The New York Edition
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At Winthrop-University Hospital, No Man Is An Island Hospital of the Month p12
Professional Development & Recruitment Section Begins p14
Simone Development Companies
Turn-key medical suites, highly visible, convenient location, call now! p3
Burke Rehabilitation Center
honors employees during 100 year anniversary! p5
Regional Hospice and Home Care
offers families a new option in end of life care p9
Central Michigan University
offers Executive Degree for Today’s Leaders! p17
Pavisse Incident Management Solution-
1st to market application to maintain compliance management! p19
MassMutual Financial Group
offers dramatic discount to protect your practice! p24
Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800
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Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center kway
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Westchester r’s Premier Medical Address
Westchester Medical Center
For leasing inforrmation mation contact Glenn W Walsh, alsh, Newmark Grrubb ubb Knight Frank (914) 881-1096 Visit www w.simdevv.com
• Turn-keyy, custom-built, state-of-the-art medical suites available starting from 1,000 square feet • Highly g y visible,, easilyy accessible location ation on W Westchester’ estchester’s “Medical Mile” with direct east/west access to W Westchester estchester A Avenue venue • On-site café, fitness center and beautifully landscaped cour urtyard • Abundant free parking for employees and patients • Newly renovated lobbies and exterior facades • Convenient to I-287, I-95, I-684 and Hutchinson River and Merritt Parkways • New home of WESTMED Medical Group headquarters
s chin
on R
i ve
White Plains Hospital
Greenwich Hospital
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
April has marked a new beginning for emergency services at New York Methodist Hospital (NYM), and for all Brooklynites who may need life-saving care in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. That is because NYM now receives trauma patients via New York City Emergency Medical Services. This follows the New York State Department of Health's (NYSDOH) designation of New York Methodist as a Trauma Center—a designation only granted to hospitals that are able to provide life-saving care across all emergency scenarios, and that have a continuous process in place for monitoring and improving that care. “New York Methodist's establishment of a Trauma Center is the result of over a year's worth of preparation," said Bashar Fahoum, M.D., trauma surgeon and medical director of trauma services at the Hospital. "That included renovating our Department of Emergency Medicine's trauma bays, as well as extensive training, trauma simulations and drills for all surgeons, emergency medicine physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and other staff members involved with trauma response.�
photos provided
New York Methodist Hospital establishes Trauma Center
A trauma room in New York Methodist Hospital, during a trauma response simulation led by Barbara Gatton, M.D., director of quality improvement for NYM's Department of Emergency Medicine.
“New York Methodist’s Department of Surgery already offers advanced procedures—both traditional and minimally invasive—across all surgical disciplines, including general surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, vascular surgery, urology, ophthalmology, and cardiothoracic surgery,� said Anthony Tortolani,
M.D., chairman of surgery and cardiothoracic surgery at the Hospital. “We have specialists in each of these areas who are also trained in trauma response. In recognizing NYM as a trauma center, the NYSDOH has determined that we can provide the highest level of care for the most severely injured patients.�
New York Methodist Hospital's ambulance entrance, located on the corner of Seventh Avenue and Seventh Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
“Each year, over 100,000 Brooklynites already receive emergency care at New York Methodist, including those experiencing life-threatening heart attacks and severe strokes," said Joseph Bove, M.D., chairman of emergency medicine at NYM. “The Hospital's trauma team draws on the skills of medical staff members in
both the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Department of Surgery, and as a Trauma Center, we now provide comprehensive treatment for patients with every type and every degree of traumatic injury. We are proud to offer our community the best possible care when they need it most."
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Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
Burke Rehabilitation Center celebrates its 100-Year Anniversary by honoring employees
This April, White Plains’ 100-year-old Burke Rehabilitation Center thanked its employees for their service to the hospital, which has treated more than half a million patients since it was founded on April 7, 1915. Employee-focused events this month included an intimate gathering on Burke’s Founder’s Day, which took place April 7, as well as an employee recognition dinner and reception on April 14. More than half of Burke’s 700-plus employees attended the Founder’s Day event. It began with opening remarks from Mary Beth Walsh, M.D., C.E.O. and Executive Medical Director at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, and John Ryan, Burke’s Executive Director of Administration. Both hospital leaders have been with Burke for 35 years. Following the opening remarks, staff members presented a special birthday cake made in the likeness of the hospital and encouraged attending employees to enjoy dessert and refreshments. The employee dinner and reception, which took place on the evening of April 14, honored dozens of Burke employees celebrating milestone anniversaries. The event recognized hospital leaders, employees and Burke Medical Research Institute faculty members who are celebrating a milestone anniversary of 10 years, 15 years, 20 years and beyond. “It has been a professional privilege to work at Burke. We are a family here, as we work together for the benefit of our patients,” said Karen M. Pechman, MD, of Scarsdale, Burke’s Medical Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for the past 26 years, upon reflecting on her experience at the hospital. Julian Moore of Mamaroneck, Manager of Multimedia Services and a Burke employee for 20 years, echoed Dr. Pechman’s sentiments of pride in working for the legacy hospital: “We work as a team for one reason and one reason only: to make people better. What could be better than that?” John Dillon of North White Plains, Director of Plant Engineering & Facilities and a Burke employee for 44 years, shared that he has seen the benefits Burke has to offer the community from two perspectives, both as an employee and as a patient. Dillon received rehabilitative care at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital after an intensive hip-replacement surgery. “During my stay, I was truly amazed by the extraordinary and compassionate care I witnessed patients receiving here,” he said. “I knew we did a good job, but now I tell people we do an outstanding job.” Burke has a host of upcoming centennialrelated events. Sam White, a published author and a leading architect at PBDW Architects, will share his expertise and personal background at June’s Legacy Lobby Lecture event at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 3, in Burke’s Wood Pavilion. White is the great-grandson of Sanford White, of
photos p
McKim, Mead and White, the architecture firm responsible for creating Burke’s original blueprint, as well as the creation of the original Penn Station and many other notable projects. White will offer his unique
perspective on the firm’s influence in Westchester and on American architecture. Please RSVP to Julia Moran at JMoran@Burke.org to reserve your spot to attend any of the Lobby Lecture events.
In addition to the lecture events, Burke will hold its Centennial Burke Award Dinner, on the evening of Tuesday, June 16, at the Pierre Hotel in NYC. The event will honor influential members of the Burke community who have made notable contributions to Burke and its mission. Honorees include New York Rangers Captain Ryan McDonagh; Brad and Jessica Berman, a stroke survivor and his wife; and Mick Ebeling, a producer and philanthropist. To learn more about Burke’s centennial events, please visit www.burke.org/100years.
