Hospital of the Month! Trinitas Regional Medical Center p12
Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
For over 50 years Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) has maintained their core value that the needs of their patients come first. This means constantly striving toward the application of leading-edge research to their clinical practice. Their neurosurgeons incorporate the most advanced surgical technology and neurosurgical techniques available for the treatment of stroke, back pain, brain tumors, brain aneurysms, spinal disorders, traumatic brain injury, and more. ANS is affiliated with New Jersey’s leading healthcare systems and with over 6 offices throughout the region, their reputation has made them the largest private neurosurgical practice in the state of New Jersey.
Stroke Treatment Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists continues to be a leader in the war against stroke. In 2012, ANS became the first group of doctors in the country trained on the Trevo® Pro Retriever following approval by the FDA. This product is part of a new category of devices known as “stent-trievers.” Unlike prior devices, these stent-trievers allow ANS physicians to immediately restore blood flow to the patient’s brain by opening up the blockage instantaneously while it is removed from the artery. In fact, ANS was one of only a few sites to be chosen for the initial FDA trial for this technology. The practice remains the largest private neurosurgical practice in New Jersey treating stroke, with a success rate greater than the national average. ANS was the initial group to treat stroke at the first comprehensive stroke center in New Jersey, and has since expanded to 3 additional comprehensive centers. The endovascular team is engaged in clinical trials for new stroke technologies and therapies, giving patients access to the next generation of stroke management.
Spine All of ANS’s neurosurgeons are boardcertified and most notably, 5 of ANS’s neurosurgeons are fellowshiptrained in spine surgery and hold national recognition in their specialty. In turn, ANS remains the largest and most reputable neurosurgical practice in New Jersey. They boast a multidisciplinary team using the most advanced surgical techniques, including minimally invasive spine
surgery. These procedures offer significantly less postoperative pain and shorter hospital stays. Conditions such as severe herniated discs and kyphosis, which warranted major surgery in the past, can now be treated with less risk and minimal down time. With the rising popularity of “boutique surgeries” being offered by less qualified specialists, ANS has launched an awareness campaign to educate the community on the importance of choosing a neurosurgeon for an accurate diagnosis and to dismiss the idea that you only go to a neurosurgeon when surgery is needed. Neurosurgeons are the most qualified specialists to diagnose and treat your back pain as well as other ailments associated with your delicate nervous system.
Brain Tumors As leaders in the surgery and management of patients suffering from brain disorders, tumors, and diseases, ANS performs treatments not found anywhere else in the state. They specialize in the rarest of surgeries, including skull base surgery and epilepsy surgery, and are also one of the few groups involved in vaccine trials for the treatment of brain tumors. Through collaboration, the ANS doctors routinely meet to discuss all treatment options for their patients. Don’t let insurance come before your health. Call to speak with our insurance counselor. For more information visit or call 973.285.7800.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
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August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri visits AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri visited AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Atlantic City Campus to meet with patients, staff and physicians Monday. She toured the hospital’s regional Trauma Center – getting a view of the city where she was crowned from atop the helipad. She met with patients and families, as well as the CHOP Newborn & Pediatric Care at AtlantiCare team at The Stanley M. Grossman Pediatric Center; and visited Emergency, Trauma and Medical Surgical patients. Davuluri also met with AtlantiCare’s Diversity & Inclusion Council’s Employee Resource groups (ERGs) to discuss their shared focus on diversity and cultural competency. “We care for patients from all over the world,” Margaret Belfield, chief operating officer, ARMC, told Davuluri as she met with the ERGs. “Some are visitors to Atlantic City. Others live and work in our community and represent many cultures. We are pleased you could be with us to share your important message, and to make this a special day for patients and staff.” Patricia Marrandino, of Brigantine, a former volunteer hostess for the Miss America Organization, was thrilled to meet Davuluri. “My granddaughters will be so excited,” she said, not containing her own excitement about the visit. Davuluri gave “Miss America Princess” sashes to Marrandino for her granddaughters, and to pediatric patients Sydirah Walden and Tazmeen Hussain. Over the course of her services as Miss America 2014, Davuluri has been travelling the country addressing an array of audiences on her platform: Celebrating Diversity through Cultural Competency. As part of her consciousness-raising efforts on behalf of diversity, she has also launched a social media campaign, Circles of Unity, to encourage constructive and civil dialogue on diversity issues. Through her social media channels, Davuluri asks people to share “representative thoughts and stories about their experiences on how we as a nation can advance cultural awareness.” “Miss America’s platform leads us to the need to help people grow with cultural diversity and to understand how it affects us,” said Cydney Savage, LPC, director, Adult Outpatient Services, AtlantiCare Behavioral Health and AtlantiCare LGBT Employee Resource Group co-chair. “She is a great person to bring this important message to the masses and to our communities. It was an honor to have her with us.”
staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year by trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, trauma nurses, respiratory therapists, on-call consultants and vital support services, including transfusion services, laboratory services and diagnostic radiology. The Center provides community and professional education and outreach, including a Prevention in 3D education program aimed at preventing death and injury from drinking, driving and drugs.
Nina Davuluri, Miss America 2014, visited AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Atlantic City Campus to meet with patients, staff and physicians. “Visiting patients is one of the best parts of my job,” Davuluri said. “Miss America’s message was one of ensuring equality for all and creating a culture of awareness for healthcare issues in particular that we’re dealing with,” said Anthony Macchiavelli, MD, medical director, AtlantiCare hospitalist program and executive sponsor, AtlantiCare Military Employee Support Group. He added her visit highlighted the importance of AtlantiCare’s continuing to identify and eliminate healthcare disparities. Davuluri has also been advocating for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiatives and serving as the National Goodwill Ambassador for the Miss America Organization’s national platform partner, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Together, the two organizations share a commitment in raising awareness for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals as well as the Miss America Scholarship Program. About CHOP Newborn & Pediatric Care at AtlantiCare Chop Newborn & Pediatric Care at AtlantiCare delivers Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia tertiary pediatric and subspecialist support to the southeastern New Jersey communities AtlantiCare serves. CHOP Pediatric hospitalists are onsite at the Stanley M. Grossman Pediatric Center at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC) Atlantic City Campus. CHOP neonatologists staff the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit at the Roger B. Hansen Center for Childbirth at ARMC Mainland Campus, Pomona. CHOP clinicians also consult with emergency teams at ARMC City Campus Emergency Center and ARMC Mainland Campus Emergency Department, Pomona, when needed.
About ARMC’s Trauma Center ARMC is one of ten trauma centers in the state. It is one of seven Level II trauma centers. As a Level II trauma center, it is expected to provide definitive trauma care, regardless of the severity of injury. ARMC’s Trauma Center at AtlantiCare is
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Hospital of the Month? Hospital Newspaper features one hospital per month as the centerfold. Great way to get information about your facility to interested readers.
For more details contact: Jim Stankiewicz at 845-534-7500 ext. 219
About AtlantiCare’s Diversity & Inclusion Council AtlantiCare’s Diversity & Inclusion Council, which includes staff and leadership from throughout AtlantiCare, established employee resource groups (ERGs). The ERGs help support the mission of the Diversity & Inclusion Council by educating staff about the culture/community; celebrating community/cultural holidays and events; representing AtlantiCare at community/cultural events; enhancing recruitment efforts; and identifying top health concerns and developing ideas for addressing these concerns. AtlantiCare ERG groups include African Americans (Heritage of Soul), Asian Pacific Americans (APEG), Hispanic Americans (ALMA), LGBT (PRIDE), Military (HONORS), Interfaith (PATHS), and Disabilities (CAARE).
