1st Responder News New England August Edition

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The New England Edition




AUGUST, 2022



MASHPEE, MA - On July 12th, Mashpee Fire responded to 800 Falmouth Road to a multi-office building for a reported fire that extended up into the ceilings. Heavy fire through the roof was fanned by high winds and four alarms were eventually transmitted. ■S e e

fu ll sto r y on p a g e 24

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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

STILL IN SERVICE I f you have photos you w ould like to see in our “Still in Service”feature, please upload them on our website, w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or em ail them to L indsey@ lstR esponderN ew s.com


Dresden operates this 1970 Dodge Powerwagon 350/300 as Engine 2.

____ • •


Aftermath of the fire at 103 Hurd Point Rd., 7/4/22.

Im properly Disposed Fireworks Deemed Cause of Dedham Structure Fire CHUCK LOWE

New Gloucester runs a 1999 Peterbilt PB330/EVM as Squad 1.

PATCH OF THE MONTH I f you have photos you w ould like to see in our “Patch o f the M onth’feature please upload them on our website, w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or em ail them to L ind sey@ lstR espond erN ew s.com .


This patch belongs to the Skowhegan Fire Department (Est. 1840), located in Somerset County, ME.

DEDHAM, ME - On M on­ day, July 4th at 9:47 P.M., the Dedham/Lucerne Fire Depart­ ment was dispatched to an outside fire by the garage at 103 Hurd Point Road. The fire was then upgraded to a working building fire, with full m u­ tual aid requested at 9:49 P.M. When it was advised that the RIT engine assign­ ment was already tied up on other calls, an addi­ tional alarm was struck. With limited access and nar­ row camp roads, units first ar­ rived at 10:02 P.M. to find full involvement o f a large two-anda-half story 40'x30' garage. M ul­ tiple lines were stretched to protect the exposed house and ex­ tinguish the fire that was creeping into the woods. Rural water sup­ ply was set up from the lake ap­ proximately one-half-mile back, and multiple tankers shuttled water to the scene. All Dedham/Lucerne and mutual aid units worked diligently to get the fire under control. Mutual aid units were released and then D ed­ ham/Lucerne units cleared the scene at 12:59 A.M. on July 5th. The garage was a total loss, but the house was saved and only suffered som e minor siding and w indow damage. N o injuries to fire personnel and/or civilians o c ­ curred. The fire was investigated by the Maine Fire Marshal's o f­

fice and was deemed accidental in nature, due to improper disposal o f used fireworks. A big thank you to all our mu­ tual aid partners from Holden, Ed­

dington, Orrington, Ellsworth and Northernlight Ambulance for their assistance at this incident.


August, 2022

1ST Responder Newspaper - NE


C o n g ra t u la t io n s East H a d d a m Fire D e p a r t m e n t , CT on the d e li v e r y of y ou r new Sutphen SLR -75, Rear M o u nt Ladd er Qu int!








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N H | ME | VT


din ge e m a c hi ne @ co m c a s t.n e t

860 .94 1 .1 4 29

6 0 3 .5 4 2 .9 6 8 2


August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Advertising Index


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I f you r departm ent has ph otos y o u w ou ld like to s e e in our “M em orial B oard”feature please up­



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A rm o r T u ff F lo o rin g


B a c k s to p U S A


F ire m a tic


Fire Tech & S a fe ty



G ra n ite F ire A p p a ra tu s

F latzalah E xpo


Floze D o lly



M id A tla n tic R e s c u e


N ew E n g la n d M a rin e

N o rth e a s t R e s c u e S y s te m s


P L C u s to m


P ro v id e n c e S a fe ty


R a y n o r G a ra g e D o o rs


S h a k e r A u to G ro u p


load them on our w ebsite w w w .lR B N .com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m

N ationally Known Fire Service Educator Dr. Harry Carter Passes Dr. Harry Carter earned many degrees during his life, and he used his education and field experiences to improve fire safety operations on a national basis. Carter spent 26-years with the Newark Fire Department, retiring in 1999 with the rank o f battalion chief. During his career, he not only w orked on som e o f the busiest companies, that saw plenty o f work, but he held many responsible positions. During his tenure with the N.F.D., Carter served as ch ief o f training, commander o f the haz­ ardous materials response team and administrative assistant to the chief o f department. In addition, he was a volunteer firefighter with the Adelphia Fire Company in H ow ell Township. He was chief o f that company in 1991. C h ief Carter also served as chap­ lain for Adelphia and the East Free­ hold Fire Com pany in Freehold Township. His longtim e presence in the N ew Jersey and national fire serv­

ice included writing fire science books, offering lectures at numer­ ous national fire expositions and writing fire safety and education colum ns for numerous publica­ tions. One o f his m ost popular colum ns appeared in Firehouse Magazine, called “Comm and Post”. He also submitted columns to 1st Responder News in the early days o f this publication, as the newspaper grew. Possessing professor style eye glasses and a b ow tie, y ou might have reservations at one o f his lec­ tures, feeling like you were back in grammar school, at first. That didn't last. Dr. Carter was a down-to-earth guy and told many down-to-earth, on the line stories, that firefighters could relate to. And o f course, find many amusing. Dr. Carter was called an icon, mentor, instructor and friend. An­ other severe loss to the national fire service.



Fast-M oving Fire Damages M eriden B uilding MERIDEN, CT - Meriden fire units were dispatched on June 18th to a reported structure fire on South Colony St. There were no injuries. Mutual aid that responded were Middle­ town's Truck, Wallingford Engine 1, Berlin Volunteers Engine 8, South Meriden Volunteers Engine 6, Southington Cars 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9, New Britain and Hamden. Also on scene were Meriden PD and Hunters.

WORKING FACES I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to s ee in our “F aces”feature, please u pload them on

S h ip m a n ’s Fire E q u ip m e n t

3 ,1 2


S u g a rlo a f A m b u la n c e

3 ,1 2

S u tp h e n


W a te ro u s

To Think or Not to Think

our website, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .

COMMAND „ .x. ,xu. ,, .4 p o s t Critical thinking is not a simple, random process By Dr. Harry Carter


magazine article. This faili

hinking is good. N OT thinking is

has long been my thought that the ability

bad. And most importantly, think­

to think effectively lies at the heart o f every

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part o f our lives. After all, how can any of

pose that these concepts are widely known

us plan and prepare for the future unless

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Dr. Harry Carter wrote a popular column in Firehouse Magazine for many years.

CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New Eng­ land edition - Vol. 26, No. 8 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communica­ tions, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omitted or in error. Om issions A division of: or errors must be brought to communications, inc. the atten­ tion o f the newspaper during the same month o f publication. Printed in Canada.


