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The New Jersey Edition
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St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Leading the Fight Against Opiate Addiction
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Attend one of St. Peter’s University School of Nursing Graduate and Adult Undergraduate Instant Decision Events! p9
Thomas Edison State University Online Programs Recommended by Nurses for Nurses! p11
Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553
Jul/Aug 2016
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Trinitas Emergency Department completes the first phase of multi-million dollar expansion To meet growing demands for emergency care, Trinitas Regional Medical Center has reached the completion of Phase 1 of a threephase expansion and renovation project of its existing Emergency Department. Begun in 2015, the $18 million project is expected to be completed in 2017. The new Emergency Department will have a total of 45 treatment rooms, up from its current 28, and separate treatment areas for families, children and seniors. In addition, the expansion project which totals 24,000 sq. ft., will add three new beds to the existing Intensive Care Unit. “Since we experience more than 73,000 emergency visits annually --- a 40% increase over the past 15 years --- our Trinitas Emergency Department is one of the busiest in the state,” explained Gary S. Horan, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer. “The Emergency Department was expanded when Trinitas opened its doors in January 2000 following the consolidation of St. Elizabeth Hospital and Elizabeth General Medical Center. Fifteen years ago, we were treating approximately 29,000 visits. Since that time, the community has increasingly relied on us for emergency care services. This current expansion is our continuing dedication to the health of our community.”
Prepared to welcome patients at the newly-designed Emergency Department entrance at Trinitas Regional Medical Center are, from left, John D’Angelo, DO, Medical Director of the Emergency Department; Joseph McTernan, Senior Director/Community and Clinical Services; Maribeth Santillo, RN, MS, Senior Director/Emergency and Ambulatory Services; Gary S. Horan, FACHE, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Mary McTigue, RN, Vice President/Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer.
The 128-slice CT Scanner will deliver less radiation to patients and perform more rapid scanning. The result will be reduced treatment time and less time for images to be ready for radiologist access and review. Photo: Grace Photography
In addition, the completion of Phase 1 includes the location of a new 128-slice CT Scanner next to the Emergency Department. Its proximity will now benefit physicians and patients by reducing the length of time for scanning services and delivery of results to patients. Dr. Eugene Kennedy MD, Chairman, Department of Radiology, explains, “The greater accessibility of the new CT Scanner means that our Emergency Department physicians will be able to treat our patients more efficiently and effectively. The installation of the scanner is the first step toward making the vision of the new Emergency Department a reality.” With state-of-the-art technology, the128-slice CT scanner delivers less radiation per study, decreases the amount of contrast administered intravenously, and performs faster scanning that results in more rapid generation of images for radiologist access and review. All of these im-
provements translate into reduced treatment time which then reduces patient anxiety and stress in the emergency setting.
About Trinitas Regional Medical Center Trinitas Regional Medical Center (TRMC), a major center for comprehensive health services for those who live and work in Central New Jersey, is a Catholic teaching medical center sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in partnership with Elizabethtown Healthcare Foundation. With 10 Centers of Excellence across the continuum of care, Trinitas offers 554 beds and has distinguished itself in cardiology, cancer care, behavioral health, renal care, nursing education, diabetes management, wound healing and sleep medicine. For more information on Trinitas Regional Medical Center, visit: www.TrinitasRMC.org or call (908) 994-5138.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Center for Vein Restoration
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Heroes Mortgage
Hello Fresh
Matheny School and Hospital
Nexera Consulting
Pavisse Incident Management Solution
Celebrate Independence Day with your favorite senior There’s nothing quite like a traditional Independence Day celebration. Just remember, don’t forget your favorite senior when you are celebrating July 4th. You can have a fine time, if you plan ahead. But first, make sure that your relative is in good enough health to attend a party where there will be heat, bugs, noise, smoke from the grill and rambunctious children. Also, check with your hosts to ensure that they understand and can accommodate your loved one’s limitations. Here are some tips from Hospital Newspaper to ensure that everyone has a good time:
• Talk to the host about dietary limitations your elderly relative may have. • If your relative is in a wheelchair, find out in advance if your hosts’ gates are wide enough and slopes gentle enough to maneuver it into the back yard. • Ask if there’s any shade in the backyard; if not, ask if you can also bring a portable beach umbrella.
Plymouth Rock Management Co of NJ
Raritan Bay Medical Center
• Before you go, make sure that the senior has put on sunscreen.
Resource Directory
Have a wonderful Independence Day!
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Car rolls over woman, leaving her close to paralyzed
With a broken neck and numerous serious injuries, Kathy McGurr is now getting back to life as she once knew it.
A mother of three young children, Kathy McGurr, 40, of West Milford was on her way home to pick her daughter up from the bus stop. She parked her car, got out of it … and watched it roll backwards with her one-year-old daughter and threeyear-old son in the back seat. She quickly reached in to make sure the car was in park … when it rolled again … this time on top of her, dragging her down the driveway. Luckily, her neighbor and her babysitter’s mother were nearby. They heard her screams and quickly called 911. With limited feeling and no movement in her legs – and only partial arm function – Kathy was taken by ambulance to Morristown Medical Center’s Trauma Center. There she met Dr. Charles Stillerman, a neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS). Fellowship-trained in spine reconstruction/stabilization and spinal cord injury, Dr. Stillerman knew he had to operate immediately. Kathy’s neck was broken and dislocated – as was her spine. She was at risk of becoming a quadriplegic.
Just a few days after surgery that restored movement to her legs and arm, Kathy McGurr of West Milford no longer risked becoming a quadriplegic.
