N ew spaper
The New York Edition PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER/SIDEWINDER PHOTOGRAPHY TROY, NY - On September 22nd at 5:23 A.M., the City of Troy's fire department was dispatched to the address of 486 Fifth Avenue with a caller stating that the house was on fire on the second floor. Engines 1, 4 and 2, along with Trucks 1 and 2, Medic 4, the rescue squad, and the battalion chief responded to the scene. -
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See full story on page 2
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Serious MVA with Ejection on South St. in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - City of Newburgh FD, City of Newburgh Police and Mobile Life ALS responded to a one-vehicle MVA, October 13th, at South Street near Taft Avenue. The driver, who was ejected from the vehicle, was transported to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospital by Mobile Life ALS. The vehicle was found in three parts starting on South Street and Dupont Ave., with debris scattered throughout. Firefighters spread speedy dry on gas on the roadway and checked the vehicle for hazards. Traffic was blocked on South Street while police investigated the scene. The vehicle was impounded by a City of Newburgh tow truck, and the City of Newburgh PD is in vestigating the cause.
Structure Fire for Jamestown JAMESTOWN, NY - On October 13th, the Jamestown Fire De partment was dispatched to Windsor and Harrison for a report of possible smoke coming from the second floor of a building. Car 1 went on scene and reported smoke coming from the east side of the building. At 7:39 A.M., Car 1 requested an offshift of 12 plus 1, as well as two fire investigators. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
House Fire on 5th Ave. in froy Displaces Residents TROY, NY - On September 22nd at 5:23 A.M., the City of Troy's fire department was dis patched to the address of 486 Fifth Avenue with a caller stating that the house was on fire on the sec ond floor. Engines 1, 4 and 2, along with Trucks 1 and 2, Medic 4, the rescue squad, and the battal ion chief responded to the scene. With heavy flashes of light ning in the morning sky with a pending storm coming. Engine 1 and Truck 1 pulled out of the sta tion with a heavy column of smoke and fire showing from the distance. Within one minute of the call. Engine 1 arrived on scene and immediately transmitted the Signal 30 for a working structure fire. Engine l's officer notified the battalion chief that they had mul tiple exposure issues on both sides of the structure. Without hesita tion, the battalion chief transmit ted the second-alarm, bringing the
TO f i i e
& i & City of Cohoes, Watervliet Arse nal FD, and the City of Albany’s FD to the scene. Firefighters from Engine 1 deployed multiple hand lines into the structure as they had heavy fire impinging on neighbor ing structures. Crews made their way inside the structure where they con ducted a primary search and were able to confirm that all of the res idents had self-evacuated from the structure. Firefighters from the truck company made their way to the roof and began to conduct ven tilation where they had heavy fire running the cockloft. Firefighters inside the structure began to con duct an aggressive interior attack while additional firefighters made their way inside the neighboring structure that had fire impinging
on it from the 'Delta' side. Firefighters inside the primary fire building pulled the ceilings and began to knock down the heavy fire condition above them while firefighters in the bucket of Truck 1 began to pull the front of the building apart to gain access to the heavy fire condition. As fire fighters were working in the front of the structure, a large portion of the front fafade collapsed onto the steps below. Additional mutual aid companies began to arrive on scene and assist in conducting overhaul, and knocking down any remaining fire. Multiple residents were dis placed, but no injuries were re ported. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation. Firefighters cleared the scene in the late morning hours. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Page I f y o u r d ep artm en t has photos y o u w ould like to see in o u r “Firefighter Profiles” feature, please upload them on o u r w ebsite, w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com o r em ail them to Lindsey@ lstR esponderN ew s.com
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Troy’s B attalion Chief Retires A fte r 36 Years o f Service TROY, NY - The City of Troy’s Battalion Chief, Thomas Miter, is retiring after 36 years of service. Chief Miter started with the Troy FD in 1980 to 1981, but he then joined the Air Force to serve his country. In 1986, Chief Miter re joined the department and was sta tioned at Engine 5 for a large portion of his career. Miter was pro moted to lieutenant in June of 1994 and transferred to Truck 1 in Lansingburgh until 1997 before moving to Truck 2 and then taking a promo tion to captain in 1998. During his time as captain. Miter spent time with Engines 6 and 2, and found his way to one of the busiest units in the City of Troy, the Rescue Squad. Chief Miter spent 15 years on the rescue squad until 2015 when he took his final promotion to Battalion Chief. He was known as one of the work bosses to his brother and sister firefighters who worked with him throughout his career until his final day onthe job, September21, 2022. During his 36 years of service. Chief Miter handled some of the
Jump t o
biggest fires in the city of Troy's his tory, including 701 River Street Marshall Ray Apartment Building, Alpha Lanes Bowling Alley, Junk Yard Fire on Pawling Avenue, Troy Lumber Yard Fire, Valley Green Apartment Fire, and the massive apartment complex fire on 4th Street and Washington Street. Nu merous Troy firefighters who have served next to Chief Miter stated that he is going to be greatly missed. During his retirement. Chief Miter plans to buy and live on a sailboat while traveling with his wife by his side. He also plans on traveling with his family to several dream locations, and wants to com plete several projects around the house. Sidewinder Photography would like to wish Chief Miter a happy, healthy, and long retirement!
Firefighters Save Barn in Rush RUSH, NY - On October 11th at 3:38 P.M., firefighters from Rush, Honeoye Falls and Henrietta responded a barn fire at 902 Rush-West Rush Road. A Rush F.D. Lieutenant who lives in the area was first to arrive on scene and pulled a burning riding lawnmower out of the barn. Engine 582 arrived shortly after and was able to extinguish some minor extension of the fire in the barn and the mower. Mendon FD filled in at Rush Station 1 during the incident. There were no injuries. Also as sisting at the scene were the Monroe County Fire Bureau, Monroe County Sheriff's Office and CHS Ambulance.
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CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 23 No. 11 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Pe riodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial re-
MVA w ith O verturn and
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NEWBURGH, NY - On Monday, September 26th just after 2:00 P.M., the Middle Hope Fire Department was dispatched to 38 Leslie Rd. for a reported MVA with overturn and entrapment.
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November, 2022
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In Memory of Those Who Gave All
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1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers emergency responders lost in the line of duty
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Oklahoma: April Lynn Partridge, 55 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: March 20,2022 Death Date: March 20,2022 Fire Department: Edgewater Park Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Sunday, March 20, 2022, Firefighter April Partridge responded to a wildland fire. During firefighting opera tions she was separated from the crew and the apparatus. When Firefighter Partridge was discovered by fellow firefighters, she was found deceased. Ohio: Edward Long, 55 Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: March 22,2022 Death Date: March 22,2022 Fire Department: Portsmouth Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, Firefighter/EMT Edward Long was re turning to the fire station from a call when he became unresponsive and suffered a medical emergency. Fellow firefighters with him per formed life-saving measures and immediately rushed him to the Southern Ohio Medical Center Emergency Department where he was pronounced deceased. The cause of his death has yet to be determined.
