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MELROSE, NY - On September 8th at 3:37 A.M., Hoosic Valley Ambulance along with the Melrose and Johnsonville Fire Departments were dispatched for a reported structure fire in the intersection of Willow Lane and Grant Hollow Road, with multiple callers reporting the house to be on fire. Deputies quickly arrived on scene and notified the dispatcher that they had a working structure fire. - See full story on page 7
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Rochester Auto Shop Fire Quickly Extinguished ROCHESTER, NY - On Tuesday, September 7th at 3:36 P.M., Rochester firefighters responded to 296 McKee Road for the report of gasoline on fire in an auto shop. Units arrived on the scen e and found sm oke com ing from a one-story con crete block structure. Interior crew s were able to quickly ex tinguish the fire. There were no injuries reported, and the cau se of the blaze was under investigation.
Troy Firefighters Extricate One Person from Rollover Accident
Tractor-Trailer Rolls Over on Enterprise Drive in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Coldenham FD responded to a tractortrailer rollover on Enterprise Drive on September 13th. On ar rival, firefighters found the driver already out of the vehicle with no injuries. Town of Newburgh EMS responded as fire fighters spread speedy dry on the roadway and checked for hazards. New York State Police were also at the scen e and are investigating the cause. The roadway was shut down until hazards were taken care of.
TROY, NY - On September 8th just after 10:41 P.M., the City o f Troy's Fire and Police Depart ments were dispatched to the in tersection o f River Street and H oosick Street for a delta deter mined traffic accident rollover with heavy entrapment. At the time of this incident the Rensselaer County Emergency Communication Center had been struck by lightning, and a power outage caused the center to not be able to dispatch calls. Fortunately, the East Greenbush Police Depart ment’ s Communication Center was able to successfully dispatch calls until Rensselaer County was brought back online a short time later. Within two minutes, the res cue squad, along with Truck 2, Medic 4, and the battalion chief arrived on scene and confirmed a single-car rollover, with the vehi cle off the roadway and under the H oosick Street overpass. Fire fighters attempted to access the patient inside of the vehicle, but
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3$ due to heavy entrapment extrica tion was required. The battalion chief requested additional manpower to the scene. Police arrived and shut down the intersection as other officers made their way down to the scene where they found a vehicle that was missing a large portion of the front end, and car parts scattered up to 30-feet away from the vehicle. With a large amount of fluid leak ing from the vehicle, firefighters deployed a single hand line down to the scene in case o f a fire. Crews utilized their cutterspreaders and began to cut the dri ver's side door off o f the vehicle. Once the door was removed, fire fighters began to assess the condi tions inside the car where the driver was still trapped, as the floor and dash had wrapped up the driver's legs. Firefighters made two relief cuts in the area of the
lower frame on the car and next to the driver's legs. A ram was then utilized, slowly rolling the dash forward to allow firefighters to gain access to the driver. Firefighters were able to free the driver's legs after a short pe riod o f time, at which time they were placed on a backboard and quickly transported to Albany Medical Center. Damage to a wall and side walk area on scene suggests that the driver o f the vehicle came down H oosick Street and hit a wall just before the staircase by the underpass, and then rolled down into the location where the vehicle eventually landed. Police took photos of the inci dent and made a report. The vehi cle was later removed by a tow company and the intersection was re-opened. At this time police did not indicate if alcohol or any other substance was a contributing fac tor to the incident.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Backstop USA
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Area fire departments wetting down Tivoli's new apparatus. Churchville Fire Equip
EMS Exposition
Fire Districts of NY
Cum m unity C elebrates T ivo li FD’s Rise from th e Ashes
Garrison Fire Rescue
Jerome Fire Equipment
LaFrance Equipment
Mid Atlantic Rescue
Municipal Marketing
Specialty Vehicles
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 22 No. 11 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communicahons, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Pe riodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial sponsibility is assumed by . . communications, Inc. this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part o f the ad which was omit ted or in error. O m issions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month o f publication. Printed in Canada.
PURLICATION CONTENT Notice: The advertisements, articles, and letters contained in this pub lication d o not necessarily reflect the view s o f 1st R esponder Inc. and Belsito Communications, Inc. Advertisements are sold pursuant to the “space available”and corresponding fee schedule. The mere fact that advertisements are contained in this publication does not express nor imply that 1st Responder Inc. and Belsito Communications, Inc. vouches for the credibility o f the claim s m ade in the advertisements or the representations expressed o r implied in them.
TIVOLI, NY - In July of 2019, the Tivoli Fire Department caught fire. They lost an ambu lance, a fire engine, and thousands of dollars in equipment. On Sun day, September 26th, Chief Marc Hildenbrand and his department welcomed the community back to the restored firehouse. The brief afternoon ceremony also served as a christening or “wetdown”o f their new fire en gine and ambulance. Several neighboring departments joined members of the Tivoli community and elected officials to celebrate the department’ s rise from the ashes. Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, once the mayor of Tivoli, has been associated with the fire department for 25 years. “ Tivoli has always been a commu nity that gets back up on its feet but what this department has done is truly remarkable. Not only did they rebuild their firehouse and are christening a new fire truck, but they are welcoming new mem bers. They are one of the few vol unteer companies that are growing with significant numbers, and is really an example o f rebirth and investing in public safety.” Hildenbrand remarked that the
department has started a capital campaign to raise $3 million to build a new firehouse and emer gency shelter that will meet the needs of the growing department while providing a safe haven for the community in times of need. Tivoli Mayor Joel Griffith stood with village trustees and Hilde brand on Sunday and pledged to support the plan. “We’ re going to help this fire department raise all o f the money they need to build the new firehouse.” The an nouncement was met with a round o f enthusiastic applause. Chief Hildenbrand thanked everyone that attended and took a moment to praise the Germantown Fire Department and Mobile Life Support Services. The German town firefighters lent Tivoli a fire engine and Mobile Life loaned an ambulance until the department could get their own equipment. “Today marks the end o f one chapter and the start of another,” Chief Hildenbrand told Mid-Hud son News.
Dogs Rescued from C ity of Newburgh S tructure Fire NEWBURGH, NY - The City of Newburgh FD responded to a reported structure fire at 169 Renwick Street on Septem ber 17th. On arrival fire was seen com ing out of a secondstory residence. A second-alarm w as transmitted, bringing to the s c e n e West Point with their ladder, Air National Guard with an engine, and Cornwall on Hudson with a lad der. New Windsor's engine was on stand by at Fire Head quarters. Firefighters on scen e used hand lines and ladder operations to knock down the fire. City of Newburgh Police blocked off the area around the s c e n e while crew s oper ated. Mobile Life ALS and Deputy Orange County Fire C o ordinator 36-14 were also at the scene. Central Hudson was called for a power cut. Two d o g s were rescu ed from the structure. The fire is now under investigation. MIDHUDSONNEWS.COM
Tivoli Fire Chief Marc Hildenbrand
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
g R espon d er m N ew sp a per
In memory of those who gave all
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Joseph P. Bel sito (Joe@Belsito.com) GENERALMANAGER
Kathy Ronsini
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1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers
Ashley Ramos
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Joe BelsitO (Joe@1stRespondemews.com) DISPATCHER RECRUITMENT & RETENTION (Rich© 1stResponder.com)
EDITORIAL STAFF COLUMNISTS ••• Rick Billings (Cartoon) Chelle Cordero (EM S) AJ Fusco (Food Blog) Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (C haplain’s Corner) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain’s Corner)
emergency responders lost in the line of duty Alabama: Donald L. Jones, 59 Rank: Chief Incident Date: April 21, 2021 Death Date: April 21, 2021 Fire Department: Midfield Fire and Rescue Service Initial Summary: On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, Fire
approximately 12:45 a.m.. New Haven Fire Depart
Chief Donald L. Jones, during a lunch break, went into
conscious on the second floor o f the home. Fire
cardiac arrest. The Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service
fighter Torres was transported to the local hospital
responded to the incident and immediately performed
and was later pronounced deceased. The lieutenant
advanced life support measures on him. Chief Jones was
was also transported to the hospital and remains in
subsequently transported to the University o f Alabama
critical condition.
ment personnel arrived at the scene o f a residential fire. The members o f the department rescued two res idents who were trapped inside the house. During the fire. Firefighter Torres was in trouble and transmitted a mayday. He and his lieutenant were both found un
Birmingham Hospital where, after exhausting all efforts CORRESPONDENTS Jeffrey A rn o ld ‘ Jeffrey B elschw inder • Brian Berkey • D avid Burns • M ik e Carey •
to revive him were unsuccessful, was pronounced de ceased.