Kathy was rushed to the operating room where Dr. Stillerman restored her cervical spine to normal alignment and removed the bone and disc fragments that were compressing her spinal cord. Her fifth and sixth vertebrae were then stabilized and fused. A few short days later, Kathy was moving both of her legs and showing
significant improvement in her arm strength. At that time, Dr. Stillerman performed another surgery using small screws interconnected with rods to add support to the back of her neck. Kathy spent two weeks in the hospital, and after two more weeks in rehab, she returned home to her family. “In that four-week period, I didn’t realize how grave my condition was,” Kathy shares. “I didn’t know how close I was to being paralyzed. I didn’t know that had I moved a 16th of a millimeter when I was pinned under the car, I likely would have never walked again. That lack of knowledge was a good thing because I never panicked or let fear overwhelm me during my recovery.” Today, Kathy continues with her physical therapy – and she sees progress every day. “It’s amazing,” she adds. “In the hospital, I could only grip with my right thumb and pointer finger. Now I can hold 5-8 pounds. I’m walking and doing everyday tasks – like brushing my teeth and using
Kathy McGurr enjoyed a wedding with her family just five months after her car rolled over her and dragged her down her driveway. Back row (l to r): husband Tom McGurr, daughter Arianna McGurr, Kathy, son Thomas, brother Jimmy Nonas. Front row (l to r): Kathy’s father, John Nonas, sister Athena Nonas, daughter Victoria and mother Adora Nonas.
a fork. I’m reading to my kids, feeding them and enjoying time with my husband. I am so grateful I can do these things again. “Dr. Stillerman saved my life,” Kathy concludes. “He made decisions that were crucial to my well-
being … decisions that enabled me to be the miracle I am today. I can’t thank him enough.” For more information on lifesaving spine treatments and ANS, visit www.ansdocs.com or call 732.455.8225.
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Nurse’s Viewpoint By Alison Lazzaro, RN
nursteinfo for stude s and nts Hospital Newspaper Correspondent
Lyme Disease: Stay Safe this Summer
Summer is officially in full swing! We can take a break from shoveling snow and puffy winter coats and go hiking and camping outdoors with friends and family! But, before walking your dog through the beautiful wooded areas, it is important to know the facts about Lyme Disease to decrease your risk! Symptoms to Look For Lyme Disease is spread through the infected bite of a blacklegged tick who is carrying the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. Early symptoms usually include flu-like symptoms of fever, headache, tiredness, and generalized malaise. The tell-tale sign of Lyme Disease is a skin rash called “erythema migrans,” which an look like a bulls-eye. This rash is not necessarily where the tick bite occurred. If Lyme Disease goes untreated, the infection can be devastating- spreading to the joints, heart and nervous system. Transmission According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the deer tick Ixodes scapularis spreads the bacteria to humans in our northeastern area. Ticks generally need to be attached for 36-48 hours to transmit the disease. Although tick bites can occur anywhere, ticks love dark, warm areas of the body like the groin and armpits. Ticks cannot fly, but can be travel from a pet who brushes up against you. Lyme disease is not spread through blood transfusions, touching or kissing. People most at risk are people who spend time outdoors in heavily woody, grassy areas. Protect Yourself The highest prevalence of Lyme Disease occurs from May to early August- so staying away from overgrown grass or trail edges is important. Utilizing insect repellent with 20% DEET on clothes can help decrease your chances of being bit. Light colored clothes help to spot ticks more easily. Be sure to check your body for ticks after being outdoors in the yard. If you do see a tick, use tweezers to firmly grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible, and then clean the skin with antiseptic. Since ticks can stay on your clothes, be sure to shower and wash and dry clothes at a high temperature within 2 hours of coming inside. Tricky Diagnosis Lyme disease may be hard to recognize- early tests may turn up negative and others have false-positive results. The rash erythema migrans usually appears within 3 to 15 days after an infected tick bite, but not everyone with Lyme Disease will have a rash. There is a 2 step blood test process for diagnosis to measure the body's antibodies to Lyme disease bacteria. The enzyme immunoassay (EIA) takes place first, and is then confirmed with a Western blot test. Treatment Treatment includes a 14-21 day course of antibiotics, which are more effective when the disease is recognized early. There are no current vaccines available for Lyme disease, so prevention is key!
education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Lourdes Health System appoints new Chief Nursing Officer
Maria Lariccia Brennan, DNP, RN, CPHQ, has been appointed Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President, Patient Care Services for Lourdes Health System and St. Francis Medical Center. In her role, Brennan is responsible for patient experience, staff engagement, quality and performance, and professional practice models and care delivery systems. Brennan comes to Lourdes and St. Francis from St. Joseph’s Healthcare System in Paterson, New Jersey, where she served as Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer. Prior to that, Brennan held nurse leadership positions at St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center of New York, Meridian Health System and Capital Health System in Trenton. Brennan received her Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree from William Paterson University and her Master of Science degree in Nursing from Hunter College in New York. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Pace University. Brennan is a Certified Quality Health Care Professional and was recently elected as President of the Organization of Nurse Leaders – New Jersey chapter. She is also a member of the American Nurses Association and the New Jersey State Nurses Association. An award-winning nurse with extensive healthcare leadership experience, Brennan has received the Organization for Nurse Executives New Jersey Nurse Executive Award, the Governor’s Award for Nursing Administration, the Nurse Empowerment Award, and under her leadership, her former organization received the American Nurses Credentialing Center Magnet Prize. Brennan’s work on regulatory compliance, business planning, mentoring and nurse recruitment and retention has been published in nursing trade journals and textbooks. She has presented her work at national and international conferences.
