1st Responder PA Spring Edition

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R espo n der N ew spaper

CSam pbell u p p ly C o m p a n y

The Pennsylvania Edition PUBLISHING SINCE 1993



SPRING, 2022


SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA - On Monday, March 28th around 10:30 A.M., a deadly snow squall struck Interstate 81 in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. Crews were originally dispatched to a reported 20-car accident at mile marker 116.1 northbound, but by the time they arrived it was closer to 80 vehicles involved due to low visibility and slick conditions. ■

See full story on page 4

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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

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CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - Pennsylvania edition - Vol. 26 No. 1 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communicahons, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Re­ sponder News, 1 Ardmore Street, NY 12553. No fi­ nancial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typo­ graphical errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was om itted or in error.

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KIMTEK Corporation builds custom FIRELITE® for interior fire protection at the Tesla EV Auto manufacturing plant in Fremont, CA ORLEANS, VT; March 9, 2022— KIMTEK Corporation announced today that it has delivered a custom designed FIRELITE® firefighting truck skid for Tesla’s EV auto man­ ufacturing operations in Fremont, California. The custom build was a cooperative effort with Tesla, KIMTEK and Tropos Motors of Morgan Hill, CA, a cutting edge producer of EV truck chassis. To adhere to California’s stringent indoor emissions regula­ tions, the Firelite was fitted with a Darley 1.5 AGE 13HX pump which was reconfigured to run on propane. With custom storage options, cross lay trays, a 125-gallon water tank and 5-gallon foam system, the FIRELITE is designed to not only respond to fires inside the plant, but is built to take on fire threats out­ side the plant as well. KIMTEK founder and president, Kimball Johnson, said of the Tesla custom firefighting skid unit, “New applications for our skid units are found nearly every week, as are ways we can adapt them for use in the field. We're very pleased to work with our fine vendor partners

like W.S. Darley and Tropos Motors on custom builds like this, and the final results show the quality of those efforts”. About KIMTEK Corporation KIMTEK Corporation is the largest producer and marketer of ATV/UTV-specific skid units for public safety agencies in the U.S. KIMTEK s FIRELITE® fire and rescue skid units and MEDLITE® medical skid units are now in serv­ ice in all fifty U.S. states and across Canada, all branches of the military, the National Park Service, numer­ ous NASCAR tracks, sporting com­ plexes, schools, universities, and in several countries worldwide. KIMTEK Transport skid units are made in the USA. Founded in 1984 as a research and development com­ pany dedicated to advances in life safety technology in the fire sci­ ences, KIMTEK Corporation man­ ufactures and markets a full line of FIRELITE and MEDLITE Trans­ port skid units for emergency serv­ ice UTVs and pick-up trucks. For more information, please contact KIMTEK at 888-546-8358 or visit www.kimtekresearch.com.


Unextinguished C igarette Destroys Penn H ills Home PENN HILLS, P A - On March 22nd at 12:22 A.M., firefighters were dispatched to the 1000 block of 6th Street for a re­ ported house fire. Police arrived on scene and confirmed a working fire. Fire crews arrived and found the rear of the structure well involved with exposure issues. Crews quickly went to work with an interior attack while knocking down the fire spreading to the exposure. A second-alarm was requested as crews worked for over three hours before the fire was brought under control. A man was home at the time of the fire and managed to escape with his dog, then alerted his neighbor who also escaped safely. The house was deemed a total loss. The cause of the fire was deter­ mined to be from an unextinguished cigarette on the back deck. No one was injured.

EMERGENCY AIRCRAFT If you have photos you would like to see in our “Emergency Aircraft” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

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R e s p o In d e r N ew spaper

Prefer em ails? Email your press release and photos d ire c tly to Lindsey@ 1strespondernews.com

HEMS PHOTOGRAPHY Life Net of New York departs Wilkes Barre, PA General Hospital after doing a hospital-to-hospital patient transfer.

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Spring, 2022



Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Snow Squall in S c h u y lk ill County Leaves Dozens In ju re d and 6 Dead SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA - On Monday, March 28th around 10:30 A.M., a deadly snow squall struck Inter­ state 81 in Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. Crews were originally dis­ patched to a re­ ported 20-car accident at mile marker 116.1 northbound, but by the time they arrived it was closer to 80 vehicles involved due to low visibility and slick condi­ tions. While en route, crews were notified of a working fire with ex­ plosions and several people re­ portedly entrapped, and arrived to find a tractor-trailer and other ve­ hicles well involved. Command quickly began to call for extra equipment and tankers to help fight the stubborn fire. Eventu­ ally, command had a ladder truck dispatched to help extinguish the fire from above due to crews not being able to get as close because of the many wrecked vehicles. Responding units also had to navigate through slick roads, with several leading to the scene being undrivable due to the weather as well as tractor-trailers all over the roadway. The Interstate was closed for almost 40 hours as crews worked to clear the debris. It was reopened around 12:30 A.M. Wednesday morning. Pennsylvania state police re­ ported that 75 people were walk­ ing wounded, 24 were transported to local hospitals, and six died as

_. .•>> D0NSCICCHITAN0 Minersville's Lt. Umbenhen begins to try and extinguish the burning tractor-trailers.

of Wednesday morning. A total of 39 commercial vehicles and 41 passenger vehicles were involved in the pile up. - DON FILIPPO SCICCHITANO

DONSCICCHITANO The very front of the accident.

