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The New England Edition
RYANFLAHERTY FRANKLIN, CT - At 7:49 P.M. on Monday, May 30th, the Franklin Fire Department with a Lifestar DIAL was dispatched to Route 32 at Meeting House Hill Road for a two-car head-on accident with ejection. -
S ee full story on p a ge 13
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
V ehicle News
Large Forest Fire Burns Over 100-Acres in Hart's Location
Wilton Fire Department recently placed their new Forestry 1 into service. Forestry 1 is a 2021 Dodge Ram 5500 upfitted by Dingee Machine of Cornish, NH. It carries 5 firefighters, 300-gallons of water and has a 250-GPM forestry pump and forestry firefighting equipment. This truck replaces their re cently retired 1984 Chevrolet army surplus forestry.
BARTLETT, NH - On May 14th, the Bartlett Fire Department was dispatched to a reported brush fire at Crawford Notch in Hart's Location, NH. On arrival multiple brush fires were dis covered and it was quickly determined that due to the size of the fire and terrain of steep forest, mutual aid would be needed. Crews from around the area responded in and worked the fire until an afternoon thunderstorm hampered ef forts. The fire burned over 100-acres and it took multiple days before it was fully contained.
Loudon Engine 1 operates a 2021 Sutphen Monarch with a body built by Dingee. The 1500-GPM pumper carries 1500-gallons of water, 15-gallons of class A and 15-gallons of class B.
Fryolator Catches Fire in Nashua McDonald's NASHUA, NH - On May 23rd, Nashua Fire received a box alarm for the McDonald's on Northeastern Blvd. Engine 6 arrived on scene with smoke showing from the roof of the restaurant. Companies quickly discovered a fryolator fire that appeared to have extended to the duct work. Command struck a working fire, bringing in extra manpower to the scene. Companies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time.
Loudon recently acquired a 2004 Stewart & Stevenson that members converted into Forestry 1. It has a 250-GPM pump and a 300-gallon water tank.
1st Responder Newspaper - NE_______________ July, 2022
H E IG H T :
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Larry D in g ee
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Advertising Index
Control of Fireground Operations
A guide to finding great companies
4 Guys
All Hands Fire Equipment
29 Video reviews by John Malecky
Allegiance Fire & Rescue
Armor Tuff Flooring
Backstop USA
FiroVac Power Systems
Fire Tech & Safety
Granite Fire Apparatus
Hoze Dolly
Marion Body
Mid Atlantic Rescue
NE Fire Rescue EMS Expo
New England Fire Equip.
New England Marine
Northeast Rescue Systems
Control o f Fireground Opera tions By Anthony Avillo Available from: FSP B ooks & Videos 433 Main Street Hudson, M A 01749 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@fire-policeems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $20.00 (DVD) This D V D is 114 minutes in length. When I choose a D V D to review, I consider the length o f time it is and then have to decide when I would have enough time in my schedule and if I w ould be alert enough to sustain the dura tion if it to make a go od review. In this case, I must tell you that re tired Deputy Chief Avillo is an ex cellent speaker as w ell as an experienced firefighter. I met him when we were both captains at a study class for battalion chief, so at that time we were both students. He originally served with a small urban fire department in Hudson County, NJ. Even though small, his department saw its share o f fire duty not only within its boundaries, but by providing mu
tual aid to neighboring cities in the northern section o f the county. Eventually, the other four neigh boring cities w ould becom e the North Hudson Regional Fire R es cue and include his small town. They are an urban area with plenty o f fire duty. I write this to convince you that Anthony is well qualified to teach from experience as well as knowledge. He is an ex cellent speaker able to teach with out m incing words and in a definitive way to keep your atten tion throughout the presentation! When this D VD was made he was the director and deputy fire marshal at the Monmouth County (NJ) Fire Academy and adjunct professor at the N ew Jersey City University. His main focus is con trolling the fireground by being aware o f not only what you can see, but what cannot be seen and this is done by creating divisions using company personnel and bat talion chiefs and giving situational reports on progress. D iscussions involve pre-fire planning, scene size up, arrival report/preliminary size-up report, strategy determina tion, initial progress report, decent r a l i z a t i o n , feedback/evaluation/adjustment, continuing progress reports and post control operations. The class is made up o f Tulsa, Oklahoma firefighters which is the city that the publisher’ s headquarters is lo cated. This is a Fire Engineering B ooks & Videos publication.
One Person Injured in MVA w ith R ollover in Salem SALEM, NH - Early on the evening of Wednesday, May 4th, Salem Fire Alarm started receiving calls for a MVA at 72 North Main Street. A caller reported a van on its side and that the second vehicle had heavy front end damage. The caller was unsure if all people were out of the vehicles. The first crews on scene reported a van on its side blocking the roadway, and confirmed that the driver was out. One person was trans ported to an area hospital. Companies were on scene until the van was removed and the road was reopened.
Professional Vehicle Corp.
W e N e e d Y o u r H elp !
Raynor Garage Doors
Shaker Auto Group
Post an event in your area at www.1rbn.com
If you have photos you would like to see in our Where Are They Now? feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Keep an eye out for National Events too! Sutphen
Yantic Fire Company________23
CORPORATEINFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New Eng land edition - Vol. 26, No. 7 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communica tions, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. N o financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omitted or in error. O m i s s io n s or errors m u st
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brought to -------------— ° cysssa*. communications, inc. the attention o f the newspaper during the same month o f publication. Printed in Canada.
845-534-7500 • (fax) 845-534-0055 In fo @ b e ls it o . c o m
O u r r e a d e r s m a k e all th e differen ce!
Milton acquired a second-hand tower ladder from Gray, Maine in 2019. The 1997 HME/Ferrara/LTI 1250/500/75' platform was wrapped and given a new life "south of the border" as Truck 5.
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
VOL. l-li=U£ L?HPT Litchfield, Connecticut Northwood, New Hampshire
W W W .6 R A N IT E F lR E lN C .C O M
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
iT O iy w 1 -Responder
1 ARDMORE STREET • NEW WINDSOR, NY 12553 8 45 -5 34 -7 5 00 • (fa x ) 8 45 -5 34 -0 0 55 • N e w s @ 1 s tR e s p o n d e rN e w s .c o m
In Memory of Those Who Gave All
PUBLISHER Joseph P. BelsitO
1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers
(Joe@ B elsito.com )
GENERAL MANAGER Kathy R onsini (Kathy@1stResponderNews.com)
emergency responders lost in the line of duty
MANAGING EDITOR Lindsey Palmer (Lindsey@1stResponderNews.com) •••
PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Ashley R am os (Ashley@1stResponderNews.com) •••
CIRCULATION MANAGER M ichelle R osa (Michelle@1stResponder.com) •••
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Joe BelsitO (Joe@1stRespondernews.com) •••
EDITORIAL STAFF COLUMNISTS ••• Rick Billings (Cartoon) AJ Fusco (Food Blog) Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (Chaplain's Corner) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain's Corner)
CORRESPONDENTS Robert Allen •Nate Arnold •Jeffrey Belschwinder •David Bowen •David Biyce •Michael Carenza Jr •Paul Dolnier •Doug Fenichel •Sean Fesko • Ryan Flaherty •Jim Fortin Jr •Mark Grabowski •Karin Halstead •Jay Heath •Patrick Kerrigan •William King •Lee Krohn •Roger Lambert • Kenneth Leger •Peter Lobo •Chuck Lowe •Bemie Meehan Jr •Robert Moran •Kevin Mosio •Brian Owen •Greg Ramsdell •Frank Robinson • Coral Ruggiero •Jason Rushford •Dick Scialabba •Anthony Simanskas • John Sjostedt •Ken Snyder •Robert Sprague •Jack Stawasz •Charlie Tentas •Pat Travers •Robert Vezina •Eugene Weber Jr
_______ EDITORIAL INFORMATION_______ Join our team o f correspondents or columnists! 1st R esp on der N ew spaper w e lcom e s su bm issions b y our readers. Send stories and ph otos to us at 1Ard m ore St. N ew Windsor, N Y 12553. Or, g iv e us a call or send us an e-mail. If using the mail, please include a self-addressed, stam ped en v elop e for all sub m ission s you wash to have returned. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any
Montana: Kenneth M ichael Lemanski,
Rank: Engineer
Initial Sum m ary: W hile on duty Firefighter
Jr., 37
Incident Date: November 11, 2021
Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: September 22, 2021
Death Date: November 11, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Jacksonville Fire and
Gerald A. Brooks responded to numerous EMS calls. He subsequently contracted
Death Date: October 20,2021 Cascade
Rescue Department
Farmer Rancher City Volunteer Fire Department
Initial Sum m ary: On Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021, Engineer Michael K. Freeland re
A rizona: Tyrone Bell, 35
Initial Sum m ary: While on-duty, Fire-
sponded to a vehicle accident that involved
fighter/EMT Kenneth Michael Lemanski, Jr., responded to an EMS call and was exposed
an extensive and long extrication. While at the scene, Engineer Freeland experienced a
Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: October 4, 2021
to COVID-19. He subsequently contracted
medical emergency. Crews immediately per
News@1 stResponderNews.com
ADVERTISING INFORMATION I f y ou w ou ld like inform ation about h ow advertising in 1st R esponder N ew s can benefit your com pan y call our advertising hotline at:
845-534-7500 ext. 211 • (fax) 845-534-0055 Advertising@1stResponderNews.com
CIRCULATION INFORMATION 1st R esponder N ew spaper is delivered to all fire, rescue, ambulance stations and hospitals. I f y ou d o not receive your papers, please contact our circulation department. H om e subscriptions are $36 per year.
