Westchester Healthcare News February 2016 ebook

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Healthcare news February 2016

Westchester County


Westchester County Community

HealthlinkNY connects Physicians to fast comprehensive medical history for patients

“Goes Red for Women”

as part of February Heart Month Lawrence Hospital Center receives award from American Heart Association

Fordham University offers Healthcare Workshop Series

Eastern Planning helps you plan with confidence and Enjoy Life!

Glen Island’s family atmosphere serves as the framework for the quality of life at the respected facility Star One Home Care and Medical Staffing Affordable Services

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Februa ry 2016

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February, 2016

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Healthcare News - Westchester

“Back Pain Technology Cheats Mother Nature

After helping hundreds of Westchester County herniated disc sufferers eliminate their pain, Local Doctor explains how…

Helps Herniated Discs Heal Naturally… In As Little As 25 Minutes!”

At Last! Westchester County Doctor Offers Technology That Doesn’t Just End SEVERE Pain From Herniated Discs, But Helps Your Body To Start Rebuilding Them… As Fast As Humanly Possible! Best Part: You can check it all out for FREE if you like! There is no doubt… technology has made all of our lives better… and easier. Just about every miraculous medical cure and comfort of modern living can be attributed to amazing breakthroughs in technology. Heck, laser eye surgery can give people who are almost as blind as a bat perfect 20/20 vision. How amazing is that? That’s why it’s no surprise that technology might be able to solve your back and neck pain from herniated/bulging discs or sciatica…for good. Here is why: Back and neck pain can be devastating. And nothing is worse than going to doctor after doctor… trying treatment after treatment… spending money you can’t afford… and still suffering in pain. That’s why… I bet you would love to instantly end your pain… without any risk what-soever… and have it never come back for the rest of your life? Well, that might NOT be so easy. But, what if there was a wonderful advancement in technology that, with a handful of simple, non-invasive treatments, could possibly have you out of pain and on your way to healing naturally? Better yet, what if this technology could possibly heal your herniated/bulging discs (instead of cutting it out like surgery) so you have the best chance to live pain-free and do all the things you want and love to do? And what if this technology was: 3 FDA cleared! 3 Proven safe and effective! 3 Allows your herniated discs to heal naturally without the risky and dangerous side effects of surgery! 3 Relieves pain fast… in some cases in as little as 25 minutes! Well, guess what? There is such technology and there is a very good chance it can help you… like it has already helps thousands of herniated/bulging disc and sciatica sufferers all around the country… No Matter How Bad Your Pain Is, How Long You’ve Been Suffering Or How Many Other Treatments And Doctors Have Failed You! Don’t laugh. It’s really true. Here’s proof…

When you have a herniated disc, compressive forces cause your spinal bones to come together… basically squashing your disc. The space in between your bones decreases and the soft, jello-like disc material leaks out. This disc material that leaks out is called a herniated disc and can cause severe pain, numbness and tingling in your neck, back, arms or legs when the herniation pushes into and “pinches” a nerve. So it makes sense, if you could slightly pull the spinal bones apart… that would open up the space, take the pressure off the disc, the disc off the nerve and solve the problem. Right? But the only problem is… how do you do that? For years and years, doctors have been trying to do it with traction. But traction has been proven ineffective and often very painful. Why? Traction doesn’t work because when you have a herniated or bulging disc, the area is injured and when you try to move, your muscles go into spasm. Spasm is your body’s way of trying to protect you from causing further injury. That’s why traction hurts so much. As soon as the traction starts… your muscles overprotect the area and spasm. But the good news is: Now there is technology that out-smarts your body’s natural spasm reaction. In other words: It fools mother nature! This technology is called non-surgical spinal decompression (NSSD) and here’s how it works… NSSD is very different from plain traction because it has advanced computer technology that actually senses your spinal muscles. When it starts to gently pull, it immediately knows when your muscles start to contract and it stops pulling. As soon as your muscles relax, it starts pulling again. The amazing thing is: the computer senses your muscles contraction so early… you don’t even feel what is going on. Which means you never feel any pain! In fact, the only thing most patients feel is… RELIEF!!! But the best part is: NSSD is able to gently separate your spinal bones which, in many cases, actually sucks the herniated disc material back into the disc where it belongs! This takes away your pain and allows your herniated and bulging discs to heal naturally!

