CSampbell u p p ly C om p a n y N ew spaper ' The New Jersey Edition PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
AUGUST, 2022
DAMIEN DANIS SOUTH HACKENSACK, NJ - Despite heroic efforts by firefighters, an elderly homeowner and her daughter's boyfriend died in an overnight house fire in South Hackensack during the early morning hours of June 10th. At 3:06 A.M., a 911 call was made to police reporting flames coming from a house. Fire personnel were dispatched to 11 Agar Place on a reported working fire after receiving several calls reporting the same. - S ee full story on p a ge 2
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plem .
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R espon d er W ireless new sO I
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
MEMORIAL BOARD If your department has photos you would like to see in our “Memorial Board”feature please up load them on our website www. IRBN.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
N ationally Known Fire Service Educator Dr. Harry Carter Passes Dr. Harry Carter earned many degrees during his life, and he used his education and field experiences to improve fire safety operations on a national basis. Carter spent 26-years with the N ew ark Fire Department, retiring in 1999 with the rank o f battalion chief. During his career, he not only w ork ed on som e o f the busiest com panies, that saw plenty o f work, but he held many responsible positions. D uring his tenure with the N.F.D., Carter served as ch ie f o f training, com m ander o f the haz ardous materials response team and administrative assistant to the ch ief o f department. In addition, he was a volunteer firefighter with the A delphia Fire Com pany in H ow ell Township. He was ch ief o f that com pany in 1991. C h ie f Carter also served as chap lain for Adelphia and the East Free h old Fire C om pany in F reehold Township. H is longtim e presen ce in the N ew Jersey and national fire serv
ice included w riting fire scien ce books, offering lectures at numer ous national fire exposition s and w riting fire safety and education colum ns for num erous p u blica tions. One o f his m ost popular colum ns appeared in Firehouse M agazine, called “Com m and P ost”. H e also submitted colum ns to 1st R esponder N ew s in the early days o f this publication, as the newspaper grew. P ossessin g p rofessor style eye glasses and a b o w tie, y o u m ight have reservations at one o f his le c tures, feeling like y o u were back in grammar school, at first. That didn't last. Dr. Carter was a down-to-earth guy and told many down-to-earth, on the line stories, that firefighters cou ld relate to. A nd o f course, find many amusing. Dr. Carter was called an icon, mentor, instructor and friend. A n other severe loss to the national fire service.
South Hackensack House Fire Claims Two Lives SO U TH H A CK EN SA CK , NJ D espite heroic efforts by firefight ers, an elderly hom eow ner and her daughter's boyfrien d died in an overnight house fire in South H ack ensack during the early m orning hours o f June 10th. At 3:06 A.M., a 911 call was m ade to p o lice reporting flames com in g from a house. Fire person nel w ere dispatched to 11 A gar Place on a reported w orking lire after receiving several calls report ing the same. First due units were met with heavy fire already venting from the rear o f the one-and-a-half story private dw ellin g at 15 A gar Place. A n off-duty South H acken sack p olice sergeant w ho lives next door to the hom e tried to extinguish the flames with a garden h ose as heavy fire w as venting from the
Jump t o
home, but the fire spread too quickly. "W e w ere m et with heavy fire and heavy smoke, and weren't able to get into the hom e quickly until w e had a hand line in place," said South H ackensack Fire C h ief Carmine Macari. Firefighters had to beat back heavy fire and extreme heat before finding the 80-year-old homeowner, w ho they rem oved from the first floor and turned over to EMS. The male victim w as located shortly after that and also turned over to EMS. Both victim s w ere in cardiac arrest and transported to H acken sack University M edical Center
where they w ere pronounced dead. The hom eowner's daughter was hospitalized with sm oke inhalation. The fast-m oving fire c o m pletely destroyed the hom e and caused a collap se o f the interior floor and part o f the r o o f before it was declared under control shortly before 4:36 A.M. The B ergen County P rosecu tor's A rson Squad is investigating the cause, assisted by South H ack ensack fire officials. Mutual aid from Carlstadt, Hackensack, Hasbrouck Heights, kittle Ferry, M oonachie, W allington and WoodR id ge assisted. E M S units from Carlstadt and kittle Ferry also as sisted. This was the second fatal fire in B ergen County in one week.
To Think or Not to Think COMMAND POST
Critical thinking is not a simple, random process
By Dr. Harry Carter
hinking is good. NOT thinking is bad. And most importantly, think-
ing is not optional. One would suppose that these concepts are widely known
has long been my thought that the ability to think effectively lies at the heart of every
magazine article. This failv what is being presented ex|
part o f our lives. After all. how can any of charge of thinking tmcrilici us plan and prepare for the future unless________My professional ass
Dr. Harry Carter wrote a popular column in Firehouse Magazine for many years.
Read more articles on our new website! www.1rbn.com DAMIEN DANIS
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
If your department has photos you would like to see in our “Memorial Board”feature please upload them on our website www.lRBN.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
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S a d d le B ro o k H o ld s W et-D o w n SADDLE BROOK, NJ - One of the first Wet-Downs in Bergen County since 2019 took place on June 11th at Saddle Brook Co. 1, where Rescue 1, a 2021 Pierce Enforcer, was welcomed into the department.
First Battalion Fire Equipment
Fire Officer Training
Mid Atlantic Rescue Systems
If you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
NJ Emergency Vehicles
NJ Fire Equipment
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State Line Fire & Safety
Task Force Tips
The Fire Store
After a two-year absence, wet down celebrations are back. On June 4th, Midland Park held a wet down for their new Pierce Enforcer 1500-GPM pumper. Good food, good weather, good friends are back.
Leon McCoy, born 7/23/33, was a member of Elmwood Park De fender Co. #4, Elmwood Park Fire Dept, in NJ, joining on 1/21/65, where he eventually rose to the rank of captain and also served as president. He was a Korean War veteran (US Navy, DD-823 Samuel B. Roberts 1952-1955), a Life Member of New Jersey New York Volunteer Firemen's Assoc., and a Life Member of New Jer sey State Firemen's Assoc. He also served as Special Law En forcement Officer, Elmwood Park, NJ and was Founder and past president of the USS Samuel B. Roberts BB823 Shipmates Assoc. Leon was reassigned to his Heavenly Fire Station at 0620 hrs on Sunday, June 12, 2022. He will now be serving as one of the guardians to law enforcement, firefighters and sailors.
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New Jersey edition - Vol. 29 No. 8 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmas ter: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1Ard more Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. N o financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the at tention o f the newspaper during the same month o f publi cation. Printed in Canada. A division of:
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V is it 1st Responder on the Web at RILL TOMPKINS - WWW.DTFIREPHOTOS.COM
Maywood Truck 17, a 2018 Pierce 105’ rear-mount stick with a 1500-GPM pump and 500-gallon water tank, sets up for aerial op erations at a fully involved house fire in Paramus on June 17th.
