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If you are a Hospital employee looking for a mortgage or refinancing contact Sun Home Loans about their Hospital Employee Loan Program and you could WIN AN IPAD! See p22 Fund-Ex aims to shorten and simplify the financing process p4 The New Normal: Giving Hospital-Physician Alignment Priority p8 Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s what’s next? p13 Whaler’s Cove Assisted Living “Exceptional Care at an Exceptional Price” p13
REHABILITATION The Road to Recovery
LONG TERM CARE Extended Care Directory p10
Expert PT and OT + Psychiatric Excellence + Positive Attitude = Good Medicine p14 Waveny Care Center leads the way in medication reduction p14
Back to school after a traumatic brain injury p20
Special Education & Career Section Continuing Ed Opportunities
Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553
Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Alice always enjoyed Main Street. She still does.
The Village at Waveny is a unique assisted living residence designed to stimulate and engage memory impaired seniors. The familiar, comforting environment of small town Main Street is a site for interaction among residents and with staff. This community dynamic, along with specialized therapeutic programs, enriches and enhances the quality of life for older adults. The Village is located in New Canaan, Connecticut, where seniors from all areas are welcome for trial, short respite stays or long-term care. Find out more by calling Ginny Carroll at 203.594.5331 or visiting
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
Page 3
Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Fund-Ex aims to shorten and simplify the financing process By Patrick Harrigan | Syracuse, NY
Today’s medical professionals face a myriad of challenges in their efforts to provide high-quality care. Change has become an industry constant and requires SK\VLFLDQV WR OHDUQ DQG DGDSW RQ WKH À\ Much of the conversation revolves around increased healthcare regulation and compliance requirements. While its long-term effects remain to be seen, the 13,000-page Affordable Care Act promises to bring about considerable change and uncertainty. From a technology standpoint, the push is on to implement EHR systems and demonstrate meaningful use. New HIPAA rules will soon require practices to have policies and procedures in place to ensure that patient health information is secure. Change is also a major theme when it comes to patient interaction. As technology improves and information becomes more accessible, the methods by which patients gather information and interact with care providers will continue to evolve. While increased engagement can ultimately prove valuable as patients take a more active role in their health care, it will also require more time and attention from providers, not to mention DQ LQFUHDVHG ¿QDQFLDO LQYHVWPHQW In addition, many practitioners still face the day-to-day business challenges of running a practice. Physicians PXVW PDQDJH ¿QDQFHV FRPPXQLFDWH effectively and delegate responsibility ZKLOH PDLQWDLQLQJ D VWHDG\ ÀRZ RI SDWLHQWV 6WDII PXVW IHHO IXO¿OOHG DQG patients must feel comfortable to ensure a positive experience. The frantic pace and ever-expanding task list can often mean that things get overlooked, impacting the long-term health of the practice. Debt can accumuODWH ZKLOH RI¿FH XSJUDGHV DQG PDQGDWRU\ technology updates can get pushed down the priority list. A medical professional’s WLPH LV DOUHDG\ OLPLWHG DQG ¿QGLQJ WKH UHVRXUFHV WR VHHN QHFHVVDU\ ¿QDQFLQJ can seem overwhelming.
Fund-Ex, LLC was founded with the simple goal of providing medical SURIHVVLRQDOV ZLWK DIIRUGDEOH ÂżQDQFLQJ solutions while minimizing the disruption of their day-to-day routine. “Healthcare professionals have made WUHPHQGRXV VDFULÂżFHV WR JHW ZKHUH WKH\ are today. They continue to work hard every day, and that means something to us,â€? said Albert Crawford, Owner and CEO of Fund-Ex. “That’s why we have built our business around them. We VWULYH WR SURYLGH D KDVVOH IUHH ÂżQDQFLQJ experience that helps achieve business goals and allows more time to focus on the mission of medicine—the patient.â€? An unwavering focus on providing capital to healthcare professionals has helped Fund-Ex develop a thorough understanding of their needs, challenges and business cycles. This knowledge allows Fund-Ex to provide smart ÂżQDQFLQJ VROXWLRQV ZLWK XQSDUDOOHOHG VHUYLFH DQG HIÂżFLHQF\ DOORZLQJ SK\VLcians to get back to practicing medicine. Fund-Ex can provide a custom, no-cost, no-obligation loan proposal in just
24 hours and healthcare professionals can get the capital they need in as few DV ÂżYH EXVLQHVV GD\V 7KH FRPELQDWLRQ of speed and single-digit rates makes Fund-Ex an attractive and affordable option for healthcare professionals looking to put their practice in a better position looking forward. Fund-Ex provides capital for a wide variety of commercial purposes, including business debt consolidation, working capital, expansion and improvement, practice acquisition/start-up/buy-in as well as real estate.
The Funding Expert for Healthcare Professionals
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
Get the money you need in 5 days!
Spend more time with your patients and OHVV WLPH VHHNLQJ ĹľQDQFLQJ As a lender that works exclusively with healthcare professionals, Fund-Ex strives to SURYLGH D TXLFN DQG HIĹľFLHQW ĹľQDQFLQJ H[SHULHQFH OHDYLQJ you more time for what matters most.
Custom proposal in 24 hours Loan wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t appear on personal credit Loan amounts from $25,000 to $200,000 Single-digit rates Working capital, equipment, debt consolidation, expansion/improvements, emergency cash reserve
Page 5
Jul/Aug 2013 January, 2009
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HOSPITAL 13 Team Health
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Hospital Newspaper - New England edition - Vol. 10 No. 4 Healthcare Newspaper - Westchester, New York edition is published 6 times a year for $18 per year by Belsito Vol. 2 No. 1 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore NY 12553. Postage Paid at New Windsor, NY and addiStreet, New Windsor, NY 12553. Postage Paid at New tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes Windsor, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: to Hospital Newspaper, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, Send address changes to Healthcare Newspaper, NY, 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY, 12553. No financial newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a distypographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad play, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the same month of publication. newspaper during the same month of publication.
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Hospitals preparing for major implementation of the Deck the Halls in this economy? Affordable Care Act
By and JimAffordStankiewicz Those that have gone without insurance The Federal Patient Protection
of healthcare services to our economy as
are expected to use the services provided by
well as the human cost of the uncared for
General Manager
their new insurance. inInJanuary a most 2014. challenging year most people are poised to cut back on traditional holiday Primary care physicians and family doctors This expenditures. includes the growth of Medicaid, I was recalling some memories growing up when things seemed very up tightto 20% more to receive employer changes and essential health are expected and our family seemed to almost become closer. One such year when I was newly insured patients. There is also an benefits for individuals and families. about 11 years old I joined my three sisters and brother in the downstairs area of some out specialty Hospital include moreChristmas staff, increase of our homepreparations in Newburgh. We made tree decorations of con-physicians that gain referral from the patients. expanded square footageandand struction paper and glitter mycontinued Mom poppedwill a bunch of popcorn andadditional we spray painted string of popcorn goldprepare for garland. When I lookphysicians back it wasare oneactually beSome private communication as hospital leaders of the most memorable Christmases we shared. There was spirit of being coming employees of local health system. for an impact that is yet to be measured. together. Somewehospital systems Thewas key point hundreds of thousands This whenisI that realized it wasn't about what gifts received or whoare hadpreparing to add spending physical space build of best people in each will now It bereally eligible the light showstate on the block. is about qualityand time witha network of people youtype love. about helping others less fortunate then your self. clinics. Healthcare leaders realize the cost for some ofIt's insurance. With the events of this year you can't help think that there is a new opportunity to enjoy the basics. Are there seniors who need a little attention? What can we do for those hospitalized around the holidays? What can we do for the troops risking their lives at holidays for our freedom? I want to thank all of our loyal customers for their support in 2008. I wish all of our readers a very memorable and meaningful holiday season! able Care act is scheduled to be implemented
members of the community. Hospital News will keep you informed as changes develop across the industry. As always we welcome your news and thoughts! Please share your stories with us: Jim Stankiewicz can be reached at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 and via email at
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If you are a Ho contact Sun spital employee lookin Home Loa JULY/A ns about the g for a mortgage UGUST 2013 or refinan ir Hospital and you cou cing Employee ld WIN AN Loan Progra IPAD! m See p22
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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
Page 7
News in Emergency Medicine About Emergency Medical Associates Emergency Medical Associates (EMA), headquartered in Parsippany, N.J., is a physician-led, physician-owned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine. Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient satisfaction. For more information, visit, or Shih presents research to U.S. and International audiences
Stuhlmiller presents poster at Critical Care Transport Medicine Conference David F.E. Stuhlmiller, MD, FACEP, CMTE, presented a poster entitled, "HEMS STEMI Bedside Time: Impact of Medication Changeover Prior to Transport” at the Critical Care Transport Medicine Conference held April 8, 2013, in Austin, Texas. The results of the research concluded a median of 4 minutes (average of 3.5) per infused medication can be saved by HEMS medical crew by not changing over each medication infusion at the bedside of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Dr. Stuhlmiller is a partner of Emergency Medical Associates and chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Newton (N.J.) Medical Center.
Amato and Weiner host Workshop at Goryeb Children’s Hospital Continuing Medical Education Conference Drs. Christopher Amato, MD, FACEP, FAAP, and Ethan Wiener, MD, FAAP, presented at Goryeb Children’s Hospital’s 15th Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference held May 31-June 2 at Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pa. The workshop focused on wound care, basic life support and pediatric advanced life support cases. Dr. Amato also lectured on office preparedness. Dr. Amato is the director of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship and an attending pediatric emergency physician at Goryeb Children’s Hospital, Morristown, N.J. He also is the medical director of pediatric advanced life support for Atlantic Health. Dr. Wiener is the associate director of pediatric emergency medicine at the Goryeb Children’s Hospital, Morristown, N.J. Both are partners of Emergency Medical Associates.