And check this out: Treatments are pleasant and simple. All you have to do is lie on your back, listen to your favorite music, read a magazine… or… take a nap! The wonderful technology does everything while you simply RELAX the pain away! To sum up NSSD: • For most patients it is 100% painless… in fact many patients actually fall asleep during treatment! • Works fast! Most patients get relief after a handful of treatments – some after the very first! • Is non-invasive so it does not have the dangerous risks of surgery! • Gets to the root cause of the problem and helps it heal naturally! Isn’t modern technology wonderful? And wouldn’t you like to… Give This Great Technology A Try… For Free? If you would, there’s great news. There is a Doctor located at 222 Westchester Ave. Suite 405 in White Plains who has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in this wonderful technology and has been treating herniated/bulging disc and sciatica patients with incredible success. His name is Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS and he is so excited about the results he’s been getting, he would like to share it with as many pain sufferers as possible. But There Is A Catch… There’s always a catch... isn’t there? Even though this technology has helped a majority of the patients Dr. Donath has treated… it is not a wonder cure and it does not help everyone.

On the right: healthy disc. Center: Herniated disc with soft disc material leaking out. On the left: Herniated disc material compressing or “pinching” nerve.

For that reason, Dr. Donath does a complete examination on every potential patient and only accepts you if he feels you are most likely to get the pain relief and outcome you are looking for. Dr. Donath’s Special Deal For You! Because the economy is so bad and Dr. Donath wants to help you if possible, he is offering the first 17 people who respond to this article a free consultation and NSSD qualification examination. And if you qualify for NSSD treatments, Dr. Donath will also give you one treatment for FREE! And if you do not qualify, Dr. Donath will help you find the best option for you. That’s why, if you suffer with pain from a herniated/bulging disc or sciatica you should call 914-259-8104 right now. When April answers the phone, simply tell her you would like your free non-surgical spinal decompression consultation and examination. If you are one of the first 17, she will schedule you within the next few days. If you are in a lot of pain or already scheduled for surgery, tell April and she will be sure to get you in immediately. Maybe even today.

On right: Herniated disc with spinal bones “squished” together. Center: NSSD slightly pulls the spinal bones apart, opens up the disc space and allows herniated material to move back into the disc. Left: Herniated material completely back in center of disc allows the disc to heal naturally. Your consultation and examination should take about 60 minutes. During this time you can get all of your questiones answered in a warm and friendly environment. You will know exactly what’s causing your pain and the best possible way to solve it. Dr. Donath will explain to you all your possible options along with his recomendations so you can make the best choice for YOU.

Why Limited To 17? Dr. Donath has limited the number he will accept right now to 17 because he does not believe patients should wait and they should also get the quality personal attention they deserve. When you go for your free visit, I’m sure you will see how unique and pleasant the experience is. It’s nice to be treated like a person and not a number or based on insurance coverage. It’s also nice to know exactly what’s causing your pain and how to relieve it as fast as possible. Dr. Donath’s favorite cases are the one’s that were able to cancel back surgery after only a handful of treatments. Dr. Donath also loves when a herniated disc patient that is in excruciating pain and thinks they’ve tried everything, lays down on the NSSD table, takes a 25 minute nap… and… wakes up with all their pain GONE! Just imagine how it would feel to have all your pain finally gone. Imagine going to bed and being able to sleep the entire night through… … and waking up refreshed and energized… ready to take on the brand new day – without the pain and stiffness that has been terrorizing you. And imagine finally knowing you have the solution to your herniated disc pain. Well, you may not have to just “imagine” anymore… because… NSSD might start relieving your pain… in just 25 minutes! So, if you’d like to see if you qualify and give this amazing technology a try for free… give April a call at 914-259-8104 right now. Why wait one more day in pain when the solution may be one quick phone call away? Call now before someone else gets your free spot. One More Thing It’s Important… Ever since getting this wonderful technology, Dr. Donath’s office has been flooded with calls. For that reason, if when you call, the lines are busy or you go to voice mail… just keep calling back. The possibility of living pain-free is well worth the time and effort it may take you to get through and schedule your appointment. 914-259-8104