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
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In Memory of Those Who Gave A ll
1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers
emergency responders lost in the line of duty
Joseph P. Belsito (Joe@Belsito.com) Kathy Ronsini (Kathy@1stFtesponderNews.com) MANAGING EDITOR
Lindsey Palmer (Undsey@1stResponderNews.com) PRODUCTION DIRECTOR
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Ron Jeffers
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Louisiana: Jessie Henry, 28 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: December 18,2021 Death Date: December 18,2021 Fire Department: South Bossier Fire District #2
Initial Summary: On Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021, Firelighter Jessie Henry was perform ing maintenance on one o f the department's lire tracks when the apparatus' tire blew up. He was immediately transported to Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport where he passed away from his injuries a short time later.
COLUMNISTS Rick Billings (Cartoon) Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (Chaplain’s Corner) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain’s Corner)
CORRESPONDENTS Keith Addie •Adam Alberti •Bill Auth •David Burns •John W Carr •Steven Catena •Don Colarusso •Robert Connell •Damien Danis •Joseph Diehl •Doug Fenichel •Joseph Getsinger •Alan Hoffman •Todd Hollritt •Richard Huff •Roman Isaryk Jr. •Bob Krane •Nicholas Lenczyk •Chuck Lowe •Justin Mattes •Richard
Missouri: Bryant Gladney, 58 Rank: Assistant Chief Incident Date: December 22,2021 Death Date: December 22,2021 Fire Department: Boone County Fire Protection District
Initial Summary: On Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021, Assistant Chief Bryant Gladney was at the scene o f a vehicle accident on Interstate 70. A westbound tractor-trailer hit his staff SUV at high speed before hitting a University Hospital ambulance and the vehicle involved in the original crash. Assistant Chief Gladney was extricated and rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased.
Maxwell •Pete Monaco •Judson Moore •Sylvie Mulvaney •Mike Nowacki •Mar tin Pelta •Anthony Razzano •Lucas Richardson •John Rieth •Frank Robinson •EJ Rode •Bob Sherman Jr. •Ken Snyder •Conni Spellman •Charlie Tentas •Bill Tompkins •Chris Tompkins •Justin Watrel •Eugene Weber Jr. •James Wood Sr.
__________ EDITORIAL INFORMATION__________ Join our team o f correspondents or columnists! 1st Responder Newspaper w elcom es subm issions by our readers. Send stories and photos to us at 1 Ardmore Street, N ew Windsor, NY 12553. Or, giv e us a call or send us an e-mail. I f using the mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for all subm issions you vtdsh to have returned. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any editorial or advertising material submitted.
845-534-7500 ext. 212 • (fax) 845-534-0055 N ew s@ 1stR esponderN ew s.com
ADVERTISING INFORMATION I f you w ould like information about how advertising in 1st Responder N ews can benefit your com pany call our advertising hotline at:
Wisconsin: Brian Cecil Busch, 43 Rank: Captain Incident Date: January 6,2022 Death Date: January 6,2022 Fire Department: Mineral Point Fire Department
Initial Summary: Early in the morning o f
(nich@ 1stnesponder.com)
28,2021 Firelighter/EMT Thomas Joseph Rees did not wake for a dispatch run minutes before roll call, when another Firelighter checked on Firelighter/EMT Rees he was dis covered deceased in his bunk. Autopsy report stated that he had a major coronary event.
Illinois: Marshawn Plummer, 30 Rank: Firelighter/EMT Incident Date: December 16,2021 Death Date: December 21,2021 Fire Department: Chicago Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021, Firelighter/EMT Marshawn Plummer was at the scene o f a two story apartment building lire when he suffered a medical emergency. He was immediately rushed to the hospital where he remained until passing away on Tuesday, Dec. 21,2021. The lire also took the life o f a civilian and injured two oth ers.
Thursday, Jan. 6,2022, Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firefighter James “ Jim" Michael Ludlum were responding to the scene o f a ve hicle accident on US 151. The lire apparatus was attempting to use an emergency crossover when it was struck by a northbound semi-tractor trailer. The lire truck sustained major damage and caught lire. Both Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firelighter James “Jim" Michael Ludlum were killed at the scene.
Wisconsin: James Michael Ludlum, 69 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: January 6,2022 Death Date: January 6,2022 Fire Department: Mineral Point Fire Department
Initial Summary: Early in the morning o f Thursday, Jan. 6,2022, Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firefighter James “ Jim" Michael Ludlum were responding to the scene o f a ve hicle accident on US 151. The lire apparatus was attempting to use an emergency crossover when it was struck by a northbound semi-tractor trailer. The lire truck sustained major damage and caught lire. Both Captain Brian Cecil Busch and Firelighter James “Jim" Michael Ludlum were killed at the scene.
845-534-7500 ext. 211 • (fax) 845-534-0055 A dvertising@ 1stR espon derN ew s.com
CIRCULATION INFORMATION 1st Responder Newspaper is delivered to all fire, rescue, ambulance stations and hospitals. I f you d o not receive your papers, please contact our circulation department. H om e subscriptions are $36 per year.
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New Jersey: Anthony Carfagno, 58 Rank: Firelighter Incident Date: November 25,2021 Death Date: December 21,2021 Fire Department: Atlantic City Fire Department
Initial Summary: On Thursday, November 25,2021 shortly after working a shift Fire lighter Anthony Michael Carfagno began showing symptoms and signs o f COVID-19, after a lengthy battle he succumbed on Tues day, December 21,2021.
Ohio: Thomas Joseph Rees, 38 Rank: Firelighter/EMT Incident Date: December 28,2021 Death Date: December 28,2021 Fire Department: Jefferson Township Fire Department
Initial Summary: On Tuesday, December
Nebraska: Donald Gene Gross, 57 Rank: Fire Inspector/Investigator Incident Date: January 3,2022 Death Date: January 4,2022 Fire Department: Lincoln Fire and Rescue Initial Summary: On Monday, Jan. 3,2022, Fire Inspector/Investigator Donald Gene Gross was at the scene o f a residential lire. After returning home, he complained o f chest pains. On the morning o f Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022, he was found deceased at his residence.
California: David Spink, 56 Rank: Engineer Incident Date: December 5,2021 Death Date: January 9,2022 Fire Department: Barstow Fire Protection District
Initial Summary: On Sunday, Dec. 5,2021, Engineer David Spink responded to a vehicle
collision on Interstate 15. While at the scene, he was struck by an oncoming car. He was immediately airlifted to the Loma Linda Uni versity Hospital where he remained until his passing on Sunday, Jan. 9,2022.
New York: Joseph “Joe”Maiello, 53 Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: December 26,2021 Death Date: December 26,2021 Fire Department: Fire Department o f New York
Initial Summary: On Sunday, Dec. 26,2021, while on-duty, Lieutenant Joseph “ Joe" Maiello was found unresponsive at the tire station. He was pronounced deceased at the scene from an apparent heart attack. California: Jonathan Flagler, 47 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: January 6,2022 Death Date: January 6,2022 Fire Department: Los Angeles County Fire Department
Initial Summary: On Thursday, Jan. 6,2022, Firefighter Jonathan “Jon" Flagler was at the scene o f a residential fire. While operating the interior o f the structure, Firefighter Flagler be came trapped and was overcome by fire con ditions. He was removed from the building and CPR was immediately performed. He was then transported to the hospital where he died a short time later. Minnesota: Brian Lange, 55 Rank: Captain Incident Date: November 15,2021 Death Date: December 11,2021 Fire Department: Upsala Fire Department Initial Summary: While on-duty at the fire house, Captain Brian Lange contracted COVID-19. He passed away from the virus on Saturday, Dec. 11,2021.
