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Armor Tuff Flooring
C a n n o t C r a c k o r F a il E V E R !
W i l l n o t : C r a c k , C h ip , P e e l, F a d e , o r S t a in ARMOR TUFF TILES W i l l NOT BE UNDERSOLD
Lebanon Chief Jay Schall and Assistant Chief Alan Olenick with award recipients Megan Rice and Maxwell Hussey in front of Yantic's 1891 Silsby Steamer.
N ew L o n d o n C o u n ty C h ie fs A w a rd 2 S c h o la rs h ip s
YANTIC, CT - On W ednesday, A ugust 3rd, the Yantic Fire Engine Co. #1, as part o f their 175 th anniversary, h eld the monthly m eeting o f the N ew L ondon County Fire Chiefs. Annually, the N L C F C A awards deserving c o lle g e bound firefighters a $1,500 scholarship. Yantic C h ief B ill Eyberse, scholarship com m ittee chair, recogn izes the 2022 recipients.
M axw ell Flussey o f the Lebanon FD w ill be attending the University o f N ew Flaven, pursuing a degree in Fire Science. M axwell is a recogn ized E C C student athlete and was in volved in student government at Lyman M em orial Fligh S ch ool where he served on a com m ittee to select Lyman’s new Vice-Principal. Fie graduated with a 3.994 GPA. Jumptofile#080422108
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M egan Rice, also o f the Lebanon FD, w ill be a Senior at the University o f Kentucky pursuing a Pre-Med degree. M egan is a nationally registered EMT, has volunteered at Backus Flospital where she shadowed in surgery as w ell as labor and delivery. She also w orked part-time at the Ronald M cD on ald Flouse. With over 100 credits under her belt, M egan maintains a 4.0 GPA at the University o f Kentucky.
Best o f luck to our local firefighters continuing their advanced education.
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Lieutenant Patrick "Zinger" Gordiski of the Greenwich FD had his last official shift on Friday, July 29th, after 50 years on the department. Pat began his career in 1967 with the Port Chester FD in New York where he served for 5 years. He soon joined the Greenwich FD on July 30, 1972, where he continued to serve for the rest of his career. Patrick was promoted to Lieutenant in 1982. It was noted by Chief Joseph McHugh that Gordiski is the longest-serving firefighter in the history of the Greenwich FD. He is also the only firefighter to serve under all but the first Chief of the Greenwich FD since the official formation of the career department, separate from the 7 volunteer fire companies that continue to serve the town. Many might be sad to see him go, however, there's still another "Zinger" on duty. Pat's son, Matt, has been closely following in his father's footsteps, serving the Greenwich FD for several years. He has been adamant about continuing the tradition of excellence set forth by his father before him.
R ic k Billings