V isit 1st Responder News on the Web a t w w w .1R B N .com DONSCICCHITANO Firefighters drag extrication gear through the scene trying to get it to where it's needed.

1ST Responder Newspaper - PA

Spring, 2022





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Spring, 2022

MR e s p o n d e r N ew spaper


1 A R D M O R E S T R E E T • N E W W IN D S O R , N Y 12553 845-534-7500 • (fa x) 845-534-0055 •

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

In Memory of Those Who Gave A ll

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1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers


Joseph P. BelsitO (Joe@Belsito.com) GENERAL MANAGER

emergency responders lost in the line of duty

Kathy Ronsini (Kathy@1stResponderNews.com) MANAGING EDITOR

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EDITORIAL STAFF COLUMNISTS Rick Billings (Cartoon) AJ Fusco (Food Blog) Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (Chaplain's Comer) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain's Comer)

CORRESPONDENTS Jim Alercia • Joshua Amberman • Stephen Barrett • Jason Batz • Denny Clopper

Arkansas: Scott Chassells, 48 Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: August 6, 2021 Death Date: September 18, 2021 Fire Department: North Little Rock Fire Department Initial Summary: Lieutenant Scott Chas­ sells responded to several medical incidents during which he encountered COVID-19 positive patients and patients with COVID19-like symptoms. Chassells subsequently contracted the virus and started showing symptoms on Aug. 15, 2021. He passed away from complications due to the virus on Sept. 18,2021. Ohio: Frank D. Duff, Jr., 66 Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Incident Date: August 12, 2021 Death Date: September 19, 2021 Fire Department: Columbus Division of Fire Initial Summary:While on-duty, Fire­ fighter/Paramedic Frank D. Duff, Jr., con­ tracted COVID-19. He passed away from the virus on September 19,2021.

• Timothy Coover • Bob Devonshire • Dale Feehrer • Alan Hoffman • Roman Isaryk • Ron Jeffers • William King • Nik Knauer • Joshua Knoll • JC Kriesher • Joseph Lennon • John Malecky • Artie Osniak • Bryan Phelps • Kevin Quigley • Eric Rasmussen • Lucas Richardson • Terry Ritz • Frank Robinson • Don Fil­ ippo Scicchitano • Shane Shifflett • Darin Smith • Ken Snyder • Eugene Weber Jr • Dennis Wetherhold Jr.

EDITORIAL INFORMATION Join our team o f correspondents or columnists! 1st Responder Newspaper welcomes submissions by our readers. Send stories and photos to us at news@ lstrespondernews.com . Or, give us a call or post it directly to www. 1rbn.co. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any editorial or advertising material submitted.

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Ohio: Carl Frederick Kleinman, 55 Rank: Deputy Fire Chief Incident Date: August 23, 2021 Death Date: September 15, 2021 Fire Department: South Point Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: Deputy Fire Chief Carl Frederick Kleinman contracted COVID-19 while responding to numerous emergency response calls. He passed away from the virus on Wednesday, September 15, 2021.

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CIRCULATION INFORMATION 1st Responder Newspaper is delivered to all fire, rescue, ambulance stations and hospitals. I f you do not receive your papers, please contact our circulation department. Home subscriptions are $36 per year.

Texas: Robert Liguez, 52 Rank: Driver/Operator Incident Date: August 16, 2021 Death Date: September 17, 2021 Fire Department: Alice Fire Department Initial Summary: Driver/Operator Robert Liguez contracted COVID-19 while re­ sponding to numerous EMS calls. Many of the patients he assisted tested positive for the virus. He passed away on Friday, September 17.2021.

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GRAPHIC DESIGN/MARKETING 1st Responder News’ graphics team will work with you on your adver­ A division of: tisement free o f charge. Addition­ ally, we offer a complete marketing department for all o f your printed needs. Whether they are posters, or single sheet handouts, full color or black and white, no one else delivers the high quality work at our competitive prices. As a newspaper in the Belsito Communications Inc. family, 1st Responder News has a state-of-the-art production facility which utilizes the latest scan­ ning technology available. Materials are processed using Power Macintosh G4s. Output is handled on our HP Color LaserJet 8500 to produce the highest quality black and white or color prints on the market.

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Ohio: Randy Miner, 57 Rank: Fire Chief Incident Date: September 12,2021 Death Date: September 26, 2021 Fire Department: Mary Ann Township Fire Department Initial Summary: On Sunday, September 12.2021, Fire Chief Randy Miner responded to an EMS call with a patient with a known case of COVID-19. He subsequently con­ tracted the virus and passed away on Sunday, September 26, 2021.