education & careers
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
First AtlantiCare MBA cohort program students graduate from Stockton University
The first class of AtlantiCare/ Stockton University Master's in Business Administration (MBA) cohort program students participated in Stockton’s Master’s Degree graduation ceremony on May 12. The 17 class members included physicians and staff who work in AtlantiCare’s Hospital Medicine, Information Technology, Marketing, Medical/Surgical, Finance, Laboratory, Pharmacy, and other departments. Classes met from January, 2014 through December, 2015 two nights a week, at either Stockton’s main campus or at the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Mainland campus. The second MBA cohort program began January, 2016. The program is designed to give participants a comprehensive professional education in business administration; and to enhance their knowledge of many of the systemwide resources and operations critical to AtlantiCare’s providing care and services. Classes included accounting, finance, marketing, management, information systems, organizational behavior, strategy, operations, and international business. The cohort attended the program as a group using classroom-based and online-based learning. AtlantiCare covered 75 percent of the class's cost for participants who are AtlantiCare employees. Participants covered the remaining 25 percent. One physician, who is not an AtlantiCare employee, covered the full cost to participate so both he and AtlantiCare would be in compliance with the Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark law). The graduates are: Sue Battaglia, BSN, RN, CHCR, clinical director, Medical, Surgical, and Pediatric Services, ARMC, of Northfield; Chad Bousanti, RCS, director, Cardiovascular Imaging Services, ARMC, of Manahawkin; Corey Danko; senior director of Technology and Infrastructure, AtlantiCare Information Technology, of Egg Harbor Township; Haitham Dib, M.D., medical director, Heart Failure Program, ARMC, and cardiologist, Atlantic Cardiology, an Affiliate of AtlantiCare Physician Group, of Linwood; Maureen Donzuso, director, AtlantiCare Access Management, Hammonton; Christine Hayek, senior director, Population Health Integra-
tion, AtlantiCare Health Solutions, of Galloway; Javid Iqbal, M.D., associate medical director, Hospital Medicine Program, ARMC, of Egg Harbor Township; Pam Jenner, direc-
tor, Health Information Exchange and Ambulatory Applications and Technology, AtlantiCare Information Technology, of Mays Landing; Stacey Karanozinsky, corporate di-
rector, Marketing and Communications, AtlantiCare, of Linwood; Dwight McBee, BSN, RN, director, Customer Experience, ARMC, of Barnegat; Heather Nigro, BSHT,
administrative director, Laboratory and Pathology Services, AtlantiCare Clinical Labs, of Washington Township; Alexander Onopchenko, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.S.M.B.S., director of Surgery, AtlantiCare Physician Group, and director, Division of General Surgery, ARMC, and medical director, Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness at AtlantiCare, of Linwood; Nick Pelechaty, business director, AtlantiCare Surgical Services; of Barnegat; Rocky Ricapito, BSN, RN, NE-BC, clinical director, Medical Surgical Services, ARMC Mainland Campus, of Galloway; Therese Senese, CPA, director of Finance, AtlantiCare HomeCare, of Galloway; Glen Ann Stoll, assistant vice president, Medical Specialties, AtlantiCare, of Absecon; and Peter Venuti, PharmD, Pharmacy Informatics coordinator, AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, of Mays Landing. The program is one of many educational opportunities and or educational reimbursement programs AtlantiCare offers physicians and staff.
Hunterdon Healthcare Foundation Awards Scholarships
On May 25, 2016, the Hunterdon Healthcare Foundation presented scholarships to fifteen recipients. The scholarships are awarded to those who are pursuing careers in the healthcare industry. The recipients received scholarships from the Jean Alvater Baker Scholarship, Wingover Scholarship for Nursing Education, Albert and Mary Kahn R.N. Scholarship, the Patricia M. Psenisky Nursing Scholarship and the Hunterdon Medical Center Auxiliary Educational Fund. The Hunterdon Healthcare Foundation, the fundraising organization for the Hunterdon Healthcare System, seeks gifts and grants from individuals, corporations, foundations and other sources to assist the Hunterdon Medical Center and its affiliated non-profit organizations, such as Hunterdon Regional Community Health and Hunterdon Hospice, in fulfilling their mission to meet the community’s need for high quality healthcare. Annual charitable gifts to
Pictured are back row (L to R) Melissa Ollerenshaw, Mycah King, Susan Stark, Katherine Stiefel, Jamie Booth, Mellany Kyel, Jessica Maziarczyk. Front Row (L to R) Claire Jarvis, Amy Susko, Janan Amin, Shannon Tyms. Not pictured: Carly Barbetta, Manal Hussain, Julie McCutcheon, Stephanie Dougherty.
the Hunterdon Healthcare Foundation provide the essential support needed to expand clinical
services and programs and maintain and enhance our facilities. For more information on the
Hunterdon Healthcare Foundation visit, http://foundation.hunterdonhealthcare.org/
education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
St. Joseph’s Healthcare System announces 2016 Nursing Excellence Award recipients
St. Joseph’s Healthcare System (SJHS) recently celebrated the superior healthcare services provided by their award-winning team of nurses. Judy Padula, MSN, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, (first from the left) recognized 31 exemplary nurses from 6 divisions as 2016 Nursing Excellence Award nominees – with exceptional credentials and innovative leadership, ultimately the nominees were narrowed down to 6 award recipients. Kevin Slavin, President and Chief Executive Officer, SJHS (first from the right) and Judy Padula, are pictured with the 2016 SJHS Nursing Excellence Award recipients (left to right): Jackie Castro, BSN, RN – Medical/Surgery Division; Consuelo Castaneda, RN, BSN, RNC – Surgical Services Division; Carrie Fairhurst, RN, BSN, RNC-
NIC – Maternal/Child Division; Ruby Devilla, RN, BSN, CSPAN – St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital Division; Katherine Gabin, RN, BSN, CEN – Emergency Department Division and Angeli Viray, RN, BSN, CCRN – Critical Care Division (not photographed). The event helped close out National Nurses Week, a week to raise awareness of the important role nurses play the healthcare setting and beyond. New Jersey’s premier Catholic healthcare system, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System is a nationally recognized major academic comprehensive health care organization sponsored by its founders, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth since 1867. To learn more about the spectrum of leading edge services and compassionate care available at St. Joseph’s, visit www.StJosephsHealth.org.