Dr. Richard Shih, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, is an active in medical research and education and has traveled extensively to share his findings. Dr. Shih co-authored a case report entitled, “Glycine Induced Hyperammoniemia After Bladder Rupture During Transuretheral Resection of a Bladder Tumor.” The report was published in the Journal of Medical Cases. In addition to co-authoring a case report, Dr. Shih has given various presentations, lectures and was a discussant at various conferences. Presentations: • Oral research presentation entitled, “5 Year Prospective Study: OSCE Evaluations Do Not Correlate with EM Faculty Evaluations” at the 2013 Council of Residency Directors Scientific Assembly in Denver • Poster research presentation entitled, “QTc Prolongation and Torsades in Bupropion Overdose Presenting to U.S. Emergency Departments” at the 2013 American College of Medical Toxicology Scientific Assembly in San Juan, Puerto Rico • Poster research presentation entitled, “Ensuring Equity: Complaints by Race, The Beginning Investigations of MD Complaint Profilers” at the 2013 Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Northeast Regional Meeting held April 3 in Providence, R.I. Dr. Shih gave two lectures at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center May 1-2 in Dallas. • Emergency Medicine Journal Club, Discussant • Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds, Cases in Medical Toxicology Dr. Shih gave three presentations at the 2013 New Jersey American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly Review Course held May 7 in Princeton, N.J. • Ensuring Equity: Complaints by Race, The Beginning Investigations of MD Complaint Profiles • ED Patients Who Complain Are Less Likely To Be Repeat Customers • Dr. Shih and Michael Silverman, MD, presented “2013 Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment Review Course” Dr. Shih gave three lectures at the Florida Emergency Physicians 13th Annual Symposium on Emergency Medicine Resuscitation of the Critically Ill 2013 held April 14 in Orlando. The lectures were entitled: • Get Up to Speed on New Drugs of Abuse • The Crashing OD: Give ‘Em Fat! • One Pill Can Kill – Practical Approach to Pediatric Poisoning Dr. Shih is residency director for the department of emergency medicine at Morristown (N.J.) Medical Center, and a partner of Emergency Medical Associates.
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Ask An Expert Christopher J. O’Connor Executive Vice President, GNYHA Ventures, Inc., President, GNYHA Services, Inc. and President, Nexera, Inc.
The New Normal: Giving Hospital-Physician Alignment Priority Both the present and the future of healthcare are about care coordination. Given the current environment—its regulatory and financial mandates, patient needs, and technological advancements—hospitals, health systems, and physicians are collaborating more than ever before to help increase care value while improving delivery systems. But whether through physician-hospital organizations (PHOs), accountable care organizations (ACOs), or other arrangements, hospital-physician alignment is a multifaceted cooperative relationship that requires continuous nurturing with clear, strategic practices and goals. Nearly 70 percent of physicians in a 2013 survey expect increased hospital-physician integration in the next one to three years. And they should. There is a substantial incentive to focus on the hospital-physician relationship. In a healthcare delivery system that rewards data sharing as well as cost and quality improvements, physician buy-in is key. Because of their central role in treatment decisions, and their power to decide when to admit and discharge patients, trying to significantly improve quality and outcomes while lowering hospital costs without physician participation may be impossible. Accordingly, hospitals must strengthen physician partnerships. This can entail the challenge of overcoming long-standing competing interests in order to develop an alignment strategy that best fits the organizational culture. The characteristics of a healthy hospital-physician relationship include 1. support for and commitment to change, from senior management down; 2. physician stakeholders actively engaged in hospital governance; 3. adequate staffing, technology, and practices that facilitate alignment; 4. pay models, including incentive compensation programs, developed by the hospital and physicians; 5. established procedures and policies to deal with conflict. While grounded in mutual leadership, resources, and patient-centered goals, hospital-physician alignment should also be mutually beneficial. It should deliver tangible opportunities to lower costs while improving efficiencies. One example is the GNYHA Services Alternate Care Purchasing Platform, which allows physicians affiliated with hospitals and health systems (like those owned, leased, or managed by hospitals or in PHO relationships) to purchase medical and non-medical products at prices typically available only to acute care health systems. Interdependency and teamwork are markers of today’s healthcare environment. Undeniable forces, such as ACOs, bundled payments, health IT requirements, lower reimbursement rates, and quality-based payments, are engendering close hospital-physician collaboration. However, these partnerships are not one-size-fits-all nor can they be forced. Providers must proactively determine their own strategy, based on their needs, their resources, alignment gaps, and the organizational climate. A comprehensive collaborative assessment, start-up plan, and implementation can result in alignment programs that are effective as well as tailored—ones that balance differences, goals, and operational/management capabilities, and provide incentives for continued success. Christopher J. O’Connor is Executive Vice President of GNYHA Ventures, Inc., the for-profit arm of the Greater New York Hospital Association, and President of two GNYHA Ventures companies: GNYHA Services, Inc., an acute care group purchasing organization, and Nexera, Inc., a healthcare consulting firm. Mr. O’Connor is Chair-Elect of the Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM).
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
CONQUER COSTS WHILE COORDINATING CARE More than ever before, healthcare providers are working together to lower costs and overcome complex industry challenges. GNYHA Services is an excellent partner for providers aspiring to create a collaborative supply chain. Our expertise and best-in-class purchasing portfolio can be leveraged to unify procurement across the continuum of care. Unleash new savings opportunities! Call us today at (212) 246-7100 to connect your health network with savings you never thought possible.
555 West 57th St. I New York, NY 10019
Page 9
Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
New England Extended Care Directory CONNECTICUT FAIRFIELD
JEWISH SENIOR SERVICES The Jewish Home 175 Jefferson Street Fairfield, CT 02825 203-365-6400
AURORA SENIOR LIVING of BUCKS HILL 2817 North Main Street Waterbury, CT 06704 203.757-0731
WAVENY CARE CENTER 3 Farm Rd. New Canaan, CT 06840 203.594.5200
HEBREW HEALTH CARE INC. 1 Abrahms Blvd West Hartford, CT 06117 Phone: (860) 523-3800
ST. MARY HOME 2921 Albany Avenue West Hartford, CT 06117 Phone: (860) 570.8200
CANDLEWOOD VALLEY HEALTH & REHAB CENTER 30 Park Lane East New Milford, CT 06776 (860) 355-0971
SHARON SHARON HEALTH CARE CENTER 27 Hospital Hill Road Sharon, CT 06069 860.364.0237
WOODBRIDGE WILLOWS CARE AND REHAB CENTER 225 Amity Road Woodbridge, CT 06525 203.387.0076
LASELL HOUSE AT LASELL VILLAGE 120 Seminary Avenue Auburndale, MA 02466 617.663.7000
SEVEN HILLS PEDIATRIC CENTER 22 Hillside Avenue Groton, MA 01450 Phone: (978) 448.3388
SHREWSBURY NURSING & REHAB CENTER 40 Julio Drive Shrewsbury, MA 01545 508.845.6786
TRANS CARE UNIT AT BOSTON MED CTR One Boston Medical Ctr Place Boston, MA 02118 Phone: (617) 638-5900
BEAUMONT AT NATICK 3 Vision Drive - 2nd Floor Natick, MA 01760 Phone: (508) 651-9200
HUNT NURSING & RETIREMENT HOME 90 Lindall Street Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: (978) 777-3740
BEAUMONT REHAB & SKILLED NURSING CENTER 238 1/2 West Main Street Northborough, MA 01532 Phone: (508) 393-2368
FRAMINGHAM ST. PATRICK’S MANOR 863 Central Street Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 879-8000
WESTBOROUGH BEAUMONT AT WESTBOROUGH 1 Lyman Street Westborough, MA 01581 Phone: (508) 366-9933
WORCESTER BEAUMONT AT WORCESTER 378 Plantation Street Worcester, MA 01605 Phone: (508) 755-7300
NORTHBRIDGE BEAUMONT AT NORTHBRIDGE 85 Beaumont Drive Northbridge, MA 01534 Phone: (508) 234-9771
To advertise in our directory, please call Maureen Linell Tel/Fax: 508-869-6201—
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
Page 11
Candlewood Providigm Recognition We are pleased to announce that the Candlewood facility is one of 285 facilities nationwide to receive the Providigm Embracing Quality Award for 2013. Providigm uses a scientific approach to create practical solutions health care providers can use every day to meet the evolving requirements of health care consumers and policy makers. The Embracing Quality Award reflects excellence based on three performance measures: Survey Readiness, Hospital Readmission Prevention, and Customer Satisfaction. In addition, the Candlewood facility also received Providigm’s Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) Accreditation. This is validation for the excellent care and quality of life we provide for our Residents. To earn this accreditation, the Candlewood facility had to meet the following standards for QAPI excellence:
• Comprehensive – Encompassing all aspects of quality of care and life for Residents based upon assessments obtained from Residents, family, observation, staff, and records. • Continuous – We address aspects of quality care all year long, rather than just when problems arise. • Coverage – We assess a sufficient number of Residents to ensure that care and services are consistent across the board. • Corrective – Follow through with an in depth investigation to develop solutions to any areas identified as needing improvement.
We congratulate the Candlewood Staff on this recognition. It is solely due to their dedication and high standards of care that the facility receives the recognition and awards that distinguish us from our peers.
Short Term Rehabilitation
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Spaulding Cape Cod Spasticity Centers alleviate pain, disability Correctly diagnosing spasticity can be problematic because symptoms can develop weeks or even months after a stroke, or years after a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. By then the patient’s care is generally managed by a primary care physician, most of whom do not have experience treating spasticity. And patients often don’t report these symptoms to their doctors because they think this is just another aspect of the disease that they have to live with. Kathy Saul of Wareham developed spasticity after her initial course of rehabilitation following a severe stroke. “It was hard for me to walk. I would trip over my own foot, and my hip hurt. I would fall,” Kathy says. She also “had a perma-
ticity and to develop the best treatment plan based on the patient’s whole picture. When injections are indicated, we use techniques to isolate and target the specific muscles that will respond. We coordinate treatment with our therapists, so we can time interventions to maximize improvement in therapy. All these factors allow us to make a pretty big impact on our patients’ quality of life.” Kathy agrees. “When I met Dr. Abramson, I was depressed and thought I wouldn’t be able to do the things I wanted to do. I’ve gotten so much back. My life is 100 percent better than when I walked in the door.” For information, referrals and appointments, call 508-833-4141.