Florida: David Hackett, 44 Rank: Driver/Engineer Incident Date: July 30,2021 Death Date: September 25, 2021 Fire Department: Hernando County Fire and Emergency Services Initial Summary: While on duty, Driver/Engineer David Hackett contracted COVID-19 at the fire station. He passed away from the virus on Saturday, Sept. 25, 202 L Kentucky: Joseph “Joey” Wright, 39 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: September 14, 2021 Death Date: September 24, 2021 Fire Department: Nichols Fire Protection District Initial Summary: On Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021, Firefighter Joseph “Joey" Wright par­ ticipated in strenuous mandatory ladder training with the Nichols Fire Protection District. After the training was completed, he continued to work at the department assist­ ing with the CAD system. He then left and went to work where the onset of chest pains and dizziness occurred. He was sent to an immediate care center where they evaluated him and transported him by ambulance to the hospital. He remained in the Intensive Care Unit for 10 days before passing away on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021, from numerous heart attacks. Maryland: Kelly William Frye, 53 Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: August 29, 2021 Death Date: September 29, 2021 Fire Department: City of Cumberland Fire Department Initial Summary: Firefighter/EMT Kelly Frye contracted COVID-19 while on duty after responding to multiple medical calls with COVID-19 positive patients. Fire­ fighter/EMT Frye was hospitalized and passed away from complications due to the virus on Sept. 29,2021. Indiana: Mark Gillam, 58 Rank: Engineer Incident Date: August 21, 2021 Death Date: October 3, 2021 Fire Department: Elwood Fire Department Initial Summary: On Aug. 21, 2021, while on duty, Engineer Mark Gillam provided medical care to patients for a 12-hour period during a local festival. On Aug. 25,2021, Gillam became sick with symptoms. Be­ cause his symptoms worsened, Gillam went to the hospital on Aug. 30, 2021, where he tested positive for COVID-19 and was ad­ mitted. Gillam was eventually placed on a

ventilator and put into a medically induced coma but passed away from complications of the virus on Oct. 3,2021. S Carolina: Andrew Orphanoudakis, 56 Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: August 31,2021 Death Date: October 3, 2021 Fire Department: Hardeeville Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021, Lieutenant Andrew Orphanoudakis re­ sponded to an EMS call with a patient with a known case of COVID-19. He subsequently contracted the virus and passed away on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021. Lieutenant Or­ phanoudakis has been posthumously pro­ moted to Captain. Colorado: Marshall Grant Brookfield, 41 Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Incident Date: September 13,2021 Death Date: September 29,2021 Fire Department: Emergency Response Logistics Initial Summary: Wildland Firefighter/Paramedic Marshall Grant Brookfield was deployed to the McCash fire in Orleans, CAwhen he contracted COVID19 and a rare fungal infection that was found to be directly associated to the wildfires and smoke inhalation. He was removed from the incident due to severe illness and sent to the hospital where he was admitted and re­ mained in the Intensive Care Unit until his passing on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021. New Jersey: Nicholas Prioli, 89 Rank: Safety Officer Incident Date: October 23,2021 Death Date: October 23, 2021 Fire Department: Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Company Initial Summary: On Sat., Oct. 23, 2021, Safety Officer Nicholas Prioli responded to the fire department for a call of a vehicle ex­ trication that was ultimately cancelled. He left the fire house and was returning home when he experienced a medical emergency. Emergency personnel responded to the scene where they found Safety Officer Prioli in cardiac arrest. He passed away shortly there­ after.


Spring, 2022

1ST Responder Newspaper - PA

1st Out Specialty Vehicles & Equipment

S ee T h ese Tw o Units in th e S partan Booth a t th e H arrisburg Fire Expo! S p artan ER FC94 P um per C laysburg VFD in B lair C ounty Spartan FC94 Cab / Spartan ER Legend Body - Cummins L9 450HP - 1000 Gallon Water Tank -Hale DSD 1500 GPM Pump 8 SCBA Cylinder Side Compartment Storage - 12V LED Side and Rear Lighting

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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

STILL IN SERVICE If you have photos you would like to see in our “Still in Service” feature, please upload them on our website, www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@l stResponderNews.com

FRANK ROBINSON Tamaqua Fire Rescue still operates this 1984 Mack/Swab Rescue.

FIRST DUE PHOTOGRAPHY Crews work on the original fire building at the fatal fire.

New Kensington Fire Kills Woman, Tears Through Four Buildings FRANK ROBINSON Bushkill Fire Company still operates this 1990 E-One 1500/200/95' Tower Ladder.