No two patients are alike… Why should their rehabilitation be? BURKE REHABILITATION HOSPITAL offers custom-designed programs based on your individual needs. Whether you have experienced a life changing event such as a stroke, brain injury, neurological condition or joint replacement, Burke is here to help you reach your maximum recovery. You are unique. Make sure your rehabilitation journey is too. Pioneering Rehabilitation
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
ADVERTISER INDEX Burke Rehabilitation Center
Central Michigan University
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Pavisse Incident Management Solution
Regional Hospice and Home Care Resource Directory
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Simone Development Companies
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Winthrop University Hospital
Graduation and the Future!
Thousands of students will take that stroll up to the podium this year and it is an emotional time for me as my son, Robert, graduates from SUNY Brockport. Meanwhile, my daughter, Brianna, graduates from Washingtonville High School. I’m proud of them both for so many reasons. Robert played four years of baseball at Brockport, providing me with a thrill. He was third all-time in appearances as a pitcher and helped win SUNYAC playoff games in dramatic fashion. Most of all, he learned responsibility, and grew into a fine young man. Robert served as a leader to the younger players. He has had some setbacks, but has worked as hard as he can to earn his Bachelor’s degree. Robert’s strengths are in, among other things, leadership and marketing. Brianna will, of course, be a stunning, beautiful graduate for Washingtonville High. In younger years, she would glide across the floor as a ballerina, as I proudly watched. As a teenager, Brianna suffered from a heart condition that almost took her life. She needed a heart transplant to survive. You would think something like that would hold her back, but Brianna has blossomed. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She has walked the “Relay for Life” and has been a speaker at the American Heart Association’s Go for Red events. Brianna loves animals and would love to become a Veterinarian in the future. I send my congratulations to all graduates and in particular my two beautiful children. I love you, Robert and Brianna, and am so proud of you. I know you are both ready to take on the world! Please share your stories with us: news@hospitalnewspaper.com. Jim can be reached at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 and via email at jim@hospitalnewspaper.com.
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MAY/JUN E 2015
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Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
St. Catherine of Siena’s Stroke Program receives Gold Plus Recognition
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center has received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment and success in ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence. The medical center has maintained Gold Plus status since 2010. St. Catherine also received Honor Roll recognition for thrombolytic management of acute ischemic stroke in 2011 and 2013. To receive the Gold Plus Quality Achievement award, hospitals must achieve 85 percent or higher adherence to all Get With The GuidelinesStroke achievement indicators for two or more consecutive 12-month periods and achieved 75 percent or higher compliance with five of eight Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Quality measures. These quality measures are designed to help hospital teams provide the most up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines with the goal of speeding recovery and reducing death and disability for stroke patients. They focus on appropriate use of guideline-based care for stroke patients, including aggressive use of medications such as clot-busting and anti-
clotting drugs, blood thinners and cholesterol-reducing drugs, preventive action for deep vein thrombosis and smoking cessation counseling. “With a stroke, time lost is brain lost, and this award demonstrates our commitment to ensuring patients receive care based on nationally-respected clinical guidelines,” said St. Catherine’s Executive Vice President and CAO Paul J. Rowland. “St. Catherine of Siena is dedicated to improving the quality of stroke care and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Stroke helps us achieve that goal.” “We are pleased to recognize St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center for their commitment to stroke care,” said Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, national chairman of the Get With The Guidelines steering committee and Executive Director of Interventional Cardiovascular Programs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Studies have shown that hospitals that consistently follow Get With The Guidelines quality improvement measures can reduce length of stay and 30-day readmission rates and reduce disparities in care.” For more information about St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center and its award-winning Stroke Program, call 631.870.3444 or visit stcatherines.chsli.org.
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NUMC holds EMS lecture on treatment of stroke
If you’d like to reach the health and hospital communities of New York each month, there is no more cost-effective way than the Hospital Newspaper.
NUMC holds monthly lectures for the EMS community in which physicians provide training on various topics important for those emergency responders who transport patients to the hospital. This month’s lecture, with a welcome by NUMC’s President/CEO Dr. Politi, was provided by Dr. Wahedna (left) on symptoms and treatments for stroke victims.
(87 (8 77)) 692-4665 69 665
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
WESTMED Medical Group marks grand opening of new Westchester facility Development partners Simone Healthcare Development and Fareri Associates join community leaders to celebrate first new construction on Westchester Avenue in 25 years
WESTMED Medical Group, a large, Purchase-based multi-specialty medical practice, joined elected and community leaders, and developers Simone Healthcare Development and Fareri Associates, on Wednesday, May 13 to mark the grand opening of its fifth full-service office in Westchester County. The new four-story, 85,000- squarefoot medical office building is located 3030 Westchester Avenue in the newly renamed Purchase Professional Park in Purchase, NY. The grand opening marks the first new office construction along the I287 corridor in more than 25 years. Executives from WESTMED, Simone and Fareri Associates were joined by local elected and community leaders at the ceremony, including Harrison Town Supervisor Ronald Belmont and Westchester Deputy County Executive Kevin Plunkett. WESTMED Medical Group’s specialties in the new building include: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Colorectal Surgery, Critical Care, Dermatology, Endocrinology, ENT, Gynecologic Oncology, Healthy Measures weight management program, Mohs Surgery, Nephrology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Palliative Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Pulmonology and Reproductive Endocrinology. “When our medical organizations merged in 1999, my partner and I, Dr. Barney Newman, were concerned that one of the most desirable areas to live in the U.S. was characterized as having fragmented, uncoordinated health care,” said Dr. Simeon Schwartz, President and CEO of WESTMED Medical Group. “Our vision was to bring coordinated, efficient and quality medical care to a wide spectrum of the population. Sixteen years later, as we open our 5th full-service office, WESTMED sees ever-larger numbers of patients seeking out the right services at the right time rather than more costly care, with unnecessary tests and avoidable hospitalizations.” Anthony Viceroy, President of WESTMED Practice Partners and CFO of WESTMED Medical Group added, “We are pleased to increase access to best-in-class healthcare with the opening of this new stateof-the-art facility. With our broad range of outpatient services focused on quality and efficiency, we pro-
said Joseph Simone, President of Simone Development, whose Simone Healthcare Development Group partners with hospitals and large medical practices in the site selection, acquisition, design, construction and management of the state-of-the-art medical facilities. Newmark Grubb Knight Frank is the exclusive leasing agent for Purchase Professional Park.