Missouri: Benjamin Poison, 33 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: January 13,2022 Death Date: January 13,2022 Fire Department: St. Louis Fire Department
Initial Summary: On Thursday, Jan. 13, 2022, St. Louis Fire Department firefighters responded to the 5900 block o f Cote Brilliante Avenue. The multi-story building, des ignated as vacant by the city, was being consumed by fire. Firefighters had put out the flames on the first floor and were checking to make sure no one was on the second floor when they decided to turn back because o f the intensity o f the fire. A s they were leaving, the building's roof and top story collapsed, bury ing Firefighter Benjamin Poison. He passed away at the scene. Two other firefighters were injured and taken to the local hospital where they were treated and released.
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
New Jersey Chief Receives Firehouse Magazine Honor
Notes from Ron Jeffers
R obert “Butch”C o b b w ill be in ducted into the F ireh ouse Flail o f Fam e at the F ireh ouse E x p o in Colum bus, Ohio, S eptem ber 28th. R obert C o b b has served the fire service in many w ays ov er the years. F rom volunteer firefighter and chief, to career firefighter and chief. Fie w as part o f the Jersey City Fire Department for 34-years, retiring with the rank o f deputy chief. “Butch has played a role in Fire house's m ission to educate and train the fire service for m ore than three d ecad es in num erous capacities,” said F ireh ouse Editor-in-Chief Peter Matthews. Elis volunteer service in clu des serving with the D um ont Fire D e partment from 1969-1979, serving as C h ie f o f Department in 1978. Fie w as also a m em ber o f W est M ilford C om pany 4 from 1982-1990, serv ing as ch ie f in 1989. Cobb's career duty b egan with the W eehawken Fire Department in 1972. In 1975, he w as appointed to the Jersey City Fire Department. There, he was assign ed to som e o f the bu siest com panies during, what w as know n as, “The War Years”. This included E ngine Co.'s 20, 22, Truck 5 and R escu e 1. A s battalion chief, he w as assign ed to the busy 2nd Battalion. In the deputy c h ie fs position, he had num erous responsibilities. This included serving as c h ie f o f opera tion s overseein g daily field duty, c h ie f o f training, city w id e tour com m ander and deputy coordinator o f the O ffic e o f E m ergen cy M an agem ent and Flomeland Security. O n 9/11, he respon ded with Jer sey City resou rces to the W orld Trade C enter on the o p p o site side o f the Flolland Tunnel. In 2004, C o b b retired and jo in e d the Insurance Services O ffice (ISO) as director o f C om m un ity Flazard M itigation. Fie w as their key spokesm an to the nation's fire serv ice. C o b b w as later prom oted to na tional director, resp on sib le for guiding the ISO's public fire protec tion inform ation gathering and analysis process, including all field operations. D uring his tenure, he m et with many states fire c h ie fs as sociations, etc., inquiring on recom m endations for im proving the IS O grading process. “I learned through many years o f experience that training, especially hands-on training, saves lives,” C o b b said. “Throughout m y career, I en cou raged all firefighters to co n tinue training from day one to your last day on the job. Train like your life depends on it.” C o b b b egan sharing his training
experien ces with other firefighters through articles and speaking on con ductin g hands-on training at F ireh ouse conferences. Fie w as a m em ber o f the Firehouse Fleroism and Valor A wards S election C o m mittee for many years. A fter C o b b had retired from the ISO , he w as con tacted by Jersey City C h ie f o f D epartm ent Steve M c G ill for advice. The c h ie f wanted to know what w as needed to a ccom p lish a national C la ss 1 rat ing. Im provem en ts and upgrades w ere accom plished. “Fie w as on a m ission ,” C o b b said. Fie “m ade it happen”. “E very b o d y w as d oin g m ore o f so m e thing.” C o b b was very proud that his for m er department, n ow the largest in the state, re ceiv ed the C la ss 1 recognition. Fie traveled from his h om e in A rizon a to be a gu est speaker at the FDJC's Verisk IS O C lass 1 ceremony, in May. “Butch's ability to share his expe rien ces from firefighting to fire safety to IS O grading via Firehouse has undoubtedly saved cou n tless liv es and im p roved fire depart ments,”Peter M atthews said. D O W N S: F ive p e o p le w ere in jured as the result o f a MVA in volv ing a dum p truck, car and East O ran ge E n gin e 1, June 7th. The M ain Street incident saw the appa ratus careening into a building after the initial collision. Three firefight ers, the truck driver and drivers o f tw o other veh icles w ere taken to the hospital, accord in g to E yew itn ess News. UPS: Three sw im m ers w ere caught in a riptide and in distress at a Stone Flarbor beach, June 6th, o f ficia ls said. The Stone Flarbor FD w as dispatched to 96th St. and the beach for a surf rescue. The Avalon FD w as also dispatch ed as part o f Stone Flarbor's mutual aid for surf rescues. M arine 13 w as deployed. F irefighters entered the water as swim m ers. The w ave runner crew m ade three trips to return the v ic tim s and sw im m ers to shore, o ffi cia ls said. O ne victim w as treated by Avalon EMS. D O W N S: O ne person died as the result o f a fire at a sen ior living com m unity in R id ge w oo d , June 11th. The fire w as con fin ed to the victim's apartment. S om e elderly residents w ere taken to The Valley Flospital for evaluation. N on e ap peared seriously injured, according to The D aily Voice. UPS: W allington ED . volunteer Lt. Richard Ray and R obert Ventura w ere sworn in as borough p olice o f ficers in June. D O W N S: Two p eop le died as the result o f an early m orning fire that con su m ed a dw elling on A gar PI. in South Flackensack, June 10th. Part o f the house's r o o f and flo o r c o l lap sed during the fire, the D aily V oice reported. UPS: O cean Gate receiv ed $978,000 to acquire a new p iece o f fire apparatus equipped with an aer ial ladder. The funding cam e
Retired Jersey City Deputy Fire Chief Robert Cobb, attending the FDJC ISO Class 1 classification ceremony in May, will be inducted into the Firehouse Magazine's Hall of Fame, in September. through the US Department o f A gri culture's (USDA) Com m unity F acil ities L oan s & Grants Program, officials said. M any structures have been lifted after Superstonn Sandy to m eet flo o d elevation require ments. D O W N S: E igh t residents o f h om es on L ogan Ave., Jersey City, w ere disp laced after a 3-alarm fire that began in a vacant building that w as being renovated. May 25th. The fire spread from 102 L ogan Avenue to o ccu p ie d d w ellin gs at 100 and 104, separated by narrow alleys. The fire's origin w as considered sus picious, accordin g to a city sp ok es woman. UPS: N ew firefighters in Springfield are Justin French and R obert Scaniello. D O W N S: A fire quickly co n sum ed a V illage Ct. 2.5 story dw elling in Paramus on the morning o f June 17th. The fire apparently ig nited on a rear deck and spread to the home, a ccordin g to the D aily Voice. A cou ple and their tw o young daughters escaped the flames. UPS: Joseph B irch told has been p rom oted to fire c h ie f in Teaneck. Joseph Z b iersk i w as p rom oted to deputy c h ie f and C h ristopher R obin s to battalion chief, in June. Paul O'Connor w as p rom oted to captain and Jason W eimann and Brendan Sterinsky are the new lieu tenants. D O W N S: A tractor-trailer driver w as k illed in a crash w hen his truck struck the con crete divider that sep arates toll lanes at the NJ Turnpike toll b o o th p laza in Carney's Point, June 14th. The truck then caught fire and the driver w as trapped in the ve hicle, a NJSP spokesm an reported. UPS: M ark R u sso has b een p ro m oted to fire captain in Springfield. D O W N S: A n em p loyee at L oving Pets fo o d manufacturer w as im paled
