain the program long into the future. Please visit for more information.

February 12-18, 2017

Celebrate national AACVPR National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week 2016 and draw attention to the role of cardiac rehabilitation in reducing the potentially devastating effects of heart disease. Host a special event at your facility to celebrate the accomplishments you share with your patients and their families and to show your community what you have to offer. For ideas on how to publicize your event – and your program – to the community, please review the following pages. As you plan, don’t forget to invite the physicians who prescribe your services, as well as members of your local media to get the most publicity possible. When AACVPR National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week is celebrated during February, American Heart Month, as part of a national campaign to draw greater attention to heart health. The week coincides each year with Valentine’s Day. AACVPR National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week 2017 will be celebrated February 12-18.


Where At hospitals, exercise facilities and outpatient rehabilitation centers across the country.

How Host a risk factor screening, health fair, open house, or seminar to share information on the heart, cardiovascular health, fitness and related rehabilitation topics. Contact AACVPR for activities in your area.

Why National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week was initiated by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) to focus national attention on cardiac rehabilitation’s contribution to the improvement of the health and physical performance of individuals at risk for heart disease and/or those individuals diagnosed with heart disease or dysfunction.

Lancaster, MA 01523

Saugus, MA 01906



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Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE

Nurse’s Viewpoint By Alison Lazzaro, RN


nursteinfo for stude s and nts Hospital Newspaper Correspondent

Taking a Breath to Prevent Burnout

Breathe. She nudges to her newly extubated patient as the pulse oximeter dwindles down. Breathe. She tells herself to steady her hand to push a bristojet of Epinephrine during the code. Breathe. She forgets to tell herself after seeing her patient slip away despite every effort. Breathe. She does not allow herself as she washes her hands and moves onto the next patient’s room only minutes later.

Burnout versus Compassion Fatigue Nurses in all fields, especially critical care, pediatrics and oncology suffer from high rates of burnout and compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is defined as the emotional strain of exposure to working with those suffering from the consequences of traumatic events. Dubbed “the medical professional’s post traumatic stress disorder,” compassion fatigue is caused by empathy. Burnout is different, though the two can co-exist. Burnout is more of a cumulative process marked by emotional exhaustion and withdrawal from an increased workload and institutional stress. Burnout is not related to a traumatic experience. Burnout manifests psychologically and physiologically as emotional exhaustion, anxiety, avoidance, depression, poor concentration, mood swings, fatigue, gastrointestinal upset, and muscle tension. The consequences of burnout can increase absenteeism and lead to high turnover rates. Factors that affect compassion fatigue and burnout Daily, nurses work in direct patient care and are exposed to death and dying, insufficient staffing, and patient's intense needs. These increasing demands of the workplace occur while nurses juggle caring for family and their personal interests. “Double duty care-giving” also strains nurses as these professional caregivers bring their responsibilities home and also provide assistance for a family member full-time.

How to break the cycle Resilience will decrease turnover rates and keep the profession thriving. Implementing coping strategies like physical exercise, prayer, art, listing one thing that brings you joy, naming three things that you are grateful for daily, calling friends to catch up, and finding quiet alone time are just a few ways to stay on track. Other strategies include healthy eating, humor, pet therapy, and social events away from work. Remembering to stay on track with your career goals and personal mission while building a positive support system is key. Another concept that is being implemented across hospitals is called “the Pause.” This idea by Johnathan Bartels calls for a 1 minute time out to recognize the loss of a patient and the efforts of the hard-working staff. It does not require a check-list or more charting, but rather allows healthcare professional to take care of themselves and most importantly allows them to take a deep breath.

education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017


Sacred Heart University’s Online Bachelor’s Programs rank highest in state Sacred Heart University’s online bachelor’s programs are the best in the state, according to a ratings report released this month by U.S.News and World Report. Moreover, SHU’s program was ranked with hundreds of colleges and universities across the country in the U.S.News and World Report survey, 2017 Best Online Programs Rankings, which the multi-platform news and information publisher released Jan. 10. SHU received the highest marks in Connecticut. U.S.News and World Report assessed schools in four categories: student engagement, faculty credentials and training, student services and technology and peer reputation. According to the rankings report, completing a four-year degree online is a practical way for working adults with some college credit to obtain skills they need to boost their careers. It offers the 2017 listing of the best online bachelor’s programs to help prospective students select the schools that are right for them. “We have found that many nursing students come to that decision as working adults. Because of that, we made the decision to offer many of our nursing programs online,” said Mary Alice Donius, dean of Sacred Heart’s College of Nursing. “I believe what sets Sacred Heart apart is that even our online programs provide students with individual attention from a dedicated fulltime faculty who want them to succeed.” Sacred Heart also was ranked in U.S.News and World Report’s 2017 Best Online Nursing (Graduate) Programs.