From left, William Mooney III, Director, Westchester County Office of Economic Development; Westchester Deputy County Executive Kevin Plunkett; Joanna Simone, Director of Leasing & Property Management, Simone Development; Patricia Simone, Vice President of Leasing & Operations, Simone Development; Joseph Simone, President & CEO, Simone Development; Anthony Viceroy, President, WESTMED Practice Partners and CFO, WESTMED Medical Group; Pat Simone, founder, Simone Development; John Fareri, President & CEO, Fareri Associates; Brenda Fareri, Fareri Associates; Harrison Town Supervisor Ron Belmont
vide our community with over 26 different medical specialties. Our talented and well-trained physicians and staff are committed to delivering "service excellence” with care and compassion at every ‘touch point’ to enhance the patient experience here at WESTMED.” Situated on Westchester Avenue in the heart of Westchester’s Platinum Mile (I-287), the Purchase Professional Park combines firstclass office and medical space, exceptional amenities and one of the most convenient office locations in the region. The park-like campus features four modern buildings (3000, 3010, 3020 and the new 3030 Westchester Avenue) totaling 220,000 square feet of Class A office and medical space. Purchase Professional Park is a true suburban office and medical park offering the latest in corporate quality amenities and services, including: on-site café, fitness center, 24/7 building access with state-ofthe-art camera security, landscaped courtyard with fountain and seating
areas, on-site owner management and abundant complimentary parking. The complex offers a highly visible and convenient location at Exit 10 off of I-287, with access to major highways including I-95, I-684 and the Hutchinson River/Merritt Parkways, and is just minutes away from the Westchester County Airport and Metro-North train stations in Rye, Harrison and White Plains, providing access to the growing suburban patient base in Westchester, Fairfield and Putnam counties. Nearby hospitals include White Plains Hospital, New York-Presbyterian Hospital in White Plains, Greenwich Hospital and Westchester Medical Center. Simone Healthcare Development and Fareri Associates recently completed a major renovation and modernization of the existing buildings and common areas at the Purchase Professional Park. The renovation work included refurbishing the exterior facades, renovating all of the lobbies as well as all common area hallways and restrooms, and replacing the elevators and elevator cabs
with new finishing throughout all three of the complex’s existing buildings. Landscaping is being upgraded throughout the campus and the existing courtyard will have a new fountain as its centerpiece, along with new plantings, pavers and outdoor furniture for visitors and employees working at the complex to enjoy. Further, new, brighter and more energy efficient LED lighting is being installed throughout the on-site parking areas at the campus, and all interior and exterior signage is also being replaced to display the complex’s new name. “The renovations and modernizations we have made at the Purchase Professional Park are a significant investment by our company that will clearly position this complex as the choice location for medical practices and business professionals in Westchester County. We are particularly excited about the addition of WESTMED Medical Group’s full-service facility at 3030 Westchester Avenue, which is one of the most technologically advanced medical buildings in the region,”
About WESTMED Medical Group WESTMED Medical Group is staffed by a team of almost 300 physicians dedicated to providing coordinated, efficient and the highest quality of patient care at its nine locations in central and lower Westchester County. The practice, known for its one-stop-shopping medical experience for patients, uses state-of-the-art systems and electronic medical records. WESTMED has medical offices in White Plains, Rye, Yonkers, Purchase, Scarsdale, Harrison and New Rochelle. Connect with WESTMED online at www.westmedgroup.com
About Simone Healthcare Development Simone Healthcare Development Group, a division of Simone Development Companies, partners with healthcare providers to create turnkey ambulatory medical facilities in the New York metropolitan area, with over a million square feet of new healthcare and medical office space currently built or in development. The company establishes long-term relationships with healthcare providers that encompass every aspect of locating, designing, building, and operating a new facility. By undertaking expansion in partnership with Simone Healthcare Development, healthcare providers reduce their expenditures on real estate services, freeing up capital for investments in technology, personnel, and other resources that enhance their core businesses. About Fareri Associates: Fareri Associates, LP, Greenwich’s most active developer, is a family owned and operated real estate investment and construction company focusing on development and re-development of office, retail, mixed-use and residential properties primarily in Fairfield County, Connecticut and Westchester County, NY.
Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
Rep. Esty visits Regional Hospice and Home Care’s Center for Comfort Care & Healing
On May 5, Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty visited Regional Hospice and Home Care’s new Center for Comfort Care & Healing in Danbury to take a tour of the brand new hospice center and meet with patients, families, nurses, volunteers and other staff. While giving a tour of the 36,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art center, Regional Hospice & Home Care CEO and President Cynthia E. Roy, MS, LCSW, CHA, described its importance to the state. “This is the first and only nonprofit, family focused, all-private-suite hospice center in Connecticut,” she said.
“We expect to serve more than 1,000 patients during our first year, many of them children.” During the visit, family members of patients repeatedly told Esty how “this area really needed this,” and they “don’t know how they would have take care of ” their loved ones at home. “The new facilities at the Regional Hospice and Home Care’s Center for Comfort Care & Healing will go a long way in providing patients and their families the support and comfort they need during the most difficult of times. I enjoyed my visit to the center, and
Cynthia E. Roy, CEO and president of Regional Hospice and Home Care, and Rep. Elizabeth Esty on the Healing Hearts Playground outside the Regional Hospice and Home Care Center for Comfort Care & Healing.
Rep. Elizabeth Esty visited with patients and families at the Regional Hospice and Home Care Center for Comfort Care & Healing on a tour with Regional Hospice and Home Care CEO and President Cynthia E. Roy. photos provided
I look forward to Regional Hospice and Home Care's continued success and positive impact on our community,” said Congresswoman Esty. “A passing should be sacred. It should be honored. It should be witnessed,” said Roy. “We are hospice workers. We are witnesses to this final sacred moment in someone’s life. We are blessed to help our patients and their families during this deeply personal time.” Regional Hospice & Home Care’s team of experienced clinicians have been providing physical, emotional, spiritual and bereavement support to children, adults and their families through our palliative and hospice
care program for the past 30 years. The new Center for Comfort Care & Healing is now open! Regional Hospice & Home Care is a nonprofit, state-licensed and Medicarecertified home health care and hospice agency. Now, with the opening of our new private-room, specialty hospital for palliative and end-of-life care — the Center for Comfort Care & Healing — we can bring that same hope and compassionate care close to home and under one roof. For more information, please visit www.RegionalHospiceCT.org. Follow us on twitter: @real_hope. Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ RegionalHospice.
The first of its kind.
Regional Hospice and Home Care is proud to offer New York and Connecticut patients and their families a new option in end of life care — The Center for Comfort Care & Healing. Now open and conveniently located off of I–84 in Danbury, CT, this state-of-the-art, non-profit Center is unexpected in so many ways.
