PEARL RIVER, NY - Fire consumed part of a strip mall on November 28th in a very labor intensive fire that took over 12 hours to bring under control with help from fire departments from three counties. Pearl River firefighters were dispatched around 12:15 P.M. Sunday to 100 North Middletown Rd., the Rockland Indoor Shooting & Education Range, for an activated fire alarm. -
See full story on page 10
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
One Person Badly Burned in Stephentown House Fire STEPHENTOWN, NY - On November 26th at 8:07 A.M., Stephentown Fire Department and Stephentown Ambulance were dispatched for a reported structure fire at 4835 South Stephentown Road. The caller reported the house to be fully involved with a large propane tank in the rear, and stated that everyone was out of the house. As Stephentown Car 1 called en route to the scene, the dis patcher notified him that they had a burn victim on scene. Mutual aid was requested from the Tsatsawassa and Lebanon Valley Fire Departments to the scene with tankers. Stephentown Car 1 ar rived on scene and immediately declared the Signal 30 for a work ing structure fire, as the house was fully involved with heavy fire im pinging on the propane tank in the rear o f the residence. Command notified the ambu lance that the burn victim was at the end of the driveway, and re quested a mutual aid ambulance that could provide advanced life support for the badly burned homeowner. A request to intercept the Stephentown Ambulance was made and luckily accepted by an agency that can provide advanced life support. The first arriving engine on scene made its way up the drive way and firefighters deployed a one-and-three-quarter inch hand line. Command requested the Nas sau Fire Department to the scene with a tanker and additional man power. The next arriving engine parked halfway up the driveway and established a three-inch sup ply line to the top of the hill for a water relay. Firefighters quickly ran out o f water on top of the hill, but tankers that were arriving on scene immediately began to pro vide a water supply.
Crews were presented with a great challenge, as the house had only a small portion of the struc ture above ground and there was very limited manpower on scene. The remaining portion of the house was in the basement area and a large metal roof made it dif ficult for firefighters to get access to the heavy fire condition from above, as they could not cut into it. Crews also used a hand line multiple times to cool down the 500-gallon propane tank. Firefighters made their way to the basement level o f the home where the doors had burned off the area, allowing them to knock down the heavy fire in the front part o f the basement. As addi tional resources made their way up to the scene firefighters used New York Hooks to lift the metal roof off the house and then used a hand line to knock down the re maining fire in the other part of the house. Firefighters ran out o f water multiple times on scene due to the large distance from the fill sights. After about one hour and 20 min utes firefighters were able to bring the fire under control. The burn victim arrived at Al bany Medical Center and was then transported to the Syracuse Burn Center in critical condition. Fire Investigators arrived on scene and began to conduct their investiga tion into the house fire. The other occupant o f the home was not in jured. Firefighters remained on scene for over four hours conduct ing extensive overhaul. The cause o f the fire is still under investiga tion at this time.
Read more stories from around New York on our w ebsite www.1rbn.com JEFFREY BELSCHWIHDER/SIDEWIHDER PHOTOGRAPHY
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
2020 SUTPHEN SL-100 MID-MOUNT AERIAL QUINT CONNECTICUT FIRE ACADEMY | CONNECTICUT •Cab/Chassis: Sutphen Monarch Extreme Duty •Engine: Cummins X-12 @ 500 HP •Fire Pump: Hale Q-Max 2000 GPM •W ater Tank: 300 Gallons
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January, 2022
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CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder New s (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 23 No. 1 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communicahons, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Pe riodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial responsibility is B assumed by this newspaper
New York State, as a whole, does not employ the full concept o f Community Paramedicine. There are some rural areas that have developed some practices which are reliant on local re gional rules and protocols, there are no statewide standards. The advantage o f a Community Para medicine program would allow EMS crews to offer primary healthcare and preventive serv ices to underserved populations in the community instead of just load and go even when the emer gency room is not what is really needed. Under the Community Paramedicine concept, a patient can be assessed, and transport could be arranged to a healthcare facility specific to their needs in cluding urgent care centers, psy chiatric facilities, a doctor's office, or even a modicum of treatment at home with possible follow-up care. Normally when an ambulance responds to a scene, the Para medics and EMTs treat and trans port to the closest hospital even if the patient requests another facil ity; some patients refuse (RMA) if they find they must go where they don't want to. Unless the local regulations and protocols allow for variances, the only true recourse that a crew has is to con tact Medical Control (the person, usually a physician, who can make final decisions about the care provided to the patient by the EMS crew). After being con tacted by the crew and given all the available information and as sessment, the doctor can decide and provide instruction via radio or telephone — this is referred to as Online or Immediate Medical Control; offline medical control is care and treatment provided based on the local protocols of the specific region. Ideally fo l lowing Online Medical Control helps to ensure that the treatment and facility (if transported) are specific to the patient's actual needs. Decisions to treat in place or transport to a different type of
facility also helps to alleviate over crowding at a busy hospital emer gency room where the patient may not really receive the necessary treatment for their complaint. When a hospital is on "diver sion" it doesn't mean that the hos pital is NOT accepting new patients, however it means that it can request ambulance services to bring patients to other facilities, and without permission, the crew must re-direct. However, there are times when the immediate level of care, or even the patient's insis tence, seem to necessitate delivery to that specific hospital; calling Medical Control, or the hospital it self (if it is deemed a Medical Control) and explaining the need to bring the patient there may re sult in the necessary permission. If it is the patient's demand to go to that specific hospital or they will refuse transport, it might be a good idea to explain to that patient that there is liable to be a lengthy wait once in the ER until treatment is received. Last year New York City initi ated a specific behavioral response unit to answer calls in specific (test) neighborhoods made to 911 for mental health emergencies. Prior to this initiative, behavioral emergency patients were not al ways able to get the compassion and care they needed from a hos pital's general ER. The units are trained to respond to suicide at tempts, substance misuse, and se rious mental illness, as well as physical health problems, and make the decision to transport pa tients to mental health facilities that offer counseling and treatment to meet their immediate needs. If there are reports o f a weapon or immediate physical danger, police officers are dispatched along with the behavioral response units as a safeguard. Community Paramedicine could allow for this type of mental health response, or other specific needs, elsewhere in New York State. "Community Paramedicine" is an umbrella term describing all the potential innovative and ex panded roles that EMS can per form within our healthcare system. This is a concept that is currently being worked on by a small group of NYS agency leaders.