Learn more about Sacred Heart University's online undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Call 877-791-7181 to speak to an admissions advisers today. For more information please visit the website,


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Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE

Hebrew HealthCare sells Skilled Nursing Facility to National Healthcare Associates

Hebrew HealthCare (HHC), a nonprofit, nonstock 501 (c) (3) corporation, recently announced that it has finalized the sale of its skilled nursing facility and premises at 1 Abrahms Boulevard in West Hartford to National Healthcare Associates. National Healthcare will own and operate the 257-bed skilled nursing facility located on Abrahms Boulevard in West Hartford under its new business, Hebrew Home for Health and Rehabilitation, LLC. Hebrew HealthCare will remain on the property under a 30 year initial lease agreement to operate its other service lines. The sale will allow HHC to focus on its successful aging business lines, including its specialty hospital, medical model senior day center, geriatric physician practice, assisted living facility and services, and dementia consultation and education, all of which enhance the financial stability of the organization, and are designed to meet the needs of current and future aging adults. The sale of the skilled nursing component will provide the organization with needed financial relief and allow Hebrew HealthCare to explore and develop additional aging services. Hebrew HealthCare initially pursued a transaction with National because of its expressed interest in preserving skilled nursing services provided in the context of Jewish traditions. Gary Jones, Interim President and CEO explains, “The sale of the skilled nursing facility positions Hebrew HealthCare to

move our geriatric services away from the institutional setting, which is in line both with the State’s long term care rebalancing plans and the desires of the burgeoning Baby Boomer population, and allows us to preserve the values of our Jewish heritage and roots. Without the financial burden of the skilled nursing facility, HHC can explore and develop cutting edge services to serve the needs of our 21st century seniors”. Jones went on to say that “Hebrew HealthCare is committed to continuing its 115 year tradition of serving the needs of the elderly in our community. We will do so by maintaining viable existing services, expanding them as appropriate, and developing new programs as we move forward. We are grateful for the support we have enjoyed from the community in the past and will strive to continue to merit its support and confidence in all that we do going forward.” Hebrew HealthCare leadership plans a comprehensive review of all existing services and will expand both its service lines and areas as needs are identified. It has long been the organization’s practice to review, develop and reinvent itself while remaining true to its mission. “It has always been our willingness to respond to the changing needs of those we serve that has assured Hebrew HealthCare’s continued relevance and its longevity within our community,” Jones concluded.

Education Event

There is an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Clinical Continuing Education Certificate supported by the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts being held on January 26-27, 2017. Hosted by Francesca LaVecchia, Ph.D., this two-day training program will be held at University of Massachusetts Medical School and provide participants with a comprehensive overview of ABIs.

Michelle L. Adams promoted to Director of AdCare Outpatient Services Boston A Licensed Substance Abuse Clinician, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Licensed Dual Diagnosis Clinician, Michelle Adams joined AdCare Boston family as a substance use counselor with substantial experience gained at Boston area residential and outpatient programs, and psychiatric facilities. In addition to managing and supervising the office and clinical staff at AdCare Boston, Ms. Adams oversees the Evening and Day Intensive Outpatient Program groups focused on substance use recovery and emotional awareness, and meets with individual clients and their families to support them in their recovery process. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the State University of New York in Potsdam, and earned a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Professional Counseling from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. AdCare provides a full continuum of alcohol and drug treatment from hospitallevel of care in Worcester, MA to inpatient residential treatment in North Kingstown, RI, and outpatient services at offices conveniently located throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. AdCare … your recovery begins here. For more information please contact Mary Beth Papcsy, AdCare Media Relations (800) 345-3552, ext. 4058.