GRAPHIC DESIGN/MARKETING 1st Responder N ew s’ graphics team w ill work w ith y ou on your adver tisem ent free o f charge. A ddition ally, w e offer a com plete marketing departm ent for all o f your printed . communications, inc. needs. W hether they are posters, or sin gle sheet handouts, full c o lo r or black and white, n o one else delivers the high quality work at our com petitive prices. A s a new spaper in the B elsito Com m unications Inc. family, 1st Responder N ew s has a state-of-the-art production facility which utilizes the latest scan ning tech n ology available. Materials are p roce ssed using P ow er M acintosh G4s. Output is handled on our HP C o lo r LaserJet 8500 to produce this highest quality black and white or co lo r prints on the market.
845-534-7500 ext. 214 • (fax) 845-534-0055 lnfo@Belsito.com
Death Date: October 18,2021 Fire Departm ent: Verde Valley Fire District
formed live-saving measures and he was
Initial Sum m ary: On Mon., Oct. 4,2021,
transported to the UF Health at Jacksonville,
Firefighter Tyrone Bell responded to multi
where he passed away shortly thereafter. In
ple EMS calls with patients with known
Utah: M errill Bone, 61
vestigation into the cause o f Engineer
Rank: Captain
Michael K. Freeland’ s death is ongoing.
cases o f COVID-19. He subsequently con tracted the vims and passed away on Mon.,
Incident Date: October 5, 2021
Oct. 18,2021. Kansas: M alachi Brown, 32
Death Date: October 31,2021 Fire Departm ent: Unified Fire Authority
Rank: Lieutenant
V irgin Islands: Kasey Callw ood, 31
Initial Sum m ary: On Tuesday, Oct. 5,2021,
Incident Date: October 15, 2021
Rank: Firefighter
Captain Merrill Bone responded to an EMS call at a residence with a patient with a
Death Date: November 10,2021
Incident Date: Novem ber 22,2021 Death Date: November 22, 2021
known case o f COVID-19. He subsequently
Fire Departm ent: Baxter Springs Fire Department
contracted the virus and passed away on
Initial Sum m ary: On Friday, Oct. 15,2021,
Sunday, Oct. 31,2021.
Lieutenant Malachi Brown was working at the scene o f a residential fire when he suf
2021, Firefighter Kasey Callw ood and an
Fire Departm ent: Virgin Islands Fire Initial Sum m ary: On Monday, Nov. 22,
Illinois: M ichael Pickering, 45
fered 3rd degree bums. He was transported
other firefighter were returning to the fire
Rank: Firefighter/EMT
to the Springfield Bum Unit and was placed
Incident Date: September 13, 2021
in a medically induced coma. Lieutenant
station from a training exercise in a depart ment apparatus when they were involved in
Death Date: October 8,2021 Fire Departm ent: Chicago Fire Department
Malachi Brown succumbed to his injuries on
a single vehicle accident. The apparatus
Wednesday, Nov. 10,2021.
overturned and Firefighter Kasey Callwood
Initial Sum m ary: While on-duty, Fire
passed away at the scene. The other fire
fighter/EMT Michael Pickering responded to
Texas: W esley Vanderver, 86
several EMS calls with patients with
Rank: Captain
COVID-19. He subsequently contracted the virus and passed away on Friday, Oct. 8,
Death Date: October 27,2021
Fire Departm ent: Sugar Hill Volunteer Fire
W yom ing: Layla Bradley, 29
fighter was taken to the hospital and re leased.
Incident Date: October 27,2021 Illinois: Scott W illiams, 46 Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic
Incident Date: November 20,2021
Initial Sum m ary: On Wednesday, Oct. 27,
Rank: Engine B oss
2021, Captain Wesley Vanderver responded
Death Date: November 21, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Argonne National
Incident Date: October 11,2021
to a residential fire. While working pump
Laboratory Fire Department
Death Date: October 11,2021 Fire Departm ent: Dragon Fighters, Inc.
operations, he suffered a heart attack. CPR was immediately performed and he was
Initial Sum m ary: On Saturday, Nov. 20, 2021, Firefighter/Paramedic Scott Williams
Initial Sum m ary: While deployed to a fire
transported to the local hospital. He passed
responded to a smoke investigation in one o f
in the Inyo National Forest in California, En
away a short time later.
the facility’ s laboratories. He returned to the station and during shift change on Sunday,
sponsive at the fire station. CPR was
W isconsin: Brandon Rom o, 32
Nov. 21,2021, was found unresponsive in
immediately performed but she was unable
Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: October 6,2021
the scene. Investigation into the cause o f his
gine B oss Layla Bradley was found unre
to be revived. Investigation into the cause o f
his bunk. He was pronounced deceased at
Engine B oss Bradley’ s death is ongoing.
Death Date: November 6, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Pardeeville Fire
death is ongoing.
M ichigan: Danny L. Deyo, 73
Rank: Fire C hief
Initial Sum m ary: On Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021, while attending a Pardeeville Fire D e
Tennessee: Darin Dean Pasold, 52 Rank: Lieutenant
845-534-7500 ext. 220 • (fax) 845-534-0055 Circulation@1stResponderNews.com
on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021.
the virus and passed away on Wed., Oct. 20,
editorial or advertising material submitted.
845-534-7500 ext. 212 • (fax) 845-534-0055
COVID-19 and passed away from the vims
Incident Date: October 12, 2021 Death Date: November 6,2021 Fire Departm ent: Morley Area Fire
partment fundraiser, Firefighter Brandon
Rom o contracted COVID-19. He passed away from the vims on Saturday, Nov. 6A
Initial Sum m ary: On Tuesday, Oct. 12,
2021, Fire Chief Danny L. D eyo responded
Incident Date: October 15,2021 Death Date: November 27,2021 Fire Departm ent: Hohenwald Fire Department Initial Sum m ary: On Friday, Oct. 15, 2021, Lieutenant Darin Dean Pasold responded to
to an EMS call with a patient with a known
Indiana: G erald A. Brooks, 49
a motor vehicle accident where he came in
case o f COVID-19. He subsequently con tracted the virus and passed away on Satur
Rank: Firefighter
contact with the accident victim. He subse
Incident Date: October 22, 2021
quently contracted COVID-19 and passed
day, Nov. 6,2021.
Death Date: November 2, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Indianapolis Fire
away on Saturday, Nov. 27, 2021.