CITY OF NEW KENSING­ TON, P A - Just before 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, March 6th, fire crews were dispatched to the 500 block of 4th Avenue for a reported structure fire. Two New Kensington Police Officers arrived and were told that a woman was trapped inside. Both officers attempted to make entry into the duplex, but were forced to back out due to high heat. New Kensington’s Assistant Chief ar­ rived and was able to reach the vic-

JUMP TO FILE #031022100

tim and pull her out, however, she was pronounced dead at the scene. As crews arrived, they were faced with heavy fire in the rear of the duplex being fed by high winds. Additional resources were re­ quested as crews continued to battle the fire, which extended into a neighboring duplex and into a

three-story apartment building. Both were vacant, but suffered se­ vere damage. There is no word on what caused the fire as the Pennsylvania State Police continue to investigate. The victim was a 49-year-old woman who had returned home be­ cause she was not feeling well while celebrating her husband’s 50th birthday. - ERIC RASMUSSEN

DARIN SMITH/TRUCK18 PHOTOGRAPHY Franklin County's Truck 1 of the Adah Vol. Fire Department is a 1988 Pierce Lance 1250/500/50' rear-mount ladder. This unit orig­ inally served with Southington, CT.

DALE FEEHRER The Lookout Fire Co. #1 of Pen Argyl, PA continues to operate this 1987 Ford-Grumman (1250/1000) as Engine 3212.


1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Spring, 2022


PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch of the Month’ feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.


Northumberland County Tanker 176 drops off water on the west side of the incident at 1-of-2 porta ponds set up.

M u lti-A la rm Blaze in R ingtow n Destroys Local Business and Home


This patch belongs to the Community Fire Co., located in New Tripoli, PA.

OUR CALENDAR IS EXPANDING We Need Your Help! P ost an e ve n t in y o u r area at w w w .1 rb n .co m Keep an eye out for National Events too!

RINGTOWN, PA - Just before 5:30 A.M. on Monday, February 14th, a first-alarm assignment was transmitted for 19 West Main Street in Ringtown with possible entrapment. Command quickly ar­ rived on scene and struck a sec­ ond-alarm. Fire quickly spread from the home that was under construction to an adjoining business as crews set up measures to protect another business and apart­ ment building. As flames overtook Rentschler's gen­ eral store and then the ice cream parlor, both the house and part of the general store started collaps­ ing within 15 minutes from the start. As crews went defensive an additional alarm was struck. Be­ cause of the collapse, several aer­ ial streams were set up on all sides of the building along with deck guns and hand lines to keep the fire from spreading further and to help extinguish it. Additional alarms were struck for extra manpower, which brought tankers in from as far away as Mountain Top and Bloomsburg to the scene to help with water supply. The fire was marked under control around 10:30 A.M., with the box being fully in service by early afternoon. As of now no cause has been determined for the fire, but Penn­ sylvania State Police Fire Marshal is investigating. - DON FILIPPO SCICCHITANO


Citizens Fire Company #2 - Mahanoy City Tower 456 works to ex­ tinguish the blaze from above the 'Delta' side of the structure.


Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Massive Fire Destroys Valley Motel in Jefferson Hills JEFFERSON HILLS, PA On February 27th at 8:53 P.M., fire crews were dis­ patched to Valley Hotel, located along New England Road, for a reported building fire. Shortly after dispatch, Allegheny County 9-1-1 ad­ vised units that they were now receiving multiple calls for a building on fire. Arriving crews found heavy smoke and fire com­ ing from the second floor of the building and initiated an interior attack. A second-alarm was quickly requested as crews con­ tinued to attack the fire. Less than 15 minutes into the incident an evacuation order was ordered and a defensive attack was set up. Crews lost water pres­ sure from the local hydrants, so drafting operations were set up on the Monongahela River. Crews continued to battle the heavy fire for over two hours before it was brought under control at 11:22 PM. The Valley Hotel contained a bar and restaurant on the first floor and apartments on the sec­ ond floor. The bar and restaurant just finished up renovations after being vacant since 2019, with an opening set for March. The build­ ing has been around for over 150 years, being built in the 1800’s. One woman occupied an apartment and managed to escape safely. Fire crews were brought back to the scene several times throughout the day for rekindles and the building was torn down later in the day. No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Flames consume the Valley Hotel.




1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Spring, 2022


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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

D olly Found a B e tte r Way! Dolly is the leading on-demand local moving and delivery service, built with a vision to reimagine the way local moving and delivery should work. Founded in 2014, the idea for Dolly was bom when one of the co-founders, in the midst of a move, found himself barreling down the interstate with a mattress strapped to his car. Forced to take moving matters into his own hands, with his mattress flapping in the wind, it became very clear—there had to be a better way. That better way came in the form of striving to put the customer at the center of every experience, be it a home move or a retail delivery; and utilizing an amazing, ever growing team of truck and van drivers. In fact, that team is the heart of the Dolly service. The network of Dolly “Flelpers”—thousands of truck owners who work on their own schedules and carefully load, trans­ port, and unload each and every item—are unique. They are musi­ cians, firefighters, teachers, and business owners. They use Dolly as