M ichael C ontaxis • J e ff Crianza • Russell C urley • V in nie D o m in ic k • Patrick D ’ O n o frio • B o b Faugh • Bradley F ow ler ‘ John G reco • Paul H arrington • Gar}' Hearn • C onnor Jacobs • H arold Jacobs • Ron Jeffers • La rry Kensinger • B o b K ra jic e k • Je ff Le vine • C hu ck Lo w e • M a iy B e th M ajestic ‘ Torn M arra • B o b M c C o rm ick • Randy M on tou r • W illia m M urra y • C harlie Piper • D avid Ragusa • John R ieth • Frank R obinson • B o b R oot • C hris Sabella ‘ John Sm ith • Ken Snyder • John Spaulding ‘ B ill Tom pkin s • Chris T om pkin s • B o b Vaccaro • G ar}' Vanvoorhis • Frankie Verderame • Stephen W allace • John W althers • Eugene W eber Jr. • Steve W h ite • G uy Zam patori J r
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Texas: Roger Dean, III, 31 Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Incident Date: December 20, 2020 Death Date: April 23, 2021 Fire Department: Seguin Fire Department Initial Summary: On Sunday, December 20, 2020,
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fighter Charles Wayne Spry attended mandated physical fitness training at the fire department. Early the next morning, Wednesday, May 26, 2021, his family found
Firefighter/Paramedic Roger Dean, III, responded to an
him unresponsive on the kitchen floor o f his home. He
EMS call at a residence. The patient had a known case
passed away from a cardiac event.
o f COVID-19. Firefighter/Paramedic Dean subsequently contracted the vims and passed away on Friday, April 23,2021.
If y ou would like information about how advertising in 1st R esponder News
North Carolina: Charles Wayne Spry, 51 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: May 26, 2021 Death Date: May 26, 2021 Fire Department: LaGrange Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Fire
Ohio: Jeffrey Eugene Armes, 38 Rank: Senior Firefighter Incident Date: May 2, 2021 Death Date: May 2, 2021 Fire Department: Nelsonville Division of Fire Initial Summary: On Sunday, May 2, 2021, Senior
California: Tory Carlon, 44 Rank: Firefighter Specialist Incident Date: June 1, 2021 Death Date: June 1, 2021 Fire Department: Los Angeles County Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, Firefighter Specialist Tory Carlon was shot and killed and a captain was injured at the Agua Dulce Fire Station. The as
Firefighter Jeffrey Eugene Aimes, while at the scene o f a
sailant, an off duty firefighter also with the Los Angeles
residential fire, collapsed. Emergency personnel imme
County Fire Department, then set fire to his house. He
diately performed CPR and advanced life support care.
was later found deceased in a small pool outside the
Firefighter Aimes was transported to the OhioHealth
home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The captain
O’ Bleness Hospital where he was pronounced deceased. Investigation into the incident is ongoing.
was transported to the hospital where he remains in criti cal but stable condition. Investigation into the incident continues.
Connecticut: Ricardo Torres, Jr., 30 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: May 12, 2021 Death Date: May 12, 2021 Fire Department: New Haven Fire Department Initial Summary: On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
Heavy Fire on Arrival at Willow Lane House Fire in Melrose MELROSE, NY - On Septem ber 8th at 3:37 A.M., Hoosic Val ley Ambulance along with the Melrose and Johnsonville Fire De partments were dispatched for a reported structure fire in the inter section of Willow Lane and Grant H ollow Road, with multiple callers reporting the house to be on fire. Deputies quickly arrived on scene and notified the dispatcher that they had a working structure fire. Melrose Car 4 arrived and confirmed a working structure fire with heavy fire through the roof. Deputies on scene confirmed that everyone was out of the structure. Melrose Car 2 arrived and de clared the Signal 30, and then re quested a second-alarm after notifying the dispatcher that the house was heavily involved. Hoosic Valley, Johnsonville, Speigletown, Pleasantdale, and the Center Brunswick Fire Depart ments were dispatched to the scene. Engine 206 arrived on scene and firefighters deployed a oneand-three-quarter inch hand line to the front of the structure while an other firefighter deployed a oneand-three-quarter inch hand line to the rear of the structure. The chief of the department arrived on scene and took over pump operations on Engine 206 so that crews had an other interior firefighter to help knock down the heavy fire condi tion. The pump operator of Engine 206 quickly connected to the fire hydrant in front o f the structure.
establishing a water supply. As firefighters were making an aggressive push into the first floor, heavy fire blew through the sec ond floor of the structure, causing the metal roof to collapse into the second floor. Engine 35-7 arrived on scene and firefighters deployed a two-and-a-half inch hand line to the 'Bravo' side of the structure where heavy fire had blown through the windows and attic vent. Firefighters from the Mechanicville Fire Department as well as additional departments ar rived on scene and began to assist crews in suppression efforts. As firefighters began to gain control o f the heavily involved building, paramedics and EMTs from the H oosic Valley Rescue Squad administered care to two in dividuals that were inside the house at the time o f the fire and transported them to the hospital for smoke inhalation. Crews made entry into the structure and began to hit all of the remaining hotspots. Fire investiga tors arrived on scene and began to conduct their investigation into the incident. Firefighters remained on scene until the early hours of the morning conducting overhaul and placing their engines back in serv ice. The fire is currently under in vestigation.