Florida: M ichael K Freeland, 36
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
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Mid-Atlantic Rescue Systems, Inc. PH 1-877-622-6277 ~ Fax 208-460-8648 www.MidAtlanticRescue.com
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
LITTLE BIG GUYS If you have photos you would like to see in our Little Big Guys feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
MVA with Extrication in Milton MILTON, NH - On April 23rd, the Milton Fire Department re sponded to a two-vehicle MVA with entrapment. Companies used the jaws of life to extricate the driver of one vehicle.
Ashland Forestry 1 is a 2006 Ford F-350 that was built by the department. It has a 400-gallon tank and a pump rated for 250-GPM.
PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the Month’feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
M S I hor^ f i r e DEPt -
Campton-Thornton Forestry 2 is a 2004 Ford F-450 built by Lakes Region Fire Apparatus. It carries 250-gallons of water, 30-gallons of foam and is rated to deliver 100-GPM.
This patch belongs to the Berlin Fire Department (Est. in 1829), located in Coos County, NH.
Meredith Forestry 1 is a 2018 Ford F-550 that was built by Spencer. It carries 300-gallons of water, 20gallons of class A and is rated to deliver 500-GPM.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
Rescue Support Systems
Easy to Use and Very C u s t o m iz a b le
Advanced Technology
f o r all t y p e s o f r e s c u e s
The m o s t a d v a n c e d m on itorin g an d alarm s y s te m fo r te ch n ica l r e s c u e available. R em otely m o n itor m ultiple R e s c u e Guardians a t o n c e on e ith er A n droid o r iP hone o p e ra tin g sy stem s. R e ce iv e n o tifica tio n s o f any c h a n g e in status. D e s ig n e d b y r e s c u e p r o fe s s io n a ls fo r r e s c u e p ro fe ssio n a ls. The ultim ate in r e s c u e m on itorin g tech n ology.
Load, V ib r a tio n , I n c lin e
W ir e le ss ly Transmits:
L o a d c h a n g e . S e i s m i c a ctivity. I n c l in e d a t a
W arning S y s te m :
6 h ig h p o w e r e d r e d L E D s H ig h d e c i b e l a u d i t o r y a la r m N o t i f i c a t i o n s v ia B l u e t o o t h
R e m o te M onitorin g A pp
A pplications:
Very s e c u r e an d very flexible. U se lo a d e d p r e s e t s fo r sta n d a r d a p p lica tio n s o r a d ju st them to cu stom , sa v a b le s e t t in g s b a s e d on y o u r requirem ents. This s o ftw a r e is d e s ig n e d to b e intuitive a n d e a s y to learn. Future r e a d y fo r u p g r a d e s a n d updates.
S t r u c t u r a l C o l l a p s e (Raker S h o r i n g , V e r t ic a l S h o rin g) , V eh icle Stabilization, T ren ch R escue, Stan d-alon e m on itorin g
1 W e e k B a t t e r y L ife under con tin u ou s u sa ge in l o w - p o w e r m o n i t o r i n g m ode. In clu d es a low b a tte ry warning. E asily r e p l a c e a b l e a n d a v a i la b l e lithium ion batteries.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Longest Consecutive Volunteer Fire Chief from Oldest Fire Department in the State of Vermont Retires After 30 Years of Service NORTH BENNINGTON, VT - Just over the border from H oosick Falls, NY is beautiful North Bennington, home o f the oldest fire department in the state o f Vermont that was established in 1834. The North Bennington Vol. Fire Department, which has about 35 active firefighters along with two engines and a brush truck, is located just outside o f the main street area right next to a gorgeous waterfall. The small department has been getting some big time recog nition for the retirement o f their longest consecutive volunteer fire chief in the state o f Vermont. N ow retired Fire C hief Edward Myers, Jr. o f North Bennington started in the department in 1987 as a fire fighter. Over the next few years, Edward would becom e a valuable member o f the department and begin to quickly m ove up in the ranks. Within his third year o f being an active member, Ed took the reins o f the department and be came an assistant chief. E d’ s suc cess did not stop there; after two more consecutive years as Asst. Chief, Ed made the move to chief o f the department in 1992. When a new chief, or in this case a young chief, started in the department or departments around the area, the older fire chiefs w ould refer to the new young chiefs as “ Baby Stroller C hiefs”. When Edward became chief o f the department, he was nervous about all o f the responsibility he was in heriting and all o f the challenges that he would face down the road, but one thing Ed had was the as sistance from the firefighters and chiefs in the surrounding areas throughout that were w illing to pass down their know ledge and experience to assist Ed in becom ing a better firefighter and a better leader. Ed had one trait that stood out the most, which was his ability to listen. Edward had an open door policy and that policy was for any one. H is door was always open, whether it was for something that happened at the firehouse, or for a firefighter that was having prob lems in their personal life. Ed w ould always assist them to the best o f his ability and was always there to listen and offer advice. Edward w ould take on a few major projects during his time in the ch ie fs office. He helped the North Bennington FD start its jun-
JUMP TO FILE # 0 6 03 22 1 00 #4
3 P
ior firefighters program where firefighters could join as young as 13 years o f age. A long the way, the program proved to be success ful and helped numerous teenagers becom e firefighters in surrounding departments as well as the North Bennington FD. Dur ing his time as chief, Edward also helped start the ice water rescue team for the area. He continued to serve the department from 1992 to 2022, com pleting 30 consecutive years as fire ch ief o f the North Bennington FD. To Edward's surprise, his en tire fire department as w ell as other departments put together a retirement dinner in his honor to celebrate the 30 years o f service he gave to the small village o f North Bennington. Edward’ s fam ily and friends were also there to celebrate. Several people made speeches at the event and spoke highly o f Edward and his 30 years o f dedicated service to North Ben nington and surrounding areas. Those speakers included Benning ton County Mutual Aide A ssocia tion's Tim Burgess, Cam Grande o f the Bennington PD, Represen tative o f the Town o f Bennington Stew Herd, and the president o f Bennington College. Ed was pre sented with a plaque and a few other gifts during the event, one o f which was a special clock given to him from his mother and father. The event was paid for by several grateful businesses in the area as w ell as a few other fire depart ments that contributed. Ed spoke to the crow d at the end o f the event, saying “Being there for 30 years, you go from being in the stroller to being in a walker. It’ s not about being the chief, it’ s about all o f the great people right here and the people you meet along the way. That’ s what we do it for, not for the glory, not for being the chief, w e do it for the people. I want to thank you all for com ing here today and thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. It's all about team work. It was never 'I did it', it was 'we did it'. We got us here today, and thank you for being here."
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Three Alarms Called for Fire at Capehart M ill in Norwich NORWICH, CT - At 11:38 RM. on Wednesday, May 25th, Norwich Engine 2 requested a working fire be transmitted for the Capehart M ill across from their quarters on North Main Street. Engine 2 grabbed their own hy drant on the corner o f 5th Street and laid a supply line. Their crew stretched a line over the railroad tracks and began suppression. While responding, the Battal ion requested the second-alarm, and on arrival transmitted the third-alarm. Engine 3 and the truck’ s crew used saws to cut the metal fencing for better access to the 'Delta' side. Truck 1 backed down 5th Street and set up for de fensive operations with their lad der pipe. Squad A laid a line from North Main and 4th to establish a secondary water supply, which fed Truck 1. Truck 25 backed down 6th Street and set up with their ladder pipe. Engine 21 laid in from a hydrant on the corner o f Central Avenue and 7th Street, but ended up using a hydrant at the end o f 6th Street to feed Truck 25.
J ump to file # 0 5 26 22 1 06
m3 I
Two ladder pipes and four hand lines darkened down the fire within an hour and crews re mained on scene throughout the night wetting it down. Engines 31, 32, 33, 41, 52 and 62, as well as Ladder 5 sat in staging and then covered the city. The M ohegan Tribal and N ew London Fire D e partments provided the FASTs while American Ambulance staged a crew. The Mashantucket, Submarine Base and UConn Fire Departments responded as the CERRIT for metering and poten tial hazardous materials run off. The fire departments were as sisted by Norwich Public Works, Public Utilities, the Police Depart ment and Canteen 1. There were no injuries, and the Norwich Fire Marshal’ s Office is investigating.