a full-time job or as a way to earn some extra cash on the side. And Dolly is very proud to be one of the few gig-economy companies that offer gig-workers a living wage (Flelpers typically earn $60+/liour). Working directly with consumers and as the trusted delivery partner for some of the world’s largest retail brands (The Container Store, Best Buy, Crate & Barrel, Costco, and many more), Dolly Flelpers have handled millions of items across the 45 markets that Dolly currently serves, all while earning unsur­ passed customer satisfaction. In addition to gold-standard service, Dolly offers customers guaranteed pricing, on-demand availability, 30minute delivery windows, GPS tracking, and real-time communica­ tion. Whether a customer is moving or just needs help to transport a few items, Dolly provides a combination of convenience, reliability, and value that’s never existed in the moving and delivery space.


Apartment and neighboring home on fire in Newport Twp., PA.

Two B uildings Burn in Three Alarm Fire in Newport Twp. NEWPORT TWP., PA - Around 1:20 P.M. on January 22nd, Newport Twp.'s box was dispatched for a re­ ported structure fire. When units arrived, a thirdalarm was immediately called for a confirmed apartment building and neighboring house on fire, with fire through the roof of the apartment building. The Luzerne County


f il e


19 £ » tanker task force was dispatched to assist with a fill site due to hydrant issues and very cold temperatures. Crews had to evacuate the apart­ ment building as the roof was caving in and a bedroom floor collapsed. It

took crews several hours to put the fires out and perform overhaul on the structures. The cause of the fire is under investigation. It was con­ firmed that all occupants and their pets made it out safely. The Ameri­ can Red Cross was helping those who were displaced. - PA BUFFING

LITTLE BIG GUYS If you have photos you would like to see in our “Little Big Guys” feature, please upload them on our website, www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com


Good Will Fire Company of Pottsville runs a 1997 GMC/Reading 250/200 Brush Truck.

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Spring, 2022


DEPARTMENT PROFILE If your department has photos you would like to see in our “Departmnt Profile” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNem.com

A Phoenix Rising from the Ashes LAWRENCEVILLE, PA - On July 27, 2019, the tones went off for the Lawrenceville Fire Dept, for the worst thing any fire company can imagine; a dispatch to their own station for a working structure fire. The fire started in the first bay

at one end of the building and worked its way across the length of the building. Most apparatus had some damage and were either totaled or sold off. On top of all this, by the time they were preparing to re­ build, the pandemic had started and building material costs had skyrocketed.

Fortunately, the department found property just south of town that had 2 buildings with 5 garage bays large enough for fire apparatus to be housed. The new fleet con­ sists of Patrol 8-4, a 1977 Dodge Power W agon/American LaFrance 250/250, which was saved from the fire. En­ gine 8-2, a 2007 Pierce Sabre

1250/1000 was purchased through a dealership and orig­ inally saw service in Texas. Engine 8-3, a 2014 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/500/50’ Squirt was acquired from Virginia Beach, VA. Utility 8-18 is a 2020 Dodge 2500 purchased new after the fire. Tanker 8-5 is a 1999 Freightliner FL/New Lexington 500/2000 purchased

from Gaines Mills, NY. (Sadly, the door was not working on the tanker bay, so I missed out on photos of it.) Special thanks to Assistant Chief Joe Griswold for taking time to move apparatus around for photos.



Engine 8-2 of Lawrenceville is this 2007 Pierce Saber 1250/1000 and foam, which originally operated in TX.

Engine 8-3 of Lawrenceville is a 2014 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/500/50' Squirt, ex-Virginia Beach, VA.



Patrol 8-4 of Lawrenceville is this 1977 Dodge Power Wagon/American LaFrance 250/250. It is the only surviving piece of apparatus in service from the station fire.

Utility 8-18 of Lawrenceville is a 2020 Dodge 2500.

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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

MEMORIAL BOARI9 If your department has photos you would like to see in our “Memorial Board” feature please upload them on our website www.lRBN.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com




Fam ily D isplaced by D w elling Fire in South W hite h a ll TVrp. SOUTH WHITEHALL TWP., PA- A working fire forced a family out of their one-and-a-half story home on January 5th. The fire occurred at 1520 N. 25th St., which had grey smoke showing upon arrival of the first due company. The call came in around 2:50 A.M., with the bulk of the fire appearing to come from the rear of the dwelling. As the fire was quelled, companies remained on scene several hours for overhaul.

PENNSBURG, PA - Former Fireman and Fire Policeman Thomas Huguenin, Sr. of Green Lane Fire Co. and life member of Skippack Fire Co. passed away on February 15, 2022 at the age of 75. Huguenin resided in Sumneytown, PA. He was a very active fireman and held the office of Financial Secretary and Fire Police Sgt. of the Green Lane Fire Co. He is survived by his wife Elizabeth, chil­ dren Amy and Tom, his grandchildren, and one sibling. The Falk Funeral Home of Pennsburg, PA was in charge of the arrangements and burial. Pictured is a 1939 Dodge firetruck of the Skippack Fire Co. in the funeral procession.