by a rotating bar at the top o f a m a chine w hen she w as clearing mate rial from sam e in South Brunswick, in June. A rotating bar m o v e d and she w as im paled through her fore arm, o fficia ls said. Firefighters w ork ed for 45 m inutes to dissem ble the section w here the victim's arm w as trapped; and, then they had to use several p ow er cutters to rem ove the bar from the machine. She w as taken to R obert W ood Johnson U ni versity Flospital to have the bar re m o v ed from her arm. UPS: T im G riffin has been p ro m oted to fire lieutenant in L on g Branch. N ew ly appointed firefight ers are Jake Danishinsky, D ave Jones, Joe Paulson, A ndrew Clay, N ick Cioffi, D ou g Saffioti and Tyler
Schick. D O W N S: In June, a w ildfire at W harton State Forest in Burlington County, labeled the M o llica R iver Fire, con sum ed over 13,500-acres in size, o fficia ls said. A t that point, it w as labeled as the largest w ildfire in the state sin ce 2007. “W e have e s sentially ruled out natural cau ses and so we'll continue to investigate the fire,” accord in g to G regory M cLaughlin, c h ie f and state fire warden for the NJ Forest Fire Serv ice. UPS: R id g e fie ld Park Fire Lt. Brian N evin s w as nam ed the N ew Jersey & N ew York Volunteer Fire men's A sso cia tio n “Firem an o f the Year”.
Ridgefield Park Fire Lt. Brian Nevins, second from left, was recently named New Jersey & New York Volunteer Firemen's Association "Fireman of the Year". He is seen at the RPFD's inspection and awards ceremony, July, 2021.
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Second-Alarm House Fire on Farnham Ave. in Lodi L O D I, NJ - A t about 7:45 A.M. on June 24th, the L o d i F D w as disp atch ed to 383 Farnham Ave. for the report o f a p ossib le fire. The first arriv ing C h ie f reported a w ork in g fire w ith sm ok e sh ow in g from the eaves o f a two-and-a-half story frame dwelling. A secondalarm w as soun ded to the scene. A ll residents w ere accoun ted for as the sm ok e co n d itio n in ten si fied. Flam es vented out the first floo r 'A' side as lines w ere bein g stretched. The flam es w ere k n ock ed back as so o n as water started flow in g, but the sm ok e co n d itio n in ten sified from the secon d floo r and attic. C onditions continued to deteriorate as sm oke w as pushing from all floors o f the dwelling. A secon d floor bedroom flashed and extended out the front w indow s. T his p rom pted the com m an d to be giv en to all c o m panies to exit the structure. Several handlines from all sid es o f the h om e w ere put into operation. S oo n the intensity o f the sm ok e b ega n to su bside and m em bers w ere able to re-enter. G round ladders w ere used for a c ce ss due to stairs and floo r bein g burnt away. A ll v isib le fire w as qu elled within one hour, and the fire w as p la ce d under con trol shortly thereafter. L o d i Fire P re vention is investigating the cause. N o serious injuries w ere reported. G arfield, W allington, Saddle B rook, H asbrou ck H eights, and R o ch elle Park p ro v id e d mutual aid to the scene. A third-alarm w as transm itted for co v e ra g e to the Borough.
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ S.
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Vehicle News
Rahway Engine 1 is a 2022 Spartan Metro Star 1500-GPM/750-GWT pumper with six- In Woodbridge Township, Hopelawn Rescue 8 is now in service with a 2022 man cab and low rear hose bed design. It was sold by Campbell Supply Co. Spartan/Rescue 1 model apparatus with portable winch, light tower, roll-out equipment trays, two-bank air cascade, transverse compartment space, and many other features.
Oakland Ladder 1041 is now in service with a 2022 E-Once Cyclone 100-foot platform, Fair Lawn Quint 2 has been assigned a 2022 E-One Cyclone 1500-GPM/500-GWT/100sold by Absolute Fire Protection Co. It has a 6 kW generator, six-man cab, roll-out foot aerial ladder unit, sold by Absolute Fire Protection Co. Cross lay hose beds are tool trays and transverse compartment space. located in an extended front bumper. In addition, it has a vertical water tank located in front of the pump panel, a 6 kW generator and an eight-man cab.
At Wayne P.O.L. Company 2, Truck 2 is now in service with a 2022 Spartan/Toyne Paterson EMS 7 is in service with a 2021 Ford F450XL 4x4/Demers model ambulance. 2000-GPM/400-GWT/100-foot platform. It has seating for six, an Onan diesel genera tor, roll-out tool trays and two monitors in the bucket.
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Vehicle News
Monroe Township Ladder 23 has been assigned a Pierce Velocity 2000-GPM/750- The East Hanover Fire Dept, in Morris County recently received a 2022 Pierce Velocity GWT/30-GFT/107-foot quint, sold by Fire & Safety Services. rescue pumper featuring a 1500-GPM pump and 750-gallon water tank. The depart ment changed from the traditional white-over-red apparatus to a new color scheme. It was sold by Fire & Safety Services.
The Ogdensburg Fire Dept, recently took delivery of a 2022 HME/Ahrens Fox Rescue The Chester Fire Dept, recently took delivery of a 2022 Pierce Velocity Ascendant Pumper featuring a 2000-GPM pump and 500-gallon water tank. It was sold by Emer tower ladder featuring a 2000-GPM pump, 300-gallon water tank and 100' aerial. The gency Equipment Sales & Service. apparatus is also equipped with All-Steer. It was sold by Fire & Safety Services.
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Register at www.1rbn.com to begin posting directly. Prefer emails? Email your press release and photos directly to RON JEFFERS
Middlesex County Haz Mat 7 has been assigned a 2021 Freightliner MC 106/EVI unit, sold by Campbell Supply Co. Features include a 7.5 kW generator, climate controlled work space, pull-out awning, floor dry dispenser and spare SCBA cylinder storage space.
Lindsey@1 stresponder news, com
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Four Alarms Struck at Bayonne Apartment Building Fire BAYON NE, NJ - O n Tuesday, June 7th, B ayonne Fire Department crew s battled an in tense four-alarm fire overnight at a threestory apartment bu ildin g on B road Jump to fiie# w ay and 15th Street. 061022111 N o injuries w ere reported in the blaze located at 326 B road way. The fire w as re ported at 10:21 P.M. Tuesday, and finally declared under control at 1:49 A.M. on Wednesday, June 8th.