Westchester and Fairfield join the February ‘Go Red’ heart-health program PAGE 4

January, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

A key aspect of American Heart Month programs slated throughout the nation in February involves getting the word out to women about the importance of heart health. Many women don’t realize that heart disease is the number one killer of females; one in three American women will die of heart disease – more than from all forms of cancer combined. But the good news is that 80 percent of heart disease and stroke can be prevented with health and lifestyle changes, according to the American Heart Association. That’s why the association launched the Go Red For Women initiative to help empower females to take charge of their heart health – its website is www.goredforwomen.org. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute later added a red dress to the initiative as a symbol that’s often used for female heart disease awareness.

The local Go Red For Women campaign in Fairfield & Westchester Counties, sponsored by the American Heart Association, has a full schedule of programs planned for February. Among them is a new Go Red event to be held on Feb. 11 – featuring a live-stream airing of the Red Dress Collection fashion show that takes place in New York City. The show, presented by Macy’s, features top designers, models and celebrities sharing their support for women’s heart health during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Notables who have taken part in the past as models at the event include actress Barbara Eden; and TV hosts Hoda Kotb, Rosie O’Donnell and Star Jones. “It’s a great opportunity to see celebrities parade down the catwalk in exquisite red outfits,” says Kaye.

(Photo provided by Go Red For Women/American Heart Association)

TV host Star Jones and a doggie friend took to the catwalk at a previous Red Dress Collection fashion show.

The Westchester live stream takes place at the movie theater at The Bristal assisted-living facility in Armonk from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. A dinner precedes the fashion show; the live stream starts at 8 p.m. Both are open to the public, but RSVPs are necessary: contact Deena Kaye, director of Go Red for Women of Fairfield and Westchester Counties, at 203-295-2941 or by email at deena.kaye@heart.org. Also, a Go Red for Women Leadership Breakfast will be held on Feb. 12. Sponsored by Morgan Stanley, in partnership with the American Heart Association’s Westchester and Fairfield County chapters, it takes place at Morgan Stanley’s headquarters in Purchase, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Speakers include Dr. Heidi Hanna, the CEO and founder of Synergy, a group that provides brain-based training for individuals and organizations. Hanna has been featured at many national and global conferences, speaking about stress, resilience and empowerment; she is the author of the New York Times best-seller, “The SHARP Solution: A Brain-Based Approach for Optimal Performance.” The breakfast is free to the public, but advance RSVP is required: contact Deena Kaye at the phone number or email that’s listed above for the Go Red live-stream fashion show. And that’s not all – mark your calendars for the 2016 Westchester-Fairfield Go Red for Women Luncheon, to be held on May 4. It takes place at the Stamford Marriott Resort and Spa, and the day also features a health and wellness exhibition that’s free to the public. For information, go to www.westfairgoredluncheon.heart.org. The American Heart Association also encourages all women to visit the Go Red website, www.goredforwomen.org for heart-healthy tips and other information.


Healthcare News - Westchester August, 2015

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Tel: (914) 816-2900 www.ejrosenlaw.com

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February, 2016

*&07-(&5* *:6 $*67(-*67*5 Healthcare News - Westchester



Burke Rehabilitation Hospital

Center for Vein Restoration


17 32

ColumbiaDoctors Concept:CARE®




Keystone Financial Services



Doctors Express


Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers 23 Glen Island Center for Nursing and Rehab 22 HealthlinkNY

Main Street Pediatric Dentistry



New York Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital 9 Resource Directory

Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, PC Simone Development Companies

26, 28

StarOne Home Care & Medical Staffing



The Wartburg ! Westchester Community College $ Westchester County Medical Society