Hoffman SummerWood Community hosts Menorah Exhibit

SummerWood recently hosted its fifth annual Menorah Exhibit which featured roughly 100 menorahs (chanukias) belonging to residents. Family and friends as well as the public were invited to this event. Freshly made latkes and Chanukah music were enjoyed while the attendees perused the displays. People remarked at the variety and intricacies of some of the pieces, many which were made by hand. “The exhibit

reminds us all of our family traditions in past years and brings back a lot of memories,” said SummerWood resident, David Silverman . Hoffman SummerWood Community, a national award-winning senior living community located at 160 Simsbury Road in West Hartford, is an affiliate of Hebrew HealthCare. For more information, please call 860-523-3808 or visit their website at

WHAT: Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Clinical Continuing Education Certificate Supported by the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts

WHEN: January 26-27, 2017

WHERE: University of Massachusetts Medical School, 333 South St, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

INFO: Hosted by Francesca LaVecchia, Ph.D., this two-day training program will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of ABIs, their consequences, and recommended interventions. This training is designed as a foundational platform for learners and is recommended as a prerequisite to other advanced ABI education training. Continuing Education Credits are available for professionals in certain fields. WEBSITE:


Featured in photo left to right: Marvin Silverman, Allison Levi, SummerWood resident David Silverman, and Gabi and Zack Silverman.


Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017

Sterile Processing Certification Prep. Courses H E A LT H C A R E FA C I L I T I E S




AT T E N T I O N S T E R I L E P R O C E S S I N G P E R S O N N E L :

Still Not CRCST certified? Not a problem. Our 12-week, once a week certification preparatory course is specifically designed to help existing sterile processing managers, technicians, and other individuals who want to work in sterile processing prepare for the accredited national certification exam.

General Information

Location: GNYHA Ventures 555 West 57th St. • NYC 10019 Hudson Room • Suite 1156 Time:

4:30–8:30 p.m.

Course Fee w/ Required Text: $1,275 Course Fee w/o Required Text: $1,150

Required Textbook: Central Service Boxed Course (8th Ed.) (Available through IAHCSMM) Students have the option to purchase the required textbook at the time of registration or independently. If purchasing independently, you must bring the book to the first day of class.

Visit us at for 2017 course information. Nexera’s Prep. Course Covers: • Ambulatory Surgery &

• Infection Control

• Quality Assurance

• Instrumentation & Storage

• Regulations & Standards

• Anatomy & Physiology

• Introduction to Sterile Processing

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• High- & Low-Temperature Sterilization

• Medical Terminology

• Surgical Tracking Systems

• Human Relations Skills

• Microbiology

Related Practices

Questions about the course? Ask us!


Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE

UMass Amherst Nursing Professor receives Komen Foundation Grant to design technology for breast cancer survivors

Rachel Walker, assistant professor and nurse scientist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Nursing, has received a Career Catalyst Research Award totaling $450,000 from the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research, the world’s largest non-governmental breast cancer research organization. Walker will work with a multidisciplinary team over the next three years to develop what she describes as an “off-theshelf survivorship support toolkit” for breast cancer survivors. The work builds on research she conducted at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore during her postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Innovative Care in Aging. While five Career Catalyst Awards went to clinical researchers this year, Walker’s is the only nurse-led team to receive the award. According to Walker, breast cancer survivors can experience reductions in activity and functioning due to lingering symptoms and effects of ongoing therapies, exacerbations of pre-existing conditions and a lack of clear benchmarks following primary cancer treatment. Uncertainty of illness can also contribute to anxiety, stress and poor health outcomes. The goals of Walker’s research include helping breast cancer survivors to take control of their health by identifying their own post-treatment goals and clear strategies to achieve them. The researchers hypothesize that by tracking their health using wearable technologies and making visible changes to

reduce symptom interference with functioning and support goal achievement, breast cancer survivors will experience more control, fewer symptoms, greater activity, and reduced levels of inflammatory biomarkers associated with higher risks of additional morbidity and cancer recurrence. Walker says that from a biomedical perspective, “some of the primary outcomes we are examining include objective measures of physical activity, sleep duration and quality, and positive changes in biomarkers associated with risk of cancer recurrence and mortality.” “But the part of this work I find most exciting,” she adds, “is the opportunity to support survivors’ ability to do the things that are truly most important to them, and to have a greater sense of control over their health and well-being following cancer therapy.” The team hopes to recruit participants from throughout the region who can speak to diverse perspectives. Men who have been treated for breast cancer, about one percent of all breast cancer survivors, are also sought to participate in this study. Upon completion of the study, Walker and her team hope to have developed a scalable product that is widely accessible. Innovation Fellows from UMass Amherst’s Isenberg School of Management and the Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) will be involved in product development. She says she sees long-term potential for the approach to be useful for maintaining wellness in a wide variety of health contexts and communities.