When you consider the advantages, choosing us is a very simple decision. Every detail has been carefully considered : • 12 private suites with balconies • Home-like interior design • In-room accommodations for family stay • Best practice in medical and palliative care • Outdoor play scape • Beautifully landscaped grounds, gardens and walking paths • 24/7 emotional, social and spiritual support • Professional chef • Spa and salon
you choose Regional Hospice?
Contact us to arrange for a visit: 203.702.7400 regionalhospicect.org OPEN NOW, off I – 84, Exit 2A
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Four-year-old receives revolutionary treatment for scoliosis at Cohen Children’s Medical Center Cohen’s is first on Long Island to offer latest technology in scoliosis repair
After watching little Jordan Jennings race around the room clutching her new doll, it’s hard to imagine that the energetic little girl was only recently implanted with two metal rods to help her fight dangerous spinal deformity caused by scoliosis. 4-year-old Jordan Jennings looks on with her parents as her surgeon, Dr. Selena Poon,explains the nature of scoliosis and how surgery relieved the situation. Jordan’s parents, Joanne and Douglas, met her surgical team yesterday at Cohen Children’s Medical Center to thank them for finding a revolutionary treatment for pediatric scoliosis that was granted FDA-approval only one year ago. Traditionally, metal rods were surgically implanted in a child of Jordan’s age to straighten the back. Following the procedure, other surgeries would follow every six months, during which the rods would be lengthened to allow for growth. “The traditional treatment route was very hard on the patient and the family,” said Terry Amaral, MD, Chief of Pediatric Orthopedics at Cohen. “In order to prevent breathing complications and damage to other internal organs, we must straighten out the severe spinal curvature. We’re so proud of the fact that we were able to use this new technology to relieve Jordan’s situation while avoiding the stress and complications of future lengthening surgeries.”
In 2014, after exhausting chiropractic and other treatments, Jordan was exhibiting such severe curvature that her parents knew surgery would be the only option. “Jordan was born with infantile scoliosis,”said her surgeon, Selina Poon, MD. “Back in December of 2014, her curvature had advanced to 130 degrees. We had tried treating her with a brace and it just wasn’t enough. “Now, we’re happy to report that after this successful surgery, Jordan’s curvature has been reduced to 66 degrees. She is not perfectly straight, but she is significantly better. And, she is happy and energetic… she’s the kind of child who will bounce right back.” The new surgical technique for scoliosis is known as the MAGEC (MAGnetic Expansion Control) Spinal Bracing System. With MAGEC, magnetic rods are surgically implanted but instead of follow-up operations, the rods can be magnetically lengthened in the doctor’s office every few months, eliminating the stress and dangers of future lengthening surgeries. Jordan had her surgery on March 2, 2015, almost a year to the day of MAGEC’s arrival in the US. Five weeks later, her parents report that she is moving with greater ease and is better able to handle all the activities of daily life.
4-year-old Jordan Jennings looks on with her parents as her surgeon, Dr. Selena Poon, explains the nature of scoliosis and how surgery relieved the situation.
“I just couldn’t accept that my daughter would have to face a childhood of painful surgeries every six months,” an emotional Joanne Jennings said. “I wanted her to have a chance to be a normal little girl.” Then, embracing her active daughter, she looked directly into her eyes. “Now you have a chance,” she said. Opened in 1983, the Steven and Alexandra
Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York is home to about 675 pediatricians, including 200 full-time physicians, and a total workforce of more than 1,200, including more than 500 nurses. For the eighth consecutive year in 2014, CCMC was ranked among the best children’s hospitals in the nation in U.S. News & World Report's 2014-15 “America’s Best Children’s Hospitals” survey.
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Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center leads the way, introduces Telehealth Technology helps patients manage chronic conditions at home
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the emphasis on healthcare in the U.S. has shifted towards the importance of preventive care as a way of improving the health of the population and avoiding costly hospitalizations. Now, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center has taken an important step to achieve this objective by launching a “telehealth” program that extends the continuum of care into the homes of patients who need support managing chronic conditions or are at risk for repeated hospitalizations. Phelps is the only hospital in Westchester to offer this service, in collaboration with the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) of Hudson Valley. Studies show that up to 20 percent of hospital inpatients are re-admitted within 30 days of discharge due to exacerbations of congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or diabetes. The purpose of the telehealth program is to prevent avoidable re-hospitalizations and support a patient’s ability to age-in-place safely, responsibly and independently. Using equipment installed in a patient’s home, biometric assessments (including blood pressure, pulse oximetry and weight) are captured and wirelessly transmitted to the telehealth department at the VNA, where these vital signs are reviewed and changes in the patient’s health status are noted. If an abnormal result is found, a telehealth nurse contacts the patient to determine the cause and follows up with the patient’s primary care provider, if necessary. If the nurse discovers that the patient has not been taking medication as prescribed, for example, or is eating foods that are prohibited due to a medical condition, patient education on these topics can take place instantly. Karen Giordano of Elmsford has high blood pressure and finds the telehealth system easy to use. “I would highly recommend it to other people. By looking at my numbers (vital signs) every day, it keeps me aware of my health and I become an active participant in my own health.” Every week Ms. Giordano checks in via a “video chat” with telehealth nurse Anne Cusack, RN, BSN. "Anne also calls me immediately if one of my numbers is not what it is supposed to be,” says Ms. Giordano. “I don’t get out much, so I love chatting on the video chat.”
Phelps patient, Karen Giordano enjoys the ability to video chat with teleheath nurse Anne Cusack, RN, BSN (l). Telehealth allows Karen to be an active participant in her own health. Phelps Memorial Hospital Center in Sleepy Hollow, is the only hospital in Westchester to use telehealth services.
“Telehealth helps patients selfmanage their chronic or newly diagnosed conditions, and gives them extra clinical support so they can be more independent,” says Judith Sapione, RN, clinical quality manager for Phelps Medical Associates, the hospital’s primary and specialty care medical group, who is overseeing the program. “Patients really feel like they’re in control of their health. Especially for those who are very frail, or have multiple chronic conditions, it’s a real support and comfort knowing that they’re being monitored so closely.” According to Sapione, with the early intervention made possible by telehealth, a patient knows when his condition warrants a visit to his physician, and he is less likely to wait until he becomes so ill that he needs to go to the emergency room. “We’ve already experienced the benefits of this program. Several of our patients required intervention and their care was managed in a timely way, achieving a better outcome as a result,” says Sapione.
Participants in the six-month pilot program are patients of Phelps Medical Associates physicians. Telehealth services are being offered free of charge to participants, thanks to a generous donation from the William Olson Memorial Fund. Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, a member of North Shore-LIJ Health System, is a full-service 238-bed acute care community hospital located in Sleepy Hollow, NY. With more than 1,700 employees and 500 medical staff members representing 60 medical specialties, Phelps offers one of the broadest ranges of community hospital services in Westchester County. Patients benefit from distinguished physicians, many of whom are pioneers in their field, offering the most advanced procedures using the latest technology. www.phelpshospital.org. Phelps' multispecialty medical group, Phelps Medical Associates, has nearly 20 practices located on the hospital campus and in the surrounding communities. www.phelpsmedicalassociates.org.