14, 15

Westchester Neurological Consultants, PC 19 Westchester Spinal Decompression Ctr 3, 10

Healthcare news



Celebrate National Wear Red Day with Go Red for Women Heart Disease is the number 1 killer of Women in the United States, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer. In 2003, the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute took action against a disease that was claiming the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year – a disease that women weren’t paying attention to. A disease they truly believed, and many still believe to this day, affects 4-373 (5*).7 more men than women. Stemming from that action, National Wear Red Day was born. It’s held on the first Friday in February every year to raise awareness about heart disease being the No. 1 killer of women. And looking back on what has been accomplished, there have been tremendous strides.



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and treatment • Legislation to help end gender disparities • But despite progress, women are still dying. They’re still unaware of their risks and the facts. It’s time to stand stronger, speak louder and join the fight this National Wear Red Day. s Visit Westchester Healthcare News on Facebook to get even more updates on local health and wellness


Gregory W. Buff


• Publishing of genderspecific results, established differences in symptoms and responses to medications, and women-specific guidelines for prevention



Joseph P. Belsito


• 23 percent more women aware that it’s their No. 1 health threat

Please share your stories with us at info@healthcarenewspaper.com Jim can be reached at 845-202-4737 and via email at jim@healthcarenewspaper.com

845-534-7500 • (fax) 845-534-0055 Info@HealthcareNewspaper.com


They include: • 21 percent fewer women dying from heart disease

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Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016

Westchester’s Premier Medical Address r 3000 – 3040 Westchester A Avve, Purrchase, NY 10577 • Turn-kkey, custtom-built, b ilt state-of-the-ar t t f th t medica di all suites available il bl star ting from1,000 square feet • Highly visible, easily accessible location on Westchester’s “Medical Mile” with direct east/west access to Westchester Avenue • 3R WMXI GEJË XRIWW GIRXIV ERH FIEYXMJYPP] PERHWGETIH GSYV X]EVH • % F Y R H E R X J VI I T E V O M R K J S V I Q T P S ] I I W E R H T E X M I R X W • Newly renovated lobbies and exterior facades • Convenient to I-287, I-95, I-684 and Hutchinson n River and Merritt Parkways • 2 I [ L S Q I S J ; ) 7 8 1 ) ( 1 I H M G E P + VS Y T L I E H U Y E V X I V W For leasing information contact Glenn Walsh, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (914) 881 1-1096 VISIT WWW..SIMDEV.COM


New York-Presbyterian Lawrence Hospital hails National Heart Month PAGE 8

February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

February is the month that highlights the heart – there’s Valentine’s Day, of course, plus American Heart Month, which encourages hospitals, doctors and the public to focus on cardiac health. New York-Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville is at the forefront of regional cardiac care, and plans to take part in February’s national emphasis on Heart Month, reminding people of all ages about simple steps to a healthier heart. “As individuals vary, so does their heart health,” says Srirama Kalapatapu, M.D., a cardiovascular disease specialist at NYP/Lawrence. “Lifestyle habits and genetic history can make some people susceptible to heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for both men and women, causing about 600,000 deaths in the U.S. annually,” he says. That’s one reason the American Heart Association is spreading the word about Heart Month –including events such as National Wear Red Day, held by many organizations and businesses on the first Friday of February. The association also sponsors programs aimed especially at females, such as its Go Red for Women initiative, which stresses the importance of cardiac health to help reduce a sobering statistic: one in every three women will die from heart disease or stroke.

Photos provided by NYP/Lawrence Hospital.

NYP/Lawrence Hospital Cardiac Care Team (l to r) Richelle Powell, RN; Ci Tramontozzi, CM; Tina Sokolik, RN, Nurse Manager; SriRama Kalapatapu, MD, Chief of Cardiology; Danielle Lestrange, RN, MBA, Director, Critical Care Division; Sibby Chennikara, RN; and Melissa Josephs, RN.