Jr. • Steve White • Guy Zampatori Jr.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ EDITORIAL INFORMATION_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Join our team o f correspondents or columnists! 1st Responder Newspaper welcomes submissions by our readers. Send stories and photos to us at 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Or, give us a call or send us an e-mail. I f using the mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for all submissions you wish to have returned. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any editorial or advertising material submitted.
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Pennsylvania: Jeff Williams, 56 Rank: Chief Engineer Incident Date: March 31,2022 Death Date: March 31,2022 Fire Department: Larksville Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 7:00 a.m., Chief Engineer Jeff Williams pulled up to the fire station to start his shift. While in the parking lot, he went into a cardiac related incident and life saving measures were immediately performed. He was mshed to the hospital where he was pro nounced deceased. Alabama: Jeffrey Ray Wyatt, 49 Rank: Chief Incident Date: April 4,2022 Death Date: April 4,2022 Fire Department: McAdory Area Fire District Initial Summary: On Monday, April 4,2022, Chief Jeffrey Ray Wyatt worked a shift at the firehouse in which he complained to his col leagues of having difficulty breathing. When he arrived home after his shift he walked up the stairs and set his briefcase down. He then fell back down the stairs when he suffered a massive heart attack. A family member found him approximately 45 minutes later and was mshed to Medical West Health Center where he was pronounced deceased a short time later.
Alabama: Freddy C. Reeves, 85 Rank: Acting Chief Incident Date: March 3,2022 Death Date: March 25,2022 Fire Department: Ward Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, March 3, 2022, Acting Chief Freddy C. Reeves was at tempting to put out a grass fire when his pants caught fire and he was injured. When other firefighters arrived on the scene, they helped in fighting the fire. Acting Chief Reeves then drove approximately 5 miles and brought back a fire apparatus to continue fire suppres sion operations. When an ambulance arrived, Acting Chief Reeves was transported to a local hospital and then to the bum center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. His condition improved and he responded to treatment. However, Acting Chief Reeves subsequently became increas ingly ill after responding to treatment and passed away from his injuries on Friday, March 25,2022. New Mexico: Timothy Williams, 54 Rank: Probationary Firefighter Incident Date: April 3,2022 Death Date: April 4,2022 Fire Department: Eddy County Fire and Rescue Initial Summary: On Sunday, April 3,2022, Probationary Firefighter Timothy Williams was working at the Atoka fire station cleaning apparatus and checking equipment. After ar riving home, he began to experience chest pains. He was mshed to the hospital and passed away on Monday, April 4,2022, from a heart attack. Nebraska: Darren D. Krull, 54 Rank: Chief Incident Date: April 7,2022 Death Date: April 7,2022 Fire Department: Elwood Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, April 7, 2022, Chief Darren D. Krull was a passenger in a Ford Expedition, driven by the Phelps County Emergency Manager. They were enroute to a wildland fire, when they were struck head on by a water transfer tank, ap proximately 8 miles of Arapahoe on Highway 283. Chief Krull was mshed to the Chambers Hospital where he was pronounced deceased. The Phelps County Emergency Manager was transported to the hospital and listed in stable but critical condition. Fire and smoke in the area caused zero visibility conditions on the roadway at the time of the crash. Investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Ohio: Philip M. Wigal, 35 Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: April 11,2022 Death Date: April 11,2022 Fire Department: Town and Country Fire District Initial Summary: On Monday, April 11, 2022, Lieutenant Philip M. Wigal responded to the scene of a vehicle accident on 1-71 southbound. While at the scene, a trooper was performing an administrative inventory of the crash vehicle while Lieutenant Wigal was completing documentation for their report. At approximately 3:59 p.m.l while finishing these tasks, a southbound commercial vehicle struck the left rear of the fire apparatus, the patrol vehicle and the vehicle involved in the initial crash. Lieutenant Wigal was pro nounced deceased at the scene. Arizona: Brendan Bessee, 24 Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: April 8,2022 Death Date: April 8,2022 Fire Department: Salt River Fire Department Initial Summary: On Friday, April 8,2022, Firefighter/EMT Brendan Bessee was driving an ambulance responding to a 9-1-1 call, with a co-worker. They turned left off of McDow ell RD, onto Beeline Highway. After crossing the southbound lanes they were hit by a semitruck going north. Firefighter/EMT Bessee was pronounced deceased at the scene. The coworker was mshed to the hospital and is listed in critical condition. Investigation into the incident is ongoing. Pennsylvania: Isaac David Hassen, Sr., 69 Rank: Chief Incident Date: April 14,2022 Death Date: April 15,2022 Fire Department: Hope Fire Company Initial Summary: On Thursday, April 14, 2022, Chief Isaac David Hassen, Sr. re sponded to an EMS call at a residence. After arriving home, he experienced a medical emergency and was taken to the hospital that evening. On Friday, April 15,2022, he passed away from cardiac related issues.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
Roosevelt Fire District in Hyde Park now operates a 2021 E-One Cyclone 100' Tower Ladder.
Winona Lake Engine Co.'s new 2022 Chief's car is now wrapped in black.
MVA with Vehicle Into Building in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - The City of Newburgh FD responded to a reported MVA with one vehicle striking a building on Dubois Street and Third Street, September 23rd. Firefighters discon nected the battery of the vehicle that hit the building, and spread speedy dry on fluids on the sidewalk. The second ve hicle involved had front end damage. Mobile Life ALS checked the drivers, both of which refused medical attention. The City of Newburgh PD is investigating the cause.
New Paltz FD Holds Dedication for New Station NEW PALTZ, NY - The New Paltz Fire Department held a dedication and open house at their new energy efficient station on September 17th. The Governor's Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) and the Village of New Paltz funded the project. All department equipment is operating from this station. Chief Cory Wirthman cut the ribbon.