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
Page 5
Advanced anced Emergency E ncy t Adva th
12 2
Annual An nnua al
a nd Acute A t Care C re Car e and Medicine Conference Med dicine Co onference
SEPTEMBER SEPTEM MBER 8 – 1 11 1 Sheraton Atlantic City Convention n Center Hotel el Learn the Latest Information ation on: on • • • •
Key Disease se States Reduction Risk Redu uction for Providers Provide ers Satisfaction Patient Sa atisfaction ED Operations tions
Featuring: • • • • •
Physician T Track rack Complimentary Track Complime ntary ACHE T rac ck on 9/9 Complimentary Track 9/8 Complime ntary Hospitalistt T rack on 9 /8 Variety V ariety of Hands-On Skills Courses Lecturers Nationally Recognized Lectur cturers
Voted V oted as a s the t h e “Best “ CME Value V alue in the Northeast” N • 2.5-hour Slit Lamp Skills ills Lab
• Registration Inclu Includes udes Complimentary Lu Lunch unch on 9/8/14 and Complimentary Br B Breakfast eakfast and Lunch on 9/9/14 and 9/10/14
• 2-hour V Ventilator entilator Skills s Lab
• 3-hour Advanced d Difficult Airway Skills Lab
Stroke • 2-hour Onsite Str oke Course
• 2-hour ED Ultras Ultrasound/Vascular ound/V Vascular ascular Access Skills Lab
6-credit • 6-cr edit Stroke Stroke Home Review Course
• 2014 LLSA Review Course urse
Complimentary Complimen ntary Admission sion ffor: or : • EM Residents ts I M / F P Residents Resid dents on 9/8 • IM/FP rack on 9/8 • Hospitalist T Track • ACHE Track Track (for members in goodd standing) standing) on 9/9
You Y ou may view the latest information information about this confer conference, ence, or rregister egister online online at www .bes Or, O r, contact: contact: Scott Sco ott Serbin, Director Directorr of Education & Research Resear esearch Emergency Med Medical dical Associates 3 Century Drive, Parsippany Parsippany,, NJ 07054 Phone: (973) 251-1075 1075 | Fax: (973) 740 740-9895 0-9895 | Email: V isit us at: www .be m | Follow us on Twitter Twittter at: bestemconf Visit
All information, including Conference Registration and Hotel Room Registration, can be conveniently accessed on-line at:
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) 2-3
Returning to school, sports means everyone should make concussion awareness a part of their Playbook
5, 7
J.C. Orthopedic, Inc.
Less Stress Instructional Services
Matheny School and Hospital
Nexera Consulting
Plymouth Rock Management Co of NJ
Providence Pediatric Medical DayCare
For millions of children in North America, the return to school also means a return to organized competitive sports. Whether they are playing football, soccer, volleyball, cheerleading or even practicing for sports in other seasons, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) continues to stress the importance of concussion awareness and prevention as school age children head back to their respective fields of play. It is important that children, parents, coaches and administrators all take the proper precautions and are aware of the potentially devastating effects that head and spinal cord injuries can have when participating in these sports. That’s why the AANS continues to remind all those involved in youth sports to “make concussion awareness a part of your playbook this August, which is Neurosurgery Outreach Month. Please share your stories with us:
Raritan Bay Medical Center
Resource Directory
20, 22
St. Peter’s University
Trinitas Regional Medical Center
Jim can be reached at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 and via email at
Hospital of the
Trinitas Regi
onal Medical
Center p12
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
PAgE 7
Alexander Rosenau, DO, FACEP, President of the American College of Emergency Physicians, to Keynote 12th Annual Advanced Emergency & Acute Care Medicine Conference Alexander Rosenau, DO, FACEP, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), will be the keynote speaker at the 12th Annual Emergency and Acute Care Medicine Conference. The conference will be held Sept. 8-11 at the Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel in Atlantic City, N.J. Dr. Rosenau is nationally recognized as a leader in emergency medicine. He is senior vice chair of emergency medicine and an emergency physician at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown and Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. Rosenau also is associate professor of medicine at Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South Florida in Tampa. In addition, he previously served as president of Pennsylvania ACEP and is a past recipient of U.S. Public Health Service National Health Service Corps Achievement and Commendation awards. Dr. Rosenau completed his residency in emergency medicine at Botsford General Hospital in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Dr. Rosenau is the founding program director of the Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network emergency medicine residency program. His keynote address is titled, “Emergency Medicine – Who, What and Where in the Coming Decade.” Featuring nationally known emergency and acute care medicine lecturers, the conference offers a variety of courses on critical emergency medicine topics. Separate educational tracks for hospitalists, healthcare executives, advanced practitioners and physicians are available. Emergency Physician and Advanced Practitioner Track This track will cover a variety of topics, including stroke, end-of-life care, battlefield trauma, toxicology, autism-friendly EDs, pain management, provider coaching, sepsis, sedation, skin and soft tissue infections, pediatric abdominal emergencies, fatal infections, acute heart failure and deep vein thrombosis. Hands-on skills labs for slit lamp procedures,
vascular access and ultrasound; and advanced difficult airways will be presented, as well as a 2014 Life Long Learning and Self-Assessment (LLSA) review course. All emergency medicine residents and fellows are provided complimentary admission as part of Emergency Medical Associates’ commitment to education in the field of emergency medicine.
The Sign of Excellence ence in Emergency Medicine edicine® for More Than Three ree Decades
Hospitalist Track The hospitalist track is complimentary to Society of Hospitalist Medicine members in good standing. Topics include SBIRT substance abuse screening techniques, the evolution of hospital medicine, living wills and end-of-life care, and ventilator best practices. ACHE Hospital Executive Track The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) track, cosponsored by the New Jersey chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHENJ) and Emergency Medical Associates, will provide participants with six (6) complimentary face-to-face category I credits. Topics include emergency department service standards, designing a higher-quality healthcare delivery model, the push from inpatient to outpatient care, and population health management from employers’ perspectives. Lecturers include Thomas Graf, MD, chief medical officer, population health and longitudinal care service lines, Geisinger Health System, Danville, Pa.; Clint Matthews, president and chief executive officer, Reading (Pa.) Health System; Laurel Pickering, MPH, president and chief executive officer, Northeast Business Group on Health, New York City. The deadline for online registration is Sept. 5, 2014. Visit for more information or to register. Onsite registration is available each day of the conference. Follow BestEMConf on Twitter for up-to-the-minute conference information.
