Hospital Newspaper New Jersey 2016 ebook

Page 1


A Loan Program that could make you feel good! See page 4 for details

The New Jersey Edition



Professional Development & Recruitment Section


Trinitas Regional Medical Center – A Health System that NJ can be proud of! p2

Brand New NO FEE Rentals! Live at 24 Jones-University HeightsWhere Newark Meets Luxury p5 Saint Peter’s University: RN to BSN: 100% online! pages 8, 9

Raritan Bay Medical Center: “It’s good to be connected” p20

Begins p8

National Nurses Week May 6-12, 2016 Congratulations New Jersey Nurses!


Cover photo: Saint Peter’s nurses celebrate a record fifth Magnet® designation p11

Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553



May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016



May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Gary S. Horan, Trinitas President and CEO, named to “Power 50� Listing

Gary S. Horan, FACHE, President and CEO of Trinitas Regional Medical Center, was recently named to the prestigious Power 50 Healthcare list published each year by NJBIZ. This marks the fourth year that he has attained this list, during which he improved his standing by moving up 4 notches to #27. According to NJBIZ, the Power 50 Healthcare list identifies the “top players� in New Jersey who are “impacting this powerful part of our economy.� He expresses gratitude for this Power 50 recognition: “It’s a humbling experience to be on the same list that includes many men and women whom I greatly admire,� says Mr. Horan. “Healthcare today is more volatile than it has been in my entire 45 year career. There are many, many moving parts, and today’s leaders are literally reinventing healthcare as we know it. I am excited to be a part of that dynamic process.�

An accomplished healthcare executive, Mr. Horan has led Trinitas for 15 years, arriving shortly after the merger of St. Elizabeth Hospital and Elizabeth General Medical Center which gave birth to Trinitas in January, 2000. Trinitas offers 10 Centers of Excellence in such areas as cancer care, cardiac care, renal, diabetes and wound care, sleep medicine, behavioral health care, specialized care for women and seniors, and a professional school of nursing. Based in Elizabeth, Trinitas’ 2,800 employees and 500 physicians are part of a health system that reaches into every corner of New Jersey. It is a Catholic teaching institution sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in partnership with the Elizabethtown Healthcare Foundation. The recent NJBIZ recognition is the latest in Mr. Horan’s long string of achievements that includes being the 2016 recipient of the New Jersey Hospital Association’s Distinguished

Service Award. He is past Chairman and current Board member of the Hospital Alliance of New Jersey; past Chairman and current member of the Board of Governors of the Greater New York Hospital Association, past Chairman of the Hospital Association of New York State, and past member of the Board of the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce. He currently serves on the Board of the Catholic Healthcare Partnership of New Jersey as well as on the Board of the New Jersey Hospital Association. He received the 2015 Regent Lifetime Award of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). In addition, he is a member of the Union County College Board of Governors. Mr. Horan’s inspiration is simple: "When you do something you love, you never just 'go to work.' You go to your passion. Health care management has been my passion for 45 years.�

Mr. Horan and his wife, Arlene, reside in Sea Girt. They are the parents of three grown children.


Gary S. Horan, FACHE President & CEO Trinitas Regional Medical Center

He earned his B.S. degree in Economics from St. Peter's University, Jersey City, and his M.A. degree in Health Care Administration from the George Washington University, School of Government and Business, in Washington, DC.

About Trinitas Regional Medical Center Trinitas Regional Medical Center (TRMC), a major center for comprehensive health services for those who live and work in Central New Jersey, is a Catholic teaching medical center sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in partnership with Elizabethtown Healthcare Foundation. With 10 Centers of Excellence across the continuum of care, Trinitas offers 554 beds and has distinguished itself in cardiology, cancer care, behavioral health, renal care, nursing education, diabetes management, wound healing and sleep medicine. For more information on Trinitas Regional Medical Center, please visit: or call (908) 994-5138.

