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JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER/SIDEWINDER PHOTOGRAPHY MALTA, NY - On October 17th, the Malta Ridge FD along with the Round Lake FD and Saratoga Springs FD for their FAST team were dispatched for a reported structure fire at 2130 Rowley Road after a neighbor reported smoke and fire coming from the home. Car 38 called en route to the scene and was notified by the dispatcher that they were taking multiple calls for the structure fire. -
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Heavy Fire Destroys M u lti-M illio n Dollar Home in M alta MALTA, NY - On October 17th, the Malta Ridge FD along with the Round Lake FD and Saratoga Springs FD for their FAST team were dispatched for a reported structure fire at 2130 Rowley Road after a neighbor re ported smoke and fire coming from the home. Car 38 called en route to the scene and was notified by the dis patcher that they were taking mul tiple calls for the structure fire. The first arriving chief had heavy smoke and fire pushing from the structure and requested both de partments to be reactivated for manpower, along with the two Ballston Spa Fire D epartm ent’s, Eagle Matt Lee and LTnion No.2. Command conducted his walk around of the residence, which was an 8,000-square-foot twostory home, with heavy fire in the main section of the building and heavy fire pushing its way through the roof in the other por tion of the house. Engine 384 arrived on scene and took the driveway. Firefight ers deployed multiple hand lines to the front door of the structure while Tanker 385 parked at the end of the driveway and estab lished the water supply for the scene. Crews had heavy fire push ing from the rear of the structure and a large open floor format style home. Firefighters made their way into the front door and began to conduct an aggressive interior at tack. Command requested Rock City Falls to the scene with one tanker. As additional firefighters arrived on scene, crews deployed a hand line to the rear the structure and firefighters used a chainsaw
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<4 a* to cut a large portion of the win dow frame out, making another entranceway for easy access to the other side of the house. Firefighters laddered the building and began to conduct roof ventilation. A hand line was also used on the roof to knock down the heavy fire condition running along the rafters. As fire fighters started making progress, a large portion of the roof col lapsed into the first floor. Fire fighters on the other side of the structure faced the same situation. The large open format allowing easy airflow to flow through the structure made it difficult for fire fighters to slow the fire spread. About one hour into the incident firefighters were able to bring the fire under control. The tanker op eration on scene kept the constant flow of water for firefighters to battle the blaze. Fire Investigators from the Saratoga County arson investiga tion team, along with the Saratoga County Sheriff's Department, and K-9 units from the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control all worked together to conduct an investigation into the incident. The home, valued at over $1.6 million, was a total loss. No injuries were reported and the fire is currently still under investiga tion at this time. Crews remained on scene for a large portion of the evening conducting overhaul and assisting investigators. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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CHELLE CORDERO Last spring when a young man jum ped off an upstate bridge, he was still wearing the hospital gown he was given at the local ER; after 911 was called, he was transported and since the ER doc didn't determine that he was an IMMEDIATE threat to himself or others, he was released (he couldn't be held without his con sent) — unfortunately there had been no mental health support and he left the hospital as despon dent as he was when a concerned relative called 911. All over the country 911 is routinely called when someone is in "crisis" and all too often arriving police esca late the situation ONLY BE CAUSE OF THEIR UNIFORMS and the effect it has on the pa tient, and all too often arriving EMS are not trained to deal with mental health emergencies, so they follow their protocol and transport to the local ER... just for the patient to be released without having received any vital help. A "crisis" situation is one that requires prompt attention, but is not immediately life threatening. By enabling those suffering with anxiety disorders, paranoia, de pression and other types of men tal illness to receive compassionate help from those who are trained to help, it could help to save them the added trauma of ambulance transport to the hospital and being released with no relief. Of course any be havioral emergency where vio lence or risk of personal harm or harm to others does need police intervention. Some areas, such as New York City, have been working on sending Mental Health Teams to respond when callers state to 911
that someone is having an emo tional or mental crisis. A few up state towns working to implement Community Paramedicine for oth erwise medically underserved pop ulations allow for EMS teams to arrive at the scene and make deter minations for the patient's treat ment needs; depending on the "average" call for that specific area the team may or may not be wellversed in that medical or mental health need. New York State cur rently has no formal criteria for Community Paramedicine, it is currently left up to the specific re gional guidelines, but ultimately Community Paramedicine allows for treatment of a patient at home or transported to a facility specifi cally geared to the patient's needs. An alternative for areas working with standard EMS response might be for medical directors to author ize transport to treatment centers other than just the local ER. Currently there is legislation in the NYS Senate to approve fund ing and implementation of a new emergency call number to be im plemented statewide to be used predominantly for mental health emergencies. Operators who an swer the '988' calls will be trained to assess and handle mental health emergencies and dispatch mobile mental health teams as needed. Depending on the case, teams may be able to talk-down a crisis mo ment, arrange counseling services, or have the patient transported to emergency mental health facilities. The FCC established '988' as a na tionwide phone number for Amer icans in crisis to connect with suicide prevention and mental health crisis counselors, bypassing police response. Harvey Rosen thal, CEO of the New York Asso ciation of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, said “This approach will hopefully de-escalate crises rather than leading to avoidable arrests and too often fatal encounters.”
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 22 No. 12 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Pe riodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial sponsibility is assumed by . . communications, inc. this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omit ted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month of publication Printed in Canada.
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Fatal Helicopter Crash in Cornwall Under Investigation CORNWALL, NY - On Saturday, October 10th, Cornwall-onHudson and Highland Engine Fire Departments responded to a helicopter crash on Route 218. Town of Cornwall, New York State and Park Police also responded. The location was sealed off as the Federal and National Transportation Board were called to the scene. The pilot was pronounced dead at the scene. The area remained sealed off as investigators searched for the cause of the crash.
Ulster County Vol. Firemens Association 86th Parade & Convention NAPANOCH, NY - At the Ulster County Vol. Firemens Asso ciation parade, held in Napanoch on October 2nd, New Paltz Fire Dept, took 1st place for Bloused Men, 14 and under, as well as 1st place for Best Ladder in County, and 1st place for Best Looking Chief's car. Their band, the Adamsville An cients, took 1st place for their Fife and Drum band.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Montana: Tim Hart, 36 Rank: Smokejumper/Firefighter Incident Date: May 24, 2021 Death Date: June 2, 2021 Fire Department: West Yellowstone Interagency Fire Center Initial Summary: On Monday, May 24, 2021, Smoke
Ohio: Douglas Dugan, 62 Rank: Chief Incident Date: June 16, 2021 Death Date: June 16, 2021 Fire Department: Tiltonsville Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Wednesday, June 16, 2021,
jumper/Firefighter Tim Hart was working the Eiks Fire in New Mexico when he was injured. He was taken to the hospital where he remained until his passing on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.
after returning from a mutual aid boat fire. Chief Douglas Dugan became short of breath and collapsed. Fire department personnel were able to get Chief Dugan into the ambulance. During transport to the hospital, he suffered a cardiac arrest. Shortly after ar riving, he passed away. The cause of death has been determined as a pulmonary embolism.