About Emergency Medical Associates Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) is a physician-led, physicianowned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine. Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient satisfaction. For more information, visit, or
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August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Ask An Expert By Mary Olivera, Director, Nexera Management Services
Cleaning Up Sterile Processing Systems In the U.S., patients expect hospitals to maintain clean, sterile instruments and environments. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 25 patients will contract a preventable healthcare-associated infection (HAI) during their hospital stay. Sterile processing directly impacts patient safety as well as physician satisfaction and thus greatly affects facility-wide costs. The good news is that many of these infections can be prevented with a dependable sterile processing program, one that includes strict compliance with evidence-based practices and the manufacturer’s most current guidelines, backed by C-suite advocacy for reducing HAIs. Even hospitals that have the best sterile processing practices face challenges, such as high surgery volume, undertrained staff, and insufficient inventory/sterile processing capacity to meet present volume. Collaboration strategies and good communication between sterile processing and clinical teams remain fundamental to a successful program. All departments should be engaged and expected to comply with the standardized workflow processes. The likelihood of reliable compliance with set infection prevention procedures increases when processes are clear, practical, and adequately supervised, with necessary supplies—such as uncompromised instrument trays and equipment—readily available. Nexera understands the importance of comprehensive sterile processing programs. We have created a complete business solution for sterile processing that can be tailored to the specific needs of healthcare facilities. We incorporate best practice and process enhancement methodologies to cut costs, reduce turnaround times, and strengthen relationships across all service levels. And with more than 20 years of experience as well as certification in their respective fields, every Nexera clinical consultant is equipped to work with your organization to build a sustainable, cohesive program. Nexera's sterile processing program can provide a comprehensive review or an à la carte option that focuses on select areas. Our offerings include organizational efficiencies and process analysis workflow assessment, policy and procedure preparation, staff development, case carts/materials assessment, and technology assessment. These services are informed by the latest infection control regulatory standards. To that end, because all individuals working in sterile processing must achieve certification by January 1, 2015, Nexera also offers a preparatory course specifically designed for the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) National Board Exam. Patient safety and infection prevention have always been priorities for healthcare providers. However, because of today’s disease reporting requirements, high-profile outbreaks, increased transparency, and liability for contributing to infection rates, the importance of ensuring best practices in sterile processing is more vital than ever. Addressing wasteful, inefficient, unsafe workflow and sterilization processes can result in meaningful returns—both inside and outside of the operating suite. Mary Olivera is Director, Sterile Processing, Nexera Management Services. She has over 20 years of experience in a multitude of roles in sterile processing, distribution, and materials management, in addition to playing a major role in pursuing higher state educational requirements for sterile processing professionals in New York.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
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or nfo f i t s e Lat es and
nursdents stu
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Nurse’s Viewpoint
By Alison Lazzaro, RN
Hospital Newspaper Correspondent
Trauma Treatment Motor vehicle accidents, penetrating wounds, gunshot blasts and burns are all potentially fatal catastrophes that can be classified as “trauma.” Though we wish we could prevent these injuries, when accidents do occur, communities need the resources to assess and treat patients without a moment's notice. The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma designates levels of care from I to IV on the spectrum of health care availability. Level I trauma centers remain the highest standard of care. Every Emergency Department is equipped with basic emergency services. However, not every facility has the resources to staff surgeons and specialists around the clock. Level I trauma centers are teaching hospitals that train future physicians. This academic approach to medicine allows the facility to treat high volumes of patients and stay on the cutting edge of new research. According to the Centers for Disease Control, research has shown that there is a twenty-five percent decrease in fatalities for severely injured patients who receive care at Level I trauma centers as opposed to other facilities. Of the almost 5,000 United States hospitals, only 112 are verified by the American College of Surgeons as Level I. Staying safe requires the knowledge of where to find access to the nearest trauma center. The maps available on will highlight where to go when time is of the essence. Driving times and more dangerous cities are factored into the location of trauma centers in order to be proactive about getting people to the right centers during the “golden hour” that saves lives. Since “every 4 seconds someone is traumatically injured and every 6 minutes someone will die from a trauma injury” it is obvious that health care resources need to focus efforts on limiting the time it takes to get these people to hospitals. Unfortunately, some law makers and community members feel that the cost of maintaining trauma centers is an unnecessary burden. However, the amount of lives saved and productive years of life following an accident surpass the monetary amount required to operate a trauma center versus a non-trauma center. Cost-benefit analysis depicts the value that trauma centers have in maintaining high quality of life after a near-fatal accident. It is in our best interest to lobby for these facilities to continue operating to the highest standard. Knowing the difference between levels of care from I to IV is important when the choosing which hospital to go to – and it may even be a life or death decision. Though we cannot predict when or where devastating accidents will occur, we can all be proactive to ensure that community members receive quality care at a moment's notice.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
PagE 11
education & careers College receives $650,000 to aid students studying to become registered nurses Helene Fuld Health Trust Grant to create Scholarships for Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN Program
Nursing Programs to Advance Your Career provided
Dr. Filomela Marshall, dean of the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing
The W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing at Thomas Edison State College has received a three-year, $650,000 grant from the Helene Fuld Health Trust to provide scholarships for students working to become registered nurses. The grant will be used to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the college’s Accelerated 2nd Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program, which is designed for adults who possess a non-nursing bachelor’s degree and are interested in becoming registered nurses. The intense, one-year program combines online and classroom-based courses at the college with clinical experiences at Capital Health facilities in Trenton and Hopewell, N.J. to prepare graduates for the National Council Licensure Exam for RNs (NCLEX-RN). “We are extremely honored and grateful to receive this grant from the Helene Fuld Health Trust, which will provide financial assistance to students who are interested in becoming registered nurses,” said Dr. Filomela Marshall, dean of the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing. “These scholarships will ultimately result in more students completing our accelerated BSN program and successfully entering the profession as RNs.” The grant will be awarded over the course of three years. Of the total, $325,000 will be used to provide scholarships to students in 2014, 2015 and 2016. An additional $325,000 will be used to create an endowment fund for scholarships to be awarded in future years. The Helene Fuld Health Trust was established by Dr. Leonhard Felix Fuld in 1969 as a successor to the Helene Fuld Health Foundation, which he founded with his sister, Florentine, in 1935. Today, the Helene Fuld Health Trust is the nation's largest private funder devoted exclusively to nursing students and nursing education.
The nursing profession is ever-growing and evolving. Our faculty are industry leaders — and they teach in a flexible, technology-driven atmosphere that gives our students every opportunity to grow and learn in a fast-paced work environment. We provide individual focus and attention to ensure that our students succeed. Classes are held at our convenient Englewood Cliffs, NJ campus, just five minutes from the George Washington Bridge, on a campus dedicated to adult learners. Open House: Wednesday, August 6th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at our Englewood Cliffs Campus •
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RN to MSN Bridge For RNs with non-nursing Bachelor's degrees
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School of Nursing
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
H of the Month
At Trinitas, Patient Care Drives Improvements and Innovation Trinitas Regional Medical Center in Elizabeth looks forward to its 15th year as the premier healthcare provider of compassionate patient care in New Jersey’s fourth largest city and the Central New Jersey region. Here is an overview of innovations and projects driving Trinitas’ forward momentum. Work has begun on an ambitious plan to expand and renovate the Emergency Department to double the number of treatment beds from the current 27 to 52. This is in response to the dramatic increase in our emergency room visits from about 50,000 in 2000, when Trinitas
was created from the merger of St. Elizabeth Hospital and Elizabeth General Medical Center, to about 70,000 today. Since volume in same day surgery has grown steadily this decade, Trinitas now welcomes patients to its Thomas and Yoshiko Hackett Ambulatory Surgery Center. The 9,500 square foot facility features three new operating rooms in a dedicated, modern facility offering a superior experience for patients and physicians. As one of the top three enrollers within the Thomas Jefferson University Jefferson Kimmel Cancer
Trinitas employees celebrated the medical center’s “Top Hospital” status in the 2014 Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. Survey. As part of the annual survey of area physicians conducted by Castle Connolly and Inside Jersey Magazine, Trinitas was rated a Top Hospital Overall and in the following categories: breast cancer, prostate cancer, congestive heart failure, high risk pregnancy, doctor communication and patient room cleanliness.