Visit us online for more news around the states! www.1rbn.com JEFFREY BELSCHWIHDER/SIDEWIHDER PHOTOGRAPHY
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Breast Cancer: a Fire Chief’s Journey from Discovery to Diagnosis to Treatment The following story is proba bly more personal information than I would normally share, but if my experience could help any of my brother & sister firefighters, it’ s all worthwhile. Products of combustion, chemicals and the other contaminants we're exposed to are the enemy. Wear your PPE, decon your gear & equipment, and wash your dirty hands! In February of 2019,1 was di agnosed with breast cancer. Yes, men can get breast cancer but it is very rare. We were told that men only make up 1% of all cases and that the specific type I had, “mu cinous colloid carcinoma”, was rare as well. About six weeks later I underwent a mastectomy, where they surgically removed my entire right breast. As scary as my diag nosis and treatment was, they pale in comparison to the frightening reality that my cancer almost was n’ t discovered, or it may have been found much later than it was, resulting in a more dire outcome. The reason for the delay would have been my ignorance and fear. My whole story is considerably longer than could be published here, but there are a few important components that I believe need to be shared. I’ m a guy in my 50’ s, and of course I have lumps and bumps, that’ s part o f getting older. So when I felt a small lump under my t think much of right nipple, I didn’ it. I can’ t tell you how long I ig nored it, but it had to be several months, or even a year. Eventually I asked my doctor about it during my annual CDL physical; he took a look and decided to write me a script for a mammogram and I re member thinking to myself “yeah right, like I ’ m gonna get a mam mogram”. So I folded it up, put it in my wallet and out of my mind. Probably the luckiest thing that has ever happened in my life is that several weeks later, I in jured my back. I still don’ t know exactly what the cause was, but it was bad, real bad. It resulted in a chiropractor sending me for an xray and while I was at the radiol ogy office, I decided to pull out the script for the mammogram that I’ d been carrying around. After
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*4 3$ admonishing me for not acting on the script sooner, they scheduled me for a mammogram, and thank God they did. During the test, the radiologist was immediately con cerned and had the technician do an ultrasound. After looking at those results he came in and told me the “mass”had characteristics of a “cancer”, and I need to con tact a surgical oncologist immedi ately for a consultation. He basically finished off by saying I should “keep my spirits up and consider this the beginning o f a journey and not the end o f the road”. To say I was floored would be an understatement. After some research and con sultation we decided to go with the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey (RCINJ), which is part of the Robert Wood Johnson system. My wife and I went to meet the surgeon for the first time and we both immediately liked her. She had a great bedside man ner and was very informative. She decided to waste no time and took several biopsies of the mass right there in the office. She was also very honest and held nothing back. Based on the radiology re sults and her exam, the most likely course o f action would be a mas tectomy (total removal) o f my right breast. Once the biopsy re sults confirmed the cancer diagno sis, she wanted to waste no time and “get it out”. I was scheduled for surgery on March 25th, 2019. The weeks leading up to the procedure were full o f tests, scans and interviews. The actual surgery took about 3.5 hours and I was on my way home the next day. From what I was told, everything went well and I actually felt pretty good. My chest was bound in a giant ace bandage and it took me a few days to build up the courage to actually look at the site. I also had two drains in place that I was told could com e out in two or three weeks. The next step was to determine if chemo or radiation treatment would be required, based on tests of everything they
removed from me. The results came back, I did not need chemo but would have to go for 25 ses sions o f radiation therapy. I will say the radiation sucked, but it was over in 5 weeks and I moved on. The final part o f the treatment plan was the need to take Tamox ifen for the next five to 10 years to help prevent any remaining cancer cells from finding a new home. s where I am today, And that’ doing pretty good, going for my six month checks. I’ m lucky and my final out com e could have been much worse. To my brother and sister firefighters: while there is no de finitive proof that 30+ years of firefighting has anything to do with my cancer, it is also im possi t. There is ble to prove that it didn’ no history o f this disease in my family and I don’ t have any of the known genetic markers. There is an ever-growing list o f cancers that firefighters contract at a higher rate than the general public and our industry is paying much more attention to this issue. Prod ucts o f combustion and other con taminants that we are exposed to are the enemy; wearing your PPE and performing decon are the first steps to protecting ourselves. R o tate hoods, clean your gear and wash your hands after every run or touching any equipment. Please take this issue seriously and take the steps to protect you and your family. If something doesn't look or feel right, get it checked. D on’ t let fear or arrogance stop you from doing the right thing, and don ’ t make the mistake I made and delay treatment. Never forget... EVERYONE GOES HOME! Bio: Robert Dorman is cur rently the Apparatus Training C o ordinator fo r Fire & Safety Services. Tie's the former owner o f Jersey Fire & Rescue in Metuchen. a form er US Army Combat Medic and EMT. He has been a firefighter fo r 33 years and has served as the Chief o f the Metuchen Fire Department for the past 15 years.
Robert Donnan is currently the Apparatus Training Coordinator for Fire & Safety Services. He’ s the former owner of Jersey Fire & R escue in Metuchen, a former US Army Combat Medic and EMT. He has been a firefighter for 33 years and has served as the Chief of the Metuchen Fire Department for the past 15 years.
Metuchen Fire Chief Robert Donnan was diagn osed with breast cancer in February of 2019 and underwent a m astectom y on March 25, 2019.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
We all know that every certi fied ambulance running in the State of New York has a specified list o f required equipment (known as Section 800.24). Reg ular crew checks (usually at the beginning o f each shift) and re stocking after calls should make that easy to com ply with. The tricky part is pulling the equip ment from hopefully wellstocked cabinets, and this is where good planning and records can make a world o f difference. Your Supply Officer, or what ever title your agency has as signed, is responsible for making sure that the necessary equipment is on hand at all times, and with careful planning and good data records this equipment can be available in the most cost-effi cient way. Ordering piece meal only when the equipment is de pleted is both risky and costly — the agency runs the risk o f not being able to receive it in time to comply with Part 800, and it may be a higher cost than necessary because there is no time to go scouting for best prices. Unless your supplier is giving you an ad equate discounts for customer loyalty, then it is the Supply O f ficer's responsibility to find af fordable prices from a reliable source. Good record keeping includ ing data such as number and type o f calls, average equipment used for each run AND expiration dates for solutions, BVMs, and many sterile items, will help to compile a standard purchase list; a regular audit o f PCR records
will provide an accurate account of use. The data should also note if there are specific seasons when some equipment is more in de mand than others (just for exam ple, summertime swimming or winter skiing mishaps). If every month the same equipment is used, the cost might be lowered if auto matic purchases are made. (An au tomatic purchase can be modified down the road if demand changes.) If purchase versus use data suggests that an item (such as cold packs during the summer) has heavier use by season, then order ing less or more based on the sea son is more cost efficient since many o f these items have expira tion dates and too much supply can wind up being trashed. While all the equipment listed in NYS's "Part 800 - Emergency Medical Services" is required to be always on the rig and/or at the station, it is foolhardy and costly to stockpile items, even if you got a great price for the bulk order, that wind up being discarded because they passed an expiration date. If your agency has multiple stations and you have a supply o f soon-to-expire items, channel the bulk (not all) o f those items to the station that indicates the most potential use. Efficient and cost-saving prac tices will help to ensure expedient response and treatment as well as saving taxpayers (if publicly funded) or company money. Crews should always replace items used upon return to base. Routine rig checks o f equipment should not be the first step in deciding what needs to be ordered, but rather a safeguard and should include checking the operational readiness (such as EKG or Suction batteries) as well as vehicle readiness for re sponse.
Visit us online for more news around the states. www.1rbn.com
November, 2021
Morrisville, NY recently received Truck #247, a 2021 Sutphen 1500-GPM/500-GWT/75' mid-mount aerial ladder. The truck was purchased through a FEMA grant.
V acant B uilding Fire in C ity o f Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - The City of Newburgh Fire Dept, responded to a report of sm oke com ing from a building at the corner of Chambers Street and Campbell Street on August 25th. Fire fighters used hand lines to extinguish the fire and searched the building, which was con firmed to be vacant. One subject was helped off the fire escape. Mobile Life ALS transported one subject to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospital. Central Hudson and the co d e department were called to the scene. The fire is under investigation.
November, 2021
1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
Two-Car MVA with Entrapment in Newburgh JEFFREY ARN0LD/@FIREPH0T025
Fire Above Firehouse Saloon in Rochester Quickly Extinguished ROCHESTER, NY - On Friday, September 17th at 11:38 P.M., the Rochester Fire Department responded to the report of a fire in the hallway at 810 South Clinton Avenue, above the Firehouse Saloon. Several occupants of the apartments on the secon d floor were safely evacuated by firefighters. The blaze was quickly brought under control and no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
NEWBURGH, NY - Winona Lake FD responded to a two-vehicle MVA with entrapment on Route 52, just east of Highland Ave., on September 8th. Town of Newburgh Police and Town of New burgh EMS also responded. Firefighters used the Jaws of Life to extricate one subject, who was then transported to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospital. Good-Will FD responded with their Res cue to the scene. Firefighters spread speedy dry on fluids on the roadway. Town of Newburgh Police closed Route 52 in both directions while investigating the scene. Town of Newburgh Po lice are investigating the cause.
ALL IN THE FAMILY I f you have photos you would like to see in our “A ll In The Fam ily” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@IstResponderNews.com.
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O u r r e a d e r s m a k e a ll t h e d iffe ren ce!
k a i i
NEWBURGH, NY-Winona Lake Engine Company Firefighters, and husband and wife, Steve and Alex Bennett.