A loan program that could make you feel good! We know how important it is to have good medical care in our communities, and the Citizens Bank Doctor Loan* (it’s available for dentists, too!) helps our medical professionals buy homes and settle down in our neighborhoods. 6RPH RI WKH IHDWXUHV WKDW PDNH RXU SURJUDP VR DWWUDFWLYH LQFOXGH XS WR Č´QDQFLQJ IRU ORDQ DPRXQWV XS WR ZLWK QR PRQWKO\ PRUWJDJH LQVXUDQFH UHTXLUHPHQWV :H RÎ?HU Č´[HG RU DGMXVWDEOH UDWH RSWLRQV DQG VWXGHQW ORDQ GHEW WKDWȇV GHIHUUHG IRU PRUH WKDQ PRQWKV IURP ORDQ FORVLQJ FDQ EH H[FOXGHG IURP WKH GHEW WR LQFRPH UDWLR (OLJLEOH ERUURZHUV LQFOXGH SUDFWLFLQJ OLFHQVHG PHGLFDO GRFWRUV DQG GHQWLVWV LQFOXGLQJ UHVHDUFK SK\VLFLDQV DQG VHOI HPSOR\HG who’ve been out of residency, internship or fellowship for no more than ten years. Current medical professional residents, fellows and interns are also eligible. &RQWDFW \RXU &LWL]HQV %DQN ORDQ RÉ?FHU IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG IXOO SURGXFW JXLGHOLQHV ΖW FRXOG PDNH WKH GLÎ?HUHQFH EHWZHHQ EHLQJ DEOH WR DÎ?RUG D KRPH SXUFKDVH WRGD\ DQG KDYLQJ WR ZDLW IRU \HDUV

CITIZENSBANK.COM *The Citizens Bank Doctor Loan is available to licensed Doctors of Medicine (MD), Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Doctors of Dental Surgery (DDS), and Doctors of Dental Medicine (DMD) who have completed residency within the last ten years and to current medical professional residents, fellows and interns. Maximum loan amounts are lower for current medical professional residents, fellows and interns. Available only in CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, VA, VT, and WV. 0RUWJDJHV DUH RÎ?HUHG DQG RULJLQDWHG E\ &LWL]HQV %DQN 1 $ &LWL]HQV %DQN LV D EUDQG QDPH RI &LWL]HQV %DQN 1 $ 10/6 Ζ' DQG &LWL]HQV %DQN RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD 10/6 Ζ' &LWL]HQV %DQN 1 $ DQG &LWL]HQV %DQN RI 3HQQV\OYDQLD DUH DÉ?OLDWHV $OO ORDQV DUH VXEMHFW WR DSSURYDO 0HPEHU )'Ζ& (TXDO +RXVLQJ /HQGHU

Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016


May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ


Citizens Bank




Heroes Mortgage


Matheny School and Hospital


New World Group


Nexera Consulting


Pavisse Incident Management Solution


Plymouth Rock Management Co of NJ


Raritan Bay Medical Center


Resource Directory


St. Peter’s University

8, 9

Thomas Edison State College



Trinitas Regional Medical Center


May 6-12, 2016

Hospital Newspaper is proud to recognize nurses as part of National Nurses Week which is May 6-12. Facing unknown health issues can be very stressful. Hospital stays can be made more comfortable because of the gentle, encouraging care provided by nurses. Around the clock, patients push the alert button to summon the nurses. What an immense sense of relief when the kind and helpful face of a nurse appears. Most nurses feel their services are not recognized. However, they should be. Nurses are a special group, an important part of our communities. Many nurses expressed that a few encouraging words would mean so much to them after a 24-hour work shift. In today’s healthcare system, these special men and women face ever changing challenges. Please take the opportunity during National Nurse Week to put a smile on a valued nurse! Where we would be without them?




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A Loan Pro gram that make yo could u feel go od! See page 4 for details

HOME SUB SCRIPTI ON - $18/ YEAR MAY/JUN Trinitas E 2016 Regi Health Syst onal Medical Cent em that NJ er can be prou– A Brand New d of! p2 Live at 24 NO FEE Rentals! Jones-Un Where New iversity Heig ark Meet htss Luxury Saint Pete p5 r’s 100% onlin University: RN to BSN: e! pages 8, 9 Raritan Bay to be conn Medical Center: “It’s good ected” p20

Professio nal Developm ent & Recruit ment Section Begins p8

National Nurs May 6-12 es Week , Congratul 2016 New Jers ations ey Nurse s!




Center for Vein Restoration

Hospital Newspaper salutes all Nurses during National Nurses Week

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Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016



education & careers

May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

National Nurses Week 2016 History

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6 and ends on May 12, Florence Nightingale's birthday. These permanent dates enhance planning and position National Nurses Week as an established recognition event. As of 1998, May 8 was designated as National Student Nurses Day, to be celebrated annually. And as of 2003, National School Nurse Day is celebrated on the Wednesday within National Nurses Week each year. The nursing profession has been supported and promoted by the American Nurses Association (ANA) since 1896. Each of ANA's state and territorial nurses associations promotes the nursing profession at the state and regional levels. Each conducts celebrations on these dates to recognize the contributions that nurses and nursing make to the community. The ANA supports and encourages National Nurses Week recognition programs through the state and district nurses associations, other specialty nursing organizations, educational facilities, and independent health care companies and institutions. Source: American Nurses Association, Inc.

education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016


Judy Padula, BSN, MSN, RN, named Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer of St. Joseph’s Healthcare System


