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Anesthesiologists Don’t Miss! 68th Annual PostGraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology December 12-16 Marriott Marquis New York See page 5
Matheny Medical and Educational Center p15 "An opportunity to provide better care and support for the families of our patients"
NJ Hospital Group Members save hundreds with insurance from Plymouth Rock Assurance p17
Professional Development & Recruitment Section Begins p11
Hospital of the Year! St. Joseph’s Healthcare System p12
Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553
December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
We Never Stop Improving For You! TOP HOSPITAL
Trinitas Renal Services
225 Williamson Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 • 908.994.5000 • TRINITAS CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE
Behavioral Health • Cancer Care • Cardiology • Diabetes Management Maternal & Child Health • Renal Services • School of Nursing • Senior Services Sleep Disorders • Women’s Services • Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine
Trinitas Regional Medical Center is a Catholic teaching institution sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth in partnership with Elizabethtown Healthcare Foundation.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
MEET ME EET THE TH HE TEAM T M BEHIND BEH IND THE T TTECHNOLOGY ECHN NOL OG GY INTRODUCING INTR ODU UCING THE ROBOTIC ROBOTIC SURGICAL SURGICAL S SERVICES ERVICES TTEAM E EAM da Vinci速 System tech hnology, the advanced care th hat has changed the exp perience of surgery for more than 1 5 milliion people aro nd the orld has
Left to right: Seth M. Rubin, M.D., Obstetrics & Gynecology; Propa Ghosh, M.D., Director of Robotic Surgery, Urology; Herman Maeuser, M.D., General & Vascular Surgery; Harvey Rainville, M.D., Bariatrics.
E xpe r ie n c e tthe Expe he p o ower w er of robotic r obotic s urger u r g err y. y. Vis V isit it H unt unterdon er d on Su S rrger g er y .co m tto o lea le a rrn n mo m o re. r e.
Page 3
December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Anesthesiologists Knee replacement patients benefit when physician anesthesiologists quarterback care Knee replacement patients go home sooner, are highly satisfied and incur less cost when a physician anesthesiologist coordinates care, suggests research presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY™ 2014 annual meeting. Researchers at Kaiser Permanente, the country’s largest health care maintenance organization (HMO), collected outcomes data after implementation of a perioperative surgical home (PSH) – a patient-centered, physician-led system of team-based care that guides the patient through the entire surgical experience. The PSH was implemented at a large hospital that serves a diverse population of 300,000 patients.
“The patient rather than the surgery becomes the center, and the physician anesthesiologist proactively manages all aspects of care, before, during and after the surgery,” says Chunyuan Qiu, M.D., lead author and physician anesthesiologist, Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center, Baldwin Park, Calif. “Before the PSH was implemented, there was no quarterback overseeing the entire process, leading to fragmented, disjointed care that caused delays.” The study included 546 patients who had knee replacement surgery within one year prior to the implementation of the PSH and 518 who had the procedure within one year after the PSH was in place. The na-
tional average for length of stay after knee replacement is 4 days and 40 percent of patients spend time at a skilled nursing facility after leaving the hospital. In the study, the average length of stay for the PSH group was 1.9 days, versus 3.2 days before the PSH was instituted. In the PSH group, 94 percent of patients went home after being released from the hospital, and 6 percent went to a skilled nursing facility. In the prePSH group, 80 percent of patients went home after being released from the hospital, and 20 percent went to a skilled nursing facility. The 30-day readmission rate was low in both groups: 1.2 percent in the pre-PSH group and .9 percent in the PSH group. It was estimated
that the cumulative reduced length of stay in the hospital and skilled nursing facility for all patients saved $1.4 million. Researchers surveyed 130 patients in the PSH group: 71 percent rated their experience as excellent and 25 percent said it was satisfactory. In the PSH, the physician anesthesiologist-led team performs a variety of tasks before, during and after the surgery. For example, prior to surgery, the anesthesia team meets with the patient to ensure appropriateness for surgery. The anesthesia team assesses social support and home safety issues, encourages smoking cessation, weight loss and exercise, and adjusts medications. Physical therapy is key to a good
recovery. Therefore, the PSH includes preferences for pain control that will help patients begin physical therapy sooner. Under the PSH process, more than 70 percent of patients began physical therapy the day after surgery, versus none in pre-PSH group. “The implementation of the PSH has been very beneficial, but we cannot pinpoint a single element that is responsible for its success,” said Dr. Qiu. “It’s an entirely new practice model that demonstrates the value of having physician anesthesiologists direct care of knee replacement patients. We believe the PSH model would benefit patients having other types of surgery as well.” source:
Getting healthier before surgery gives patients a jump start on recovery Colorectal cancer patients benefit from “prehabilitation” program, study shows Following a conditioning, nutritional, and relaxation program before surgery is more helpful than waiting until after surgery to rehabilitate, suggests a new study. Colorectal cancer patients who participated in a “prehabilitation” program before surgery recovered more quickly than those who only did traditional rehabilitation afterward, according to research published in the November issue of Anesthesiology, the official medical journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists® (ASA®). In the randomized controlled trial, patients assigned to a program of exercise, nutritional counseling with protein supplementation and relaxation exercises were able to walk significantly farther two months after surgery than those who did not participate in prehabilitation. Both groups were prescribed traditional rehabilitation after surgery.
“Prehabilitation prepares patients to withstand the stress of surgery so they are able to recover faster and function better after the procedure,” said Francesco Carli, M.D., M.Phil., lead author of the study and professor of anesthesia at McGill University Health Centre, Montreal. “Pre-surgery conditioning helps patients take an active role in their own recovery. We believe instituting prehabilitation before surgery when possible could improve health and recovery and reduce costs.” In the study, 38 patients participated in the prehabilitation program, while 39 were assigned to the rehabilitation-only group. The prehabilitation prescription included: - 50 minutes of home-based unsupervised exercise at least three days a week, including aerobic and resistance training, - a dietitian-created individualized nutrition program and whey protein supplementation, and
- a visit with a psychologist to learn how to reduce anxiety through relaxation exercises based on imagery and visualization and breathing exercises. The average length of prehabilitation was 24.5 days. After surgery, patients in both groups followed the same rehabilitation program. Researchers measured how far patients could walk in six minutes at the start of the study (before any intervention) and there was no significant different between the groups: 421 meters on average in the prehabilitation group, and 425 meters on average in the rehabilitation-only group. Researchers had patients repeat the walking test right before surgery and at four and eight weeks after surgery. Those in the prehabilitation group improved significantly during the pre-surgery period, walking an average of 25.2 meters farther than they had at the start of the study, while those in the
rehabilitation-only group declined, walking an average of 16.4 meters less. Eight weeks after surgery, prehabilitation patients walked an average of 23.2 meters farther than at the start of the study, while rehabilitation-only patients continued to lose ground, walking an average of 21.8 meters less. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The primary treatment is surgical removal of the cancer. “Even when there are no complications, colorectal cancer surgery patients suffer from a 20 to 40 percent reduction in functional capacity after surgery,” he said. “That’s especially true for elderly patients with other health conditions, who may not recover to the function levels they were at before surgery for several months, if at all. Getting these patients healthier before surgery would be of huge benefit.”
THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS Founded in 1905, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) is an educational, research and scientific society with more than 52,000 members organized to raise and maintain the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology. ASA is committed to ensuring physician anesthesiologists evaluate and supervise the medical care of patients before, during and after surgery to provide the highest quality and safest care every patient deserves. For more information on the field of anesthesiology, visit the American Society of Anesthesiologists online at To learn more about the role physician anesthesiologists play in ensuring patient safety, visit source:
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
New in 2014
Page 5
Thoracic Symposium Visit for details.
An es th es io lo gy
68 th An nu al Po stG rad ua te As se m bl yi n
Program and Registration Highlights: m Internationally Renowned Speakers m Scientific Panels & Focus Sessions m Hands-on Workshops m Mini Workshops m Medically Challenging Case Reports m Problem-Based Learning Discussions m Scientific Exhibits m Poster Presentations m Technical Exhibits m Resident Research Contest m Hospital Visits m 3,500 Anesthesiologists in Attendance m More than 5,000 Registrants m Holiday Shopping & New York City Tours m Broadway Shows, Jazz Clubs & Opera
The New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Up to 54.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
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The New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Hunterdon Healthcare
J.C. Orthopedic, Inc.
Keepings spirits high during the Holiday Season Every year hospital's are faced with keeping the holiday spirit alive for patients that can't be at home. Patients benefit year-round from the outpouring of generosity the community demonstrates, especially during the holidays. Each December, there are multiple opportunities to capture the kindness of the season through the donation of time, talent and treasure.
Less Stress Instructional Services
Some ideas include: Providing a holiday for a whole family! This option includes being assigned a family and given information for each member. You would then shop for the whole family to fulfill their holiday needs. After wrapping your gifts they would be delivered to a special North Pole at the hospital.
Matheny School and Hospital
New York State Society of Anesthesiologists 5
Nexera Consulting
Plymouth Rock Management Co of NJ
Providence Pediatric Medical DayCare
Raritan Bay Medical Center
Resource Directory
20, 22
St. Joseph’s Healthcare System
St. Peter’s University
Online… $ '''
Trinitas Regional Medical Center
Gifts in kind for Donations Sometimes just helping a family with unique donations like providing meals, Grocery gift cards and rides to the hospital for the elderly are just what is needed. Please send in your best stories from past holidays and some plans for the upcoming season. Hospital News wishes your family a safe and healthily holiday season! Please share your stories with us: Jim can be reached at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 and via email at
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
Dr. William Dalsey Awarded ACEP’s 2014 Distinguished Emergency Department Director
PAgE 7
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845-534-7500 ext. 219
The Sign of Excellence ence in Emergency Medicine edicine® ree Decades for More Than Three provided
William Dalsey, MD, FACEP, chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Capital Health, was named 2014 Distinguished Emergency Department Director. The award is given by Blue Jay Consulting, the Emergency Medicine Foundation, and American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). The award is given to an outstanding emergency department director who demonstrates collaborative efforts to improve healthcare. Dr. Dalsey’s passion for emergency medicine has been recognized outside of Emergency Medical Associates on numerous occasions. He received the 2013 Outstanding Physician Assistant Educator/Mentor Award from the New Jersey State Society of Physician Assistants. Dr. Dalsey also has earned the NJACEP Heroes Award, NJ-ACEP Clinician of the Year Award and Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus’ “Caring For and About People” Humanitarian Award, among other accolades. " In a very short period of time, Dr. Dalsey has been able to work with the existing medical staff, allied health staff, ED nurses and support departments to successfully improve our quality metrics and patient satisfaction scores,” said Larry DiSanto, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Capital Health. “We’re proud of the nationally recognized work that Dr. Dalsey and his colleagues are doing to im-
plement innovative strategies at both of our medical centers to help patients receive the best, most efficient emergency care possible,” said Eileen Horton, vice president of Patient Services and chief nursing officer at Capital Health. “Dr. Dalsey has been with Emergency Medical Associates since 2001, and during this time I have seen repeated examples of his ability to work collaboratively with nursing and other departments to improve processes in the emergency department. The outcome of his work consistently leads to improvements in quality and patient satisfaction,” explains Ray Iannaccone, MD, FACEP, FACHE, president and chief executive officer of Emergency Medical Associates. Dr. Dalsey, a partner of Emergency Medical Associates, was instrumental in helping make drastic improvements to the emergency departments at Capital Health’s two hospitals. “He possesses the distinct skills needed to be a collaborative leader, and his ability to nurture and grow pertinent relationships is truly remarkable. His leadership style is clearly based on a belief system that any organization is only as effective as the sum of its parts, and to that end endorses a team approach toward goal achievement,” said Dr. Iannaccone. “These skills continue to contribute to an atmosphere that inherently improves quality.”