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Garfield firefighters quickly doused a blaze at a local auto body shop on the evening of June 7th. The fire broke out shortly after 8:00 P.M. at D&T Auto Body on River Driver at Belmont Avenue. Firefighters had it under control within 30 minutes. No injuries were reported. Mutual aid at the scene and covering at firehouses came from Wallington, Elmwood Park and Saddle Brook.
Jefferson Township firefighters were just part of many first re sponder units that participated at the Ramsey Rescue Squad wet down on June 18th. The squad celebrated the placing into serv ice of Rescue 8's 2006 E-One rescue truck, that was refurbished by that manufacturer in 2019. The apparatus saw original duty as Teaneck Rescue 1.
1st R esponder N ewspaper - NJ
August, 2022
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
If you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
If your department has photos you would like to see in our “Memorial Board”feature please upload them on our website www.lRBN.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
A W ell Respected and Loved Fire C hief Passes William “Bunky” Oser, 90, fol lowed in his father's footsteps and joined the Jersey City Fire Department in 1959. Manag ing, in between tours, he also was a school teacher at Dick erson High School for 20 years, retiring in 1982. Oser rose through the ranks of the FDJC and retired in 1997 as deputy chief and tour com mander of Group 'A'.
Cinnaminson L-20, a 2014 Pierce Arrow XT 105-foot aerial with 15 kw generator, once served the Evesham Township FD.
In addition, Oser served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and he attended Seton Hall University on the Gl Bill, earning both bachelor's and master's degrees in Educa tion. He was also quite a dancer, and he taught Arthur Murray dance lessons. Chief Oser enjoyed the cama raderie and respect of the members of the FDJC. At his funeral, firefighters that knew and worked with the chief said they never heard a discourag ing word about him. He was a gentleman, that respected oth ers, and they respected him. During his retirement years, he remained active with fire department activities. He also volunteered his time. Chief Oser served on the Board of Directors and as the Hudson County Representative for the New Jersey Firemen's Home in Boonton.
Members of the Jersey City Fire Department offer retired Deputy Chief William "Bunky" Oser a final salute during his funeral at St. Joseph's Church on June 23rd.
Ambulance 001 of the Cinnaminson Fire Department (Burlington County) formerly saw service in Maple Shade. It is a 2016 Ford E450/Demers MX164.
The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Joseph's Church on June 23rd. Active and retired fighters lined up to offer Deputy Chief Oser a final salute. Some members of the FDJC that worked with Oser are now part of the upper ranks, themselves. During his life, he served the public as a firefighter, saving lives and property. Also as an educator, he was concerned with their future growth.
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The Vincent Fire Company of Southampton Township (Burlington County) has in service this 1994 HME 1871/4 Guys pumper tanker with 1500-GPM pump and 2500-gallon water tank and 10-inch rear dump valve. It formerly saw service with the Mizpah Fire Company in Hamilton Township (Atlantic County). It presently remains blue which was Mizpah’s color.
Deputy Chief Jack Johnson worked on Group 'A' with Oser when he was a firefighter. On his Facebook page, DC John son said, “You were one of the most liked members ever in the 150-year history of the Jer sey City Fire Department." “More later.”
Deputy Chief Oser in command of a multiple-alarm fire, on a "Fire Engineering" magazine cover in 1995. The photo is part of a collection of photos on display at the Gong Club.
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
If you have photos you would like to see in our “NJ G igs”feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
If you have photos you would like to see in our “NJ Memories”feature, please upload them to our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
These unknown "gangsters" did a drive-by water pistol shooting with their antique Ford chief's car at the Ramsey Rescue Squad wet down, in June.
J a c k d e R o s s e t c o lle c t io n
In the 1970's, two bordering North Hudson County fire departments operated with similar Duplex/Howe 100-foot tractor-trailer aerial ladders. West New York Truck 1 was built with a diesel motor. It lasted into the early 2000's as a spare truck for the North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue.
The "drive by" antique Ford is lettered as the "Skunniemonk F.D".
Attending the Tri-County antique muster in Jamesburg, June 26th, was this 1916 Ford/American La Fra nee, described by the manufacturer as a chemical car. It was the first piece of motorized apparatus for the Niagara Fire Company of Merchantville, and it cost $1250.
J a c k d e R o s s e t c o lle c t io n
North Bergen Truck Co. 1 used this Duplex/HOWE TDA model that was assembled with a gasoline engine.
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Also in attendance at the Tri-County muster was this privately owned 1963 Ford Falcon chief's car, owned by Lindenwald Fire fighter Frank Weindel. The owner said it saw duty as a chief's car in South Carolina and still possesses the original two-way radio.
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Paramus Crews Arrive to Fully Involved House Fire PARAMUS, NJ - As the sun rose over Bergen County on Friday morn ing, June 17th, so did a plume o f black smoke that billowed from a home in Paramus. At 5:00 A.M., the fire department was requested to respond to 164 Vil lage Circle West for a reported porch fire extending into the house. Paramus PD arrived on scene and advised they had heavy fire in the rear o f Hie house, and that all occupants were ac counted for. Within minutes the home was fully involved in fire as Engine 2 and Truck 4 arrived on scene. A working fire was transmitted, bringing in remaining Paramus units as well as mutual aid companies. Mul tiple handlines were stretched and water supplies were established as companies went into a defensive op eration on the structure. Tower 4 set up for aerial operations and Engine 4 went into service with their deck gun to assist handlines already in opera tion. Maywood and River Edge Lad ders would be set up and put into operation hitting hot spots throughout. It took firefighters about 30 min utes to knock down the heavy fire, however they would remain on scene for awhile performing overhaul and hitting hot spots. Shortly after 7:00 A.M., the fire was placed under con trol. No injuries were reported and the fire is under investigation. The home is a total loss.
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Fire in Paterson Detailing Shop Quickly Contained PATERSON, NJ - Shortly be fore dawn on June 17th, Paterson units were dispatched to a reported fire. Some confusion with the address ini tially had the assign ment going to two addresses. The fire building stretched between E. 12th Street to River Street. Fire was ex tending through the roof o f a one and two story auto detailing business at 73 East 12th St. and 607 River Street. Companies quickly opened up an overhead garage door on the E. 12th St. side and soon had several two-and-a-half inch lines in oper ation through the door and also to the roof. The flames were rapidly extinguished, keeping the assign ment to a first alarm. Companies commenced overhaul and several units were soon released. No in juries were reported, and the cause is under investigation.
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
See Ya Later, Dad
LITTLE BIG GUYS If you have photos you would like to see in our Little Big Guys feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderN ews.com.