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Pickup Truck Collides w ith Log Truck in Hurley HURLEY, NY - On November 3rd shortly after 12:00 P.M., the Hurley Fire Dept, responded to a log truck and pickup truck collision on Zandhoek Road in Hurley. The Ulster County Sheriff's Office said a preliminary investigation suggested that the pickup truck crossed into the opposite lane and struck the log truck. The pickup truck driver was injured and taken to the Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital in Kingston.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Double stack trailer Inflatable or Aluminum Spare motor mount Versatility Surge Brakes Elec. Winch to lower top boat. Optional Light Tower
January, 2022
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
g R espon d er m N ew sp a per
In memory of those who gave all
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1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers
emergency responders lost in the line of duty
Michelle Rosa
Joe BelsitO (Joe@1stRespondemews.com)
Illinois: Mehdi Mourad, 21
Muynck was treated and rushed by EMS to nearby
(Rich© 1stResponder.com)
Rank: Firefighter
Lankenau Hospital where he passed away in the early
Incident Date: June 27, 2021
morning hours o f Monday, July 5, 202 L
COLUMNISTS ••• R ic k B illin g s
C h e l l e C o r d e r o (EM S) A J F u sco
(Food Blog)
B ob L on g J oh n M a le c k y
(Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf)
Death Date: June 27, 2021Wabash Fire Protection District
Florida: Thomas M. Barber, 51
Initial Summary: While responding to a multiple vehi
Rank: Captain
cle accident. Firefighter Mehdi Mourad lost control of
Incident Date: June 13, 2021
the vehicle he was driving and rear-ended another vehi
Death Date: June 14, 2021 Fire Department: Jacksonville Fire and Rescue
D id y m u s M c H u g h
(Chaplain’ s Corner)
cle that was stopped on the side o f the interstate due to
F e r n a n d o V illic a n a
(Chaplain’ s Corner)
severe weather. Mourad was trapped in his vehicle and
had to be extradited. He was then taken to Carle Hospi
Initial Summary: On Sunday, June, 13, 2021, Captain
tal where he passed away during surgery around 10:30
Thomas M. Barber responded to a medical call at a
p.m. Mourad had only served with the Wabash Fire Pro
residence. Early the next morning on Monday, June
CORRESPONDENTS Jeffrey A rn o ld ‘ Jeffrey B elschw inder • Brian Berkey • D avid Burns • M ik e Carey • M ichael C ontaxis • J e ff Crianza • Russell C urley • V in nie D o m in ic k • Patrick D ’ O n o frio • B o b Faugh • Bradley F ow ler ‘ John G reco • Paul H arrington • Gar}' Hearn • C onnor Jacobs • H arold Jacobs • Ron Jeffers • La rry Kensinger • B o b K ra jic e k • Je ff Le vine • C hu ck Lo w e • M a iy B e th M ajestic ‘ Torn M arra • B o b M c C o rm ick • Randy M on tou r • W illia m M urra y • C harlie Piper • D avid Ragusa • John
tection District for five days. The two passengers in the
14, 2021, Captain Barber went into cardiac arrest at
other vehicle were reportedly taken to an area hospital
his home. He was rushed to the hospital where he
but expected to make a full recovery.
passed away shortly after arrival.
R ieth • Frank R obinson • B o b R oot • C hris Sabella ‘ John Sm ith • Ken Snyder • John Spaulding ‘ B ill Tom pkin s • Chris T om pkin s • B o b Vaccaro • G ar}' Vanvoorhis • Frankie Verderame • Stephen W allace • John W althers • Eugene W eber Jr. • Steve W h ite • G uy Zam patori J r
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ADVERTISING INFORMATION If y ou would like information about how advertising in 1st R esponder News can benefit your com pany call our advertising hotline at:
Virginia: Tyvaughn Eldridge, 26
Florida: Joseph Deltergo, 45
Rank: Firefighter Recruit
Rank: Firefighter
Incident Date: July 1, 2021
Incident Date: July 12, 2021
Death Date: July 3, 2021
Death Date: July 12, 2021
Fire Department: Chesterfield County Fire and
Fire Department: Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
Initial Summary: On Monday, July 12, 2021, Fire
Initial Summary: On Thursday, July 1, 2021, Fire
fighter Joseph Deltergo took his own life while on-duty
fighter Recruit Tyvaughn Eldridge suffered a medical
at the fire station.
emergency during mandatory physical fitness training at the fire department. He passed away on Saturday, July 3,
New Jersey: William “Billy”Shaffer, 53
2021. Investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Rank: Assistant Chief Incident Date: July 14, 2021
845-534-7500 ext. 211 •(fax) 845-534-0055 Advertising@1stResponderNews.com
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845-534-7500 ext. 214 •(fax) 845-534-0055 lnfo@Belsito.com
Pennsylvania: Sean W. DeMuynck, 35
Death Date: July 14, 2021
Rank: Firefighter
Fire Department: Hillsborough Volunteer Fire
Incident Date: July 4, 2021
Com pany #2
Death Date: July 5, 2021
Initial Summary: On Wednesday, July 14, 2021, Assis
Fire Department: Lower Merion Fire
tant Chief William “Billy”Shaffer responded to a vehi
Department/Penn Wynne-Overbrook Hills Fire
cle fire. While at the scene, he was found unresponsive
Com pany
by other first responders. He was immediately treated
Initial Summary: On Sunday, July 4, 2021, Firefighter
and was rushed to the RWJ Somerset Hospital where he
Sean W. DeMuynck was operating at the scene o f a resi
passed away.
dential fire when he was found unresponsive on the third floor o f the single-family dwelling. Firefighter De
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
Two-Car MVA w ith R ollover on Rock Cut Road in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Orange Lake FD responded to a two-vehi cle MVA with rollover on Rock Cut Road, located a half mile south of Old Rock Cut Road, on November 19th. New York State Police, Town of Newburgh Police, and Town of New burgh EMS were at the scene. The driver of the vehicle that rolled over was able to self-extricate before first responders' arrival, and was evaluated by EMS. Firefighters spread speedy dry on fluids on the roadway, and Orange Lake Fire Police blocked the roadway northbound during the incident. Town of Newburgh Police are investigating the cause.
F a ta l House F ire in Lim a C la im s One L ife LIMA, NY - On Tuesday, No vember 10th at 11:49 A.M., Lima and East Avon Fire Departments responded to a report of a house fire with a person trapped at 2700 Pond Road in Lima. A neighbor used a tractor to breach a wall to rescue a 67-yearold female resident of the home, who was transported by Livingston County EMS to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, where she was later pronounced dead.
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#4 3 P Fire units arrived on location to find a single-story ranch style home and vehicles in the driveway fully involved in flames. Firefight ing efforts were hampered by live power lines down in the front yard, as well as fire impinging on propane tanks. Tankers and addi tional manpower were requested to
the scene from Fivonia, Hemlock, West Bloomfield, Honeoye Falls, Ionia, Mendon and Caledonia Fire Departments. The blaze was declared under control in about one hour. Officials from the Fivingston County Emer gency Management and the Fiv ingston County Sheriff's Office were working to determine the cause. -JEFFREY ARNOLD
ANTIQUE APPARATUS If you have photos for Antique Apparatus please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Kingston, NY Truck 1 is this 1976 Seagrave tiller. JEFFREY ARN0LD/@FIREPH0T025
January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
PORT JERVIS, NY - Like all of the fire companies in Port Jervis FD, Maghogomock Hook & Ladder #7 (Hooks) is busy throughout each year with emergency calls, training, and hosting a number of fundraising events. Hooks firefighters are well-known for their cooking skills, both on the grill and in the firehouse kitchen. Here they are shown making their world-famous chicken barbeque din ner take outs, full course dinners available for pre-order and pickup. These fundraising events are very popular within the community, and nearly always quickly sell out. (Pictured clock wise from left): Matt Kowal, Joe Kowal, Sr., Chris Southard, Rob Worden, Sr., Rob Donohue, Dan Lewis, and Zach Morris.
M edEvac Launched fo r P e d e stria n H it by Car in New W indsor NEW WINDSOR, NY - New Windsor Police and EMS re sponded on November 3rd for a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle on Union Ave., by QuickChek. New Windsor and Vails Gate Fire Departments responded. On arrival, EMS requested a MedEvac to be launched. Vails Gate FD re sponded to set up the landing zone in the parking lot of the old movie theater on Route 94. New Windsor FD also re sponded to the landing zone. The subject was transported by New Windsor EMS to the landing zone where a Life Net MedEvac was waiting. The subject was transferred to the Medevac and flown to Westchester Medical Center. New Windsor Police are investigating the cause.