About Emergency Medical Associates Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) is a physician-led, physicianowned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine. Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient satisfaction. For more information, visit, or
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December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Ask An Expert Implanting a Better Solution in the OR By Perry Sham Vice President Nexera Consulting
A typical joint replacement orthopedic team comprises surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, surgical technicians, and, at times, a surgical implant sales representative. The role of a sales rep spans technical support, troubleshooting, inventory management, and ensuring that devices are available during cases—all valuable matters of business. The importance of implant procedure functions notwithstanding, the sale rep model is not without issues. Some industry stakeholders believe that hospitals generally over rely on vendor sales reps, leading to loss of device neutrality and increased costs. While the hospital may not be paying the rep a salary, rep charges are built into the manufacturer's selling, general, and administrative costs, making up about 40% of the total implant expense. At the same time, implant procedure reimbursement rates have fallen far behind. CMS rates for hip and knee reimbursements dropped from $1,600 in 2013 to $1,350 in 2014—a 15% decline in a single year. Orthopedic Network News (ONN) calculated a 171% increase in list price for coated hip implants between 1991 and 2006. Over the same period, ONN calculated a 39% decrease in physician payments and a mere 19% increase in hospital payments. Surgical implants are one of the largest spend categories for hospitals, which is why cost-containment efforts in this area are consistently a top hospital priority. Hospitals have adopted various cost-reduction options in the past few years, including standardization strategies, aggressive negotiation tactics, and most recently, the rep-less model. Manufacturers now offer surgical implant programs that eliminate the sales rep, a move that has resulted in over 40% of supply cost savings for some institutions. Despite the savings, the rep-less model has its flaws, namely the staffing shift. When the hospital stops engaging the manufacturer sales rep, those OR responsibilities—like inventory management and surgical support—are displaced and reassigned to an already-occupied existing member of the surgical team. What the rep-less model needs in order to be most effective is objective surgical and inventory management support to assume those unaccounted for responsibilities—an addition to the team who has undergone proper training. Applying our expertise in physician preference item purchasing and value analysis, Nexera has developed the Nexera Implantist Program™. We can either train existing or new in-house technicians, or provide a third-party resource altogether. The overall goal of the program is to find ways to reduce costs and improve quality in the short and long term. Not only does the objective model lend itself to the development of long-term cost-containment efforts that are free of conflicts of interest, but it encourages hospitals to take an active, autonomous role in understanding the connection between purchasing practices, value analysis of high-cost items, and what they mean to the bottom line. Mr. Perry Sham is Vice President, Nexera Consulting. He is responsible for practice leadership for Nexera’s financial improvement, performance improvement, technology optimization, strategic advisory services, and project management services in facilities throughout the U.S. and internationally. With over a decade of healthcare experience, Mr. Sham’s work has encompassed financial improvement in large-scale cost reduction and comprehensive revenue cycle management, data management, analytics, and process redesign.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
What’s Wha at’s y your our ccost-containment ostt-containme ent str strategy ategy ffor or implants implants? s? From 199 From 19977 tto o 2007, rreimbursement eimbursementt ffor or hip p rreplacements eplac p ements ffell ell ne n nearly arlyy 26%, while the aver average ragge sellingg pric p pricee ffor or a ttotal otal jjoint implant increased in ncreased more more than 130%. 130% %. Implant prices prices ccontinued ontinued tto o incr increase ease 8% a ye year, ar, while w Medic Medicare are dr dropped opped hip p and knee rrates ates e 15% in 2014 alone. Thee Americ American an Ac Academy ademy of Orthop O Orthopaedic aedic Sur Surgeons geons est estimates timates that knee rreplacement eplacement e volume will w jump 670% and primar primary ry hip rreplacements eplacements 174% be between tween 2006 and 2030. Are Are you ready? ready? Introducing Nexera Program™, approach surgical device Intr oducing the Nex era Implantist Pr P ogram™, an inventive ap pproach tto o managing sur g al implant de gic vice procedures procedures services. Program aims hospitals back within perioperative peerioperative ser vices. Thee Implantist Pr ogram aim ms tto o help hospit als ttake akke b ack rresponsibility esponsibility ffor o the or manag gem ment of sur ggical implant p p pr rocedures thr ough g dir ect p pur chasing, g, ggeneric eneric alt ernatives, atives,, invent ory manag gement ment, management surgical procedures through direct purchasing, alternatives, inventory management, interim ssupport, upport, and st aff tr ainingg tto o est ablish an in-hous se, objective resource resource to to accompany accompany physicians during interim staff training establish in-house, procedures. procedures. strategic partner surgical device management. moree inf information Nexera LLet et Nexera Nexerra be your str ategic p artneer in sur gical implant de vicce manag ement. For For mor ormation about the N exera Implantist organization please Perry Vicee Pr President Implantis st Program Program and how we can can a help your or ganization ccontain ontain ccosts, osts, ple ase ccontact onttact P erry Sham, Vic essident Nexera of Nex era Consulting at psham@n
Follow F ollow us u on
555 West 57th S Street treet | Ne New w YYork, ork , NY 10019 | www
Page 9
December, 2014
or nfo f i t s e Lat es and
nursdents stu
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Nurse’s Viewpoint
By Alison Lazzaro, RN
Hospital Newspaper Correspondent
The Fifth Vital Sign According to the Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative care (2014), pain is "a perception that signals the individual that tissue damage has occurred or may be occurring. It is subjective and very complex." Pain usually refers to physical sensations, with synonyms including: ache, twinge, prick, torture, misery, and throbbing. No matter which specialty, nurses have a challenging job of assessing and managing each individual patient's pain. Pain experiences are defined differently according to various disciplines such as medicine, nursing, and sociology. For instance, in sociology, pain is believed to be learned from the individual's parents and family and conform to the pain expectation of the cultural society. Therefore, behavior responses to pain may vary. The concept of pain is involved in every step of the nursing process from assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation in order to provide holistic, patient-centered care. Some barriers to properly managing pain are a lack of clinical guidelines, lack of structured pain assessment tools, limited autonomy in decision making and the patient's condition itself. The main challenges that face the nurse are 'reading the patient', dealing with moral dilemmas, approaching gatekeepers (physicians), and dealing with organizational hindrances. Unrelieved pain has many negative consequences for the patient. For instance, continuous, unrelieved pain activates the pituitary-adrenal axis, which can suppress the immune system and result in postsurgical infection and poor wound healing. This has negative effects for nursing care because uncontrolled pain can predispose patients to adverse problems including decreased mobility, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, atelectasis, and pneumonia. Socially, unrelieved pain can result in depression in some patients, which can sometimes lead to substance abuse issues. Nurses are on the frontlines of preventing and controlling patient's pain in order to increase their ability to participate in activities of daily living, decrease body system damage, and live more stress free lives. In critical care, it can be difficult to assess and care for nonverbal patients who are ventilator dependent or sedated. In response to these situations, many behavioral pain scales focus on facial expression and body movement. It is necessary to assess for tachycardia, diaphoresis and restlessness in addition to vital sign changes in order to astutely control pain in the acute setting. In addition to pharmacological interventions, position change, relaxation techniques, integration of family presence and heat/cold interventions may help. Pain may be a common concept and affects patients from birth to death. Nurses need to be more cognizant of pain management. Nurses should be up-to-date on the latest evidence based practices, as well as pain assessment tools for their patient population.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
Page 11
education & careers Saint Barnabas Medical Center holds “I Love My Doctor” Campaign
As part of its 150th Anniversary, Saint Barnabas Medical Center (SBMC) is asking grateful community members to write in and recognize their outstanding SBMC physicians by participating in the “I Love My Doctor” Campaign. The hospital wants to know how your SBMC doctor has delivered exceptional care, been there for you and your family when you needed it most or gone above and beyond to provide skilled compassionate care. The hospital asks that you write a letter to your physician which includes any stories or personal experiences that exemplify what is extraordinary about his or her service to you, your family or the community. Letters, along with your name, complete address, phone number and email, can be submitted online at In addition, it can be emailed to; faxed to 973-324-5208 or mailed to I Love My Doctor, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, 94 Old Short Hill Road, Suite 503, Livingston, NJ 07039. To be eligible, physicians must be on staff with Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J. The submission deadline is January 15, 2015. If you are not sure if your physician is in staff or have additional questions, please call the Department of Public Relations at 973-322-5425. Additional information can be found at With prior consent, a selection of letters will be used publically in 2015. Physicians named will receive copies of their patients’ letters. Take advantage of this unique way to thank an outstanding doctor who has made a tangible difference in people’s lives by helping to make them better and, in many instances, saving their lives.