Trinitas Regional Medical Center is expanding and renovating its Emergency Room at its Main Campus in Elizabeth with an expected completion date of 2017. photos provided
Now in its second year as a grant-supported nationally-recognized program, the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) at Trinitas creates moments like this one when patient Armande Samanamud receives attention from HELP Intervention Assistant Diana Noboa and HELP volunteers Adriana Dominguez and Rose Alexander that help reduce or eliminate cognitive decline.
Center Network in 2013, Trinitas Comprehensive Cancer Center received a “Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Accrual to Clinical Trials.” During its first full year, the Breast Cancer Patient Navigation program was expanded to Trinitas’ Women’s Health Center and Surgical Clinic so that the navigator can follow patients through all phases of their cancer care. As the “face” of Trinitas, navigators build trust, provide individualized assistance, and help overcome barriers to care. Through the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) national initiative, Trinitas staff and specially-trained volunteers work with elderly patients to prevent cognitive decline during hospitalization. Dr. Sharon Inouye, founder of HELP at Yale University School of Medicine, described Trinitas’ HELP program as a “national model.” In Behavioral Health & Psychiatry, the Statewide Clinical Outreach Program for the Elderly (S-COPE) is found throughout the state. S-COPE identifies adults 55 years and older in nursing facilities or other residential sites who are at risk for psychiatric hospitalization. This target population is seen and assessed by clinicians who specialize in the care and management of geropsychiatric and behavioral problems.
Since the 2009 passage of “meaningful use” legislation, Trinitas has applied health information technology to data sharing and retrieval, all directed toward assuring patient safety. Electronic order entry has improved clinical communication and made it easier to understand physician directives, while electronic medication information has reduced medication errors. A Knowledge-Based Medication Administration project used
on the medical/surgical nursing units and in the ICU enables nurses to swipe the medication’s bar code into a bedside scanner and information about the medication is instantly documented in the patient record. Thanks to an electronic document management and document deficiency system, hard copies of patient records are virtually obsolete and electronic records are available to patients within 36 hours of discharge.
Patients can walk with confidence through the doors of the Thomas and Yoshiko Hackett Ambulatory Surgery Center at Trinitas. With three operating rooms dedicated to same day outpatient surgeries, the spacious and modern $5.2 million facility is integrated into existing operating room services.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
Page 13
We Never Stop Improving For You!
Trinitas Renal Services
225 Williamson Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 • 908.994.5000 • TRINITAS CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE
Behavioral Health • Cancer Care • Cardiology • Diabetes Management Maternal & Child Health • Renal Services • School of Nursing • Senior Services Sleep Disorders • Women’s Services • Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine
Trinitas Regional Medical Center is a Catholic teaching institution sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in partnership with Elizabethtown Healthcare Foundation.
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
education & careers Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation raises $50,000 for Nursing Education The Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation held the Prosperity Awards: Investing in the Future of Nursing on June 4th at The Palace at Somerset Park to honor the nurses of Hunterdon Medical Center. The benefit successfully raised $50,000 for nursing education and donations are still being accepted. The 2014 award recipients were Jackie Allen Hale, MSN, APNC, AOCN, APNG, Program Coordinator of the Family Risk Assessment Program in the Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center and Melissa Hanscin, BSN, RN, Evening Nursing Supervisor. Both Ms. Hale, of Ottsville, PA and Ms. Hanscin of Pittstown, were presented a custom-made necklace from Roman Jewelers as an award. Attendees were entertained by Bravo TV Top Chef, Fabio Viviani as he demonstrated how to prepare his favorite recipes from his new cookbook, Fabio’s Italian Kitchen.
The 2014 award recipients were Jackie Allen Hale, MSN, APNC, AOCN, APNG, Program Coordinator of the Family Risk Assessment Program in the Hunterdon Regional Cancer Center and Melissa Hanscin, BSN, RN, Evening Nursing Supervisor. Pictured (L to R) Ms. Hale, Bravo TV Top Chef, Fabio Viviani and Ms. Hanscin.
Pamela J. Wells, a longtime Ringoes resident and supporter of the Hunterdon Medical Center, served as the event’s Florence Nightingale lead sponsor.
“I wanted to be the lead sponsor of this event because I wanted to show appreciation for the nurses, because they deserve that appreciation and the recognition for what
they do every day,” said Wells. “The nurses need our help, and I want to help them because I have had that special nurse,” Wells added. Proceeds from the event benefitted the Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation’s “Friends of Nursing” fund. This fund allows the hospital’s nurses to attend conferences and education seminars nationwide. Cynthia Martinez, RN, Emergency Department, spoke of how the fund helped her to take part in an outstanding learning opportunity. “As a result of the Prosperity Awards, I got to be one of the recipients of a scholarship that allowed me to attend a nationallevel conference for the Emergency Nurses Association,” Martinez said. Martinez added, “These conferences are important because you get to take away a lot of ideas that will help facilitate a higher level of care that you can give to your patients.”
Often described as an art and a science, nursing is a profession that embraces dedicated people with varied interests, strengths and passions because of the many opportunities the profession offers. Nurses have many roles in varied settings, such as hospitals, physician offices, schools, clinics, long term care, and research. Nurses have a passion for their profession and their patients, serving as patient advocates and exhibiting a strong commitment to patient safety. Hunterdon Healthcare employs nearly 600 nurses. The nurses of Hunterdon Healthcare achieved Magnet designation. This prestigious award recognizes hospitals for excellence in nursing care. Only about 6 percent of all health care organizations in the United States have achieved Magnet status. If you would like to give a donation to support nursing education for Hunterdon Healthcare nurses, please call the Hunterdon Medical Center Foundation at 908-788-6141, or visit
Vice President of Academic Affairs recognized for Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship James M. Record, MD, JD, FACP, Vice President of Academic Affairs, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System (SJHS), Associate Dean for New York Medical College (NYMC) at SJHS, NYMC Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine (resident of Ridgewood), was recently recognized by students during the New York Medical College Honors Convocation. Dr. Record was presented with a “Student Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring, Clinical Years Faculty” as well as a “School of Medicine Student Senate Citation Certificate of Appreciation” in recognition of his contributions to student life. NYMC students described Dr. Record as “a vital player in the rapid integration of St. Joseph’s into the NYMC community. As both a physician and a lawyer, he has shared his experiences with students who rotate at St. Joseph’s in innumerable ways. He does his best to welcome every New York Medical College student as an important member of the care team throughout the Healthcare System.”
James M. Record, MD, JD, FACP, VP of Academic Affairs
According to the students, Dr. Record received the awards because he “constantly challenges his students to become exceptional physicians and is admired for his vast medical knowledge. Dr. Record engages his students during bedside rounds and lectures and provides constructive feedback that students can use to become better physicians
and learners. Dr. Record’s dedication to his patients, teaching and mentorship serves as a model for every NYMC at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System student. Each student that has spent time at St. Joseph’s knows they have a mentor and advocate in Dr. Record.” St. Joseph’s Healthcare System is an academic branch campus of New York Medical College, a member of the Touro College and University System. Working closely with NYMC, St. Joseph’s continues to accelerate the scope of academic programs available throughout the Healthcare System and train an increasing number of the nation’s best and brightest future physician-leaders. St. Joseph’s Healthcare System’s culture of caring and clinical strengths, coupled with the extraordinary diversity of patients with complex and routine cases, provides a unique opportunity for the medical students, residents and fellows who train throughout the organization. Nationally recognized St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of
Saint Elizabeth since 1867, is a leading not-for-profit tertiary medical center and major academic institution located in Northern New Jersey. An integrated comprehensive healthcare organization, St.