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Captain Rob Sibley was awarded Firefighter of the Year for 2022 at Sandy Hook Vol. Fire & Rescue Company’s annual meeting & dinner held on June 6th. Rob has been a member for 19 years. He serves on several committees and is a top responder. (L to R): Committee members Steve Stohl and Brian Engelke present Rob with the plaque.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022


VO L. l-ti=U£ L?HPT Litchfield, Connecticut Northwood, New Hampshire



2 2 8 W IN D H A M ROAD, PELHAM, ( 6 0 3 ) 2 3 4 - 1 7 8 4 (CELL) C R A N IT E FIR E 0H O TM A IL.C O M


August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

1 "Responder Newspaper 1


In M em ory o f Those Who Gave A ll

845-534-7500 • (fa x) 845-534-0055 • N e w s@ 1 stR e sp o n d e rN e w s.co m


1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers


emergency responders lost in the line of duty

Joseph P. BelsitO (Joe@Belsito.com) Kathy Ronsini



Lindsey Palmer (Undsey@1stResponderNews.com) PRODUCTION DIRECTOR

Ashley Ramos



Michelle Rosa

(Michelle@ 1stFlesponder.com)

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Texas: Ross Darren Estabrooks, 47 Rank: Assistant Chief Incident Date: November 15, 2021 Death Date: November 15, 2021 Fire Department: Tri-Lakes Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Monday, Nov. 15, 2021, Assistant Chief Ross Darren Es­ tabrooks responded to a residential fire. While at the scene, he suffered a heart at­ tack. He was immediately transported to the local hospital where he passed away a short time later.

EDITORIAL STAFF COLUMNISTS Rick Billings (Cartoon) Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (Chaplain's Corner) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain's Corner)

CORRESPONDENTS Robert Allen •Nate Arnold •Jeffrey Belschwinder •David Bowen •David Biyce •Michael Carenza Jr •Paul Dolnier •Doug Fenichel •Sean Fesko • Ryan Flaherty •Jim Fortin Jr •Mark Grabowski •Karin Halstead •Jay Heath •Patrick Kerrigan •William King •Lee Krohn •Roger Lambert • Kenneth Leger •Peter L obo •Chuck Lowe •Bemie Meehan Jr •Robert Moran •Kevin M osio •Brian Owen •Greg Ramsdell •Frank Robinson •

Illinois: Garrett Edward Ramos, 38 Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: December 3, 2021 Death Date: December 4,2021 Fire Department: Sterling Fire Department Initial Summary: On Friday, Dec. 3, 2021, Lieutenant Garrett Edward Ramos re­ sponded to a residential fire. While at the scene, he fell through the first floor into the basement. He was immediately rushed to the hospital where he passed away from his injuries on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021. Investi­ gation into the incident is ongoing. Fire­ fighter Garrett Edward Ramos was posthumously promoted to Captain.

Coral Ruggiero •Jason Rushford •Dick Scialabba •Anthony Simanskas • John Sjostedt •Ken Snyder •Robert Sprague •Jack Stawasz •Charlie Tentas •Pat Travers •Robert Vezina •Eugene Weber Jr

_______ EDITORIAL INFORMATION_______ Join our team o f correspondents or columnists! 1st Responder Newspaper welcomes submissions by our readers. Send stories and photos to us at 1Ard­ more St. New Windsor, NY 12553. Or, give us a call or send us an e-mail. If using the mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for all sub­ missions you wash to have returned. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any editorial or advertising material submitted.

845-534-7500 ext. 212 • (fax) 845-534-0055 News@1 stR esponderN ew s.com

ADVERTISING INFORMATION If you would like information about how advertising in 1st Responder News can benefit your company call our advertising hotline at:

845-534-7500 ext. 211 • (fax) 845-534-0055 A dvertising@ 1stR espon derN ew s.com

CIRCULATION INFORMATION 1st Responder Newspaper is delivered to all fire, rescue, ambulance stations and hospitals. If you do not receive your papers, please contact our circulation department. Home subscriptions are $36 per year.

845-534-7500 ext. 220 • (fax) 845-534-0055 C ircu lation @ 1stR esp ond erN ew s.com

GRAPHIC DESIGN/MARKETING 1st Responder News’ graphics team will work with you on your adver­ tisement free o f charge. Addition­ ally, we offer a complete marketing department for all o f your printed . communications, inc. needs. Whether they are posters, or single sheet handouts, full color or black and white, no one else delivers the high quality work at our competitive prices. As a newspaper in the Belsito Communications Inc. family, 1st Responder News has a state-of-the-art production facility which utilizes the latest scan­ ning technology available. Materials are processed using Power Macintosh G4s. Output is handled on our HP Color LaserJet 8500 to produce this highest quality black and white or color prints on the market.

845-534-7500 ext. 214 • (fax) 845-534-0055 lnfo@ B elsito.com

New York: Vincent Malveaux, 31 Rank: Probationary Firefighter Incident Date: December 2, 2021 Death Date: December 3,2021 Fire Department: Fire Department of New York Initial Summary: On Thursday Dec. 2, 2021, Probationary Firefighter Vincent Malveaux suffered a medical emergency during morning training at the FDNY Train­ ing Academy. He was immediately trans­ ported to Harlem Hospital where he passed away on Friday, Dec. 3, 2021. Investigation into the incident is ongoing. Arkansas: Wesley “Wes”Adams, 61 Rank: Chief Incident Date: December 6, 2021 Death Date: December 7,2021 Fire Department: Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Monday, Dec. 6, 2021, Fire Chief Wesley “ Wes" Adams was at the scene of a multi-vehicle accident on Highway 63 when he was hit by a passing car. He was immediately rushed to a hospital in Jonesboro where he passed away from his injuries on Tuesday, Dec. 7,2021. New Jersey: John T. Ruddy, 49 Rank: Battalion Chief Incident Date: December 8, 2021 Death Date: December 8,2021 Fire Department: Jersey City Fire Department