Defreestville Fire Department Holds Special Dedication for New Engine DEFREESTVILLE, NY - On November 4th, the Defreestville FD held a dedication ceremony for their new Sutphen Monarch Heavy Duty Pumper. The ceremony began with De freestville FD Chief William Burkart introducing the guests for the evening which included the Al bert/Stehr Family, North Greenbush Fire District Board of Fire Commis sioners, Wynantskill FD Chief Mark Mason and Asst. Chief Dan Wilson, and Minister Bethany Popkes. Chief Burkart told the crowd that the creation of this apparatus was a result of many hours of hard work. This apparatus was not just a one-department effort, but a district effort. Members of the Defreestville FD worked with members of the Wynantskill FD for a first-ever joint twin apparatus built and purchased by the North Greenbush Fire Dis trict, the first in its history. The new Sutphen Monarch Heavy Duty Pumper replaced the department's 24-year-old engine that had served the residents of the North Green bush area well for many years. The fire department started their committee in early 2018 and by the end of 2019, North Greenbush Fire District No. 1. was able to work with Vander Molen Fire Apparatus and service of Ballston Lake, New York who currently has fire apparatus with some of the busiest depart ments in the capital region. The chief talked about the many meet ings, long nights, phone calls and emails that had taken place, which led to the apparatus being engi neered and designed in mid-2019. After 18 months the new twin pumpers were delivered in June 2021. Members of the committee that worked countless hours were Chair man Richard French, Commissioner
TO FIIE # 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 0 9
I David Wilson, Chief William Burkart, Asst. Chief Brandon Galligan. Past Asst. Chief PJ Facteau, and current Defreesville FD Presi dent, Capt. Phil Sheehan, and from the Wynantskill FD, Asst. Chief Adam Littlefield, Capt. John Carroll, Past Capt. Ronnie Monroe, and Past Capt. and Fire Commissioner Nick Scifo. Associated members in volved with the 9-7 committee were Capt. Dan Sheehan, Lt. Gary Wright, Past Asst. Chief Shane Clute, and Past Chief Ray Swart. In the past, the Defreestville FD always dedicated new apparatus for a group of people such as the ladies auxiliary; the department never had a dedication of an apparatus in the memory of a specific person. The FD members recognized that there are many people throughout their 75 years that deserve to be recognized this way. One specific person came to mind, and that individual was Bob Albert, better known as “Chooch”. Bob “ Chooch”Albert joined the Defreestville FD on February 9, 1950 at the age of 24. He served many roles including president, vice president, secretary, financial secre tary, and historian. He also served in various firematic roles including Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and held the rank of Asst. Chief for 12 years. Albert chaired two truck com mittees, one of which was the old Thebault E-67 which would later be known as 9-7. The Thebault was the first 9-7 in the department's history. Albert also shared both major duties with the chicken barbecues and cal endar drives which provided the fire department with the financial sup port to keep the department lights
on and engines fueled and running for many years. Albert held eight of the high at tendance awards during his time with the department and was awarded Firefighter of the Year in 1990. One of the biggest projects that Albert undertook was becoming the department's historian. At one point a large chunk of the depart ment history was lost when a major ity of the department's year books went missing from 1945 to the mid1980s. Albert took it upon himself to restore the history, using his type writer to document the stories and history of the department, including major calls, carnivals held, fireman's day at the Schaghticoke Fair, and other events. The chief stated that 3/4 of the storage room in the station was filled with binders of his work. Thanks to Albert's dedication, new members that are joining the depart ment can read about the depart ment's history. Robert “Chooch”Albert em bodied the spirit of a volunteer fire fighter and was dedicated to serving his community, always willing to lend a helping hand. Chief William Burkart stated, “ The person I re member the most is the man who would greet me walking in the sta tion every monthly meeting. The man sitting at the poker table in the old fire station, playing poker for several hours with his friends. Al ways with a smile on his face and a handful of jokes printed from the computer. We still to this day don’ t know who was slipping him the jokes, as he didn’ t like computers. It is my pleasure and privilege that tonight we dedicate our new appa ratus in his name with a plaque that will be placed on the side of the new engine in his memory." - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
M arine Receives Surprise Escort Home fo r Thanksgiving in Coxsackie COXSACKIE, NY - A United States Marine received a surprise es cort back to his home in Coxsackie on Thanksgiving morning. Francis Burdick, 20, of Cox sackie, was returning home on Thursday, November 25th, when his friend of 17 years since pre-school, Jonathan Murphy, planned a sur prise escort for Burdick during his trip back home. Burdick graduated from the Marine Corps on Wednes day, November 24th, and Murphy had been planning the escort for over a month. Burdick joined the late-entry program in March, shipped out on August 30th and just returned home on Thanksgiving. “ It started by just wanting to welcome him home,”Murphy said. “ Once I reached out to a few people, we made it happen.” The ride home began with po lice and fire agencies along the over passes on the New York State Thruway. Burdick said he realized it was some sort of homecoming thing when he saw all the flags being dis played along his ride up the Thruway. “ It started when we passed one of the bridges on the Thruway and I saw a line of fire trucks and every body was waving,”Burdick said. “ Nope, it started when we passed a State Trooper [in New Paltz] and he was at attention with a salute.” The escort began when they got off the Coxsackie exit of the Thruway and took them back to his residence in Coxsackie. Coxsackie Village, Coxsackie Hose 3, Earlton and Greenport Fire Departments, as sisted by the Greene County Sher iff’ s and New York State Police, helped escort Burdick to his home where he was greeted by friends and family.
in FILE # 1 1 2 9 2 1 1 3 2
“ It meant the world just to see him happy,”Murphy said. “ It’ s one way to show my appreciation to the Marine Corps and one way to show that I ’ m proud of him for all that he’ s done for the past three months.” The escort was kept a secret and Burdick had no idea it was being planned. “ It really touched me,”Bur dick said. “ I was beyond surprised—I did not expect anything like that.”He had it in his mind that he was the one that was going to surprise his friends and family with his return home, but instead, he was the one that received the surprise. “ I thought I was going to be able to come home, I was gonna knock on my grandma’ s door and surprise her,” Burdick said, holding back tears. “She was outside waiting for me.” There were many reasons that Burdick said influenced him to join the Marines. “ The pride of belonging to something bigger than myself, being a part of the elite, to feel proud, to serve my country to make my peo ple proud, the freedom I have to choose what I want to do in life,”he said. “Somebody died for that and I owe that to them and to future gener ations.” He says his favorite part is the work ethic, discipline and integrity it instilled in him. “ I just want to thank everybody,” he said. “ My community, my people, my best friend, my brother, my sup port cast of this whole process of be coming a United States Marine, and my mom.”
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U.S. Marine Francis Burdick received a surprise escort home on Thanksgiving morning.
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Pearl River Crews B a ttle Stubborn M u ltip le -A la rm Fire in S trip M a ll PEARL RIVER, NY - Fire consumed part o f a strip mall on November 28th in a very labor in tensive fire that took over 12 hours to bring under control with help from fire departments from three counties. Pearl River firefighters were dispatched around 12:15 P.M. Sunday to 100 North Middletown Rd., the Rockland Indoor Shoot ing & Education Range, for an activated fire alarm. On arrival, command reported a one-story strip mall with alarms sounding. Upon further investigation, a smoke condition was located in the basement o f the shooting range, with Dollar General and Dunkin Donuts stores above. Customers that were at the gun range noticed fire and evacu ated the building after seeing flames from a wall. Companies searched through the basement attempting to locate the seat of the fire, however the fire had spread above the lead ceiling of
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the gun range and concrete floor of the business above. Due to heavy smoke with zero visibility, no ven tilation, and firefighters suffering from high levels of CO, command ordered all companies out of the basement. After hours o f searching and battling the fire. Chief Morrison requested the county Hazmat and Tech Rescue, Westchester Techni cal Rescue Team, and the Orangetown highway department to respond with jackhammers to open the floors o f the Dollar General and Dunkin Donuts stores to ac cess the fire. All members were pulled back when there was a re ported collapse in the basement, and all members were accounted for. Limited access to the seat of the fire brought high expansion foam units from Rockland County Hazmat and Oradell, NJ Fire D e partments to the scene to try and smother the fire. Nearly eight hours after the initial call, the fire continued to burn throughout the basement and was extending. Fire departments continued to rotate at the fire scene, as almost all fire de partments in Rockland County and some towns from Bergen County, NJ were called to the scene or cov ering firehouses throughout the fire. As midnight approached, al most 12 hours later, the fire had extended to the stores above with smoke beginning to push from the roof and the front o f the stores. Three tower ladders, one ladder pipe, multiple portable monitors and handlines were put into place as companies waited for the fire to break out. Light white smoke quickly turned into heavy black smoke as companies were put into opera tion. Fire broke through the roof in the rear o f the building, sending embers into the sky. Three tower ladders battled the heavy fire that burned through the roof as one ladder pipe and multiple exterior lines hit the fire from the front windows o f both stores. A collapse zone was set up on the 'Bravo' side o f the building as cracks caused concern for a collapse. The fire was placed under con trol almost 16 hours later. Fire fighters would return in the morning as construction crews began demolition of the fire build ing. Six firefighters were treated for minor injuries. Multiple police agencies were also on location due to ammunition in the building, and for the investigation into the cause of the fire. Mutual Aid from over 20 departments assisted the Pearl River FD in addition to numerous EMS companies throughout the county.