St. Joseph’s Healthcare System (SJHS), based in Paterson, New Jersey, has announced the appointment of Judy Padula, BSN, MSN, RN, to the position of Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). A St. Joseph’s employee for 36 years, Ms. Padula has served in various positions throughout the Healthcare System, including System Director for Surgical Services for the past twenty years. During this time, she was instrumental in the planning and development of 12 operating rooms and central sterile area in the new Critical Care Building, the Ambulatory Surgery Center and the Surgical Management Joint Venture. In collaboration with the Chairman of Surgery, Ms. Padula developed and implemented many successful quality projects, reduced turnover time in the OR and Same Day Center, improved on-start times, and implemented the Robotic Surgery Program and the Bariatric Surgery Program. In addition, she established the Nurse Internship in the OR, implemented the McKesson Surgical Manager in Perioperative Services at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Paterson, NJ and St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital in Wayne, NJ, with computerized scheduling and physician preference listings. Ms. Padula received both her Associate and Bachelor degrees in Nursing at Felician College and earned her Advanced Practice degree from William Paterson University. She was selected by her peers as the recipient of the 2014 Divisional Leaders Award by the Organization of Nurse Executives of New Jersey (ONE-NJ). Ms. Padula has represented St. Joseph’s at a variety of national conferences and presented at the Association of Operating Room Nurses Annual Conference. She has participated in multiple international medical missions with Healing the Children of New Jersey. To learn more about the spectrum of leading edge services and compassionate care available at St. Joseph’s, visit


May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Nurse’s Viewpoint By Alison Lazzaro, RN


nursteinfo for stude s and nts Hospital Newspaper Correspondent

May: Critical Care Awareness Month!

Just when you think things have settled down and it is your chance to grab a cup of coffee and do some charting...a three star alarm sounds! The arterial line tracing on your patient dampens, the dialysis machine you are navigating howls, the patient's heart rate slows and you internalize that seconds cannot be wasted. The human being lying before has a breathing tube, an orogastric tube, mediastinal chest tubes, pleural chest tubes, epicardial pacer wires, a central line in the jugular vein, a femoral dialysis line, a radial arterial line and a foley catheter. Managing these tubes is nothing compared to the ten different life-preserving infusions running simultaneously. You make split second decisions in these scenarios daily and love the members of your team working at your side. These adrenaline pumping moments keep your passion for critical care nursing alive.

Critical care nursing is a unique field that cares for patients suffering from life-threatening conditions. These conditions range from traumas to heart attacks, and brain bleeds to septic shock. The month of May recognizes the work of critical care nurses and celebrates their dedication to the skilled nursing of their patients and patient families. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) is the largest specialty nursing organization in the world, and is comprised of over 500,000 critical care nurses worldwide. The organization awards Beacon designation for exceptional care though improved outcomes and patient satisfaction. Beacon Awards signify a supportive work environment and high morale.

Many residency programs train new graduates or nurses from other specialties to specialize in critical care. These programs allow for training with a mentor and classes designed around ventilator management, pulmonary artery catheters and critical care medications. These measures serve to ease the transition to this field.

After gaining several months of valuable experience on the unit, the critical care nurse can sit for the certification examination. After studying and passing the examination, the nurse adds the credentials “CCRN� to their badge.

Communication is key. Critical care nurses provide vigilant care to one or two patients in order to observe subtle changes in patient conditions. Interdisciplinary rounds create a plan for stabilizing the patient and allow family members to ask questions to physicians, NP/PAs, nurses, pharmacists, and dieticians. Many patients are intubabted and cannot verbally communicate their needs. Critical care nurses utilize their voice to advocate on behalf of their patients.

education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016


Saint Peter’s nurses celebrate a record fifth Magnet® designation Saint Peter’s University Hospital threw a party for its hundreds of nurses on Thursday, April 14, to celebrate the re-designation of Saint Peter’s as a Magnet Hospital for Nursing Excellence for 2016-2020, making Saint Peter’s one of only five hospitals in the world to receive this recognition for five consecutive terms. Cutting the cake are Robert Mulcahy, vice president, facilities and environment of care; Cheryl Saffer, director of professional practice; Linda Carroll, chief nursing officer, and Sharon Haskins, director of medical surgery and critical care. Magnet recognition, conferred after exhaustive review by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, is the highest honor for nursing service excellence that any hospital can receive. There are 430 Magnet hospitals among the more than 5,600 hospitals nationwide and 8,000 worldwide.