Nursing Programs to Advance Your Career
The nursing profession is ever-growing and evolving. Our faculty are industry leaders — and they teach in a flexible, technology-driven atmosphere that gives our students every opportunity to grow and learn in a fast-paced work environment. We provide individual focus and attention to ensure that our students succeed. Classes are held at our convenient Englewood Cliffs, NJ campus, just five minutes from the George Washington Bridge, on a campus dedicated to adult learners. Instant Decision Admission Event: Wednesday, 12/3 from 5-7 p.m. on our Englewood Cliffs Campus •
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School of Nursing • (201) 761-6470 All of the degree programs in nursing at Saint Peter’s University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. One Dupont Circle NW Suite 530 Washington, DC 20036
December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
H HOSPITAL of theYear! St. Joseph’s Healthcare System Revolutionizing health care. Revitalizing the community. Since its founding in 1867 by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System has continued to redefine the way top quality safe and compassionate health care is delivered. Nationally recognized for peak performance, excellence and superior quality caring, St. Joseph’s success is rooted in the organization’s unique culture of caring and the physician-employee family’s passion for providing outstanding leading edge services in comfortable patientfriendly environments for healing. “As one of three healthcare organizations statewide, one of 86 healthcare organizations nationwide to receive ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9001:2008 certification, St. Joseph’s is proud to be at the forefront of the shift to quality management standardization in the healthcare industry,” said William A. McDonald, President and CEO, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System. A long-accepted quality control tool in the manufacturing industry, ISO certification, part of the DNV-GL Healthcare accreditation process, is quickly gaining acceptance among U.S. healthcare providers as a foundation for continued excellence in quality and patient safety programs. “ISO certification reflects our strong commitment and focused approach to quality, patient safety and overall service excellence, while it provides assurance that patients at St. Joseph’s receive the very best care,” said Mr. McDonald. During
the rigorous survey process, the healthcare system consistently demonstrated high levels of conformance with all ISO standards for services provided across the healthcare system. Rankings organizations are taking notice of St. Joseph’s patient-focused work. Among the many acknowledgements are “A” grades for patient safety and quality care, recognition as one of the “Best Regional Hospitals” in the NJ/NY Metro area, selection as one of “150 Great Places to Work in Healthcare,” a “Most Wired” healthcare organization, and Magnet® recognized for nursing excellence for 16 consecutive years. Academics are expanding components of St. Joseph’s quality focused organizational structure and a vital aspect of its future vision. “New York Medical College at St. Joseph’s,” a member of the Touro College and University System, is one of only four LCME accredited hospital-based medical school campuses in New Jersey. An academic organization, St. Joseph’s also provides strong curriculums in Nursing and a variety of medical professions, and serves as an educational resource to surrounding communities. True to the organization’s historic mission of community caring, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System is the anchor of extensive urban development and beautification projects that are transforming its environments for healing and positively impacting the communities surrounding its hospital campuses in South Paterson and Wayne.
Facilities expansions and renovation projects – components of the largest master facilities investment plan in the history of St. Joseph’s Healthcare System – are focused primarily at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in South Paterson, which includes state designated St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital. Old and underutilized buildings have been razed and replaced with award-winning architecturally significant structures equipped with sophisticated equipment for use by St. Joseph’s highly skilled team of clinical experts. The cornerstone of the facilities projects is the state-of-the-art Critical Care Building, opened in late 2011. The impressive structure features separate Pediatric, Adult, and Geriatric Emergency Departments with nearly 90 treatment areas; 12 systems-integrated operating theaters with pre-operative and postoperative areas; and nearly 60 private rooms in specialized critical care units. A rooftop helipad, accessible to the largest medical/militarystyle helicopters, tops off the Critical Care Building, expanding expedited ambulance and mobile intensive services. Among the many new facilities on St. Joseph’s South Paterson campus are centers for ambulatory, laboratory and imaging services, outpatient rehabilitation, and hightech conference center within the
main lobby. Modernizations are underway in all patient care areas. Convenient driveways, parking areas, and an adjacent multi-level parking garage enable easy access to the St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center / St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital campus – two short blocks from Route 80. Interior enhancements at St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital include new surgical suites, recovery room, critical care unit, a new Sleep Center and the ongoing renovation of all patient care units. Recent construction projects on campus include University Pavilion, St. Joseph’s Cancer Center and a Hospice Building. St. Joseph’s extensive facilities projects have not only revitalized the campuses, they have invigorated community-based investors
who are developing new spaces, especially surrounding the South Paterson campus, including medical school faculty and office buildings, residential apartments and condominium buildings, retail and restaurant space, as well as The Hamiltonian Hotel and Conference Center. St. Joseph’s Healthcare System is proud to set new standards for leading edge healthcare services and community advocacy by revolutionizing health care and revitalizing our community. To learn more about St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, visit the all-new or call 877.757.SJHS (7547). St. Joseph’s: Powerful medicine. Compassionate care. For you and those you love. photos provided
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
A whole new patient experience for you and those you love. A vibrant integrated healthcare system. Outstanding physicians, nurses and clinicians recognized for their excellence, peak performance and superior quality care. Advanced treatment technologies and effective, innovative practices within sleek new environments for healing. A unique faith-based culture of caring guided by a longstanding mission to meet your individual health care needs, from the highly complex to the routine, and everything in between. At St. Joseph’s, you will find an academic organization that not only uses, but teaches leading-edge medicine and best practices to future clinicians.