Rick Billings G



ANTIQUE APPARATUS If you have photos for Antique Apparatus please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com





The Lower Providence Fire Department still maintains their 1946 International/Oren 600-GPM pumper.

c 2022 by Rick Billings bear59dog@yahoo.com reddogart.com @jampony452

Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA






The Glen Rock Hose & Ladder Co. has placed this 2021 Ford F-550/ATB/Quinn's Fabrication into service as Brush 59 (275/300). This unit was completely built in house by the members.

The Cashtown Community FD has placed this 2021 Sutphen Monarch into service as Rescue-Engine 4 (1500/1000/Hurst).

The Special Hazards Operations Team (SHOT) of Cum­ berland County has taken delivery of this 2021 Ken­ worth/Swab Haz-Mat unit.



Linglestown Fire Company now operates this 2021 Kenworth/Swab as Air 35.

Middletown Fire Department now operates this 2021 Seagrave 2000/500.


Truck 2 of the Catasauqua Fire Dept, is a 2021 Spartan/110' LT.


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Spring, 2022


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Spring, 2022





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Spring, 2022

1ST Responder Newspaper - PA

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Fire Levels Home and Attached Garage in Zerbe Twp. ZERBE, PA - On Monday, February 14th around 3:30 P.M., Zerbe Township and surrounding area units were alerted to a working fire at 153 Hart Street. Command quickly confirmed a working fire from miles out and tankers and a second-alarm were struck. Crews arrived to find a house and garage fully involved. Several master streams and hand lines were used to contain the blaze and extinguish it from a safe distance. As of now, no cause has been determined for the blaze.




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Intermediate Level

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APPARATUS IN ACTION If you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our website wvw.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.




POTTER COUNTY, PA - Goodyear Hose Company's Engine 10-2, a 2000 American LaFrance 2000-GPM pumper, is shown drafting from the West Branch of Pine Creek supplying Goodyear's Aerial 10-9 and another engine at a 2-alarm house fire on West Street in Galeton Borough on 1/15/2022. 1100-feet of 5" LDH was used to complete the operation.


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Elizabethtown FD Engine 74-2, a 2007 Sutphen Monarch (1500/500), is first to arrive at a working fire on 9/21/21 in West Donegal Twp. The fire was quickly contained shortly after arrival.

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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA


Fire Rips Through City of McKeesport Public Works Garage CITY OF MCKEESPORT, PA - Just before 6:30 A.M. on Feb­ ruary 6th, City of McKeesport firefighters were dispatched to a reported commercial structure fire located at the City’s Pub­ lic Works Garage. Crews arrived to find the garage heavily in­ volved with fire and requested a second-alarm. Crews worked for about two hours in single-digit temperatures before the fire was brought under control. No one was inside the garage, which houses several of the city’s snow plows and other equipment, when the fire broke out. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.



WHERE ARE THEY NOW? If you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.

F R ID A Y , M A Y 2 0 - 1 0 A M - 5 P M S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 21 - 1 0 A M - 5 P M The Gates Will Close One Hour Prior to Closing Time


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Birdsboro Union Fire Department operates a 1994 Pierce Saber 1500/500. The unit once served the Wyomissing FD.

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Harwood Fire Company now runs a 1998 Seagrave 1500/500/40 F. The unit once served Bethpage, Long Island Fire Department Co. 5.

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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA


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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA


Unique Rescue of Firefighter at Tarentum House Fire TARENTUM, PA - At 11:50 A.M. on February 21 st, firefighters were dispatched to a reported resi­ dential structure fire located along the 200 block of West 11th Avenue in Tarentum Borough. Crews arrived to find heavy fire coming from a duplex style home and immediately began to at­ tack the fire. A second-alarm was requested as the fire quickly grew out of control. About 40 minutes into the fire, the rear of the building collapsed and crews were forced to fight the fire from the exterior only. At some point, a firefighter on an aerial device adjusting a nozzle became pinned between two rungs when the ladder was being ex­ tended. Crews worked for about

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Firefighters begin to arrive on scene.