Initial Summary: On Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021, Battalion Chief John T. Ruddy re­ sponded to numerous fire calls, including two cooking fires and a gas leak. After shift change, he returned home. Approximately 4 hours later, he suffered a heart attack and was immediately rushed to the hospital where he passed away a short time later. Louisiana: Jessie Henry, 28 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: December 18,2021 Death Date: December 18,2021 Fire Department: South Bossier Fire District #2 Initial Summary: On Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021, Firelighter Jessie Henry was perform­ ing maintenance on one of the department's fire trucks when the apparatus' tire blew up. He was immediately transported to Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport where he passed away from his injuries a short time later. Missouri: Bryant Gladney, 58 Rank: Assistant Chief Incident Date: December 22,2021 Death Date: December 22,2021 Fire Department: Boone County Fire Protection District Initial Summary: On Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021, Assistant Chief Bryant Gladney was at the scene of a vehicle accident on Interstate 70. A westbound tractor-trailer hit his staff SUV at high speed before hitting a University Hospital ambulance and the vehicle involved in the original crash. Assistant Chief Gladney was extricated and rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased. Illinois: Marshawn Plummer, 30 Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: December 16,2021 Death Date: December 21,2021 Fire Department: Chicago Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021, Firefighter/EMT Marshawn Plummer was at the scene of a two story apartment building fire when he suffered a medical emergency. He was immediately rushed to the hospital where he remained until passing away on Tuesday, Dec. 21,2021. The fire also took the life of a civilian and injured two oth­ ers. New Jersey: Anthony Carfagno, 58 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: November 25,2021 Death Date: December 21,2021 Fire Department: Atlantic City Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, November 25,2021 shortly after working a shift Fire­ fighter Anthony Michael Carfagno began showing symptoms and signs of COVID-19, after a lengthy battle he succumbed on Tues­

day, December 21,2021. Ohio: Thomas Joseph Rees, 38 Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: December 28,2021 Death Date: December 28,2021 Fire Department: Jefferson Township Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, December 28,2021 Firefighter/EMT Thomas Joseph Rees did not wake for a dispatch run minutes before roll call, when another Firefighter checked on Firefighter/EMT Rees he was dis­ covered deceased in his bunk. Autopsy report stated that he had a major coronary event. Wisconsin: Brian Cecil Busch, 43 Rank: Captain Incident Date: January 6,2022 Death Date: January 6,2022 Fire Department: Mineral Point Fire Department Initial Summary: Early in the morning of Thursday, Jan. 6,2022, Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firefighter James “ Jim" Michael Ludlum were responding to the scene of a ve­ hicle accident on US 151. The lire apparatus was attempting to use an emergency crossover when it was struck by a northbound semi-tractor trailer. The fire truck sustained major damage and caught fire. Both Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firelighter James “ Jim" Michael Ludlum were killed at the scene. Wisconsin: James Michael Ludlum, 69 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: January 6,2022 Death Date: January 6,2022 Fire Department: Mineral Point Fire Department Initial Summary: Early in the morning of Thursday, Jan. 6,2022, Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firefighter James “ Jim" Michael Ludlum were responding to the scene of a ve­ hicle accident on US 151. The fire apparatus was attempting to use an emergency crossover when it was struck by a northbound semi-tractor trailer. The fire truck sustained major damage and caught fire. Both Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firelighter James “ Jim" Michael Ludlum were killed at the scene.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022


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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our w ebsite w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or email them to L indsey@ lstR esponderN ew s.com

NORWICH, CT - On Saturday, June 4th, East Great Plain Vol. Fire Co. members spent the day training on their vehicle lifting and sta­ bilization equipment, conducted by CT Custom Fire Training. Prior to the hands-on portion of the training, there was a classroom ses­ sion that went over the equipment, various types of lifting and sta­ bilizing, and general safety while setting up and taking down the different type systems. Instructors spent the day along with mem­ bers going through different scenario based incidents utilizing our air bags, res q jacks, paratech rescue struts and paratech maxi force bag. The scenarios were set up to simulate an actual incident where a person was trapped under/in a car, or in between two vehicles that we could respond to. The instructors brought their knowledge and expertise of this equipment to the training that helped the members understand how the equipment works, sets up, the capabilities and limitations with the equipment, as well as all the safety factors. Pic­ tured are the members training on vehicle lifting & stabilization.


Crews arrived to a large volume of fire from the rear.

C olchester Responds to Fatal Second-Alarm COLCHESTER, CT -At 11:01 RM. on Monday, July 4th, the Colchester Fire Department with Glastonbury Co. 3 FAST and Medic 3 from Marlborough Clinic, were dispatched to 105 Cato Comer Road for a house fire with entrap­ ment. Car 128 arrived at 11:08 PM. with heavy smoke from the front and fire showing from the rear o f the first floor. The deputy chief transmitted the second-alarm at 11:10 P.M. and confirmed that there was still a person trapped inside. Engine 128 arrived and laid a five-inch supply line down the driveway. They stretched a oneand-three-quarter inch line through

to f iie


a 1» the front door where they encoun­ tered heavy fire in the living room. Ladder 128 backed down the drive­ way while Engine 328 set up to draft from Tanker 128’ s drop tank. Crews operated two hand lines in­ side and located an unresponsive male at 11:31 PM. while perform­ ing the primary search. The victim was removed in a stokes basket through a front window and pro­ nounced on scene. Crews from Marlborough and Glastonbury assisted with vertical

ventilation and overhaul. Tankers from Marlborough, East Haddam and East Hampton performed the water shuttle. Their fill site was es­ tablished on Cabin Road. Addi­ tional ambulances responded from Marlborough and East Hampton. Lifestar was requested for the vic­ tim, but got cancelled before land­ ing. Hebron, Gardner Lake and Haddam Neck covered Colchester’ s fire stations. The Colchester Fire Marshal is investigating with assis­ tance from the Connecticut Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit.





August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


IN SERVICE If you have photos you w ould like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our w ebsite w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or em ail them to L ind sey@ lstR espond erN ew s.com .


Deep River runs a 2007 American LaFrance Eagle/LTI 2000/300/100' platform as Tower 1. This apparatus served the Sch­ enectady, NY Fire Department before being acquired in 2014.

Two S tructure Fires Back to Back in N orw alk NORWALK, CT - The Nor­ walk Fire Department responded to two occupied residential structure fires back-to-back during the early morning hours o f Saturday, July 2nd. Both fires occurred in the kitchen and remain under investi­ gation. The first fire was reported at 3:53 A.M. at 11 William Street. Two adult occupants woke up to heavy smoke and were able to es­ cape the dwelling and rescue the family cat. Both occupants were

Jump to file #070622128

m 39

treated for moderate smoke inhala­ tion. The second-alarm fire was placed under control in 17 minutes with four Engine Companies, two Ladder Companies, and a Rescue Company. Station coverage was provided by the Westport and New Canaan Fire Departments. The second fire was reported at 5:21 A.M. at 17 Daphne Drive.

Three adult occupants woke up to moderate smoke and were able to escape the dwelling with the two family dogs. No injuries were re­ ported. The first-alarm fire was placed under control in 12 minutes with three Engine Companies, two Ladder Companies, and a Rescue Company. Continued station cover­ age was provided by the Westport and N ew Canaan Fire Depart­ ments.



Quiambaug FD, located in Stonington, operates this 2020 Freightliner M2-106/KME 1500/2000.

Submitting photos and press releases is EASY!

R egister a t w w w .1rbn.com to begin posting directly. Prefer emails? Email your press release and photos directly to

Lindsey@ 1strespondernew s.com HORWALK FD

Daphne Drive

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022



PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “ Patch o f the Month’ feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.