Aurora Senior Living of Bucks Hill
Imagine not being able to zip a jacket, hold a spoon, or wash your hand. Imagine painful muscle spasms that prevent routine activities. For persons living with neurological disorders, this is reality, and it’s due to a condition called spasticity. The Spaulding Centers for Comprehensive Spasticity Management offer new hope for those whose lives are impaired by spasticity. Four physiatrists at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod (SCC) – Scott Abramson, M.D., Susan Ehrenthal, M.D., Andrew Judelson, M.D., and Jay Rosenfeld, M.D. -- evaluate and treat spasticity at outpatient centers in Sandwich, Yarmouth, Orleans and Plymouth. “We bring all the components together -- medical and rehabilitation expertise, therapists skilled in neurological rehab, and technologies to enhance treatment — to make a big difference in the lives of our patients,” says Dr. Abramson. Spasticity occurs when nerve pathways within the brain or spinal cord that control muscles are damaged by stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, ALS and other neurological conditions. As a result, certain muscles become overactive, creating excess muscle tone, stiffness and pain and impairing hand function, walking, speech, and other functional abilities. In Spaulding’s model, physicians team up with physical, occupational and speech therapists to help patients reduce or eliminate pain and overcome the limiting effects of spasticity. The team also includes an orthotist experienced
nent fist. Once I had hold of something, I couldn’t let go.” Her treatment at Spaulding began with an injection of botulinum toxin to relax her rigid muscles, followed by physical and occupational therapy. “The injection released my muscles, so I could work on my foot drop and balance,” Kathy states. “The combination of injections and therapy changed so much for me. Now I walk without my hip hurting, and I don’t need a brace.” A key factor in reducing the disabling effects of spasticity is the expertise of the clinician. “As rehabilitation physicians, we are a resource to physicians seeing these patients in their practices,” says Dr. Abramson. “We have the experience to differentiate types of spas-
in the newest equipment for improving walking and balance. Therapists can use advanced neurorehabilitation technologies, such as the Bioness hand and foot electrical stimulation devices, to enhance therapy. Diagnosing spasticity early is critical to avoid loss of function and prevent complications. Untreated, spasticity puts the patient at risk for pain, hygiene problems, sleep problems, fungal and other infections, and progressive, devastating loss of function. “If we catch spasticity early, therapy can be effective in stretching out the muscles, sometimes in combination with splints and certain medications,” says Dr. Abramson. When the condition is more severe or the patient is already taking multiple medications, the medication is injected directly into the overactive muscles and doesn’t interact with other medications. “I’ve had patients in severe pain respond within a few days after the injection,” says Susan Ehrenthal, M.D. “Then the therapist can focus on improving the patient’s range of motion. Working together, we’ve been able to take the pain out of the picture.” “Once the medication kicks in, we can use splints, passive range of motion and then active exercise to take the patient from having a non-functional extremity to one they can use again. It has a huge impact on them and their caregivers because the patients can do more for themselves,” says Kristin Marston, occupational therapist and certified hand therapist at Spaulding’s Yarmouth and Orleans Outpatient Centers.
2817 North Main Street Phone: (203) 757-0731 Waterbury, CT 06704 Fax: (203) 596-0892 Aurora Senior Living is a 90 bed skilled nursing facility specializing in short term rehabilitation and long term care. We are very proud to have received the highest overall rating of five stars and rated as one of the best nursing homes nationwide by U.S. News and World Report 2013 edition of Best Nursing Homes Nationwide. Some of the services we offer include: • Physical Therapy, Occupational therapy, and speech therapy • Post-Surgical Rehab • IV therapy and Wound Care management
• Hospice and Palliative care • Discharge Planning • Fine Dining program • Recreational Therapy
Specializing in short-term rehabilitation, long-term, respite and hospice care. We also provide dementia care in a safe and secure environment. 27 Hospital Hill Road PO Box 1268 Sharon, CT 06069
Phone: 860-364-1002 Fax: 860-364-0237
Managed by Athena Health Care Systems
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
PAge 13
Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s What’s next? By Lois Alcosser
“My doctor was reluctant to use the word. After the tests, he said my husband had “cognitive slippage” and , finally “symptoms of Alzheimer’s.” It was devastating. We denied it as long as we could. I had no idea what to do.” This is a typical reaction. A husband in Ridgefield says: “The neurologist told me she had “severe memory impairment” and “signs of dementia. I had no idea what I should do.” No matter what anyone has heard or read, a diagnosis of early- onset Alzheimer’s is a shock, followed by confusion and a feeling of helplessness. “Though my wife couldn’t remember the simplest things, she seemed O.K. most of the time, but I didn’t know what to expect. That was the scary thing.” With early onset Alzheimer’s, memory may deteriorate very slowly. There’s a great temptation to ignore what’s happening. But accepting the diagnosis and seeking help right away is best for the patient and the caregiver. There is lots of help available. The Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut Chapter has a 24/7 helpline (800-272-3900) for person-to-person information and referral. There are support groups where caregivers can meet, listen and talk. “I could be angry, sad, resentful, and it was O.K. It was a tremendous relief,” says a husband, no longer needing to keep his wife’s illness a secret. “We weren’t told anything,” says one wife. It wasn’t unusual for my husband to forget things. When it got worse, we went to a neurologist. There were lots of tests. It was described as early onset Alzheimer’s. My husband was bewildered, scared to be alone. But I had to do something. We sold our house in Pennsylvania and moved to Connecticut, to be near our daughter. I knew I had to get some help.” She and her husband heard about a group, G.A.P. (Giving Alzheimer’s Purpose.) Sponsored by the Connecticut Chapter of the Alzheimer’s
Association, it’s for the caregiver and the spouse. “My husband felt comfortable. The leaders were professionals, they were never judgmental. We talked, had lunch, had an interesting speaker, listened to music, did exercise. There was no self-pity, it was a friendly get-together.” G.A.P. groups are forming all over the state. They are support groups with a difference. There
are games, side trips, discussions. Everyone (caregiver and spouse) joins in. A wife in Ridgefield says: “I love my husband no matter what, but it’s impossible not to be irritable, resentful about having to do everything. Sometimes, I wanted to walk right out the door. Tests showed he has Alzheimer’s, though at times, he’s perfectly normal.
I had to talk to someone. I wanted to know. What’s Alzheimer’s? What’s dementia? “I found out by calling the Alzheimer’s helpline. I had my doctor write a letter saying my husband shouldn’t drive anymore and my husband accepted it. I found that a sense of humor is a necessity as well as total trust.” One of the most important aspects of caregiving is helping
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the caregiver realize that she or he must take care of themselves, not just their spouse. Being honest about what’s happening and taking advantage of the educational sessions sponsored by The Alzheimer’s Association has been helping many caregivers. They are finding practical ways to deal with what often seems impossible. It can start with a 24/7 phone call. 800272-3900.
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Waveny Care Center leads the way in medication reduction Waveny Care Center is leading the way in medication reduction for patients – specifically, those with dementia – with excellent outcomes. In response to new research conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the US federal agency that administers Medicare, Waveny has successfully reduced rates of antipsychotic medication in appropriate circumstances in favor of therapeutic person-centered, individualized interventions. Historically, people living with dementia have frequently been prescribed antipsychotic drugs as a first resort by their physicians. “In many cases, psychological and behavioral symptoms can be managed with fewer antipsychotic drugs,” said Basil Papaharis M.D., medical director at the Care Center. “The key to achieving this is to follow the principles of good person-centered care.” While a medication regime may still be necessary, the reliance
on many drugs or dosages may be successfully reduced with the integration of therapeutic recreation programs, sensory stimulation and individualized approaches to managing behavioral symptoms. Waveny Care Center has successfully reduced antipsychotic medication given to residents, and presently runs an average of 7.9% for daily orders and 3.9% for as needed (PRN) compared to the national average of 25.2% and Connecticut state average 27.6% (both numbers, national and state, are combined averages of daily and PRN). This success is significant as the majority of the Care Center’s long-term residents have some form of dementia and require multiple interventions and medications for mood and behavior challenges. This ongoing focus on reducing the use of antipsychotic drugs challenges professional caregivers to continue to work alongside resi-
dents and their families to identify new, innovative approaches to dementia care. “This significant reduction has been made possible through a variety of approaches, which include therapeutic recreational programs and initiatives to
promote person-centered care as well as individualized creative outlets,” said Elyse Dent, Waveny’s campus administrator. Through multiple education programs – some sponsored by educational grants – Care Center and Village staff have been receiving specific training to facilitate these transitions through role modeling and the development of various communication tools used to understand each resident’s unique needs and personality. Notably, education extends to all staff throughout Waveny. “We are training all staff – not just our clinical departments – as we all play an important role in person-centered care.” “While Waveny Care Center has always met and exceeded CMS benchmarks, this further plan of medication reduction has allowed nursing homes like Waveny to continually improve their approach to dementia care and reconnect with
residents on a more personal level – always with enhanced quality of life as the driver,” said Dent. Waveny Care Network provides a comprehensive continuum of healthcare to serve the growing needs of older adults from all areas. Waveny is a not-for-profit organization that offers independent living at New Canaan Inn, assisted living for people with Alzheimer’s and memory loss at The Village, and skilled nursing at Waveny Care Center. It also includes Waveny Home Healthcare, the Brown Geriatric Evaluation Clinic, a Geriatric Care Management team, an Adult Day Program available six days a week with transportation to and from New Canaan, Stamford, Norwalk, Darien and Wilton, inpatient and outpatient Rehabilitation Services, and respite programs at both The Village and Care Center. For more information call (203) 5945200 or visit
Expert PT and OT + Psychiatric Excellence + Positive Attitude = Good Medicine By Michelle Payson, OTR/L, Director, Hebrew Rehabilitation Group In early 2013, Mr. B. a married 88 year old physician became hospitalized after an overall medical and cognitive decline including a urinary tract infection, urinary retention and encephalopathy. After discharge from the hospital, Mr. B was admitted to Hebrew Health Care’s Hebrew Home and Hospital for long term placement since his needs became too demanding for his caregivers. With complex conditions including anxiety and depression, and a history of hypertension, dementia, prostate cancer with indwelling foley catheter, coronary artery disease with stent placement, thoracic aneurysm, and sensorineural hearing loss, his needs exceed the abilities of his family caregivers. Mr. B. began on a course of Physical and Occupational therapies from his first day at Hebrew Health Care. His initial physical therapy evaluation revealed that Mr. B. required extensive assistance in bed with repositioning himself; and it also revealed a moderate need for assistance in getting out of bed and into a wheelchair. Further, he could walk with a walker a distance no greater than 10 feet. Afterwards, came an occupational therapy evaluation which uncovered further needs. Mr. B. had poor balance, poor head/trunk control, decreased strength and endurance, lack of coordination, poor safety awareness; and he com-
plained of left foot and right knee pain that interfered with his mobility. He required moderate to maximum assistance with daily personal care including bathing, dressing and toileting. And, since his endurance was greatly compromised, he easily and quickly tired while attempting to perform these tasks. A week later, Mr. B. suffered a setback, requiring a transfer into Hebrew Health Care’s Behavioral Health Hospital for depression which caused poor sleep and oral intake. Three weeks later, Mr. B.
stabilized, was discharged, and returned to his therapy program; he was assessed for his ability to return to his home with supportive services. Mr. B. demonstrated dramatically improved cognition, being able to recall appointments and previous activities which he was unable to do at his admission the prior month. Also improved were problem solving skills and safety awareness, with less verbal cueing and instructions needed to complete a task. His occupational therapy ses-
sions focused on retraining activities of daily living using compensatory strategies, upper body therapeutic exercise and therapies to improve overall upper body strength, endurance, and dynamic standing balance for completion of everyday tasks. Mr. B. had physical therapy sessions that focused on gait, transfers, and stair retraining in addition to strengthening the lower body, increasing coordination and improving balance. He no longer complained of pain in his left foot
and right knee which plagued his mobility in the past. His progress was excellent; after only six weeks Mr. B. was discharged home with a four-wheeled walker. He has the strength and endurance to perform all activities of daily living with only minimal assistance with tasks requiring fine motor skills. With what could have turned into a long-term institutional life, this pleasant gentleman, Mr. B., made outstanding progress that allowed him to return to his life in the community.