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Two-Alarm Blaze Destroys Home on 6th Ave. in Watervliet WATERVLIET, NY - On Oc tober 2nd at 1:13 P.M., multiple calls came in to the Albany County Emergency Communica tions Center for a well involved structure fire at 1222 6th Avenue. The City of Watervliet Fire Department, along with the Water vliet Arsenal, Green Island, and the City of Cohoes Fire Depart ments were called to the scene. The City of Watervliet FD con firmed that a heavy column of black smoke was visible from multiple blocks away. On arrival, firefighters had a well involved structure fire with heavy fire in the front of the struc ture and heavy fire pushing from the roof. Crews immediately de clared the Signal 30 for a working structure fire and transmitted a second-alarm, bringing the City of Albany’s Fire Department to the scene. Firefighters deployed a oneand-three-quarter inch line to the front of the structure and began to knock down the heavy fire condi tion before making entry. Water vliet Arsenal firefighters arrived on scene and put their truck com pany to the roof to vent the struc ture vertically. As heavy fire blew from the roof, firefighters made an aggressive push into the first floor
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of the structure. Firefighters grabbed the large diameter hose off of Watervliet Arsenal's truck company and began to back lay it by hand to the nearest fire hydrant located at the end of the street. As additional crews arrived on scene, firefighters made their way into the structure and conducted a primary search of the first and sec ond floors while other firefighters brought another hand line inside as crews on the first floor made an aggressive interior attack. While horizontal ventilation was con ducted in the rear of the structure, command was able to confirm that everyone had made it safely out of the building. As firefighters worked inside the structure, con ditions began rapidly changing and heavy fire started to blow through several locations in the roof, forcing Command to order the evacuation of all firefighters inside the structure. Within one minute of the evacuation, Watervliet Truck 1 was ready for full master stream operations and quickly began to knock down the heavy fire condi tion in the roof area. Crews
quickly regrouped and made their way back inside the structure to continue to conduct a primary search of the structure. Firefight ers deployed another hand line into the structure and began to knock down all remaining fire on the second floor. Firefighters in the front of the structure began to hit hot spots in the roof line area and on the front and side of the structure. Command had the truck com pany shut down the master streams in the bucket, and crews utilized a ladder to make their way up into the attic area where a fire fighter utilized a hand line to knock down all remaining visible fire. The City of Albany’s fire de partment arrived on scene, but was placed back into service a short time later as firefighters were only conducting overhaul of the heavily damaged home, which was deemed a complete loss. Firefight ers continued to conduct overhaul for an extended period of time. Fire Investigators have not yet been able to determine the cause of the fire due to the extent of damage. No injuries were re ported. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Phony Baloney EMS ISSUE
CHELLE CORDERO You are called to a stranger’s home in the middle of the night. Ele’s complaining of stomach pain and clutching his mid-section. Eie’s able to tell you, using all the med ical terminology he can, how severe pain is... but he won’t let you touch him to palpate the abdominal area. Eie says he is running a fever but won’t let you use that fancy no touch digital thermometer on him. Elis insistence that you transport him to “another hospital” (certainly not the one closest to your area of service) and explanation of incon venience or not trusting the doctors sounds just a bit... off. You’re working the night shift and really don’t mind helping oth ers in need, but considering how the “patient” is demanding transport to his specified hospital, he won't let you examine him, he’ll list his med ications but says none of the bottles are handy, and then the symptoms seem to change just as you manage to rule something out... Wow, is this guy trying to pull a fast one on you? Just maybe, your patient IS suffering from a true “illness,” or a disorder known as Munchausen Syndrome? Munchausen is known as a fictitious illness, something that a patient truly feels is there, but is a mental disorder. Doctors do need to rule out the possibility of a true physical illness before making the diagnosis of Munchausen, something that may
be difficult to accomplish in the field. However, if you DO suspect that your patient’s condition is “phony,” documentation is of the ut most importance. Use quotes and write down the patient’s description of his symptoms. Be sure to gather as much medical history as possible; patients with Munchausen are usu ally not very forthcoming or honest but do try to get concise answers. Look for any signs of self-abuse or multiple surgeries like scars, and no tice and list any medications present, as well as other substances which might be causing symptoms. And NEVER be confrontational. If you feel that a child or other person being “cared for” is the vic tim of Munchausen-by-proxy, be es pecially careful with your observations and documentation. Munchausen-by-proxy MAY be a form of abuse and may be attention seeking at the expense of another person’s well-being. Child abuse, if suspected, needs to be reported to Child Protective Services; elder abuse should be reported to law en forcement. If you are going to make that accusation, be sure you have ALL your supporting documentation written down. In NYS, Emergency Medical Technicians are mandated reporters of child abuse; see http://nysmandatedreporter.org/ for detailed info you will need to know. Prehospital clinicians should al ways do a complete assessment of all patients, even if it is believed that the patient is suffering from a facti tious disorder. It is the responsibility of a clinician, with diagnostic tools, to ensure that the patient is not suf fering from a life-threatening, treat able, or correctable condition. Ask yourself, “does the patient look sick?” If the answer to this question is yes, continue treatment and trans port to the hospital. Pass along your findings to the hospital staff (include in your notes who you are giving your information).
November, 2022
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Richmond, New Hampshire is home to the 1996 Pierce Saber 1250/1000 that previously ran as Coeymans Hollow 6-20.
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
MEMORIAL BOARD I f y o u r d epartm ent has photos you w ould like to see in our “M em orial B oard” feature, please u pload them on o u r w ebsite, m vw .lstR espon d erN ew s.co m o r em ail them to L indsey@ l stR esponderN ew s.com
F uneral H eld fo r R o ch e ste r F ire fig h te r E lvis Reyes ROCHESTER, NY - On Sep tember 21st, Rochester Firefighter Elvis Reyes died of complications from surgery related to an on-duty injury. Elvis was a well loved and re spected firefighter, both on and off the job. A big man with an even bigger heart, he leaves behind boots that will be impossible to fill. Calling hours were held Sep-
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tember 27th at the Rochester River side Convention Center, and fu neral services were at the Blue Cross Arena on September 28th. -JEFFREY ARNOLD
Awards and proclamations were given to Ravena Fire for 125 years of service.
Ravena Fire Celebrates 125 Years of Service JEFFREY ARN0LD/@FIREPH0T025
W orking S tru c tu re F ire in H ighland M ills HIGHLAND MILLS, NY - Cornwall FD responded to a reported structure fire at 9 Faenza Terrace, September 22nd. Com mand arrived and advised that the structure was fully in volved and requested the following mutual aid to the scene: Cornwall-on-Hudson, engine-tanker; Woodbury-tanker; Sal isbury Mills-2 tankers; Fort Montgomery-tanker; West PointFAST; and Vails Gate-Engine to fill site. At the 20 minute status check, multiple lines were still working to knock down the heavy fire. Command requested the Fire Inspector to the scene, as well as Central Hudson. Town of New Windsor and Cornwall EMS were at the scene, as well as Fire Coordinators 36-6, 36-14, and 36-15, and Fire Inspectors 36-101 and 36-109.