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May/June 2015
H of the Month
Hospital Newspaper - NY
At Winthrop-University Hospital, No Man Is an Island
The American male is notoriously hesitant to seek medical treatment, especially in non-urgent situations. Providing comprehensive, coordinated men’s services, Winthrop-University Hospital makes it easy for the men of Long Island to receive multispecialty preventive care and medical management. “Men have been shy about going to their physician in the past, largely because they’re worried about abnormal findings,” said Aaron E. Katz, MD, Chairman of the Department of Urology at Winthrop-University Hospital. “Men have unique health concerns and need to go to their physicians earlier and more frequently. Winthrop has established a comprehensive men’s health service line to provide the individualized screening and treatment men need with a more personalized approach.” Collaboration is essential to providing optimal men’s health services at Winthrop, and the streamlined construction greatly benefits patients. As part of the program, the Division of Urology works in concert with the Division of Cardiology, as well as other disciplines, to provide first-rate services and care for a host of medical conditions. “We offer expert care for everything men are at risk for,” noted Jeffrey T. Schiff, MD, Attending Urologist at WinthropUniversity Hospital. If patients are experiencing potential signs of heart disease or other heart-related conditions, they can easily be referred to a member of Winthrop’s cardiovascular team, an endocrine physician or a Board Certified cardiologist. Because many risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity, activity level, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and smoking, are modifiable, Philip Ragno, MD, FACC, Director of Cardiovascular Health and Wellness at Winthrop-University Hospital, President of Island Cardiac Specialists, emphasizes education as a preventive strategy. “I stress that if men optimize their modifiable cardiac risk factors by the age of 50, the likelihood of suffering from a cardiovascular death prior to age 90 can be reduced to as low as 5 percent,” noted Dr. Ragno. While men receive care for all aspects of their health at Winthrop, prostate cancer remains a focal point. Men with early stage cancer confined to the prostate can benefit from CyberKnife radiosurgery performed by experts at the Winthrop Center of Excellence CyberKnife Center and Winthrop’s new CyberKnife Center in Manhattan, the first and only CyberKnife Center in Manhattan, offering treatment to men not only in New York City but from surrounding states.
“There is a need for one place where men can come to get help with diet, cancer screenings, genomic testing, heart health and other matters, and that’s Winthrop” Dr. Katz
Pictured (L-R) Jeffrey T. Schiff, MD, Attending Urologist at Winthrop; Aaron E. Katz, MD, Chairman of the Department of Urology at Winthrop; and Philip Ragno, MD, FACC, Director of Cardiovascular Health and Wellness at Winthrop, President of Island Cardiac Specialists.
When surgical intervention is indicated, urologists at Winthrop offer a number of minimally invasive options, from laparoscopic robotic prostatectomy to leading edge ablative modalities. “For patients looking for an option other than radical surgery or radiation, focal cryotherapy is an excellent treatment option,” said Dr. Katz. Cancer isn’t the only condition that causes problems in the prostate. If the gland grows, it can affect the urinary tract and cause a wide range of complications, which Winthrop is also prepared to treat utilizing minimally invasive techniques. “There is a need for one place where men can come to get help with diet, cancer screenings, genomic testing, heart health and other matters, and that’s Winthrop,” said Dr. Katz. For more information about Men’s Wellness at Winthrop-University Hospital, please call 1-866-WINTHROP or visit www.winthrop.org.
Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
education & careers
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
For a local nursing student, an accelerated program and scholarship support pave the way to patient care Chayna H
r ardy-Taylo
For Chayna Hardy-Taylor, the second time’s the charm. It was while earning her first degree and launching a career in healthcare administration that she uncovered her true passion: patient care. “I received my first bachelor’s degree in biology from Georgetown College in Kentucky, and was focused on working in hospital administration,” said Hardy-Taylor, a Trenton, N.J., resident. “While I was pursuing that degree, I worked for an on-campus clinic and a local doctor’s office where I fell in love with direct patient care.” Rather than change her major, Hardy-Taylor completed her studies while searching for the right accelerated nursing degree program. In late 2014, she applied and was admitted to the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing’s Accelerated 2nd Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program. Hardy-Taylor also earned one of the school’s Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing (NCIN) scholarships and explained that the financial support was essential in completing the program. “Since this is my second degree, I did not qualify for grants to fund my education,” she said. “So any financial assistance I receive gets me closer to my goal of becoming a registered nurse.” Hardy-Taylor grew up witnessing the love her mother, also a registered nurse, had for the profession.
(From left to right) Chayna Hardy-Taylor with fellow NCIN Scholars Suzanne Szary, Victoria Burch and Charles Thompson
“I grew up watching her work and saw the enthusiasm she had in caring for her patients,” she said. “Through her, I learned that the relationship established between a nurse and patient can make the difference in their recovery.” The Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN Program is a 12-month, intensive academic journey for RNhopefuls who already possess a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. On-campus classes, online course work and clinical experiences at Capital Health in Mercer County, N.J., make up their curriculum. “The scholarship funding allows me to focus on my education without having to worry about how I’m going to repay my loans,” said Hardy-Taylor, who is interested in earning a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree so that she can become a pediatric nurse
practitioner. “My goal is to become a nurse practitioner in the family practice specialty focusing on all stages of child development. I also plan on earning my master’s degree to become a nurse educator. I would like to assist others who are planning on becoming RNs in the same way that nurse educators are helping me now.” The scholarship support also improves the college’s ability to attract students of HardyTaylor’s caliber to the program. “Our ability to recruit and retain students like Chayna is priority in our program,” said Dr. Filomela Marshall, dean of the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing at the college. “Help from supporters like the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ensure we have the ability to attract these students and lessens the burden of cost for them.”
photos provided
Hardy-Taylor joined other NCIN scholars in April at the NCIN Northeast Regional Scholars Network Leadership Conference, which was hosted for the first time by Thomas Edison State College and attracted more than 100 people. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, every NCIN scholar has already earned a bachelor’s degree in another field and is making a transition to the field of nursing through accelerated programs like the one at Thomas Edison State College. NCIN funding is awarded with the objective of increasing the diversity of the nursing workforce and assisting schools in making their institutions more inclusive. The program also promotes leadership development and provides mentoring to scholars. To find out more about the programs available at the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing, visit www.tesc.edu/nursing.
education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
Walt Whitman High School wins North Shore-LIJ’s First Spark! Video Contest A team of nearly a dozen students from Walt Whitman High School in Huntington won the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s first Spark! video contest for their work featuring the students’ experience at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park last fall and the subsequent Hospital for a Day program they created for students in the South Huntington School District. The Spark! Challenge involved approximately 30 teams of North Shore-LIJ staff members from across the health system hosting students at their facilities and giving them a glimpse into their jobs. There were about 500 students from both public and private high schools from Nassau, Suffolk, Queens and Staten Island who participated in this year’s challenge. “The Spark! Challenge not only sparked an interest in healthcare careers for the students, but it also reignited our staff’s passion for what they do, which was amazing to witness,” said Joseph Moscola, North Shore-LIJ’s chief human resources officer. Taking second place were the students from Richmond Hill High School and students from Syosset High School were in third place. The winner received $3,000 for their school with the second and third place winners getting $2,000 and $1,000, respectively.