November, 2021
1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
FACES OF NEW YORK’S EMERGENCY SERVICES I f you have photos you would like to see in our “ Working Faces” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
NEWBURGH, NY - Newburgh Battalions 2 and 3 participated with the Knights of Columbus in the annual Blue Mass service held at St. Patrick's Church, September 12th.
South Wilson Fire and Rescue Calls in Mutual Aid for Head-On Accident WILSON, NY - South Wilson Rescue, Wilson EMS, Miller Hose EMS and Mercy Flight all took part in a head-on accident in the Town o f Wilson on September 25th, when a pickup truck left Chestnut Road and hit a tree headon. The driver had self-extricated and was sitting on the ground be hind the truck using his cell phone before EMS arrived. The passen ger was collared and back-boarded before being removed from the passenger's side. The truck had left the south side o f the road and traveled hundreds o f feet off the
NEWBURGH, NY - Winona Lake Engine Company Firefighter Brian McGorman (Captain Car#3) and his wife, Heather.
in f il e #092521103
t *
road before slamming head-on into a tree. The impact was great enough to fold the engine and roof compartment on the pickup truck. South Wilson Command had Mercy Flight fly to the landing zone at South W ilson’ s Fire Hall just down the road. Wilson angled their ambulance for a rapid trans port of the passenger to the land ing zone. Miller Hose packaged the driver and transported him by ground to ECMC, the trauma cen
ter in Buffalo. The landing zone was secured by South Wilson and maintained by various personnel from Wilson and South Wilson in several levels of protective equip ment. Niagara County Sheriff Deputies walked around the scene trying to figure out exactly where the truck left the road, and what the circumstances may have been for leaving the roadway. The injuries o f the two pa tients did not appear to be lifethreatening.
IN SERVICE I f you have photos you would like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @ 1stResponderNews.com.
18th Annual Antique Fire Engine M uster Held in Kingston KINGSTON, NY - The volunteer firemen's hall and museum of Kingston held their 18th annual antique fire engine muster at 265 Fair St. on August 21st.
Minisink Fire Company, in Goshen, operates a 2006 Freightliner M2-112/US Tanker 1000/3000 as Tanker 935.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
PA G E 13
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Crews Face Extreme Challenges a t Com m ercial S tructure Fire in Brunsw ick BRUNSWICK, NY - On Sep tember 9th at 5:38 P.M., an off duty City of Troy Battalion Chief
Jump to fil e #092721113
was driving when he noticed smoke pushing from a commer cial garage at 825 Hoosick Road. He notified the dispatcher that he had a working structure fire in the Brunswick No. 1 Fire District, and the dispatcher toned out Brunswick No. 1, Mountain View for the FAST team, Wynantskill, Melrose, Pittstown, Speigletown, Raymertown, Center Brunswick and Eagle Mills for a working structure fire. Brunswick No. 1 Car 2 arrived on scene and declared the Signal 30, as well as the second-alarm, for a working structure fire. Truck 4 arrived and laid in from the fire hydrant to the scene as crews de ployed a hand line to the front door of the building. The next ar riving engine laid in from another fire hydrant and established an ad ditional water supply on scene. Engine Ladder 35 also arrived and set up in the rear of the building. Firefighters made entry to the building as thick brownish smoke pushed from the front door. Once inside the structure, a heavy smoke condition was discovered banking down to about one-foot off the floor. As a significant amount of heat pushed down on firefighters as they made their way deeper into the structure, thick heavy black smoke began to push from the attic vent. Crews then began to cut a vent hole in the building over the suspected main fire area. Command learned that the building was being used to hold seasonal items, and pallets of wood pellets, and that it was a small engine repair shop with a significant amount of flammable items. As firefighters began to spray water in an area where they be lieved the seat o f the fire was, command ordered all units to evacuate the building as the smoke condition inside began to rapidly change from thick gray to a turbulent heavy black and brown smoke. Crews made their way out of the structure as heavy fire pushed from the attic vent hole on the 'Delta' side. Firefighters quickly began to use hand lines from the exterior of the structure to knock down the heavy fire condition from the attic area, and after gain ing temporary control of the building, crews made entry again. As they pushed towards the seat of the fire, the significant fuel load inside o f the building reignited and blew through the center of the building. Command then requested the building to be evacuated again. As heavy fire blew 60-feet into the afternoon sky that could
be seen from miles away, both truck companies opened up their master streams and began to knock down the heavy fire condition at which time the roof over the main building collapsed inside o f the structure. A significant amount of fuel was found floating in the water coming from the building, and that water was pooling in front o f the structure. Command noticed that the water supply on scene was not ad equate for the situation at hand so a second-alarm tanker assignment was requested, which included Eagle Mills, Pleasantdale, Raymer town, Poestenkill, Pittstown, Defreestville, Melrose and additional FAST teams from the Defreestville Fire Department to the scene. Command also requested the Rens selaer County Decontamination Team to the scene and placed addi tional fire apparatus from Battalion 1 on standby. Firefighters began to gain con trol of the fire as night fell but were faced with extensive overhaul of the fire building, as remaining sec tions of the building that had col lapsed had heavy fire underneath the debris. Fire investigators ar rived on scene and began to con duct their investigation into the incident. As they finished up, firefight ers had to be decontaminated due to the fuel coming from the build ing. The Bureau of Alcohol, To bacco, Firearms, and Explosives arrived on scene and offered addi tional assistance to the fire depart-
ment. No firefighters were injured on scene. The building was a complete loss. The fire, which presented ex
treme challenges to the depart ments on scene due to the signifi cant fire load inside of the structure and all of the added fuels, is under
investigation at this time.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
P.L. Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc. Announces Addition of Alexis Fire Equipment Co. of Alexis, IL (September 27, 2021) - Manasquan, NJ - P.L. Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc. (PLCB) is pleased to announce the addi tion o f Alexis Fire Equipment C om pany, of Alexis, IL, to its growing fam ily of PL Custom Emergency Vehi cles dealers. This partnership will allow Alexis to sell and service PL Cus tom Emergency Ve hicles in Illinois, Missouri. Jeff Morris, President of Alexis Fire Equipment, noted how the two companies, “share similar histories, values, and the same customer-driven focus and we look forward to offering a high-quality ambulance line to our customers.” Alexis Fire Equipment is a custom-built fire apparatus company located in Alexis, Illinois. Founded in 1947, Alexis Fire Equipment provides customers with superior quality products with a focus on safety and innovation. Chad Newsome, National Sales Manager o f P.L. Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc., celebrated the partnership with Alexis. “Just like PL Custom, Alexis is a family-owned com pany with a strong and proud her itage. I was struck at the similarities between our two com panies and our shared values. We are excited to be back in Illinois and Iowa and we also are excited to enter the Missouri market place.” P.L. Custom Body and Equip ment Co., Inc. has been in busi ness since 1946 and has been owned by the Smock family since 1970. Celebrating 75 years o f in dependent ownership, this Manasquan, NJ based company sells through a network o f 19 inde pendent dealers covering 26 states and the District of Colum bia. PL Custom Emergency Vehi cle and Rescue 1 are the manufacturing divisions o f the corporation and are proud to maintain a strong reputation as a customer focused designer and manufacturer of ambulances and rescue vehicles. PLCB continues to grow at a consistent pace, happy to be able to add partners who share our long-term vision for high quality products, out standing customer service, and smart and sustainable growth. We are small by design, familyowned, and rich in heritage and tradition.
Waterford Firefighters Make Fast Work of Garage Fire WATERFORD, NT' - On Sep tember 19th, the Waterford Fire De partment was dispatched to 118 Hudson River Road for multiple calls reporting a structure fire, de scribing that the house had smoke coming from the roof. The Water ford Rescue Squad, Northside Fire Department and the Boght Commu nity Fire Company were dispatched to the scene with their FAST team. The first arriving chief on scene had smoke showing from the build ing and declared a working structure fire, and requested a second-alann to be transmitted. The first arriving truck company pulled in front of the structure and firefighters deployed two hand lines from the rig. The next arriving engine on scene made the connection to the hydrant down the road and established a water sup ply for the scene. Firefighters made their way in
SOUTH FARMINGDALE FIRE DISTRICT side of the house where they had a heavy smoke condition on the first and second floors, with no heat. Firefighters continued to check the house and made their way out into the garage where they found a heavy smoke condition and fire running the ceiling. Crews opened up and re moved the garage door and began to knock down the fire condition run ning along the roof. Firefighters remained on scene for a few hours conducting exten sive overhaul of the house. Minor extension into the exterior wall was discovered. Fire investigators are working to determine the cause of the fire. No injuries were reported.