Saint Peter's Nurses Party In Celebration of Fifth Magnet Award


About Saint Peter’s University Hospital Saint Peter’s University Hospital is a 478-bed acute-care teaching hospital sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen. Saint Peter’s is a state-designated children’s hospital and a regional perinatal center, and is a regional specialist in geriatrics, oncology, orthopedics, women’s services, and ambulatory care. The Children’s Hospital at Saint Peter’s University Hospital provides families with access to a full range of pediatric specialties, including pediatric cardiology through its affiliation with The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Saint Peter’s is a sponsor of residency programs in obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and internal medicine and is a major clinical affiliate of Rutgers University Biomedical and Health Sciences. Saint Peter’s also sponsors residency programs in radiology and orthopedic surgery. Please visit for more information.


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May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Children’s Specialized Hospital celebrates 125 years of partnering with families - Hats Off Walk n' Roll May 21!

This year marks Children’s Specialized Hospital’s 125th anniversary of helping children with special healthcare needs reach their fullest potential. To commemorate the anniversary, the hospital has themed the milestone “Hats Off.” “Hats Off” is a unique way to show appreciation to early founders, supporters, physicians, and dedicated staff members who have helped Children’s Specialized Hospital grow to meet the demanding needs of children recovering from traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, or to treat the thousands of children on the autism spectrum and those with complex medical needs. The annual Walk n’ Roll will be the official kickoff to the 125th anniversary yearlong celebration, with the “Hats Off” theme. This popular community event attracts hundreds of families who have benefited from the programs at Children’s Specialized Hospital and enables them to give back to the organization that has partnered with them to help their child reach their fullest potential. To say “Hats Off,” over 2,000 kids, parents, community members, sponsors, and hospital staff will show their support for the programs and care provided by Children’s Specialized Hospital. Each year, Children’s Specialized Hospital treats nearly 29,000 patients from birth to age 21 with special healthcare needs at 13 locations across New Jersey. Open to all members of the public, the 2016 Children’s Specialized Hospital Walk n’ Roll will take place Saturday, May 21, at Johnson Park in Piscataway, New Jersey. Check-in starts at 8:00 a.m., followed by an opening ceremony at 10:00 a.m., the start of

Walk N’ Roll at 10:15 a.m., and a kids’ carnival that will last from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Teams are encouraged to wear hats of all kinds, to go along with the “Hats Off” 125th anniversary theme. For more information or to register, visit Walk n’ roll chairwoman Kim Hanemann, senior vice president - delivery projects and construction at PSE&G and Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation trustee, is instrumental in leading the event committee to yet another record-setting year. “This marks the tenth anniversary of the Walk n’ Roll, and the walk will also serve as the kick off for Children’s Specialized Hos-


pital’s 125th Anniversary celebration,” said Hanemann. “PSEG’s employees and vendors fundraise for Children’s Specialized throughout the year, and we all look forward to the Walk n’ Roll, too. It’s great to meet the patients and families that will benefit from our efforts, and we look forward to saying ‘Hats Off’ and breaking new fundraising records in 2016. ” Corporate sponsors can make contributions, set up a booth at the carnival, or coor-

dinate teams of their own employees to walk and show their corporate support. Presenting sponsor PSEG had a team of around 200 people in attendance in 2015. Last year, the Walk n’ Roll raised a record $270,000, which all went directly back into the inpatient and outpatient programs and services provided at Children’s Specialized Hospital. “The Walk n’ Roll is an opportunity for our patients and families to come out and do something together, to show support to the hospital for the care they’re receiving,” said Toni Schweizer, special events director, Children’s Specialized Hospital. “Corporate sponsors love the event, too, because it’s a great way to interact with their communities.” Walk n’ Rollers can follow either a one mile or five kilometer (3.2 miles) paved, flat path that accommodates nearly every level of mobility – from wheelchairs and strollers to participants walking on their own. The kids’ carnival is also popular. “Carnival activities are geared to all levels of ability,” said Schweizer. “There will be tented games like bean bag toss, face painting, hot dog and refreshment stands, and more.” There is no cost to register for the event. Children’s Specialized Hospital will award Tshirts to individuals who raise $25 or more. Children’s Specialized Hospital dates its beginnings to the late 1800s when a group of dedicated women in Westfield, New Jersey, saw a need to help malnourished and sickly children from nearby cities. Early doctors, nurses and volunteers rushed to treat hundreds of children afflicted by the polio epidemic. For more information or to register, visit

19th Annual Miles for Matheny scheduled for Sunday, June 5

The Matheny Medical and Educational Center’s 19th annual Miles for Matheny will be held Sunday, June 5, in Peapack’s Liberty Park. A family-friendly event that raises funds and awareness for children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities, Miles brings together Matheny’s students, patients, family, friends and members of the community for an exciting day of camaraderie and fun. Activities include: • Lu Huggins Wheelchair Walk. More than 100 Matheny children, teens, and adults “wheel” through the streets of downtown Peapack, accompanied by family and friends and cheered on by neighbors and supporters. Sponsored by Partlow Insurance and the Golub Family. • Cycling. A choice of 10, 25, 35, and 50-mile bike rides, plus the highly challenging “Hills of Attrition” endurance ride. The Hills of Attrition course was redesigned this year by the Bedminster Flyers cycling club and subtitled “Ride It If You Can”. Sponsored by Peapack-Gladstone Bank. • Fitness Walk. This is the 2nd year for this one-mile walk/jog for all ages.