The health system is a big proponent of educating local children about careers in healthcare. North Shore-LIJ is a co-steward, along with Brookhaven National Laboratory, of the Long Island STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Hub and has helped foster several
healthcare career academies on Long Island and in New York City schools. For more information about the Spark! Challenge, contact Cheryl Davidson, director of North Shore-LIJ’s workforce readiness division, at 516 472-6071.
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Thomas Edison State College is oone of the 11 senior public colleges and universities iversities in New Jersey, and is accredited ited by the Middle ddle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Markket Street, Philadelphia, PA PA 19104 (267) 284-5000. All nursing programs are accredited. accredited. For For specific accreditation information, please visit the nursing Web page at www.tesc.edu/nursing.
education & careers
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation celebrates Excellence in Nursing with the Nursing Mission Award in Honor of Sr. Miriam Kevin Phillips, S.C. On May 6, 2015, the first day of National Nurses Week 2015, Jillian M. Coar, R.N., received the second annual St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation Nursing Mission Award in Honor of Sr. Miriam Kevin Phillips, S.C., during a ceremony held at the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center. The St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation established this award in 2014 to be given annually to an R.N. or L.P.N. who embodies the mission of St. Elizabeth Seton through the commitment and service they provide to the residents of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center and their families. The award's namesake, Sr. Miriam Kevin Phillips, S.C., is a member of the Sisters of Charity of New York and currently serves as the Canonical Secretary for the Sisters of Charity Council. Sr. Kevin, who has a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in nursing, as well as a master's degree in nursing education, has had a long and admirable career in the nursing field. Formerly, she served as Director of the School of Nursing at St. Vincent's Hospital and Senior Vice President for Mission Services for St. Vincent Medical Centers. Sr. Kevin has also served as a member of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center Board of Directors since 2001. Sr. Kevin has previously
chaired the Quality Improvement/Talent Committee of the Board of Directors and has provided experienced leadership and mentorship toward the development of the quality scorecard indicators and the outcome measures the Pediatric Center uses to identify opportunities for improvement and best practices for resident care.
Coar has worked as a nurse at the Pediatric Center since December of 2006. In one submission nominating Coar for this award a colleague wrote, “Jill frequently goes above and beyond the call of duty. When Jill is in charge on the neighborhood she ensures that each resident’s privacy is protected and that the residents are treated with the highest level of dignity and respect.”
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Honoree Jillian Coar with Stephanie, a resident of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center.
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“Jill exemplifies the meaning of the consummate professional who exhibits deep compassion and the ultimate desire to make a difference in the lives of our children,” said Karen Smith, R.N., the Pediatric Center’s Interim Chief Nursing Officer. “She is an inspiration to all who have the pleasure of knowing her.” The Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center is a not-for-profit, pediatric specialty nursing facility, serving children from infancy through age 21, who are among the most medically complex children in New York State. The Pediatric Center, which is a 137-bed and 165,000square-foot complex located in Yonkers, is in its 27th year of service. Our state-of-the-art, child-centered building is the only LEED Gold certified “green” pediatric facility in the country. Children come to us with serious medical and neurological challenges. We provide comprehensive healthcare, rehabilitation and special education services to all our residents. Our service include, but are not limited to: medical care, nursing, respiratory therapy, palliative care, pastoral care, social work services, physical, occupational, speech and feeding therapies, music therapy, art therapy, aquatic therapy and Child Life. Learn more about the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center at www.setonpediatric.org and find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/setonpediatric.
education & careers Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
Teacher grateful for cardiac team at Albany Med following major heart attack at school
Dawn D’Elia, of Saugerties, credits the amazing cardiac care she received at Albany Med with giving her a second chance at life. Three years ago, D’Elia, a middle-school teacher, suffered a massive heart attack that was directly related to smoking. She was just 45-years-old. “I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in front of my class, giving out awards to my seventh- and eighth-graders, when all of a sudden I was hit with an intense burning sensation in my chest,” D’Elia said. She was rushed to Columbia Memorial Hospital, but shortly after arriving was transferred to Albany Med where she underwent emergency quadruple bypass surgery, performed by Edward Bennett, M.D., chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Within hours of the operation, D’Elia met Sulagna Mookherjee, M.D.,who became her cardiologist. “There’s a good chance this may have been 100 percent preventable,” Dr. Mookherjee said. “Her smoking habit was the main reason she became my patient and, in order to restore her to health, I needed her to quit.” D’Elia remembers their first meeting vividly. “Shortly after waking up from surgery, Dr. Mookherjee came into my room. She explained what Dr. Bennett and his team had done to repair my heart, and then she walked to the other side of my bed and took off my nicotine patch,” D’Elia recalled. “She told me that this was my second chance, and I wouldn’t need the patch anymore, because she was going to make sure I quit smoking.” Dr. Mookherjee, current president of the American Heart Association’s Capital Region
chapter, said that D’Elia, prior to her heart attack, experienced a classic symptom of cardiovascular disease. “Dawn told me that a week before her heart attack she was experiencing jaw pain, which is a very common symptom of
heart disease in women, along with other symptoms such as unexplained pain in the back or neck,” Dr. Mookherjee said. “Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, yet many have no idea what the symptoms are.”
Today, thanks to the cardiac care she received at Albany Med, D’Elia is back to teaching and spending time with her rambunctious grandchildren. She said she hopes her story will help raise awareness about heart disease, particularly for women.
“We tend to be so focused on taking care of everyone but ourselves,” D’Elia said. “Women need to take the time to learn about heart disease and make sure they are putting their health first.”
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May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Bernstein & Associates, Architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. (www.empireprojects.com). Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 51201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 212.463.8200 • Fax: 212.463.9898 wb@bernarch.com NEW YORK - HARTFORD - PRINCETON
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Prepare for a Career in Healthcare Sector Management at Long Island University.