Powerful medicine. Compassionate care. For you and those you love.
St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, which includes St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, has attained Nursing’s highest honor, Magnet® Recognition for excellence from the American Nurses Credentialing Center— for the 4th consecutive time since 1999.
877.757.SJHS (7547) |
St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital
703 Main Street, Paterson, NJ • Sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
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December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
education & careers Bergen Regional Medical Center honors Outstanding Employees at 16th Annual Employee Service Awards Bergen Regional Medical Center is dedicated to providing high quality, compassionate, costeffective health care to its community. Recently the hospital honored seven employees who demonstrate their commitment to the hospital’s mission at the 16th Annual Employee Service Awards. The Employee Service Awards program recognizes employees for their service, longevity and dedication to the patients and community of Bergen Regional Medical Center. Within that program President’s Merit Award winners were nominated by their peers and supervisors in one of five categories – Outstanding Director, Nurse, Facility Support, Physician and Manager. This year’s BRMC President’s Award Honorees include: • Anjali Pawar, Director, Laboratory, Director Category • Cynthia Mixson, LPN, Nurse Category • Delia Bolanos, CNA, Nurse Category • Edward Hall, MD, Chief Psychiatrist, Physician Category • Gary Roetman, Carpenter, Facility Support Category • Louann Johns, RN, Nurse Category • Young Lee, Unit Manager, Manager Category About BRMC Located at 230 East Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus, NJ, Bergen Regional Medical Center provides a comprehensive set of quality services including Long Term Care, Behavioral Health Care and Acute Care to the Bergen County community. Bergen Regional is both the largest hospital with 1,070 beds and the largest licensed nursing home in New Jersey. The entire Medical Center, including its Long Term Care Division, is fully accredited by the Joint Commission. Less than 6% of Long Term Care facilities nationwide pursue and receive Joint Commission accreditation. Additionally, with 323 beds, Bergen Regional is one of the largest medical resources providing a continuum of care for the behavioral health community and is a safety net provider for the mentally impaired, elderly, uninsured or underinsured for the state of New Jersey. BRMC also provides services for those eligible for health insurance or Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. As a complement to its long term care and behavioral health/substance abuse expertise, Bergen Regional also offers acute medical services including: 24/7 emergency department; surgical suites; physical rehabilitation; pharmacy; laboratory; radiologic services (including digital mammography) and more than 20 ambulatory specialties available through the BRMC Clinic. You can have all of your outpatient healthcare needs fulfilled in one convenient location.
Hunterdon Healthcare receives Employee Engagement Award Hunterdon Healthcare has been awarded The Advisory Board Company’s 2014 Excellence in Engagement Award. The annual award recognizes top-performing hospitals and health systems nationwide for outstanding levels of employee engagement. “In today’s cultural shift to improve care, the importance of engaging the workforce must not be underestimated,” said Steven Berkow, Executive Director, Survey Solutions at The Advisory Board Company. “Hospitals and health systems face a steep challenge if they can’t secure buy-in from leaders and frontline staff throughout the organization— the individuals responsible for executing against top strategic priorities. Our award winners have demonstrated a remarkable ability to inspire the highest levels of engagement among our cohort while maintaining remarkably low levels of disengagement among their employees.”
Engaged employees, as defined by The Advisory Board Company, are those who exhibit both loyalty and commitment to the organization. These employees are willing to expend discretionary effort, often going above and beyond to help the organization succeed. The award recognizes Hunterdon Healthcare’s commitment to creating a best-in-class work environment for its employees. “Having engaged employees is the key to our success. Their daily activities have a profound impact on our patient’s experience throughout our healthcare system. Our employees know that each and every one of their roles is equally important to exceeding the expectations of our patients,” stated Violet Kocsis, Chief Human Resources Officer, Hunterdon Healthcare. Hunterdon Healthcare is one of twenty organizations nationwide to receive this prestigious award. To learn more about Hunterdon Healthcare, visit
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
Dr. Kendell Sprott named Chief Executive at Matheny Medical and Educational Center Kendell R. Sprott, MD, JD, has been named chief executive officer of the Matheny Medical and Educational Center, a special hospital and educational facility in Peapack, NJ, for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities. Dr. Sprott, both a physician and attorney, has been a member of the faculty at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School since 1984, most recently serving as senior associate dean for clinical affairs. He has also served as acting chair of the Department of Pediatrics and vice chair and director of community pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. At Matheny, Dr. Sprott will assume his new duties December 1,
succeeding Steven Proctor, who is retiring after 16 years as CEO. Edana Desatnick and Bruce Fisher, co-chairs of Matheny’s Board of Trustees, expressed confidence that Dr. Sprott, “will continue to build on the solid foundation put in place by Steve Proctor. At Rutgers,” they added, “Dr. Sprott was instrumental in successfully integrating the clinical services of UMDNJ and Rutgers University. He demonstrated an outstanding ability to work effectively with a wide array of organizations and instituted a number of innovative solutions. As the new CEO at Matheny, Dr. Sprott and his leadership team will be responsible for expanding Matheny’s capabilities and services against the backdrop of a changing healthcare environment.
Kendell R. Sprott, MD, JD
We are confident that Dr. Sprott has the expertise to guide Matheny in a winning direction that will ensure future growth and prosperity.”
Renowned Researchers visit Matheny
From left, Alexander von Gontard, MD; Gary E. Eddey, MD, vice president and chief medical officer at Matheny; Leopold M.G. Curfs, Ph.D.; Kenneth Robey, Ph.D., director of the Matheny Institute for Research in Developmental Disabilities.