Engine 2 pumping multiple lines.
CONGRATULATIONS East Haven FD, CT on delivery of this Spartan Pumper! Features: • Spartan Metro Star - MFD Cab • Cummins L9 Motor • 1250 GPM Pump • 500 Gallon Tank • Aluminum Cab & Oody
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203-239-5678 • E m ail: NEFEA@ aol.com • w w w .n e fe a .c o m
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
OLD & NEW I f you have photos you would like to see in our “ Old & New”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@l stResponderNews. com.
The Pfizer facility, located in Groton, recently placed a 2021 International HV607/E-One 2000/530/500 in to service as Engine 1. This apparatus replaced a 1986 GMC Topkick 7000/Chubb National Foam 1250/500/500F.
A Nuvance Health Paramedic begins patient care.
W orker Rescued from Trench Collapse in Bethel BETHEL, CT - Just after 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, May 11th, Stony Hill and Bethel volunteers were alerted to a reported trench collapse with a worker trapped on Budd Drive. Stony Hill Rescue 2 arrived on scene and confirmed that a worker was buried up to his chin, approx imately 12-13 feet below ground. First-in units hastily worked to clear dirt from the victim's head to keep his airway clear. A full rescue assignment was requested from the City o f Danbury, including their rescue company and a trench res cue trailer. Crews built and installed shoring to support the unstable soil. Dirt was removed with shov els and buckets until the arrival o f the City o f Danbury Public Works vacuum truck. The victim was conscious and talking throughout the entire incident. Once a suffi cient amount o f dirt was removed, a Nuvance Health Paramedic started an IV on the victim and pushed medication to begin com bating effects from possible crush related injuries. A decision was made by para medics on scene and Danbury Hospital doctors that the victim needed to be flown straight to Yale New Haven Hospital for treatment. Stony Hill Engine 3, along with West Redding Engine 21 secured the landing zone at Rubino Field on Hawleyville Road. At 3:40 P.M., the patient was freed from the dirt, placed in a stokes basket, removed from the hole and brought to Stony Hill A3
TO file # 05 1 6 2 2 1 1 9
Former Pfizer Corp. Engine 1
3* i ^ to be transported to the landing zone. While being removed, the vic tim repeatedly thanked the rescuers for an unbelievable outcome given the circumstances; an outcome not possible without the quick and pro fessional response o f our mutual aid partner, Danbury Fire Department. The entire operation took just over two-and-a-half hours. During the incident, Brookfield Rescue 3 stood by at Stony Hill Fire Depart ment while Brookfield EMS han dled multiple runs in town. Ridgefield Rescue 7 and Dodgingtown Engine 221 covered Bethel's South Street station.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
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Franklin's Rescue begins extrication on the first vehicle.
Franklin Head-On Crash Leads to Two Fatalities FRANKLIN, CT - At 7:49 RM. on Monday, May 30th, the Franklin Fire Department with a Lifestar DIAL was dispatched to Route 32 at Meeting House Hill Road for a two-car head-on acci dent with ejection. Rescue 125 arrived at 7:57 P.M. with the drivers trapped in both vehicles, as well as one per son deceased in the roadway. Am bulance 525 began patient care with American and Windham Paramedics while Rescue 125 per formed stabilization and extrica tion on the first vehicle. Ambulance 525 brought the Lifestar crew to the scene who also assisted with patient care. Car 425 requested Yantic’ s Rescue at 8:12 PM., who performed a ma jority o f the stabilization and extri cation on the second vehicle. Crews flapped the roof o f the sec
ond car and had a prolonged extri cation due to the dash coming down on the female’ s legs. Her feet were also stuck between the pedals and floorboard. Engine 33 stretched a one-andthree-quarter inch line in case fire suppression was needed. Crews from Lebanon and Bozrah also as sisted on scene with their ambu lances and engines. Lebanon and South Windham provided an en gine for the landing zone at Station 25. Unfortunately, two patients perished from this incident. The Connecticut State Police Recon struction Team is investigating.
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The driver had the dash board come down on her legs.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Rear P orch F ire Dam ages Home in New B rita in NEW BRITAIN, CT - Firefighters made a good stop on a rear porch fire at 122 Lyons Street around 3:10 P.M. on May 10th. Firefighters had heavy fire on the rear porch extending into the top floor and attic. The fire was held to the rear porch with some extension into the rear top floor and attic. Two firefight ers were injured, and the cause is under investigation.
ALL IN THE FAMILY If you have photos you would like to see in our “All In The Family”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Windsor Locks Captain Brian Long, and his son, Firefighter Austin Long, at a recent structure fire in Windsor Locks.
7-Y ear-O ld G irl D ies in N o rw a lk House F ire NORWALK, CT - A house fire at 7 N elson Ave. was reported to Norwalk Fire Dispatch at 4:58 A.M. on May 14th. The first companies arrived on scene minutes later and found heavy fire on the front o f the house, a burning power line down across the street, and two vehicles burning in the driveway. A man and woman who had escaped the fire with their 9-year-old son were in the back yard, attempting to rescue their 7year-old daughter, who was asleep in a second floor bedroom. The man had broken his arm and suf fered burns when he fell while try-
JUMP TO FILE # 0 5 2 4 2 2 1 0 1
39 ing to climb to the window. Firefighters immediately raised a ladder to the window, and one firefighter climbed inside the burn ing room, located the child, and passed her out the window to fire fighters on the ladder, who carried her to the ground. Norwalk Para m edics immediately began care and transported the child to Nor walk Fiospital. It was later reported that she succumbed to her injuries. The other family members were
treated at Norwalk Fiospital for smoke inhalation, minor bums, and injuries. The fire escalated to three alarms, with all Norwalk fire com panies working on scene. Mutual aid station coverage was provided by Stamford, N ew Canaan, Westport and Ro way ton Fire Depart ments. One Norwalk firefighter suffered bums to his face and was treated on scene. The cause o f the fire is under investigation by the Norwalk Fire Marshal D ivision and the CT State Police.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
Groton Responds to Third Alarm GROTON, CT - At 4:54 P.M. on Thursday, May 5th, the City o f Groton Fire Department was dis patched to 275 Thames Street for a caller reporting a small fire in the basement that she J ump to file# believed she put out 050 82 21 0 2 with a hose. A minute later, Groton Fire Alarm updated companies that they were re ceiving multiple calls for smoke com ing from the house, and that people were possibly trapped. They upgraded to a B ox Plus, bringing Electric Boat Engine 12, Poquonnock Bridge Engine 32, a M ystic Engine, Old M ystic En gine, Sub Base FAST and a G ro ton Ambulance. Groton Engine 11 arrived at 4:57 P.M. with smoke showing and said they had a victim out front requiring an ambulance. Their crew stretched a one-andthree-quarter inch hose line to the basement. G-10 transmitted the first-alarm at 5:10 P.M. Command transmitted the second-alarm at 5:17 P.M., which added Mystic G51, G-55, Old Mystic G-67, Cen ter Groton G-71, Sub Base Tower 65, M ohegan Tribal FAST, the Canteen and a Noank Engine for coverage. Towers 15 and 65 per formed horizontal ventilation. Command transmitted the third-alarm at 6:00 P.M., which added Ledyard Engine 11, Gales Ferry Ladder 25, Rescue 27, Nor wich FAST, an additional ambu lance and a cover company from Waterford. Command reported the fire knocked down at 6:23 P.M. Rescue 27 was not able to re spond, so Montville's Rescue was started and then North Stonington’ s for their cascade. The G ro ton Fire Marshal is investigating.
STILL IN SERVICE If you have photos you would like to see in our “Still in Service”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
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Groton Tower 15 with Sub Base Tower 65.