“The Physical hysical and nd Occupational Therapists were outstanding. utstandiing. ing They were were professional, prrofessional, ofessional o ofessional, with a caring natur nature, n re, e, safety-minded ded and knowledgeable. edgeablee. I expected to be at HHC for 20 days, bu but ut the car care ree was so good that I was as hom home me after only 9 days days.” s.”
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-Morton n P. of Middletown own found Hebrew ilitation Group p used their clinical Rehabilitation se and knowledge edge to make his expertise recovery ry fast and painless nless allowing him rn to his life in his home. to return
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
Saint Mary Home earns Five-Star Quality Rating The Mercy Community’s Skilled Nursing Facility honored with prestigious industry rating
PAge 15
If you’d like to reach the health and hospital communities of New England each month, there is no more cost-effective way than the Hospital Newspaper. Call Maureen Linell to place your advertisement: 508-869-6201
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Celebrating our partnership
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The Mercy Community, West Hartford’s premier continuing care retirement community, is pleased to announce that Saint Mary Home, a part of the Mercy Community, has recently earned a Five-Star Quality Rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The CMS Five-Star Quality Rating System assigns nursing facilities nationwide with a rating between one and five stars. Those care facilities with Five-Stars are considered to have above average quality compared to other nursing home facilities in their particular state. “This is truly an honor well deserved by our dedicated colleagues at Saint Mary Home,” said President and CEO of The Mercy Community, Bill Fiocchetta. “Earning the CMS Five-Star Quality Rating is a strong testament to the exceptional care, comfort and peace of mind that our staff members give to our residents and their families on a daily basis here at The Mercy Community,” Fiocchetta added. The ratings are based on the star rating for the following categories— Health Inspections; Quality Measures; and Staffing Levels at the facility. To learn more about The Mercy Community, Saint Mary Home and their full scope of services available, please call 860.570.8400 or visit About The Mercy Community The Mercy Community offers a comprehensive and integrated continuum of senior care and services, including: SAINT MARY HOME, which provides skilled nursing, short- and long-term rehabilitation, dementia, hospice, palliative, subacute, residential and adult day services. THE McAULEY, a Continuing Care Retirement Community, which promotes and fosters an independent lifestyle within a life care setting. In addition, The McAuley offers an Assisted Living Program for those residents who require more assistance with the tasks of daily living. For more information about The Mercy Community, The McAuley, Saint Mary Home, rehabilitation services, or any of our other programs, please visit
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
people on the move Please send your People on the Move editorial to
Peter E. Sullivan honored with the Outstanding Service Award by the MA/RI Chapter of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) Peter E. Sullivan, MS, LCSW, CEAP, LADC-1, Community Services Representative for AdCare Hospital, was recognized by the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Chapter of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) May 31st at the organization’s 33rd annual symposium held at the Forefront Conference Center in Waltham, MA. Peter was cited for his “calm and composed” manner and his “steadying influence” in times of turmoil and change. Peter began his career as an Employee Assistance Professional (EAP) in 1983 in high tech at Wang Laboratories. He has provided EAP services to dozens of organizations including Woods Hole Institute, Cape Cod Hospital, Mass General Hospital, General Electric, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). While at the FAA, Peter received a special recognition for his “compassionate service to the people of the New England Region of the FAA” during 9/11. Peter has been active in the employee assistance field for thirty years beginning with the Association of Labor-Management Administrators and Consultants on Alcoholism, which later became EAPA. These past eight years Peter has served as the Secretary for the MA/RI Chapter of EAPA. During this time, he has also served as a Community Services Representative for AdCare Hospital in Greater Boston, increasing awareness of addiction and treatment services, as well as providing specialized alcohol and drug abuse trainings to organizations and referrals to care. AdCare Hospital is New England’s most comprehensive provider of alcohol and drug abuse treatment, offering inpatient treatment in Worcester, MA and outpatient services throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. AdCare Hospital is also a sponsor of 1-800-ALCOHOL, the nationwide 24-hour Admissions and Referral line.
Coverys announces Beth Murphy as VP of Organizational and Leadership Development Coverys is pleased to announce that Beth Murphy has been named vice president of organizational and leadership development, effective June 17, 2013. In this newly created role, Murphy will serve as an internal consultant and business partner, providing expertise in the areas of organizational health, employee engagement and team effectiveness. She will develop and implement talent development strategies to ensure the growth of top performers, prepare the organization for growth and improve the depth and breadth of internal talent. Murphy will also focus on creating leadership development programs that build core capabilities and a culture of continuous learning aligned with the organization’s strategic direction.
“Beth has extensive consulting experience focusing on organizational development and strategy,” said Gregg Hanson, CEO and president of Coverys. “She will bring knowledge and skill in developing and implementing programs that help grow the talent and skills of our employees.” Murphy previously served as a senior consultant with Ignite, a Boston-based training, development and consulting firm. During her tenure with Ignite, she worked with clients from various industries including insurance, pharmaceutical, financial services and marketing services, both domestic and international. Her areas of focus have included executive coaching, design and delivery of management and leadership development training programs, facilitating team effectiveness sessions and organization development and strategy work. Murphy has been working with Coverys as an external consultant since 2007 and brings over 15 years of industry experience. Murphy is a graduate of Bryant University where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. For more information, contact Loren LeVasseur, public relations specialist, at (617) 946-8665 or
Hospital for Special Care appoints Carl Ficks Director, Corporate and Donor Relations Hospital for Special Care (HSC) announced recently that it has appointed Carl R. Ficks, Jr. Director of Corporate & Donor Relations. Ficks previously served as Chairman of the HSC Board of Directors since August of 2011 and a board member since 2003. Ficks will be responsible for aligning the Hospital for Special Care Foundation’s mission and strategies with the mission and goals of the Hospital. In his role, Ficks will cultivate individual and institutional donor and foundation partnerships as well as relationships with business sponsors and corporate foundations to grow the HSC endowment.
“Carl fully understands Hospital for Special Care’s mission and its need to continually raise funds for our unique healthcare specialties, patient needs and supporting programs,” said John Votto, D.O., F.C.C.P., president and CEO, Hospital for Special Care. “We are pleased that Carl will devise multiple strategies and lead our efforts.” “This position represents the culmination of a career dedicated to public service and development efforts for many not-for-profit organizations,” said Ficks. “I am looking forward to expanding the HSC community and development program without regard to geographic boundaries.” Ficks, a former partner practicing in the construction, municipal and employment law fields at Halloran & Sage, was actively involved in the Hospital’s recent $6.5 million capital campaign. In addition to other key development activities during his nine years of HSC Board service, Ficks chaired HSC Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser, the Hospital for Special Care Ivan Lendl Golf Classic Tournament. For more information, please visit
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Visit our website to view current employment opportunities
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
PAge 17
Manes & Motions Therapeutic Riding Center receives grant to support program for horseback riders living with special needs Manes & Motions Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc., announced recently that it has received a $10,000 grant from the Bernau Family Foundation for its therapeutic horseback riding program that provides equine-assisted activities to help riders with special needs develop and improve skills such as balance, trunk control, hand-eye coordination, following instructions as well as increased interpersonal skills. Manes & Motions, A Member of the Hospital for Special Care Community, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hospital for Special Care. The Manes & Motions program is currently limited to April through October and becomes inactive in the winter, leaving its horseback riders with no opportunity to ride. Therefore, the grant from the Bernau Family Foundation will specifically help to benefit the launch of the Indoor Arena Campaign, an initiative to raise funds that will help provide a riding experience for Manes & Motions program participants year-round, regardless of the weather. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The indoor arena site plan calls for a 10,580 square-foot riding arena plus a classroom, observation area, offices and restrooms at a cost of $600,000 in total,â&#x20AC;? said Janice Anderson, Facility Coordinator, Manes & Motions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very grateful for the Bernau Family Foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gen-
erous contribution to help us get started on this important campaign that will eliminate the need for the program to be shut down due to inclement weather, and enable us to open the door for improved services for all of our riders.â&#x20AC;? Currently, spring, summer and fall are the three semesters in the Manes & Motionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; riding season, and each session is tailored to the specific needs of the individuals riding at that time. An individualized riding plan (IRP) is developed for each participant to ensure the achievement of the riderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goals, which targets five core areas: physical, social, emotional, sensorial and cognitive. Anderson added that through the use of equine-assisted activities with an individualized approach, Manes & Motions uses this non-traditional form of development therapeutic activity and education to make a significant difference in the lives of each rider. As the only therapeutic horseback riding center in the nation that is affiliated with a hospital, Manes & Motions provides cognitive and physical benefits through the use of equine-assisted activities to children and adults living with a wide range of conditions including autism, Down Syndrome, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, brain injury, cerebral palsy, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
For more information on Manes & Motions or the Indoor Arena Campaign, please call Linda Glovna at 860.612.6312, or visit About Hospital for Special Care Hospital for Special Care (HSC) is one of the five largest, free-standing long-term acute care hospitals in the United States and the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only long-term acute-care hospital serving adults and children. HSC is recognized for advanced care and rehabilitation in pulmonary care, acquired
Seven Center Se venn Hills PPediatric ediatr ic C enter TTop op 1% of U.S. Nursing Facilities Facilitiees U.S. News & World World o Report
brain injury, medically-complex pediatrics, neuromuscular disorders (including ALS research), spinal cord injury, comprehensive heart failure as well as diagnostic, assessment and consulting services for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Located in New Britain and Hartford, CT, HSC operates inpatient and outpatient facilities serving Southern New England on a notfor-profit basis. For the latest news and information, please visit, and follow us on Twitter @HospSpecialCare.
weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Att Seven Seven Hills Pediatric Pediatr ic Center (SHPC), SHPC),, w eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re taking new thee quality of care care to ne w heights as one of the top U.S. World nnursing u sing facilities ur facilities in the nation. U .SS. News & W orld Report ranked Seven Pediatric Re eport has rank ed Se ven Hills P ediiatr ic Center in the U.S. topp 1% of U .S. nnursing ursing ffacilities acilities based ased on a perfect five-star fi fiv ve-star t rating ting by by the th Federal Federal d l Government. Gover nment. t provides long-term skilled-nursing SHPC HPC pr ovides long-ter m skilled-n ed-nursing care, short-term care, short-term car are, shor t-ter m rrespite espite car e, and annd shor t-ter m children post-hospitalization ost-hospitalization to childr en and yyoung oung adults profound cognitive with ith pr ofound co gnitiive disabilities es and complex medical state-of-the-art provides me edical needs. Our state-of-the-ar rt ffacility acility pr ovides advanced a sophisticated,, medically adv ancedd working working environment en nvironment for the highly skilledd nnursing nur ursing staff who aree ab able provide individualized treatment ar le to pr ovide indi ividualized vidualized tr eatment to each privacy child hild in the pr ivacy of his or her beautifully appointed rroom. oom. om.. An on-site, on-site, DESE-approved, DESE-approvedd,, special education school experience sch hool enables enables the children children to exper er ience a wide range ran nge of learning lear ning opportunities. opportunities. Seven Hills
moree information caree options FFor o mor or infor mation about all thee car Seven Pediatric Center,, callll 978.448.3388 at Se ven Hills P ediatr ic Center or visit www
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Nurseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Viewpoint
By Alison Lazzaro
Hospital Newspaper Correspondent
Mind, Body, Spirit Set an intention If you have ever tried yoga, you will notice that the class begins by setting an intention, or a reason for coming to your mat. This technique allows the yogi to center his or her thoughts and consciously set aside one's own concerns in order direct positive energy to a person or thing. This practice of yoga mirrors holistic nursing. Evidence based practice dating back to Florence Nightengale exemplifies holistic nursing via setting an intention, commitment to self-care, and transcendent presence. Nurses are encouraged to pause for a moment before entering a patient's room, close their eyes, take a deep breath, and direct awareness to someone or something that brings to mind love and compassion. Being fully present in the moment allows nurses to promote a caring and healing interaction. Go through your flow Vinyasa yoga goes through a series of poses while focusing on inhaling and exhaling through flowing movements. Nurses can easily become caught up in the tasks they need to accomplish in the 12-hour work day, but calling to mind that intention and remembering to breath throughout the day can bring back the realization that nursing is about caring for human beings first and foremost. It is also important to care for yourself before you can competently take care of others. Self care is an integral part of holistic nursing. This includes analyzing one's own habits with self-awareness by journaling, meditation, or creating time for reflection. Holistic nursing includes practicing aromatherapy, healing touch, guided imagery, and reflexology to name a few. These methods are backed by the professional American Holistic Nurses Association and American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation. These techniques enrich the scope of nursing practice by treating people's physiological, psychological, and spiritual needs in conjunction with conventional medical therapies. Aromatherapy uses essential oils from plants and herbs to treat physical imbalances. Yogis frequently use lavender and citrus oils to relax deeper. Pre-op and post-op nurses integrate this practice into nursing for relaxation techniques with patients. Healing touch is an energy-based approach to influence healing by restoring harmony and balance. Seal your practice At the end of each yoga class, the student's hard work is acknowledged and sealed with an audible "om." Before sealing your day at work, try to incorporate a holistic technique into your practice. Be mindful of self-care each day because it will expand your capacity to be present and compassionate in nursing. Self-care will rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit and enhance your love of nursing.
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
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education & careers Hebrew Health Care honored with “Workforce Innovator” Award On June 25, 2013, Hebrew Health Care was honored with the Workforce Innovator Award. The award was presented by the MetroHartford Alliance Careers (MACH), which is made up of Capital Workforce Partners (CWP) and the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWALF). The award was in recognition of Hebrew Health Care’s positive contributions to the health care workforce. Hebrew Health Care partners with the Collaborative on training a new generation of certified nursing assistants. Kathy Mon, Vice President and COO at Hebrew Health Care remarked, “We are proud to be part of a Collaborative that is training the next generation of exceptional workers to care for
the aging population serviced throughout any of our affiliates.” Hebrew Health Care is a nonprofit, non-sectarian health care provider featuring a full spectrum of integrated and seamless in-patient; out-patient and community based geriatric services to meet the needs of older adults in the Greater Hartford community. Hebrew Health Care is committed to providing comprehensive care of the elderly. Not simply saying it, not simply building it, HHC does it – every day, every week, every year, for over 100 years. Hebrew Health Care’s commitment to the elderly in the Greater Hartford area is unparalleled and is the foundation on which our reputation for excellence is based.
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Hebrew Health Care is comprised of the following service affiliates: The Hospital at Hebrew Health Care Hoffman SummerWood Community Hebrew Health Visiting Nurses Hebrew Health Hospice Hebrew Health Assisted Living Services Hebrew Health Adult Day Services Hebrew Rehabilitation Group Connecticut Geriatric Specialty Group The Gene and Anja Rosenberg Hebrew Home and Rehabilitation Center
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w w w. S a l m o n H e a l t h A n d R e t i r e m e n t . c o m
Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
Back to school after a traumatic brain injury It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: the accident that leaves your child not just broken in body, but also with the uncertain future of a traumatic brain injury. Eighteen-year-old Chris Kennedy was home for the holidays from his freshman year at DePaul University in Chicago. After midnight on December 20th, he lost control of his car minutes away from his family’s home in Marshfield, Massachusetts. Shortly after, he was rushed to Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Chris’s injuries were extensive and severe. In addition to multiple pulmonary contusions and bone fractures, Chris needed a tracheostomy tube for breathing and a feeding tube. More worrisome were his head injuries, which caused pressure effects from cranial bleeding and left him unconscious.
As Chris began to emerge from this state, he was able to signal and to start mouthing some words. Three weeks post injury he was stabilized, but still needed medical management and intensive therapy to aid his recovery. Chris and his family shared a dream that he would return to college. Making Dreams Come True at Braintree Rehab On January 11th Chris was admitted to Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital (BRH), a world-class rehabilitative care provider. Located just south of Boston in Braintree, 20 miles from Chris’s hometown, BRH offered a nationally recognized Acquired Brain Injury Program and a minimum of three hours of therapy a day, five days a week. Although Chris was in a post-traumatic confusional state, totally dependent and virtually non-verbal, the BRH team was up for the challenge. “Chris sustained a diffuse axonal injury, typical following a car accident when acceleration or deceleration causes the brain to move within the skull, sheering the axons and impairing messaging between nerve cells,” said Dr. Douglas Katz, Medical Director of BRH’s Acquired Brain Injury Program. “His injury was significant, but people with his profile can recover through good treatment, the use of adaptations, and lots of guidance along the way.” Chris began an intensive regimen of physical, occupational and speech/language therapy to help get him walking, master the activities of daily life, and regain his ability to communicate. “When I arrived at Braintree I couldn’t walk and, although I thought I could talk, what I said would come out garbled,” said Chris. “My therapists had me up right away and got me moving. The speech therapist gave me exercises designed to help me draw out words, which seemed tough at the time, but now are easy.” “Chris was a hard worker and maintained a positive attitude throughout his stay,” said Physical Therapist Alexis Roche. “For him, it was never if he would go back to school, but when.”
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Chris progressed from standing and sitting to jumping and running. Supervised community trips to the grocery store and mall allowed Chris to flex his problem solving skills, helping him regain independence. Well on the road to recovery, Chris was discharged on February 8th, continuing his therapy on an outpatient basis at home. Straight A’s Chris returned to DePaul in time to attend the third trimester of his freshman year. As a safety net, his father stayed with him during his first week back to make sure all went well and his brother, who makes his home in Chicago, lives nearby. But his family needn’t worry any more – Chris made straight A’s.
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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
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education & careers Hospital for Special Care establishes new scholarship for students pursuing healthcare professions American Gold Star Mother Elizabeth Timura Healthcare Professions Scholarship established to support youth education Hospital for Special Care (HSC) is pleased to announce a newly established scholarship in memory of American Gold Star Mother Elizabeth Timura for students pursuing a profession in healthcare. The American Gold Star Mother Elizabeth Timura Healthcare Professions Scholarship is made possible by a generous contribution from Michael Timura, a long-standing friend, business associate and benefactor to Hospital for Special Care. Mr. Timura said that he made this scholarship gift because his mother was a ‘Gold Star Mother,’ a designation given by the federal government to mothers whose sons or daughters were killed in service to our country. The organization was named after the Gold Star that families hung in their windows in honor of the deceased veteran. After years of planning, twenty-five mothers met on June 4, 1928, in Washington, DC to establish the national organization, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. Mr. Timura’s older brother, John Timura, was just a week shy of his 21st birthday when he died fighting on the ground in Italy during World War II. In 2011, Michael Timura of Farmington, honored his brother’s ultimate sacrifice to his country by establishing The John Timura Management of Information Systems (MIS) Scholarship at Hospital for Special Care in New Britain, CT. Now, to honor his mother’s memory, Mr. Timura has established The American Gold Star Mother Elizabeth Timura Healthcare Professions Scholarship. This scholarship will provide financial assistance to students pursuing education in healthcare professions.
“This is the fourth scholarship that Michael funded, a true testament to his ongoing support to youth education in the Greater New Britain community. It’s a great way to honor his family members,” said said John Votto, DO, FCCP, president and CEO, HSC.
In addition to these two scholarships, Mr. Timura also funded two nursing scholarships, one in 2009 to celebrate and honor his wife, Florence Timura, and one in 2012 in memory of Florence’s father, Paul Sutula. Both of these scholarships provide annual fi-
nancial support to students residing in the Greater New Britain Area, who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in nursing. For further information, please contact the Hospital for Special Care Foundation at 860.832.6257.
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• Introduction to Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies • Addiction: Etiology, Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation • Psychiatric Rehabilitation • Interviewing Techniques in Human and Rehabilitation Services • Principles of Case Management • Family Aspects of Disability • Treatment Strategies and Interventions for Substance Use Disorders • Internship in an Alcohol and Substance Abuse treatment facility
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
H.E.L.P. Program proud to team up with healthcare professionals They help cure us, bring us back to good health through different ailments and, in some cases, save our lives. They are there are for our families, always treating us with care and compassion. They are the doctors and nurses, the technicians and support staff, that treat us every day. They are a special group. They deserve, among other things, our respect and admiration. And, why not, a little H.E.L.P in the form of the Sun National Bank Hospital Employee Loan Program (H.E.L.P). Hospital Newspaper and Sun National Bank combined to put together this special program. The H.E.L.P. program provides discounted mortgage rates designed for hospital employees and pre-qualifications to shop for your next home. Refinancing can save you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars per year. But, remember, your home may be your most valuable financial asset. A H.E.L.P. program representative will assist you in making sure refinancing is cost-effective and works for you and your family. H.E.L.P. Program clients enjoy unmatched customer service and attentiveness throughout the process - from their initial inquiry - to closing. Working with its own resources and Federal government programs, Sun National Bank develops solutions that open the path to home ownership. Sun National Bank provides a full-range of banking products and services, delivered by experienced bankers. Personal attention merges with world-class service and competitive products that meet the needs of today’s consumers and businesses. Sun National Bank believes that doing business in the community means being a part of it. Whether purchasing a new home or refinancing an existing one, the H.E.L.P. Program is offered exclusively, providing personal service, benefits and rates not normally available to the general public. “We are so excited that the program has been a success and will continue to flourish,” said Steven Testa, an executive vice president with Sun National Bank. “I think what’s made the program so successful is our rates and customer service. That, of course, will remain how this fine program operates. We consider ourselves fortunate to work with the doctors, nurses and support staff that are an important part of the emergency services community.” To receive more information about the program and its benefits, contact Steven Testa at or call 973-615-9745. Sun National Bank Home Loans and Hospital Newspaper are not affiliated. All loans subject to approval. Certain conditions and fees may apply. Mortgage financing provided by Sun National Bank Loans, Equal Housing Lender.
