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Armor Tuff Flooring
C a n n o t C ra c k o r F a il EVER!
T R U C K !
W ill n o t: C ra c k , C h ip , P e e l, Fade, o r S ta in ARMOR TUFF TILES W i l l NOT BE UNDERSOLD
(L to R): Robert Quackbush, Steve Scott, Jim Ciccarelli, Richard Rahuba, and Chief Dorrman.
Cronomer Valley Fire Dept. Holds In sta lla tio n Dinner
NEWBURGH, NY Cronomer Valley Fire Department held their annual installation dinner on Saturday, May 14th, at their firehouse.
President Jeffrey M iller w elcom ed everyone and the Pledge o f Allegiance was said, follow ed by the Invocation by Chaplain Jeff Hooker. President Jeff M iller introduced his officers and thanked them for a great year despite many obstacles. He then thanked his wife and presented her with flow ers. C hief R ob Dorrmann also thanked his officers and presented his wife with flowers as well.
Ladies Auxiliary President Maryann F og g introduced her slate o f officers and recogn ized past presidents o f the Auxiliary. Jeffrey Miller presented the Presidents Award to Susan Burtchaell for all the work she has done on
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the social side o f the department. Rob Dorrmann then presented the top 25 responders o f the department.
The Driver o f the Year award went to Robert Quackenbush; O fficer o f the Year went to James C iccarelli; Fire Police o f the Year went to Steve Scott; Firefighter o f the Year went to Richard Rahuba; and Probation Firefighter o f the Year went to Noah Schneider.
After the awards were presented, the Benediction was said and everyone in attendance enjo y ed an excellent dinner from Loughrans which was follow ed by music and dancing.
If you have photos you would like to see in our Little B ig Guys feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderN ews.com. JOHN BECHTOLD