Joseph’s prides itself on providing sophisticated healthcare with a ‘patients first’ approach to service excellence. To learn more, visit or call 877.757.SJHS (7547).
education & careers
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
Page 15
Thomas Edison State College receives grant for nursing scholarships through RWJF New Careers in Nursing Program Scholarships support second-career nurses from groups underrepresented in the profession The W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing at Thomas Edison State College is one of 52 schools from across the country to receive a grant from the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program that will support underrepresented students interested in becoming registered nurses. For the 2014-2015 academic year, the school will receive $50,000 to support traditionally underrepresented students who plan to enter the nursing profession by earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree through the college’s Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN Program. “New Careers in Nursing has made amazing strides in helping schools of nursing recruit and retain diverse students in these competitive and rigorous accelerated degree programs,” said David Krol, MD,
MPH, FAAP, RWJF senior program officer. “Through supporting these institutions, NCIN is working to increase the diversity of our nursing workforce, while also assisting schools of nursing in making their institutions more inclusive. The leadership, mentoring and other support these institutions provide are helping to prepare a diverse nursing workforce able to meet the challenges associated with building a culture of health in our nation.” NCIN is a program of RWJF and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Each NCIN scholar has already earned a bachelor’s degree in another field and is making a transition to nursing through an accelerated nursing degree program, which prepares students to assume the role of registered nurse in as little as 12-18 months. “We are extremely fortunate to be selected for the New Careers in
Nursing Scholarship Program,” said Filomela Marshall, EdD, RN, CNE, dean of the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing at Thomas Edison State College. “We are honored to partner with the foundation and the AACN in this program to help alleviate the national nursing shortage, increase the diversity of nursing professionals and enhance the pipeline of potential nurse faculty.” At Thomas Edison State College, five students will be awarded NCIN scholarships. Since 2008, the NCIN program has distributed 3,517 scholarships to students at 130 unique schools of nursing. This year, funding for 400 scholarships was granted to 52 schools of nursing. In addition to a $10,000 scholarship, NCIN scholars receive other support to help them meet the demands of an accelerated degree program. All NCIN grantee schools maintain a leadership program and
a mentoring program for their scholars, as well as a pre-entry immersion program to assist scholars in learning essential study, test-taking, and other skills needed to succeed in their program of study. “Nursing and nursing education are at a critical juncture right now, and NCIN’s exemplary approach to supporting nursing schools is helping to strengthen both,” said AACN President Eileen Breslin, PhD, RN, FAAN. “NCIN’s creative, innovative and responsive approach to providing grantees with tools to ensure academic success will result in lasting changes at nursing schools nationwide. The NCIN program has truly raised the bar for recruitment, retention, mentoring and leadership development for nursing students from groups underrepresented in nursing.” The 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing
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Thomas Edison State College is one of the 11 senior public colleges and universities in New Jersey, and is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (267-284-5000). All nursing programs are accredited. For specific accreditation information, please visit the nursing Web page at
Health, recommends increasing the proportion of nurses with a baccalaureate degree or higher, and increasing the diversity of students to create a nursing workforce prepared to meet the healthcare demands of diverse populations across the lifespan. NCIN is helping to advance those recommendations by enabling schools to expand student capacity and by encouraging more diversity. By bringing more nurses into the profession at the baccalaureate and master’s degree levels, the NCIN program also helps to address the nation’s nurse faculty shortage. This trend is reflected in the NCIN scholars, as 91 percent of the students receiving funding in the first three years of the program indicated a desire to advance their education to the master’s and doctoral levels. To learn more about the NCIN program, visit
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Susan Mendelowitz, RN, MPA, FACHE, named President of Bergen Regional Medical Center Bergen Regional Medical Center (BRMC) announced the appointment of Susan Mendelowitz, RN, MPA, FACHE as its new President effective June 26, 2014 Mendelowitz, who was the acting Interim President since the retirement of Joseph Orlando in January, will continue as the facility’s Administrator and Chief Operating Officer, positions in which she has served since 2005. As President, Mendelowitz will assume overall responsibility for the operation of the facility’s 1,070bed hospital, inpatient and outpatient behavioral health programs and the long term care division. She will guide the development and implementation of goals and objectives, quality assurance, regulatory compliance and facility operations so that BRMC continues to deliver quality patient care to the Bergen County community. “I look forward to continuing to work with the Board, Medical Staff, Hospital Staff, and Volunteers of Bergen Regional to ensure that our facility delivers high quality patient care and fulfills our mission as a safety net hospital to care for our most vulnerable populations in an
ever changing and challenging reimbursement environment” said Mendelowitz. “The Medical Staff and I feel Susan is an excellent choice to lead Bergen Regional and hold her in high regard. We look forward to working closely with her to further enhance the partnership between the hospital administration and its physicians,” said Christine Corradino, MD, President of the Bergen Regional Medical Center Medical Staff. Mendelowitz has a long and distinguished career in the health care industry, both as an administrator and practitioner. Prior to joining BRMC, she was the Deputy Director of the Bergen County Department of Health Services and was employed at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, N.J. as the Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care Service. Mendelowitz has also worked at Jersey City’s Christ Hospital in Staff Development and as Director of Nursing/Medical Surgical Services. A resident of Bergen County for over 25 years, Mendelowitz is active within the community, she is currently a Board Member with the Partnership for Maternal Child
Health of Northern New Jersey. Other community service included the Partnership for Community Health, the Bergen County Human Services Advisory Council, the Bergen County Collaborative for Best Practices and the Bergen County Volunteers in Medicine committee. Mendelowitz holds a Master of Public Administration from Rutgers University, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Honors from Rutgers University, College of Nursing. She is a registered professional nurse and is board certified in
nursing administration from the American Nurses Association. She is also a Fellow in the American College of Health Care Executives and a Professional in the Academy of Health Care Management. “Bergen Regional holds a unique place in the healthcare spectrum offering not only traditional medical services, emergency care and ambulatory care, but also comprehensive behavioral health care, medical detoxification and long term care services,” said Mendelowitz. “Whether a patient is uninsured or underinsured, they can come to Bergen Regional Medical Center and know that they’ll receive high-level treatment to help them achieve optimal health and an improved quality of life. About BRMC Located at 230 East Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus, NJ, Bergen Regional Medical Center provides a comprehensive set of quality services including Long Term Care, Behavioral Health Care and Acute Care to the Bergen County community. Bergen Regional is both the largest hospital with 1,070 beds and the largest licensed nursing home in New Jersey.
The entire Medical Center, including its Long Term Care Division, is fully accredited by the Joint Commission. Less than 6% of Long Term Care facilities nationwide pursue and receive Joint Commission accreditation. Additionally, with 323 beds, Bergen Regional is one of the largest medical resources providing a continuum of care for the behavioral health community and is a safety net provider for the mentally impaired, elderly, uninsured or underinsured for the state of New Jersey. BRMC also provides services for those eligible for health insurance or Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. As a complement to its long term care and behavioral health/substance abuse expertise, Bergen Regional also offers acute medical services including: 24/7 emergency department; surgical suites; physical rehabilitation; pharmacy; laboratory; radiologic services (including digital mammography) and more than 20 ambulatory specialties available through the BRMC Clinic. You can have all of your outpatient healthcare needs fulfilled in one convenient location.