Win an iPad! If you are a member of the hospital community, now is your chance to enter Sun Home Loans and Hospital Newspaper's contest to win a free iPad. Just to go our website at and fill in the entry form. Once you complete it, you will receive an email that requires you to confirm your email address. Once you do that you are entered. Hospital Newspaper will also be accepting applications at all conventions that it attends. A total of Five iPads will be given away so your chances to win are excellent. Sign up today to win today!
Hospital Employee Loan Program
Sun Home Loans, a division of Sun National Bank, is proud to serve the heroes in our community who dedicate their lives to serving the rest of us: doctors, nurses and other hospital employees. That is why we teamed up with Hospital News to create the Hospital Employee Loan Program (HELP). With a competitive mortgage rate and discounted fees, this program helps our community heroes purchase new homes or refinance existing homes. Plus, the program comes with our pledge to get hospital employees in their new homes by their contract dates.
PROGRAM INFORMATION We understand that the current economic environment has created challenges to home ownership. Working with our own resources and Federal government programs we will create a solution that opens the path to home ownership. The Hospital Employee Loan Program delivers these advantages: » A competitive mortgage rate, available specifically for hospital employees » Discounted fees » Personal service from program specialists » Our pledge to have you in your home by the contract date
COMMUNITY FOCUS Sun National Bank, a full-service provider of banking products and services, is dedicated to playing an active part in the communities we serve. We support a variety of organizations, events and programs whose goals are to make our neighborhoods a better place to live and work and improve the lives of those living around us. Hospital News is the leading provider of local news and information for doctors, nurses and other hospital staff.
Learn More To find out more about our Hospital Employee Loan Program, email or call 973-615-9745 to talk with our program specialist, Steve Testa (NMLS #460176), who will discuss your need and explain how the program could benefit you. Sun Home Loans, Sun National Bank, and Hospital News are not affiliated. All loans subject to approval. Certain conditions and fees may apply. Mortgage financing provided by Sun Home Loans, a division of Sun National Bank, member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NMLS #429900
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
education & careers Regis College: 30 Years of Excellent Nursing Care For 30 years Regis College has been preparing top quality nurses to meet the growing need for healthcare providers across all levels. Starting in 1983 with a BSN completion degree, the Regis College Nursing Program has grown to include a traditional four-year, undergraduate BS in Nursing, the RN-to-BSto-MS Upward Mobility track, the MS in Nursing Leadership, MS Nurse Practitioner and MS Clinical Specialist tracks, PostMasterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Certificates in the Nurse Practitioner track, a Post-Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Certificate in Nursing Education, and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice program. In addition, Post-Baccalaureate Certificates in Health Administration, Regulatory Management, Clinical Research Management, Health Informatics, Gerontology, Public Health, Integrative Health, Communication for Health Care Professionals and Applied Behavior Analysis offer opportunity for professional skill development. The Regis nursing faculty believes the central concepts of the discipline of nursing are person, environment, health, and nursing. The concept of person may refer to individuals, families, groups, communities, organizations, or society as a whole. Every person has inherent dignity, worth, and individuality and a right to comprehensive, compassionate
health care. Environment refers to all the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development of the person. Health is a dynamic state of being and becoming integrated and whole in which the individual adapts to changes in the environment. Nursing, as an art and science, is a developing system of knowledge about persons, health, and their environment.
Continuing Ed Opportunities: Regis College Office of Graduate Admission â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 781.768.7330 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA 02493
Accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, and acknowledge by them as a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education, the Regis College Nursing Department is also approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing. The Nursing Department at Regis College offers a variety of health-care settings in which students may obtain clinical experience. Placement sites include Boston Medical Center,
Brigham and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, Community Health Agencies, Lahey Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, McLean Hospital, Metro West Medical Center, Tufts Medical Center, and University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Regis College also offers programs across the healthcare spectrum including Master of Science degrees in Biomedical Sciences, Health Administration, Regulatory and Clinical Research Management, and Applied Behavior Analysis, as well as a Bachelors of Science in Medical Imaging â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Nuclear Medicine. The Regis learning environment offers small classes, personal attention from faculty and staff, and internship options and career assistance. As part of Regis Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s iPad Initiative, graduate students are issued iPads to enhance their learning experience. New Student Discounts and a GRE Waiver Program, coupled with evening, weekend and hybrid-courses makes Regis College the best choice for working professionals! Attend an Information Session on August 21, 6:00pm. To RSVP for the information session or to contact a Graduate Admissions Counselor call 781-768-7330 or email Learn more about the Regis College Graduate programs visit
Regis College Information Sessions: August 21, 5:00pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Certificate Programs August 21, 6:00pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; All Programs October 5, 9:30am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; All Programs November 7, 6:00pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Nursing for Non-nurse Majors December 3, 6:00pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all programs Assumption College Continuing & Career Education â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 508.767.7364 500 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
John Lowe, III, PhD, receives Massachusetts Hospital Association’s Trustee Excellence in Leadership Award
If you’d like to reach the health and hospital communities of New England each month, there is no more cost-effective way than the Hospital Newspaper. Call Maureen Linell to place your advertisement: 508-869-6201
Photo by Clare Densmore
Pictured Left to right: John Lowe, III, PhD, Concord resident and former Chair and Vice Chair of Emerson Hospital’s Board of Directors, accepts the Massachusetts Hospital Association Trustee Excellence in Leadership Award from Peter Slavin, immediate past chair of the Massachusetts Hospital Association and president of Massachusetts General Hospital.
John Lowe, III, PhD, Concord resident and former Chair and Vice Chair of Emerson Hospital’s Board of Directors, is this year’s winner of the Trustee Excellence in Leadership Award from the Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA). Each year at the association’s annual meeting on Cape Cod, MHA honors the significant contributions of a trustee leader whose professional achievements have been of exceptional value to healthcare. “This year’s Trustee Excellence in Leadership Award winner is incredibly deserving,” said MHA President and CEO Lynn Nicholas. “John helped to strategically position Emerson Hospital to navigate many changes and challenges, specifically financial and quality improvement efforts.” Working closely with Emerson Hospital President & Chief Executive Officer Christine Schuster, RN, MBA Lowe led Emerson Hospital’s board of directors through a comprehensive financial review. He also brought a renewed Board-level focus to help guide the hospital's aggressive quality and patient safety initiatives. Lowe also took on both regional and national health industry leadership roles, serving on MHA’s Trustee Advisory Council starting in 2007, as Chair of the council from 2010-2011, and as national Chairman of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration from 2009-2010. Lowe is associate professor and chair of Health Care Administration at Simmons College. In addition, he has made master’s degree programs available on site at Emerson and other hospital campuses to broaden opportunities for working and mid-career professionals, as well as helped hospitals find and develop scholarship support for employees. In addition to his doctorate in public policy from the University of Illinois-Chicago, Lowe has a master’s degree in health management and policy from The Ohio State University. “Every hospital CEO knows the value of an exceptional trustee,” Nicholas said. “As his nominator, Christine Schuster, so eloquently stated, ‘John Lowe has applied his strategic perspective and his organizational expertise to set an ambitious agenda that has moved Emerson Hospital to new levels of quality and financial stability, and he has taken on responsibility in our state and nationally to build the leaders of the future.”
October 6-9, 2013 You are Invited to the Longest Running, International Conference on Patient-Centered Care! Join the longest running, most successful educational event for healthcare professionals who strive to create culture change and deliver health care that puts the needs of the patients first.
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Location Montreal, a cosmopolitan city enriched by the diverse cultures of its people embodies the personality of this a one-of-a-kind educational event for health care professionals who strive to create culture change and deliver health care that puts the needs of the patients and residents first.
Keynote Presenters Lyn Heward, Montreal's Cirque du Soleil Director of Creation David Nash, MD, Founder of the Jefferson School of Population Health Regina Holliday, Trailblazing patient rights arts advocate Polly LaBarre, Best-selling author, original team member of Fast Company magazine Rosalind W. Picard, ScD, Founder and Director of the Affective Computing research group at MIT Media Lab Richard Kogan, MD, Distinguished concert pianist and psychiatrist To learn more and sign up now while space is available:
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
PAgE 25
Day Kimball Healthcare to receive state grant to support hospital emergency department renovation project
AGING CARE ACADEMYSM is Hebrew Health Care’s answer, meeting the need for caregiver education. This program is designed to assist family members caring for older adults. Our experts will give you information, resources and skills to provide caregiving with confidence. Hebrew Health Care and Elmwood Senior Center have partnered and all sessions will be held at ESC. Look in the senior bulletin, on our web site or contact our office (860) 561-8180 for a full description of each topic. For more detailed information or questions call Hebrew Health Care at (860) 920-1810. Aging Care AcademySM is generously supported by the Farmington Bank Community Foundation.