Deep River runs a 1989 Spartan/FMC "Commander" 1250/1000 as Engine 2.
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
Deck Fire Does S ignificant Damage to Newington Home NEWINGTON, CT - Firefight ers arrived at 33 Reservoir Road around 7:25 A.M. on May 5th with heavy fire showing from the rear o f the home. The fire, which is believed to have started on the rear deck, caused heavy damage to the rear portion o f the house. One firefighter re ceived minor in juries in a fall. The cause is under investiga tion.
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Windsor Locks Firefighter Tracy Whelen carries 2 hooks back to the tower after a recent structure fire.
This patch belongs to the Stonington Borough Fire Department (Est. in 1826), located in New London County, CT.
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Head-On MVA w ith Entrapment in Norwich NORWICH, CT - At 8:27 P.M. on Sunday, May 15th, Norwich's Squad A and Engine 2 were dispatched to East Main Street near Hamilton Avenue for a two-car head-on accident involv ing a utility pole. Engine 2 arrived at 8:31 P.M. with one person trapped and began stabilization. Crews worked together to provide patient care while extricating the victim and then turned them over to American Ambulance.
THIS OLD HOUSE If you have photos you would like to see in our “This Old House”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
The command post was set up in the front under Trucks 2 & 35.
New London's Lighthouse Inn Catches Fire NEW LONDON, CT - At 2:38 P.M. on Thursday, May 5th, the New London Fire Department was dispatched to the Lighthouse Inn at 6 Guthrie Place for a structure fire. A-l quickly signed on and re quested Waterford Truck 15. En gine 3 arrived at 2:41 P.M., transmitting the working fire with smoke showing from the second floor windows and eaves which added the Submarine Base FAST. A-l assumed command at 2:42 P.M. and added Poquonnock Bridge Truck 35 while Battalion 4 took op erations. Engine 3 stretched a line to the second floor where they found fire running the walls into the third floor. Water supply was estab-
J ump to file # 050 72 21 0 3
lished from a hydrant on Guthrie which fed Engine 3. Truck 2 set up in the front and performed vertical ventilation. Truck 35 backed in and flew their stick off the rear while Truck 15 po sitioned on the 'Alpha'/Delta' cor ner. Truck 3 positioned their aerial in the rear and assisted with open ing up inside. The Sub Base FAST threw some ground ladders and as sisted N ew London firemen with getting three lines in operation so Norwich and Mohegan Tribal FAST were started.
N ew London Battalion 1 took division 2, while Battalion 2 took division 3. Crews worked ex tremely hard opening up the walls and flooring on the second and third floors trying to get ahead o f the fire. Sub Base Tower 65 positioned on the 'Bravo' side. Electric Boat and Oswegatchie also sent engines for manpower. Mohegan Rescue 27 provided their cascade and the Oak dale Canteen was on scene. Water ford and Groton Ambulance assisted, and the New London Fire Marshal’ s Office is investigating.
Middletown Central Station, located at 533 Main St., was built in 1899. This historic building is of Renaissance Revival architecture, which drew inspiration from a wide range of classicizing Italian modes. The 123-year-old Fire Station, that was first occupied by horse-drawn apparatus, continues to be operational today.
Truck Fire E xtinguished in New B rita in Garage NEW BRITAIN, CT - Firefighters quickly put out a truck fire inside a commercial garage at 269 Oak Street on May 6th. There was some extension to the garage that was also quickly put out. The cause is under investigation.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
WINDSOR LOCKS, CT - On an average day, more than 30 pas senger trains pass through Windsor Locks, CT. Despite the constant presence of trains in Windsor Locks, first respon ders don’t often get the chance to train on how to handle a rail road related emergency.
Bridgeport Acting Fire Chief Lance Edwards waves to Dominick in his hospital room.
First Responders Throughout Connecticut Show Support fo r Burned 6-Year-Old BRIDGEPORT, CT - On Thurs day, April 28th, members o f the Bridgeport Hospital staff, along with the Bridgeport Police Department, Fire Department, AMR, and many other agencies around the state, gath ered at Bridgeport Hospital in sup port o f 6-year-old Dominick Krankall, who is currently in the bum unit following an extreme end to an ongoing case o f bullying, resulting in him being intentionally set on fire. Many important people (and an
imals) made an appearance showing support for Dominic, including Mayor Joe Gani and Acting Fire Chief Fance Edwards. Six K-9s from police departments across Connecti cut also made an appearance, includ ing therapy dogs Heidi (Yale PD) and Addison (Torrington PD). Overall, it was an incredible
event. Dominick's sister remarked in a post on Dominick's GoFundMe page, "The community came to gether with first responders and did a parade with sirens and lights in front o f the hospital. D om watched through the w indow waving. I’ m sure it made him so happy." The GoFundMe has raised over half-a-million dollars with over 11, 000 donors.
IN SERVICE If you have photos you would like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
On the morning of Saturday, April 30th, a training exercise was held on the railroad spur line just south of the Windsor Locks Commons on Rt 159. De partments staged down the road in Dexter Plaza and re sponded to the area of the Commons. Though many types of train emergencies exist, this drill was designed to simulate a passenger train derailment where the cars remained up right. First responders were provided opportunities to use the emergency shut off to dis able the locomotive engine, to remove a window, to extricate a simulated victim, and to stabi lize the wheels of the train. A smoke machine was running in one of the passenger cars to simulate a fire. Since trains are rarely empty, the drill also in cluded a simulated mass casu alty incident. Patients were removed from the cars and triaged by fire and ambulance crews based on the extent of their assigned injuries. Then, EMS personnel made a plan for transport to area hospitals. Law Enforcement agencies pro vided scene security, evidence preservation, and cause inves tigation. The Federal Railroad Associa tion (FRA) mandates drills such as this be conducted on every railway. Windsor Locks was chosen as the location of this drill by CT DOT, CT Rail, and
Amtrak, who all sponsored the exercise. During large inci dents, resources are called in from other towns. This drill was not just attended by Windsor Locks first responders, but many area mutual aid agencies. Task Force 52 (comprised of Bloomfield, Blue Hills, Bradley International Airport, CT Air Na tional Guard, Collins Aero space, East Granby, Suffield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks FDs) was activated as part of the exercise. Additionally, Warehouse Point and Enfield FDs participated. EMS was pro vided by Windsor Locks Lions Ambulance Corps, East Wind sor Ambulance, and Suffield Vol. Ambulance Association. Law Enforcement agencies at the exercise included Windsor Locks PD, Amtrak Police, and Connecticut State Police. Com munication is paramount in an emergency, and the Hartford County Coordinators and Wind sor Locks Public Safety dis patchers worked to make sure every agency could talk to each other and were accounted for. The Salvation Army of Southern New England provided bever ages and snacks for the partic ipants. A drill of this magnitude takes months to plan, but preparing first responders with the skills necessary to perform this type of specialized rescue to save many lives is paramount. Upon the conclusion of the scenario, first responders were given the opportunity to tour the train and ask questions of the train con ductors and other CT Rail per sonnel. The FRA representative on hand thanked the group of responders for participating and making this drill a success.
New London Engine 2 operates this 2019 Pierce Enforcer 1500/750/20A.
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
New London Arrives with Two Homes Burning NEW LONDON, CT - At 9:36 A.M. on Saturday, April 30th, the N ew London FD was dispatched to 65 Fuller Street for a house fire. Battalion 5 immedi ately signed on say ing he saw a header and asked for the working fire assign ment, which added the Submarine Base FAST. The Battalion arrived at 9:39 A.M. with heavy fire from the rear o f a two-story wood-frame, that had already spread to the 'Bravo' exposure, and transmitted the sec ond-alarm. Fie reported power lines down between the two houses and requested Eversource Electric and Gas on a priority 1. Engine 2 arrived at 9:40 A.M. and dumped the deck gun, knock ing heavy fire while also trying to save the exposure. Truck 3 set up on the 'Delta' side and flew their
stick. Engine 1 laid in to establish the water supply for Engine 2 and crews stretched multiple hand lines into both buildings. A-l ar rived and took command while the Battalion ran operations. The Sub Base stretched a line to the rear because the entire deck was burn ing, so N orw ich FAST was started. Jordan Truck 15 threw ground ladders and then stretched in to the exposure, where they had fire in the attic. Poquonnock Bridge laid in to establish a water supply for Engine 1. After awhile, both roofs began caving in so crews went defen sive. Sub Base Tower 65 and some other Waterford com panies pro vided manpower while Flanders responded with their cascade. Wa terford and Groton Ambulance also assisted on scene. The N ew London Fire Marshal’ s O ffice is investigating.
