November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NJ
EMS If you have photos you would like to see in our “EM S” feature, please upload them on our website w ww or email them to Lindsey@ lstR esponderN ew .
Jum per Down Requires T echnical Rescue in Pem berton Twp.
BILL TOMPKINS - WWW.BTFIREPHOTOS.COM A member of Montclair EMS gives oxygen to one-of-two felines rescued from a house fire in Montclair on September 25th. Both cats appeared to be doing well.
PEMBERTON TWP., NJ - At approximately 3:00 PM. on Septem ber 13th, the Task Force was dis patched to the area of 100 Lakehurst Rd. to assist EMS (Capital Elealth). Upon arrival it was discovered that a subject had jumped off of the dam into the spillway basin. Initial crews utilized a 35’ extension ladder to make patient contact while Lad der 1815 put its aerial device in serv ice over the edge of the dam as a high point. Upon initial assessment of the patient, medics were added and a helicopter was on stand-by. This type of rescue warranted a tech-
m nical rescue team, bringing in the JB-MDL, Westampton, and the BC Technical Rescue Unit, Virtua Para medics, and Cooper Health Aeromedical. The patient was packaged in a stokes basket and the basket was then hoisted from the top of the lad der using a series of ropes, pulleys and other gear associated with ascent and belay. The patient was then transported to Capital Health Debo
rah where Cooper Health Aeromed ical were awaiting to take over pa tient care and transport to a nearby trauma center. Mutual aid/assistance came from: Pemberton Twp. PD, Good Will Fire Co., Westampton Twp. Emergency Services, Capital Health, Virtua Micu Paramedics, Joint Base Mcguire Dix Lakehurst FD, Cooper Air Medical, and the BC Tech Res cue. - PEMBERTON TWP. VFD
WORKING FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces” feature, please upload them on our website, w ww or email them to Lindsey@ lstR
JOHN M. MALECKY In Hudson County, the Weehawken Volunteer First Aid Squad has a new Malley ambulance. It is shown here with the New York City mid town skyline in the background.
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Jack Siegel Bob Hahn RIDGEWAY VOL. FIRE CO. #1 Tel: (973)589-9162 Fax: (973)589-9230 On September 25th, a few members of Ridgeway Vol. Fire Co. #1 Station 34 completed the hands-on training for their state forestry certifications.