North Carolina: Ralph DeBlasi, 62 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 10, 2021 Death Date: June 10, 2021 Fire Department: Number 7 Township Fire Rescue of Craven County Initial Summary: On Thursday, June 10, 2021, while on his way to the fire station to respond to a vehicle ac cident that had occurred on Highway 70, Firefighter Ralph DeBlasi was involved in a single vehicle accident at the 2200 block of Brice’s Creek Road. Fire depart ment personnel responding to the first vehicle accident arrived on the scene and immediately provided EMS care to Firefighter DeBlasi, but he was unable to be re vived.
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California: Christopher Yock, 57 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 8, 2021 Death Date: June 8, 2021 Fire Department: San Francisco Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Firefighter Christopher Yock responded to a large fire on the fourth floor of the parking garage at the San Francisco Interna tional Airport. After extinguishment of the fire, he ar rived home. Shortly thereafter, he suffered an apparent cardiac arrest and passed away.
Missouri: Rodney L. Heard, 56 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: May 5, 2021 Death Date: June 15, 2021 Fire Department: St. Louis City Fire Department Initial Summary: Firefighter Rodney L. Heard worked in the Support Seivices Division and was in contact with many different fire stations and firefighters. He subse quently contracted COVID-19 while on-duty and passed away from the vims on Tuesday, June 15, 202L
New Jersey: Dennis B. Shennard, 70 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 26, 2021 Death Date: June 26, 2021 Fire Department: Kingston Volunteer Fire Co. #1 Initial Summary: Firefighter Dennis Shennary went into cardiac arrest during live bum training at the Mid dlesex County Fire Academy. Shennard received imme diate treatment at the scene by fellow firefighters and the Kendall Park First Aid Squad. Shennard was then trans ported to Raritan Bay Medical Center where he was pro nounced deceased shortly after his arrival.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
Hudson Valley Doctor Killed in Head-On Crash in Cornwall TOWN OF CORNWALL, NY - The New York State Police are in vestigating a fatal hit and run that occurred on October 10, 2021 at approximately 12:20 P.M. on State Route 32 in the town of Cornwall. Investigation revealed that a 2013 Honda Accord was traveling North and crossed over in the Southbound lane and struck a 2010 Chevy Tahoe head-on. The operator
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of the Tahoe, Dr. John C. Hordines, Jr., age 54 of New Windsor, was pronounced deceased at the scene. This is an ongoing investiga tion. - NYSP
PATCH OF THE MONTH I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the M onth’feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@ lstResponderNews.com.
Fast Emergency Actions Saves Homes, Protects Lives in Red Hook RED HOOK, NY - At 3:12 P.M. on Friday, October 22nd, the Red Hook Fire Company was dis patched to a structure fire/vehicle fire on Spring Fake Road in Red Hook. As they were responding to the scene the Red Hook Police Department and New York State Police reported several explosions on the vehicle and a significant amount of fire approaching nearby homes. LTpon arrival minutes later the first due fire engine realized that the vehicle was a large piece of machinery used in the roadway paving operation. The fully in volved machine had flammable liquids on board, as well as a large propane tank. Command immedi ately initiated an aggressive fire attack to protect the nearby homes, as well as to extinguish the
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m aP i fire on the machine and to cool the large propane tank. The fire threatening the nearby residences was brought under control in less than 20 min utes. The fire and potential explo sion of the propane tank on the piece of machinery was brought under control about eight minutes later. Overhauling the scene, mon itoring for hot spots, removal of the machine and clean up of the area took several additional hours. Red Hook Fire Company was assisted on the scene by the Tivoli FD, Milan FD, Fivingston FD, Clermont FD, Red Hook PD, New York State Police, Dutchess County Highway Department,
Dutchess County Fire Investiga tion Division, NY DEC and Brandi’s Towing & Automotive. Rhineneck FD and Germantown FD were placed on standby in case they were needed. Dutchess County 911 operators provided support and information through out the incident. About 25 firefighters were on the scene, as well as numerous law enforcement personnel. There were no reported injuries to first responders or the operators of the machine. Spring Fake Road was closed for the duration of the event, which concluded at 10:26 P.M. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
w w w .1rbn.com DAVIDG00LD This patch belongs to the Tri-Village Fire Co., located in Columbia County, NY.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Two-Car Crash with Serious Injuries in New Paltz NEW PALTZ, NY - The New Paltz Fire Department and New Paltz Rescue Squad were called on October 7th to a twocar MVA on Route 299West. Two persons were trapped, and one dog was also in a car. One person was flown to Westch ester Medical center, and the other was taken by ambulance to a local hospital.
A paraglider was rescued after crashing into power lines in front of Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont.
Paraglider Rescued from Power Lines at Local Farm in Altam ont ALTAMONT, NT' - A joint res cue effort took place on Monday, October 11th, for the rare occur rence of a paraglider caught in the power lines in Altamont. First Responders were dis patched to Indian Ladder Farms, lo cated at 342 Altamont Rd., at 5:30 P.M. for numerous 911 calls report ing a paraglider stuck in the power lines in front of the popular apple picking destination. The New Salem Fire Depart ment was dispatched with Albany County Sheriff’s Ambulance, Al bany County Paramedics, Albany County Sheriff’s and New York State Police for the call. Chiefs en route to the scene immediately re quested dispatch to contact Na tional Grid to turn off the power.
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LTnits arrived to find the man at tached to his motorized aircraft wrapped up in the primary power lines approximately 30-ft. in the air, with his parachute draped over the lines as well. A ladder truck from Elsmere was requested to the scene because it was the only ladder truck nearby that had a platfonn, since many lad der trucks from the Town of Guilderland were committed to an active structure fire in the Westmere Fire District at the time. A rescue truck from Slingerlands Fire was also sent to the scene to assist with the rescue of the patient.
LTpon the arrival of National Grid to turn off the power, rescue crews made their way up to the pa tient with the help of Elsmere’s lad der truck. Crews were able to safely remove the man from his motorized aircraft and bring him and his air craft to the ground without issue. The patient was alert and talking throughout the incident. Chief Craig Shufelt of New Salem Fire stated that the man was flying legally with proper equip ment and was believed to have been flying from the direction of Thatcher Park. The man was eval uated on the scene by EMS and was released without injuries. - THOMAS MARRA
IN SERVICE I f you have photos you would like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@ lstResponderNews.com.