The Matheny Institute for Research in Developmental Disabilities, the research arm of the Matheny Medical and Educational Center, has as its singular mission the research and dissemination of findings that might enhance the lives of those with severe disabilities, their families and the professionals who work with them. An important part of conducting research and disseminating findings is sharing information with other professionals in the field. Matheny was honored to have two of the most distinguished researchers in the field of developmental and intellectual disabilities visit its main campus in Peapack, NJ, on October 14: Professor Leopold M. G. Curfs, Ph.D., professor of intellectual disabilities and director of the Governor Kremers Centre at the Maastricht University Medical Centre in Maastricht,
The Netherlands; and Alexander von Gontard, MD, professor, board certified child and adolescent psychiatrist, pediatrician and psychotherapist and chair and head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Saarland University Hospital, Saarbuecken, Germany. Professors Curfs and von Gontard spent a full day at Matheny, meeting with staff, touring the facilities and observing our various programs and activities. Matheny is a special hospital and educational facility for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities. Dr. Curf has published and presented extensively on medical, behavioral and psychiatric aspects of genetically determined neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr. von Gontard is an internationally acclaimed expert on behavioral disorders in childhood incontinence.
After 30 very successful and productive years at the New Jersey Medical School, Dr. Sprott is looking forward to a new challenge at Matheny . “I am honored,” he said, “to join the Matheny family, a group of individuals committed to the service and compassionate care of patients with complex needs.” Dr. Sprott received a B.S. degree from Morehouse College in Atlanta, his MD from UMDNJ New Jersey Medical School (now Rutgers) and his JD degree from the Rutgers School of Law in Newark. He has also served in the Department of Pediatrics at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston; Muhlenberg Hospital in Plainfield; and Children’s Hospital of New Jersey, which became part of Newark Beth Israel
when United Hospitals closed in 1997. He was chair of the Governor’s Council of Children’s Service Planning from July 1989-May 1994 and was a recipient of the Thurgood Marshall Award for Excellence (2005), City News 100 Most Influential in New Jersey (1997), the Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence (1995) and the Child Advocacy Award from the National Black Child Development Institute (1990). He is currently a member of the board of directors and/or trustees of the Rutgers Community Health Foundation, Children’s Future, Advocates for Children of New Jersey and the Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition. Dr. Sprott and his wife, Donna, also a physician, reside in Plainfield, NJ.
December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
Kevin J. Slavin named President and CEO of St. Joseph’s Healthcare System St. Joseph’s Healthcare System (SJHS) has announced the appointment of Kevin J. Slavin, FACHE, as President and Chief Executive Officer of the multi-hospital major academic healthcare system based in Paterson, New Jersey. “The Board of Trustees announces that Kevin Slavin has been selected as the next President and Chief Executive Officer of St. Joseph’s,” said Marilyn Thie, SC, Chairperson of the Board. Mr. Slavin will succeed William A. McDonald who is retiring at the end of the year. “It is an honor to return to St. Joseph’s Healthcare System during such an exciting period in the organization’s history,” said Mr. Slavin. “I look forward to working with the entire St. Joseph’s family to continue the current momentum.” Kevin Slavin brings more than 25 years of healthcare management expertise and experience to his new role at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System. He has served as President and Chief Executive Officer at East Orange General Hospital since March 2005, during which he has led an organization-wide transformation that has resulted in strength and stability for Essex County’s sole remaining independent, community hospital. During his tenure as CEO, East Orange General Hospital has experienced seven consecutive years of positive financial performance and a significantly improved balance sheet. Mr. Slavin has also led focused efforts to improve East Orange General Hospital’s quality of care and greatly improved quality of care outcomes. Through his presence in the community, East Orange General Hospital has also expanded its community health outreach efforts and regained trust and respect from the communities that it serves. His work with the Board of Trustees has made East Orange General Hospital’s Board transformation a recognized best practice model in New Jersey.
St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital and St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital. He began his career at St. Peter’s Medical Center in New Brunswick as an Administrative Resident and then spent fifteen years with the St. Clare’s Health System in Morris County, NJ. During the period of 2001-2002, Mr. Slavin assumed the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and helped lead a comprehensive turnaround plan which restored Saint Clare’s to financial stability after a period of significant financial turmoil. Mr. Slavin received his bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University in Industrial Engineering and completed the Master’s in Health Administration (MHA) program at the University of Colorado’s Graduate School of Business with an emphasis in Financial Management. He has received numerous recognitions in his career, including the American College of Healthcare Executives NJ Senior Executive Award, Community Leadership Award from the Morris County Organization of Hispanic Affairs, Community Service Award from the Caribbean Medical Mission and recognition from the East Orange Democratic Committee as a Jewel of the Community. He is a Member of the American College of Healthcare Executives and the Immediate Past Chairman of the Hospital Alliance of New Jersey, which represents the state’s safety net hospitals. A native of Trenton, Kevin Slavin and his wife, Wendy, live in Hackettstown and have five children: Josh, Kate, Sarah, Sean, Alaine, and two grandchildren.
Prior to leading East Orange General Hospital, Mr. Slavin served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at St. Joseph’s Healthcare System in Paterson, NJ. During his tenure at St. Joseph’s, he managed day-to-day operations of St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center,
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About St. Joseph’s Nationally recognized St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth since 1867, is an integrated not-for-profit organization and major academic institution located in Northern New Jersey. St. Joseph’s prides itself on providing sophisticated healthcare with a ‘patients first’ approach to service excellence. To learn more, visit or call 877.757.SJHS (7547).