Kevin Slavin, President and Chief Executive Officer, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System (first from the right) and Judy Padula, MSN, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, (first from the left), are pictured with the 2016 SJHS Nursing Excellence Award recipients (left to right): Jackie Castro, BSN, RN; Consuelo Castaneda, RN, BSN, RNC; Carrie Fairhurst, RN, BSN, RNC-NIC; Ruby Devilla, RN, BSN, CSPAN; Katherine Gabin, RN, BSN, CEN and Angeli Viray, RN, BSN, CCRN (not photographed).
Jul/Aug 2016
H of the Month
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Leading the Fight Against Opiate Addiction: Alternatives to Opiates Program at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System St. Joseph’s Healthcare System officially announced the launch of its ALTOSM Alternatives to Opiates Program in January of this year. The six-month “check-in” has left physicians and staff amazed at the story the data from the program’s success is telling. The first program of its kind in the United States, ALTOSM Alternatives to Opiates is led by Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Chairman of Emergency Medicine and Medical Director for Population Health at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System and spearheaded by Dr. Alexis LaPietra, Medical Director of Emergency Department Pain Management at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center. The ALTOSM Program uses targeted non-opioid medications, trigger point injections, nitrous oxide, and ultrasound guided nerve blocks to tailor its patients’ pain management needs and avoid opioids whenever possible, for example, in cases of kidney stones, acute low back pain, broken bones, acute headache and migraine pain. In just 5 months, more than 500 patients have been treated with alternative protocols, patients who did not
receive opioids when they previously would have been treated with opioids. “The program has allowed physicians to open their ‘medical toolbox’ and rather than just Tylenol or Percocet, we have an array of non-addictive pain relievers that we can offer our patients. And even more importantly, options that treat the pain in a specific manner,” said Dr. Rosenberg. A model for other hospitals and healthcare providers nationwide, the Emergency Department (ED) at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center – the busiest ED in New Jersey with more 165,000 patient visits in 2015 – is an innovator in Emergency Medicine, having established such programs as the first Geriatric Emergency Department in the U.S., the first ED-based Palliative Care Program (Life Sustaining Management and Alternatives) in the U.S., and now, the ALTOSM Alternatives to Opiates program. The program was announced at a summit held earlier this year that was attended by nearly 200 people, including Senator Cory Booker, Senator Bob Menendez, Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr., Senator Ray
Lesniak, NJ State Department of Health Acting Commissioner Cathleen Bennett, President of the American Osteopathic Association Dr. John Becher, President of the NJ Hospital Association Betsy Ryan, and other Federal, State and Local leaders.
Due to the success of ALTOSM in the Emergency Department at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, the program has been adopted by other departments across the organization, including the St. Joseph’s Family Medicine Department and the Chronic Pain Management Department, so that our patients can continue to be treated with alternatives to opiates whenever possible in and out of the hospital. In addition to being adapted in other areas of the Healthcare System, ALTOSM has gained interest from other hospitals and healthcare systems across the United States and the world, including Turkey, Israel and Switzerland, who are interested in replicating the model program. Both Dr. Rosenberg and Dr. LaPietra have provided these organizations with guidance in program development and implementation. ALTOSM Alternatives to Opiates at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center has also partnered with the St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Overdose Prevention and Naloxone (Narcan) Distribution Program to educate friends and family of high risk individuals about prescription
opioid abuse and provide a Naloxone kit to be kept in the home. The St. Joseph’s Mobile Intensive Care Unit also provides Narcan training to local first responders. ALTOSM Alternatives to Opiates at St. Joseph’s is garnering strong media attention with coverage by broadcast, electronic and print outlets including the New York Times, CNN/Anderson Cooper 360, National Public Radio (NPR) and NBC Nightly News. Through education, implementation of novel concepts, and partnerships across the community, ALTOSM Alternatives to Opiates at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center is changing pain management practice in Paterson, and across the globe. New Jersey’s premier Catholic healthcare system, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System is a nationally recognized major academic comprehensive health care organization sponsored by its founders, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth since 1867. To learn more about the spectrum of leading edge services and compassionate care available at St. Joseph’s, please visit www.StJosephsHealth.org.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Clara Maass Medical Center awarded NICHE designation for elderly care Clara Maass is in the forefront of elder care
Clara Mass Medical Center, a Barnabas Health facility, has been awarded designation as a NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) Hospital in recognition of its commitment to Elder Care excellence. The designation was awarded by NICHE program administrators at the New York University College of Nursing following a rigorous program evaluation of the current state and future goals of the hospital’s NICHE program. “The NICHE designation signals our dedication to providing patient-centered care for older adult patients,” said Mary Ellen Clyne, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer at Clara Maass Medical Center. “Through our participation in the NICHE program — a leading elder care nursing program — we are able to offer evidence-based, interdisciplinary approaches that promote better outcomes, positive experiences, and improved care for older adults. This leads to greater satisfaction rates for patients, their families and staff.”
As part of the NICHE leadership training program, a team of nurses developed a vision, shortand long-term goals, and an action plan with goals on caring for the elderly patients at Clara Mass Medical Center. The action plan outlines what patients in the elderly care program at Clara Maass can expect, including: an interdisciplinary team that understands the unique aspects of caring for older adults; staff promotes independence, emphasizes safety, provides culturally-sensitive support and individualized care to prevent functional decline and depression. “We are proactive in caring for our patients’ physical and mental well-being. Nationally, healthcare costs for older adults are three to five times more than for those under age 65,” said Lea Rodriguez, MAS, BS, RN, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer at Clara Maass Medical Center. “According to NICHE, functional decline occurs in 20 to 40 percent of all older adults during hospitalization nationwide. Incidence of minor depression is seen in about 25 percent of hospitalized older adults.”