R E L IA N C E H B 2



Person Dies in New Britain House Fire EUGENE WEBER JR.

This patch belongs to the Old Mystic Fire Department (Est. 1837), located in New London County, CT.

mi d llil'ililL 'lH


NEW BRITAIN, CT - One person died in a house fire at 468 Stanley Street in New Britain on May 29th. Firefighters arrived on scene just before 8:00 A.M., with heavy fire showing from the rear of the three-story home with reports of one person trapped inside. A second-alarm was quickly called in. The fire extended up from the second floor and into the third floor and attic before firefighters knocked it down, holding it to the rear of the building. The West Hartford and Hart­ ford Fire Departments provided station coverage. The cause is under investigation.

PROVIDENCE SAFETY & SURVIVAL CONFERENCE October 15-16th, 2022 Conference at Providence M arriott Downtown, Providence, Rl H.O.T. Classes at Union Fire District, South Kingstown, RL Keynote speakers, morning/afternoon breakout sessions, hands-on training classes, live fire training, vendors, Saturday night social.

Registration begins online August 8th at: www.pfdssf.com Pricing: Conference/H.O.T. Bundle is $400 Conference only is $175, H.O.T. only is $250 per class. First 50 bundle registrants receive complimentary conference t-shirt.



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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



Fire at the Norwich Transfer Station Takes Hours to Control NORWALK FD

Family Pet Rescued from House Fire on Magnolia Ave. in Norwalk NORWALK, CT - On Sun­ day, July 3rd at approximately 5:03 P.M., the Norwalk Fire D e ­ partment was dispatched to a res­ idential structure fire at 34 M agnolia Avenue. The assign­ ment was held to the first-alarm with 3 Engines, 2 Trucks, 1 R es­ cue and a Command Car responding. Fire was showing from a sec­ ond floor w indow upon arrival with smoke pushing from the four corners o f a two-and-a-half story wood-frame home.. A primary search o f the occupancy resulted in the rescue o f a family pet that



Jump to file#070622130

m $0

was treated by Norwalk EM S at the scene. Norwalk Police did an excellent jo b with traffic and crow d control during the incident. The fire was brought under control in 24 minutes. Fire Inspector David Burrows is investigating the cause o f the fire and has posted the home unfit for occupancy.

NORWICH, CT - At 1:11 P.M. on Thursday, June 30th, the Yantic Fire Co. was dispatched to 73 Rogers Road at the Norwich Trans­ fer Station for a structure fire. Car 30 immediately signed on reporting a header in the sky and requested five tankers. Car 30 arrived at 1:16 P.M. re­ porting a prefabbed metal building with an attached overhang well in­ volved and added two aerials, five more tankers and two engines for fill sites. Engine 31 arrived at 1:20 P.M. and stretched multiple lines. Engine 33 arrived next and dropped a supply line from the entrance and gave 31 their tank water. Engine 32

TOfile #070322100

a£ I drafted from the three drop tanks that were set up and pumped water to the scene. Norwich Truck 1 set up on the 'Bravo1side and Taftville Tower 25 set up in the rear. Crews fought the fire well into the overnight hours while an exca­ vator pulled apart the burning paper and cardboard. Most o f the building quickly collapsed and command es­ tablished from the start that it would be all defensive operations. Due to this area not having hy­ drants, tankers were called in from

East Great Plain, Laurel Hill, Bozrah, Franklin, Baltic, Lebanon, Lisbon, Oakdale, Gardner Lake, Salem and Colchester. Bozrah En­ gine 126 and Lisbon Engine 154 es­ tablished two different fill sites on Browning Road. Later into the in­ cident, hose tenders were used to lay about 5,700-feet o f supply line from a hydrant on Otrobando Ave., which was relay pumped to the scene. Occum Engine 41 covered Yantic while American Ambulance provided standby. The Norwich Fire Marshaks Office is investigat­ ing.





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Fire Strikes Vacant House in New Britain NEW BRITAIN, CT - Firefighters responded to 244 South Main Street just after 8:00 A.M. on June 13th for smoking coming from a vacant home, with reports of possible squatters inside. No one was found inside, and the fire was held to a portion of the basement and first floor. The cause is under investigation.

August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


American Museum of Firefighting ON THE BOOK SHELF by John Malecky

American Museum o f Firefighting By R. Dennis Randall Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support(S?fire-policeems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $19.95 This is a hard cover book o f ex­ cellent quality, measuring 9 Vi inches by 12 inches. It has 200 pages, 191 o f which have color photos. The museum, located in Hudson, New York, is part o f the Firemen’ s Association o f the State o f New York. It is a first class “in­ stitution”with a collection occupy­ ing four buildings and encompassing the entire history o f firefighting in America. Outside o f a magnificent forward by Walt M c­ Call, a well respected author and historian and an introduction equally magnificent by Denny Ran­ dall, the rest o f the book has photos within five chapters. Many o f the photos take up the full page and represent every aspect o f firefight­ ing from portraits, equipment, ap­ pliances, apparatus, helmets, builder’ s plates, alarm boxes and registers, sirens, warning lights and

more. There is a model o f the 1916 FDNY Fireboat William J. Gaynor. Another interesting photo is a roll o f riveted leather fire hose. This type o f hose was so difficult to maneuver that there were handles also riveted on it every so many feet to make it easier to advance. There is no actual text to the book, but the reader can put together the stories and back­ grounds o f the photos just by the captions which are elaborate. Photos o f apparatus from hand-drawn to motorized are plentiful. Included also are sectional photos o f many o f these trucks. There is even a beauti­ ful 1974 Cadillac/Miller Meteor am­ bulance which had been gifted to the museum by a fire department. This is a quality book available at an in­ expensive price. For anyone inter­ ested in the fire service it is well worth the purchase!


STILL IN SERVICE I f y o u have ph otos you w ou ld like to s ee in our “Still in Service”feature, please u pload them on our website, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey@ lstR esp on d erN ew s.com


East Great Plain FD, located in Norwich, runs this 2001 HME 1871/Smeal 1500/500/75' aerial as Ladder 5.

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August, 2022

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Car Vs. Box Truck w ith In ju rie s in Sandy Hook SANDY HOOK, CT - Sandy Hook Fire & Rescue Co. and New­ town Ambulance were dispatched to 5 Riverside Road for a two-car, head-on MVA with injuries at 2:49 P.M. on June 9th. Deputy Chief Anthony Capozziello was first on scene, as­ sumed command and confirmed that extrication was needed. Rescue 444 and Engine 441 responded to the scene with crews, and Newtown Hook & Ladder was added to the assign­ ment due to the nature of the call. Firefighters went to work removing the rear passenger door and B post to better ac­ cess the patient, who sustained several injuries. Both drivers and a passenger from the box truck were transported to Dan­ bury Hospital. Sandy Hook cleared at 3:24 P.M. as the police had the roadway closed for an investigation.