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
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In 2011, Janice Klostermeier, FACHE, traded in big Texas hair for the big city – a move that has certainly paid off; she received a CFO of the Year Award for Best Growth Manager from NJ Biz magazine. Klostermeier serves as the executive vice president, chief financial officer and chief administrative officer for Emergency Medical Associates. In three short years, she has helped grow patient visits by half a million, streamline record-keeping, predict better cash flow, and negotiate major contracts with multihospital systems to generate $3 million in shared savings. “Emergency Medical Associates is similar to a puzzle, each person fitting a particular part to help with the big picture. When someone leaves, you hope the next person is a good fit. When Janice came onboard as CFO, she was definitely a piece of the puzzle that was missing,” said Ray Iannaccone, MD, FACEP, FACHE, president and chief executive officer of Emergency Medical Associates. “She is constantly thinking about the bottom line and has helped our company experience record growth. Most importantly, she has garnered the trust and respect from her coworkers.” Prior to joining Emergency Medical Associates, Klostermeier held financial and administrative roles with health organizations in Texas, including Parkland Health and Hospital System. Her last role was chief financial officer at a physician-owned hospital in Dallas. She has more than 25 years of administrative and financial leadership at major hospital systems. “As a young woman entering the industry, it's refreshing to trail in the footsteps of a female executive who is well-liked, well-respected, and defined more by her talent and knowledge than her gender,” Lindsay Japko, payroll and accounts payable coordinator at Emergency Medical Associates, said about her supervisor. Klostermeier holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Texas at Arlington and has been a certified public accountant in Texas since 1989 (with reciprocity in New York and New Jersey). In addition to her financial background, she also holds a master’s degree in health services administration and is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Emergency Medical Associates (EMA), headquartered in Parsippany, N.J., is a physician-led, physician-owned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine. Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient satisfaction. For more information, visit
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December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
St. Joseph’s 2014 Charity Ball Salutes John Ambrose, MD, for Physician Leadership St. Joseph’s Healthcare System has announced that John Ambrose, MD, FAAOS, Chairman, Orthopedic Surgery, St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital and Director, Orthopedic Out-Patient Services, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, is the recipient of St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital Distinguished Physician Award, presented at the 2014 Charity Ball. The St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital (SJWH) and St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center (SJRMC) Foundations are proud to co-sponsor the 2014 Charity Ball, a black tie event to be held at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City. An respected member of the medical staff, Dr. Ambrose began his affiliation with St. Joseph’s in 1968, as a volunteer extern and a Paterson Fire Department ambulance attendant. He joined the staff of St. Joseph’s and the then Greater Paterson General (later Wayne General and St. Joseph’s Wayne) Hospital in 1976. Now affiliated with Elite Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Dr. Ambrose was in solo practice in Totowa from 1980 until 2013. He received his medical degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), completed an internship in General Surgery at St. Barnabas and a residency in Orthopedic Surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital. He became board certified in Orthopedic Surgery in 1977 and was made a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons the same year. Dr. Ambrose is the past president of the combined SJRMC and SJWH Medical Staffs, having served three years in that office. He was a long-time Chairman of the Credentials
Committee and he has remained active on the Medical Executive Committee for many years. He has held his current position as Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery for several terms since the 1990s. Beginning in 2006, he has overseen resident performance and education at the DePaul Ambulatory Care Center’s outpatient clinic and in 2014 received the official title as Director of Orthopedic Out-Patient Services for St. Joseph’s Healthcare System. Dr. Ambrose has been personally committed to the teaching of orthopedic residents and interns for 38 years, currently serving as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Seton Hall Graduate School of Medicine. He is a member of the Medical Society of New Jersey, the New Jersey Orthopedic Society and the Passaic County Medical Society. Dr. Ambrose was born in Jersey City and currently resides in Totowa. He is the father of three children: Lauren, John and Daniel. Dr. Ambrose credits the love of his life and life partner, Dr. Marzena Odorczuk, for her ongoing support, and his brother Tom Ambrose, his personal business manager for the past four decades, for assisting in his professional achievements. Nationally recognized St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth since 1867, is a major academic comprehensive health care institution located in Northern New Jersey. To learn more, please visit
Salutes Anthony Losardo, MD, as Distinguished Physician Award Honoree St. Joseph’s Healthcare System has announced that Anthony Losardo, MD, FACC, Co-Chief, Cardiology, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center and Medical Director, Cardiology Associates, is the recipient of St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center’s Kendrick P. Lance, MD, Distinguished Physician Award, presented at the 2014 Charity Ball. The Regional Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital Foundations are proud to co-sponsor the 2014 Charity Ball, a black tie event to be held at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City. Dr. Losardo was selected as an honoree due to his key role as a physician-leader and his outstanding efforts on behalf of St. Joseph’s. He is an esteemed member of the St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center staff and a role model in his many leadership positions: professional, medical and teaching, System governance and philanthropy. A dedicated and passionate physician, he founded Cardiology Associates in 1982 and the practice has grown into one of the premier cardiology groups in Northern New Jersey. Dr. Losardo received his medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1977. In addition, he completed his internal medicine residency in 1980 and his fellowship in cardiovascular medicine in 1982 at Albert Einstein Affiliated Hospitals. Dr. Losardo has been a diplomat provided
in the American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease since 1983. Dr. Losardo has served as president of the IPA of North Jersey Board of Directors since 1994. Under his leadership, the IPA has grown from just a few hundred members, to nearly 600 physicians. The managed care agreements maintained by the IPA under his tenure have yielded a high value to physician members and under his leadership, the organization has become highly regarded in the region. In addition to his medical leadership, Dr. Losardo has participated at the highest levels of St. Joseph’s governance as a Member of the Board of Trustees of St. Joseph’s Healthcare System since 2000, a member of the System Governance Committee and a former Trustee of the Foundation Board at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, from 1987-2012. Dr. Losardo was born in Brooklyn, New York and resides in Wyckoff with his wife, Joanne. The Losardo’s have three children: Joey, Anthony and Laurie. Nationally recognized St. Joseph’s Healthcare System, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth since 1867, is a major academic comprehensive health care institution located in Northern New Jersey. To learn more, please visit
November, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
Daily Care for Children with Special Medical Needs NEWBORN 5 YEARS
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page 20
December, 2014
Hospital Newspaper - NJ
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Bernstein & associates, architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. ( Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 1201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 609-309-7005 Fax: 609-309-7006