RAVENA, NY - The Ravena Fire Department celebrated 125 years of service to the community on Saturday, August 27th. The department held a parade through the village that ended at Mosher Park in Ravena, where the annual Friendship Festival took place following the pa rade. There were various vendors and games in the park, as well as demonstrations from Ravena Fire and Albany County Sheriffs, and pie eating competitions and other events throughout the day. Awards were given to partici pants in the parade, and awards and proclamations were also given to Ravena Fire. The night ended with fireworks in the park. Residents loved the idea of the parade leading into the Friendship Festival and have al ready expressed their thoughts on making it a tradition in years to come. - THOMAS MARRA
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Mother Dog and 7 Puppies Rescued from House Fire in Bethlehem BETHLEHEM, NY - On Sep tember 7th at 5:42 P.M., the Delmar FD along with mutual aid from the Slingerlands FD, Elsmere FD, Westmere FD for their FAST, Beth lehem EMS, and Albany County Sheriffs EMS responded to 489 Or chard Street in the Delmar Fire dis trict for a reported structure fire, with the caller reporting a fire in the basement. The first arriving police unit on scene had heavy smoke showing from the structure and immediately notified the dispatcher. Additional police units arrived and began to as sist with making sure that all occu pants of the home had exited. The first arriving fire chief from the Del mar FD immediately transmitted the Signal 30 for a working struc ture fire with heavy smoke pushing from the basement and the first floor. The first arriving engine com pany from Slingerlands FD made entry to the structure with a hand line and began to conduct a primary search for the seat of the fire. The Delmar FD with their truck company took the end of the drive way and crews quickly made their way inside the structure to begin to conduct a primary search of the home. Firefighters made their way down to the basement with a hand line and encountered thick heavy black smoke with heavy amounts of heat pushing down on them. As the primary search crew made their way down to the basement, they discovered a mother dog with sev eral puppies and immediately ra-
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dioed command to make their way to the window for a rescue. Fire fighters on the next arriving engine company connected to the nearby hydrant, creating the water supply for the scene. Firefighters met the fire chief by the basement window with heavy smoke pushing out and handed the mother dog out to the awaiting firefighters and fire chief. Once the mother dog was safely re moved, all her puppies were handed out of the window as well. Com mand immediately notified EMS that they had several puppies in need of oxygen. Firefighters rushed the dogs over to EMS and addi tional firefighters from other depart ments who were arriving on scene began to assist with the dogs. Neighbors also jumped into action to help hold the dogs and give them oxygen. A neighbor and a firefighter began to conduct CPR on an unre sponsive puppy, but it unfortunately did not make it. Firefighters inside the structure made a push towards the seat of the fire and made an aggressive interior attack, quickly knocking down the fire. Firefighters on the attack team notified command and requested ventilation of the structure. Fire fighters conducted a secondary search of the house and confirmed that everyone made it out safely, and there were no remaining ani
mals inside. While firefighters were con ducting overhaul on scene, para medics and EMTs continued to work on all of the puppies by ad ministering oxygen to help them breathe. A Slingerlands FD fire fighter was able to reach out to a local veterinary technician who was able to assist the firefighters on scene with helpful measures to pro vide care to the puppies before they could go to the emergency vet. Firefighters continued to con duct overhaul of the badly damaged home and remained on scene for over four hours while investigators conducted their investigation into the fire. During this time, one of the neighbors assisted by bringing the dogs up to their garage, allowing the mother dog "Bella" to feed her puppies. Later that evening the pup pies were all evaluated at the emer gency vet clinic and given a clean bill of health. The following firefighters are credited with handing seven 2week-old puppies and the mother dog out of the window to Delmar Chief Ryan and Slingerlands Assis tant Fire Chief Tice: Delmar FD Lt. Anderson, Delmar FF Bastiani, Delmar FF Normandin, and Elsmere FD FF Root. According to Chief Ryan, “This could not have been done without the teamwork of the entire crew on the outside and inside putting out the fire while the dogs were rescued.”
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Two-Vehicle MVA w ith Rollover in Newburgh
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NEWBURGH, NY - Cronomer Valley FD responded to a two-vehicle MVA with rollover at 356 Fostertown Road on October 5th. On arrival, all parties were outside of the vehicles. Town of Newburgh Police and EMS were at the scene. Firefighters checked the vehicles for hazards and waited for tow trucks to arrive before clearing. EMS transported one driver to MontefioreSt. Luke's Hospital. The Town of Newburgh PD is investigating the cause.
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Nanuet Fire District operates a 2018 Ford F 550/HME 1500/300 4x4 Mini Pumper.
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
Church Van Rolls Over on NYS Thruway with M ultiple Entrapments, MCI Declared COXSACKIE, NY - Numer ous injuries were reported follow ing an accident that occurred in August involving a large passen ger van that rolled over on the New York State Thruway and brought EMS agencies from sev eral counties to transport the in jured. Emergency crews were called to the New York State Thruway in the area of mile marker 120.7 southbound on Wednesday, Au gust 24th, for a report of a bus rollover around 9:30 P.M., with multiple people trapped inside. On the initial dispatch were Coxsackie Fire, Coxsackie Ambu lance, Greene County Paramedics and New York State Police. With the reports of numerous people trapped in the bus. New Baltimore Fire was requested mutual aid to assist with extrication and EMS. The vehicle was later deter mined to be a 14-passenger van, owned by the Church of God of Prophecy, which was traveling back from a trip, according to a statement made by New York State Police. “State Police have determined a church group from the Church of God of Prophecy, out of South Ozone Park, NY, were traveling back to New York City from visit ing Niagara Falls when the van they were traveling in crashed and overturned,” police said. As arriving crews evaluated the scene and the amount and severity of patients, an MCI was immediately declared. An MCI, or Mass Casualty Incident, can be declared when the amount and severity of patients is more than what the immediate area can han dle at one time, bringing in addi tional resources from across the region to assist. Assistant Chief Dominic Yannazzone of Coxsackie Fire was the first person to arrive on scene and provided dispatch with the up dated information on what he had on scene. He says the extrication didn’t involve cutting the vehicle, but required more of stabilizing the vehicle and assisting with re moving several passengers from their positions inside since the van was on its side and not everyone
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could get out on their own due to their injuries. “One of the rescue workers and two troopers went in and we were just pulling people out, backboarding them and getting them to a safe location,” Yannazzone said. As patients were removed they were being evaluated and treated by the numerous EMS personnel on the scene before being trans ported by ambulance to various hospitals in the area. He says they requested three helicopters to land, but later turned down that re quest as the closest helicopter was approximately 30-40 minutes away. State Police say the driver of the van struck the guardrail and caused the van to roll over. “He attempted to avoid an un involved vehicle that changed lanes and he overcorrected, caus ing the van to lose control and overturn numerous times,” police said. A coordinated team effort on all parts helped all patients get re moved from the vehicle and enroute to local hospitals in under 40 minutes of dispatch time, with offduty personnel hearing the call and coming in to help fill different roles. Several off-duty EMTs re sponded to their stations to staff additional ambulances to either bring them to the scene or assist standing by to help cover calls in other areas. There was also an off-duty Greene County Paramedic and an off-duty Greene County 911 dis patcher who came in to help their colleagues work this stressful in cident, according to Coxsackie FD Assistant Chief Stephen Salluce, Jr., also a Greene County dis patcher, who helped run command on the radios in the back of New Baltimore Fire’s heavy rescue truck. Ambulances and paramedics from all over the area were dis patched and either sent to the scene or relocated to help cover the resources being sent to the
scene. On the scene were two ambu lances from Coxsackie EMS, two ambulances from Ravena Rescue, two ambulances from Cairo EMS, two ambulances from Greenville Rescue, one ambulance from Durham EMS, one ambulance from Diaz EMS, two ambulances from Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, two ambulances from Albany County Sheriff’s EMS and one ambulance from Greenport Res cue, according to a post from Greene County Paramedics. Also assisting on scene and on standby were numerous para medics from Albany and Greene Counties, an additional ambulance from Durham, Chatham EMS, several additional ambulances from Delmar-Bethlehem EMS and Valatie Rescue. Police said all passengers were transported to local hospitals, with three taken to Albany Medical Center with serious injuries, and the rest taken to other hospitals with minor injuries. The driver was not injured. “Thank you to the nurses, doc tors and techs at various regional hospitals for taking on a sudden patient load of varying degrees,” Chief of Operations Steven Near of Greene County Paramedics said in a statement. All southbound lanes were closed at Exit 2 IB while crews were operating at the scene and during accident reconstruction. All lanes reopened to traffic around 3:45 A.M., police said. Police say no tickets were is sued and no criminal charges are pending. “Although this scene required a large number of resources, it is a testament to our ability to work as a cohesive unit and accomplish our goals of providing patient care in less than ideal settings,” Near said. “The EMS/Fire/Police com munity is a small one. Although we all operate in different settings, we all come together and work seamlessly together when there is a time of need. I sincerely appre ciate the hard work and commit ment of all involved.”