Car Versus Pole on Rock Cut Road in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Orange Lake FD responded to a vehicle that struck a pole on Rock Cut Road on October 7th. Town of Newburgh Police and EMS were at the scene. Firefighters spread speedy dry on fluids on the roadway. The driver re fused medical treatment. Central Hudson was contacted for the pole damage. Rock Cut Road was closed in both direc tions during the incident. Town of Newburgh Police are in vestigating the cause. CHUCK LOWE
Cataract Engine & Hose, located in Goshen, operates this 2014 Kenworth T-800/Pierce 1250/3000 as Tanker 936.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
Brighton Vol. Ambulance Member Honored by the Monroe County Legislature ROCHESTER, NT' - The Mon roe County Legislature (NY) re cently honored Michael E. Pollock, a Brighton resident, recognizing his role in making Monroe County a better place to live. Michael has dedicated his life to Public Service. He has served nearly 35 years with Brighton Volunteer Ambulance (BVA), where he still actively volunteers, despite retiring as an EMT and Lieutenant. He is re tired from the NT'S Dept, of Correc tional Services as a Correction Sergeant, Deputy Fire Chief, and Firefighter after 28 years, two years with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, and six years with the Brighton Police Department. Pol lock also volunteered for 25 years with the Monroe County Office of Emergency Preparedness Radiological/Chemical Response team in a supervisory role. Michael's role as a lifesaver was not limited to his "on-duty" hours. While off-duty, he rescued two neighbors. One was an electrocuted senior citizen in full cardiac arrest, and the other was an infant in full respiratory arrest. Pollock works tirelessly on be half of all NT'S EMS personnel. Un fortunately, when the COVID-19 Pandemic was in its early stages, EMTs were left out of the definition of "Essential Workers." This techni cality had many effects, not the least their eligibility to receive the vac cine immediately, despite their role of going into homes to evaluate and transport patients that had con tracted the vims. He used the con tacts he had developed as BVA's Government Liaison to reach out to then, NYS Governor Cuomo, to issue an executive order declaring all EMS personnel "Essential Work ers." He continues to lobby officials to make sure that EMS workers are written into law as Essential Work ers. Michael is an advisor to Ezras Nashim, a BLS ambulance and First Responder service in Boro Park Brooklyn, the only all-women Or thodox Jewish EMS organization in the United States. He participated in the National EMS Memorial Bike ride during his recovery from a total knee replacement using a stationary exercise bike in Physical Therapy to
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ride virtual miles to raise funds for the proposed National EMS Memo rial in Washington, D.C. This event is very special to Michael because a Brighton Volunteer Ambulance member, Zhe "Zack" Zeng, who per ished while performing first aid at "Ground Zero" during the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001 will have his name on the me morial. Michael continues to aid his community by advocating on behalf of EMS workers, servicing on the Board of Directors of Brighton Vol unteer Ambulance, the Society for Total Emergency Programs (STEP) Council of the Genesee Region, and serving in an ex-officio role on the NT'S EMS Memorial Service com mittee. In addition, he is a member of the National Association of Emer gency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) and works on their advo cacy committee, including participat ing in NAEMT's EMS on the Hill Day. He is also a member of the NT'S Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Association. Finally, Michael secured over $500,000 in funding to expand the Brighton Volunteer Ambulance Base. Pollock also serves on the Tem ple Beth El Synagogue Security Committee. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Learning Disabilities Association of the Gene see Valley and the Brighton Rowing Club. Other outside activities include membership as a Master Mason in Zion #1 Lodge in Detroit, MI, a 32degree Mason in the Valley of Rochester Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and is noble in the Damascus Shrine Ma sons in Rochester. Michael and his wife, Mary Lou, live in the town of Brighton. He is the father to a daughter, Emma of Wash ington, D.C. Michael was nominated for this Monroe County Legislature Recog nition by Justin Wilcox, Legislator, District 14, and Joshua Bauroth, Leg islator, District 24.
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SAULMANEIR0, MONROECOUNTYLEGISLATURESTAFF (L to R): Monroe County Undersheriff Korey Brown, Monroe County Legislator Joshua Bauroth, Michael E. Pollock, Honoree; Monroe County Legislator Justin Wilcox, Monroe County Legisla tor Joseph D. Morelle, Jr; Monroe County Sheriff Todd K. Baxter
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Tractor Sparks Large Hay Barn Fire in West Coxsackie WEST COXSACKIE, NY - A farm tractor is believed to have sparked a large hay barn fire in West Coxsackie on Thursday, Au gust 5th. Fire departments were dispatched to 299 Lime Kiln Road at 8:30 RM. for a reported barn on fire. Assistant Chief Ken Fava of the Medway-Grapeville FD was first to arrive on the scene and ad vised incoming units of a fully-in volved barn fire on the property. “When I arrived on the scene the barn was heavily involved,” Fava said.“The only thing left was the roof and the support tim bers, everything else had already burned.” Fava says he was advised by the homeowner that there were approximately 70-80 round hay bales inside the barn at the time of the blaze. The barn was ap proximately 1,500-ft. off the road, according to Fava, adding to the challenges of fighting the fire. “When we first arrived we weren’t aware of the pond,” he said. “We had the first arriving truck lay five-inch supply hose in before we learned of the pond.” The first truck that made it up the driveway that discovered the pond, Fava says, used the pond as a water source and drafted water from the pond. Additionally, a tanker shuttle was established at the end of the driveway for tankers to empty their water into portable ponds to supply addi tional water to the firefighters fighting the fire, as the closest fire hydrant was in the Town of Earlton. The bulk of the fire was knocked down in approximately three hours. Crews were called back to the scene a few times over the weekend for hay that was still burning. Hay fires are difficult to fight, as the hay burns from the
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3f 1 ^ middle and has to be pulled apart and soaked down. “It was packed so tight in piles and with us spraying water on it as well as the sun hitting it and the humidity, it was just helping it smolder more,” Fava said. The homeowner used their ex cavator to help pull some of the hay apart and crews flowed water on the hay overnight and the hay continued to burn. Fava says each hay bale was estimated to weigh 1,500-pounds. Adding to the diffi culties was a rock wall on one side of the barn, which Fava says helped keep some of the heat in side. The homeowner stated he pur chased a brand new tractor approx imately one month ago, according to Fava, and said he believed a spark from the tractor started the fire. The fire investigation team has confirmed the cause of the fire to be a spark given off from the tractor. “The way the tractor was set up, the exhaust didn’t have a stack like a normal tractor,” Fava said. “It exited out of the front, under neath the front of the tractor.” He says the homeowner believed overworking the tractor may have been what set off the spark. “They said they were working the tractor pretty hard to try and get the hay bales in before dark,” he says. “He believes a spark flew out of the exhaust and caught one of the bales on fire.” The homeowner was almost done loading the hay into the barn when the fire started. “They said they were loading and when he went to come back with almost the last bale he heard loud popping noises and noticed the fire.” Two hay balers, two tractors, a brand new fertilizer, a lawn mower and other farm equipment was lost in the fire, according to Fava. Agencies on the scene in cluded M edway-Grapeville, New Baltimore, Coeymans Hollow, Coxsackie, and Earlton Fire De partments, as well as Greenville Rescue, Coxsackie Ambulance, Greene County Paramedics and the Greene County Fire Investiga tion Team. Greenville and Coey mans Fire Departments were on standby. There were no livestock inside the barn, and there was no power running to the building. There were no injuries reported on the scene. - THOMAS MARRA
Numerous departments battled a hay barn fire in West Coxsackie on August 5th.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Vehicle News
Fire Damages Home on F ifth Street in Rochester ROCHESTER, NY - On Friday, October 2nd at 10:45 P.M., Rochester firefighters responded to the intersection of Bay and Fifth Streets for multiple calls reporting a house fire. Firstdue units found heavy fire venting from the rear of a two-story house at 195 Fifth Street. Efforts to search the structure for occupants were hampered by a large amount of debris that was stored in the home. It was later determined to be vacant. A detached garage on the property was also damaged. The blaze was brought under control in about 25 minutes. There were no injuries reported. The Rochester Fire Investigation Unit is continuing its investigation into the cause of the fire.
The Esperance Fire Department in Schoharie County recently welcomed Tanker 7041, a new 3000gallon tanker with no pump, to their arsenal of equipment to protect their residents.
Middleburgh, NY's brand new 2021 Pierce "Ascendant" 2000GPM/300GWT/30Foam/100' Tower Ladder that was purchased with an AFG grant.