Life Care Center of Plymouth earns deficiency-free state survey


line staff,” said Kate O’Connor, regional vice president of parent company Life Care Centers of America’s Patriot Region. “They have worked so hard this year and all shared the same goal of outstanding quality care. They knew that would lead them to a successful survey, and it did.” Life Care Center of Plymouth, located at 94 Obery St., is one of 15 skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities in Massachusetts operated or managed by Life Care Centers of America. Founded in 1976, Life Care is a nationwide health care company. With headquarters in Cleveland, Tennessee, Life Care operates or manages more than 200 nursing, post-acute and Alzheimer’s centers in 28 states. For more information about Life Care, visit

Hallmark Health VNA and Hospice names Oickle Endowment Fund Award Recipients

Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice recently awarded the Lois A. Oickle Endowment Fund Award to Michelle Lenzi. Michelle receives a $500 award to be used for professional development either in professional education in one’s field, or to assist in the renewal of one’s self in non-work related education. Michelle Lenzi, medical coder in HHVNA and Hospice’s quality department, is continuing her medical coding education to keep her credentials up to date and further her coding knowledge. This education increases Michelle’s expertise and knowledge within her role in the agency and meets the intent of this endowment reward. Lois Anne Oickle, PT, Diane Farraher-Smith, president of HHVNA and Hospice, was a long-term employee Michelle Lenzi, medical coder. of Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice and an advocate of home care. She conceived this “unsung hero award” endowment to the organization while she battled terminal illness in 2003. Upon Oickle’s death, the endowment was established in her name and awards have been given out since 2010. The Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice welcomes and appreciates any donations to help continue this effort. Donations can be made to the Lois A. Oickle Endowment Fund c/o Hallmark Health Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice, Inc. 178 Savin Street., Suite 300, Malden, MA 02148.


Life Care Center of Plymouth, a skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility, recently achieved a deficiency-free state survey. To pass the state survey each year, nursing facilities must meet hundreds of criteria. These address not only nursing care and resident safety, but also patients’ rights, food services, administration and the facility’s environment. Surveyors spend several days in the building reviewing paperwork, observing resident care and interviewing residents and associates. “We’re extremely proud of the entire staff,” said Jon Bonfardeci, executive director. “We all work very hard to take care of our residents.” “Life Care Center of Plymouth is successful because of the commitment not only from leadership but our front

Working with Walker will be UMass Amherst kinesiology professor Patty S. Freedson, former vice-president of the American College of Sports Medicine and associate director of the IALS Center for Personalized Health Monitoring, as well as clinical assistant nursing professor and breast cancer survivor Lucy Carvalho. Carvalho is founder of the Rays of Hope Foundation supporting research and services for breast cancer patients in collaboration with Baystate Health. Rebecca Spencer of psychological and brain sciences and Joseph Jerry of veterinary and animal sciences at UMass Amherst are also taking part, along with Sarah L. Szanton from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Kathy Lyons of Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, Lisa J. Wood of Massachusetts General Hospital Institute for Health Professions, and Dr. Grace Makari-Judson of Baystate’s Regional Breast Cancer Program. In addition to this research, Walker and her team have also received funding to investigate a new technology for assessing cancer-related fatigue. This work is supported by Rays of Hope and the College of Nursing’s National Institutes of Health-funded UManage Center for Building the Science of Symptom Self-Management. For more on the UMass Amherst College of Nursing, visit For more on the Susan G. Komen Foundation, visit

Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017


The Autism Inpatient Unit at Hospital for Special Care helps revolutionize Autism treatment in its first year

On Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016, The Autism Inpatient Unit at Hospital for Special Care (HSC), celebrated its first anniversary. At the time of its inception, this eight-bed unit was the first of its kind in Connecticut and one of only 10 interdisciplinary treatment facilities in the nation. The Autism Center at HSC is recognized as the nation’s first Patient-Centered Specialty Practice (PCSP) by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the inpatient unit is an extension of the Center and provides the beneficial resources and progressive services necessary to improve quality of life for local youths living with Autism. The unit provides specialized pharmacologic and behavioral treatments to individuals, ages 10 to 21, with an established diagnosis of Autism who have already exhausted multiple levels of care in their communities. Prior to the foundation of the inpatient unit, many children were forced to travel out-of-state for proper treatment of aggression, self-injury or severely impaired functioning. Over the past year, the Autism inpatient unit admitted 31 patients from a variety of placements including hospitals, emergency departments and group homes. Most of the children were between the ages of 11 and 16, but others were as young as six and as old as 19. “The Autism inpatient unit has been essential in our quest to cater to the specialized needs of these children while reducing the cost and travel complications that burdened many of their families” said Lynn Ricci, FACHE, president and chief executive officer, Hospital for Special Care.