SEEK S FULL-TIME HOUSE MAINTAINER (M-F) Applicant (Age 21 years +) must be reliable and able tn cnmmute between twn Incatinns. Daily cleaning, handyman repair, general maintenance nf 2 firehnuses. Operating vehicles, equipment, nrdering, maintaining supplies. Guud cummunicatiun skills, cumputer pruficient, keep recurds, manage part-time staff. NYS COL driver’s license preferred.
Salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to: bofc@southfarmingdalefd.org
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
9/11 MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD ACROSS NEW YORK STATE Photos by Mike Carey, Bill Tompkins, B ob McCormick, Steve White, Jeffrey Arnold and John Walthers
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
9/11 MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD ACROSS NEW YORK STATE Photos by Mike Carey, Bill Tompkins, B ob McCormick, Steve White, Jeffrey Arnold and John Walthers
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Ron Faherty (1st Out) and Deborah Sm ock Thomson, President of P.L. Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc.
P.L. Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc. Announces Addition of 1st Out Specialty Vehicles & Equipment in Moon Itop., PA (September 27, 2021) - Manasquan, NJ - P.L. Custom Body and Equipment Co., Inc. (PLCB) is pleased to announce the addi tion of 1st Out Specialty Vehicles & Equipment, in Moon Township, PA, to its growing family of deal ers. 1st Out Specialty Vehicles will be providing sales and service o f both PL Custom Emergency Vehicles and Rescue 1 in the west ern half of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and for sales and service o f Rescue 1 only in por tions o f Ohio and West Virginia. Ron Faherty, President o f 1st Out Specialty, had the follow ing to say about this new partnership. “We are thrilled to partner with PL Custom Emergency Vehicles and Rescue 1 to represent their prod ucts in Western Pennsylvania, as well as portions of Ohio and West Virginia for Rescue 1. After an ex tensive review process, we feel that PL Custom shares the same commitment to excellence in craftsmanship and customer serv ice that we pride ourselves on at 1st Out Specialty Vehicles & Equipment. We look forward to bringing these quality ambulance and rescue vehicles to our cus tomer base." Chad Newsome, National Sales Manager for PLCB, w el comes the addition of 1st Out Spe cialty Vehicles & Equipment to the PLCB family. “1st Out Spe cialty Vehicles was high on our list of candidates for this territory and we feel that their team will help strengthen and grow the PL Custom Emergency Vehicles and
f il e
Rescue 1 brands. In these turbu lent times in the emergency vehi cle marketplace, 1st Out impressed me with their commit ment to stability and long-term growth. On behalf of all of us here in Manasquan, we wish to express our thanks to Ron and everyone else at 1st Out for joining our team!” P.L. Custom Body and Equip ment Co., Inc. has been in busi ness since 1946 and has been owned by the Smock family since 1970. Celebrating 75 years o f in dependent ownership, this Man asquan, NJ based company sells through a network o f 19 inde pendent dealers covering 26 states and the District of Columbia. PL Custom Emergency Vehicle and Rescue 1 are the manufacturing divisions o f the corporation and are proud to maintain a strong rep utation as a customer focused de signer and manufacturer of ambulances and rescue vehicles. PLCB continues to grow at a con sistent pace, happy to be able to add partners who share our long term vision for high quality prod ucts, outstanding customer service, and smart and sustainable growth. We are small by design, family-owned, and rich in heritage and tradition.
City of Newburgh Police Pursuit Ends in Crash NEWBURGH, NY - The City o f Newburgh FD responded to a reported MVA with entrapment at Broadway and Washington Ter race on September 4th. Town of Newburgh Police gave pursuit to a vehicle that crashed into another vehicle on Broadway. City of Newburgh Po lice and M obile Life ALS re-
JUMPTO FILE #090721117
m sponded to the scene. Firefighters used the Jaws of Life to extricate one subject from a vehicle while another subject was assisted by EMS and firefighters. Both were transported to Montefiore-St.
Luke's Hospital. The area was blocked off by City o f Newburgh Police as town officers took pictures of the vehi cle. Both the City and Town of Newburgh Police Departments are investigating the accident.
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Forging a C ulture o f S afety VIDEO REVIEW Video reviews by John Malecky
Forging a Culture of Safety By Anthony Avillo Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749-1330 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@firepolice.ems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $95.00 (DVD) This is a classroom presenta tion given by a 28-year veteran of the fire service at the time, who is now retired. He was a deputy chief at the time of an urban fire department that covered five mu nicipalities in Hudson County, New Jersey, the smallest but most congested county in the state and possibly the country. The class is made up of firefighters from the Heartland. Although these two ju risdictions are not identical in fire load, demographics and hazards, etc., the knowledge presented is common and that is safety and
discipline on and off the fireground. The goal is to accomplish the mission with effective strate gies while keeping firefighters safe from injury and death. The disk is 115 minutes in length, but I can assure you that unless you are fatigued when you view it, you will not fall asleep. The content is presented in a down to earth manner supported by photos, videos and tables of statistics. The photos are both on the fire ground as well as pre-fire assessments of structures and what hazards they can present. Personal safety is stressed and ex amples are shown on how fire fighters become their own enemies by lack of discipline and laziness, as well as perhaps by a lack of training. Self discipline is the primary requirement for offi cers to effectively lead their crews and work in unison with other re sponding companies. It starts at the station with rules and regula tions being stressed. As a fire fighter serves his or her time in their career, knowledge of the job and the types of construction in their jurisdiction benefits them to live to retire. This is a presentation that is highly recommended.
Enjoy taking photographs? Get the most out of your hobby. 1st Responder News compensates correspondents for their article & photograph submissions.