• Kids Fun Run. Children ages 3-10 enjoy friendly competition, and everybody’s a winner. Sponsored by Porzio, Bromberg & Newman P.C. Attorneys at Law. • Breakfast of Champions presented by The Friends of Matheny plus music, family entertainment and refreshments throughout the event. The Poses Family Foundation is again the Premier Sponsor, and other major sponsors are Mariner Wealth Advisors and WCBS Newsradio 880. Log onto to register for an event, form a fundraising team or make a donation. For assistance, call (908) 234-0011, ext. 260, or email Onsite registration begins at 8 a.m. on June 5, and events run throughout the morning culminating with the Wheelchair Walk starting at 12:15 p.m. All proceeds from Miles for Matheny will benefit programs and services that enhance the lives of the children, teens, and adults served by Matheny, a special hospital and educational facility for people with medically complex developmental disabilities.

Matheny resident Bianca Mathis at last year’s Miles for Matheny with, from left, Bernards Middle School volunteers Angeles Britez and Melissa Almoda and Matheny recreation therapist Shannon O’Brien. provided

Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016


Chuck Matheny celebrates his 75th birthday

Matheny group home resident James Lane and Matheny resident Jess Evans.

“There is a lot of love in this room.” That statement by Rev. Dennis Jones, pastor of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church, pretty much describes the atmosphere that permeated the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center on Wednesday, March 30, as students, patients, and staff members at the Matheny Medical and Educational Center and friends from the community celebrated Chuck Matheny’s 75th birthday. When Chuck was born in 1941 and diagnosed with cerebral palsy, his parents, Walter and Marguerite Matheny decided to devote their lives to helping him and other children like him. In 1946, they opened the Burnt Mills School for Paralysis Correction in Burnt Mills. Today, Matheny is a special hospital and educational facility in Peapack, NJ, for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities. In addition to Rev. Jones, speakers included Greg Skinner, Peapack-Gladstone police chief; Jim Hintenach, Matheny School curriculum supervisor; and Kenneth R. Sprott, MD, JD, Matheny president and CEO.

From left, Peapack-Gladstone residents Judy Silacci, Roy Smith, and Linda Horton.

Dr. Sprott pointing out that, “his parents’ love for Chuck created what we have today,” presented Chuck with a Joint Legislative Resolution from the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly, written by Senator Michael Doherty and Assemblymen John DiMaio and Erik Peterson. The Resolution said, in part: “The Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey are pleased to honor and salute Charles “Chuck” Matheny, a highly esteemed resident of his community, who will celebrate his Seventy-Fifth Birthday during a special party on March 30, 2016 . . . Diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after his birth, Chuck Matheny has overcome many obstacles throughout his life while continually exhibiting a positive spirit and everlasting smile . . .” Among the many presents Chuck received were a portrait of himself, created by Keith Garletts, a staff member in Matheny’s Arts Access Program, and a book of New York Times March 30th front pages.

Dr. Sprott presenting Chuck with the Legislative Resolution. Looking on, from left, Chuck’s companions Marta Medvidora and Kathy Eitner, and retired Matheny vp of operations Chris King. photos provided


May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Trinitas is one of only 86 hospitals nationwide to be named a 2016 Great Place to Work in Healthcare

Trinitas Regional Medical Center, an acute care hospital with 554 beds that serves the City of Elizabeth and its surrounding communities in Central New Jersey, is among a select group of 86 hospitals across the nation chosen as one of the 150 Great Places to Work in Healthcare for 2016 by Becker Healthcare based in Chicago. The highly-respected list has just been released in Becker's Healthcare monthly publication, Becker's Hospital Review. Trinitas is listed among nationally-recognized hospitals and medical centers such as the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and Mass General. To qualify for the Great Place to Work in Healthcare list, Becker Healthcare considers organizations that have received national, state or local recognition in workplace excellence, noteworthy employee benefits offerings, wellness initiatives, efforts to improve professional development, diversity and inclusion, work-life balance, and have fostered a sense of community among employees.