Q u a lit y E m e r g e n c y V e h ic le s F o r O v e r H A PPY
January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
MEMORIAL BOARD If your department has photos you would like to see in our “ Memorial Board”feature please upload them on our website www.lRBN.com or email them to Lindsey @ 1stResponderNews.com
Harold "Joe" McCaw, 90, of Walden, formerly of Middle Hope, en tered into rest on Thursday, November 4, 2021 at Sapphire Nursing Home in Newburgh. The son of the late Harold & Ida Helena Fuchs McCaw, he was born December 3, 1930 in Newburgh. "Joe" was the owner/operator of McCaw & Brueckner, Inc., which he ran with his late wife, Justine "Honey" McCaw, who prede ceased him on August 1, 2011 after 63 years of marriage. Joe was a charter member of the Middle Hope Fire Company, having helped build station 1 on Lattintown Rd. in 1948 at the age of 17. He served the firehouse in different capacities over the 73 years as a member, serving as fire commissioner for the last 40 years of his service, and a Captain of Firefighters. He leaves behind to cherish his memory, a grandson, Jason LoGiudice, a granddaughter, Rebecca Pacella and her husband Eric of Walden, three great grandchildren, Seth and his wife Amanda, Alexis and Peyton, one great great grandchild, and sev eral nieces & nephews. In addition to his parents and Wife, he was predeceased by a son, Robert J. McCaw, a daughter, Carol E. LoGiudice, sisters Jean Slaughter (Doug) and Barbara Thayer (Frank), and several nieces and nephews.
Port Jervis Firefighters Enjoy Fireman’s Friday Tradition PORT JERVIS, NY - Longtime Port Jervis firefighters and mem bers of Howard Wheat Engine Company #4 have been enjoying Firemen’ s Friday breakfasts to gether for years. It began with members taking turns cooking breakfast each week in the fire house, until Covid-19 temporarily halted the tradition. During that time, members were not allowed in the firehouse except for emergency responses. When guidelines changed to
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a? allow for small group gatherings again, the group began eating out every other Friday in various local restaurants. They have continued to do this, enjoying this non-emer gency fellowship together as brother firefighters and friends. The group, shown enjoying Fireman's Friday breakfast at Mama’ s Kitchen Deli and Cafe on
Ball Street on November 12th, are (pictured clockwise from left, with the date each joined Port Jervis FD): Jeff Ewing (5-14-1984), Joe Ranich (5-28-2008, who is also a retired NYC Firefighter), Hank Dunn (7-25-1966), Don Heller (longtime auxiliary member), and Stan Siegel (10-25-1965). They are pictured with staff of the cafe Ernest Dirosa, owner Paul New man, and Samantha Quick. - SHARON SIEGEL
DRILLS/TRAININIG If you have photosfor Drills please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Two-Alarm Garage Fire in Walden BOB MCCORMICK
NEWBURGH, NY - MES Rescue stopped by Good Will F.D. on 11/14/21 with new equipment that the company is presently show ing for purchase. Representatives were on hand for information and talked about the various tools available from their company.
WALDEN, NY - Walden Firefighters were dispatched to a reported structure fire at 46 Grant Street on November 15th. On arrival a second-alarm was sounded, bringing in Montgomery-Engine, BulIville-Engine, Wallkill-Engine, Coldenham-Truck/Rescue, Newburgh-FAST TEAM, Maybrook-Engine, and Pine Bush-Engine. Firefighters used hand lines to knock the bulk of the fire down before check ing for extensions. Orange County Deputy Coordinators that responded to the scene were 36-11, 36-101, and 36-104. The fire was located and extinguished in the cockpit of a garage. The Building Inspector and NYSEG were requested to the scene. Orange Lake stood by at Walden Central Fire house. Walden PD and Walden EMS were also at the scene. The fire is currently under investigation.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
DRILLS/TRAINING If you have photos for Drills please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
NEWBURGH, NY - On Tuesday night, November 16th, Winona Lake Engine Co. held a drill on howto stabilize a car and also practiced extinguishing a car fire.
The captain explains how the stabilizer works and where to put it on the car.
A fully-involved garage fire was extinguished before causing major damage to a home in Coeymans Hollow, 11/7/21.
Firefighters Save Coeymans Hollow Home from Massive Garage Fire
Using window scissors, practicing how to cut the glass out without getting it on the person.
Practicing handling the nozzle.
COEYMANS HOLLOW, NY - Lirefighters saved a home con nected to a large garage that was fully involved in fire on Novem ber 7th. The call came in at 11:15 P.M. for a fully-involved structure fire with reported entrapment at 182 Copeland Hill Road in C oey mans Hollow. With the reports o f the fire being fully involved, with flames and an orange glow visible in the night sky, responding Chief Bill Kapusta of Coeymans Hollow Lire immediately requested mutual aid fire companies to be dispatched to the scene. With the reports of the trapped individual, a second am bulance was also immediately re quested. “Arriving units found an over sized two-story, three-bay garage fully involved,” said Chief Ka pusta. “ The blazing garage was at tached to a two-story house to which the fire was spreading.” The garage was fully involved with a car inside, and the fire was beginning to spread to the house. The first arriving engine deployed four handlines to start fighting the fire. One handline was used to ex tinguish the side o f the house that
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was beginning to burn; the second was used inside the house to keep the fire back that was starting to spread; another was used on the garage, and another at the rear of the structure, according to Ka pusta. LTpon the arrival o f police and fire officials it was determined that the occupant was able to make it out o f the structure on their own. The victim that was trapped was able to find their way through the smoke to get out o f the house safely. A tanker shuttle was estab lished to shuttle water from a nearby pond to feed the engines at the scene of the fire. While extin guishing the fire, magnesium from the vehicle in the garage began re acting to the water, creating bright white light emitting from the garage. Overhead power lines also posed a concern due to the close proximity to the burning structure. Crews had a quick knock down of the fire and were able to prevent further spread to the house.