Contact Lindsey TODAY for more information! Lindsev@1stresnondernews.com
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13T Responder Newspaper - NY ______________ November, 2021____________ PAGE 21
November, 2021
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
E le c tric a l S h o rt C irc u it Deem ed Cause o f G eneseo House F ire GENESEO, NY - On Friday, September 24th at E46 P.M., Gene seo firefighters were dispatched to a possible house fire at 39 North Street. Fire Chief Andrew Chanler and Geneseo Police officers were met by the homeowner, who believed there was a fire in the basement. A working fire was declared and as sistance was sum moned from Livonia, Mount Morris and East Avon Fire De partments. Firefight ers made entry into the basement and began to gain control of the flames. The fire had extended into the walls and ceilings of the first floor as well as the attic, making the fire difficult to extinguish. The cause of the fire was deter mined to be from outside electrical service wires shorting, affecting wires inside the residence. The in terior suffered extensive smoke and water damage, but there were no in juries reported. Also assisting at the scene were Livingston County Emergency Management and Livingston County EMS.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
HATZALAH PRESENTS EMS Exposition October 24 & 25, 2021 Brooklyn Expo Center
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
One Person is Safe After Three Hour Trench Rescue in Clifton Park CLIFTON PARK, NY - On August 18th at 5:11 P.M., the Clifton Park Fire Department along with Clifton Park EMS were dispatched to 41 Sitterly Road for a bravo response for a male that reportedly fell into a six-foot deep trench and could not get out due to a possible ankle injury. Car 19 called the dispatcher and requested further information on the call and learned that it was a construction site where a trench for a sewer or water line connec tion was dug, and the individual was trapped in the hole and it was filling with water. While en route to the scene the chief of Clifton Park FD immediately requested the Colonie Village Fire Co. for their trench rescue team to respond to the scene. Car 19 quickly arrived on scene and discovered a six-feet deep by over 10-feet wide trench with a person trapped up to his waist in mud and water. Command immediately ordered all units re sponding into the scene to park their vehicles away from the job site to reduce the vibration on scene. Command requested the Town of Clifton Park's DPW to the scene with their VAC truck. Fire fighters on scene immediately de ployed an attic ladder down into the hole, but the trench conditions were rapidly deteriorating and the inner wall of the trench was slowly collapsing in towards the victim. Command also secured a mini ex cavator nearby and made sure that it was not running. On arrival o f the rescue com pany, firefighters and EMS quickly established good commu nication with the victim in the hole to keep him calm. Knowing this was going to be an extensive man power incident. Command re quested the Visher Ferry, Halfmoon-Waterford, Mechanicville, Hillcrest, and West Cres cent Fire Departments to the scene, as well as the Jonesville Fire Department for their rehab bus. The Round Fake Fire Depart ment was requested for a cover as signment, and a special request was made for the Momentive trench and high angle rescue team to respond to the scene. The Colonie Village Fire Co. arrived on scene within 20 minutes of the initial dispatch with their specialized trench rescue rig and rescue one, along with multiple Colonie EMS personnel and a doc tor from Albany Medical Center. Colonie Village's Chief made his way to the trench and quickly began to establish a size up plan for the rescue. Members o f the trench rescue team quickly mobi lized the large wooden stabiliza tion pads and began to bring them down to the jo b site. Numerous firefighters began to off load close to a dozen Paratech rescue struts and large air systems in the staging area. Firefighters pulled all the ground boards and began to nail them together around the rim of
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the trench, making it safe for res cuers to work around the top of the trench. Several senior trench rescue technicians on site made their way into the hole with the victim. Com mand requested Sitterly Road to be shut down to all traffic as the hole conditions were worsening due to vibrations. Chief Kayser of the Colonie Village Fire Co. as sumed full operational command of the trench rescue while the chief of the Clifton Park FD took com mand of overseeing the incident. Operational command requested the trench rescue panels to be low ered into the trench on both sides and for the rescue struts to be ex panded across the hole to establish stabilization o f the walls around the trench. With the panels in place firefighters did not have to worry about shear wall collapse. Fire fighters also took a trench rescue panel and laid it into the hole as the conditions inside of the hole were extremely treacherous with the soil mostly made up o f clay, sand and mud which was causing the rescuers to sink into the hole. Operational command re quested a two-and-a-half inch hand line with a one-and-a-half inch connection for a hand line with a piercing nozzle to be estab lished as they were going to at tempt to loosen the clay and mud mixture from around the victim's trapped legs and torso. As fire fighters worked in the hole at tempting to get the victim out, paramedics on scene established an IV into the patient to keep him hydrated as he was starting to shiver, and the doctor on scene began to give him medication to prevent Crush Injury Syndrome. After one hour into the inci dent trying to free the victim with no luck. Command requested a ditch witch to the scene. The light weight vacuum trailer AKA ditch witch quickly arrived on scene and firefighters began to stretch the 75-foot-long lengths of hose down to workers inside the hole. Fire fighters quickly assembled the at tachments for the ditch witch, but discovered a large hole in the suc tion line and quickly wrapped it with pairs of medical gloves, med ical tape and duct tape in order to create a full suction on the line. Crews established a bucket line and began to bring large amounts of mud out of the hole that was around the victim while exhausted rescuers inside the hole continued to work with the victim to get him out. Firefighters were eventually able to get a backboard down behind the victim and uti lized a harness that was on him. A rope was connected to the harness so that the victim did not slide down into the mud any further. Crews used the piercing noz zle to move mud from around the
victim's legs and then began to loosen the legs, but stopped when the victim screamed in pain. Fire fighters told the victim that they needed to get him out and contin ued to attempt to get a little m ove ment from the victim. One o f the rescuers/medics in the hole admin istered medication to the victim in order to reduce the amount o f pain when they were working around his legs. Rescuers inside o f the hole continued for over an hour using the ditch witch to suck the mud out and away from the victim. After three hours in the hole, rescuers were finally able to maneuver enough mud away and released the suctions on the victim's legs. With help from the rope team above, the individual was freed from the mud and quickly taken to a nearby am bulance and transported to Albany Medical Center with a doctor on board. Over 70 firefighters assisted on scene with the rescue. The victim that was trapped for over three hours in the hole was released from the hospital the next day with only a few bruises.
Responder N ewspaper This section is exclusively dedicated to coverage of Long Island emergency services PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
SAYVILLE, NY - Firefighters were activated for a serious MVA on eastbound Sunrise Hwy. between exits 49-50 just after midnight on Wednesday, September 8th. -
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November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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SARELLA/ON SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY 2021 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 22 No. 11 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. N o financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, clas sified, or legal ad or for ty pographi communications, inc. cal errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omit ted or in error. Om issions or errors must be brought to the attention o f the newspaper during the same month of publication. Printed in Canada.
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West Sayville FD Deployed to W estchester County WEST SAYVILLE, NY - The West Sayville Fire Department was deployed to W estchester County after the major flooding cau sed by Hurricane Ida. The department provided mutual aid assistan ce after receiving a statewide request by New York State's Office of Fire Prevention and Control. Brush 6 responded with other "Suffolk County Storm Emergency Fire Units", which were established by Suffolk County Fire Res cue. While there, they assisted with numerous pump outs, welfare checks and conducted carbon monoxide readings in multiple dwellings. Pictured is a crew from West Sayville FD at the Command Post in Westchester County.
Firefighters Welcome Home One of Their Own from Navy FARMINGVILLE, NY - Farmingville firefighters recently wel com ed home one of their own from the U.S. Navy. Petty Offi cer Vince Egbert, Jr. returned to his firehouse with a full escort and a huge American flag hanging high. The Holtsville FD was on hand to help raise the flag for all to see. Family, friends, and fire personnel waited on the apron with sm iles and cheered his arrival. Thank you for your service Petty Of ficer Vince Egbert, Jr., and g oo d luck as you await FDNY ap pointment!
Long Island can be found on our website at www.1rbn.com
Car H its P ickup then SARELLA/ON SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY 2021
MVA with Overturn in Medford Sends Three to Hospital MEDFORD, NY - Around 9:00 P.M. on September 10th, three peop le received minor injuries after a work truck and car collided at the intersection of Horseblock Rd. and N Service Rd. The impact cau sed the work truck to flip onto its side. Medford firefighters secured the truck and removed fluids and debris from the roadway. Medford Ambulance person nel stabilized and treated the injured and transported the three patients to area hospitals.
O verturns in M a s tic MASTIC, NY - On Monday, Septem ber 13th at about 12:59 A.M., Suffolk Fire R escue dispatched the Mastic FD and Mas tic Ambulance for a vehicle crash involving overturn on Titmus Dr., near Hoover CT. Chiefs Rudy Sunderman and Gene Martucci went en route to the call and on arrival, Chief Sun derman advised that he had a two-car MVA with no entrap ment. Engine 5-12-4 and R escue 5-12-10A responded into the scen e with crews. Firefighters cleaned up fluids and debris and secu red the overturned vehicle. The other vehicle in volved, a pickup truck, was not occu pied at the time of the crash. Mastic Ambulance transported one person to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. All units were back in service about 30 minutes later.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
Mastic Beach firefighters work to secure a heavily damaged vehi cle after it was involved in a 3-car crash, 9/12/21.