In 2013, CMMC established a Hospital Elder Life Program (H.E.L.P.) to provide additional attention to care for senior citizens who are admitted to the hospital. The purpose of the Hospital Elder Life Program is to prevent delirium and maintain or improve physical and cognitive functioning using companionship and therapeutic activities, such as range of motion exercises, early ambulation, interactive games, relaxation sessions and music therapy. We are grateful that The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey has provided a generous grant
to support the H.E.L.P. Program and the NICHE training. “Clara Maass Medical Center shows a tremendous commitment to meet the most critical challenge of our times - quality care of older adults,” says Barbara Bricoli, executive director, NICHE, New York University College of Nursing. “Their dedication to drive continuous improvement processes and enhance care marks them as leaders in the field.” For a physician referral or more information about Clara Maass, call 1-888-724-7123 or visit www.barnabashealth.org/claramaass.
Rowan Researchers develop blood test that detects early Alzheimer’s Disease
A research team, led by Dr. Robert Nagele from Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine and Durin Technologies, Inc., has announced the development of a blood test that leverages the body’s immune response system to detect an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease – referred to as the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) stage – with unparalleled accuracy. In a “proof of concept” study involving 236 subjects, the test demonstrated an overall accuracy, sensitivity and specificity rate of 100 percent in identifying subjects whose MCI was actually caused by an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease. “About 60 percent of all MCI patients have MCI caused by an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease. The remaining 40 percent of cases are caused by other factors, including vascular issues, drug side-effects and depression. To provide proper care, physicians need to know which cases of MCI are due to early Alzheimer’s and which are not,” said Cassandra DeMarshall, the study’s lead author, and a PhD candidate at the Rowan University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. “Our results show that it is possible to use a small number of blood-borne autoantibodies to accurately diagnose early-stage Alzheimer’s. These findings could eventually lead to the development of a simple, inexpensive and relatively noninvasive way to diagnose this devastating disease in its earliest stages.” “It is now generally believed that Alzheimer’s-related changes begin in the brain at least a decade before the emergence of telltale symptoms,” Nagele explained. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first blood test using autoantibody biomarkers that can accurately detect Alzheimer’s at an early point in the course of the disease when treatments are more likely
to be beneficial – that is, before too much brain devastation has occurred.” Nagele is the study’s corresponding author and the director of the Biomarker Discovery Center at Rowan’s New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging. He is also the co-founder and chief scientific officer of Durin Technologies, Inc. The researchers presented their results in an article published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring that also reported the test’s ability to accurately “stage the disease,” meaning it can distinguish early-stage Alzheimer’s at MCI from later, more advanced stages. The test was also disease-specific. It readily distinguished early Alzheimer’s at the MCI stage from other diseases including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and early stage breast cancer.
For the study, the Rowan University researchers analyzed blood samples from 236 subjects, including 50 MCI subjects with low levels of amyloid-beta 42 peptide in their cerebrospinal fluid. The latter is a reliable indicator of ongoing Alzheimer’s pathology in the brain and predicts a likely rapid progression to Alzheimer’s. Employing human protein microarrays, each containing 9,486 unique human proteins that are used as bait to attract blood-borne autoantibodies, the researchers identified the top 50 autoantibody biomarkers capable of detecting ongoing early-stage Alzheimer’s pathology in patients with MCI. In multiple tests, the 50 biomarkers were 100 percent accurate in distinguishing patients with MCI due to Alzheimer’s from healthy age- and gender-matched con-
trols. Further testing of the selected MCI biomarker panel demonstrated similar high overall accuracy rates in differentiating patients with early Alzheimer’s at the MCI stage from those with more advance, mild-moderate Alzheimer’s (98.7 percent), early-stage Parkinson’s disease (98.0 percent), multiple sclerosis (100 percent) and breast cancer (100 percent). In their report, the researchers acknowledge that the utility of their MCI biomarker panel as a blood test for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease will hinge on a successful larger replication study using an independent patient cohort. However, they also point out that, because this blood-based diagnostic strategy is dependent on the presence of Alzheimer’s pathology which can be underway many years before symptoms emerge, this approach could open the door to even earlier pre-symptomatic detection of Alzheimer’s disease. According to the authors, early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and the ability to stage the disease through a simple blood test would offer many potential benefits. Patients could possibly delay disease progression through lifestyle adjustments, begin treatment sooner and plan future medical care. Clinicians would have a way to measure the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention and clinical trials could enroll patients who were truly at the earliest stage of their disease. This research was supported, in part, by the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation and the Michael J. Fox Foundation. The researchers reported that neither organization had a role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the article.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Bedminster Girl Scouts, Home Depot help beautify memorial garden for Matheny founders With the help of volunteers from the Home Depot stores in Bridgewater, NJ, Girl Scouts from Troop 60077 in Bedminster, NJ, helped beautify the memorial garden dedicated to Walter and Marguerite Matheny, founders of The Matheny School. The Mathenys created the school in 1946 to educate and care for children, such as their son, Chuck, who has cerebral palsy. Today, the school is part of the Matheny Medical and Educational Center, a special hospital and educational facility in Peapack, NJ,
for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities. The dedication ceremony, held on May 24, began with recitations of the Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law by members of Troop 60077. Dr. Norma Fair-Brown, Matheny chaplain, blessed the garden, and Chuck Matheny thanked everyone for “a beautiful job.” The festivities concluded with the singing of the Matheny alma mater, led by members of the music therapy department.