'Thank you; you saved our house,’"Those were the words spoken to me while being hugged this morning,”said Chief Kapusta follow ing the fire. “ The homeowners wanted everyone to know what an amazing jo b you all did last night saving their house after the oversized three-bay attached garage caught fire.” On the scene was Coeymans Hollow, Selkirk, Ravena, C oey mans, New Baltimore, Onesquethaw and Westerlo Lire Departments with Ravena Rescue, Albany County Sheriff’ s Ambu lance, Albany County Paramedics, Albany County Sheriffs and Coey mans Police with the guidance and assistance from Albany County dispatchers, all of which Chief Kapusta would like to thank for their efforts in what could have been a different outcome. There were no reported in juries on the scene, and the cause of the fire is under investigation. “Prom the initial 911 call of a trapped victim, to the fire that was quickly spreading into the house, this call could have been a lot worse,”Kapusta said. - THOMAS MARRA
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
APRIL 25-30,2022
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Fire Engineering B O O K S & V ID EO S
January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Fire Through the Roof on Arrival Car Crashes Backwards in the Town of Claverack Into New Store in Delmar DELMAR, NY - A new busi ness was heavily damaged after a vehicle drove into the building at the Four Corners intersection in Delmar on Wednesday, November 10th. Bethlehem Police received a 911 call for a car into a building at 395 Kenwood Ave. at the Four Corners in Delmar at 5:42 P.M. “Upon arrival we had a mid size pickup that was backwards into a building,” said Assistant Chief Dan Ryan o f the Delmar Fire Department. A 2019 gray Chevrolet C o l orado, operated by an elderly male from Prattsville, NY, was o b served to be crashed inside a busi ness, according to a report from Bethlehem Police. The store, named The 5th Corner, had just opened up a couple of weeks ago, according to Chief Ryan. Almost one year ago from the date o f the crash, a similar inci dent occurred where a vehicle went off the roadway and struck the same stretch o f storefront on November 7th o f 2020, causing damage to the stores and barriers. This latest incident caused sig nificant structural damage to the store, which was turned over to the building department. While operating on the scene, crews began smelling a gas odor so the chief ordered an evacuation o f the entire building, including the apartments on the second floor of the structure. Fire crews deter mined the smell to be coming from a vent on the gas meter that was letting off the odor. National Grid was on the scene to mitigate any issues. Bethlehem Police stated that the driver was heading south on
Kenwood Avenue and was at tempting to turn right onto Delaware Avenue. “He was concerned that he would not be able to complete the turn and strike construction barri cades that were placed in the road way,”police said. The driver then placed the vehicle into reverse when his foot slipped from the brake to the gas pedal, leading to an acceleration in reverse across the lane o f travel and into the building backwards, police added. Slingerlands Fire was re quested to the scene with air bags in the event that the vehicle needed to be adjusted during the removal process to prevent further structural damage to the building. Recovery efforts went smooth and Roberts Towing was able to re move the vehicle from the struc ture without causing anymore damage. There were people inside the store at the time, but no one was injured. Two elderly occupants in the vehicle that were evaluated and released at the scene by EMS. On the scene was Bethlehem Police, Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, Albany County Paramedics, D el mar Fire and Slingerlands Fire. Kenwood Avenue was closed at the Four Corners intersection and Delaware Avenue traffic was re stricted to give enough space for crews on the scene. The driver of the vehicle was issued traffic summons related to the crash, police said. - THOMAS MARRA
CLAVERACK, NY - On Fri day, November 26th at 7:18 PM., the Mellenville FD along with au tomatic mutual aid from the Hud son FD for their truck company, Philmont FD, the Greenport FD for the FAST team and Livingston FD for their tanker, were dispatched to the scene of a structure fire at 74 Church Street. The caller reported that the house was on fire and said it house was being evacuated. The first arriving chief on scene had smoke showing and fire through the roof in the rear o f the large three-story, wood-frame struc ture and transmitted a Working Fire notification to the dispatcher. Fire fighters quickly arrived on scene and made their way to the rear of the structure. The first arriving en gine parked in the driveway in the back portion of the house and crews
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immediately deployed a one-andthree-quarter inch hand line up the stairs to the third-floor attic area where they had a heavy fire condi tion. The Philmont FD's engine ar rived on scene and connected into the hydrant across the street from the residence and established the water supply for the scene. As additional firefighters ar rived on scene crews deployed more hand lines up to the fire floor to assist with making the knock down. Hudson’ s truck company ar rived on scene, set up in the front portion of the house and crews made their way to the roof to begin to vent the building. Firefighters below made an aggressive knock
down of the fire condition on the third floor of the structure. As fire fighters were working to overhaul the roof area and check for hotspots remaining in the attic area crews conducted a secondary search of the house. While crews were on the roof working, firefighters made sure the chimney was clear and dropped a chimney flare down it. Crews emptied out the fire box in the fire place below where the fire was heaviest in the roof area. Firefighters were able to bring the fire under control in less than 30 minutes. No injuries were reported and the fire is under investigation at this time. The roof of the home suf fered extensive damage and the home also suffered smoke and water damage. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
The staff of 1st Responder Newspaper would like to extend to our valued readers and advertisers our warmest wishes for a safe & happy \V er holiday season.
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January, 2022
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v fe - : • junes- O /
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Jonesville F.D. Makes a Fast Attack on Afternoon Garage Fire CLIFTON PARK, NY' - On No vember 21st at 1:19 P.M., the Jonesville FD was dispatched for a reported structure fire at 717 Clifton Park Center Road. A fire chief from the Northside Fire District notified the dispatcher that he had a large column of smoke showing off in the distance. The first arriving chief on scene notified the dispatcher that he had a working structure fire in a single-story de tached garage, with heavy fire in
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the rear of the building. The first ar riving engine on scene pulled a oneand-three-quarter inch hand line down the driveway and made a quick knockdown of the heavy fire condition on the exterior portion of the garage. Firefighters made their way in side of the garage and knocked
down any remaining fire condition. Firefighters began to conduct exten sive overhaul on the garage. Saratoga County Fire Investigators quickly arrived on scene. The road in front o f the residence was shut down for a short period of time. No injuries were reported and the fire is currently under investigation. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
The Chief presents Don with a sweatshirt for his 100th birthday.
Cronom er V a lle y F.D. M em ber Turns 100-Years-Old NEWBURGH, NY - Don Stillwaggon has been a member of Cronomer Valley Fire Department for over 75 years, and on Tuesday, November 9th, he turned 100years-old. To celebrate, Don's family took him out for a ride and to lunch, while family members back at home were busy decorating with balloons, cake and drinks. When Don returned home he was so surprised and happy to see all the decorations and party guests inside the living room. Around 5:00 P.M., Cronomer Valley Fire Department showed
Fire Destroys Car on 1-84 in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Winona Lake and Orange Lake Fire Departments responded to a vehicle fire on 1-84 eastbound, located east of Route 300 on November 10th. On arrival the vehicle was fully involved. All eastbound traffic was stopped while firefighters used hand lines to extinguish the fire. New York State Police were at the scene and investigating the cause.
up with fire engines blasting their sirens and air horns. Don, aided by his great grandsons, climbed into an old Mack truck and went for a ride with fellow Firefighter Stevie Williamson. A lot o f pic tures were taken and a lot o f sto ries were told to help commemorate the very special milestone. Happy 100th Birthday Don! - BOB MCCORMICK
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January, 2022
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Vehicle News
The Science of Firefighting VIDEO REVIEW Video reviews by John Malec.ky
The Science of Firefighting By Douglas B. Watson Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749-1331 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@fire-policeems.com www. fire-police-em s. com Price $83.00 (DVD) This is a 48 minute video from Fire Engineering. It was com posed in 2013. In spite of the date, some things never change, namely science. The instructor is a veteran of the fire service and previously an Army veteran. At the time of this video he was the Training O f ficer o f the Palm Beach County, Florida Training and Safety Divi sion. The presentation takes place
at different times, either in a class room or outside on a training ground, depending on the subject to be covered. The subjects in clude pressure, maximizing torque (exertion o f force with hand placement), butting a ladder, ideal gas law such as with a demonstra tion using an SCBA cylinder illus trating pressure volume temperature, heat transfer and conduction, behavior o f smoke and fire gases, thermal conductiv ity (expansion and contraction), heat transfer, absorption of heat, conductors and insulators and water hammer. The illustrations are excellent! Some are ones I have never seen, but they all get the point across. There were two instances where two charts with white back grounds were almost unreadable due to video lighting causing a washout condition, however the instructor does explain the lesson verbally so the lack o f the chart contents is immaterial. This is a good class on impor tant principles given by a teacher who will hold your attention!
The Greenfield Fire District and the Porter Corners FD have taken delivery of their new Sutphen Heavy Duty Custom Pumper, featuring a 73” cab with a 10” raised roof, 2000-GPM Hale Qmax pump, 1000gallon water tank, 30-gallon foam tank, command light, and light tower.