Senate President Donald E. Williams (D-Brooklyn) was instrumental in securing the grant that, combined with favorable financing secured by the healthcare system, will enable the “much-needed” project to move forward Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH) recently announced that it will receive a grant from the State of Connecticut and has secured a favorable financing package, which will enable the company to proceed with the previously-announced renovations to the Day Kimball Hospital emergency department. DKH had reported back in January that the emergency department project was in jeopardy of being delayed due to the state budget cuts to hospitals. “Through the efforts of state Senate President Donald Williams, DKH will receive a $3.5 million state grant that will enable us to make infrastructure improvements necessary to support our much-needed hospital emergency department renovation project,” said Robert E. Smanik, FACHE, DKH president and CEO. “We are very appreciative of the Senator’s support of and interest in this critical effort, as the expansion and upgrading of our emergency department is an important part of an overall, systemic vision to continue to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Northeast Connecticut.” “Few things have more importance to a region than a local state of the art community hospital emergency department,” said Williams. "That’s why I strongly supported and worked to secure the critical funding for the completion of Day Kimball Hospital’s emergency department project.” Smanik said that in addition to the state grant, DKH has secured a favorable financing
package that not only supports the emergency department renovation project, but enables DKH to proceed with other needed capital improvements and to restructure existing debt. There are two important benefits that will result from the rebuilding of the emergency department: increased space and modernization, which features the critical component of 24 all-private treatment rooms that includes dedicated rooms specially designed for behavioral health patients, and one doublesized trauma room. “The emergency department renovation effort – which also is being generously supported by local residents and businesses – is part of our strategic plan to continue to offer highquality, integrated healthcare,” concluded Smanik. Day Kimball Healthcare is a non-profit, integrated medical services provider comprised of Day Kimball Hospital, healthcare centers in Danielson, Dayville, Plainfield and Putnam, Day Kimball HomeCare, Hospice & Palliative Care of Northeastern CT, Day Kimball HomeMakers, Day Kimball Medical Group and Franklin Home Health. Its service area includes Northeast Connecticut as well as nearby Massachusetts and Rhode Island communities. Day Kimball Healthcare’s comprehensive network offers more than 1,400 employees with nearly 300 associated, highly-skilled physicians, surgeons and specialists. Please visit the website at
Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
2013 Advanced Emergency and Acute Care Medicine Conference
11th Annual
September 17, 2013 — September 20, 2013 Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel—Atlantic City, NJ
“Best CME Value in the Northeast” Presenting Evidence-Based Medicine Best Practices on Key Disease States and Medical Technologies for ED, Acute Care, IM/FP and Hospitalist Providers Delivering Evidence-Based Medicine Best Practices Designed to Improve Clinical Outcomes, ED Operations, Reduce Risk and Enhance Patient Satisfaction Featuring Educational Tracks for Physicians, Mid-Level Providers, Nurses and ACHE Healthcare Executives Exceptional Variety of Courses Complimentary Exhibit Hall on 9/18/13 and 9/19/13 Registration Includes Breakfast and Lunch on Tuesday — Thursday
Program Highlights • Nationally Recognized Lecturers • Learn the Latest Treatment Options on Key Disease States • Separate Hospitalist Track • Full day ACHE Healthcare Executive Track on 9/18/13 • Registration Includes Daily Breakfast and Lunch (except Friday) • 3-hour Advanced Difficult Airway Hands-On Lab Course • 2-hour ED Ultrasound/Vascular Access Hands-On Lab Course • 1-hour Dental Block Lab Hands-On Course • 2013 LLSA Review Course General Information Courses: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 – Friday, September 20, 2013 On-Site Registration: Tuesday, starting at 8:30 am; Wednesday and Thursday, starting at 6:30 am; Friday, starting at 7:30 am. Location: Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel Two Convention Boulevard • Atlantic City, NJ 08401 (609) 344-3535 •
Target Audience This conference is designed for: Emergency, Acute Care, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine and Family Practice Physicians. Additional audiences include Mid-Level Providers (PAs and NPs), Nurses, Nurse Managers, Healthcare Executives, Healthcare Marketing, Community Outreach and EMS Professionals.
Course Objectives The practice of Emergency and Acute Care Medicine is a challenging and ever-changing specialty. This exciting conference covers the most up-to-date evidence-based medicine information on key disease states, clinical and operational best practices and ground breaking technology, which can make a significant impact on the practice of emergency and acute care medicine, both now and in the future. All attendees will be able to discuss and apply the clinical and operational best practices presented by some of the country’s top emergency and acute care medicine lecturers at this conference. Attendees will be able to explain and apply the latest evidence-based medicine information on: Stroke, Geriatric Emergencies, Pediatric Emergencies, Infectious Disease, Observation Medicine, Advanced Difficult Airway, Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access, ACS, Stroke, Medical Legal Risks, Atrial Fibrillation, Emergency Medicine in an Era of Healthcare Reform, Pain Management, Dental Emergencies, EM Literature Update, Dental Blocks, The Role of Scribes in Hospital Medicine, Challenges in Healthcare Reform to providing the right care to the right patient at the right time; Hospitalist Leverage in an Era of Healthcare Reform; Hospitalist Medicine in an Era of Healthcare Reform; ED Hospitalist Integration – A Best Practices Approach; Acute Decompensated Heart Failure: Transitions of Care from Door to Discharge and Beyond to improve clinical quality as the result of identified provider practice gaps.
Scott Serbin, Director of Provider Marketing Emergency Medical Associates 3 Century Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: (973) 740-0607 Fax: (973) 740-9895 Email: Special Hotel Rates: A special room rate of $139 has been secured for attendees of the 2013 Conference. Rooms at this special rate may be limited and should be booked no later than August 27, 2013. You may book your room on-line via, or by calling (888) 627-7212.
All information, including Conference Registration and Hotel Room Registration, can be conveniently accessed on-line at:
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
PAge 27
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital honored by US News and World Report “America’s Best Hospitals” Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital has again been recognized as one the top rehabilitation hospitals in the country, achieving a rank of #6 in the 2013 US News and World Report “America’s Best Hospitals” issue. Spaulding continues to be the only rehabilitation hospital in New England ranked each year since 1995. “Spaulding’s recognition as a top rehabilitation hospital each year is a result of the dedication to the highest standards in care, research and teaching our staff displays every day,” said David E. Storto President Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. “With the collective talents of our staff, I expect Spaulding will continue to thrive and grow in the years to come.” This past year marked another major milestone for Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, as on April 27th its new 132 bed replacement facility opened in the Charlestown Navy Yard. The LEED Gold Certified hospital has been hailed as a model for inclusive design as well as for its thoughtful approach to patient centered care. The new hospital was immediately put to the test as 33 Boston Marathon bombing survivors were treated at Spaulding in the weeks since April 15th as they began their own roads to recovery.
“Our physicians, faculty and researchers at Spaulding take a tremendous amount of pride in this recognition from our peers. In our new hospital, we are energized to develop novel research and treatment approaches that will benefit patients now and for future generations,” Dr. Ross Zafonte, Senior Vice President of Medical Services for Spaulding and the Chair of the Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Spaulding has maintained its standard of excellence in healthcare along with fellow Partners HealthCare hospitals 2013 “Honor Roll” members Massachusetts General, Brigham and Women’s, and highly ranked McLean Hospital, all perennial members on the “Best Hospitals” list. About the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Founded in 1971, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston is one of the largest rehabilitation facilities in the United States, and is ranked the 6th top rehabilitation hospital in the country by US News and World Report. As the official teaching hospital of the Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R),
Spaulding is at the forefront of research in advances in rehabilitative care. In April 2013, Spaulding opened a new 132-bed facility in Charlestown which is a national model for environmental and inclusive design. With a wide range of inpatient programs and 23 outpatient centers throughout Eastern Massachusetts, Spaulding strives to continually update and improve its programs
to offer patients the latest, high-quality care through its leading, expert providers. Spaulding has been awarded a Model Systems designation in three specialty areasBrain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury and Brain Injury Rehabilitation- by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. For more information, please visit
EMERGENCY MEDICINE UPDATE CME 2013 Conferences 9/23-26 Las Vegas, Nevada
11/4-8 Maui, Hawaii
2014 Conferences 1/20-23 Duck Key, Florida
2/2-7 Turks and Caicos
2/10-14 Telluride, Colorado
3/17-20 Las Vegas, Nevada
4/12-19 7-Day Caribbean Cruise
5/19-22 New Orleans, Louisiana
7/5-12 7-Day Alaskan Cruise
7/21-25 Yosemite, California
8/25-29 Whitefish, Montana
9/15-18 Las Vegas, Nevada
11/13-16 Key West, Florida
12/9-12 Paradise Island, Bahamas
2014 Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine 3/20-21 Las Vegas, Nevada
9/18-19 Las Vegas, Nevada
2015 Tentative Conferences 3/16-19 Las Vegas, Nevada
4/19-24 Turks and Caicos
9/14-17 Las Vegas, Nevada
2016 Tentative Conferences 3/14-18 Las Vegas, Nevada
north west S E M I N A R S
9/12-16 Las Vegas, Nevada
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Jul/Aug 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NE
By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC In today’s competitive work environment, when loyalty and opportunity are not enough to retain key people, employers often need incentives to hold on to valuable employees. When given as an added benefit, Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) will often do the trick. One of the most effective ways to get employers interested in offering LTCi as an employee benefit is with an Executive Carve-Out plan. This plan, in essence, is a set of “golden handcuffs". Everyone knows that people are living longer today than ever before. And everyone knows the tremendous financial benefits afforded by LTCi so many employees are very interested in this coverage. Everyday 10,000 people turn 65 years old in the United States and John Hancock is currently paying out over $2MM in total daily LTC claims to many of them1. Moreover, as Baby Boomers retire there will be fewer middle-aged people to replace them. Recruiting and retaining key workers will be crucial for many companies to succeed. For just that reason, Executive Carve-Outs are becoming more and more important to employers for attracting, rewarding and retaining employees. Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked Executive Carve-Out questions: Who is included in the Carve-Out? An Executive Carve-Out plan can be used to reward a few key employees or a larger group of employees. The employer can pick exactly who he wants in this group. All issues of discrimination testing are avoided. Who pays? The employer usually pays for the benefit premiums. What are the tax advantages? ➢ All premiums are fully deductible as a business expense to the employer if the business is a C-corp. ➢ Sole Proprietors can deduct the maximum eligible tax qualified premium for Long Term Care policies
➢ ➢ ➢
purchased for themselves, spouses, or dependents. However, premiums paid for employees and their families are fully deductible as a business expense. S-Corp employee shareholders owning more than 2% of the corporation shares, LLCs, and Partnerships may fully deduct premiums purchased on behalf of the business owners and their families as a business expense.2 The business owners must report the premium as income on their individual tax returns, but also get to deduct the maximum eligible tax qualified premium.3 Premiums paid for employees and their families are fully deductible as a business expense. Premiums are not included as taxable income for the employee. Benefits received are not included as taxable income for the employee. Some states offer additional tax incentives to employers.
Are there special discounts? Many carriers offer a 5% employer sponsored discount on all executive carve-out applications as well as preferred health and spousal discounts. This allows for extremely attractive premiums for executives, their spouses, and other family members like parents and siblings. How many applications are required? The sponsoring company needs to have a minimum of five (5) eligible full-time employees and submit at least three (3) applications including family members. If you are an employer looking to reward certain key employees, an Executive LTCi Carve-Out plan may be for you. For more information about Executive LTCi Carve-Outs, please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free at 877-676-9900. Andrew is Certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10606 and at 50 West Putnam, Greenwich CT 06831. 1. John Hancock 2011. 2. Deductible premiums for "S" Corp owner/employee spouses are limited to the eligible premium due to IRS Attribution rules. 3. A self-employed person may not deduct LTCi premiums for any month he/she is eligible to participate in a LTCi plan subsidized by the self-employed person’s employer or spouse’s employer.
A s k A n E x p e r t
Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
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Please send your People on the Move editorial to
people on the move Pinto’s professional experience also includes serving as an internal auditor for the United Cerebral Palsy organization, and a financial analyst and accountant for Developmental Services, Inc. of Winter Park, Florida – a Lifecare community and continuum of care, which much like Waveny, ranges from independent retirement living to long-term skilled nursing care.