Three-Car MVA w ith Entrapm ent on Route 9W in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Middlehope FD responded to a reported three-vehicle MVA with possible entrapment on Route 9W, lo cated north of Lattintown Road, on October 6th. Town of New burgh and State Police, as well as Town of Newburgh EMS were at the scene. Firefighters used the Jaws of Life to extri cate one subject, who was then transported to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospital. Route 9W was closed in both directions dur ing the incident. DEC was called due to a diesel fuel leak. Town of Newburgh Police are investigating the cause.
Buffalo Niagara International Airport Fire Department placed this 2020 Pierce ladder truck into service on 6/13/21.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Careless Smoking Displaces 26 in Clifton Park CLIFTON PARK, NY - A fire on Saturday, October 2nd damaged three buildings at the Twin Lakes apartments in Clifton Park. The fire ripped through build ings 30, 31 and 32, with smoke seen from several miles away. The first crews to arrive were met with heavy smoke and fire, prompting a second and eventually third alarm. Authorities say they were de layed in responding because one of the residents tried to put the fire out himself before calling 911. Crews from eight companies responded, including Clifton Park, Halfmoon-Waterford, Hillcrest, West Crescent, Vischer Ferry, Boght, and Colonie. One fire fighter was treated for heat exhaus tion, but no other injuries were reported. A total of 16 apartments were damaged or destroyed, dis placing 26 residents. Investigators say the prelimi nary investigation determined that a discarded cigarette on a porch led to the fire. The Red Cross is assist ing 10 of the residents who were displaced. - MIKE CAREY
Firefighters battled a fire at the Twin Lakes apartments in Clifton Park, 10/2/21.
Crews on the scene of a structure fire at the Twin Lakes apartments in Clifton Park.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
PAG E 15
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @ 1stResponderNews.com
BETHLEHEM, NY - A live fire training drill was conducted with the teamwork of two local fire departments on Saturday, October 2nd. The Ravena FD conducted live burn training with the Selkirk FD at the Town of Bethlehem’s Fire Training Tower. The Town of Coeymans has no fire training center, so the de partments in that area have no training grounds to conduct these important training events for members to gain and strengthen their skills and knowledge necessary to do their work.
Ravena Fire brought Ladder 2670 and Rescue 26-40 to the drill with Selkirk bringing Engine 2921 and 29-55, the air truck. 29-55 is brought to actual struc ture fires and to training events like this to fill firefighter’s air bottles directly at the scene without having to bring the empty air bottles to the nearest firehouse that has a system to fill them up. Ravena Fire brought eight members to the drill to take part in this training.
“ Run 4 th e H ills fo r F irs t Responders” 8th Annual Event
SHARON SPRINGS, NY - On October 2nd, as the sun rose over Main Street in front of the Ameri can Hotel in Sharon Springs, fire fighters, police officers, members of the military, and EMTs from all across the state gathered for the 8th annual "Run 4 the Hills for First Responders" event. Music played by one of the local DJs as firefighters put on their heavy turnout gear, and racers began to amp each other up, creat ing an exhilarating atmosphere. Close to 100 first responders and runners eagerly lined up and awaited the blow of the horn, and then were off on their four mile run through the beautiful hills of Schoharie County. Patty Johnstone, Vice President of Hero Fund America, Inc., stated that "Run 4 the Hills for First Re-
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sponders" is a challenging 4 mile run/walk through the historic vil lage of Sharon Springs, NY and surrounding countryside, benefiting Hero Fund America, Inc., our Duty Gear Challenge winners, and the Sharon Springs Rescue Squad. Hero Fund America supports edu cation, training & life saving equip ment needs for first responders. Fire, Rescue and Faw Enforcement Departments are welcome to partic ipate in the Duty Gear Team Chal lenge (3 person minimum, in turnout/duty gear, present race day) and compete for Cash Prizes ($1,000 for EACH division - Fire, EMS & Faw Enforcement, based on best overall team time), along
with medals (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) for individual first responders in each division. New Balance will be offering three $100 gift certificates for pairs of sneakers to the first male and female finishers, along with a drawing for the third. A stu dent plaque will be awarded to the School Team with best overall time, and a Community Team trophy will be awarded to the largest participat ing team (business or any group). Prizes would also be given out for the top three individual fundraisers or fundraising teams! Patty stated that she is ab solutely ecstatic for next year's ninth annual run and is hoping to double the number of teams and sponsors to help out with this great cause. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
V is it us online fo r more news! w w w .1rbn.com JEFFREY RELSCHWIHDER/SIDEWIHDER PHOTOGRAPHY
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Two Women Hurt in Bloomington Crash BLOOMINGTON, NY - A car vs. truck crash on Rt. 32 in Bloomington at the south end of Kallop Rd. resulted in en trapment of two persons on October 28th. Bloomington Fire Chief Joe Hafner said it took about 20 minutes to free the vic tims. Initially, firefighters feared serious injuries. Rosendale Fire Dept, was asked to set up a helicopter landing zone, but upon evaluation of the victims both were transported by ground. The truck driver was not injured.
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HENRIETTA, NY - On Halloween night, October 31st, at ap proximately 8:00 P.M., Henrietta firefighters responded to a vehicle fire on the southbound off-ramp of Interstate 390 at Hylan Drive. The fire was quickly brought under control with no injuries to firefighters or civilians.
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Structure Fire for Jamestown JAMESTOWN, N Y -A t 5:22 P.M. on October 15th, Jamestown Police came upon a structure fire at North Main and Cross man Streets. Jamestown Fire Department was dispatched to the scene, while Fulvanna was requested to standby at the scene with their ambulance. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Fire crews faced unique hazards when a car snapped a pole with transformers on fire and almost a vehicle fire against a fence as well.