“Trinitas is pleased and extremely proud to be on the Becker Healthcare 2016 list and identified as an exemplary hospital among others in the US,” says Gary S. Horan, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Trinitas has impressive credentials in the areas that Becker'sHospital Review uses to evaluate and select organizations for its list. In workplace excellence alone, our 2800 employees have helped us to earn several Best Places to Work Awards from NJBIZ. In terms of the level of care that we offer, Trinitas has been named a Castle Connolly Top Hospital in its eligible service areas for three years running.” Mr. Horan further notes that Trinitas has launched numerous wellness initiatives for employees to encourage healthy lifestyles. For its promotion of heart health, Trinitas has earned the Fit Friendly Award from the American Heart Association for four consecutive years, first at the Gold level and then Platinum. It has also received multiple CEO Cancer Gold Standard accreditations for its overall promotion of

healthy lifestyles to prevent cancer. The Renal Services Department holds regional 5-Diamond Patient Safety Program status from Quality Network Insights which places it in the top 20% of dialysis centers in New Jersey. An on-site fitness center offers employee discounts and supervised fitness training. Small group smoking cessation classes provide assistance and encouragement for interested employees. For the period 2015 – 2020, the National League for Nursing has designated Trinitas for a third time as a Center of Excellence in Nursing Education for “Creating Environments that Enhance Student Learning and Professional Development.” In health information management, Trinitas has been named a “Most Wired Hospital” three times by Hospitals and Healthcare Network for reaching Stage 6 in the adoption of electronic records. Trinitas is among only 16.5% of hospitals nationally to have achieved this level and one of only 16 New Jersey healthcare institutions to achieve this status.

“All of these awards and recognitions attest to Trinitas being highly qualified to hold a place on the Becker Healthcare 2016 Great Place to Work in Healthcare list,” concludes Mr. Horan. Published since 2011, Becker's Hospital Review list features hospitals, health systems, and ambulatory surgical centers and home health agencies, as well as healthcare consulting firms, health IT vendors, medical societies and more. The complete "150 Great Places to Work in Healthcare" 2016 list includes individual profiles of all organizations and can be read at

Trinitas Regional Medical Center (TRMC), a major center for comprehensive health services for those who live and work in Central New Jersey, is a Catholic teaching medical center sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in partnership with Elizabethtown Healthcare Foundation. With 10 Centers of Excellence across the continuum of care, Trinitas offers 554 beds and has distinguished itself in cardiology, cancer care, behavioral health, renal care, nursing education, diabetes management, wound healing and sleep medicine. For more information on Trinitas Regional Medical Center, visit: or call (908) 994-5138. photo provided

Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016


Kenneth G. Swan, Jr., M.D., named Director, Division of Orthopedic Surgery and Medical Director of the Human Motion Institute at Raritan Bay Medical Center

Senior Vice President of Clinical Effectiveness / Medical Affairs at Raritan Bay Medical Center Michael Ciencewicki, M.D., recently announced the appointment of Kenneth G. Swan, Jr., M.D., to Director, Division of Orthopedic Surgery and Medical Director of the Human Motion Institute at Raritan Bay. The board certified orthopedic surgeon joined Raritan Bay’s Human Motion Institute, a comprehensive musculoskeletal care program, in 2011. The medical center became a member of the Meridian Health family in January. Dr. Swan serves as Team Physician for the Woodbridge Township School District; Woodbridge High School, Colonia High School and JFK High School and for the Perth Amboy School District, Perth Amboy High School. He has an office in the Medical Pavilion at Perth Amboy, 516 Lawrie St., across the street from Raritan Bay - Perth Amboy. Dr. Swan is also a part of University Orthopaedic Associates with an office in Wall Township, NJ. The Human Motion Institute’s medical professionals are dedicated to returning patients to normal activities as quickly and safely as possible. A nurse navigator assists patients in making informed medical decisions and understanding treatment before, during and after their visit to the medical center. Services include fracture care, joint replacement, pain management, spine care, foot and ankle care, sports medicine and physical therapy. To make an appointment with Dr. Swan or any specialist, call 855.5.MOTION.

Dentistry in Newark, NJ. Dr. Swan obtained an additional year of training at the University of Colorado, where he earned sub-specialty expertise in shoulder surgery and sports medicine. During that time, he was assistant team physician for the University of Colorado Buffaloes and the University of Denver Pioneers.