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one hour extricating the firefighter from the ladder by carefully cutting off his boots to remove his feet. Once extricated, the firefighter was transported to a local trauma center where he was released later in the day with a broken foot. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and an addi­ tional investigation as to how the aerial accident occurred is on­ going. The firefighter is expected to make a full recovery. - ERIC RASMUSSEN

Three-Alarm Fire C laim s Life o f Sham okin R esident SHAMOKIN, PA - Around 12:30 P.M. on Thursday, February 10th, a working bedroom fire was struck for Birch Street in Shamokin. Local EMS confirmed a column showing, and police arrived and con­ firmed working fire with entrap­ ment. As command arrived he was told a police officer was inside the build­ ing and not answering the radio. The police officer came out after trying to locate the victim and was evalu­ ated by EMS. Command quickly


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a> I » struck a second-alarm due to the fire being in a row of 12, with heavy fire on the third floor. Units quickly made entry and found one victim. At 12:48 P.M., EMS was requested to the front of the building, and despite attempts of firefighters and EMS, the victim sadly passed away shortly after. A third-alarm was sounded to

bring additional manpower to the scene. Firefighters not only had to deal with narrow streets to access the blaze, but also one of the homes in­ volved was under construction with reported holes in the floors reported by police during their quick search. The cause of the fire was deter­ mined to be from a space heater that caught the bed on fire from being too close. - DON FILIPPO SCICCHITANO

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? If you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.


Operation Support Kentucky SACRAMENTO, PA - Back on 12/20/21, a caravan of pickup trucks with trailers started out at 6:00 A.M. for tornado torn areas of Kentucky. Thanks to the efforts of the Lower Augusta VFD, along with the Sacramento Community FD and the County Turf & Trails LLC, all kinds of relief items collected from public/commercial sources were transported to the vic­ tims. A group photo of the Sacramento volunteers was taken early on a busy Thursday collection night; unfortunately, not all the members who had given their time and effort in this humanitarian cause were available at the time of this photo.


The Oliver Township Fire Company of Jefferson County operates Rescue 5-3, a 1995 Pierce Saber. It has a 1500-GPM pump, carries 750-gallons of water, and previously saw service with Brookville Fire Company.

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

Spring, 2022


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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

The A rt o f M is c o m m u n ic a tio n VIDEO REVIEW Video reviews by John Malecky

The Art of Miscommunication By Dave Casey Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street Hudson, MAO 1749-0331 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@fire-policeems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $79.00 (DVD) This product is by Fire Engi­ neering Books & Videos and is 97 minutes in duration. It was copy­ righted in 2018. The presenter has over 40 years in the fire service in many capacities and owns a com­ pany named Ascend Leadership. He gives this class to a group of Tulsa firefighters. His presenta­ tion covers forms of communica­ tion, social media/e-mail, multitasking, and inspiring crucial communications. Towards the end are 10 recommendations to im ­

prove communications. This pres­ entation is extremely valuable! I cannot impress upon you enough how proper communications can­ not only achieve the message given, but save lives as well. Ex­ amples of how miscommunication has cost lives are illustrated in this video and how a simple lack of grammar can send the wrong mes­ sage. He explains the advantages and disadvantages of different types of communications, such as face to face as opposed to texting for instance. One of my disap­ pointments is e-mail. I cannot un­ derstand how many recipients can be so ignorant as to not acknowl­ edge a message with a simple “Thanks” or “OK”, but rather have the caller figure it was re­ ceived because there was no fail­ ure notice later. A message is received if it is understood by the sender and acknowledged by the receiver and hence carried out if need be. This column does not have the space to detail all of the points laid out in proper commu­ nications, but I will just state that it is a DVD long in the making and one that will help us work smoothly and promote safety along the way.

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? If you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.


The Mt. Penn Fire Company operated this unique 1972 Ford/Hi-Ranker snorkel from 1973 until late 1997. This piece was sold to a private individual who in turn used it for his electrical business.

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

A GOD OF EMPTY PROMISES Chaplain’s Corner Pastor Fernando Villicana

I recently came across this story, it was told by “Dear Abby” in a response to someone’s ques­ tion. A young man from a wealthy family was about to graduate from high school. It was the cus­ tom in that affluent neighborhood for the parents to give the gradu­ ate an automobile. "Bill’ and his father had spent months looking at cars, and the week before grad­ uation, they found the perfect car. On the eve of his graduation, his father handed him a gift wrapped Bible. Bill was so angry that he threw the Bible down and stormed out of the house. He and his father never saw each other again. It was the news of his father’s death that brought Bill home again.

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As he sat one night going through his father’s possessions that he was to inherit, he come across the Bible his father had given him. He brushed away the dust and opened it to find a cashier’s check, dated the day of his graduation - in the exact amount of the car they had chosen together. As I thought about this story, I couldn’t help but wonder how many people in this world have done the same thing to God. Liter­ ally tossed aside a wonderful promise, because they didn’t un­ derstand it, or they didn’t believe that it was possible. In our world, we are taught that; “if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.” So many of us have been taken in by “empty promises,” that we are leery of anything or anyone that tells us we can have something for nothing. We say: “The world simply doesn’t work that way.” But, you know what - God does - God never made a promise that was too good to be true. The truth of the matter is, the world is full of empty promises. We watch TV, and the advertise­ ments tell us that we can be happy, sexy, rich, or famous, if we only purchase a certain product. It doesn’t take long before we have been fooled enough to know that the world’s promises are full of emptiness. But, God is different. Instead of promises full of empti­ ness, on Easter, he gave us empti­ ness that is full of promise

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APPARATUS IN ACTION If you have photos you would like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our website www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.