NYP/Lawrence also plans to salute its team of heart specialists and staff during Cardiovascular Professionals Week - February 14 to 20 – as part of a program sponsored by the national Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals as part of Heart Month. The hospital has plenty to be proud of regarding its cardiovascular services. Last April, NYP/Lawrence opened a new Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory headed by director Mark A. Apfelbaum, M.D., who is also an associate professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. The cath lab offers the latest in cardiac procedures as part of NewYork-Presbyterian’s renowned heart program – it’s been ranked #3 in the country and #1 in New York state, according to U.S. News and World Report. The facility is one of the few sites in Westchester County licensed to perform emergency cardiac angioplasty for patients who are having a heart attack. Staffed by interventional cardiologists and electrophysiologists of ColumbiaDoctors - the faculty practice of Columbia University Medical Center the cath lab offers minimally invasive procedures such as heart biopsies, coronary stenting, and pacemaker implantation. NYP/Lawrence also received kudos in December when it was given the Get With The Guidelines ® – Heart Failure Gold Quality Achievement Award.

The award salutes hospitals that put specific quality improvement measures into practice according to the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation’s guidelines. The Get With The Guideline initiative helps hospital cardiac teams speed recovery and reduce re-admissions for heart-failure patients, using measures that include precise patient evaluation, proper use of medications, and aggressive risk-reduction therapies. Before patients are discharged, they receive information on managing their heart condition and overall health; follow-up visits and other transitional care are also scheduled. “We are pleased to recognize NewYork-Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital for its commitment to heart-failure care,” said Deepak L. Bhatt, M.D., national chairman of the Get With The Guidelines steering committee and executive director of interventional cardiovascular programs at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston; he is also a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Adds NYP/Lawrence President Michael Fosina: “This has been an exceptional year for NewYorkPresbyterian/Lawrence Hospital when it comes to cardiac care,” noting the opening of the cardiac cath lab, coupled with the recent Get With The Guidelines award.

Pictured left, Dr. Apfelbaum in the NYP-Lawrence Hospital cardiac cath lab.

News - Westchester February, 2016 Healthcare T

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February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

Westchester Financial Center 50 Main Street, Suite #1275 White Plains, NY 10606 Email: Info@ejrosenlaw.com

Tel: (914) 816-2900 www.ejrosenlaw.com

The law firm of Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, PC, achieves impressive results for clients in the areas of elder law, trusts and estates

Ely J. Rosenzveig and his son, Ariel, are proud to lead a respected elder law firm in White Plains serving families throughout the tri-state area. However, the family feel extends past father and son. The law firm of Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C treats every client like family. “My dad and I are very involved in our clients’ lives, especially during difficult times,” Ariel Rosenzveig said. “We become close to them and we enjoy the relationships that we build. We value those relationships and are always attentive to our clients to help them with all of their needs. We take special pride in being there for our clients and their families through thick and thin.” Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates practices in all areas of elder law, including trust and estate planning, administration, and litigation, tax counsel, asset protection and special needs planning, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security disability benefits, guardianships, long term care planning, Medicaid spousal recovery claims, and Medicaid lien resolutions. Father and son pride themselves on an unyielding commitment to the advocacy of their clients’ interests. Estate planning is one of the most important steps any person can take to make sure that their final property and health care wishes are honored, and that loved ones are provided for in their absence. A comprehensive estate plan can resolve a number of legal questions that arise whenever anyone dies. The firm has achieved impressive results for clients on a host of Medicaid related issues, from getting Medicaid approvals for coverage of home care and institutional care benefits, to very accommodative resolutions of Medicaid spousal recovery claims, where the office of Medicaid aggressively pursues a claim for reimbursement for Medicaid benefits provided from the non-institutionalized (i.e., or “community”) spouse.