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Truck 3 set up for ladder pipe operations.
WORKING FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
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Firefighters H. Sopelak, W. Rollins & E. Quagliaroli at a recent structure fire in Windsor Locks, CT.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
Afternoon House Fire in Windsor Locks
M otorhom e Fire on 1-84 in New B rita in
WINDSOR LOCKS, CT - Shortly before 3:00 P.M. on Saturday, May 7th, the Windsor Locks FD was dispatched to Cherry St. for a reported structure fire. On arrival, crews found heavy fire coming from the first floor and front porch of the house. Windsor Locks PD located all residents and pets outside of the structure. One firefighter received an injury when the porch collapsed and was transported to a local hospital, treated and released. The Warehouse Point FD re sponded as mutual aid to the scene, and Bradley International Airport FD provided the RIT. Windsor FD provided station coverage during the incident.
NEW BRITAIN, CT - New Britain and Farmington Fire Depart ments responded to a motorhome fire on 1-84 eastbound, April 27th. The motorhome that was pulling a trailer was heavily damaged. The cause is under investigation.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Four Alarms Struck for Building Fire on Westford St. in Lowell LOWELL, M A - Lowell fire fighters battled a multiple-alarm fire on Westford Street on the morn ing o f June 4th. Companies ar rived to find smoke showing and quickly stretched lines into the building where they encountered heavy smoke and fire conditions in the first floor store that was extending up. Command struck a second-alarm, bringing in more companies. Firefighters found extension into the cockloft and command struck a third-alarm, bringing in mutual aid to the scene. A fourth-alarm for manpower pur poses was struck shortly after. Crews were eventually drawn out o f the building due to deterio rating conditions. Once the heavy fire was knocked down, companies reentered and continued to hit the fire. Crews remained on scene for several hours chasing hot spots.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
V ehicle News
Randolph recently placed a 2021 E-One Typhoon 100' platform into service. The new Ladder Tower 1 has a 2000-GPM pump with 300gallons on board. PETER LUBU
Fatal Truck Vs. Pole in Falmouth FALMOUTH, M A- On June 4th, Falmouth Police received several calls for a pickup truck knock ing down mailboxes. Moments later they reported the pickup truck driver hitting a utility pole in front of 144 Edgewater Drive East. Falmouth Engine 25 and Ambulance 39 responded and found that the driver was ejected and unresponsive. He was transported by Med Flight helicop ter to a Boston Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. Power in the neighborhood was out for several hours. CHUCK LOWE
Quincy recently placed a 2021 KME Severe Service 1500/750 in to service as Engine 2.
ACTION SHOT If you have photos you would like to see in our Action Shot feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
Leicester recently placed a 2008 Pierce Velocity 1500/1000/20F in to service. This apparatus previously operated in Goshen, NY.
Leicester recently placed a 2020 Ferrara Cinder 2000/1000/20F in to service as Engine 4. This apparatus is a rescue pumper that was previously a FFA demonstrator truck.
SALEM, MA - On May 9th, Salem firefighters battled a three-alarm fire at 29 Hancock St. with five exposure buildings. Four ladder pipes were put into operation.
1STResponder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
L ocation : 151 Yantic R oad Yantic, Conn. Date: JULY 23RD 10am-4pm RAIN DATE JULY 24TH C on ta ct: A dam Herz Cell: 860-885-9376 Em ail:Aherz124@att.net
Sc a f a C
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Three-Alarm Deck Fire Damages Weston Home WESTON, MA - A fire broke out underneath a deck at 590 South Avenue in Weston around 9:00 A.M. on May 10th. Engines 1 and 4, along with Ladder 1 responded and heavy fire was showing when units arrived. A second-alarm was immediately transmitted with We ston Engines 2 and 4 responding. Eventually a third-alarm was transmitted, bringing in units from Waltham, Wellesley, Wayland and Newton. The Fire Marshal was also called in. There were no reported injuries. K. LEGER
Smoke pours from the structure.
Three-Alarm Fire Strikes 3 Decker in Fall River FALL RIVER, M A - Around 9:00 RM. on June 5th, Fall River Firefighters were called out for a reported fire in a three-story building at 310 Alden Street. En gines 2, 9 and 12, along with Lad ders 2 and 4, Rescue 1 and Car 2 responded. First due Engine 9 reported smoke on approach, while Ladder 2 reported heavy flame showing from the first floor unit. Members stretched multiple attack lines to all floors and began an interior at tack. After exhausting two SCBA bottles, two firefighters were brought to medical personnel on scene and after a check o f vital signs, there became a need to
to file
WORKING FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
a I * transport both firefighters to local hospitals. Two residents were also transported after experiencing smoke inhalation symptoms. Fire crews were backed out o f the building at one point to go with exterior operations. This incident went to three alarms, with mutual aid required to back fill empty sta tions. A spare piece was put in service with overtime firefighters to do an overnight fire watch.
w w w .1 rb n .c o m PATRICK KERRIGAN
Fitchburg Fire Captain Patrick Roy.
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
New England Fire/Rescue/EMS 2022 New England Association o f Fire Chiefs
FIRE/RESCUE/EMS EXPO W orcester DCU Center, MA June 22-25, 2022 www.newenglandfirechiefs.com ^
HANDS ONTRAINING PROGRAMS ALL H.O.T PROGRAMS INCLUDE AN EXPO DAY PASS FOR FRIDAY June 23, 2022 Thursday 08:30-16:30 H.O.T.: Forcible Entry for Line Officers and Firefighters Location: W orcester Fire Departm ent Training Academ y Presented by; Paul J. De B artolom eo and Daniel G ordon CT Custom Fire Training LIC. & Flash Fire Industries June 23, 2022 Thursday 08:30-16:30 H.O.T: Machinery Rescue by Take the Door Training Location: W orcester Fire D epartm ent Training Academ y Presented By: Auggie Matt Join us at the 100,000 sq. ft. Worcester DCU Center and enjoy 190 Exhibitors & Hands on Training!
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
M ill Fire in Orange Draws Mutual Aid from Three Counties ORANGE, M A -An otherwise peaceful and beautiful late spring weekend morning was violently and abmptly disrupted in the eastern Franklin County Town o f Or ange just before noon on Saturday, June 4th, by a fastmoving fire that took total possession o f a vacant and abandoned fourstory heavy timber mill building on the banks o f the M iller’ s River in downtown Orange. The Orange Fire-Rescue-EMS Department, like most Franklin County FD ’ s, relies on a small staff o f firefighters to protect their com munity. Exactly two OFD mem bers were in the firehouse when the fire was first reported and this cor respondent can only imagine the thoughts that went through their minds when they opened the bay doors to see literal hell on earth 200-yards away (the firehouse is one block over from the ill-fated mill building). The fire ran through the running card almost as fast as it ran through the building. Orange firefighters were quickly joined on scene by fire crews from departments in Franklin, FFampshire and Worces ter Counties. No fewer than seven ladder pipes were placed into serv ice on scene as the building was fully involved and, to make mat ters worse, had already been deemed a collapse hazard by town officials over a month before the combustion process started. Burn ing debris and brands from the fire went airborne within minutes and resulted in three exposure build ings catching fire, one o f which was several hundred yards down East River Street from the original fire building. Only through a concerted ef fort by OFD firefighters and their mutual aid partners was the fire brought under control. O f the three exposure buildings, only one suf fered heavy damage. The main concern on scene was the original building, which had collapsed early on in the operation, burying hot spots under hundreds o f tons o f construction debris. Several hours into the fire fight, a local demoli tion firm was brought in to tear down unstable portions o f the mill that were still partially standing and help fire crews by opening up the collapsed portions with exca vators so hose streams could ac cess the entombed hot spots. Three non-life-threatening in juries were reported, but all were treated by EMS personnel on scene and are expected to make a fully recovery. The cause o f the fire is under investigation.