2 0 2 2 Company Officers Leadership Training | COLT
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13T Responder Newspaper - NY ______________ January, 2022______________ PAGE 21
January, 2022
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
A Fresh Start in 2022 C h a p la in ’s C orner Pastor Fernando Villicana
What an unprecedented year we have all experienced. Huge changes both culturally and polit ically have seemed to test and push many o f us to the ragged edge. At the same time, we all know that there is silver lining around every dark cloud. The sil ver lining around the cloud of Covid, civil unrest, political con cerns, economic challenges is that each and every year we get the opportunity to start fresh again. Even if the aforementioned situa tions carry into the new year, there is something hopeful and promising about the word “new.” The prospect of “new”almost al ways brings with it a feeling of hope. Hope for change, hope for a better tomorrow... Let’ s all look to the Bible for hope and a better future.
For I know the plans that I have fo r you,'declares the LORD, ‘ p lans fo r prosperity and not fo r disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (NASB)
Three things we learn from this scripture: 1. God has a plan for our lives 2. His plans involve prosperity and not disaster 3. He brings to all who seek Him a future and a hope. God is always moving. God is always blessing. Sometimes you give life your best shot and you still com e up short. Sometimes you do your very best in raising your children and they still make those bad decisions. Sometimes you work really hard on making a strong marriage and it just doesn't make any progress; it seems to go in the direction you hoped it would. G ood News Is: As we begin this New Year - 2022 - We can all get a fresh start.
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“ The Lord says, 'Forget about what has happened before. Do not think about the past. Instead, look at the new things I'm going to do."' Isaiah 43:18,19 The Bible says that God is very interested in your future. Forget about what's happened before, don’ t dwell on the past. It's over. The book's closed on it. Always remember, God is far more interested in your future than He is in your past. God says: “...look at the new things I'm going to do." God is anxious to forgive you of past sins. He isn't interested in your past. He's interested in your future. That's where you're going to spend the rest of your life. He says, “ forget about what's happened before.." Don't let any thing that happened in 2021 mess up your 2022. Instead, look at the “new thing”G od’ s going to do.
Happy New Year! Fernando Villicana Fire Service Chaplain
Rollover w ith Entrapment on 1-84 Near Montgomery MONTGOMERY, NY - On November 12th, the Montgomery, Maybrook and Coldenham Fire Departments responded to a reported MVA with rollover and entrapment on 1-84 at Mile Marker 29 eastbound. The driver of the truck that rolled over was freed by a City of Newburgh Police Officer and State Trooper. Montgomery EMS responded to the scene and eval uated the driver. Eastbound traffic was shut down to one lane during the accident investigation. New York State Police noti fied DOT of guardrail damage and are investigating the cause.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
Check Your Calendar For the "Right Show" There's Only One Mega Show!
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Vinni Tankasali swears-in the new officers.
Good W ill F.D. Hosts 107th OCFVA JEFFREY ARN0LD/@FIREPHOT025
Two-Alarm House Fire on V illa St. in Rochester ROCHESTER, NY - On Friday, November 26th at 4:30 A.M., Rochester firefighters responded to a telephone alarm of a house fire at 138 Villa Street. Engine 5 arrived on location and reported a working fire in a two-and-a-half story dwelling, and requested a second-alarm to be struck. The blaze was brought under control in about one hour. There were no in juries reported. The Rochester F.D. Fire Investigation Unit was working to determine the cause.
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In s ta lla tio n Dinner MONTGOMERY, NY - Good Will Fire Department hosted the 107th Orange County Vol. Fire men's Association Dinner on No vember 5th at Colden Manor at Spruce Fodge in Montgomery. Jeffry Holmes was Master of Ceremonies, and Opening Prayer was given by Chaplain of the As sociation, Joseph Deccicio. After the Pledge of Allegiance was re cited Jeffry welcomed everyone to the dinner and spoke about how November 5th was National Donuts Day. He briefly explained
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how the donuts were introduced and made in the United States, and even came prepared wearing his own donut hat. Introductions of the former officers were then read. The new officers were swornin by Orange County Car One, Vini Tankasali. The new officers are: Ray Vanlnwegen-President; Gordon Healy-First Vice Presi dent; Ryan Arciero-Fifth Vice
President; Dorothy Brown-Secre tary; Robin Reynolds-Treasurer; Scott Arciero-Financial Secretary; Deacon Peter Haight-Deacon; and Daniel Olympia-Sergeant at Arms. Past President Robert Reynolds received his badge and plaque from new President Ray Vanlnwegen. After the former of ficers received their plaques. Pres ident Ray Vanlnwegen thanked the Good Will FD members for their support. - BOB MCCORMICK
NYSAFC 2022 SEMINAR SERIES "The Five Points o f C o m m a n d "
3-Hour Seminar Coming to a County Near You in 2022: Albany | O ctober 24
Fulton | Septem ber 7
Rockland | O ctober 5
Broome | January 19
Genesee | Septem ber 19
Schenectady | Novem ber 15
Cattaraugus | April 7
Jefferson | Septem ber 8
Steuben | January 29
Chautauqua | O ctober 26
Monroe | March 10
Suffolk | February 3
Chemung | N ovem ber 17
(afternoon and evening sessions)
Suffolk | Novem ber 2
Clinton | March 28 Cortland* | January 27 Dutchess | May 18 Erie | January 5
Oneida | March 21 Onondaga | O ctober 4
Ulster | March 14 Westchester* | February 2
Orleans | February 15
(afternoon and evening sessions)
Otsego | O ctober 3
Wyoming | April 13
Pre-Registration and On-Site Registration Available (Space Permitting): $ 3 5 (NYSAFC Individual and D epartm ent Members) • $ 5 0 (Non-Members)
*Seating is limited at som e sites. Pre-registration is encouraged. New - online registration available!
Michael Lom bardo Buffalo Fire Department
www.nysfirechiefs.com • (800) 676-FIRE
R esponder Newspaper
This section is exclusively dedicated to coverage of Long Island emergency services PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
RIVERHEAD, NY - On November 16th, Riverhead firefighters were assisted by Flanders, Eastport and Jamesport Fire Departments, along with ambulances from Wading River, Flanders, Hampton Bays and Shirley, with battling a fast-moving deadly fire in a 100-year-old, three-story, wood-framed Victorian home at 46 East 2nd St. -
S ee full story on Page 29
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January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Long Island Metro Fire/EMS Expo Coming to Long Island in February The Islip Town Fire & EMS Museum & Education Center and the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs (NY S AFC) have joined together to deliver a new emergency services exposition and educational event on Fong Island. The Fong Island Metro Fire/EMS Expo will be held from February 11-13, 2022, at the Nas sau Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y. The comprehensive event will fea ture exhibits of new apparatus, tools, equipment, products, tech nologies, and services, as well as 15 one-hour educational seminars for emergency services personnel. Expo hours will be Friday, February 11 from 3:00-7:00 p.m., Saturday, February 12 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, Feb ruary 13 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Seminars for first responders of all ranks will also be held Fri day through Sunday. Attendee registration is $20 per person, per day and includes entry to both the expo and sem i
nars. Tickets will be available at the door only. This event will benefit the mu seum and the association, support ing their shared m ission to serve the fire and em ergency medical services personnel of Fong Island and New York state. “ The State Chiefs leadership is looking forward to bringing this new educational opportunity to Fong Island, and w e’ re thrilled to be working with the volunteers at the Islip Town Fire & EMS Mu seum on this event that will benefit all of New York’ s fire and EMS re sponders,” said NYSAFC Presi dent Robert Kloepfer Jr. Event details are available on the NY SAFC website at www.nysfirechiefs.com . Questions can be emailed to liexpo@ nysfirechiefs.com .
BUDDY SHOTS I f you have photos you would like to see in our “ Buddy Shots”feature,please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
Centereach FF Ryan Pace and Probationary FF Frankie Verderame, aka "Frankie The Buff", at the Joey D Seminar in Yaphank, NY.