“Our firm has a thorough understanding of Medicaid and the experience to advocate aggressively and effectively for you and your family,” said Ely Rosenzveig, who has been an attorney for nearly thirty (30) years. “It is very rewarding work and we work tirelessly for our clients.” Elder law is very important. Appropriate estate and asset-protection planning can help preserve assets, reduce taxes, and help individuals qualify for Medicaid. As you or your loved one grows older, the quality of care you receive becomes increasingly important. At some point, it becomes necessary to make plans for the future to make sure that your needs and desires are met. When this time comes, it is important to enlist the experience of Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, so the process of planning for the future is stress-free for your family. This can be critical in the process of maintaining the well-being of you or your loved one. At Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, father and son have the opportunity to help clients plan across the span of many years. Often, it leads to advising multiple generations of the family, which Ely and Ariel Rosenzveig find rewarding. Over the course of time, they help clients as their lives and needs change, from naming the guardians of their minor children in their Wills, to planning for retirement, to protecting assets when in need of a skilled nursing facility or home care. Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates builds a relationship with clients, which is built upon years of assisting them, often in difficult times in their lives, and helping them move beyond those times and provide them with peace of mind and financial security. Our firm is certainly proud to build these types of relationships with families such as yours. Attorney advertising • Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016



February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016


Travel February's tip:

When leaving for a trip, try not to pack your suitcase completely full. Remember that you will be bringing back souvenirs and will need some space to bring them home with you.

For all your travel needs contact: Rene Prasad Grand Explorations, LLC rene@grandexplorations.com 866-869-1760 www.grandexplorations.com

Destination Spotlight:Puerto Rico Did winter sneak up on you this year, as it did me? With the unseasonably warm weather that we’ve had this season, the last thing on my mind was planning a trip to somewhere even warmer. However, winter always catches up and I am the type of person who does not prefer cold and snow! What if you don’t have a passport and want to plan something fast? Is your only option to go to Florida? There are absolutely some great places there but as an alternative, I would suggest Puerto Rico. It’s only about 3 1/2 hours from New York City to San Juan and the temperature is in the low 80’s during the day and doesn’t get below 70 at night. With beach, culture, history, nightlife and nature, there is something for everyone. With such an easy flight, you can easily plan a weekend getaway or stay for a week or longer. Here are some suggestions on what to do and see while you are there. Old San Juan At only seven square blocks, Old San Juan might be small but it is full of sights. Although it is easily walkable, there is a free trolley that makes frequent stops throughout the city. There are the two old fortresses, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage sights and very interesting to see how the people of San Juan defended the island throughout the years. The San Juan Cathedral is just one of many churches, all of which are hundreds of years old. There is plenty of shopping on Fortaleza street, including several stores carrying local Puerto Rican crafts. The Museum of the Americas and the San Juan Museum are two of the great museums there. You won’t be wanting for food or nightlife either. Cafe Puerto Rico has some of the best Mofongo and is an authentic Puerto Rican dining experience. After dinner try La Factoria, which was named to the 2015’s World’s 50 Best Bars list. Bioluminescent Bay Vieques is an island off of the eastern shore of Puerto Rico and home to Mosquito Bay, the brightest bio-bay in the world. Full of plankton that absorb the sunlight during the day, at night they generate a blue neon looking light. This is best seen with a darker night sky so make sure to plan your visit after the full moon.



ay, Viequ Photo by es PuertoRic oBlogger. co m

Beaches and Water Sports Whether you want to lay on the beach or get into the water, there are lots of options in Puerto Rico. Since it’s an island, there are beautiful beaches all over, and many of them are Blue Flag certified. Among these are El Escambron in San Juan, Seven Seas in eastern Fajardo and Pelican Beach off of Ponce in the south. If you prefer something more active, there is windsurfing, sailing, fishing and kayaking available all over the island. Additionally, there is some of the best scuba diving and snorkeling anywhere. The water is warm and there is really good underwater visibility - up to 100 feet in some places!

Forests and Wildlife El Yunque Rainforest is about 30 minutes outside of San Juan and has miles of trails among natural pools of wanter and towering peaks with great views of the eastern shore. In contrast, there is Cabo Rojo Salt Flats. There are still salt mining operations going on today, but there is also a stark and barren landscape with trails that are excellent for bird watching. January is in the middle of the whale season so you can keep an eye out for humpback whales at the observation park of the Rincon Lighthouse.