Ladder pipes set up at W. River and South Main Streets play into exposure buildings and the original fire building.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
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WATERTOWN, MA - Around 7:15 P.M. on May 10th, Watertown Fire responded to 197 Sycamore Street for a building fire. Engines 1, 2 and 3, along with Ladder 1 responded. A second-alarm was transmitted and Watertown Engine 4 and Ladder 2 responded, as well as Waltham Ladder 2, Newton Engine 1, Belmont Engine 1, and Cambridge Engine 9. The fire was placed under control in about one hour.
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BUDDY SHOTS If you have photos you would like to see in our “ Buddy Shots”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Car Crashes Into Waltham Building PATRICK KERRIGAN
Ayer Fire Chief Johnston with Leominster Fire Chief Sideleau.
WALTHAM, MA - On May 23rd, Waltham Fire received a call for a car into a building at 124 Prospect Street. Engine 4, Squad 5, and Medic 1 responded. The car was driving on Bedford Street when the driver crossed Prospect Street and crashed. She refused medical attention.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
nIRILLS/TRAININIG To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Members of Newton Fire Department recently completed a 6-week training initiative going over the fundamentals of Technical Res cue. This program, funded via an AFG Training Grant, brought in "National Rescue Consultants", an expert firefighter training com pany from Florida. The instructors, who are all on FEMA USAR teams, taught our members different techniques, tips, and tricks for technical rescue. In this photograph, we see Newton Firefight ers learning the principles of shoring and stabilizing a building.
THOSE THAT SAVE IM S At Marion, your exact specifications and expectations inspire us to craft and engineer the right custom vehicle for your needs. We don’t cut corners, we don’t compromise, and we don’t accept “good enough”. Marion tru ck b od ies are built one way: THE RIGHT WAY.
Third-A larm in Haverhil HAVERHILL, MA - On April 29th, Haverhill Fire was dis patched to the area of 40 Portland St. for a building fire. Com panies had heavy smoke showing on approach and a third-alarm was quickly ordered, bringing in mutual aid and call back companies to the scene. Companies had heavy fire throughout one building, with extension into at least one other. A defensive posture was assumed on the initial fire building. The Haverhill and Salem Towers operated at the scene in coalition with multiple hand lines. Companies had the heavy fire knocked down in approximately 30 minutes.
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July, 2022
1ST Responder Newspaper - NE
Thank you to the New York City Fire Department on their recent purchase of (10) AB Profile Shallow V Aluminum 14-foot Rescue Boats from All Hands Fire Equipment.
ALL HANDS FIRE EQUIPMENT & TRAINING 7 Third Avenue Neptune City, NJ 07753 Phone (888) 681-1009 Fax (888) 681-0031
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1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
18-Wheeler Overturns, Pinning Driver in Waltham PLYMOUTH FIRE BUFF
Engine 2 on the 'A' side with a column of heavy smoke showing.
Working House Fire on Carver Rd. in Plymouth PLYMOUTH, M A - At 5:58 PM. on the evening o f June 6th, 172 was dispatched to a brush fire behind 44 Carver Road. A s the apparatus was pulling out o f the bay, the hom eow ners alerted the crew that their house was on fire and not brush. LT. Murray o f Engine 2 im mediately advised Fire Alarm to strike a building fire assignment, starting Engines 1 and 7, Tow er 1 and BC1. Engine 2 signed o ff with a one-and-a-half story wood-fram e with an attached deck on fire and stretched a oneand-three-quarter inch attack line to the 'C' side o f the structure, as w ell as a four-inch supply line for the second due engine.
WALTHAM, MA - Around 9:45 A.M. on May 15th, both Waltham and Weston Fire Departments were receiving calls for a truck rollover on the off ramp from 1-95 south to Route 20 in Waltham. Weston Engine 4, Ladder 1 and Ambulance 1, along with Waltham Engine 4, Squad 5, Rescue 1 and Medic 1 responded. Companies arrived and found an 18 wheeler tipped over on its side with a load of gravel dumped out, and the driver still pinned inside the tractor. It took firefighters 30 minutes using the Jaws of Life to extricate the driver, who had a broken leg and was taken to Lahey Hospital in Burlington.
J u m p to file # 0 6 0 6 2 2 1 0 0
dP I ^ Engine 1 laid into a hydrant at Sparrow Way and Carver Rd., e s tablishing a water supply. Tower 1 assisted opening up the deck with chainsaws. Engine 7 reported ex tension into the basement, and at 6:12 PM . BC1 struck a W orking Fire on B ox 14 for the incident. The fire was knocked down at 6:22 P.M., and all com panies were tied up for approxim ately 45 m ore minutes with w etting dow n and overhaul.
Stay on top of the news. Visit 1st Responder on the Web a t www.1RBN.com
Low e ll F ire fig h te rs H andle S econd-A larm LOWELL, MA - Lowell Fire was sent to 69 Fulton Street on April 28th for a reported structure fire. On arrival companies struck a second-alarm for fire in the rear of a two-and-a-half story woodframe building. The fire was knocked down in a few minutes and companies remained on scene for extensive overhaul. This was yet another fire in a series that have occurred in Engine 6 and Ladder 4’s first-in area.
Responder Newspaper -
F ir e f ig h t e r s H e lp in g F ir e f ig h t e r s m
My name is Corey Shaker, a partner in Shaker Auto Group. I have been a firefighter since 1970. w e w an t to help all fellow firefighters with their automotive needs.
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
Rick Billings
PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the Month’feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
c 2022 by Rick Billings bear59dog@yahoo.com reddogart.com @jampony452
This patch belongs to the Pittsfield Fire Department (Est. in 1822), located in Berkshire County, MA.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Cannot Crack or Fail EVER! TRUCK!
Will not: Crack, Chip, Peel, Fade, or Stain ARMORTUFFTILESW ill NOTBEUNDERSOLD ArmorTuffTiles@gmail.com • w w w .arm ortufftile.com • 908-917-7697
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
LITTLE BIG GUYS If you have photos you would like to see in our Little B ig Guys feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
Lisbon Brush 3, a 2008 Ford F550, was recently repainted in the town's orange & black colors.
TEAMWORK Chaplain’s Corner Pastor Fernando Villicana
I recently responded to a com m ercial fire a m ile or two from my home. A s I approached the fire and shot my first few p ic tures som ething stood out on me. There seem ed to be a certain flow or rhythm taking place. An or chestrated effort by a w ell trained team o f Firefighters. R igs strate gically placed, the first-in Battal ion C h ief setting up the command post. Captains gathering their crews in a quick huddle to form u late their plan o f attack, hose lines being laid out, firefighters getting in position - everyone working to gether as a fine tuned machine - a strong and efficient team. In short order Fire Attack announced a knock dow n o f the fire and shortly after it was extinguished. This takes unity! It all reminded m e o f a quote I recently read: “ Coming together
is a beginning, keeping together is progress, but working together is success. " Fienry Ford The scripture tells us: “ Two people are better o ff than one, fo r they can help each other succeed. I f one person falls, the other can
reach out and help. But someone who fa lls alone is in real trou ble...a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. " Ecclesiastes 4:912 (NLT) Our greatest achievem ents w ill be realized as w e w ork to gether. We w ill always be greater than ourselves when w e partner with others. For a number o f years the C h ica go B ulls cou ld n ’ t get past the N B A playoffs. B ecause while they had probably the best basket ball player w ho ever lived (Michael Jordan), a man w ho was alm ost superhuman in his ability they couldn ’ t win without coop er ating and playing as a team. They added key players like Scottie Pip pin and b eliev ed that if they strived together they cou ld rise to w in the Cham pionship - and they did because they learned to play
Vehicle Crashes Into Firefighter’s Home in Lee LEE, ME - Lee Fire responded to a residence on Lee Road on the morning of May 30th for the report of a truck that hit a house with no injuries. Members at the station heard the crash, which provided for a fast response. On arrival, a pickup truck was found partially in the building, which had also hit the electrical connection to the house. Versant power and law enforcement were requested to the scene. The house, which belongs to a firefighter from Lee Fire Rescue, was occupied at the time of the crash. Luckily, no one was hurt in the home. The driver, who report edly fell asleep at the wheel, was evaluated and released.