An MCI was declared after a church van rolled over on the NYS Thruway with numerous victims trapped.
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
S econd-A larm F ire D estroys V a ca n t B u ild in g in D ow ntow n Troy TROY, NY - On September 25th at 10:40 P.M., a city of Troy zone one police officer returning to the station for shift change noticed a heavy smoke condition in the mid dle of Fourth Street, between State Street and Broadway. As the officer got out of his vehicle, he notified the dispatcher that he had a heavy smoke condition pushing from the structure and the officer immedi ately requested the dispatcher to no tify the fire department of smoke coming from 83 4th Street. As the alarm of fire was being transmitted, the rescue squad, along with Engines 2, 6 and 4, Trucks 1 and 2, Medic 4, and the battalion chief were heading to the scene. Multiple units began to arrive on scene and the battalion chief con firmed a smoke condition showing from a three-story brick structure with numerous exposure issues on both sides, and transmitted the Sig nal 30 and a second-alarm. The sec ond-alarm brought in the City of Albany’s FD and the Watervliet Ar senal FD. Command had heavy smoke showing from the first floor of the building and firefighters im mediately began to deploy multiple hand lines to the front of the struc ture. Firefighters forced entry to both sides of the structure and made their way up the stairs to the second floor on the 'Delta' side of the structure where they encountered a thick, heavy smoke condition with a sig nificant amount of heat on the sec ond floor and a heavy smoke condition on the third floor. Fire fighters on the 'Bravo' side of the structure forced entry into another section of the building that was at tached and occupied by numerous
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*4 3 P residents who began to be evacu ated. As firefighters were searching for the seat of the fire, conditions began to rapidly change inside the structure and heavy smoke began to push from the front. Firefighters in side the structure began to conduct horizontal ventilation, sending glass showering down to the street below where hand lines were being stretched into the building, and a sharp piece of glass pierced one of the attack lines going into the build ing. Firefighters from Trucks 1 and 2 made their way to the roof of the building to conduct ventilation. Firefighters inside the building notified command that they could not find the seat of the fire and com mand immediately designated En gine 4 as the RIT for the fire ground operation. Firefighters began to pull additional hand lines into the struc ture to search for the seat of the fire while crews from the mutual aid companies arrived on scene and began to assist firefighters inside the structure. Engine 2 was able to con nect to the fire hydrant in front of the Loporto's Italian restaurant. Command notified the dispatcher that they had heavy smoke showing from all three floors of the structure and conditions were continuing to change. As firefighters took out the store front windows conditions began to change and smoke from the front of the building began to darken. The truck company on the roof notified command that they had heavy smoke pushing from the skylights
and roof hatches that were popped. Firefighters made their way into the adjacent buildings to make sure that the fire had not traveled into those buildings yet. Troy firefighters were facing an uphill battle as visibility conditions inside the structure were close to zero. With thick heavy smoke push ing from the front of the structure and creating a tower of smoke push ing into the evening sky which was visible from across the river in the city of Watervliet, firefighters con tinued to make an aggressive push to find the seat of the fire. With heavy smoke pushing now from the back of the structure, firefighters in the rear of the building notified command of the changes. With the fire now getting enough oxygen, firefighters were able to locate the seat of the fire and they began to make an aggressive interior attack, knocking down the heavy fire con dition. As firefighters continued to knock down the heavy fire condition and pull apart the walls the heavy smoke condition began to rapidly dissipate. Firefighters inside the stmcture continued to conduct extensive overhaul of the fire building for an extended period of time. The fire is currently under investigation. The building sustained heavy damage on all floors and was boarded up after firefighters left the scene. If it had not been for the obser vant officer heading back to the sta tion, another 10 minutes of burn time could have resulted in a cata strophic fire in the downtown area where multiple buildings could have been lost. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
STILL IN SERVICE If you have photos you would like to see in our “Still in Service” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Crews responded to a vacant home in August for a second case of suspected arson within months.
Second Suspected Arson at Vacant Home in North Greenbush NORTH GREENBUSH, NY A vacant house caught fire for the second time in recent months back in August. Firefighters were called to 700 Bloomingrove Dr. on Friday, Au gust 26th, just before 11:00 RM. for numerous calls for an active structure fire. “The crews arrived to a fire that was heavily involved with fire through the second floor,” said Chief William Burkart of the Defreestville Fire Department. Crews immediately transm it ted a second-alarm, bringing in additional resources to the scene. Due to the heavy fire involve ment in the structure and the home being vacant and on fire months earlier, crews did not make entry to the building and fought the fire with an exterior attack only. Burkart says it took approxi mately one-and-a-half hours to get the fire under control. This is the second time this home has been on fire since May, he said. “It’s a vacant building,” he said. “Nobody has been there for years.” The home sat on the corner of Bloomingrove Drive and Wash ington Avenue Ext. He said it has
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*4 3 P been vacant since the owner passed away many years ago. The fire back on May 26th was a case of suspected arson, as well as this most recent fire, Burkart said. “It’s the same suspected issues over and over again,” he said. “The owner of the property came in and had the house torn down because it was structurally unsta ble.” Defreestville, Wynantskill, Best Luther, Clinton Heights, and East Greenbush Fire Departments responded to the scene. There was a fire hydrant right on the comer next to the house, so Burkart says there were no diffi culties getting water to the scene. There were no injuries reported on the scene. The North Greenbush Police Department is asking if anyone was in that area between 10:15 P.M. and 11:00 PM . on Friday, August 26th, to call 518-283-5323 and speak with either Detective Walsh or Detective Stehr.
Pound Ridge Engine 112 is a 1996 International 2574 with a body built by Gowans Knight. This apparatus can lay up to 5200-feet of 5-inch hose. It is rated to deliver 1500-GPM and has a 300-gallon tank.