Giant Mess After 3 Vehicles Crash and Take Down Pole in Mastic Beach MASTIC BEACH, NY- On September 12th around 5:49 P.M., the Mastic Beach Fire Department was activated for a report of wires down on Mastic Beach Rd., near Washington Ave. Chief o f Depart ment Fred Foiacono {5-13-30} re sponded to the scene along with 2nd Assistant Chief Fuis Grego {5-13-32}. On arrival. Chief o f Depart ment Foiacono found a three-ve hicle crash at the location with an electrical pole struck by one of the vehicles. The chief advised FRES as well as his members of the up dated nature o f the call and re quested that PSEG be notified as well as EMS. Engine -5-13-3 and Rescue 513-4 arrived on scene and con firmed that no one was trapped in the vehicles. The crews went to work securing the scene under the command o f Chief Foiacono. Flu ids needed to be cleaned up and multiple cars needed to be se-
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3* I cured. One o f the vehicles had heavy damage and extra debris clean up was required. Fire Police closed the roadway while crews worked. Mastic Beach Ambulance Co. had also dispatched several ambu lances and responder vehicles to the scene. While firefighters were cleaning up, ambulance personnel were checking out occupants of the vehicles, and at least two peo ple were taken to a local hospital for further treatment. Upon completion o f opera tions the scene was turned over by FD to the Suffolk County Police Department who remained on scene until PSEG arrived to work on replacing the damaged pole.
1 dead, 1 seriously injured, and 1 arrested for DWI following MVA in Sayville, September 8th.
Minor Accident in Sayville Becomes Fatal; Driver Arrested for DWI SAYVIFFE, NY - Firefighters were activated for a serious MVA on eastbound Sunrise Hwy. between exits 49-50 just after midnight on Wednesday, September 8th. After the driver of a Toyota lost control of the car, they hit the center median and then crossed all lanes of traffic, striking and bouncing off a guardrail on the side of the roadway. The car ended up in the middle lane facing northbound. The passenger exited the car
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*4 ai just before a Jeep traveling eastbound collided into the Toyota, hit ting the driver's side and killing the driver. The impact sent the car into the female passenger who was just outside of the car. She was airlifted to a Fevel 1 hospital in critical con dition. Savyville Fire Dept, secured the
scene and the landing zone on Sun rise Hwy., just east of the accident. Sayville Community Ambulance transported the driver of the Jeep to Community Hospital with minor in juries where they were handcuffed and placed under arrest for DWI after failing a field sobriety test. SCPD 5th Squad and crime scene responded, closing Sunrise Hwy. for a six hour investigation.
BUDDY SHOTS I f you have photos you would like to see in our “ Buddy Shots” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
APPARATUS IN ACTION I f you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @ 1stResponderNews.com.
Farmingville FD Truck 7 on scen e as mutual aid to Ronkonkoma Fire Dept, for a reported basement fire.
Mastic Beach EMS Chief TJ Falah is pictured here with 2 of his members, Jenni and Mayra Cabrera. The Cabrera sisters are also firefighters in Mastic FD.
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
1 Dead 1 Seriously Injured 1 Arrested For Dwi
M ino r A ccid e n t Becom es F a ta l.... Dwi D river A rrested Sayville Ny... Firefighters Were Activate For Mva On Eastbound Sunrise Hwy Just After Midnight On Wednesday Morning Between Exit 49-50 . The Driver Lost Control Of Toyota Hitting The Center Median Than Crossing All Lanes O f Traffic Striking And Bouncing Off A Guardrail On The Side Of The Roadway The Car Ended Up In The Middle Lane Faceing Northbound . The Passen ger Exited The Car Just Before A Driver O f A Jeep Driver Traveling East Bound Collided Into The Car Hitting The Driverside Killing The Driver Of The Disabled Car Send The Car Into The Female Passen ger Who Was Just Outside The Car. The Female Passenger Was
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*4 3 f Airlifted To A Level 1 Hospital In Critical Condition .Savyville Fire Dept Secured The Scene And The Landing Zone On Sunrise Hwy Just East O f The Accident. Sayville Community Ambulance Transported The Driver Of The Jeep After Is Field Sobrity Test To Community Hospital With Minor Injuries And Hand Cuffed And Under Arrest For Dwi.Scpd 5th Squad And Crime Scene Re sponded Closeing Sunrise Hwy For A 6 Hr Investigation
Ridge Firefighters battle a car fire on the Long Island Expressway on Sept 4th.
Car Bursts Into Fireball in Ridge Ridge N. Y. - On Saturday Sep tember 4th at about 5:58 PM the Ridge Fire Department was acti vated for a report of a car fire on the Long Island Expressway (1-495) near the off ramp to Exit 68 (William Floyd Parkway). Chief of the department Louis Kaiser was 1st to respond to the scene. While enroute he received an update from the Fire Rescue Dispatcher that re ported an involved auto. Moments later the chief was on scene and confirmed this and advised Fire Rescue to have his units come into the scene from Rose Executive
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oiP Blvd to the back of Clare Rose Dis tributers. Engine 5-22-1 was the first due engine into the scene. On their ar rival the crew went to work stretch ing a line and putting water on the fire. They were joined by members from Engines 5-22-5 and 5-22-3 a short time later. Firefighters from the Engine companies battled the flames for a couple of minutes as the car was pretty much fully in
volved on arrival. Once the visible fire was out, they secured the vehi cle by cutting open the hood with a K12 saw and went to work dousing the engine compartment to make sure it did not have any residual pockets of water. Members oper ated on scene for about 30 minutes. No injuries were reported. The Off Ramp to the expressway as well as the service rd were closed in the area with assistance from Ridge FD fire police and Suffolk Police High way Patrol.
ALL IN THE FAMILY I f you have photos you would like to see in our “ A ll In The Fam ily” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey® 1stResponderNews.com.
I f you have photos you would like to see in our Emergency Watercraft feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
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Members of Center Moriches FD Company 1 board the boat after dropping off the 5 people they rescued from the water at Union Ave Dock.
Mastic Beach Ambulance Motor Vehicle Captain Laurie Deluca and her brother Brookhaven Fire fighter Vinny Deluca at a recent event.
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Ridge Firefighters battle a car fire on the LIE, Sept. 4th.
Car Bursts Into Fireball in Ridge RIDGE, NY - On Saturday, September 4th at about 5:58 P.M., the Ridge Fire Department was activated for a report of a car fire on the Long Island Expressway (I495), near the off ramp to Exit 68 (William Floyd Parkway). Chief of the Department Louis Kaiser was first to respond to the scene. While en route he received an update from the fire rescue dis patcher that reported an involved auto. Moments later the chief was on scene confirming the report and advised Fire Rescue to have his units come into the scene from Rose Executive Blvd. to the back of Clare Rose Distributers. Engine 5-22-1 was the firstdue engine into the scene. On their arrival the crew went to work stretching a line and putting water on the fire. They were joined by members from Engines 5-22-5 and 5-22-3 a short time later. Fire-
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fighters from the engine com pa nies battled the flames for a cou ple of minutes as the car was pretty much fully involved on ar rival. Once the visible fire was out, they secured the vehicle by cutting open the hood with a K12 saw and went to work dousing the engine compartment to make sure it did not have any residual pock ets o f water. Members operated on scene for about 30 minutes. No injuries were reported. The off ramp to the Expressway, as well as Service Rd. were closed in the area with assistance from Ridge FD fire po lice and Suffolk Police Highway Patrol.
Members of Holbrook FD in front of Jupiter Truck 27 after the blessing of the rig.