WORKING FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
as a team.
W hen w e coordinate our e f forts with the efforts o f others, we speed the way to our goals. C o o p eration am ong each other builds success. That’ s why St. Paul said:
“ ...there should be no divisions among you...live together in har mony... " Philippians 2:2 The Fire Department works as a team. Let us all do everything we can to “live together in harmony” and keep whatever Department we belon g to the best team ever.
Lee Fire Rescue's Memorial Day crew, (L to R): Safety Officer Diana White with Allen Jr., Assistant Chief Allen White, Matthew Berry, Drew Lowell, Heath Bickford, Jenna Dunay, Joe Dunay, Brian Don ahue, Deputy Chief Hubert Aldrich, Jerre Crocker, Kelly Crocker, Chief Jay Crocker, Dillon McCannell, Aaron Burke, Josh Swahn, Greg Turcotte, Lacie Dwelley, LittleEagle Piper, and in the front row is Hannah White & Falisha White.
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
If you have photos you would like to see in our “In Sendee”feature, please upload them on our website, wvw.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com If you have photos you would like to see in our Change o f Quarters feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
Durham, Maine runs a 2019 Pierce Saber 1500/1000/30F as Engine 22.
Lewiston Engine 4 moved into their new 3-bay firehouse in 2021. The 9192-square-foot facility was built by Great Falls Construction for $4.7 million. This building features three large drive through bays, modern living quarters with a gym, and training facilities. The prior station 4, a much smaller building built in the 40's, was acquired by Casco Bay Electric.
Enjoy taking photographs? Get the most out of your hobby. 1st Responder News compensates correspondents for th e ir a rticle & photograph submissions.
Contact Lindsey TODAY for more information! Lindsey@1strespondernews.com
845-534-7500 ext. 212
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
O u r n a t i o n ’s la r g e s t c iti e s re q u i r e t h e m o s t d e m a n d i n g m e a s u r e of d u r a b il it y and p e r f o r m a n c e w ith in t h e f ire industry. N o o n e k n o w s t h a t m o r e t h a n W a t e r o u s . I t ’s w h y 8 0 % of our la r g e s t c iti e s tr u s t W a t e r o u s as t h e f o r c e b e h in d t h e ir fig h t.
• CAFSYSTEMS waterousco.com
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
Heavy Fire Damages Pawtucket Structure PAWTUCKET, Rl - On May 21st, Pawtucket firefighters arrived on Warren Avenue to find heavy smoke showing from a threestory wood-frame. Companies had fire showing from the porch on floor 2 that was extending to the third floor and attic. Com panies made an aggressive interior attack and had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time. Temperatures were in the upper 90's and command called for additional manpower to respond. Mutual aid came to the scene and to cover the city.
PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the Month’feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Four Alarms Struck at Newport Hotel Fire NEWPORT, RI - On May 23rd, Newport Fire was dispatched to a masterbox activation at the Wayfinder Hotel located at 151 Ad miral Kalbfus Road. Car 2 arrived on scene and re ported a small Code Red on the ex terior 'Alpha'/'Delta' comer, requesting Engine 5 and a Navy Ladder Company. The fire was in a wing on the south end o f the build ing. The southern wing was con nected to two separate four-story portions in the middle o f the large hotel. There was an additional twostory wing o ff o f the north end o f the building. Upon arrival o f E5, the crew was sent to the second floor where they reported a strong smoke con dition. In response, command added a Middletown engine and a Portsmouth truck company to the incident. In the following minutes multiple rescue companies and an engine company reported smoke conditions on other floors and smoke com ing from an attic vent. At the same time, E5 reported sprinkler activation and a worsen-
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» ing smoke condition on floor 2. In response to the deteriorating conditions, command ordered an additional three engines and two ladders to the scene on the next alarm. As the ladder company on the roof reported smoke pushing from a vent hole and multiple other locations, command ordered a trench cut to be cut in the south wing to try to stop fire advancement in concealed spaces. Engine 5, working on the second floor, re ported fire in the walls and floor, and continually worsening condi tions. Immediately following this, E5 reported a missing back step firefighter. In the moments follow ing, an RIT team was requested to floor 2 for the missing member, who was ultimately located outside. Command then pulled compa nies off floor 2 as they started to re port compromised floors. As water pressure issues were being re ported, a company reported that fire
was in the area o f the south wing where it met the four-story main building. Command acknowledged and struck the third-alarm, request ing at least four engines and two ladders on the assignment. As companies withdrew, master streams were placed into operation on the south wing. In the following minutes, fire was spotted from the fourth floor o f the main building and hydrant problems were noted. Command ordered a trench cut on the main building and special called three water tenders to the scene. Fire conditions reportedly over took a company's position on floor 2 as the roof was becoming spongy. All companies were pulled from the second, third and fourth floors, and the roof. Companies regrouped, were briefly put back inside, and then withdrew again. The fire then went to strictly defensive opera tions. Ultimately, crews were able to save the northern wing o f the hotel.
This patch belongs to the Woonsocket Fire Department (Est. in 1835), located in Providence, Rl.
1ST Responder Newspaper - NE
July, 2022
Allegiance Fire & Rescue is your official Pierce, Road Rescue and newest addition Vengeant Apparatus Representative for the New England area! We offer full, sales, parts, and service support for all Pierce and Vengeant fire apparatus, as well as Road Rescue emergency vehicles. The members of our sales team are trained directly by brand sales experts and are ready to custom build your new emergency vehicle. Our service team has the technology and expertise to provide prompt warranty and aftermarket service. We also deliver parts throughout Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our HQ facility is conveniently located on Route One near Gillette Stadium in Walpole, MA. In more exciting news, we have recently expanded our presence into Maine with a location in Auburn to better serve you! We are proud to be your fire and rescue vehicles provider, and anticipate working with your department! We will be happy to tell you more about us, just call your local location today for more information.
2181 Providence Hwy Walpole, MA 02081 ( 800) 225-4808 A L L E G I AN C E
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For More Information visit: a lleg ian cefr.co m
For More Information visit: p ie rc e m fg .c o m Road Rescue
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For More Information visit: ven g ea n ta p p a ra tu s .c o m
2181 Providence Highway- Walpole, MA 02081
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NE
In the m arket fo r a m id- o r rear-m ounted tow er? Take a look at the new P ierce® A sce n d a n t® 100' H eavy-D uty Aerial Tower! R eaching heights o f 100' vertically and 93' horizontally, the A sce n d a n t 100' A erial Tower packages a 5-section heavy-duty steel to w e r onto a vehicle with a low overall height o f 10'8" and length of only 41'3" with a rear overhang o f a rear-m ount that m inim izes tail-sw ing, it offers su p e rio r m aneuverability and greater visibility. T he A scendant 100' A erial Tow er is available on a variety o f custom chassis and body styles to m eet yo u r dep a rtm e n t’s needs. Its integrated ground pads elim inate tim e spent throw ing ground pads, so setup is stream lined and fa s te r than any o th e r aerial on the m arket. C onfigured as show n w ith a rear axle rating of only 48,000 lb, it outp e rfo rm s w ith a 1,000 lb tip load capacity, up to 20-degree below g rade operation, and a below grade 50-degree scrub area. All o f this is accom plished at a m ere 20' set-back from the building.
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