FUTURE FIRST RESPONDERS If you have photos you would like to see in our “Future First Responders" feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
V is it us on th e w e b ! w w w .1 rb n .c o m
Selkirk Fire brought an engine to a church picnic at the South Bethlehem Park on Saturday, September 10th. Several kids were interested in checking out the fire truck and looking at all the equipment, and also received some fire prevention goodies to bring home.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
A T h a n ksg ivin g M essage C h a p la in ’s C orner Pastor Fernando Villicana
Thanksgiving is quickly ap proaching, a time most of us will be gathering together with our family and hopefully we will re member to do more than eat a meal and watch football or make a mad dash for the mall. The Thanksgiving Holiday gives us the perfect opportunity to express thanks to God for all the blessings of the year and to transform our lives from complaining and dis satisfaction to lives of joy and gratitude. Thanksgiving is a good holi day for us to turn the comer and become grateful people.
Psalm 118:1 says, “Give thanks to the Lord fo r he is good, his love endures forever " Being a grateful person can INCREASE YOUR PERSONAL HAPPINESS. Most of us think that our hap piness is determined by our cir cumstances. If I asked you, on a scale of one to ten how happy you are right now, you might say, “Well, Em about a 2 or 3 on the happiness meter because of my circumstances.” We’ve been taught that our happiness is somehow dependent on how well things go for us. But really our happiness is deter mined by attitude. It is really in how we see things. The apostle Paul wrote these words from prison (yes prison).
"Rejoice in the Lord always, and
again I say it rejoice. " (Philippians 4:4). Paul was happy despite being in prison - how, he learned to thank God in everything he did. It was really his perspective on life. A young woman wrote her mother from college: "Dear Mom: Sorry I haven’t written sooner. My arm really has been broken. I broke it, and my left leg too, when I jumped from the second floor of my dormitory...when we had the fire. We were lucky. A young serv ice station attendant saw the blaze and called the Fire Department. They were there in minutes. I was in the hospital for a few days. Paul, the service station attendant, came to see me every day. And be cause it was taking so long to get our dormitory livable again, I moved in with him. He has been so nice. I must admit that I am pregnant. Paul and I plan to get married just as soon as he can get a divorce. I hope things are fine at home. I’m doing fine, and will write more when I get the chance. Love, Your daughter, Susie. PS. Mom, None of the above is true. But I did get a "C" in Sociology and flunked Chemistry. I just wanted you to receive this news in its "Proper Perspective!" Happiness is really determined by our perspective in life not by circumstances. If we learn to be grateful people despite circum stances that will greatly improve our happiness.
PART TIM E EQUIPMENT SALES REP ORANGE COUNTY, NY Garrison Fire & Rescue Corp. is seeking a part time sales repre sentative to join our team. If you are interested in working in the fire service or just a second income, you may be the one for us. Some evening hours are required. Individuals shall have basic computer and communication skills, minimum of a high school diploma, and a valid driver’s license. Previous sales experience is not necessary but experience in the fire service is a plus. Sales representatives are responsible for direct sales and marketing within the assigned territory of Orange County, NY as well as other sales administrative duties
No Calls Please - Send Resume to: P.O. Box 30; Palenville, NY 12463 or e-mail to bgarrison@garrisonfire.com
Blessings, Pastor Fernando Villicana Fire Service Chaplain
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13T Responder Newspaper - NY _____________ November, 2022___________ PAGE 25
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
The Senior Buff ON THE BOOK SHELF by John Malecky
THE SENIOR BUFF By Mark Munroe Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street, Suite 2A Hudson, Ma 01749 1-800-522-8528 E-Mail: support@fire-policeems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $15.00 This is a soft covered book measuring 6 inches by 9 inches, with 82 pages. It is memoirs of a volunteer firefighter from a small town in New Hampshire who took an interest in buffing the big
city of New York, but not only that, riding from the busiest fire house in the world (Engine 290 and Ladder 103 of the East New York section in Brooklyn), and also from Rescue 4 which covered the Borough of Queens. Get your self comfortable as you start be cause before long you will be at the edge of your chair while read ing of the runs from unbelievable to unimaginable! Some may give him credit for driving into such a bad neighborhood to get to the sta tion while others will think he is just plain crazy for doing the same! In any event, it may surprise you to know that he was not alone and that sometimes there was a waiting list for a particular day or night caused by other buffs want ing to ride. (Note: In the October book re view there was a typo stating that the author was “not” deceased. It should have stated “now” de ceased.)
Driver Extricated from Rollover MVA in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - The City of Newburgh FD responded to a MVA with rollover and possible en trapment on South Street, west of Prospect Street, October 9th. The driver was extricated by Town of Newburgh EMS who happened to be passing the scene. Firefighters checked the vehicle for hazards and disconnected both batteries before clearing. One subject was transported to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospital by Town of Newburgh EMS. City of Newburgh Police are inves tigating the cause.
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N e w sp a p e r This section is exclusively dedicated to coverage of Long Island emergency services PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
NORTH LINDENHURST, NY - On October 9th, the North Lindenhurst FD responded to reports of a building fire at the Checkers on Sunrise Highway off North Greene Avenue. -
R espo n der W
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Vehicle News
A guide to finding great companies
West Babylon FD took delivery of two Pierce Velocity Apparatus, a 2022 Pierce Velocity 100' Mid-Mount Aerial Platform and a Pierce Velocity Top Mount, 2000-GPM engine with a 500-gallon tank.
F i r e m a t ic
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder N ew s (ISSN 1525-1683) - N ew York edition - Vol. 23 No. 11 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communica tions, Inc., 1 Ardm ore Street, New W indsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardm ore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. N o financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, clas sified, or
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pographicom m unications, inc. cal errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omit ted or in error. Om issions or errors m ust be brought to the attention o f the newspaper during the same m onth o f publication. Printed in Canada.
F lash F ire S parks Hazm at R esponse in B re n tw o o d BRENTWOOD, NY - Just before 11:00 A.M. on Sunday, October 2nd, the East Brentwood Fire Department was dispatched to a reported tanker that caught fire while delivering gas at 750 Motor Parkway. Chief of Department Vazquez arrived to find fuel hoses that were smoldering and no active fire. Firefighters deployed a one-and-three-quarter inch hand line to extinguish the remainder of the fire without incident. The Islip Town Haz mat team was requested for clean up.
Pierce Velocity Ascendant 100' Platform
8 4 5 -5 3 4 -7 5 0 0 * (fa x ) 8 4 5 -5 3 4 -0 0 5 5 fn fo @ b e ls ito . c o m
PURUCATION CONTENT N otice: T he advertisem ents, articles, and letters contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the view s o f 1st Responder Inc. and Belsito Communications, Inc. Advertisements are sold pur suant to the “ space available” and corresponding fee schedule. The m ere fact that advertisem ents are contained in this publication does not express nor imply that 1st R esponder Inc. and Belsito Commu nications, Inc. vouches for the credibility o f the claim s made in the advertisem ents o r the representations expressed or implied in them.