Crash Creates Unique Hazards for Firefighters in Front of Local Selkirk Drive-In SELKIRK, NY - A car crash in Selkirk created a unique hazard for first responders and forced a local drive-in to close on a busy Saturday night. Multiple 911 calls began flood ing the Bethlehem Communica tions Center for a car that struck a pole with transformers on the ground and on fire next to the car in front of the Jericho Drive-in on Jericho Road around 2:15 P.M. on October 2nd. Arriving units from Selkirk Fire stated that the driver was out of the vehicle, however, there was active fire on the ground. The car had struck and broke a utility pole, causing three transformers that power the drive-in to fall and catch fire in the brush on the side of the road. The front of the car was in the brush and against the fence to the property of the drive-in, preventing
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firefighters from being able to dis connect the battery from the car. National Grid arrived on the scene and advised fire crews that it was safe to get closer and use a drychemical extinguisher on the trans former fire. As time went on the car began to produce smoke from under the hood that kept growing and growing. With the front of the car against the fence with no safe way to dis connect the battery and a tow truck 20 minutes away, fire crews made the decision to pull the car from the ditch to get it up to the road before there was a vehicle fire added to the hazards. Fire crews used the hitch on the back of a fire chief’s vehicle to tow
the car away from the fence so they could disconnect the battery and prevent a fire. Jericho Road was closed from Route 9W to Elm Av enue East until tow crews removed the car. National Grid remained on the scene overnight to replace the pole and transformers. Jericho Drive-in was forced to close the drive-in Saturday night as they were without power. It is unclear the direction of travel or factors in the crash, as Bethlehem Police have not pro vided a statement as of this report, however, the driver did refuse med ical attention at the scene. The Selkirk Fire Department responded with Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, Albany County Paramedics and Bethlehem Police. - THOMAS MARRA
Two-Alarm Structure Fire on Lander St. in City of Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - The City of Newburgh FD responded to a reported structure fire at 158 Lander Street on October 23rd. On arrival Command requested a second-alarm to be transmitted, bringing West Point and Air National Guard Fire Departments to the scene. The fire was found on the first floor and had extended to the basement area. Firefight ers used hand lines to knock the flames down. City of New burgh Police blocked off Lander Street during the incident. Mobile Life ALS, Central Hudson and the Red Cross were also requested to respond, as well as the City of Newburgh Fire Investigation Unit. Cronomer Valley and Middlehope Fire Departments stood by at the public safety building. The fire is now under investigation.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Fully Involved Fire Damages Home in M ontgom ery MONTGOMERY, NY - The Montgomery FD responded to a structure fire at 5 Maple Lane on October 19th. Command arrived and requested a second-alarm to be sounded after finding the residence fully involved. Initial re ports stated that a fe male was still inside the residence, but she was confirmed to be outside. Additional units responded from Walden, Coldenham, Washingtonville for their FAST, Maybrook, Pine Bush, Silver Lake, City of Newburgh for their FAST, Orange Lake, and Air National Guard Fire Departments, as well as Village of Montgomery and New York State Police, and Montgomery and Town of Newburgh EMS. Cen tral Hudson was called for a power cut. Firefighters used hand lines and hand tools to knock down the fire, as well as two ladders that were in operation. Fire investigators were called to the scene. - BOB MCCORMICK BOB MCCOBMICK
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13T Responder Newspaper - NY ______________ December, 2021____________ PAGE 21
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
BETHLEHEM, NY - A swift water rescue drill was conducted in the Town of Bethlehem on Mon day, September 27th. The Slingerlands FD conducted the drill with the Selkirk FD and some members of the Elsmere FD in the Hudson River, at the location of the dock for the Selkirk FD’s boat. This location was chosen primarily because of the possibility of a rescue of
a victim(s) stuck in a current in the river. Technical rescue team mem bers of Slingerlands Fire and members of Elsmere Fire who were interested in learning, practiced getting a feel for the new suits purchased by the de partment through a grant.
of getting rescuers in and out of the water, as well as throwing rope bags to rescue victims. A boat from Selkirk Fire was in the water to make sure rescuers were safe and also practiced rescuing victims from the side of the boat as an alternative res cue source.
Members practiced safe ways
Medevac Launched fo r Serious M otorcycle MVA on Route 9W in Newburgh
Bob Long
NEWBURGH, NY - Middlehope FD responded to a serious MVA involving a motorcycle on Route 9W and Courtland Drive on October 15th. Town and State Police responded to the scene, as well as Town of Newburgh EMS. Firefighters assisted with traffic control and checked the vehicle for hazards. EMS requested a Medevac with the landing zone initially set up at the Middlehope Fireman's Field, but due to heavy fog the landing zone was moved to the ShopRite parking lot on Route 32. Marlboro FD set up the landing zone. Town of Newburgh EMS transported one subject to the landing zone, who was then turned over to LifeNet. The subject was airlifted to Westchester Medical Center. Town of Newburgh Police are investigating the cause. Route 9W was shut down northbound during the investigation.
"I tried to rem arry my ex-wife, but she realized that I was only after my money!"
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
F le xib ility Chaplain's Corner Didymus McHugh
Most of our lives we are taught to make plans for our fu ture. Sales people try to predict the sales of a company, children and adults set their career goals. People plan on when they are going to have children or when they will have a house. We try to plan things and then tell God when we will do what and achieve what in our lives. We then start to learn what is truly in store for us. Life happens. We may not have enough money to obtain our goals or to help us. There may be health issues or other events that change the route that we have to take. You may be trying to go someplace that is important and there may be traffic or an acci dent. Why get mad? How is that going to change the situation? How flexible are you with what goes on in life? There are organizations that follow the way of Gum by. They teach that we need to be flexible. Their motto may be "hail Gum by" or "Sempre Gum by", while other organizations have the motto "Adapt and Overcome". Yes, as we are delivering service to clients, we also have to learn to be adaptable. We may not have the physical resources or the manpower, so we have to modify our delivery method or be diligent with each and every resource. People thought they had their life together and planned out and then they find out that they are going to have a child, or there is an unexpected job change, so they need to adjust. People plan on financial re ward of getting a promotion or pay raise, but it does not happen so they have to adjust their spend ing. They may not be able to af ford the replacement vehicle that they desperately need. We also need to remember that being flexible is not all bad. If we stay completely rigid, we can get stressed out. Sometimes things just don't go our way. The Bible states that God works all things for His good. We need to remember that, believe that and hope that we can actually notice the good in things not going our way. Do you realize that the detour that you had to take or the traffic that you were in or the delay you had just saved your life? You missed being in an accident. Do you realize that the friend that
called you and wanted to have a cup of coffee with you, that you changed your schedule for, they were thinking about taking their life? Think about somethings from long ago. Do you think that Mary planned on getting pregnant and being the mother of Jesus? She was flexible. How do you think Joseph felt? He was flexible. He did not get rid of Mary and he raised her child, who name was Immanuel, God is with us. On their trip, an angel spoke to them to change their travel arrange ments. How many people that were called to work with Christ were to be flexible at that very mo ment? If we look at those that are called to serve, many change their lives immediately. The disciples changed their lives immediately and look what they ended up doing. They traveled and their lives were never the same again. Just look at the life of emer gency responders. Their entire life is based on being flexible, even though their families cannot al ways figure it out. There are other occupations that require flexibility. Smart people plan for flexibility and they may leave to travel and leave extra time, just so that they can be flexible. There are people out there that want you to be flexible all the time, but they refuse to be flexible for a second. It is alright to be flex ible, but look at those people's hearts. If someone is telling you that you always have to be flexible but they refuse to be, maybe you may not want to be around them because maybe they are control ling. But be flexible, you never know where life will take you. You never know who you meet. You never know what good you will be performing. You never know who you may be saving. The Bible states in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I have found that when my day does not go as I expect, I trust in the Lord because He already knows the why and the outcome of the modifications to our day. Remember to be as flexible as a tree in the storm. The tree with deep roots will stand and the tree with shallow roots will topple over. We, who have deep roots will be flexible but never give up on who we really are and the belief system and morals that are deep within us.
A dual wet-down ceremony was held at the Tivoli Fire Department for their brand new engine and ambulance.
Tivoli FD Holds Dual Wet-Down Ceremony TIVOLI, NT' - The Tivoli Fire Department held a wet-down cere mony for two new pieces of appa ratus on Sunday, September 26th. The fire department, located in Dutchess County, lost apparatus and their firehouse following a fire in July of 2019. They lost a fire en gine and an ambulance in the blaze, along with their firehouse and equipment. “The blessing was it brought this entire department together,” said Chief Marc Hildenbrand of Tivoli Fire, speaking about the fire that destroyed the firehouse. “It helped us recruit, it helped us up date equipment and honestly it brought a lot of the camaraderie back to the firehouse.”