Ladder 5's crew stretching a hand line.

Fire Contained to M aintenance Building at Norwich Holiday Inn NORWICH, CT - On Sunday, June 5th at approximately 2:50 P.M., Norwich 911 received nu­ merous calls and reports from the CT State Police that there was a fire behind the Norwich Holiday Inn. The East Great Plain Vol. Fire Co. was dispatched. While Car 5 was responding, dispatch advised that State Police were on scene reporting smoke and fire from the back o f the hotel. Car 5 requested a second-alarm prior to arrival, as they did not know what was burning yet, and also it being a hotel. Upon arrival o f Car 5, he found a fire in a bed o f mulch that had extended to a 50'x30' mainte­ nance outbuilding. The outbuild-


30 I

ing was about two-feet from the kitchen section o f the hotel. Ladder 5 arrived and the crew pulled a one-and-three-quarter inch hose line to begin suppres­ sion. Engine 3 and Truck 1 from the Norwich FD arrived and Truck l's crew was assigned to go into the kitchen area o f the hotel to check for any fire extension while Engine 3 tied a supply line to Lad­ der 5, as they were running out o f water. EGP Engine 52 arrived and laid a five-inch supply line from

the hydrant to Ladder 5. EGP ET51 arrived and pumped the hy­ drant. Yantic Fire Engine Co. ar­ rived and assisted with salvage and overhaul. The Mohegan Tribal FD was on scene as the FAST team. Laurel Hill Fire Co. H ose Tender 6 was staged and Taftville FD Tower 25 was returned. The fire was extinguished in about 10 minutes. Two sprinkler heads in the maintenance building had activated, keeping the fire from spreading further into the building. The Norwich Fire Mar­ shal's Office is investigating. There were no injuries at this incident.




House Fire on W hitney Dr. in M eriden MERIDEN, CT - At approximately 7:00 P.M. on May 30th, Meri­ den Fire Engines 5, 4, 2 and 1, along with Truck 1, and Cars 1, 4, 9 and 5 responded to a reported house fire Whitney Drive. Meriden PD and Hunters also responded. Hand lines and a feeder line were stretched and in use to knock down the fire. One person suffered from smoke inhalation. Mutual aid that responded included So. Meriden Volunteers Engine 6, Southington, Wallingford Engine 1 and Middletown.


Truck 2 in New London runs with a 2021 Pierce Velocity 100' Ascendant platform.

August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



Three Alarms Struck at Gramma’s Country Food Restaurant in Mansfield MANSFIELD, CT - At 2:06 PM. on Monday, June 20th, the M ansfield FD, with mutual aid from U Conn En­ gine 122, Willimantic Tower 101, Tolland Engine 140 FAST, Coventry Jum p t o file # Ambulance 518 and 062122105 a Windham Medic, were dispatched to Gramma’ s Country F ood at 452 Stafford Road for a structure fire. Portable 1007 arrived at 2:07 P.M. with a working fire and re­ quested Eversource Priority 1 with power lines down in the front. Car 7 signed on and im m e­ diately requested the secondalarm, as well as his stations to be backfilled. The second-alarm added Coventry Engine 118 with a Columbia Ambulance. Car 7 assumed command at 2:12 P.M. and requested addi­ tional tankers to be added from Tolland, Columbia and Coventry. Engine 107, nursed by Tanker 307, stretched a line to the 'Delta' side, knocking down heavy fire. Tower 101 performed vertical ventilation. Willington and North Windham were started for cover­ age. Comm and transmitted the third-alarm at 2:32 P.M., which brought in the cover assignments to the scene, as w ell as South Windham Rescue 104. The fourth-alarm from Windham Cen­ ter and Ashford were then started for coverage. At 2:36 P.M., com ­ mand requested Eversource to shut down the grid. Crews stretched multiple lines and were on scene for a few hours over­ hauling. The Mansfield Fire Mar­ shal is investigating.

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Willimantic Tower 101 cutting the roof.


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August, 2022

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One Person P ulled from K itchen Fire in New B rita in N EW BRITAIN, CT - One per­ son was found unconscious and pulled from the building at a kitchen fire on the second floor o f 117 Fairview Street on June 4th. The person re­ gained conscious­ ness after being taken out o f the building. The fire was quickly knocked down and is currently under inves­ tigation.


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Garage Fire in W illimantic WILLIMANTIC, CT - At 9:28 P.M. on Monday, June 20th, the Willimantic FD, with mutual aid from Mansfield Squad 207, UConn FAST and a Columbia Ambulance, were dispatched to 24 Ashland St. for a garage fire. Engine 101 arrived at 9:31 P.M. with a well involved garage and stretched a hand line. Truck 101 assisted with water supply from the hydrant and then opened up the garage. Mansfield’s Squad positioned in Gana Den and stretched the second line from Engine 101. Car 1 had command and Captain Theriault had operations. The Willimantic Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating.


Second-Alarm Porch Fire in New Britain NEW BRITAIN, CT - Firefighters arrived at 85 Booth Street with heavy fire on the rear porches of a three-story brick apartment building just after 12:00 P.M., June 5th. The twoalarm fire was held to the rear end and attic of the building, with some extension to the rear porch of 77 Booth Street. No injuries were reported, and the cause is under investigation.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022


More Than 100 Firefighters B attle Blaze at M anchester Apartment Building M ANCHESTER, NH - M ore than 100 city firefighters re­ sponded to battle a stubborn blaze on the city's west side Sunday af­ ternoon, July 10th. The B ox was transmitted at 2:54 RM. for a fire on the third floor at 361 Hevey Street. Firefighters arrived to find heavy fire showing from a third floor porch that was quickly spreading into the walls, ceiling and cockloft o f the large threestory apartment building. A s e c­ ond-alarm was transmitted by Battalion C h ief B ob Beaudet as fire took over the building. Firefighters conducted searches on all three floors, but the heavy fire between the tin ceil­ ings and the roof made for a tough



a* i ^ battle. Eventually all firefighters where pulled from the building as heavy fire poured from the roof area and com panies set up to go defensive. One firefighter was treated for dehydration and one resident was transported to the hospital. Firefighters worked for hours in humid weather conditions bat­ tling the blaze. The building was deem ed uninhabitable, leaving many residents homeless. The fire is under investigation at this time.



Heavy smoke and fire pushes from the third floor of this large three-story apartment building on the city's west side, 7/10/22.


Heavy fire pours from the cockloft as Truck 6 goes into position.


Firefighters directed numerous hand lines into the building.