Holbrook FD Welcomes Jupiter Truck 27 to the Fleet with Special Dedication HOLBROOK, NY - On Sun day, August 29th, the Holbrook Fire Department held a wet-down celebration for their new ladder truck. The truck, identified as 3-1527 aka Jupiter Truck 27, is a 2021 Seagrave Marauder 95-ft. Aerialscope. 27 Truck was officially de livered earlier in the year in May, however the department held off on the christening and wet-down until large gatherings were officially al lowed. The truck replaced former Jupiter Truck 10 (3-15-10). The ceremony was attended by local fire departments, departments from other parts of Suffolk that members and officers o f Jupiter
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a* .! « truck used to be in, local politi cians, photographers and digni taries. Jupiter Truck 27 is dedicated in memory o f Ex-Chief Gerard P. Schrang, who in addition to being a member of Jupiter truck company at Holbrook FD, was also a mem ber of the FDNY. Schrang perished on 9/11. At the ceremony it was an nounced that the truck company's previous identifier 3-15-10 was o f ficially retired. To commemorate this, a turnout jacket with
Schrang’ s name and the identifier 3-15-10 with the retired status was taken out of the truck and presented to the department for use in the truck bay o f HQ. Ex-Chief Shrang’ s family was present and called up to the front for this spe cial moment. The truck then received its cer emonial champagne blessing from the company's senior man. Fire fighter June. After the champagne blessing the truck received a cere monial watering from all the fire trucks that were present to offi cially welcome it to the fleet.
DRILLS/TRAINING I f you have photos you would like to see in our D rills feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @ 1stResponderNews.com.
On September 19th, the Mastic Beach FD held a Marine R escue Training for members to use and operate the boat Marine 26 (5-1326) and Jetskis 26Aand 26B (5-13-26A& 5-13-26B), practicing real life scenarios they might encounter.
Members of the Schrang Family hold up the turnout coat with Ex-Chief Schrang's name and the ID 315-10 that will be hung on the wall of the apparatus bay.
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
FACES OF LONG ISLAND’S EMERGENCY SERVICES I f you have photos you would like to see in our “ Working Faces” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com
Mastic Firefighters operate at a crash where a vehicle went into the median and took out signs and a tree before stopping.
Mastic FD Handles Single-Car MVA SHIRLEY, NY' - On September 15th at about 8:16 PM., Suffolk Fire Rescue dispatched the Mastic FD to Speedway on the William Floyd Pkwy. northbound for a re ported MVA with overturn and fire. Chief Rudy Sunderman (5-12-30) advised County that he was en route, and County advised that they had at least two calls for the acci dent. On arrival the chief found a sin gle upright vehicle in the median.
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with no entrapment. Rescue 5-1210 and an engine responded in to the scene. On arrival crews went to work securing the vehicle. Smoke was coming from under the hood of the car, so a booster line was stretched to supply water to douse it. Chief Sunderman asked County
to notify the highway department of a downed tree and downed highway sign. He also asked them to advise Brookhaven FD that members were operating partly in their district as well. EMS personnel checked out the occupants of the vehicle for injuries and transported at least one person to a local hospital. The scene was then turned over to Suffolk Police.
On September 25th, the Selden FD held their annual Installation of Officers and Awards dinner where two members were honored for 50 years of service each. Ex-Chief Bailes and Firefighter Frank Roethel were both this year's 50 years of service award recipients.
Mom and Child Treated at MVA in Bellport JOHN WALTHERS - SUFFOLK FIRE PHOTOS
Mastic Probationary Firefighter Mike Malone at a recent car fire.
BELLPORT, NY - Just after 7:00 P.M. on September 27th, South Country Ambulance personnel along with firefighters from Hagerman FD responded to a reported MVA with entrapment on N Duton Ave. Firefighters removed the driver's side door while South Country Ambulance per sonnel stabilized a woman in the front seat and treated a small child for minor injuries. Fire fighters then placed the car on a jack, put the go jacks on the tires and removed the vehicle from the street.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
i * frfp L»
Truly another game changer. We’ve taken the Ascendant® single rear axle quint configuration, and made it even better with the addition of a platform basket. Imagine that... for those of you who would rather ride than climb, or those who would never even consider a heavy, tandem axle aerial platform - the Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is your solution! This configuration will provide you 110' (33.5m) of vertical reach and 90' (27.4m) of horizontal reach without compromising on water capacity, performance, or safety. You’ll have a maneuverable, first out quint with full rescue capabilities. The Ascendant platform includes a 100,000 psi high-strength steel ladder with a fully NFPA compliant, ergonomically designed 3-person basket. The Ascendant platform is rated to a 35 mph (56 km/h) wind and 1/4" (0.64cm) of ice load. It can accommodate 100 lb (45.4kg) of additional equipment, and flow 1,250 gpm (4,732 L/m) from a single monitor located at the end of the fly section. For those of you that want more than just a ladder yet desire a smaller, lighter weight platform basket with lower acquisition costs and less cost of ownership, the Ascendant platform is ideal for you. The Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is available on a wide range of Pierce custom chassis with either a single rear axle or a tandem rear axle to meet your fire department’s needs.
888- 434-7362
November, 2021
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
APPARATUS IN ACTION I f you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.
FDNY EMS Mascot 'Siren' with an EMS chief and recruits.
Members of FDNY Ladder Co. 148 turn-out to an alarm with their Ferrara rear-mount aerial ladder (FL17008) on a September afternoon.
FDNY Chief of EMS, Lillian Bonsignore, speaking at EMS fam ily day.
Rick Billings HEN & NOW...
EMS recruits march towards family day ceremonies.
FDNY EMS Hosts Family Day On August 28th, FDNY EMS hosted a family day to sh ow case their skills to family members before graduating as EMTs in September.
c 2021 by Rick Billings bear59dog@yahoo.com reddogart.com @jampony452
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
November, 2021
THANKSGIVING Chaplain’s Corner P astor F ernando V illicana
Well, no matter how difficult the situation or how tumultuous the season may be, there’ s always something to be thankful for. This month our entire nation will cele brate Thanksgiving. Supermarkets will sell more turkeys in a single month than all the combined turkeys the whole year. Turkeys will be carved, din ners planned, drinks will be served, family gathered together. The irony o f it is that very little thanks to G od during Thanksgiv ing. We are so busy preparing, cooking, entertaining, watching football and eating, that about the only real thanks that gets done on Thanksgiving is done in a single prayer before the big meal. And it’ s usually done by one person. Truth be told, millions will miss the whole point and original in tent o f this holiday - to give thanks to God for what H e’ s done in our lives. The Bible tells us: “ E v e ry thing h a s co m e fr o m You a n d ev eryth in g b e lo n g s to You” (1 C h ro n icle s 29:16).
It all starts with recognizing and affirming that G od is the source o f all good! Everything that we enjoy in life is a gift from God. Even when things don ’ t seem to go our way God tells us to thank Him.
I want to emphasize the open ing word in this scripture - “IN” everything. In the middle o f your challenge, disappointment, dis couragement, hardship, trial... give thanks to ‘ God. Why? B e cause there’ s always more in life to be thankful for, than to gripe about. In spite o f any difficulty you may be experiencing, h ere’ s a list o f things every Believer should thank God for.
Vehicle News
“I w ill n ot f o r g e t the g lo r io u s things G o d d o e s f o r me. H e fo r g iv e s a ll my sins. H e h eals me. H e ran som s m e fr o m hell. H e su rrou n ds me with love. H e f i l ls my life with g o o d things. H e is m ercifu l a n d ten der to those w ho don*t d e se rv e it (grace). H e is s lo w to g e t angry. H e never b e a rs a gru dge. H e h as n ot p u n ish e d us a s w e d e se r v e f o r ou r s in s ” (P salm s 103:2-11 (LB)
Just to name a few. So, when you carve that turkey, slice the pumpkin pie, watch the game, share good times with your family - remember to thank God IN everything. God has blessed us and “...is the g iv e r o f
In the Bronx, FDNY Engine Co. 88 has been assigned a new Seagrave 2000-GPM/500-GWT pumper (SP20003).
a ll g o o d things. ”
Happy Thanksgiving Fernando Villicana Fire Service Chaplain
In everything g iv e thanks; f o r this is the w ill o f G o d in C h rist J e su s f o r y o u ”(1 T h essa lon ia n s 5:18).
Read more from our columnists on our website! RON JEFFERS
FDNY Engine Co. 257 has been assigned a Seagrave 2000-GPM/500-GWT pumper (SP20007).
November, 2021
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