Earn an advanced certificate or an M.B.A. degree in the growing field of healthcare management at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester. Demand for healthcare managers with business skills has never been greater. Responding to this need, Long Island University has launched a new Healthcare Sector Management program, offering two graduate study options in the field of healthcare administration. After completing your advanced certificate or your M.B.A. at the University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, you will be prepared to advance in middle and upper management positions in the healthcare industry. Option A: The Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Sector Management
Enhance your credentials by enrolling in the advanced certificate program. Certificate candidates will complete four healthcare sector management courses for a total of 12 graduate credits on a part-time basis in just two semesters. Option B:The M.B.A. Degree with a Healthcare Sector Management Concentration
Students in the M.B.A. program follow the standard 48-credit curriculum, normally completed by part-time students over a 24-month period, with a focus on leadership in healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Sector Management Program will be offered at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, located on the grounds of Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, N.Y. Courses are offered on weekday evenings and on Saturdays. 5 “The healthcare management field is one of the few sectors of our economy we know will continue to grow significantly over the next five years,” according to Dr. Kevin Nash, director of the M.B.A. Healthcare Sector Management program. For more information, please contact the Admissions Department at 914-831-2700 or Westchester@liu.edu. Long Island University Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester 735 Anderson Hill Rd. Purchase, NY 10577
Contact Jim Stankiewicz to find out how your organization can be featured in our Resource Directory.
845-534-7500 ext.219 Fax: 845-534-0055
Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
New York Methodist Hospital honors nurses for National Nurses Week
Festivities for this year’s National Nurses Week are underway at New York Methodist Hospital (NYM).The annual celebration began on May 6 and concludes on May 12, and gives NYM an opportunity to recognize the one thousand nurses and nursing associates who serve on the Hospital’s staff. Central to National Nurses Week activities at NYM are the Nurse Recognition Awards, in which outstanding, peer-nominated New York Methodist staff members are chosen to receive special accolades. For 2015, seven were singled out for chief honors. Diane Bonet, R.N., of the Hospital’s pediatrics unit, received the 2015 Registered Nurse of Distinction Award, the highest accolade conveyed during National Nurses Week at NYM. Ms. Bonet resides in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, and has worked at the Hospital for more than 15 years.
Diane Bonet, R.N., has received New York Methodist Hospital's 2015 Registered Nurse of Distinction Award.
Throughout her tenure, rave reviews of Ms. Bonet’s care for pediatric patients have poured in from children and family members alike. “I love helping children. When I’m here, the only thing I think of are the patients in our pediatric
unit, and the families and loved ones who are with them,” reflected Ms. Bonet. “I ask myself, ‘If I were in their places, what could a nurse do for me during an inpatient stay—not just medically, but also in terms of emotional support?’ Each child has his or her own story,
his or her unique needs, so that patient’s treatment cannot feel to them like it is ‘one-size-fits-all.’ That’s the mentality I try to bring to my work.” Six other New York Methodist staff members received NYM’s top awards for Nurses Week. The RN Mentor Award, given to veteran nursing staff members with an outstanding ability to help other nursing staff refine on-the-job skills, was jointly presented to Esther Mercado, R.N., director of nursing, and Kathleen Marquino, R.N., clinical nurse leader. Nadia Braswell, unit care assistant in NYM’s ICU, shared the Outstanding Nursing Associate Award with Steven Dulski, lift team aide. The New RN Leader Award, reserved for New York Methodist’s superior first-year nurse, was given to Maxiana Louis, R.N., who works in the Hospital’s medical-surgical unit. And the Friend of Nursing Award, presented annually to a non-nurse
staff member whose close collaboration with the nursing team has drawn high praise, went to Officer Ruben Capeles, of NYM’s Security Department. “One out of every four New York Methodist employees is a nurse— that’s what always makes National Nurses Week such a high point at this Hospital,” said Rebecca Flood, R.N., NYM’s senior vice president for nursing. “They collectively represent the culture of patient-centered care that reflects New York Methodist Hospital’s mission. “But at NYM, National Nurses Week is about more than just the nurses in our Hospital,” continued Ms. Flood. “The millions of nurses across America form the backbone of inpatient care. It’s in that spirit that we’re celebrating not just New York Methodist’s staff members, but every man and woman across the country that has chosen the profession of nursing. We’re proud of the role that we play, every day.”
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
• Calvary also offers hospice services in more than 25 nursing homes in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, and Westchester, Rockland and Nassau counties.
Jewish Home Lifecare is one of the premier non-profit geriatric and rehabilitation institutions in the country. The Home serves more than 9,000 older adults daily through traditional long term care, subacute care, rehabilitation services, community services and senior housing programs. These services are offered on the Home's three campuses in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Westchester at the Sarah Neuman Center for Healthcare and Rehabilitation, as well as through our Lifecare Services Division, which provides programs throughout the metropolitan area. Many levels of care are provided by the Home's health system so that as needs change, individuals can transfer from one level of care to another. Skilled nursing and medical care are provided 24 hours a day by on-site clinical staff as well as a complement of physicians representing a full range of medical specialties. The Home also educates and trains physicians and medical professionals in geriatrics. In an unprecedented teaching program with Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, over 2400 fourth year Mt. Sinai Medical School students have participated in a mandatory rotation program at the Home. A strong component of the Home's activities include conducting research to improve the quality of life of older adults. Jewish Home Lifecare is the home of the Lester Eisner, Jr. Center for Geriatric Education, the Saul Alzheimer's Disease Special Care Unit (Bronx), the Greenberg Center on Ethics in Geriatrics and Long Term Care and the Center on Pharmacology for the Elderly (COPE). The Home has added a new service titled, CONNECTIONS, an information and referral service for the professional and lay communities, connecting people to programs.
For more information, call Calvary Hospital (718) 518-2300, Calvary@Home (718) 518-2465, and Wound Care (718) 518-2577. To sign up for the e-newsletter, Calvary Life, please go to www.calvaryhospital.org.
Calvary Hospital
Founded in 1899, Calvary Hospital is the nation’s only accredited acute care hospital devoted to palliative care for adult patients with advanced cancer and life-limiting illnesses. Its mission is to address the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of patients and their families. Press Ganey has consistently ranked Calvary among the top one percent in patient satisfaction among 7,000 hospitals in the country
Each year, Calvary cares for more than 6,000 patients and their families. The continuum of care includes inpatient, outpatient, home hospice, home care, and the care of complex wounds. Calvary cares for inpatients at its 200-bed hospital in the Bronx and at its 25-bed Brooklyn satellite at Lutheran Medical Center. Calvary Hospice provides short-term inpatient care at The Dawn Greene Hospice, located at Mary Manning Walsh Home in Manhattan. Calvary@Home offers home care and hospice for patients suffering from advanced cancer and other chronic and acute terminal illnesses.