Each patient receives an interdisciplinary assessment that helps formulate a treatment plan by identifying target behaviors requiring improvement. This treatment occurs over a period of 30 – 45 days and includes behavior strategy

development, medication management, parent education and training and discharge needs planning. In an effort to reduce emergency department visits and hospitalization, Hospital for Special Care has also collaborated with caregivers and providers to ensure each child has appropriate support after discharge. This includes a follow-up questionnaire a week after departure and status calls with the child 30, 90 and 180 days after the conclusion of their treatment at the inpatient unit. “It is our mission to ensure these children are not provided with a temporary fix, but a tangible solution that allows them to become independent and productive members of the community after they leave our facility,” added Ricci. 20 children have already been discharged into their own homes, as opposed to just 11 experiencing this type of living arrangement prior to the program. Furthermore, this figure has potential to increase as five more patients are nearing the completion of their stay. “It has been a wonderful first year on the AIU. We have demonstrated a series of successful outcomes; but more importantly we have had a direct and positive impact on the lives of both these children and their families” said Patricia Aguayo, MD, MPH, medical director autism services, Hospital for Special Care. The inpatient unit became a reality when HSC was awarded a $500,000 developmental grant in September 2015 after responding to a request for proposal (RFP) issued by the Department of Developmental Services. For more information, please visit


Jan/Feb 2017

Hospital Newspaper - NE

New art exhibit on mental illness in unique way McLean Hospital and Boston Logan International Airport team up to deliver powerful message

They are musicians and librarians, fashion designers and fitness instructors, actors, athletes and artists. They are sisters and wives, brothers and fathers, from New England and around the nation. What do they have in common? All have been affected by mental illness and its stigma, and are brought together in a beautiful and compelling new photographic exhibit at Logan International Airport in Boston. The exhibit is part of a national public awareness campaign sponsored by McLean Hospital, in collaboration with Logan Airport and several mental health advocacy groups, with the goal of changing the way mental illness is perceived.

“Each person associated with this project is determined to make a difference in the lives of other people affected by mental illness,” said Adriana Bobinchock, senior director of Public Affairs and Communications for McLean, whose team is spearheading the campaign. “We feel we’ve created a campaign that is meaningful and impactful, and one that has the potential to change someone’s life.” For Jamie Lenis, a mother of two, the experience of working on the Deconstructing Stigma campaign has already made a difference in her life. “My participation has allowed me to fully accept myself, my struggles, my triumphs, however small, without a hint of shame anymore,” said Jamie. “For the first time, I feel truly empowered and free. I’m not free of depression or anxiety—not wholly— but I’ve shed their damp blanket. I’m completely open to sharing with others in the hopes that my story can help in any way.”


With the initial physical installation at Logan Airport in a 235-foot gallery between Terminals B and C, and an accompanying website, the Deconstructing Stigma campaign is expected to reach more than a million people in 2017. Plans are already underway to install similar exhibits at other airports. In addition to partnering with Logan Airport, McLean Hospital collaborated with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the International OCD Foundation, Massachusetts Association of Mental Health, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and PROJECT 375 to develop Deconstructing Stigma: A Change in Thought Can Change a Life. McLean Hospital is the largest psychiatric affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a member of Partners HealthCare. For more information about McLean, visit or follow the hospital on Facebook or Twitter.

Nominations sought for Caring Heart Award The Women’s Heart Wellness Committee (formerly Women & Heart Disease) is seeking nominations for its Annual Caring Heart Awards. These awards are presented to an individual and a group, organization or business that lives or works in the Lower Naugatuck Valley and has made significant contributions to the heart wellness of an individual or the community at large, and demonstrates a “Caring Heart” by their actions and/or volunteerism. For a nomination form or information on how to make an email nomination, contact to Eunice Lisk at 203-732-7107 or Nominations must be received by Fri., Feb. 3 to be eligible. The award winners will be announced in February and presented at the Annual Women's Heart Wellness & Caring Heart Award Brunch set for March 25 from 8:30 a.m.-noon at the Griffin Hospital Dining Room, 130 Division Street, Derby. The Women’s Heart Wellness Committee consists of healthcare professionals, heart patients and women from throughout the Valley communities.