Pictured clockwise, from left: Girl Scouts Emily Caspersen, Mira Patla, Sheila DeLorean, and Katherine Gaudio (also a Matheny resident); and Chuck Matheny.
Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing hosts pet therapy dog and social media sensation “Aladdin” Aladdin gave support to nursing students as they prepared for exams week
First-year students from Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing are currently preparing to undergo “exams week.” The week is often filled with stress and anxiety for students who are being tested on the vital skills they have learned throughout the term. To help relieve their stress, certified pet therapy dog
and social media sensation, Aladdin (with 11,000 Facebook likes, www.facebook.com/aladdinnation/; 1,100 Instagram followers AladdinNation,), visited with students to provide support and comfort. Said Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing instructors, “Aladdin is a powerful teaching tool for instructors
to show students that there are a variety of ways to bring someone into a positive state of health.” Pictured is Lourdes nursing student Caitlin Cotter, of Cherry Hill, and her fellow nursing students being greeted by certified pet therapy dog Aladdin. provided
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
RWJ Rahway Foundation 100th Anniversary Celebration Rose Ball honors RWJ Rahway’s President & CEO and Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery
“What a wonderful way to launch RWJ Rahway’s 100th Anniversary Celebration with one of the most successful Rose Ball’s we have ever had,” said Christine Kline, Rose Ball Committee Chairman. “Nearly 350 guests attended and the event netted more than $180,000 for the renovation and refurbishment of patient care units and services at the Hospital.” The gala honored 2016 Guardian of the Rose, Kirk Tice, RWJ Rahway President & CEO, and Order of the Rose, Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery. Neil Spracklen, Operations Manager, Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery, was joined at the podium by Nancy Sadlon, Public Affairs Manager and Mary Phillips, Community Relations Coordinator. “Phillips 66 and RWJ Rahway have been long-time corporate neighbors and healthcare partners, and we are proud to support the Hospital and be honored as the recipient of the Order of the Rose,” said Mr. Spracklen. Mr. Tice received a standing ovation and said he was truly honored and humbled to be the recipient of the Guardian of the Rose. He has been a part of the RWJ Rahway Family for almost four decades and his deep commitment to the Hospi-
tal and health and wellness of the community has never wavered. Michael Widmer, Foundation Chairman, toasted the Hospital’s future and kicked-off the million dollar 100th Anniversary Fund Campaign to improve patient care. The fund will be used to improve patient care and services, beginning with 2E’s renovation and refurbishment and a new state-of-the-art bronchoscopy suite with super-D technology to diagnose lung cancer’s tiniest tumors. The million dollar campaign received a $125,000 lead gift from the RWJ Rahway Auxiliary. The Foundation thanked the many special sponsors who supported the event, including the American Beauty Rose Sponsor, Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery; Tea Rose Sponsors, RWJ Health System and J.J. White, Inc.; Rose Sponsor, Hull Resource Management Group; Emerald Sponsors, CareOne, EmCare Partners Group, Rahway Pathology, P.A. and Sodexo; Diamond Sponsors, Anesthesia Services of Rahway/Sheridan Healthcare, Eii, Inc. and Furino & Sons; Ruby Sponsors, Chen, Wang & Guarino, MD, PA, Kindred Healthcare, Merck & Co., Inc., New York Radiology Al-
(L to R): Michael Widmer, Foundation Chairman; from Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery Nancy Sadlon, Public Affairs Manager, Neil Spracklen, Operations Manager, and Mary Phillips, Community Relations Coordinator; Christine Kline, Rose Ball Chairman; Stephen Timoni, RWJ Rahway Chairman; Kirk Tice, President & CEO; Marlene H. Lubinger, Foundation President and Louis LaSalle, Senior Vice President External Affairs, RWJBarnabas Health.
liance/Imaging Advantage, Northfield Bank, and The Cardiovascular Care Group. The annual Rose Ball Super 50/50 Raffle reached almost $15,000, and the first prize was $3,725. “The Rose Ball Committee
would especially like to thank our hospital family, Board members, Medical/Dental staff members, vendors and community residents who supported our gala,” said Marlene H. Lubinger, RWJ Rahway Foundation President.
For more information concerning RWJ Rahway Foundation’s 100th Anniversary Fund Campaign, or to make a donation, please call the Foundation Office, 732.499.6135, e-mail foundation@rwjuhr.com, or donate on-line at www.rwjuhr.com.
Former Governor McGreevey highlights painkiller abuse epidemic at Trinitas conference
Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevy led a distinguished panel of state-wide experts and Trinitas Regional Medical Center professionals in a comprehensive symposium held recently that examined the epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction in the community. The event, entitled, “How Addiction Affects our Communities: A Model for Successful Healthcare Integration” also gave attendees the chance to learn about successful treatment solutions in place at Trinitas. “Who among us does not have a friend or family member affected by alcohol, drugs, or, addiction to prescription pain-killers?” asked Gary S. Horan, FACHE, President and CEO of Trinitas. His remarks opened the conference, which attracted over 100 healthcare professionals to the event location at Union County College in Cranford. McGreevey, referring to the abuse of prescription painkilling drugs, stated, “The line between legitimate medications and street drugs have been blurred.” He described the extreme addictive nature of prescription painkillers, and their link to a cheaper alternative, heroin.
Former NJ Governor Jim McGreevey (5th from left), with (left to right) Trinitas staff members Michele Eichorn, Connie Kozachek, Dr. Umer Ahmad, Marlyse Benson, Maribeth Santillo, Mary McTigue and Jim McCreath during the recent conference on drug and alcohol abuse sponsored by Trinitas Regional Medical Center at Union County College.