August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

OLD & NEW I f you have ph otos y o u w ou ld like to se e in our “O ld & N ew ”feature, please upload them on our website, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com o r em ail them to L in d sey@ lstR esp on d erN ew s.com

Lee has taken delivery of a 2022 Spartan Metro Star/Marion 1500/1000/30F. It replaces the 2000 International S-4900/KME that was previously operated as Engine 1.


Lee's old Engine 1.


Occupants Rescued from Second Alarm in Nashua NASHUA, NH - On June 16th, Nashua firefighters began receiving calls for a fire at 115 Temple Street. Upon arrival of C4 (Deputy Kerrigan), he reported smoke showing from a two-and-a-half story wood-frame and struck the Working Fire. Companies encountered heavy fire in the base­ ment with extension to floor 1. Ladders 1 and 2 rescued occupants over ground ladders from the front of the building. Command struck a second-alarm. Companies made an aggressive in­ terior attack and had the fire knocked down a short time later.

WORKING FACES I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to s ee in our “W orking F aces”feature, please upload them on our w ebsite, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey@ lstR esp on d erN ew s.com


Lee's new Engine 1.

Submitting photos and press releases is EASY! Register at www.1rbn.com to begin posting directly. Prefer emails? Email your press release and photos directly to Lindsey@1strespondernews.com PATRICK KERRIGAH

Nashua Deputy Chief Kevin Kerrigan in command of the two-alarm fire on Temple St., 6/16/22.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022




Injured Motorcyclist Flown to Boston Area Hospital WINDHAM, NH - On the evening o f June 13th, Windham Fire and Police were dispatched to the area o f Park Lanes on Route 28 for a reported sin­ gle-m otorcycle ac­ cident. Windham Fire arrived on scene and reported that the male m otorcy­ clist was thrown 30-feet o ff his bike, and was not wear­ ing a safety helmet. Due to the nature o f his injuries, Windham C-2 requested Boston Med Flight to the scene. The m otorcyclist was flown to a local B oston hospital with multi-system trauma. - ROBERT SPRAGUE

Newmarket Engine 5 now operates a 2021 Emergency One Typhoon eMax 1500/780.


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August, 2022

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I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to s ee in our “Patch o f the M onth’feature please upload them

If y ou r departm ent has ph otos y o u w ou ld like to s e e in our “M em ories”feature please upload them on our w ebsite www. 1R R N .com o r em ail them to

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Canterbury Fire Department's newly designed patch that incorporates the old design.

Surry Engine 3 was a 1967 GMC 8500/Maxim with a 750-GPM pump. It is owned and maintained by a private collector.


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1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022


Firefighters Battle Stubborn Third-Alarm at Londonderry Commercial Building LONDONDERRY, NH - On July 11th, the Londonderry Fire Alarm O ffice received a Radio B ox for a sprinkler activation along with a call for smoke in the building at the Here Rentals Company at 3 Symmes Drive. The large com m er­ cial building is lo ­ cated just o ff Interstate 93 and was the former R e­ liable Equipment Company. Engine 2, Truck 1 and Battalion 2 C hief Butler were dispatched on the box at 7:00 RM. Engine 1 and M edic 3 were on the scene o f a medical call close by the fire, and Engine 1 reported smoke show ­ ing from the building and trans­ mitted the Working Fire at 7:01 P.M. Engine 1 arrived quickly from the m edical call and re­ ported a large commercial build­ ing with smoke showing. Battalion Chief Butler arrived and assigned M edic 3 to assist Engine 1 with fire attack. Engine 2 to establish water supply, and Truck 1 to open the roof. Fire­ fighters encountered difficult ac­ cess to the fire due to building renovations, heavy acrid smoke and high heat conditions. Battal­ ion C h ief Butler transmitted a second-alarm at 7:31 P.M., and ordered com panies out o f the building due to structural in­ tegrity concerns. A third-alarm was transmitted with a special call for a Nashua Ladder and the Southeastern NH Haz Mat D is­ trict due to a large oil leak created by the fire. Numerous companies worked for hours to battle the stubborn blaze and control the oil leak. The fire was under control at 10:05 PM., and firefighters remained on the scene until midnight over­ hauling and ventilating the m as­ sive building. Mutual aid was received from Auburn, Bedford, Derry, Hudson, Litchfield, Man­ chester, Merrimack, Nashua, Pel­ ham, Salem and Windham. The Londonderry Fire Pre­ vention Officer, NH State Fire Marshal, and State D ES re­ sponded back to the scene the next morning for their investiga­ tion.


Londonderry Truck 1 operates at the fire on July 11th.



Fire breaks through the roof in numerous areas as Nashua's Truck operates.


August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE




A hot spot is extinguished on the roof of the 'A' side porch.

Improper Disposal of Smoking M aterials PETER LOBO

G rill Tips Over and Causes House Fire in Waltham WALTHAM, MA - At 2:40 P.M. on June 12th, Waltham Police received a call for an outdoor grill that tipped over and caused a fire at 59 Marivista Avenue. Waltham Engines 2 and 7, along with Rescue 1 and Tower 1 responded. RIT was En­ gine 8 and Medic 1. Engine 7 signed off with fire showing and Captain Kevin Ciccone requested a working fire fol­ lowed by a second-alarm, bringing Engine 4, Squad 5, En­ gine 3, Ladder 2 and Medic 3 to the scene. Heavy fire was engulfing the rear and side of the house, and at one point Deputy Brock Rowland requested all members out of the building. Firefighters were on the scene for over three hours. There were no injuries.

Deemed Cause of S pringfield S tructure Fire SPRINGFIELD, MA -An Inde­ pendence Day weekend fire left five residents without a place to stay and did considerable damage to the sec­ ond floor and attic o f a two-and-ahalf story frame duplex in the Forest Park neighborhood o f Springfield on Sunday, July 3rd. Just after 8:00 A.M., 911 calls for the fire started coming into Springfield Fire Alarm and Engine 3 and Tmck 3, the first due companies, reported that they could see the smoke column from several blocks

Jum p

to file # 0 7 10 22 1 02

* away. When they arrived on scene, the threes were presented with a heavy fire condition on the second floor porch that was extending up into the attic o f the home. As the balance o f the first-alarm assignment arrived on scene, crews stretched hand lines to the second floor while Trucks 3 and 1 worked to ventilate both sides o f the peaked

roof. Companies made fast work of the fire, knocking the main body down within 20 minutes, but then spent two hours overhauling the building. The cause o f the fire was inves­ tigated by the SFD Arson Squad and determined to be from the careless disposal o f smoking materials on the second floor porch. The five dis­ placed residents were assisted by the American Red Cross.