Chaplain's Corner Didymus McHugh
There are many times that we do not know how to say that we love someone and then it is too late. Many people have been around people who say that it is not manly to show emotion or that it is a sign o f weakness. Well, I have seen too many people that had challenges because they could never process their emotions or refused to go through their grieving process. We have relatives, friends, peo ple that we work with or people that we are used to see that mean so much to us, but we fail to say the words that clearly express how we feel. I truly appreciate the people that are in my life and sometimes I miss the mark. We have all had peo ple that leave our lives without us expressing how much they mean to us or how they have effected our lives. My father for a while was ill but still made it to certain meetings, so that we could see each other. I knew that it could be any moment that I may never see him again, so before we left each other, I would tell him that I loved him. His initial response was "why do you think I com e to these meetings" and over time he told me back that he loved me. In his weakened state, a week before he passed, we saw each other. He grabbed me, from his wheelchair, he hugged tight and cried and told me that he was sorry. No wake or memorial can do better than that moment. There are still things that I would like to talk with him about and share, so please indulge me. Dad, Farewell, I appreciate having you in my life more than I can ex press. I have learned so much from you. It was not until I joined the fire department that I really got to know you. As I was growing up, you were always working two jobs and then the police and fire department but still made time to sit with on days I would take the bus. You were one o f my instructors in the fire service. You may not have taught me in the fire academy but you taught things that many in structors did not teach. One o f the things that you taught me was how to think for myself. I was so glad that you were my lieutenant, when
I joined truck, and was later my cap tain. We went into fires as partners and at times went in with no gear. You even rode with me on a few am bulance calls and saw some o f the other work that I did. I am sorry that we never got our picture taken together but that does not matter. Nobody can ever take away the memories o f walking the boardwalk at the convention or hav ing breakfast at the Olympic or hav ing a container o f coffee and a buttered roll or time spent together at the firehouse or at different asso ciation meetings. I always looked forward to the meetings, in the later years, because that is when we got a chance to catch each other up, on what was going on in our lives. I know that most men do not say "I love you" to another man but as you said you showed up. It was not until the last two years that you fi nally said the words and the last year that I remember a hug. The hugs that you gave me the last time that I saw you were so strong, nobody can ever give me a hug that will ever mean so much. You told me that you were sorry but it is all good. There is noth ing to be sorry about. Thank you for letting me have the honor and privilege o f praying with you. You will continue to live in my heart and memories and you are part o f me and in my habits. I was told that grandpa, you and I look alike, talk alike, walk alike and tell the same stupid jokes, so you and grandpa are definitely part o f me You were always a hardworking man and you had dreams and goals that you were not capable o f pursu ing. Sometimes I wonder where you joy was. Was it in the days that you served in the navy or the brother hood o f firefighters and police that were part o f your life? We rode truck together and many times it did not seem that there was any danger, as long as I knew you had my back, no matter what sit uation. You will always be in my heart because you are a big part o f me and helped lead me on the path o f serv ing others. Dad, I will see you when I get reassigned to the Lord's station. Until we answer the next alarm together, I know you got my back.
This month’s Little Big Guy is Special Ops 712 of the Jefferson Township Fire Company 2 (Morris County). It is at their substation on an island in Lake Hopatcong. It started out as an ambulance in the 1980’s as part of the Jefferson Township Rescue Squad and was yellow in color. In 1996 the Yankee Coach module was remounted over a 1996 Ford E-450 4x4 chassis and it became a dive unit with Company 2. At a later date the county took over diving operations and this truck became a special operations unit, though it still has some dive equipment on it. It has a red-line generator and a Warn 8,000 pound front winch. Other equipment includes a Stokes little, safety cones, a Streamlight, backboard, two tool boxes, absorbent, siphon pumps, donut hose rolls, ice rescue suits, noodles and a floatation device.
Jefferson Township Special Operations 712 is a 1996 Ford E-450 4x4 chassis with 1980's Yankee Coach module. It was a former ambulance and later a dive unit.
Stay safe, Didymus McHugh 103 didy mus-mchugh. com
Rear interior view of the Jefferson Township Special Operations Unit 712.
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
ON THE LITER SIDE If you have photos you would like to see in our “ On The Liter Side”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
American Museum of Firefighting ON THE BOOK SHELF by John Malecky
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m an euver that there w ere handles a ls o riv eted on it every s o m any fe e t to m ake it e a sier to advance. T here is n o actual text to the book, but the reader can put togeth er the storie s and b a ck g ro u n d s o f the p h o tos ju s t by the cap tion s w h ich are elaborate. P h otos o f apparatus fro m hand-drawn to m o to riz e d are plentiful. In clu d e d a ls o are s e c tion al p h o to s o f m any o f these trucks. T h ere is ev en a beau tiful 1974 C a d illa c/M iller M e te o r am bu la n ce w h ich had b e e n g ifte d to the m u seu m b y a fire department. T his is a quality b o o k available at an in e x p e n siv e price. F or an yon e in terested in the fire s e n d e e it is w ell w orth the purchase!
APPARATUS IN ACTION If you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on ou rw ebsitewww.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderN ews.com.
Little Ferry Engine 306, a 2006 Seagrave pumper with a 2000-GPM pump and 500-gallon water tank, pumps lines into the scene of a fatal house fire in neighboring South Hackensack on June 10th.
T his is a hard c o v e r b o o k o f e x ce llen t quality, m easu rin g 9 V i in ch e s b y 12 inches. It has 200 p ages, 191 o f w h ich have c o lo r ph otos. T h e m useum , lo c a te d in H udson, N ew York, is part o f the F ire m e n ’ s A s so c ia tio n o f the State o f N ew York. It is a first c la ss “in stitu tion ”w ith a c o l l e c tion o ccu p y in g fou r b u ildin gs and e n c o m p a s s in g the entire h istory o f fir e fig h tin g in A m erica. O u t sid e o f a m a gn ificen t forw ard by W alt M cC all, a w ell resp ected au thor and h istorian and an in tro d u ctio n e q u a lly m a g n ifice n t by D en n y Randall, the rest o f the b o o k has p h otos w ithin fiv e ch ap ters. M any o f the p h otos take up the full p a ge and represen t every a sp e c t o f fir e fig h tin g fro m p o r traits, equipm ent, appliances, a p paratus, helm ets, b u ild e r’ s plates, alarm b o x e s and registers, sirens, w arn in g ligh ts and m ore. There is a m o d e l o f the 1916 F D N Y F ireb oat W illiam J. Gaynor. A n oth er in terestin g p h oto is a roll o f riv eted leather fire hose. T his typ e o f h o se w as s o d ifficu lt to
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the Month’feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
Bob Long JU LY ft
“ Well, mid-July and it’ s 102 degrees...Walmart should be putting its Christmas stuff out any day now!” EUGENE WEBER JR.
This patch belongs to the Elizabeth Fire Department (Est. 1837), located in Union County, NJ.
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August, 2022
APPARATUS IN ACTION If you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com .
Firefighters review the "HUEY" Delta #6.
Members of the Ramsey Rescue Squad prepare to go to work at the scene of a multiple-alarm fire in Allendale, June 4th. Rescue 8 is a 2006 E-One, refurbished by E-One in 2020. It saw original duty as Teaneck Rescue 1.
Bell Jet Ranger "DELTA #3" coming in for the hook-up.
NJFFS D ivision “ A” Long Line R e q u a lifica tio n SUSSEX COUNTY, NJ - New Jersey Forest Fire Service re cently held its annual “HELR” long line requalification at Aeroflex Air Base. Firefighters reviewed cargo nets, bucket op erations, and firefighter transport. They also reviewed the up dated info on the local ships. Some of these firefighters will be headed out west to assist in the fight against mother nature.