“Heroin is finding its way to people who never imagined they would find themselves in an addicted state,” he stated. Fully two-thirds of all drug deaths in New Jersey involve the initial use of painkillers such as Percocet and OxyContin, said McGreevey. In addition to the physical dangers posed by drugs and alcohol, the epi-
demic is taking a heavy toll on society. “Today, in our jails and prisons, we are incarcerating an addicted population. Fully 70 percent of people in custody are alcohol or drug addicted,” he explained, adding. “This raises a central question – are we going to defer to treatment or to prison?” He explained that Governor
Christie has taken steps to provide treatment to those behind bars, but more is needed. “It’s all too easy to lock up this problem,” McGreevey said, adding that only 11 percent of the jailed population is currently getting treatment. In addition to Former Governor Jim McGreevy, panelists included Celina Levy, Executive Director of the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse; Valerie Mielke, Assistant Commissioner, NJ Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services of the Department of Human Services, and Trinitas staff including: Dr. Umer Ahmad, Hospitalist; Michele Eichorn, DSRIP Clinical Coordinator, and Connie Kozachek, Director, Department of Education, Training, and Development. Michele Eichorn, who runs the Hospital-wide Screening for Substance Use Disorders Project at Trinitas explained, “As drug abuse is no longer confined to our cities, it’s important that all communities know that Trinitas is on the frontlines with counseling and treatment programs for abusers.” As part of her program, every adult patient who is medically
admitted to Trinitas sits down with a nurse and has a conversation about alcohol and drug abuse. An Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is administered, and if a patient scores an 8 or above, Michelle’s team is called in. “We have honest conversations with the patient and really listen,” she said. The patients are quickly referred to treatment and a recovery plan is assembled, usually within hours. Connie Kozachek added that in order to work, the focus must be on “normalizing our conversations and reducing stigma.” Since a major part of the Trinitas program is on proper evaluation, staff members must be highly educated. The Hospital wide Screening for Substance Use Disorders project is funded by Medicaid’s Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program. Results of the program have been impressive, according to Eichorn. Between seven and 14 patients per month have been identified and placed into drug or alcohol treatment. For more information on this program at Trinitas, call (908) 9947079.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Holy Name Medical Center named “Best Place to Work in NJ” by NJBiz Only hospital in the state to receive this honor for eleventh consecutive year
Holy Name Medical Center (HNMC) has been named a “Best Place to Work in New Jersey” by NJBIZ magazine - making it the only independent hospital in the state to receive this honor 11 years in a row. The rankings were announced during an awards reception and ceremony recently at the iPlay Center in Freehold. “Holy Name is honored to be listed among the Best Places to Work in New Jersey,” said Michael Maron, President & CEO of Holy Name Medical Center. "This accomplishment speaks to the incredible legacy of Holy Name and reflects the pride and commitment that is unique to our Medical Center. Our staff's shared sense of purpose and the pride they take in their jobs translates to outstanding care and patient satisfaction." Holy Name has achieved recognition for workplace excellence in the large employer category every year since 2006. This year, Holy Name ranked 13th in the large company category, and #1 in the hospital category. In the past eleven years, Holy Name placed six times as #1 among all hospitals in the state. “More than 3000 medical, nursing, allied health and non-clinical staff are employed by the Medical Center, which provides a positive working environment for employees at all levels,” said Manny Gonzalez, Vice President of Human Resources. “The Medical Center shows its employees how much they are valued by empowering them to use their skills and creativity and providing opportunities to advance professionally while offering benefits and amenities aimed at improving their quality of life.”
According to NJBIZ, the survey and award program identifies and honors the best places of employment, which benefit the state's economy, its workforce and businesses. Companies from across the state entered the two-part process to determine the 100 Best Places to Work in New Jersey. Part one consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems and demographics. This phase was worth approximately 25% of the total evaluation. Part two consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This phase was worth approximately 75% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking. To learn more about career opportunities at Holy Name Medical Center, visit holyname.org/careers.
ABOUT HOLY NAME MEDICAL CENTER Holy Name Medical Center is a fully accredited, not-for-profit healthcare facility based in Teaneck, New Jersey. Founded and sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace in 1925, the comprehensive 361-bed medical center offers leading-edge medical practice and technology administered in an environment rooted in a tradition of compassion and respect for every patient. Holy Name provides high quality health care across a continuum that encompasses education, prevention, early intervention, comprehensive treatment options, rehabilitation and wellness maintenance. To learn more, please visit HolyName.org.
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
RWJ Rahway Foundation celebrates its donors Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
RWJ Rahway Foundation unveiled its 2016 Donor Recognition and Heritage Society Wall as part of the Hospital’s 100th Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, May 26. “We are so pleased to recognize our donors whose generous support makes RWJ Rahway a better place to care for our patients and a better place to provide health and wellness programs to the communities we serve,� said Marlene H. Lubinger, RWJ Rahway Foundation President. Everyone listed on our donor wall makes a difference for our Hospital,� Foundation Chairman, Michael Widmer said, adding that as the hospital moves into its second century, we will continue our mission to provide safe, quality and outstanding healthcare. In April we launched the million dollar 100th Anniversary Fund Campaign. It has already raised $300,000 to improve patient care facilities and service. The Wall recognizes $9 million in philanthropic support to the hospital since 2000, and also recognizes the Heritage Society members. “Through a generous bequest from Livia Kelemen, a grateful patient and former hospital employee, the William and Livia Kelemen Nursing Scholarship fund has been established. Scholarships will be given to one woman and one man annually for the next five years,� said Heritage Society Chairman, Roberta Geyer. Members of RWJ Rahway Foundation, the Board of Governors, and the Hospital’s leadership team welcomed donors. For information regarding inclusion on the Donor Recognition Wall, to donate to the 100th Anniversary Fund Campaign, or to leave a legacy of good health to the community, please call the Foundation Office at 732.499.6135 or e-mail foundation@rwjuhr.com.