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3jP He went on to thank the mutual aid departments that responded to the fire at their station, who then do nated equipment for the department following the fire. The department rebuilt their old firehouse, but plans on having a new firehouse built with more space for meetings as well as showers and bunk rooms for their members and more, in order to meet the needs of the growing fire department with many new and young members. Champagne bottles were bro ken on each piece of new apparatus prior to the wet-down ceremony.
“A wet-down is a ritual cele brated by many volunteer fire de partments in the LTnited States in which groups of firefighters from neighboring towns ritualistically commission a new fire apparatus by anointing it with water sprayed from visiting fire companies,” as described on the Tivoli Fire Depart ment’s Facebook page. Fire departments that assisted with the wet-down ceremony were Red Hook, Rhinebeck, Rhinecliff, Taghkanic, Germantown, Clermont and Milan. Congratulations to Tivoli Fire for their brand new fire engine and ambulance! - THOMAS MARRA
Stay safe, Didymus McHugh didymus-mchugh.com
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
WORKING FACES I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Apartm ent Fire in Brighton Q uickly Extinguished BRIGHTON, NY - On Thursday, October 14th at 6:39 P.M., Brighton firefighters responded to an apartment on fire at 576 Eastbrooke Lane. Units arrived to find an exterior fire extend ing through the siding which was quickly extinguished. There were no injuries reported. Also assisting at the scene were Henrietta Fire District, Brighton Volunteer Ambulance and Brighton Police.
Chief Marc Futia of Elsmere Fire on Selkirk's fire boat at a recent swift water rescue drill in the town.
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FARMINGVILLE, NY - A call for a residential fire on Woodycrest Dr. sent firefighters to work around 1:00 A.M. on Sunday morning, October 3rd. On arrival, firefighters were met with a fully engulfed house fire and fully involved SUV in the driveway. - See full story on Page 29
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Train and Car Collide in Bayport, Pinning Driver
Copiague Working Fire Sends One to the Hospital
BAYPORT, NY - On October 26th, Bayport FD was activated for a car vs. train accident just after 10:25 A.M. on Bayport Ave. The train and car collided on the tracks, causing the train to drag the car underneath the train. Bayport firefighters and SCPD emergency services units removed the roof and passen ger door of the vehicle, freeing the driver who was then handed off to Community Ambulance personnel with serious injuries. MTA police and SCPD units are investigating the crash.
COPIAGUE, NY - On the afternoon of September 19th, the Copiague Fire Department responded to a Working Signal 13 at 302 Deauville Blvd., where a victim was found and pulled from the fire by Copiague FD Chiefs Kyle Miller (1-3-31) and Danny Broyles (1-3-32), and Amityville FD First Assistant Chief Gavin Budde (1-1-31). CPR was immediately in progress with help from Copiague FD and Amityville FD members. The crew from 1-1-12 continued CPR and trans ported the victim to a nearby hospital where the patient was awake and talking. The fire was located in the kitchen area. Mutual aid included Amityville for an RIT team and ambu lance, North Lindenhurst for an RIT team and Lindenhurst for an engine. Units were under the command of Copiague Chief of Department Dominick Nuzzi.
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Additional news from ANDREW IPP0UT0
Long Island can be found on our website at www.1rbn.com
West Sayville Honors 50-Year Members WEST SAYVILLE, NY - The West Sayville Fire Department re cently honored four members on their Golden Anniversary; 50 Years of Service. Honorees included Ex-Chief Scott Schrader, Ex-Chief Gary Schaum, Ex-Captain Don VanEssendelft and Firefighter Ken VanEssendelft with 51 years (not in photograph). Over the past 50 years, the knowl edge, experience and dedication of these members has helped pave the way for the very successful department we are today. (L to R): 2nd Asst. Chief Patrick D'Onofrio, 3rd Asst. Chief Michael Chiesa, 50 year members Ex-Chief Scott Schrader, Ex-Chief Gary Schaum, Ex-Captain Don VanEssendelft, Chief of Dept. Jeff Houghtalen, and 1st Asst. Chief Brian D'Onofrio.
Brentwood Woman K illed in Crash, Driver Arrested fo r DWI BRENTWOOD, NY - A Brentwood man has been charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs following a motor ve hicle crash on Hilltop and Second Ave. that killed a woman and injured eight other people on Saturday night, October 3rd. Brentwood firefighters used hydraulic tools to free oc cupants of the Jeep and red car involved in the crash while multiple ambulances from several area departments trans ported nine people, one of which died from injuries sustained after being in the passenger's seat of the red car.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
LONG ISLANi T DRILLS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Hagerman's tower ladder goes into operation at the Winter Brothers Recycling fire in Yaphank, 10/1/21. PATRICK D’ONOFRIO
WEST SAYVILLE, NY - The West Sayville Junior FD recently had yet another busy weekend. Their monthly meeting was held on Oct. 15th where they trained on the different classes and uses of fire extinguishers. Then on Oct. 17th, they assisted in the multi district fire prevention event held at West Sayville's Headquarters. The West Sayville Junior FD consists of approximately 50 children ranging in age from 8-17. They hold monthly meetings, trainings, Juniors racing team, and assist the department whenever they are called upon. The Juniors program is very successful in the recruit ment and retention of members and offers a smooth transition to the "big" department.
Flam es Erupt from R ecyclin g F a c ility in Yaphank YAPHANK, NY - At approxi mately 11:45 P.M. on Friday night, October 1st, the Yaphank FD was dispatched by Suffolk Fire Rescue to an automated fire alarm activa tion at Winter Bros Recycling lo cated on Old Dock Rd. On arrival, the first due chief re ported that they had fire in the building and a working fire was transmitted which started mutual aid into the scene from Hagerman, Brookhaven, North Patchogue,
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Medford and several other depart ments. Rehab was started to the scene from Shirley Ambulance as well. On arrival a FRES coordinator reported that they had heavy fire sky high, coming from the recy cling containers inside the structure. The chief requested that Hagerman
and North Patchogue tower ladders assist with dousing the flames. Mul tiple handlines were stretched as well. Heavy equipment was called in to move the debris pile so that fire fighters could ensure that no fire was left burning. Firefighters oper ated on scene for several hours be fore the blaze was placed under control. No injuries were reported. - JOHN WALTHERS
APPARATUS IN ACTION I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Apparatus in Action”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them toLindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Car Crashes Into W all A fter C olliding w ith Tractor-Trailer on LIE HOLTSVILLE, NY - Two people were injured after a car and tractor-trailer collided on the westbound Long Island Ex pressway between exits 63-62 on October 11th. The crash caused the car to drive into the cement dividing wall, crush ing it. Both the driver and passenger were able to get out of the car on their own. The HOV and left lanes were closed for about 25 minutes during the incident.
Holbrook Fire Department 27 Truck operates at a house fire.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
High W inds Help Fire Spread in Copiague COPIAGUE, NY - On the afternoon of October 9th, the Copi ague Fire Department responded to a working signal 13 at 603 Marconi Blvd., in a detached garage. 1-3-31 advised he only needed RIT from the mutual aid plan, and was fulfilled by Amityville. The cause of the fire is under investigation. SCPD Arson was requested to the scene. Copiague 1st Assistant Chief Kyle Miller had command.
Mastic FD and Ambulance Co. operate at a motorcycle crash, October 10th, on Montauk Hwy.