N otice: T h e advertisem ents, articles, and letters con tain ed in this publication d o n ot n ecessarily re flec t the v iew s o f 1st R esp on der Inc. and B elsito Com m unications, Inc. A dvertisem ents are sold pur suant to the “s p a ce available”and corresp on din g fee schedule. T h e m ere fact that advertisem ents are con tain ed in this publication d o es not exp ress n o r im ply that 1st R esp on der Inc. and B e lsito C o m m u nications, Inc. vo u ch es fo r the credibility o f the cla im s m ade in the advertisem ents o r the representations e x pressed o r im p lied in them.
East Providence Probationary FF Ryan Digulio with FF Sean Bayne of West Sayville at the Joey D Seminar in Yaphank NY.
from Long Island can be found on our website at www.1rbn.com
Firefighters Save Multiple Animals at Terryville House Fire TERRYVILLE, NY - Firefighters were alerted to a report of a structure fire at 24 Hewes Rd. at 10:30 A.M. on Veterans Day, November 11th. Firefighters arrived to find a kitchen fire that was starting to extend to the second floor. Crews made an aggressive interior attack through the front door while other firefighters and homeowners were able to get five dogs, two parrots and a chinchilla to safety. The quick attack was able to knock down all visible fire and stopped the extension in its tracks. All animals were okay, and nobody was injured.
The entire crew from West Babylon FD stops for a quick photo op after the Joey D Seminar.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
Tornado Touches Down in Oakdale OAKDALE, NY - During the rash of storms that rolled across Long Island on November 13th, the West Sayville Fire Depart ment was activated for a gas leak in Oakdale. Upon arrival at 25 Jade Street, 1st Assistant Chief Brian D'Onofrio discovered a large tree that had toppled over and crashed through multi ple apartments, ripping down power lines and gas service. Na tional Grid and PSE&G were requested on a rush so the utilities could be secured, but due to the countywide impact of the storm there was a delayed response. The Red Cross was also requested to respond to assist multiple families who were displaced due to the destruction. The National Weather Serv ices conducted a survey and confirmed that an EF-0 tornado came through the area. West Sayville was back in service after multiple alarms spanning over the course of four hours.
Fast-Moving Blaze Claims Five Lives in Riverhead RIVERHEAD, NY - On No vember 16th, Riverhead firefighters were assisted by Flanders, Eastport and Jamesport Fire Departments, along with ambulances from Wad ing River, Flanders, Hampton Bays and Shirley, with battling a fastmoving deadly fire in a 100-yearold, three-story, wood-framed Victorian home at 46 East 2nd St. Ten people lived in the resi dence that had apartments on every
TD FILE # 11 1721 101
30 I * floor, but only five were able to es cape. The five residents living on the third floor all perished. Crews were forced to fight the fire from the exterior due to a par tial roof collapse and a heavy vol ume of fire. Riverhead's truck was set up on the left side of the home
while approximately seven hand lines surrounded the rest of the structure. Firefighters fought the blaze for several hours before being able to search for the victims, all of which were located on the top floor apart ment. The SCPD Arson Squad and Riverhead fire marshals responded out to investigate the fatal fire. - CHRIS SABELLA
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Lindsey@ 1strespondernew s.com SABELLA/ON SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY 2021
January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Off Duty SCPD Officer Killed in One-Car Crash SELDEN, NY' - Just after 12:30 A.M. on Monday, November 8th, a 30-year-old off duty SCPD officer was traveling northbound on Nichols Rd. by Suffolk Community College when he somehow lost con trol of his 2021 Jeep, flipping it sev eral times before being ejected. The Jeep and the driver ended up in the center median about 50-feet apart. SCPD officers arrived to find the driver suffering from numerous life-threatening injuries and imme diately called for rescue forthwith. Firefighters and ambulance person nel arrived within minutes and were able to establish an airway before
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■& I transporting the male to a local trauma center. The off duty officer was transferred to the ER staff who worked hard to save his life, but he unfortunately succumbed to his in juries and was pronounced dead a short time later. The cause of the accident is still unknown. SCPD 6th Squad units closed the roadway in both direc tions for an investigation. - CHRIS SABELLA
Driver Trapped A fte r Car Overturns in East Marion EAST MARION, NY - At ap proximately 11:21 A.M. on Satur day, November 20th, the East Marion FD was activated for a MVA on the Long Way and Main Road. Chief Ryan D. Weingart ar rived on scene and found a single car MVA, with the vehicle on its roof and one person still inside. Rescue/Engine 4 (8-2-4), the first truck on the road, was ad vised to pull up to the scene, get
t o f il e
the Hurst Tools out and help stabi lize the patient. Firefighters worked quickly to get the patient out and into the ambulance. Chief Weingart then radioed back to FireCom asking for aviation from the Suffolk County Police Depart ment to transport the patient to the
hospital, and asked for Orient FD to stand by at the landing zone. The patient was transported to Stony Brook University Hospital with unknown injuries. All units that responded to the call were back in service within one hour of activation. - CONNOR JACOBS
nIRIIIS/TRAININIG To see your Drills n the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @ 1stResponderNews.com
Rescue personnel from various agencies throughout Suffolk County work together at a USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) train ing held at Smith Point on November 13th & 14th. Pictured here they are working on rope rescue over the side of the bridge.
SELDEN, NY - On Wednesday night, November 10th, a motorcycle and Jeep collided on a side road in Selden, injuring two occupants in the car as well as the motorcyclist. All three were sta bilized at the scene and then transported to hospitals for further treatment.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
The driver of this Mitsubishi Mirage was killed when her car struck a parked pickup truck on William Floyd Parkway.
Truck Hits House in Bayport, Driver Driver Dies After Hitting Flees on Foot Parked Truck in Shirley BAYPORT, NT' - On November 19th, a truck traveling on Montauk Hwy. and Snedecor Ave. left the roadway at a high rate of speed, completely removing a hydrant from the ground before striking and mangling a chain link fence. The truck then continued through a 6-ft. sign post before crashing into a
Jump t o
f il e
ft 3P home that was under construction. The driver fled the scene on foot, leaving the work truck behind. SCPD K9 responded to search for the driver. Bayport's chief requested
the Town of Brookhaven's tech res cue team to respond to shore up the building. The driver of the moving bill board for a cesspool company was not located as of yet. No injuries were reported. - CHRIS SABELLA
SHIRLEY, NY - On Friday, November 5th at about 8:05 A.M., the Suffolk County 9-1-1 commu nications center received a call re porting a motor vehicle crash with a person reportedly trapped on the William Floyd Parkway, just south of Dawn Drive. Suffolk Police dis patch sent officers from the 7th precinct while fire rescue dis patchers started out Shirley Ambu lance, Brookhaven FD and Mastic FD for a heavy rescue MVA. Shirley Ambulance arrived on scene and advised Brookhaven FD 1st Assistant Chief Anthony Verni {5-3-31} that they had a con firmed person pinned in the vehi cle. Brookhaven Rescue 3 responded into the scene along
Jump t u
f il e
ft 3# with Chief 31, and upon further as sessment the driver of the Mirage was pronounced dead. Initial reports state that the Mi rage was being driven southbound when it veered off the roadway and hit a parked pickup truck. The pickup was unoccupied at the time and no one else was injured in the crash. The road was closed for about three hours while police officers and crime scene investigators con ducted an accident investigation. - JOHN WALTHERS
ON THE LITER SIDE If you have photos you would like to see in our “On The Liter Side”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
SCPD Officer Seriously Injured After Being Struck by DWI Driver RIDGE, NY - Just before midnight on November 2nd, a SCPD 7th precinct officer was standing outside of his patrol unit on the William Floyd Parkway at the entrance to the Whispering Woods complex when he was struck by a white pickup truck. The driver of the pickup hit the car that the police officer was speaking with in reference to the MVA he was handling. The force of the impact swung the parked car into the officer which sent him underneath the truck, trapping him. The officer was removed from underneath the truck by Ridge firefighters and then transported by MedEvac to a local trauma center with serious injuries. The other driver from the parked car was taken to another hospital with a possible leg injury. The driver of the white pickup truck was arrested and charged with DWI. The police officer remains in critical but stable condition.