Barnabas Health Heart Center at Clara Maass Medical Center honored with Mission: Lifeline Quality Achievement Award Barnabas Health Heart Center at Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville has received the Mission: Lifeline® Bronze Receiving Quality Achievement Award for implementing specific quality improvement measures outlined by the American Heart Association for the treatment of patients who suffer severe heart attacks. Pictured in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Clara Maass Medical Center are (left to right) Brenda Robattino, RN; Patricia Mattioli, RN; Debra Devries, RN; Mary Ellen Clyne, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Clara Maass Medical Center; Elie Chakhtoura, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Medical Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Clara Maass Medical Center; and Ronnie Castro, MSN, RN. “Clara Maass Medical Center is dedicated to improving the quality of care for our patients who suffer a heart attack, and the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline program is helping us accomplish that goal through internationally respected clinical guidelines,” said Dr. Clyne. “We are pleased to be recognized for our dedication and achievements in cardiac care, and I am very proud of our team.”
Each year in the United States, approximately 300,000 people have a STEMI, or ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, caused by a complete blockage of blood flow to the heart that requires timely treatment. To prevent death, it’s critical to immediately restore blood flow,
either by surgically opening the blocked vessel or by giving clotbusting medication. The American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline program helps hospitals, emergency medical services and communities improve response times so people who suffer from a STEMI get prompt,
appropriate treatment. The program’s goal is to streamline systems of care to quickly get heart attack patients from the first 9-1-1 call to hospital treatment. “Clara Maass Medical Center earned the award by meeting specific criteria and standards of performance for the quick and
appropriate treatment of STEMI patients to open the blocked artery,” explained Dr. Chakhtoura. “Before patients are discharged, they are started on aggressive risk reduction therapies such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, aspirin, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers, and they receive smoking cessation counseling if needed. Eligible hospitals must adhere to these measures at a set level for a designated period to receive the awards.” “We commend Clara Maass Medical Center for this achievement award, which reflects a significant institutional commitment to improve the quality of care for their heart attack patients,” said A. Gray Ellrodt, MD, Chair of the Mission: Lifeline committee and Chief of Medicine at the Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, Mass. “All too many heart attack patients in the United States still fail to receive appropriate treatment for their lifethreatening condition within the recommended timeframes. We must all continue this important work to streamline and coordinate regional systems of care to save lives and prevent complications.” For more information about Clara Maass Medical Center, visit
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
Matheny adult resident excels at USA Special Olympics Matheny Medical and Educational Center adult resident Shaleena Tomassini won gold medals in the 400-meter and 200meter wheelchair races at the USA Special Olympic Games held recently in Princeton. Tomassini, the first Matheny patient to qualify for the national games, also won a silver medal in the shot put and 4th place in the 100-meter race. “It really hit me during the opening ceremony that I had made the team,” she told her fellow residents and staff members at Matheny. “I started to cry. I knew that as long as I tried my hardest, that’s all that mattered. Now, I want to go to the World Games.” The next Special Olympics World Summer Games will be held in July 2015 in Los Angeles. Matheny is a special hospital and educational facility in Peapack, NJ, for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities. Participation in Special
photos provided
Shaleena with her Team New Jersey coach Jeri Hickey.
Olympics is an important part of Matheny’s recreation therapy program, which provides a range of recreation choices to improve physical, emotional, cognitive and social well-being. Students,
patients and community residents are encouraged to partake in several adaptive sports teams throughout the year, including track and field, adaptive karate and power wheelchair soccer.
Hoops for Heart raised money for American Heart Association In what has become an annual tradition, the Matheny Medical and Educational Center closed off its front parking lot on Friday, June 20, and converted it into several adapted basketball courts so Matheny School students could compete in games designed to raise money for the American Heart Association as part of the AHA’s Hoops for Heart program. The idea was to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease among women and to encourage women to reduce their risks. The day was a success, as Matheny raised $370 from Matheny staff members, friends and families. Matheny is a special hospital and educational facility in Peapack, NJ, for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities. Matheny’s adapted physical education program promotes fitness by modifying traditional sports such as basketball to encourage students to create their own independent movements. In addition to basketball, adapted sports include soccer, bowling, football and many others.
Matheny student Shane Szott participates in Hoops for Heart, with the help of teaching assistant Glenn Wey.
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Lori Bertoline, regional director, youth market, for the American Heart Association, standing, second from right, visited Matheny recently to thank the staff and patients and to receive the funds raised through Hoops for Heart. Others standing, from left, are Matheny School curriculum supervisor Jim Hintenach, speech-language pathologist Emily Teed and physical therapy aid Meghan Hoskins. In front row, from left are Matheny students Sara Hoffman, Vraj Desai and Mary Rita Tortorello.
Shaleena, wearing her medals, celebrates with Matheny staff members. Clockwise, from left, recreation therapist Stephanie Reale, nurse Pearl Chiang, director of recreation therapy Sean Bielefeldt and social worker Kelly Haldaman.
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Supplying orthotic appliances to in-patients: Introduction When a physician orders brace for an in- patient, what steps are hospitals taking to ensure public safety? Hospitals tend to contact an outside vendor to fill the order for the brace. As you have probably have read elsewhere, orthotic appliance vendors are under tight scrutiny secondary to fraud and abuse. In the state of New Jersey, a person must be licensed as an Orthotist to fit a patient with an orthopedic device. Unfortunately, there are several vendors that are owned by an Orthotist but send a ‘fitter’ or ‘assistant’ to hospitals for fittings. Under this scenario, the hospital and ordering physician assume product liability for services provided by the vendor. There is a clause in the state law that allows ‘fitters’ and licensed Orthotist assistants to fit products under the direct supervision of the ordering physician. However, the ordering physician must be present at fitting and is now deemed responsible for the fitting and performance of device. The hospital, via written contract, should mandate that all fittings within their facility must be performed by a licensed Orthotist, not assistant or fitter. Even a licensed assistant Orthotist is not allowed to fit products in a hospital setting unless the supervising Orthotist is present at fitting. If the licensed Orthotist assistant fits without the licensed Orthotist present, then responsibility falls to hospital and ordering physician again. Who are these Orthotists? A licensed Orthotist must have a bachelor’s degree, complete a post-graduate certification program from an accredited college or university, and then perform 1900 hours of clinical residency under the supervision of a licensed Orthotist. This intense training is imperative to ensure public safety. Orthotic appliances can danger patients if not fabricated and fitted properly. Not just from creating wounds and bed sores, but also causing muscular skeletal issues from improper positioning of orthotic appliance.