Alice Daley, M.D., John Allen, Ph.D. join Spaulding Cape Cod Alice Daley, M.D., internal medicine, has joined the medical staff of Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod. Dr. Daley is a hospitalist overseeing the care of inpatients at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod (SCC). For her, the transition from an acute care hospital to a rehabilitation hospital allows her to use her expertise in managing complex medical conditions to help patients progress through the rehabilitation process. “Most of our patients have several active medical diagnoses in addition to their rehab needs. It’s very satisfying to watch them get better and reach their goals,” says Dr. Daley. “And it’s great being part of the rehab team where nurses, therapists, social worker, psychologist and physician work collaboratively with patients and invite families into the process.” Dr. Daley is a Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine. For the last eight years, she worked as a hospitalist at Cape Cod Hospital. Prior to that, she spent 11 years in private practice in the Greater Boston and Cape Cod communities, including at Newton Wellesley Internists and Medical Associates of Sandwich. Dr. Daley obtained her MD from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and completed her internship and residency in internal medicine at New England Deaconess Hospital. John Allen, Ph.D., health psychologist, returned to Spaulding Cape Cod in June after a year serving the Parkinson’s disease community in the Pacific Northwest, where he collaborated with Oregon Health and Science University’s
Parkinson’s Center of Oregon and the Brian Grant Foundation, among others. As a member of Spaulding Cape Cod’s inpatient care team, Dr. Allen helps patients adjust to significant change. “When dealing with major illnesses, injuries, and surgeries, it’s natural that patients and their loves ones experience a wide range of emotions, including stress, fear, sadness and feelings of loss. Health psychology is about helping patients and families maximize overall quality of life,” says Dr. Allen. During his prior 15 years at Spaulding Cape Cod, Dr. Allen served as a consultant and team member to the hospital’s Parkinson’s Center for Comprehensive Care, a role he has resumed. “I’m committed to increasing awareness of the need to address the common psychological aspects of Parkinson’s and to develop group programs that promote healthy mindset for patients and partners as they face this medical challenge.” Dr. Allen is a member of the American Psychological Association. Registered as a Healthcare Professional with the National Parkinson’s Foundation, Dr. Allen has completed NPF’s comprehensive “Allied Team Training for Parkinson.” He serves on advisory boards of the Brian Grant Foundation and the Parkinson’s Support Network of Cape Cod. He received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology and is a licensed psychologist in Massachusetts and Oregon. His interests include health psychology, behavioral medicine, mindbody medicine, and positive psychology.
“I am delighted to join Waveny’s dynamic and dedicated leadership team,” said Pinto. “I look forward to working closely with others who share the same goals of providing exceptional quality care and serving the community and our constituents in a not-for-profit setting.” Pinto is a magna-cum laude graduate of Rollins College of Winter Park, Florida.
Fay Pinto appointed Chief Financial Officer of Waveny Care Network Fay Pinto has been appointed Chief Financial Officer of Waveny Care Network of New Canaan, Conn. In this role, Pinto will manage all financial issues and fiscal reporting for Waveny Care Network, which includes Waveny Care Center, The Village, New Canaan Inn, Waveny Home Healthcare, an Adult Day Program, the Brown Geriatric Evaluation Clinic and all of the other services and programs that comprise Waveny’s continuum of healthcare. “I am extremely pleased to have Fay join Waveny Care Network as our Chief Financial Officer,” said Bill Piper, Chief Executive Officer for Waveny. “Her extensive experience in mission-driven not-forprofit healthcare settings will be a tremendous asset to our organization and her contributions to our senior management team will surely have an immediate, positive impact.” Pinto joins Waveny with more than a decade of progressive financial experience in accounting and finance, including eight years serving as Controller for Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center of Yonkers, New York – a 137-bed not-forprofit rehabilitation facility dedicated to caring for children with a wide range of disabilities and complex medical conditions. In this position, she was responsible for overseeing the $65 million Annual Budget of the pediatric skilled nursing facility and longterm home healthcare division, as well as the financial oversight of a $100 million relocation and construction project.
Metro West Medical Billing P.O. Box 312 Hudson, MA 01749 Tel: (978) 562-4503 (888) 568-MWMB Fax: (978) 562-MWMB Fax: (978) 567-MWMB
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pAgE 30
Jul/Aug 2013
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AssIsTEd lIvIng
WHAlER’s CovE AssIsTEd lIvIng “ExCEpTIonAl CARE AT An ExCEpTIonAl pRICE”
Bernstein & Associates, Architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. ( Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 100 Pearl St. - 14th Floor, Hartford, CT 06103 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 860-616-2200 Fax: 860-616-0018 NEW YORK - HARTFORD - PRINCETON
Whaler’s Cove Assisted Living has 120 safe and affordable rental apartments in a beautifully restored historic building. Life at Whaler’s Cove means living independently for senior adults who no longer want the responsibility of maintaining a home, but may need a helping hand with personal care and other needs. Located in Southeastern Massachusetts, on the site of the former Whitman Mills, bordering the Acushnet River, Whaler’s Cove offers all of the comforts of home. Amenities include a spacious dining room, large sunroom with interior gardens, chapel, library, beauty/barber salon and beautifully furnished lounge areas. Whaler’s Cove has recently added a billiards room and gym, as well as refurbished the Reception Desk area. At Whaler’s Cove, our professionally trained and dedicated staff is sensitive to residents’ changing needs, assuring that they receive the services they need to maintain their independent lifestyles. Whaler’s Cove is one of the most affordable assisted living facilities in the area. In addition, our units are 20-50% larger than other local facilities, making ours the most generously sized apartments in Southeastern Massachusetts. Are you in need of accommodations following surgery or an injury or just want to try us out before you decide? Ask about our Short Stay Suites. At Whaler’s Cove, we understand that everyone’s financial situation is unique and that these circumstances determine how you will fund your or your loved one’s stay in an assisted living. There are a wide variety of options available which offer the flexibility and additional resources that you need. Call us today to ask how we may be able to help you make the transition to assisted living. Whaler’s Cove Assisted Living 114 Riverside Avenue New Bedford, MA 02746 Phone 508-997-2880 • Fax 508-997-1599
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Hospital Newspaper - NE Jul/Aug 2013
PAge 31
Coverys announces $52K donation to One Fund Boston To support victims of the Boston Marathon bombings and their families Medical Professional Mutual Insurance Company and its subsidiaries (“Coverys”) announced this July that it will donate over $50,000 to The One Fund Boston in support of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. The One Fund Boston was established by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick as a central depository for charitable contributions to benefit victims of the tragic April 15, 2013, Boston Marathon bombings. Over the duration of the 30 day fundraising campaign, Coverys’ employees donated over $9,000 through payroll deductions or directly through The One Fund Boston website. Coverys double matched its employees’ contributions to The One Fund Boston in the amount of $18,000. An additional $25,000 was donated by its charitable foundation, Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation. Collectively, $52,000 was raised and distributed to The One Fund Boston. “In wake of the tragic events of the Boston Marathon bombings, Coverys wanted to support the survivors of this terrible tragedy and their families, and also wanted to provide support to the community in which we have operated in for the past 38 years,” said Gregg Hanson, CEO and president of Coverys. “We are proud to be able to collaborate with our employees to support The One Fund Boston.” The Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation provides consistent support for non-profit organizations and state/regional medical societies including innovative projects committed to enhancing the delivery of healthcare. Coverys positively reinforces charitable organizations and innovative programs through funding and participation, including causes in which Coverys employees are involved. Coverys is dedicated to being an affirmative and active corporate citizen in the healthcare community and the communities in which it operates.
To learn more about The One Fund Boston, please visit About Coverys Coverys is one of the top 10 medical professional liability insurance providers in the country based on direct written premium. Coverys member companies insure more than 25,000 physicians, surgeons, dentists, certified nurse midwives and allied healthcare providers, as well as
more than 500 hospitals, health centers and clinics in 24 states from coast to coast. Coverys has net admitted assets of $3.3 billion, direct written premium of $368 million and policyholder surplus of $1.3 billion, as of December 31, 2012. In addition, Coverys member insurance companies Medical Professional Mutual Insurance Company (“ProMutual”) and ProSelect Insurance Company (“ProSelect”), as well as ProMutual-sponsored
Coverys RRG, Inc. (“Coverys RRG”) have a Best’s Rating of A (Excellent). MHA Insurance Company (“MHAIC”) and Washington Casualty Company (“WCC”) have a Best’s Rating of A- (Excellent). Coverys emphasizes physician education and patient safety, and the company is acknowledged as a leader in providing supportive risk management services and resolute claim defense to the
healthcare community. Coverys also offers a variety of interactive and relevant continuing medical education (CME) activities to healthcare providers across the country. For more information visit the Coverys website at Timely industry and company news can also be found on the Coverys blog at, on Twitter (@Coverys) and on the company’s Facebook page.
It pays to examine the health of your medical liability insurer.
Medical Professional Mutual Insurance Company and ProSelect Insurance Company, both Coverys member companies, were recently rated ‘A’ for financial strength by A.M. Best. We earned this distinction as a result of excellent capitalization, strong underwriting results and favorable historical investment income. In short, it means we will be there when you need us. And that should make you feel a lot better. To find out more, visit us online at
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Jul/Aug 2013
ONE IN 50 CHILDREN ARE AFFECTED BY AUTISM. Research now suggests that children as young as one-year-old can show signs of Autism. The most important thing you can do as a parent or caregiver, is to learn the early signs of Autism and understand the typical developmental milestones your child should be reaching at different ages. Signs and symptoms to look for:
Hospital Newspaper - NE
s . O BIG SMILES OR OTHER WARM JOYFUL expressions by six months, or thereafter s . O BACK AND FORTH SHARING OF SOUNDS smiles, or other facial expressions by nine months, or thereafter s .O BABBLING BY MONTHS s . O BACK AND FORTH GESTURES SUCH AS pointing, showing, reaching, or waving by MONTHS s .O WORDS BY MONTHS s . O TWO WORD MEANINGFUL PHRASES WITHOUT imitating or repeating), by 24 months s ! NY LOSS OF SPEECH BABBLING OR SOCIAL skills at any age
4HIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY &IRST 3IGNS )NC Š Reprinted with permission. For more information about recognizing the early signs of developmental and behavioral disorders, please visit First Signs at or the Centers for Disease Control at www.
When your child is diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), seeking help is not as simple as finding a specialist. Your child needs evaluation and support in so many ways. It can be a daunting challenge. The Autism Center at Hospital for Special Care was established to be an integrated resource to meet the needs of children and adolescents with ASD. We offer a variety of diagnostic assessment and consulting services. Just as important, we are here to offer comprehensive guidance to the caregivers, educators and family members whose love and support are the true key to your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future. To learn more, visit, or call 860.827.4797. The Autism Center at Hospital for Special Care is a joint effort with University of Saint Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Institute for Autism and Behavioral Studies.