The ghost of Port Jefferson Volunteer Ambulance Corp appears at the scene of a shooting on Halloween Eve...
January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Emergency Medical Services”feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
MASTIC BEACH, NY - On November 4th, during Mastic Beach Am bulance's monthly meeting, Youth Squad member Connor Jacobs was called up by Chief Al Grabow and Assistant Chief TJ Falah and presented an award for his continuous support and dedication to the department at events. Connor is one of approximately 17 youths in the Youth Squad for Mastic Beach Ambulance. In 2021, Connor assisted at numerous events including a few recent ones like the Trunk-or-Treat the department co-hosted with the Mastic Beach FD. At Trunk-or-Treat, where he was the only youth member to assist, Connor manned the ambulance and handed out candy to hundreds of children by himself. In addition to Mastic Beach EMS, Connor is also a member of Mastic FD Explorer Post 512 and a correspondent for 1st Responder Newspaper. Pictured is Mastic Beach Ambulance 2nd Assistant Chief TJ Falah with Youth Squad member Connor Jacobs after the department presented him with an award for all his support and dedication at the department's re cent community events.
Centerach Probie Frankie Vererame and another company 2 member, Vito G., work on putting water on fire to make the push into the building.
SCFA Hosts Firefighters from Across US for Joey D Seminar YAPHANK, NY - During the weekend of Friday, November 5th to Sunday, November 7th, the Lieutenant Joseph Di Bernardo Foundation held their annual train ing seminar on Long Island. After a brief one year hiatus due to the pandemic, the seminar returned to have hands-on training at the Suf folk County Fire Academy. In structors from the academy as well as other vendors hosted students from across the country. While on site firefighters from
to f il e
*4 3P numerous departments worked to gether in their classes where they went over how to extinguish dif ferent types of fires, perform rope rescues, conduct extrication, learn different cuts of roofs, learn how to bail out properly, learn how to rescue a down firefighter, and so much more. Approximately 250-300 fire
fighters trained for two days to re fine their techniques. EMS was on site for the duration of the training in case of any injuries. On Sunday a seminar was held off site where guest lecturers talked to the stu dents and taught different classes. It was a long, but very mean ingful weekend of learning for all involved. - JOHN WALTHERS
MedEvac Launched After Head-On Crash in Manorville MANORVILLE, NY - During the early evening hours of Wednes day, November 10th, two cars collided head-on on Wading River Rd. and N Service Rd. of the L.I.E. A Manorville ambu lance transported one patient to a hospital by ground and de livered the second patient to an awaiting SCPD helicopter for transport to a trauma center. SCPD closed down the roadway for about one hour.
The instructors and Director of SCFA took a moment for a quick photo after all the training was over. Thank you to Suffolk Fire Academy for having us!
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
Truly another game changer. We’ve taken the Ascendant single rear axle quint configuration, and made it even better with the addition of a platform basket. Imagine that... for those of you who would rather ride than climb, or those who would never even consider a heavy, tandem axle aerial platform - the Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is your solution! This configuration will provide you 110' (33.5m) of vertical reach and 90' (27.4m) of horizontal reach without compromising on water capacity, performance, or safety. You’ll have a maneuverable, first out quint with full rescue capabilities. The Ascendant platform includes a 100,000 psi high-strength steel ladder with a fully NFPA compliant, ergonomically designed 3-person basket. The Ascendant platform is rated to a 35 mph (56 km/h) wind and 1/4" (0.64cm) of ice load. It can accommodate 100 lb (45.4kg) of additional equipment, and flow 1,250 gpm (4,732 L/m) from a single monitor located at the end of the fly section. For those of you that want more than just a ladder yet desire a smaller, lighter weight platform basket with lower acquisition costs and less cost of ownership, the Ascendant platform is ideal for you. The Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is available on a wide range of Pierce custom chassis with either a single rear axle or a tandem rear axle to meet your fire department’s needs.
January, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Early-Morning Blaze in Upper East Side Restaurant Injures Four Firefighters MANHATTAN, NY - Four firefighters were injured when a ceiling collapsed on them as they worked to extinguish a fire in a restaurant on First Avenue, at the corner o f East 95th Street, in the Upper East Side. The fire broke out a little after 5:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 30th, in a restaurant on the first floor of a five-story building that contains apartments above. As crews worked to stop the spread of flames to the apartments, the ceil ing of the first floor collapsed, in juring four firefighters. According to FDNY Assistant Fire Chief Michael Gala, two o f them were
TO FILE # 1 2 0 3 2 1 1 0 1
an 1 » transferred to Cornell Medical Center, and two of them were s Hospital. transported to St. Luke’ All four are expected to be OK. The blaze, which eventually went to four alarms, took 168 fire fighters from 39 units to bring under control around 8:30 A.M. The Red Cross was on scene to as sist more than a dozen residents who were displaced. The cause of the fire is currently under investi gation.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
January, 2022
NYSAFC A n n o u n c e s 2 0 2 2 C la ssro o m
T ra in in g O p p o rtu n itie s
If your department has photos you would like to see in our “ Departmnt Profile”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Engine 151/Ladder 76 located in Tottenville, Staten Island.
Rick Billings
The New York State Associa tion of Fire Chiefs is pleased to an nounce the dates and locations for its 2022 Company Officers Lead ership Training (COLT) and 2022 Seminar Series. COLT, the association’ s twoday leadership development pro gram for current and aspiring company officers, will be held in Erie (March 11-12), Fulton (Janu ary 21-22), and Monroe (February 25-26) counties. Fecturers will include Battal ion Chief John Salka (FDNY); Fieutenant John Fewis (Passaic [NJ] Fire Department) and Chief Robert Moran (Brewster [MA] Fire Department); and Fieutenant Gary Benedict (FDNY) and Chief Dave Campbell (FawrenceCedarhurst Fire Department). Every year, COFT also features a lively roundtable discussion, al lowing students to ask questions and talk with instructors in an open forum. Registration for COFT is $200 (NYSAFC Individual and Depart ment Members) and $225 (non members) per person. Chief/Commissioner Michael Fombardo of the Buffalo Fire D e partment will present the NYSAFC 2022 Seminar Series “ The Five Points o f Command.” 27 three-hour seminars will be de livered from January through No vember. Seminars will be held at sites in Albany (October 24), Broome
to f iic
■» I % (January 19), Cattaraugus (April 7), Chautauqua (October 26), Chemung (November 17), Clinton (March 28), Cortland (January 27), Dutchess (May 18), Erie (Jan uary 5), Fulton (September 7), Genesee (September 19), Jefferson (September 8), Monroe (March 10 - afternoon and evening sessions), Oneida (March 21), Onondaga (October 4), Orleans (February 15), Otsego (October 3), Rockland (October 5), Schenectady (No vember 15), Steuben (January 29), Suffolk (February 3 and Novem ber 2), LUster (March 14), Westch ester (February 2 - afternoon and evening sessions), and Wyoming (April 13) counties. Seminar Series registration is $35 (NYSAFC Individual and D e partment Members) and $50 (non members) per person. Seating is limited at some locations. On-site registration for both programs will be accepted if space permits. Pre-registration is encour aged. New for 2022 - online reg istration is available on the NYSAFC website! Visit www.nysfirechiefs.com for full details on COFT and the Seminar Series, as well as information on N YSAFC’ s Regional Hands-On Training courses that are con ducted at sites across the state year-round.
WORKING FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey® 1stResponderNews.com
STEVE WHITE c 2 0 2 2 b y R ic k B illin g s r e d d o g a rt.c o m
b e a r5 9 d o g @ y a h o o .c o m
@ ja m p o n y 4 5 2
Staten Island Borough Fire Commander/Assistant Chief Kevin Woods receives the Champion Award for the FDNY at the 25th Teddy Atlas Dinner held at the Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island, November 17th. On the right is Teddy Atlas.
January, 2022
1 ^ Responder Newspaper - NY
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