Dr. Swan specializes in sports medicine and shoulder surgery, orthopedic trauma and general orthopedics. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, NJ. Dr. Swan earned his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in New York City. He completed five years of orthopedic residency and trauma surgery at the University of Medicine and

About Raritan Bay Medical Center Raritan Bay Medical Center, a member of the Meridian Health family, is a not-for-profit community hospital with locations in Old Bridge and Perth Amboy. Raritan Bay is one of a few hospitals in the world to achieve Magnet Recognition for nursing excellence three times. The hospital is a New Jersey state-designated primary stroke center, a recipient of the American Stroke Association Get with the Guidelines® Stroke Silver Plus, American Heart Association’s Heart Failure Gold and Mission: Lifeline® EMS Silver Performance Achievement Awards recognizing high quality care of stroke and heart failure patients and patients experiencing a severe heart attack, respectively. The Joslin Diabetes Center, Affiliate at Raritan Bay, provides the latest advances for treating diabetes and its complications as well as other metabolic and endocrine disorders. Among its flagship programs are the Human Motion Institute, a comprehensive musculoskeletal program, and Institute for Weight Loss, specializing in weight loss surgery. For more information, visit For a free physician referral, call 1-800-DOCTORS.


May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016


The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men. Men should make their health a top priority and take daily steps to be healthier and stronger. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers these tips for men on leading a healthy life:

Eat healthy. Nutritious foods give you energy and may lower your risk of certain diseases. Focus on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or fat-free milk products.

Stay at a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can raise your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Eat healthy foods, control portion sizes, and be active to keep your weight in check.

Get moving. Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

Be smoke-free. Smoking is linked to many of the leading causes of death, including cancer, lung disease, and stroke. If you smoke, quit today! Also, avoid secondhand smoke.

Get routine exams and screenings. Ask your doctor how often you need to be examined. Ask about screening tests for certain diseases and conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, sexually transmitted infections, and certain types of cancer. Take any medications you need. Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions for all medications, including those that help control conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Avoid heavy drinking. Heavy drinking can lead to many problems, including high blood pressure, various cancers, psychological problems, and accidents.

Manage stress. Balancing work and family obligations can be challenging. But it’s important to protect your mental and physical health.

Get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood and health. Sleep apnea, a common problem in which your breathing stops briefly, can increase the risk of accidents and certain health problems.

Stay safe. Safety means many things, like wearing seatbelts and helmets, having working smoke detectors, and following safety rules at work. It also means using condoms, washing your hands, taking care of your teeth, and wearing sunscreen.

Also, make sure to pay attention to signs and symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive thirst, and problems with urination. If you have these or symptoms of any kind, be sure to see your doctor right away. Don’t wait!


JUNE is National Men’s Health Month!


May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ


Bernstein & Associates, Architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. ( Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 609-309-7005 Fax: 609-309-7006



DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL Daughters of Israel is a multi-faceted, stateof-the-art skilled nursing facility offering the most modern and comprehensive services available including: • • • • • •

Sub-Acute Rehabilitation Long-Term, Skilled Nursing Care Alzheimer’s Care Hospice & Palliative Care Respite Stays The Charles Bierman Home Senior Housing with Assistance • The Sarah & Aaron Franzblau Institute for Continuing Education Our team of skilled and dedicated professional staff deliver the highest quality of care for our 300+ residents. Services provided include: round-the-clock professional nursing care; 24-hour medical coverage by board-certified geriatricians; on-site synagogue with fulltime rabbinical services; a full range of stimulating and innovative recreational activities; on-site beauty salon, barber shop, work activity center, gift shop and coffee shop; spacious dining rooms, auditoriums, lounges and outdoor patio areas. Our sub-acute rehabilitation facility, which functions as a separate unit within the Home, features a spacious gym with state-of-the-art equipment and comfortable recovery suites with luxury amenities. Semi-private and private rooms are available at Daughters of Israel. The facility is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurances and private payment. Daughters of Israel is a beneficiary agency of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest, N.J. 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Contact: Adena Twersky, Director of Admissions Tel: 973-400-3307 Fax: 973-731-8364

Contact Jim Stankiewicz to find out how your organization can be featured in Hospital Newspapers Resource Directory.

845-202-4737 Fax: 845-534-0055



Located in Paramus, Bergen Regional Medical Center is the largest hospital in New Jersey and is dedicated to providing quality medical, mental health and long term care to Bergen County and surrounding communities. With 1070 beds, the hospital has three divisions of care. The Behavioral Health Division, includes child and adolescent programs, adult and geriatric psychiatric treatment and inpatient and outpatient mental health services. The Long Term Care Division far exceeds the scope of services offered in a standard nursing home. As a full service, Joint Commission accredited Medical Center; BRMC provides wound care, surgical care, cardiac care, rehabilitation services, respiratory care including ventilator care, Korean care services, Alzheimer's and dementia care. As an acute care Hospital, 24/7 medical care for long term care residents is always only an elevator ride away. The hospital is also known for the treatment of substance abuse and offers medical detoxification, in-patient and out-patient services, and treatment for the mentally ill and chemically addicted. The BRMC Acute and Ambulatory Services Division offers same day surgery, more than 20 medical and specialty clinics, critical care, surgical services and imaging services. The Medical Center's recently renovated and expanded Emergency Department is available 24/7 to provide emergency medical and psychiatric care. Tel. 201.967.4000