Matheny Medical and Educational Center Awarded Recognition from the Joint Commission The Matheny Medical and Educational Center has maintained The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for accreditation by demonstrating compliance with The Joint Commission’s national standards for health care quality and safety in hospitals. The accreditation award recognizes Matheny’s dedication to continuous compliance with The Joint Commission’s state- of- the-art standards. Matheny underwent a rigorous unannounced on-site survey from January 22-24, 2014. A team of Joint Commission expert surveyors evaluated Matheny for compliance with standards of care specific to the needs of patients, including infection prevention and control, leadership and medication management. “In achieving Joint Commission accreditation, Matheny has demonstrated its commitment to the highest level of care for its patients,” says Mark G. Pelletier, RN, MS, chief operating officer, Division of Accreditation and Certification Operations, The Joint Commission. “Accreditation,” says Pelletier,
“is a voluntary process, and I commend Matheny for successfully undertaking this challenge to elevate its standard of care and instill confidence in the community it serves.” “Joint Commission accreditation,” says Steve Proctor, Matheny president, “provides us a framework to take our organization to the next level and helps create a culture of excellence. Achieving Joint Commission accreditation, for our organization, is a major step toward maintaining excellence and continually improving the care we provide.” Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission ( )seeks to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. Matheny is a special hospital and educational facility in Peapack, NJ, for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities.
Think of this, a typical leg fracture brace consists of very rigid plastic around thigh and calf connected with a metal joint on both sides of brace. Then the patient lies down in this contraption for 6 – 8 weeks. If this brace is not fabricated and fit properly, long and short term issues may arise. When is a hospital financially liable to bring in an Orthotist for services/products? When an in-patient is being covered under a government diagnosis-related group payment system, the hospital is financially responsible to provide orthotic appliances ordered. If the in-patient has private insurance, the vendor should be billing the insurer directly. Hospitals need to assist vendor with obtaining proper referrals and authorizations from time to time, but generally the vendors should be billing them directly. It may be necessary for hospitals to have more than one vendor in order to ensure that the patient is being treated by a vendor that has a contract with their insurer. If the patient has no insurance at all, then there is a gray area on who is responsible. I think the patient is technically responsible for Orthotist service, but probably won’t be able to afford the services prescribed. Then the physician may not allow patient discharge without the product. So hospital may step in and pay for the product and service of the Orthotist. In this scenario, hospitals with good relations with their vendors of choice may request a reduced rate in order to obtain their service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. My company has been servicing local hospitals in New Jersey for over 30 years. Tony Digironimo, MBA, LPO J.C. Orthopedic, Inc. Vice President Proud member of ACHE
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
Page 19
Emergency Medical Associates now provides Emergency Department Management Services at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) recently contracted with Newark (N.J.) Beth Israel Medical Center to provide emergency department management services. A member of Barnabas Health system, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center is a 673-bed regional teaching hospital. It has been named one of the nation’s top 50 hospitals for specialty care in cardiology and heart surgery for the third consecutive year by U.S. News & World Report. It is one of only two hospitals in New Jersey that performs heart transplants and is the only hospital in New Jersey certified to perform lung transplants. With the addition of Newark Beth Israel Medical Center (NBMIC), Emergency Medical Associates now provides emergency department staffing and managing services to the entire Barnabas Health system. NBIMC, as part of its Children’s Hospital of New Jersey, has a Pediatric Emergency Department and one of the state’s few Geriatric Emergency Departments – the Donald M. Payne, Sr. Geriatric Emergency Department – which also will be staffed by EMA. “Emergency Medical Associates has been partnering with the Barnabas Health system since 1978 and we are pleased to see that relationship continue to flourish,” said Raymond Iannaccone, MD, FACEP, president and chief executive officer of EMA. “The energy and diversity of the communities that Newark Beth Israel serves, coupled with its emergency medicine residency and fellowship training programs, provides a unique practice location and a culture of learning and growth for our providers. It’s an exciting time in the medical center’s history, and we are proud to be a part of it.” “As an emergency room physician, I know first-hand the critical care it takes and experience needed to provide the best in emergency care,” said John A. Brennan, MD, MPH, president and chief executive officer of Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Children’s Hospital of New Jersey and executive vice president of Barnabas Health. “We look forward to partnering with Emergency Medical Associates to provide the very best in emergency care.”
The Lester M. Bornstein Department of Emergency Medicine at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center is staffed by board-certified emergency physicians and nurses treating approximately 90,000 patients annually. It is fully equipped to handle all medical, surgical and psychiatric emergencies. The emergency department also offers state-of-theart pediatric emergency services with a separate waiting area and board-certified pediatric emergency specialists; an onsite Crisis Center to handle all psychiatric emergencies; a referral center for victims of rape and sexual assault; a FastTrak area for the treatment of minor emergencies; and a fully equipped, state-of-the-art resuscitation room to treat acute traumatic and cardiac emergencies. The department operates an emergency medicine residency program which is dually accredited by Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), in addition to two ACGME-accredited fellowship programs in EMS and pediatric emergency medicine. Emergency Medical Associates began staffing the emergency department May 1, 2014. Eric J. Wasserman, MD, FACEP, serves as the Emergency Department Medical Director. Dr. Wasserman is a graduate of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. He completed his emergency medicine residency training at Mount Sinai, where he was chief resident. Dr. Wasserman was the residency site director at Mount Sinai School of Medicine before becoming associate director of emergency medicine at Jersey City (N.J.) Medical Center. In July 2008, Dr. Wasserman joined Emergency Medical Associates as director of medical education before accepting the position of vice chairman and medical director of the emergency department at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in February 2010. about emergency Medical associates Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) is a physician-led, physician-owned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine.
Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient
satisfaction. For more information, please visit h t t p : / / w w w . e m a . n e t , or
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page 20
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
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Bernstein & associates, architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. ( Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 609-309-7005 Fax: 609-309-7006
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Sub-Acute Rehabilitation Long-Term, Skilled Nursing Care Alzheimer’s Care Hospice & Palliative Care Respite Stays The Charles Bierman Home Senior Housing with Assistance • The Sarah & Aaron Franzblau Institute for Continuing Education Our team of skilled and dedicated professional staff deliver the highest quality of care for our 300+ residents. Services provided include: round-the-clock professional nursing care; 24hour medical coverage by board-certified geriatricians; on-site synagogue with full-time rabbinical services; a full range of stimulating and innovative recreational activities; on-site beauty salon, barber shop, work activity center, gift shop and coffee shop; spacious dining rooms, auditoriums, lounges and outdoor patio areas. Our sub-acute rehabilitation facility, which functions as a separate unit within the Home, features a spacious gym with state-of-the-art equipment and comfortable recovery suites with luxury amenities. Semi-private and private rooms are available at Daughters of Israel. The facility is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurances and private payment. Daughters of Israel is a beneficiary agency of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest, N.J. 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Contact: Adena Twersky, Director of Admissions Tel: 973-400-3307 Fax: 973-731-8364
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HoSpitalS BeRgen Regional MeDiCal CenteR Located in Paramus, Bergen Regional Medical Center is the largest hospital in New Jersey and is dedicated to providing quality medical, mental health and long term care to Bergen County and surrounding communities. With 1070 beds, the hospital has three divisions of care. The Behavioral Health Division, includes child and adolescent programs, adult and geriatric psychiatric treatment and inpatient and outpatient mental health services. The Long Term Care Division far exceeds the scope of services offered in a standard nursing home. As a full service, Joint Commission accredited Medical Center; BRMC provides wound care, surgical care, cardiac care, rehabilitation services, respiratory care including ventilator care, Korean care services, Alzheimer's and dementia care. As an acute care Hospital, 24/7 medical care for long term care residents is always only an elevator ride away. The hospital is also known for the treatment of substance abuse and offers medical detoxification, in-patient and out-patient services, and treatment for the mentally ill and chemically addicted. The BRMC Acute and Ambulatory Services Division offers same day surgery, more than 20 medical and specialty clinics, critical care, surgical services and imaging services. The Medical Center's recently renovated and expanded Emergency Department is available 24/7 to provide emergency medical and psychiatric care. Tel. 201.967.4000
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NO Calibration & NO Drops Icare® Tonometers for measuring Intraocular Pressure (IOP) with unique, patented rebound technology which enables quick and painless measurement with no drops or air. Quick, easy to use and patient friendly. The technology requires no calibration. From beginning to end the test takes under 60 seconds. Icare® has over 32,000 satisfied users in over 50 countries.
