2 minute read

Mid Atlantic Rescue

CWR Package

Double stack trailer Inflatable or Aluminum Spare motor mount Versatility Surge Brakes Elec. Winch to lower top boat. Optional Light Tow er Removable Seats Light bar mount Prop or Jet Dive Platform Fire Pump option Light tow er option K9 W alkway op tio n

In flatab le Series 5 Chambers +keel Aluminum floor/Fiberglass floor Reinforced HypertexTM Optional motors makes available Portable


- W e ld e d S e a m s

- 2 C h a m b e rs fo r q u ic k in fla tio n - W e ig h s only 75 lbs - O p tio n a l m o to r m o u n t fo r 8 h p m o to r - E asily a p p ro a c h a n d s lid e v ic tim s up th e re s c u e ra m p . - M u ltip le C a rry h a n d le s a n d 'D ' ring c o n n e c tio n p o in ts

Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc. PH 1-877-622-6277 ~ Fax 208-460-8648 www.MidAtlanticRescue.com


F ire on Third F loor Q uickly Knocked Down in New B rita in

NEW BRITAIN, CT - Firefighters responded to 660 West Main Street for reports of black smoke coming from the third floor of a three-story house on October 12th. The first engine company on scene reported black smoke showing from a third floor window. The fire in a third floor room was quickly knocked down with no extension. No injuries were reported.



W indsor Locks Fire Chaplain Retires

WINDSOR LOCKS, CT - On September 26th, Mary Gate of Heaven Parish in Windsor Locks, CT held a retirement reception for Monsignor Robert O'Grady. Monsignor O'Grady has served as the Chaplain for both the Windsor Locks Police Department and the Windsor Locks Fire Department for many years. Fire Chief Gary Ruggiero told stories of Monsignor's time as chaplain and presented him with a plaque.

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