If your Department has photos you w ould like to see in our “C om m and Vehicles”feature, please upload them on our website, w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or email them to L indsey@ lstR esponderN ew s.com

I f you have photos you w ould like to see in our “On The Liter Side”feature, please upload them on our website, w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or email them to L indsey@ lstR esponderN ew s.com .


'We're riding a little short, today.


Stoughton's shift commander (C5) responds in this 2019 Ford Expedition 4x4.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022




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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Vehicle News


Cambridge Ladder 2 operates a 2021 Pierce Velocity 100' platform. This new apparatus replaced a 19-year-old Pierce Dash tower lad­ der that has since found a new home in Maine. PETER L0B0

High Winds Fan Four-Alarm Structure Fire in Mashpee MASHPEE, M A - On July 12th, Mashpee Fire responded to 800 Falmouth Road to a multi-of­ fice building for a reported fire that extended up into the ceilings. Heavy fire through the roof was fanned by high winds and four alarms were eventually transmit-

JUMP TO FILE # 0 7 13 22 1 00

'#6 3P ted. Mutual aid from Falmouth, Cotuit, Bourne, Joint Base Cape Cod, Sandwich, West Barnstable, Hyannis and Centerville were

called to the scene. At one point all firefighters were ordered out o f the building. It took crews several hours to fully extinguish the blaze.


Engine 3 in Weymouth runs with a 2021 Pierce Enforcer PUC 1500/750/20F. The previous apparatus assigned to Engine 3, a 2014 Pierce Impel, was reassigned to Engine 2.



Weymouth Ladder 1 operates a 2021 Pierce Enforcer 100' aerial that was previously a Pierce Demo.


1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022



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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE




First Floor Porch Fire in Fall River Quickly Spreads to Third Floor FALL RIVER, MA - Around 2:30 P.M. on Monday, June 20th, firefighters responded to 42 Wooley Street for a report of fire. Car 3 arrived and reported heavy exterior fire on the 'A/D' corner run­ ning from the first floor to the third floor and roof. Shortly after, Command reported live electric wires burning and dropping to the street. Engine 4 tied into a hydrant in front of the structure, while Ladder 2 used their aerial to access the roof. The fire appeared to have started on the first floor porch in a metal bucket and raced to the eaves of the three-story house. There was heavy water damage on all three floors, but the only interior fire damage was in the attic.


One Person Dies, Others Rescued from Apartm ent Fire in Groveland GROVELAND, M A- On the hot Friday afternoon of June 24th, the Groveland FD received a 911 call reporting a building fire at 2 Manor Drive, a four unit building. The first due engine was out on a medical call, so Groveland requested a mutual aid response from neighboring towns. Groveland Police were first on scene and reported heavy fire on the first floor of the building and people trapped in the rear on the second floor. Both police and fire personnel worked together to res­ cue two people trapped on a second floor deck. An adult male was found unresponsive on the first floor and pro­ nounced dead at the scene. A second and then third alarm were struck for manpower due to the high heat and heavy fire conditions. The cause and origin of the fire is under in­ vestigation by several departments, including the State Fire Marshal's office.

PETER LUBU On July 1st, Mark and Kyle from Saccoccio & Associates Architects presented Waltham Fire with the Gold Station Award for the renovation of the Moody Street Fire Station. Deputy Tim Pratt was instru­ mental in the building of the new station. (L to R): Mark Saccoccio (with blue shirt), Counsel Woman Cathy Ann Harris, Mayor Jeanette McCarthy, Fire Chief Tom Macinnis, Kyle Robinson, and Deputy Tim Pratt.

August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


S pringfield Jakes M ake Fast W ork of Fire in Duplex on M arble St. SPRINGFIELD, M A - A fire that heavily damaged the second floor o f an occupied two-and-a-half story frame duplex displaced two families from their homes on the evening o f July 10th, and drew a large crowd o f onlookers to the intersection of t Dwight Street Ex­ tension and Marble Jump TOFILE# Street in the South 071122100 End neighborhood i o f the city. Multiple 911 calls began coming & into Springfield Fire Alarm shortly before 10:00 P.M., and there was some initial confu­ sion as to exactly which street, Dwight St. extension or Marble Street, the fire was actually on. The confusion was abated however when companies arrived to find heavy fire venting from the 'Bravo/Charlie' comer and 'Charlie' side porches o f the home at 64 Mar­ ble St. Companies mounted an aggres­ sive interior attack, stretching hand lines to the second floor and knock­ ing down the main body o f fire within 15 minutes, but not before smoke from the fire set off central station alarms in the neighboring apartment complex, which brought additional companies to the scene to investigate the alarm activation as a precaution. While the fire was knocked down within 15 minutes, the second floor sustained heavy smoke, fire and water damage and required ex­ tensive overhauling. The Red Cross assisted the two displaced families, and the cause o f the fire remains under investigation. Interestingly enough, this same house caught fire in 2008 and almost the exact same area o f the home burned then too.


NATE ARNOLD Truck 1 Captain Anthony Santaniello works on a hot spot on the 'Delta' side of the peak.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

August, 2022

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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


ACTION SHOT I f y o u have ph otos y o u w ou ld like to s ee in our “A ction Shot”feature, please upload them on our website, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com o r em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .

PETER LORO Chief's last run.

PATRICK KERRIGAN LOWELL, MA - In May, Lowell firefighters made quick work of this fire on Parker St. Companies arrived with smoke showing from the rear of a two-and-a-half story wood-frame. Companies stretched handlines to knock down the fire while the ladder company opened up and checked for extension.

LITTLE BIG GUYS I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to s ee in our L ittle B ig G u ys feature, please upload them on our w eb site w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .

PETER LORO Mayor McCarthy presents city citation.

CHUCK LOWE Stoughton currently runs a 1991 Ford F-450 250/400 as Brush Truck 1. This apparatus is scheduled to be replaced later this year.

PETER LORO WFD President Sean McShane and Secretary Andrew Grecco present all the chief's badges.

W altham C h ie f R e tire s w ith Over 34 Years o f S e rvice CHUCK LOWE Westford Mass Brush 1 is a 2002 Ford F-350 that was built by Fouts. It has a 150-GPM pump and a 250-gallon tank.

WALTHAM, MA - On July 8th, Waltham Fire Chief Tom Maclniss was feted at the Moody Street fire station for over 34 years of dedicated service. He was hired May 1,1988 and made Chief on June 25,2018. During his tenure, Tom dealt with the pandemic, the building of the Moody Street fire station, and also improved a working relationship with the police department.


Responder Newspaper -


F ir e f ig h t e r s H e lp in g F ir e f ig h t e r s m m

My name is Corey Shaker, a partner in Shaker Auto Group. I have been a firefighter since 1970. w e w an t to help all fellow firefighters with their automotive needs.