Medevac Transports M otorcylist to Trauma Center from Shirley Crash SHIRLEY, NY - On Saturday, October 9th at about 11:10 A.M., chiefs from Mastic Ambulance and Mastic FD were activated for a re port of an MVA involving a motor cycle at Montauk Highway and Aletta Place. Based on additional details, the call was quickly up graded to a general alarm for Mas tic FD. Suffolk County PD also dispatched officers from the 7th precinct to the scene. On arrival officers advised that they were going to need a medevac for the motorcyclist, with Mastic FD assisting in securing a landing zone at Applebees on Montauk Hwy. in Shirley. Assistant Chief of Mastic FD, Gene Martucci, had command of fire operations and ar-
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rived to the scene to find officers treating the rider. He immediately directed the first due engine to go to the landing zone and assist Suffolk Police with securing the parking area for the incoming helicopter. Engine 5-12-4 secured the landing zone. Engine 5-12-1 was directed to come into the scene and assist over at the accident, which was across the road from the landing zone. Chief Martucci advised that they would need to assist with securing the scene, but that PD was most likely going to hold the scene for an
investigation so they would not be able to clean up fluids or debris. En gine l ’s crew also assisted at the landing zone as needed. Fire Police 80 assisted Suffolk Police with traf fic control. The motorcyclist was treated for a serious leg injury by Mastic Ambulance crew members and the flight medic and then packaged and brought over to the helicopter for transport to Stony Brook Hospital for further treatment. Suffolk Police kept the road closed for several hours while they investigated, and once complete. Mastic FD was called back to clean up the fluid spill. - JOHN WALTHERS
Pilot Uninjured A fter Crashing Plane in East Quogue E QUOGUE, NY - On October 23rd at approximately 1:00 P.M., Southampton Town Police Communications Division received an emergency call for a downed plane in the area of County Road 104, East Quogue. The pilot took off from Easthampton Airport and was traveling west when he expe rienced engine failure and attempted to make an emergency landing at Gabreski Airport, but was unable to make the run way and crashed into some shrubs. The pilot, a 75-year-old male from NYC, was unharmed. Southampton Town Patrol units and detectives initially responded to the scene, along with New York State Police, who are handling the investiga tion in to the crash.
Wading River FD recently took delivery of this Ferrara HD 107. This rig sports a 2019 Inferno Cab & Chassis. The body is a 2021 Custom Spec built for Wading River FD. Pump is a side-mount Waterous S I00 & tank is 500-gallons.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
O verturn in Coram Sends P regnant D river and C hild to H ospital CORAM, NY - On Wednesday morning, October 27th around 10:30 A.M., a driver lost control of her car on Rte. 112, south of Country Rd. 83, leaving the roadway and striking a pole, snapping it into pieces. Coram firefighters responded and se cured the car and leaking fluids from the car. The driver, who was pregnant, and a small child were rushed to a trauma cen ter for evaluation. The driver and small child were briefly trapped, but were able to be assisted out of the car as it came to rest on the only parked car in the parking lot. SCPD closed the roadway for an investigation and to clear the busy road way of wires and pole debris. 6th Precinct detectives and crime scene units also responded.
Firefighters Electrocuted at Early-Morning Blaze in Farm ingville FARMINGVILLE, NY - A call for a residential fire on Woodycrest Dr. sent firefighters to work around 1:00 A.M. on Sunday morning, Oc tober 3rd. On arrival firefighters were met with a fully engulfed house fire and fully involved SLTV in the drive way. As crews began working an electrical wire fell into a puddle of water, sending electrical currents
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through the ground, injuring sev eral firefighters working in close proximity. The injured firefighters were treated on scene, except for two that were transported for eval uation. As the fire raged on, mutual aid
requests went out to Selden, Holtsville, Medford, Centereach, N. Patchogue, Holbrook and Mid dle Island. The fire, which was knocked down about 40 minutes later, completely destroyed the home and SLTV. No further injuries were reported. - CHRIS SABELLA
FUTURE FIRST RESPONDERS I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Future First Responders”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Car Destroyed, Driver Rushed to Hospital in M t. Sinai MOUNT SINAI, N Y - A three-car accident closed the roadway at Country Rd. 83 and Canal Rd. around 4:30 P.M. on Octo ber 22nd. A driver was found unconscious and had to be removed from the car. They were then given to paramedics from PJVAC who transported them to a local hospital for care. SCPD closed the roadway for several hours during their investigation.
Jack McNamara, an EMS youth squad member, Jr. Firefighter and Jr. Deputy Coordinator in Suffolk County, is seen here on the line practicing for the future during Brookhaven FD's Open House. Jack is the son of FDNY Fallen FF John McNamara, who worked over 500 hours at the WTC site after 9/11 and passed away from cancer in 2009.
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Fire Destroys Historical Building in Coram CORAM, NY - Just after 11:30 P.M. on October 4th, Coram fire fighters responded to a historic building at 325 Middle Cty. Rd. for reports of a structure fire. On arrival firefighters found the building, which was once owned by Revolutionary War Captain Nathaniel Norton, fully engulfed in flames. The build ing, which has been abandoned for several years, was in the process of trying to get federal funds by historic groups to restore it. SCPD Arson Squad and Town of Brookhaven Fire Marshals responded to investigate. The building had to be bulldozed, as it was completely destroyed.
Mastic Firefighters battle a fully involved shed.
Shed Goes Up in Flames Next to Shirley House SHIRLEY, NY' - At about 8:20 RM. on Tuesday night, October 5th, the Mastic FD was dispatched by Suffolk Fire Rescue to a report of a structure fire on Maple Ave., off McGraw St. Assistant Chief Gene Mariucci and Chief of Department Rudy Sunderman were first to respond to the call. The Fire-Com dispatcher ad vised that they were receiving re ports of a shed or camper on fire with propane tanks involved. Assis tant Chief Martucci arrived on scene to find the shed well involved. First due Engine 5-12-1 arrived on scene a short time later with 2nd Ft. Lasek
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as the officer. They were joined by crews from additional units, includ ing Engine 4, Rescue 10A and oth ers. Two lines were stretched and put into operation to put water on the fire, and a quick knock down was made. Firefighters maintained water on the propane tanks to keep them cool until the situation was under control. Investigators from Suffolk Po lice Arson Squad as well as the
Brookhaven Fire Marshal's office were called to the scene to investi gate the fire as per procedure. After investigators took photos firefighters completed overhauling the remains of the camper. The main house sus tained minor damage due to the in tensity of the heat from the fire, however it did not appear to catch fire. No injuries were reported, though Mastic Ambulance was on scene for support if needed. All units were returned to quarters after about one-and-a-half hours from the initial call. - JOHN WALTHERS
ALL IN THE FAMILY I f you have photos you would like to see in our “All In The Family”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
F ire fig h te rs Catch W ork in Lakeland LAKELAND, NY - Firefighters from Lakeland were activated on October 3rd for a reported house fire on Express Dr., with a possible occupant still inside. The first arriving units dis covered a high volume of fire, with no victims inside. Fire fighters made an aggressive attack, knocking down the fire in under 30 minutes. No injuries were reported.