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Saddle Brook Engine 2, a 2018 Pierce Enforcer, supplying several hand lines and a deck gun during SB Rescue I's wet down, June 11th.
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Closter F.D. Battles Attic Fire on Jason Woods Rd. CLOSTER , NJ - C loster fire fighters battled an attic fire early M onday morning, June 13th, after heavy rains blew through the area. Shortly before 2:00 A.M.', firefight ers were requested to respond to 5 Jason W oods Rd. for a re ported house fire. On arrival, heavy smoke could be seen emit ting from tlie r o o f and a w orking fire was requested, fo l low ed by a second-alarm. A n attack line was stretched through the front door to the second floor by the first due engine as the tower set up to the roof. Interior crew s opened up ceil ings, attacking the fire from the sec ond floor as multiple vent holes were made in the roof. Mutual aid com panies arrived and stretched additional lines to the second floor to attack the fire. Fire fighters were able to knock down the fire that was contained to the attic within 30 minutes. Mutual aid from N orw ood, Demarest, Elarrington Park and Northvale assisted on scene. N o injuries were reported and the cause is imder investigation.
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August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
ACTION SHOTS If you have photos you would like to see in our “ Action Shots”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
UNION CITY, NJ - North Hudson firefighters wet down the remains of a pickup truck that caught fire on the Lincoln Tunnel helix, just west of the Pleasant Avenue exit in Union City, June 20th. North Hudson and Port Authority Bridge & Tunnel Agents operated at the scene, where a local traffic nightmare ensued.
ALLENDALE, NJ - Firefighters open up the roof of a burning Bonnie Way, Allen dale, single-family, dwelling during a multiple-alarm fire on June 4th. During a search, firefighters located a 17-year-old girl and took her out of the burning home. Efforts to revive the local high school student were unsuccessful. A pet dog also perished. The fire appeared to have been accidental, police said in a statement.
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
FACES OF NEW JERSEY’ S EMERGENCY SERVICES To see your Faces in the newspaper upload them on our website wmv.lstResponderNews.com, email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com or mail them to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street. New Windsor, NY 12553,
The officers and members of Engine Co. 1 in Saddle Brook pose with their new Res cue 1, a 2021 Pierce Enforcer Rescue/Pumper before the wet down.
Active and retired members celebrated the retirement of three North Hudson First Battalion captains at the 16th Street firehouse in Union City, June 8th. (Lto R): Chuck Snyder (Ladder 1), Mike Donnarumma (Squad 2), Deputy Chief Dave Donnaruma (Group 4), and Joe Rovito (Engine 1).
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In honor of serving the community for 150-years, Carlstadt volunteer firefighters held a celebration for the community at the Jefferson Street firehouse on June 11th.
On the morning of June 23rd, North Hudson firefighters joined Deputy Chief Nickolas Gazzillo (dress uniform) for his final "walk-out" after 35-years of service. The chief began his career with the former North Bergen Fire Department and retired from the 29th Street firehouse in Union City as Tour Commander of Group 2.
c it y
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On Saturday, June 4th, the Jersey City Gong Club hosted a Region 9 meeting of the International Fire Buff Associates, Inc. (IFBA), at their new Summit Avenue quarters. The IFBA consists of fire buff clubs in the U.S. and Canada that are involved in such things as fire scene rehab canteen operations and antique fire apparatus interest and restoration. Region 9 consists of organizations in New Jersey, New York and Penn sylvania. Visiting guests from Region 1 (New England) were Ken Beliveau, Region 1 Vice President, and Ignatius Kapalczynski, editor of the IFBA's publication, "Turn Out".
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
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1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
Freewood Acres Orders Monster Pumper/Tanker The F reew ood A cres Fire C o m pany (Fiowell Tow nship District 5) in M onm outh County has placed an order from D efen der E m ergen cy Products for a Rosenbauer, tri-axle high pressure pumper/tanker. S pecs include a Peterbilt 389 chassis. Hale 3000-GPM pum p with side mount panel, speedlays, 4850-gallon water tank, qu ick dumps, Z ic o electric portable tank and suction tube mounts, custom storage com part ments, A m dor roll-up doors, 360 Cam era System and an F X 3/16 inch aluminum body. See faceb ook for the drawings. In the p h otos this m onth w e ju m p ed around a little in the state. U p north in M orris County is M or ristow n’ s first P ierce pum per and a Ferrara pumper/tanker from Jeffer son FC No. 2. M ovin g over to Sus sex County w e have a Rosenbauer C om m an der pumper/tanker from Hardyston Township. This one was sold w hile N ew Jersey Em ergency Vehicles w as still the dealer. We tell you this so you do not get con fused by the headline regarding the R osenbauer sold by Defender. Fur ther dow n the state is a P ierce pum per and an International/EO N E from a station in Holm del. The E-ONE is used as a spare. Then in U nion County is R ahw ay’ s Spar tan E R short w h eelbased pumper. This design is becom in g m ore and m ore popular. Finally is the big brute P ierce V elocity heavy “w et rescu e” in Evesham Tow nship (Burlington County). It is three years old by now, but it took som e tim e to get to photograph it due to restrictions stem m ing from C OVID-19. In dealer news, w e continue with D efen der E m ergen cy Products R osenbauer orders: for the Squankum FC in H ow ell Township (M onm outh County) a 100-foot mid-mount tow er with Com m ander 70-inch cab ch assis having an 11inch raised r o o f and barrier free cab entry doors, Cum m ins X12, 500 hp d iesel engine, W helen lighting, stainless steel body. M ax F orce Bumper, FRC 360 Camera System, hot dipped galvan ized frame rails, W aterous S110C20 single-stage pump, 400-gallon p oly water tank, custom storage compartments, A m dor roll-up doors, R osenbauer Smart A erial Technology, aerial camera and w ireless controls for the platform, m onitor and outriggers. Brick Township P olice EM S (Ocean C ounty) has ordered a M edix M S V157 Type 1 am bulance on a D o d g e Ram 4500 4x4 chassis. It w ill have a 6.7L diesel engine, liquid spring suspension, 72-inch headroom, W helen light package, air horns, Pro-Air high capacity HVAC sy s tem and a Vanner 100 watt inverter. R osenbauer d eliveries in clu de to East O range (Essex County), a C obra 100-foot mid-mount tow er (second R osen bauer aerial in the fleet). This w as a Fast Track D e liv ery o f a cu stom ized stock unit to match their Viper aerial S p ecs inPlease send any com m ents or news tidbits you might have about A pparatus o f the M onth to us at 1st R esponder News, 1 A rdm ore Street. New Windsor, NY 12553. O r you can e-mail them to A pparatus@ lstR esponderN ew s.com .
A look at what's new with apparatus around the state with John Malecky
Hardyston Township T-111, 2022 Rosenbauer Commander, 1500/3000 with three dump valves, sold by New Jersey Emergency Vehicles.
Morristown E-4, 2021 Pierce Saber, 2000/500, sold by Fire & Safety Services. JOHN M. MALECKY
Holmdel E-18-77, 2020 Pierce Enforcer, 2000/750/8 kw and 2.2 kw portable generator, sold by Fire & Safety Services.