• Home care is available in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, and lower Westchester.
• Hospice services are offered in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, as well as Nassau, Westchester, and Rockland counties.
In 2004, Calvary opened the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care at its Bronx facility. Since then, a team of experienced physicians, surgeons, and certified wound care nurses has helped more than 800 patients to date with complex chronic wounds caused by complications of diabetes, cancer, venous and arterial disease, and other illnesses.
Contact Jim Stankiewicz to find out how your organization can be featured in our Resource Directory.
845-534-7500 ext.219 Fax: 845-534-0055 Online Directory available at www.hospitalnewspaper.com
Jewish Home Lifecare Manhattan - Bronx - Sarah Neuman Center 120 West 106th Street, New York, New York, 10025 Call Connections Information and Referral at 212- 870-5919 or 800-544-0304
Getting better…. just got better.
We are proud to announce that our stunning new nursing center has opened and has private and semi-private rooms with magnificent views of Long Island Sound. United Hebrew is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, multi-service senior living campus serving the Westchester metropolitan area since 1919. Our dedicated short-term rehabilitation suite is staffed by Burke Rehabilitation professionals. The exemplary clinical team of professionals will design a personalized treatment plan for care in our nurturing environment. Features include country kitchens, recreation rooms on each floor, a courtyard garden for recreational use, private dining and family rooms and wireless internet access. United Hebrew Family of Services: • Nursing Home Care • Burke Rehabilitation at United Hebrew • Willow Towers Assisted Living Residence • Soundview Apartments for Independent Seniors • Long Term Home Health Care Program • Azor Home Health Agency For more information or to schedule a tour please call Admissions at 914-632-2804 x1148 or email Maria Hood at mhood@uhgc.org. United Hebrew 391 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 914.632.2804 www.uhgc.org
HOSPITAL WORKERS HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED ON THE JOB? Learn What You Must Do To Protect Your Workers' Compensation And Disability Rights! Do Not Make These Mistakes That Can Cost You Benefits 1. You must report the accident or injury as soon as possible, even if you might not lose time from work or need immediate medical care. 2. Report all injuries to all body parts, no matter how minor they may seem. If you do not report it and the injury gets worse over time, the job may deny benefits. 3. Remember, you are entitled to treatment and benefits even if you have previously injured the same body part in a prior accident. Do not let the job tell you different. 4. Your doctor controls the treatment, not risk management. If you need an MRI and the job will not approve it, the experienced attorneys at BAGOLIE FRIEDMAN can fight to get it approved at no cost to you. 5. When you are released from treatment, you may be entitled to money for your injury and disability. You may also collect for repetitive stress, cumulative trauma, cancer, hearing loss & hepatitis. 6. Contact Attorneys Ricky Bagolie or Alan Friedman now for a confidential and free consultation and to discuss your workers' compensation and disability rights. There is no fee if there is no recovery.
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hospitals HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley® www.HAHV.org
North Shore LIJ www.northshorelij.com
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To list your business website contact: Jim Stankiewicz Tel: 845-534-7500 ext. 219 jim@hospitalnewspaper.com
Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
fo for n i t s Late s and
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Nurse’s Viewpoint By Alison Lazzaro, RN
Epidemic H.
Hospital Newspaper Correspondent
What comes to mind when you hear the word "epidemic?" Fear? Death? Mass casualties? There is a new type of epidemic spreading across both affluent and poverty stricken geographic locations. The heroin epidemic is unfortunately spiraling out of control in some states and overdose often leads to heart-wrenching fatalities. As nurses, what do we need to know about the rising epidemic and how can we help prevent further occurrences? In 2010, 16,751 people died from opioid overdose, equating to an opioid related death every half hour. Opioids like heroin work by binding to receptors in the body to provide an analgesic effect, but at the expense of respiratory depression. The drug Narcan (Naloxone hydrochloride) has antagonistic effects to prevent heroin from binding to the receptors and reverses the effects. One way to help decrease the amount of overdoses is to make Narcan more available to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel, police officers, and even non-healthcare professionals. Spraying the drug Narcan once into each nostril allows the drug to be absorbed through mucus membranes and reverses the effects of the overdose. Home use Narcan is a controversial topic to help prevent opiate overdose deaths. Studies show that Narcan does not have potential for abuse and adverse reactions to the drug are rare. Distributing Narcan to friends and family of drug users is similar to harm reduction efforts such as syringe exchange programs. Providing training programs and home-use Narcan could potentially empower users to protect themselves. Since calling 9/11 is usually a last resort to due fear of repercussion, peers who are at the scene and are willing to help may run out of time to save those who are in urgent need of an intervention. In these cases, having Narcan on hand could potentially save a life, similar to the way Epinephrine injections can quickly save a life of someone suffering from an anaphylactic reaction. On the contrary, proposing home use Narcan has its drawbacks. Physicians are resistant to prescribe home Narcan, despite laws that provide immunity to providers from civil liability for dispensing Narcan to a layperson. Furthermore, allowing opiate users to reverse the effects of heroin at home rather than seeking medical treatment may allow users to continue without facing negative consequences or finding help. Another objection to home Narcan access is that availability may encourage more frequent and higher-doses of opioids, knowing that there is a safety net of a reversal. Although Narcan is one way to potentially save lives, it does nothing to treat addiction, masking the underlying problem. Without follow-up care after life-threatening overdose, the drug-user is in the same deadly predicament as they started. Nurses can be at the forefront of legislation policy making to make Narcan more available, as well as push for public health policy reform that provides adequate follow-up care programs. Preventing Epidemic H needs to involve nurses to educate patients and their families about opioid misuse and treatment options.
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Hospital Newspaper - NY May/June 2015
May/June 2015
Hospital Newspaper - NY
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MassMutual Financial Group refers to Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. (MassMutual), its affiliated companies and sales representatives. Local sales agencies are not subsidiaries of MassMutual or its affiliated companies. *Available at additional cost; not available in CA. Insurance products are issued by MassMutual, Springfield, MA 01111, and its subsidiaries, C.M. Life Insurance Company and MML Bay State Life Insurance Company, Enfield, CT 06082. Peter D. Slesinski is a registered representative of and offers securities and investment advisory services through MML Investors Services, LLC. Member SIPC. Supervisory office: 250 West 34th Street, One Penn Plaza, Suite 2035, New York, NY, 10119, 212-736-2001. CRN201607-172248