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August, 2022

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Bob Long

I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to se e in our “Patch o f the M onth’feature please upload them on ou r website, w w w .lstR esp on d erN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .

“ Well, mid-July and it’ s 102 degrees...Walmart should be putting its Christmas stuff out any day now!” EUGENE WEBER JR. This patch belongs to the Proctorsville Fire Department (Est. 1833), located in Windsor County, VT.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



August, 2022













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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

See Ya Later, Dad Chaplain's Corner Didymus McHugh There are many times that we do not know how to say that we love someone and then it is too late. Many people have been around people who say that it is not manly to show emotion or that it is a sign o f weakness. Well, I have seen too many people that had challenges because they could never process their emotions or refused to go through their grieving process. We have relatives, friends, peo­ ple that we work with or people that we are used to see that mean so much to us, but we fail to say the words that clearly express how we feel. I truly appreciate the people that are in my life and sometimes I miss the mark. We have all had peo­ ple that leave our lives without us expressing how much they mean to us or how they have effected our lives. My father for a while was ill but still made it to certain meetings, so that we could see each other. I knew that it could be any moment that I may never see him again, so before we left each other, I would tell him that I loved him. His initial response was "why do you think I com e to these meetings" and over time he told me back that he loved me. In his weakened state, a week before he passed, we saw each other. He grabbed me, from his wheelchair, he hugged tight and cried and told me that he was sorry. No wake or memorial can do better than that moment. There are still things that I would like to talk with him about and share, so please indulge me. Dad, Farewell, I appreciate having you in my life more than I can ex­ press. I have learned so much from you. It was not until I joined the fire department that I really got to know you. As I was growing up, you were always working two job s and then the police and fire department but still made time to sit with on days I would take the bus. You were one o f my instructors in the fire service. You may not have taught me in the fire academy but you taught things that many in­ structors did not teach. One o f the things that you taught me was how to think for myself. I was so glad that you were my lieutenant, when

I joined truck, and was later my cap­ tain. We went into fires as partners and at times went in with no gear. You even rode with me on a few am­ bulance calls and saw some o f the other work that I did. I am sorry that we never got our picture taken together but that does not matter. N obody can ever take away the m emories o f walking the boardwalk at the convention or hav­ ing breakfast at the Olympic or hav­ ing a container o f coffee and a buttered roll or time spent together at the firehouse or at different asso­ ciation meetings. I always looked forward to the meetings, in the later years, because that is when we got a chance to catch each other up, on what was going on in our lives. I know that most men do not say "I love you" to another man but as you said you showed up. It was not until the last two years that you fi­ nally said the words and the last year that I remember a hug. The hugs that you gave me the last time that I saw you were so strong, nobody can ever give me a hug that will ever mean so much. You told me that you were sorry but it is all good. There is noth­ ing to be sorry about. Thank you for letting me have the honor and privilege o f praying with you. You will continue to live in my heart and memories and you are part o f me and in my habits. I was told that grandpa, you and I look alike, talk alike, walk alike and tell the same stupid jokes, so you and grandpa are definitely part o f me You were always a hardworking man and you had dreams and goals that you were not capable o f pursu­ ing. Sometimes I wonder where you joy was. Was it in the days that you served in the navy or the brother­ hood o f firefighters and police that were part o f your life? We rode truck together and many times it did not seem that there was any danger, as long as I knew you had my back, no matter what sit­ uation. You will always be in my heart because you are a big part o f me and helped lead me on the path o f serv­ ing others. Dad, I w ill see you when I get reassigned to the Lord's station. Until we answer the next alarm together, I know you got my back.


CHUCK LOWE Brattleboro recently put a 2021 Pierce Saber 1500/1500 in to service as Engine 1.

LITTLE BIG GUYS If you have photos you would like to see in our “Little Big Guys”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

Stay safe, Didymus McHugh 103 didy mus-mchugh .com

CHUCK LOWE Weston operates a 2004 Ford F-550/KME mini pumper as Engine 6.

August, 2022

1ST R esponder N ew spaper - NE



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August, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


IMOAJMT In th e m a r k e t f o r a m id - o r r e a r - m o u n te d to w e r ? T a k e a lo o k a t th e n e w P ie r c e ® A s c e n d a n t ® 1 0 0 ' H e a v y - D u ty A e r ia l T o w e r!

R e a c h in g h e ig h ts o f 1 0 0 ' v e r tic a lly

a n d 9 3 ' h o r iz o n ta lly , th e A s c e n d a n t 1 0 0 ' A e r ia l T o w e r p a c k a g e s a 5 - s e c tio n h e a v y - d u ty s te e l to w e r o n to a v e h ic le w ith a lo w o v e r a ll h e ig h t o f 1 0 '8 " a n d le n g th o f o n ly 41 '3 " w ith a r e a r o v e r h a n g o f a r e a r - m o u n t t h a t m in im iz e s ta il- s w in g , it o ffe r s s u p e r io r m a n e u v e r a b ilit y a n d g r e a t e r v is ib ility . T h e A s c e n d a n t 1 0 0 ' A e r ia l T o w e r is a v a ila b le o n a v a r ie ty o f c u s to m c h a s s is a n d b o d y s ty le s to m e e t y o u r d e p a r tm e n t ’s n e e d s . Its in te g r a te d g r o u n d p a d s e lim in a te tim e s p e n t th r o w in g g r o u n d p a d s , s o s e tu p is s tr e a m lin e d a n d f a s t e r th a n a n y o th e r a e r ia l o n th e m a r k e t. C o n fig u r e d a s s h o w n w ith a r e a r a x le ra tin g o f o n ly 4 8 ,0 0 0 lb, it o u tp e r fo r m s w ith a 1 ,0 0 0 lb tip lo a d c a p a c ity , u p to 2 0 - d e g r e e b e lo w g r a d e o p e r a tio n , a n d a b e lo w g r a d e 5 0 - d e g r e e s c r u b a re a . A ll o f th is is a c c o m p lis h e d a t a m e r e 2 0 ' s e t - b a c k fr o m th e b u ild in g .




Y ou n e e d to a rm y o u rs e lf p ro p e rly . A n d if y o u ’re a fire fig h te r in a ta c tic a l re s c u e o r ra p id in te rv e n tio n te a m , th e S tro n g A rm ™ fro m H u rs t J a w s o f L ife c a n h e lp y o u d o ju s t th a t. It p ro v id e s y o u w ith o n e p o w e rfu l, y e t p o rta b le to o l th a t c a n cu t, lift, s p re a d a n d re p la c e c ro w b a rs , H a llig a n b a rs, w ire c u tte rs , a x e s , a n d s o m u c h m o re . J u s t m a k e s u re w h e re v e r y o u g o , y o u h a v e y o u r S tro n g A rm .

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