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C a n n o t C ra c k o r F a il EVER!

T R U C K !

W ill n o t: C ra c k , C h ip , P e e l, Fade, o r S ta in ARMOR TUFF TILES W i l l NOT BE UNDERSOLD


(L to R): Robert Quackbush, Steve Scott, Jim Ciccarelli, Richard Rahuba, and Chief Dorrman.

Cronomer Valley Fire Dept. Holds In sta lla tio n Dinner

NEWBURGH, NY Cronomer Valley Fire Department held their annual installation dinner on Saturday, May 14th, at their firehouse.

President Jeffrey M iller w elcom ed everyone and the Pledge o f Allegiance was said, follow ed by the Invocation by Chaplain Jeff Hooker. President Jeff M iller introduced his officers and thanked them for a great year despite many obstacles. He then thanked his wife and presented her with flow ers. C hief R ob Dorrmann also thanked his officers and presented his wife with flowers as well.

Ladies Auxiliary President Maryann F og g introduced her slate o f officers and recogn ized past presidents o f the Auxiliary. Jeffrey Miller presented the Presidents Award to Susan Burtchaell for all the work she has done on

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the social side o f the department. Rob Dorrmann then presented the top 25 responders o f the department.

The Driver o f the Year award went to Robert Quackenbush; O fficer o f the Year went to James C iccarelli; Fire Police o f the Year went to Steve Scott; Firefighter o f the Year went to Richard Rahuba; and Probation Firefighter o f the Year went to Noah Schneider.

After the awards were presented, the Benediction was said and everyone in attendance enjo y ed an excellent dinner from Loughrans which was follow ed by music and dancing.



If you have photos you would like to see in our Little B ig Guys feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderN ews.com. JOHN BECHTOLD


K in g s to n F ire D is p la c e s S ix A d u lts and F our C h ild re n

KINGSTON, NY - On May 27th at 6:50 P.M., Kingston Fire Dept, responded to a fire at a four unit apartment building on Bruyn Ave. On arrival, firefighters found smoke and fire showing from an unoccupied second floor apartment, with heavy smoke coming from the attic. A second-alarm for mutual aid was then ordered, and the fire was placed under control in about 25 minutes. Six adults and four children were displaced due to smoke and water damage to their apartments. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. No injuries were reported. The Hudson Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross provided financial assistance for the displaced families.

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