The Verni Family of Brookhaven is full of fire service experience, and also own their own antiques. Pictured (Lto R): Brookhaven FD Commissioner Mike Verni, Sr., Brookhaven 1st Asst. Chief Anthony Verni, Firefighter Mike Verni, Jr., and Mike Sr.'s future son-in-law in front of the family's 1929 American LaFrance. The rig is from Baldwin FD, which was a department the elder Verni's father served in.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
In the market for a mid- or rear-mounted tower? Take a look at the new Pierce® Ascendant® 100' Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower! Reaching heights of 100’ vertically and 93' horizontally, the Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower packages a 5-section heavy-duty steel tower onto a vehicle with a low overall height of 10'8" and length of only 41'3" with a rear overhang of a rear-mount that minimizes tail-swing, it offers superior maneuverability and greater visibility. The Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower is available on a variety of custom chassis and body styles to meet your departm ent’s needs. Its integrated ground pads eliminate time spent throwing ground pads, so setup is streamlined and faster than any other aerial on the market. Configured as shown with a rear axle rating of only 48,000 lb, it outperforms with a 1,000 lb tip load capacity, up to 20-degree below grade operation, and a below grade 50-degree scrub area. All of this is accomplished at a mere 20' set-back from the building.
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
200 Firefighters Battle Fifth-Alarm in Harlem HARLEM, NY - Two hundred firefighters joined in to battle a blaze that destroyed or damaged multiple stores in a taxpayer in Manhattan on November 3rd. At approximately 3:00 A.M., units were dispatched to 490 Lenox Ave. for multiple reports of smoke from the roof. A 10-75 was transmitted on arrival for a fire in the first floor of a one-story 150'X50' taxpayer containing eight stores. Trucks opened up and the first line was stretched inside. A second alarm was transmitted at
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39 3:17 A.M. as the smoke condition in tensified. Heavy fire broke through the roof and all members were withdrawn at 3:23 A.M. The defensive operation quickly went to a third alarm at 3:26 A.M., and a fourth alarm soon after. A total of seven tower ladders were put into operation. This kept most of the fire damage
to the stores on the left with the rest suffering smoke and water damage. Two Multiversals and several handlines also operated. The visible fire was knocked down, but the heavy smoke con tinued. A fifth alarm was sounded for relief at 6:30 A.M., and the fire was placed under control at 7:19 A.M. One firefighter was trans ported to the hospital with re ported minor injuries. - BILL TOMPKINS
SOUTH FARMINGDALE FIRE DISTRICT SEEKS FULL-TIME HOUSE MAINTAINER (M-F) Applicant (Age 21 years +) must be reliable and able tn cnmmute between twe Incatinns. Daily cleaning, handyman repair, general maintenance nf 2 firehnuses. Operating vehicles, equipment, nrdering, maintaining supplies. Gaud cummunicatiun skills, cumputer pruficient, keep recurds, manage part-time staff. NYS COL driver’s license preferred.
Salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to: bofc@southfarmingdalefd.org BILL TOMPKINS - WWW.BTFIREPH0T0S.COM
December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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December, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
FDNY Ladder 343's memorial unit attended the Jersey City Fire Department's 150th anniversary parade on October 3rd. The Ferrara 100-foot rear-mount bears Fleet #FL11005.
Suspect Joel Manqal 38
Joint Task Force Makes Arrest Following “ Molotov Cocktail” Incident in Brooklyn
RON JEFFERS The members of FDNY Engine Co. 250 received a new Seagrave 2000-GPM/500-GWT pumper (SP20021).
BROOKLYN, NY - Fire Com missioner Daniel A. Nigro an nounced on October 30th that Fire Marshals have arrested Joel Mangal, 38, for the alleged use of im provised incendiary devices, commonly known as “Molotov Cocktails,” that resulted in dam age and destruction of a Brooklyn deli located at 496 Nostrand Av enue on October 30, 2021. Firefighters were called at 7:53 A.M. for reports of a store fire and arrived in three minutes. The rapid response allowed fire fighters to quickly bring the inci dent under control and provide medical treatment for one civilian with non-life-threatening injuries. “Fortunately, there was no loss of life here. The investigative work from the Explosives and Arson Task Force comprised of
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a£ I our Fire Marshals, the NYPD and ATF, led to the timely arrest of this suspect who threatened the safety of our communities by using such a cruel and destructive device,” said Fire Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro. “FDNY will con tinue to work alongside local, state and federal partners to bring to justice those who use fire as a weapon against New Yorkers.” Mangal is charged with Arson, Assault, Reckless Endangerment, Criminal Possession of a Weapon, and Criminal Mischief. The case will be prosecuted by the Brook lyn District Attorney’s Office. - DAVID BURNS
Stay on top of the news. V isit 1st Responder on the Web
a twww.1RBN.com RON JEFFERS In Brooklyn, FDNY Engine 290 has been assigned a new Seagrave 2000-GPM/500-GWT pumper (SP21005).
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
December, 2021
Tower-Ladders of the New York City Fire Department By John A. Calderone Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street. Suite 2A Hudson, MA 01749 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@fire-policeems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $29.95 This book is 8 inches by 11 inches and has 64 pages. Get it while it’s hot! Another master piece has been turned out by the author, who has given us several books on apparatus of New York City. The tower ladder was born out of research to obtain an elevat ing platform truck. At the time, Chicago was using snorkels and snorkel squads which were trucks with articulating platforms that were developed by an idea from Chicago’s Fire Commissioner, Robert Quinn, who one day ob served a tree trimming truck at work with such a platform and
wondered if something like it could be adapted to deliver ele vated streams. This was about 1958. The first Chicago snorkel was somewhat crude with boat hose for a waterway on a 50-foot platform. That truck is still in ex istence today, owned by the Figgie International, and it has been modified. All of this is being told be cause it formed the basis of study by the New York City Fire Depart ment. After intense study and ar ticulated boom demonstrations, New York felt that an articulated platform was not suited for the many narrow streets and overhead wires as well as firehouse door height restrictions, but that a tele scoping platform would be the an swer. Hence was the birth of the first tower ladder in 1964 after working with Mack Trucks, who in turn worked with a company named Truco to develop the first tower ladder. Through the years other boom manufacturers came into play, with Aerialscope being the latest. Two other brand tower ladder ap paratus were experimented with, including a rear-mounted model, however Mack was the predomi nant chassis and later Seagrave after Mack departed from the fire truck business. The history from that point is detailed in the book and is worth reading. The photos as usual are first class.
Fire Does Significant Damage to Staten Island Home STATEN ISLAND, NY - Units responded at 8:51 A.M. on October 20th to a two-family attached private dwelling at 96-98 Renee Place with fire on the first and second floors. A second-alarm was transmitted for the exposures. There were four lines stretched and in operation, with Divi sion 8 putting the fire under control at 9:53 A.M. One civilian and three members were treated for non-life-threatening injuries.
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? I f you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website wwwJstResponderNews.com or email them to Linds ey@ IstResponderNews .com.
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The 1980 Mack CF/Baker 75* Aerialscope that once served the FDNY as Tower Ladder 114 is alive and well in central Massachusetts. After leaving the FDNYthis rig was acquired by Pembroke, New Hamp shire where it worked for many years. Harvard, Mass picked it up in 2015 where it still runs as the town's only Truck Company. Harvard was recently approved to receive a new ladder truck via SAFER grant. Assuming the "chip shortage" does not delay its delivery, this Mack will be forced into retire ment after proudly serving 42 years.
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December, 2021
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