RWJ Rahway Foundation recognized the generosity of their donors and Heritage Society members on the 2016 Donor Wall at the 100th Anniversary Celebration in RWJ Rahway’s main lobby on May 26. The Wall represents more than $9 million dollars in donations since 2000. Pictured at the Wall left to right are: Michael Widmer, Foundation Chairman; Allen Geyer, Vice Chairman, RWJ Rahway Board of Governors; Roberta Geyer, Heritage Society Chairman and Foundation Trustee and Kirk C. Tice, President & CEO, RWJ Rahway.
A loan program that could make you feel good! We know how important it is to have good medical care in our communities, and the Citizens Bank Doctor Loan* (it’s available for dentists, too!) helps our medical professionals buy homes and settle down in our neighborhoods. 6RPH RI WKH IHDWXUHV WKDW PDNH RXU SURJUDP VR DWWUDFWLYH LQFOXGH XS WR Č´QDQFLQJ IRU ORDQ DPRXQWV XS WR ZLWK QR PRQWKO\ PRUWJDJH LQVXUDQFH UHTXLUHPHQWV :H RÎ?HU Č´[HG RU DGMXVWDEOH UDWH RSWLRQV DQG VWXGHQW ORDQ GHEW WKDWȇV GHIHUUHG IRU PRUH WKDQ PRQWKV IURP ORDQ FORVLQJ FDQ EH H[FOXGHG IURP WKH GHEW WR LQFRPH UDWLR (OLJLEOH ERUURZHUV LQFOXGH SUDFWLFLQJ OLFHQVHG PHGLFDO GRFWRUV DQG GHQWLVWV LQFOXGLQJ UHVHDUFK SK\VLFLDQV DQG VHOI HPSOR\HG who’ve been out of residency, internship or fellowship for no more than ten years. Current medical professional residents, fellows and interns are also eligible. &RQWDFW \RXU &LWL]HQV %DQN ORDQ RÉ?FHU IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG IXOO SURGXFW JXLGHOLQHV ΖW FRXOG PDNH WKH GLÎ?HUHQFH EHWZHHQ EHLQJ DEOH WR DÎ?RUG D KRPH SXUFKDVH WRGD\ DQG KDYLQJ WR ZDLW IRU \HDUV
CITIZENSBANK.COM *The Citizens Bank Doctor Loan is available to licensed Doctors of Medicine (MD), Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Doctors of Dental Surgery (DDS), and Doctors of Dental Medicine (DMD) who have completed residency within the last ten years and to current medical professional residents, fellows and interns. Maximum loan amounts are lower for current medical professional residents, fellows and interns. Available only in CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, VA, VT, and WV. 0RUWJDJHV DUH RÎ?HUHG DQG RULJLQDWHG E\ &LWL]HQV %DQN 1 $ &LWL]HQV %DQN LV D EUDQG QDPH RI &LWL]HQV %DQN 1 $ 10/6 Ζ' DQG &LWL]HQV %DQN RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD 10/6 Ζ' &LWL]HQV %DQN 1 $ DQG &LWL]HQV %DQN RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD DUH DÉ?OLDWHV $OO ORDQV DUH VXEMHFW WR DSSURYDO 0HPEHU )'Ζ& (TXDO +RXVLQJ /HQGHU
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Bernstein & Associates, Architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. (www.empireprojects.com).
Located in Paramus, Bergen Regional Medical Center is the largest hospital in New Jersey and is dedicated to providing quality medical, mental health and long term care to Bergen County and surrounding communities. With 1070 beds, the hospital has three divisions of care. The Behavioral Health Division, includes child and adolescent programs, adult and geriatric psychiatric treatment and inpatient and outpatient mental health services. The Long Term Care Division far exceeds the scope of services offered in a standard nursing home. As a full service, Joint Commission accredited Medical Center; BRMC provides wound care, surgical care, cardiac care, rehabilitation services, respiratory care including ventilator care, Korean care services, Alzheimer's and dementia care. As an acute care Hospital, 24/7 medical care for long term care residents is always only an elevator ride away. The hospital is also known for the treatment of substance abuse and offers medical detoxification, in-patient and out-patient services, and treatment for the mentally ill and chemically addicted. The BRMC Acute and Ambulatory Services Division offers same day surgery, more than 20 medical and specialty clinics, critical care, surgical services and imaging services. The Medical Center's recently renovated and expanded Emergency Department is available 24/7 to provide emergency medical and psychiatric care. www.bergenregional.com Tel. 201.967.4000
Lourdes Specialty Hospital of Southern New Jersey is a nationally recognized long term acute care hospital (LTACH). The hospital specializes in the care and treatment of critically ill, medically complex patients who require an extended hospital stay. Lourdes Specialty is known as “the hospital's hospital,” a place where critically ill patients can go to receive optimal care for an average stay of 25 days. The hospital is now a regional hub for excellence in medical care provided by an amazing staff of clinicians. The hospital has been voted one of South Jersey’s “Best Places to Work” for three consecutive years. Staffed by more than 250 employees, Lourdes Specialty primarily serves the Delaware Valley Region, including Mercer, Salem, Gloucester, Burlington and Camden Counties, as well as Philadelphia and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania. Lourdes Specialty Hospital is anticipating further growth and advancement in the years to come while maintaining the highest-grade levels of quality care, excellence and compassion for patients and their families. For more information about Lourdes Specialty Hospital, please visit www.lshnj.com or call 609-835-3650.
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The Five Corners Building 660 Newark Avenue - Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 656-8500 790 Bloomfield Avenue - Clifton, NJ 07012 (973) 546-5414
Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 609-309-7005 Fax: 609-309-7006 wb@bernarch.com
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ Jul/Aug 2016
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Jul/Aug 2016
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
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