Pierce Velocity Top Mount Engine 2000/500
news from Long Island can be found on our website at www.1rbn.com
Q u ick K n o ckd o w n in N o rth L in d e n h u rs t NORTH LINDENHURST, NY - On the evening of September 18th, the North Lindenhurst FD responded to reports of a house on fire on Merritt Street. Upon response of 1-11-30, Babylon Central Fire Alarm advised the chief that there was a reported fire on the second floor. Upon the arrival of the Chief, he advised a working fire. Engine 1-11-1 arrived on scene, nosed into the plug and stretched one line into operation. On arrival of the FAST from East Farmingdale, they were advised that they were the first-in Truck and the Copiague FD was re quested for the new FAST. West Babylon went for one engine to the scene (1 -9-6), and upon arrival they stretched a second line off 1-11-1. North Amityville was requested for an addi tional Truck (1-7-3). Units operated under the command of North Lindenhurst FD Chief of Department Kenneth Stallone.
OUR CALENDAR IS EXPANDING We Need Your Help! Post an event in your area at www.1rbn.com Keep an eye out fo r N ational Events too!
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
LONG ISLAND] ........ MINEOLA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTM ENT ) Lname Co.rup Cc-jctbmling-100' Y&an § l|i) v a poonn yy J 3 C e f a b i. n lL L ig \
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' TO TrECOlimUNI'lY■■ . (1922-2022) OF SERVICE
Suffolk PD Medevac helicopter flies over Brookhaven Engine 5-39 as it heads back to base.
Medevac Requested in Shirley
Member photo
M in e o la F ire Engine Company C elebrates 100 Years o f D edicated S e rvice; (M in e o la F ire D ept. Engine 3 has been se rvin g th e V illa g e s in c e
SHIRLEY, NY - On September 28th at about 5:45 P.M., the Brookhaven FD was activated for a helicopter landing at their station 1 on Camp Upton Road. Mastic Am bulance advised Medcom that they had a patient who had a seizure and a possible stroke. The person was taken from Unique Fitness to the landing zone where they were met by Stony Brook Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU 1). On arrival at the firehouse, Brookhaven FD Chief of Depart ment DiPinto advised that ambu lances and MSU1 were already there. The chief instructed fire police units to close the entrance to the fire station and directed Engine 9 to
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stand by on the back ramp for an in bound Medevac chopper from SCPD. SCPD helicopter 3 made its landing behind the firehouse and the flight medic consulted with crews fromMSUl and Mastic ambulance. It was determined that the pa tient would be transported by ground to Stony Brook Hospital VIA MSU 1. All FD units were re leased upon take off of the helicop ter back to base. No further information was available. - JOHN WALTHERS
Vehicle News
1922 - a C entenary o f S ervice) MINEOLA, NY - Mineola Fire Dept. Engine Co. 3 celebrates 100 years of dedicated service to the community. The Engine 3 fire company was formally organized on August 22, 1922, and the orig inal firehouse built by the mem bership still stands. A brief ceremony and event was held at 12:30p.m. on Saturday, September 24th at Mineola Engine Co. 3 166 Elm Place in Mineola, NY. Before Engine 3’s firehouse was built, the firemen held their meetings in local public buildings or in members’ homes and barns throughout the Village. The only piece of firefighting equipment on the east side of the railroad tracks
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before then was a hose reel stored in a small building, about the size of a one-car garage. Engine 3’s firehouse was erected by the founding members of the Com pany in their spare time, and opened in 1923. On March 19, 1983, Engine 3 dedicated its new, larger and modern quarters, next door to the old firehouse. The original structure is still serving the emergency needs of the Vil lage of Mineola as the headquar ters for the Mineola Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
Mineola Engine Co. 3 is no stranger to making history in the Mineola Fire Department, aside from a century of service, the company had set the stage for equality and inclusiveness. In March 1937, the Ladies Auxiliary of Company #3 was organized. The Engine 3 Ladies organization was so successful, in 1956, it was expanded to include women in the entire Mineola Fire Department. In September 1988, the first fe male firefighter joined the ranks of Engine 3, and she was the first in the Mineola Fire Department’s 100-year history. - DANIEL MARTINS
The Blue Point FD recently took delivery of a 2022 Pierce Arrow XT 105' Rear Mount Aerial.
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Structural Collapse in Bay Shore
Checkers Catches Fire in North Lindenhurst NORTH LINDENHURST, NY - On October 9th, the North Lindenhurst FD responded to re ports of a building fire at the Checkers on Sunrise Highway off North Greene Avenue. Upon the arrival of Suffolk County Police sector cars, they ad vised there was active fire. The of ficer on first due Engine 1-11-1 transmitted the working fire and they then proceeded to lay in from the hydrant on North Greene and stretched a two-and-a-half inch line to the front door.
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Once crews gained entry into the commercial restaurant, they quickly knocked down the fire and commenced overhaul. The crew from 1-11-2 stretched a second line off 1-11-1 and made entry on the 3 side of the building. Mutual aid was requested from Lindenhurst FD for the first RIT (1-6-4), Copiague FD for an additional RIT, West Babylon FD
for one Engine from Zone 2, and East Farmingdale Fire Co. for a Ladder (1-5-15), and an ambu lance. Command held with just Lindenhurst from the mutual aid. Units operated under command of Chief of the North Lindenhurst FD, Kenneth Stallone (1-11-30). The cause of the fire is under in vestigation and there were no re ported injuries.
BAY SHORE, NY - On Satur day, September 24th at approxi mately 12:48 P.M., the Bay Shore FD, Bay Shore-Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance, and Suffolk County PD were dispatched to the Boulton Cen ter located at 37 West Main Street, between Maple Avenue and South Park Street, for a reported building collapse. First arriving units found the awning of the building collapsed. Mutual Aid was provided by Islip FD, East Islip FD, Islip Terrace FD, Bohemia FD, and Lakeland FD for technical rescue teams. A building
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wb rep and the Islip Town Fire Marshal were requested to secure the build ing and deem it safe or unsafe. Fire crews made entry to the building to secure the power to it. Crews operated on the scene for over one hour. All units were under the command of Bay Shore Fire De partment Chief of Department, Kevin Butler. - BRADLEY FOWLER
Vehicle News
- MICHAELSERRELL The Seaford FD took delivery of a 2019 Rosenbauer Commander 109' Rear Mount Aerial and a 2022 Rosenbauer Commander Pumper.
I f y ou h a v e p h o to s y o u w o u ld lik e to se e in o u r “ B u d d y S h o t” featu re, p lea se u p lo ad th em on o u r w ebsite, w w w . 1stR esp o n d erN ew s .co m o r em ail th em to L in d sey @ lstR e sp o n d erN ew s.c o m
2022 Rosenbauer Commander Pumper 1500-GPM/750-gallon tank.
Brookhaven FD members Tommy Deluca and Larry Fink at a recent call.
2019 Rosenbauer 109' Rear Mount.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
Vehicle News Lindenhurst FD 1-6-20 is a 2021 28-foot Metalcraft Marine Boat with twin 250 horsepower outboard engines that's capable of reaching speeds of 40 MPH on the water. It has a pump that is able to flow close to 1500-GPM and a state-of-the-art thermal imaging camera. Lindenhurst FD 1-6-25 is a refurbished army surplus truck which was modified by George Chivvis for use as a high water rescue truck. 1-6-25 is capable of driving through 5-feet of water, it has 600-gallons of water and can pump 500-GPM, and can draft water from the streets during a fire if necessary.