Contact: Bob Goldbacher (609) 412-2134
Contact Jim Stankiewicz to find out how your organization can be featured in our Resource Directory.
845-534-7500 ext.219 Online Directory available at
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
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Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800
15 North Broadway 2nd Floor White Plains, NY 10601 (914)428-6000
5 Coates Drive Suite 2 Goshen, NY 10924 (845)294-1234
30 Greenridge Avenue Suite 207 White Plains, NY 10605 (914)328-8555
180 East Hartsdale Avenue Suite 1E Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)725-2010
3 Michael Frey Drive Eastchester, NY 10709 (914)337-3500
688 White Plains Road Suite 210 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914)723-3322
334 Route 202 Bailey Court Somers, NY 10589 (914)277-4367
154 Pike Street Port Jervis, NY 12771 (845) 858-4444
105 Stevens Avenue Suite 101 Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (914)667-8777
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
internet address directory
Learn What You Must Do To Protect Your Workers' Compensation And Disability Rights!
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Do Not Make These Mistakes That Can Cost You Benefits
1. You must report the accident or injury as soon as possible, even if you might not lose time from work or need immediate medical care. 2. Report all injuries to all body parts, no matter how minor they may seem. If you do not report it and the injury gets worse over time, the job may deny benefits. 3. Remember, you are entitled to treatment and benefits even if you have previously injured the same body part in a prior accident. Do not let the job tell you different. 4. Your doctor controls the treatment, not risk management. If you need an MRI and the job will not approve it, the experienced attorneys at BAGOLIE FRIEDMAN can fight to get it approved at no cost to you. 5. When you are released from treatment, you may be entitled to money for your injury and disability. You may also collect for repetitive stress, cumulative trauma, cancer, hearing loss & hepatitis. 6. Contact Attorneys Ricky Bagolie or Alan Friedman now for a confidential and free consultation and to discuss your workers' compensation and disability rights. There is no fee if there is no recovery CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-333-3529 (After Hours / Emergency Number 201-618-0508) BAGOLIE FRIEDMAN, LLC Workers' Compensation & Disability Attorneys The Five Corners Building 660 Newark Avenue - Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 656-8500 790 Bloomfield Avenue - Clifton, NJ 07012 (973) 546-5414
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Contact Jim Stankiewicz to find out how your organization can be featured in our Resource Directory or Internet Address Directory.
845-534-7500 ext.219 Fax: 845-534-0055
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hospitals Children’s Specialized Hospital Matheny Medical & Educational Center Meridian Health medical equipment & products TSK Products, Inc.
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Holy Name Medical Center welcomes Sharyn N. Lewin, MD, FACS and Phyllis Tarallo, DNP, DCC In the practice of Gynecologic Oncology, Hereditary Cancer Risk, and Women's Health provided
Holy Name Medical Center (HNMC) welcomes gynecologic oncologist, hereditary cancer risk and women's health specialists Sharyn N. Lewin, MD, FACS, and Phyllis Tarallo, DNP, DCC, both of whom will be members of the Holy Name Physician Network. Dr. Lewin is a board-certified gynecologic oncologist specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and management of ovarian, endometrial, uterine, cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers. Her practice employs a comprehensive, multidisciplinary team approach to screening, treatment and overall improvement in quality of care for women at high risk for ovarian cancer and other gynecologic malignancies. At Holy Name, Dr. Lewin will serve as Medical Director of the Regional Cancer Center's Gynecologic Oncology Division, and will spear-
head the development of a Women's Comprehensive Health Center, a female -focused initiative providing care and support for women of all generations. Dr. Lewin's expertise includes complex surgical procedures for gynecological cancers, and she has extensive training in robotics and other minimally invasive techniques. She uses intraperitoneal chemotherapy and has research interests in novel chemotherapeutic agents for recurrent ovarian cancer. She is a national educator on the condition known as hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, the author of more than 100 publications, and an advocate for quality improvement in female-focused health care. Dr. Lewin completed her fellowship in gynecologic oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Pictured (left to right) Sharyn N. Lewin, MD, FACS and Phyllis Tarallo, DNP, DC
and her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine/Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO. She earned her medical degree from the University of Kansas School of Medicine.
Joining Dr. Lewin is Phyllis A. Tarallo, DNP, DCC, a nurse practitioner and diplomate of the American Board of Comprehensive Care. Dr. Tarallo assists in performing radical surgeries for gynecologic malignan-
cies and performs related procedures, including colposcopy; uterine, vaginal and vulva biopsies; and chemotherapy management. Dr. Tarallo also comes to Holy Name from Columbia University Medical Center, Presbyterian Hospital, where she was a member of both the Division of Gynecologic Oncology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Department of Surgery, as well as Director of Women's Health in the Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation. She is widely published, lectures, and provides inservices on female cancers. Patients and referring physicians may contact Dr. Sharyn Lewin at (201)227-6200. To learn about the Regional Cancer Center at Holy Name Medical Center, please visit
Hospital Newspaper - NJ August, 2014
PAgE 23
Welcome to Providence Pediatric Medical DayCare. We are an award-winning leader in children’s medical day care with multiple locations throughout New Jersey and one in Louisiana. Our centers provide a loving, caring environment for children with special medical needs from birth to age five. Programs include health, education & therapeutic services. Licensed medical professionals provide individual attention to each child in our centers. Every Center features specialized equipment and are handicapped-accessible. We provide ongoing monitoring and assessment by licensed, registered nurses for the following: • • • • • • • • • •
Diabetes Asthmatic Conditions Conditions requiring life-sustaining equipment and/or interventions History of Head Trauma Cardiac Abnormalities Tube Feeding Seizures Apnea Monitoring Post-operative Care Shunts
Corporate Office Address 411 Commerce Lane West Berlin, NJ 08091 Phone: 866-417-7763 Fax: 866-754-1651
CAMDEN, NJ Camden “D” Address 1000 Atlantic Ave. 2nd Floor Camden, NJ 08104 Phone: 856-338-0900 Fax: 856-338-0029
OUR SERVICES Our centers feature specialized equipment and are handicap accessible. We are licensed by the Department of Licensing and the Department of Health and Senior services. Our services include but are not limited to the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Skilled Nursing Care Physical Therapy Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy Social Services Transportation Recreational Activities Educational Programs Pharmaceutical Services Dietician Services Individualized Activities Snacks & Meals Pre-School Curriculum
Camden “E” Address 1000 Atlantic Ave. 1st Floor Camden, NJ 08104 Phone: 856-338-1350 Fax: 856-338-1406
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 35 S. Annapolis Ave Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Phone: 609-345-2340 Fax: 609-345-3021
METAIRIE, LA 3001 Division St. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: 866-417-7763 Fax: 866-754-1651
If you think your child would benefit from our services, please call us today at 866-417-7663 to schedule a tour of our facilities.
Please visit our website at
August, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
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