Deconstructing Stigma: A Change in Thought Can Change a Life features dramatic, larger than life photographs of courageous people who have shared their stories with the hope of changing how people with psychiatric illness are viewed. “Shame and stigma are still far too prevalent when it comes to psychiatric disease and can contribute to the fear and isolation many people feel. Deconstructing Stigma is an unprecedented effort to spark conversation about behavioral and mental health,” said Scott L. Rauch, president and psychiatrist in chief of McLean Hospital. Sean Shinnock has lived with obsessive compulsive disorder since his teens and was the first person to volunteer for the campaign. “I want to help others who struggle with mental illness know that they are not alone,” said Sean, now 36. “I still struggle some days, but I am confident enough, hopeful enough, inspired enough and motivated enough to be a part of this life.” Also lending his voice to the campaign—literally—is Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, the founding member of the legendary hip hop group Run-DMC. Although he seemed to have everything a person could want, what the public couldn’t see was that depression and alcohol abuse were destroying his spirit and his body. “I had everything—I was the King of Rock—we were touring, making money and everyone knew who we were. But I didn’t feel right and not a day passed that I didn’t think about suicide,” Darryl said. Today, Darryl, 52, is back in the recording studio, has a best-selling book about his experience with mental illness and has become a vocal mental health advocate. Blending celebrities, such as DMC and Howie Mandel, with everyday people is a key component to the campaign because mental illness does not affect only one demographic or group. In fact, one in five Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness this year. “Mental health affects everyone, whether we recognize it or not. I am proud that Massport has collaborated with NAMI and now McLean working to reduce stigma,” said Thomas P. Glynn, CEO of Massport. “The exhibit "Deconstructing Stigma" is another example of how we are all working together to help our state and country make strides in this area.” Marylou Sudders, MSW, secretary for the Executive Office of Health and Human Services for Massachusetts, is a strong advocate for increasing mental health education through campaigns such as Deconstructing Stigma. “In order for stigma to be eliminated, we must spark conversation and create an environment where people can speak openly about mental illness without the fear of being ostracized,” said Sudders, who launched StateWithout StigMA, a campaign focused on reducing stigma around opiate addiction last year. “With high visibility at a location like Logan Airport, we are doing just that, while at the same time, reaching audiences who may not otherwise think about mental health on any given day.” Despite the concerns about being labeled and risking further stigma, the volunteers in this project are sharing their stories of hope and resilience so that the public can have an opportunity to “walk in their shoes” and perhaps step away with a different view of what it’s like to have a mental illness.

The Women’s Heart Wellness Committee is seeking nominations for its annual Caring Heart Awards.

The primary focus of the group is to increase heart health awareness among women, empower them to love and save their hearts, and ensure they are provided the means to do so through education and rehabilitation. Membership is open to all interested persons. Tickets for the 12th Annual Women’s Heart Wellness Brunch and Awards Program event will go on sale in February. To learn more, become a sponsor or make a donation, contact at 203-732-7107 or

Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017



Jan/Feb 2017


Bernstein & Associates, Architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. ( Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 100 Pearl St. - 14th Floor, Hartford, CT 06103 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 860-616-2200 Fax: 860-616-0018 NEW YORK - HARTFORD - PRINCETON

Hospital Newspaper - NE



Whaler’s Cove Assisted Living has 120 safe and affordable rental apartments in a beautifully restored historic building. Life at Whaler’s Cove means living independently for senior adults who no longer want the responsibility of maintaining a home, but may need a helping hand with personal care and other needs. Located in Southeastern Massachusetts, on the site of the former Whitman Mills, bordering the Acushnet River, Whaler’s Cove offers all of the comforts of home. Amenities include a spacious dining room, large sunroom with interior gardens, chapel, library, beauty/barber salon and beautifully furnished lounge areas. Whaler’s Cove has recently added a billiards room and gym, as well as refurbished the Reception Desk area. At Whaler’s Cove, our professionally trained and dedicated staff is sensitive to residents’ changing needs, assuring that they receive the services they need to maintain their independent lifestyles. Whaler’s Cove is one of the most affordable assisted living facilities in the area. In addition, our units are 20-50% larger than other local facilities, making ours the most generously sized apartments in Southeastern Massachusetts. Are you in need of accommodations following surgery or an injury or just want to try us out before you decide? Ask about our Short Stay Suites. At Whaler’s Cove, we understand that everyone’s financial situation is unique and that these circumstances determine how you will fund your or your loved one’s stay in an assisted living. There are a wide variety of options available which offer the flexibility and additional resources that you need. Call us today to ask how we may be able to help you make the transition to assisted living. Whaler’s Cove Assisted Living 114 Riverside Avenue New Bedford, MA 02746 Phone 508-997-2880 • Fax 508-997-1599


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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jan/Feb 2017


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