Lourdes Specialty Hospital of Southern New Jersey is a nationally recognized long term acute care hospital (LTACH). The hospital specializes in the care and treatment of critically ill, medically complex patients who require an extended hospital stay. Lourdes Specialty is known as “the hospital's hospital,” a place where critically ill patients can go to receive optimal care for an average stay of 25 days. The hospital is now a regional hub for excellence in medical care provided by an amazing staff of clinicians. The hospital has been voted one of South Jersey’s “Best Places to Work” for three consecutive years. Staffed by more than 250 employees, Lourdes Specialty primarily serves the Delaware Valley Region, including Mercer, Salem, Gloucester, Burlington and Camden Counties, as well as Philadelphia and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania. Lourdes Specialty Hospital is anticipating further growth and advancement in the years to come while maintaining the highest-grade levels of quality care, excellence and compassion for patients and their families. For more information about Lourdes Specialty Hospital, please visit or call 609-835-3650.

MEDICAL BILLING Revenue Cycle Management Solutions

AdvantEdge is a technology-enabled provider of revenue cycle management solutions that substantially improve decision making, maximize financial performance, streamline operations and eliminate compliance risks. Proven solutions include medical billing, coding, revenue optimization, informatics, compliance and practice management. Hospitals and physicians have confidence that AdvantEdge services complement their focus on coordinated, high quality care within a patientcentric delivery system. AdvantEdge services enable them to prosper and grow in todays and tomorrow’s challenging healthcare environment. All are tailored to meet each client’s specific business needs. Each is delivered with our ClientFirst focus and philosophy. 877 501-1611


HOSPITAL WORKERS HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED ON THE JOB? Learn What You Must Do To Protect Your Workers' Compensation And Disability Rights! Do Not Make These Mistakes That Can Cost You Benefits

1. You must report the accident or injury as soon as possible, even if you might not lose time from work or need immediate medical care. 2. Report all injuries to all body parts, no matter how minor they may seem. If you do not report it and the injury gets worse over time, the job may deny benefits. 3. Remember, you are entitled to treatment and benefits even if you have previously injured the same body part in a prior accident. Do not let the job tell you different. 4. Your doctor controls the treatment, not risk management. If you need an MRI and the job will not approve it, the experienced attorneys at BAGOLIE FRIEDMAN can fight to get it approved at no cost to you. 5. When you are released from treatment, you may be entitled to money for your injury and disability. You may also collect for repetitive stress, cumulative trauma, cancer, hearing loss & hepatitis. 6. Contact Attorneys Ricky Bagolie or Alan Friedman now for a confidential and free consultation and to discuss your workers' compensation and disability rights. There is no fee if there is no recovery CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-333-3529 (After Hours / Emergency Number 201-618-0508) BAGOLIE FRIEDMAN, LLC Workers' Compensation & Disability Attorneys

The Five Corners Building 660 Newark Avenue - Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 656-8500 790 Bloomfield Avenue - Clifton, NJ 07012 (973) 546-5414

Online Directory available at


Hospital Newspaper - NJ May/Jun 2016







Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800

15 North Broadway 2nd Floor White Plains, NY 10601 (914)428-6000

5 Coates Drive Suite 2 Goshen, NY 10924 (845)294-1234

30 Greenridge Avenue Suite 207 White Plains, NY 10605 (914)328-8555

180 East Hartsdale Avenue Suite 1E Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)725-2010

3 Michael Frey Drive Eastchester, NY 10709 (914)337-3500

688 White Plains Road Suite 210 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914)723-3322

334 Route 202 Bailey Court Somers, NY 10589 (914)277-4367

154 Pike Street Port Jervis, NY 12771 (845) 858-4444

105 Stevens Avenue Suite 101 Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (914)667-8777


May/Jun 2016

Hospital Newspaper - NJ

Dad’s heart attack was a wakee up call.

We were lucky this timee. The ambulance team was connected to the ER at Raritan Bay so they were ready when we got there. Dad’s OK now. And because ause Raritan Bay is part of Meridian Health, he’s connected to a netwo twork of the top heart and vascular specialists and surgeeons, and to all the follow up care and rehab he needs. And, to get all the info we need, I got connected to their Healthy Heartt events, so if anything happens again, luck will have nothing to do wit w h it.

We’ll be ready..

““It’s good to bee co onnected.” ®

Connect to a Meridian physician at 1-800-DOCTORS . Or find all the connections that ma m tter to you at © Meridian Health

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