Jefferson Township FC 2, Tanker 714,2020 Ferrara Inferno 1250/3000 with (three) 10-inch dump valves, sold by Firefighter 1 LLC. elude a Com m an der 60-inch cab with 11-inch raised roof, full length cab entry doors, Cum m ins X I 5, 505 hp diesel engine, W helen lights, 3/16 inch aluminum body. M ax F orce Bumper, hot dipped galva n ized frame rails, custom storage compartments, A m dor roll-up doors and a Harrison 6 kw generator. Also, Ventnor City (Atlantic County) re ceiv ed a side mount pumper (second Rosenbauer in their fleet) on a C o m m ander ch assis with a 54-inch cab and eight-inch raised roof, driver/officer EM S compartments and barrier free cab entry doors. Other specs in clude a Cum m ins L9, 380 hp diesel engine, W helen lighting, F X 3/16 inch aluminum body. M ax F orce B um per with B lack LineX, hot dipped galvanized frame rails, Wa terous CSUC20, tw o-stage 1250G P M pump, 500-gallon p oly water tank, custom storage compartments and A m dor roll up doors. A bsolu te Fire P rotection has re ceiv ed E-ONE orders as follow s: a stock m odel HP 75 (for shorter de livery time) for M orris Tow nship (Morris County), a tag on pum per for Jersey City (Hudson County) from their last order and a C y clon e rescue pum per for the Com m unity FC in Franklin Tow nship (Somerset County). They had delivered the HP 100 platform to Oakland and the M etro 100 quint to Fair Lawn (both B ergen County). B laze E m ergen cy Equipm ent S ervice receiv ed an order from
M anchester T ow nship (Ocean County) for tw o Life Line 167-inch Type 1 am bulances on Ram 4x4 chassis. The Asbury Park FD (Monmouth County) has ordered a Seagrave 95-foot Aerialscope. The City o f En g le w o o d (Bergen County) has or dered a Seagrave 100-foot T D A with 500 pou nd tip load and a pumper. S pecs on the T D A include a Marauder 141-inch stainless steel cab, Cum m ins X 12, 500 hp diesel engine, H arrison 10 kw hydraulic generator, 25-inch cab a ccess c o m partments, stainless steel bod y and d oo rs and Fire Tech H iV iz L ED scen e lights.The pum per is similar to their 2018 pum per with a M a rauder 141-inch stainless steel cab, 10-inch raised roof, 25-inch cab ac c e ss compartments, Cum m ins 450 hp diesel engine, 1750-GPM Water ou s pump, 750-gallon water tank and stainless steel 146-inch body.Fort L ee (also B ergen County) has ordered three top mount pum pers.Specs in clu de Marauder 141-inch stainless steel cabs, 10inch raised roof, 25-inch cab access compartments, Cum m ins L9,450 hp diesel engines, W aterous CM U 2000-GPM pumps, 750-gallon water tanks, stainless steel 146-inch bodies, h igh side compartments, upper coffin compartments and FRC scen e lighting all from Seagrave Sales & Service.
Holmdel E-12-75, 1992 International 4900/E-ONE 1250/750 and 6 kw generator, sold by Absolute Fire Protection.
Rahway, E-1, 2021 Spartan ER Metro Star 1500/750, sold by Campbell Supply Co., LLC.
Evesham Township R-22, 2019 Pierce Velocity 500/500/35 kw, 4.5 ton portable winch, sold by Fire & Safety Services.
August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
A pparatus o f th e M onth - CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 FF1 Apparatus LLC has delivered a Ferrara Inferno tender to the C olesville FD in Wantage Township (Sussex County). S pecs include a Cum m ins X I 5, 605 hp diesel en gine, extruded aluminum body, Fiale Qmax 2000-GPM pump and a 2500gallon water tank. Fire & Safety Services reports the follow in g deliveries: to Lebanon Township (Flunterdon County) a Ford F-550/ Stonew ell B odies pickup having a cap insert with side and rear storage, slide out tray with SCBA, Stokes basket storage and 60-inch deep slide out drawer. A lso the Town o f Flarrison OEM, (Hudson County) received a Front Line CRU-22 com m and unit on a Ford Transit chassis. It has a Foto Kite
tethered kite installed and interfaced with the com m and system. They have made the follow ing Pierce de liveries: to Wall Township #2, Laureldale (Monmouth County), an Enforcer pumper, to the Franklin Township D istrict 5, Star Cross (Gloucester County), an Enforcer pumper, to Burlington Township District 1, (Burlington County) a Velocity 100-foot A scendant m id mount platform and to Lindenwold #1 (Camden County) an Enforcer Ascendant 100-foot mid-mount platform. N ew Jersey Em ergency Vehicles has delivered to the ParsippanyTroy TTills Volunteer Am bulance (Morris County) a PL. Custom M edallion Type III on a Ford E-450 chassis.
DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
WARREN COUNTY, NJ - Budd Lake Fire Dept, recently drilled at Warren County Fire Academy, honing their skills on car fires. The drill included safety working around vehi cles and the hazard areas of burning cars. The Class A type burns provide a realistic training approach.
Newly promoted officers, seated, with fire officers and members of the North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue Management Board after seven members were escalated to new ranks at Fire Headquarters, June 22nd.
N orth Hudson P rom otes Seven O ffic e rs W EST N E W YORK, NJ - In front o f family, fe llo w firefighters and friends, seven m em bers o f the North Fludson R egion al Fire & R escu e w ere p rom oted at Fire Fleadquarters on June 22nd. The master o f cerem onies was Deputy C h ie f N ich olas G azzillo, w ho was on his last tour o f duty, re tiring after 35-years o f service. Fie began his career with the form er North B ergen Fire Department. O fficials o f the M anagem ent Board, representing the five munic-
Jump t o
ipalities p rotected by the regional department, participated in the cer emony. Weehawken M ayor Richard F. Turner is the Chairman o f the M anagement Board. Fire C h ief M ichael Falco swore in the m em bers receivin g p ro m o tions. Fie told them that they w ere ready to m ov e on. “Preparation is ongoin g.”Fie added, to kn ow and
understand what the department ex pects from you. Read, network, learn from others within the depart ment and outside o f the department. Challenge yourself-continue to learn. Prom oted were: Alider Pratts to deputy chief; W illiam P. Stoic to battalion chief; M ichael Novembre, Salvatore Degennaro, R ussell W illiams, Thom as K ross and Ernesto C am ejo to captain.
IN SERVICE If you have photos you would like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Firefighters receive a safety briefing.
Making the attack.
Malaga Fire Com pany operates this 2021 Spartan/SVI Heavy Rescue.
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
August, 2022
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August, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
Frontline Communications CRU-22 Mobile Command unit Ford Transit High-Roof Extended body L-shaped work area with three (3) work stations Five (5) monitors (3) TV, (1) off-air TV, (1) touchscreen Vehicle Integrated Power (VIP) system 8kw Roof Mounted Solar Panels and roof mounted camera Fotokite Tethered Kite integrated to video system Job #71923
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