Tamaqua (American Hose) Engine 65-10 operates as the second due engine to a commercial building fire in Rush Township.

Pastor Fernando Villicana Fire Department Chaplain

C ity :______________________ State:_____ Z i p : ___________

Spring, 2022


Engine 81-12 and Tanker 1-21 of the Lower Macungie Township Fire Department in service at a dwelling fire in Lower Macungie Township, 10/24/21.

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Spring, 2022

1st Responder Newspaper - PA

West Hazleton Weis Market Fire Reaches Fourth-Alarm LUZERNE COUNTY, PA - At 9:20 P.M. on Monday, December 6, 2021, Luzerne County 9-1-1 dis­ patched a first-alarm assignment to the Weis Market grocery store at 100 Weis Lane in West Hazleton for a possible building fire. West Hazleton crews were ad­ vised of a call reporting a fire on the roof. 183 Car, 183 Engine 1 and Chief 4 arrived on the scene to find nothing showing. Command advised nothing visible after con­ ducting a 360, but there was a haze in the building. Engine 1 and 183 Truck were sent to the 'B/C' corner to go to the roof and evaluate the situation. At 9:40 P.M., the crew reported a working fire on the roof and re­ quested a hand line to extinguish the fire. Command requested the engine lay in to the ladder on the 'C' side. As a cold front was moving through the area, winds really began to pick up. Wind gusts peaked over 35MPH right around the time of the fire. While crews were attempting to extinguish the fire, the gusty wind took hold of the flames and rapidly spread the fire across the roof. Command requested an engine and ladder from Hazleton City Fire 139. The wind continued to spread the fire at an exponential rate, which forced command to pull all units off the roof. A second-alarm was transmitted at 9:52 P.M. The second-alarm included Hazle Twp. 141, Sugarloaf 177, Freeland 136, Valley Regional 116, Schuylkill Engine 49-15 (McAdoo) and Schuylkill 48 RIT (Mahanoy City). Ladders from Hazle Township, McAdoo and Nuremberg-Weston were also dis­ patched. At 9:58 P.M., a third-alarm was transmitted as fire consumed most of the roof of the building. The third-alarm included units from Hazle Township, Freeland and Harwood. Hazle Township Tower 7 ar­ rived on scene as the third due truck company and was assigned to the 'A' side to set up for master stream operations. 139 Engine 2 was flowing their deck gun onto the roof, but shut down to feed the ladder pipe. 183 and 139 trucks were already flowing their ladder pipes from the 'B/C' comer. At 10:07 P.M., a fourth-alarm was transmitted to respond to the staging area. The fourth-alarm in-

Action Videos Columns Features

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r»4 3 P eluded Valley Regional 116, Foster Twp. 134, Wright Twp. 189 RIT and Schuylkill Engine 9-10 (Sheppton-Oneida). Crews found fire appearing to be spreading into the 'B' exposure Pet Smart. Firefighters made ac­ cess to Pet Smart to check for ex­ tension and evacuate the animals into the back of a Greater Hazleton ambulance. McAdoo Ladder 49-22 arrived with Sugarloaf 177 Engine and both were sent to the 'A' side for ladder pipe operations. 177 Engine laid LDH from a hydrant on the 'D' side and supplied the scene. Nuremberg Ladder 19-20 was set up next to McAdoo and also began to flow water. Freeland Tmck 136 was sent to the 'C/D' comer for master stream ops while Harwood 241 Engine laid supply line from across the parking lot where 116 Engine had hooked up to a hydrant. While all of the ladders were operating to knock down the fire, crews began to experience water shortages from their water sup­ plies. 136 Engine was directed to a hydrant across Route 93 to secure additional supply. That crew re­ ported the hydrant to be dry. McAdoo Tanker 49-30 laid hun­ dreds of feet of LDH down Route 93 to the area of Valle High DriveIn to hook up to another hydrant. After about an hour of pouring water on the building via master streams, the ladders were shut down and two crews accessed the building to check the interior. The crews reported the interior looked pretty good with the exception of the 'A' side where smoke was still pushing. The 'A' side ladder com­ panies were put back into opera­ tion to drown out the fire. The bulk of the fire was knocked down after 11:00 RM. Rehab units from L&L Fire Com­ pany (Carbon County) and Danville (Montour County) were dispatched to the scene. A State Po­ lice Fire Marshal was requested to investigate the cause of the fire. Crews began to clear up from the scene after midnight, with West Hazleton crews remaining on scene for most of the overnight hours. - JC KRIESHER


Flames consume the roof of the Weis Market in West Hazleton. Four alarms plus special calls were requested to the scene before the fire was brought under control.


Crews from Luzerne, Schuylkill, Carbon and Montour Counties responded to this multiple-alarm fire.

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Spring, 2022



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Spring, 2022

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