Brookhaven firefighters operate on the roof.
Brookhaven FD Operates at Reported Structure Fire SHIRLEY, NY - On Monday, September 19th at about 7:02 P.M., the Brookhaven FD responded to a report of a structure fire at the South Brookhaven Health Center East, lo cated at 550 Montauk Highway. On arrival of Assistant Chief Giuseppe Loiacono, he advised that he had a light smoke condition and requested a rep to respond to the scene. Ladder 5-3-1 and Engines 53-3, 5-3-5 and 5-3-9 all responded to
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the scene to investigate the situation. Ladder 1 was placed in front of the building and a crew was sent up to the roof. Additional crews inves tigated other portions of the building upon making entry. Members oper ated under the command of Chief of Department Dan DiPinto.
Upon thorough investigation the source of the smoke was located to be from the HVAC system. The sys tem was shut down to mitigate the situation. Chief Dipinto requested that Fire-com advise a fire marshal to be dispatched to the scene. All units went back in to service after about 45 minutes of the initial acti vation. RRL PHOTO
Crews Respond to House Fire in West Babylon WEST BABYLON, NY - On October 11th, the West Babylon FD responded to reports of a house fire on Elmwood Road. Quickly responding were Engine 1-9-3 and Ladders 1-9-4, 1-9-30 and 19-33. Additional information was relayed to the responding chiefs that Babylon Central Fire Alarm took a direct call for reports of a fire in the house, as well as a call from the alarm com pany. Upon the arrival of units, they were met with smoke showing from the front door and stretched two hand lines to the 3 side of the dwelling (backyard), and an additional dry line was stretched to the front door. Engine 1-9-2 picked up the hydrant on Elmwood Road west of the fire building and laid into Engine 1-9-3. Crews from Engines 1-9-1, 1-9-2, 1-9-6 and 1-9-8 helped man hose lines and overhaul. The crew from the truck utilized the aerial to ventilate windows on the upper floors. The main body of the fire was located in a room on the 2/3 corner. Units op erated under the command of the Chief of West Babylon FD, Michael Vergano (1-9-30). The cause of the fire is under investigation.
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
DRILLS/TRAINING If you have photos you would like to see in our "‘Drills'' feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey® 1stResponderNews. com.
The Mastic Fire Department Explorers recently met at Mastic FD HQ to conduct a drill on hose handling. The explorers got into gear and were briefed by their advisors on how the drill would work and any and all safety information as needed. For this drill the explorers were split up into groups and to make things a little fun while still learning and practicing, they were told they would play “Water Hockey”. Instead of a puck a bucket was used, and the explorers had to handle the hose and get the bucket past a certain part of the parking lot that was marked out. They worked on this drill for a little over one hour. The senior members initially took the nozzle on the first few attempts and then went on to teach the junior members and backed them up. The kids had fun and learned a lot.
Room and C o n te n ts F ire in C opiague COPIAGUE, NY - On Sep tember 28th, the Copiague FD was activated for a reported house fire on 26th Street off North Strongs Avenue and Catskill Avenue. All Copiague Chiefs were quickly on the scene, and Chief of Department Dominick Nuzzi (1-330) advised a working fire to Babylon Central Fire Alarm for a fire in a one-story private dwelling. Suffolk County Police entered the smoke filled house before the fire department arrived and stated that they could not find any vic-
3P I #tims. Upon the arrival of Vigilant Engine Co. Engine 1-3-5, they stretched a one-and-three-quarter inch line to the front door and began a fire attack. The fire was located in a bedroom on the Vi cor ner. Crews made a quick knock down of the blaze, and the crew from Eagle Engine Co. Engine 13-10 stretched a second line off Engine 1-3-5 to the corner. The
crew from Truck 1-3-4 and Heavy Rescue 1-3-3 searched and as sisted in the overhaul; all searches for life were negative. Mutual aid was fulfilled by North Lindenhurst for the RIT (111-4), and Lindenhurst FD for an Engine (1-6-1). Units operated on scene for approximately one hour and were under the command of Chief of Copiague FD Dominick Nuzzi (1-3-30). There were no re ported injuries and the cause of the fire is under investigation. - MICHAEL SERRELL
WORKING FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Brookhaven Firefighter Chris Perry and his Lt. John Hodge discussing things at a recent call.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2022
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Truly another game changer. We’ve taken the Ascendant® single rear axle quint configuration, and made it even better with the addition of a platform basket. Imagine that... for those of you who would rather ride than climb, or those who would never even consider a heavy, tandem axle aerial platform - the Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is your solution! This configuration will provide you 110' (33.5m) of vertical reach and 90' (27.4m) of horizontal reach without compromising on water capacity, performance, or safety. You’ll have a maneuverable, first out quint with full rescue capabilities. The Ascendant platform includes a 100,000 psi high-strength steel ladder with a fully NFPA compliant, ergonomically designed 3-person basket. The Ascendant platform is rated to a 35 mph (56 km/h) wind and 1/4" (0.64cm) of ice load. It can accommodate 100 lb (45.4kg) of additional equipment, and flow 1,250 gpm (4,732 L/m) from a single monitor located at the end of the fly section. For those of you that want more than just a ladder yet desire a smaller, lighter weight platform basket with lower acquisition costs and less cost of ownership, the Ascendant platform is ideal for you. The Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is available on a wide range of Pierce custom chassis with either a single rear axle or a tandem rear axle to meet your fire department’s needs.
F lR E M A T IC .C O M
8 8 8 - 4 34-7362
November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the Month’ feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
MEMORIAL BOARD If you have photos you would like to see in our Memorial Board feature please upload them on our website www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
On October 19th, a memorial service was held for FDNY Fire Protection Inspector William Klobus who died suddenly on October 3, 2022 while on duty. Chief of Department John Hodgens said, “Today we’re joined here to recognize a man who served his country and served his city with pride and distinction. William J Klobus died earlier this month while on duty as a Fire Protection Inspector in our Bureau of Fire Prevention. For the last ten years, he was an important member of our team. He helped to ensure the safety of New Yorkers, and his fellow FDNY members, through his dedicated work as an Inspector. As a veteran of the United States Air Force, who served our country in the Vietnam War, he served his country. He was brave and courageous, and lived a tremendous life of service to others. All of us in the Department are so grateful for all he did - in every uniform he proudly wore - and we will never forget him.”
This patch belongs to FDNY Engine 15 (Est. 1865), located in New York County, NY.
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Rick Billings
DEPARTMENT PROFILE If you have photos you would like to see in our “Department Profile” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
________ STEVE WHITE
FDNY Engine 15, Ladder 18, Battalion 4
Enjoy taking photographs? Get the most out of your hobby. c 2022 by Rick Billings @jampony452
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Contact Lindsey TODAY for more information! Lindsey@1 strespondernews. com
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November, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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