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Sub-Acute Rehabilitation Long-Term, Skilled Nursing Care Alzheimer’s Care Hospice & Palliative Care Respite Stays The Charles Bierman Home Senior Housing with Assistance • The Sarah & Aaron Franzblau Institute for Continuing Education Our team of skilled and dedicated professional staff deliver the highest quality of care for our 300+ residents. Services provided include: round-the-clock professional nursing care; 24hour medical coverage by board-certified geriatricians; on-site synagogue with full-time rabbinical services; a full range of stimulating and innovative recreational activities; on-site beauty salon, barber shop, work activity center, gift shop and coffee shop; spacious dining rooms, auditoriums, lounges and outdoor patio areas. Our sub-acute rehabilitation facility, which functions as a separate unit within the Home, features a spacious gym with state-of-the-art equipment and comfortable recovery suites with luxury amenities. Semi-private and private rooms are available at Daughters of Israel. The facility is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurances and private payment. Daughters of Israel is a beneficiary agency of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest, N.J. 1155 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, NJ 07052 Contact: Adena Twersky, Director of Admissions Tel: 973-400-3307 Fax: 973-731-8364
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Hospitals Bergen regional MediCal Center Located in Paramus, Bergen Regional Medical Center is the largest hospital in New Jersey and is dedicated to providing quality medical, mental health and long term care to Bergen County and surrounding communities. With 1070 beds, the hospital has three divisions of care. The Behavioral Health Division, includes child and adolescent programs, adult and geriatric psychiatric treatment and inpatient and outpatient mental health services. The Long Term Care Division far exceeds the scope of services offered in a standard nursing home. As a full service, Joint Commission accredited Medical Center; BRMC provides wound care, surgical care, cardiac care, rehabilitation services, respiratory care including ventilator care, Korean care services, Alzheimer's and dementia care. As an acute care Hospital, 24/7 medical care for long term care residents is always only an elevator ride away. The hospital is also known for the treatment of substance abuse and offers medical detoxification, in-patient and out-patient services, and treatment for the mentally ill and chemically addicted. The BRMC Acute and Ambulatory Services Division offers same day surgery, more than 20 medical and specialty clinics, critical care, surgical services and imaging services. The Medical Center's recently renovated and expanded Emergency Department is available 24/7 to provide emergency medical and psychiatric care. Tel. 201.967.4000
Hospitals (ltaCH) lourdes speCialty Hospital of soutHern new Jersey Lourdes Specialty Hospital of Southern New Jersey is a nationally recognized long term acute care hospital (LTACH). The hospital specializes in the care and treatment of critically ill, medically complex patients who require an extended hospital stay. Lourdes Specialty is known as “the hospital's hospital,” a place where critically ill patients can go to receive optimal care for an average stay of 25 days. The hospital is now a regional hub for excellence in medical care provided by an amazing staff of clinicians. The hospital has been voted one of South Jersey’s “Best Places to Work” for three consecutive years. Staffed by more than 250 employees, Lourdes Specialty primarily serves the Delaware Valley Region, including Mercer, Salem, Gloucester, Burlington and Camden Counties, as well as Philadelphia and Bucks Counties in Pennsylvania. Lourdes Specialty Hospital is anticipating further growth and advancement in the years to come while maintaining the highest-grade levels of quality care, excellence and compassion for patients and their families. For more information about Lourdes Specialty Hospital, please visit or call 609-835-3650.
Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
PAge 21
New Holy Name Renal Care Center celebrates Grand Opening Region’s longest-established dialysis provider partners with Fresenius Medical Care North America to open leading-edge facility Holy Name Medical Center and Fresenius Medical Care North America, the nation’s leading network of dialysis facilities, announced the opening of the Holy Name Renal Care Center, a 30-station dialysis facility located within Holy Name Medical Center at 718 Teaneck Rd. The facility, which has been relocated from another part of the medical center into a newly rebuilt space, enables Fresenius’ local team of expert medical professionals to better serve Bergen County’s population of patients with chronic kidney disease. The new facility offers traditional in-center daytime dialysis, as well as access to regional home dialysis programs, which can offer patients equal or better clinical outcomes, and more flexibility in scheduling treatments. It also offers other dialysis patient services, including a kidney transplant support program, vascular care, anemia management, nutrition counseling, bone disease management and social worker support. Robert S. Rigolosi, M.D., a nephrologist (kidney specialist) with Holy Name Medical Center, continues to provide medical director oversight at the Medicare-certified facility, where he has served as director since the dialysis program was established here in 1969. At that time, Holy Name’s dialysis treatment program was the first in the area and one of only three regional dialysis centers in New Jersey. Originally consisting of two dialysis machines located in the Intensive Care Unit, the Center’s facilities, staffing, treatment options and patient volume steadily expanded over the 40-plus years that followed. The latest step in the Renal Care Center’s evolution has been the jointventure partnership between Holy Name Medical Center and Fresenius Medical Care. Together, they built a newly constructed treatment facility representing the leading-edge in clinical design and technology. The new 10,000-square-foot facility’s treatment stations can each support up to four daily shifts of patients. Promoting optimal efficiency, comfort and safety, every station features a reclining chair and an individual media system with wireless Internet access for patients who bring their own computers or Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones. Dialysis stations also feature the CHAIRSIDE®online charting and electronic health record system with touch-screen monitors, allowing clinical staff to enter and securely track patient information. Fresenius Medical Care facilities use
chronic kidney disease and all available treatments for kidney failure, including dialysis and kidney transplants. Sessions are open to the public and are held upon request. Call toll-free 1-877TOPS-LIFE (1-877-867-7543) for more information.
blood-filtering dialyzers only once, unlike other facilities that may disinfect and reuse them. The Holy Name Renal Care Center is also equipped with an emergency backup generator to ensure that critical patient treatments continue in the event of a power outage. “Holy Name has been known as a center for excellence for dialysis since the 1960’s,” said Dr. Sheryl Slonim, Executive Vice President of Patient Care Services & CNO at Holy Name. “And we have a commonality of mission with Fresenius that will ensure our patients continue to get the highest level of care they’ve received here for decades.” Dialysis is a life-sustaining process that cleans waste products from the blood and removes extra fluids when a person’s kidneys fail. Dialysis patients typically require treatment on an ongoing basis unless they receive a kidney transplant. “Patients at this new facility will benefit from our mission to provide patients with end-stage kidney disease the most advanced treatment available,” said Dr. Rigolosi. “We recognize that patients who require dialysis treatments to survive must spend many hours in dialysis centers each week in order to maintain their health. We are pleased to offer that same exceptional level of service in a modern facility at the same convenient location for people in the Bergen County area.”
For more information about the Holy Name Renal Care Center, which is now accepting new patients, call 201-833-1701.
Fresenius Medical Care also offers Treatment Options Programs (TOPS) at no cost, to inform at-risk patients and their families about
About Holy Name Medical Center Holy Name Medical Center is a fully accredited, not-for-profit healthcare facility based in Teaneck, New Jersey. Founded and sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace in 1925, the comprehensive 361-bed medical center offers leading-edge medical practice and technology administered in an environment rooted in a tradition of compassion and respect for every patient. Holy Name provides high quality health care across a continuum that encompasses education, prevention, early intervention, comprehensive treatment options, rehabilitation and wellness maintenance –from conception through end-of-life. For more information about Holy Name Medical Center, please visit
December, 2014
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Hospital Newspaper - NJ December, 2014
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December, 2014
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