Heart attack symptoms: Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016


Know what’s a medical emergency

Most heart attacks begin with subtle symptoms — with only discomfort that often is not described as pain. The chest discomfort may come and go. Don't be tempted to downplay your symptoms or brush them off as indigestion or anxiety. Don't “tough out” heart attack symptoms for more than five minutes. Call 911 or other emergency medical services for help. If you don't have access to emergency medical services, have someone drive you to the nearest hospital. Drive yourself only as a last resort, if there are absolutely no other options. Heart attack symptoms vary widely. For instance, you may have only minor chest discomfort while someone else has excruciating pain. One thing applies to everyone, though: If you suspect you're having a heart attack, call for emergency medical help immediately.

Typical heart attack symptoms

Chest discomfort or pain This discomfort or pain can feel like a tight ache, pressure, fullness or squeezing in your chest lasting more than a few minutes. This discomfort may come and go.

Upper body pain Pain or discomfort may spread beyond your chest to your shoulders, arms, back, neck, teeth or jaw.

Stomach pain Pain may extend downward into your abdominal area and may feel like heartburn.

Shortness of breath You may pant for breath or try to take in deep breaths. This often occurs before you develop chest discomfort, or may not experience any chest discomfort.

Anxiety You may feel a sense of doom or that you're having a panic attack for no apparent reason.

Lightheadedness In addition to chest pressure, you may feel dizzy or feel like you might pass out.

Sweating You may suddenly break into a sweat with cold, clammy skin.

Nausea and vomiting You may feel sick to your stomach or vomit. Courtesy of Mayo Clinic

No two patients are alike… Why should their rehabilitation be? BURKE REHABILITATION HOSPITAL offers custom-designed programs based on your individual needs. Whether you have experienced a life changing event such as a stroke, brain injury, neurological condition or joint replacement, Burke is here to help you reach your maximum recovery. You are unique. Make sure your rehabilitation journey is too. Pioneering Rehabilitation


Ears, Nose and Throat Disorders: Kids ENT Health Month PAGE 18

February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

Kids ENT Health Month is aimed at offering parents and caregivers the latest information about the care, diagnosis, and treatment for pediatric ear, nose, and throat disorders. There are a few common ears, nose, and throat disorders that children are diagnosed with every year here are a few of them: Even though these symptoms are similar to a viral sinusitis, bacterial sinusitis needs to be treated with antibiotics. When diagnosed with bacterial sinusitis you may need to take antibiotics for as long as 3 weeks. However, if your sinusitis is due to allergies your doctor may recommend daily antihistamine to be taken as well.

Throat Disorders –Tonsillitis and Sleep Apnea Tonsillitis is the infection of your tonsils; they usually become inflamed because of chronic infections. Signs that your child may have tonsillitis are: • Soreness in the throat • Swollen tonsils • Coughing


Ear Disorder – Acute Otitis Media Middle Ear infection also known as Acute Otitis Media is an infection of the air-filled space behind the eardrum. There are 15 to 30 million visits to the doctor each year in the United States for chronic ear infections. Ear infections are the most common reasons why an American child visits the doctor. A few symptoms to identify Acute Otitis Media are: • Fever • Ear Tugging • Ear Stiffness • Irritability or feeding difficulties in infants

Most doctors would treat this ear infection with a regimen of antibiotics. When antibiotics are not effective, the doctor would then suggest a bilateral myringotomy. This surgery simply involves placement of small tubes in the eardrum of both ears, then to drain the fluid buildup and keep the pressure constant inside the ear as well as the outside of the ear.

Nose Disorder – Sinusitis Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, which is usually caused by an infection. Allergies can also lead a person to develop sinusitis. There are two types of sinusitis such as, viral sinusitis and bacterial sinusitis. Viral sinusitis is more associated with the common cold. A few symptoms to identify bacterial sinusitis are: • Stuffy or runny nose that lasts for 10 to 14 days with a cough • A fever greater than 102°F (39°C) • Pain in the upper teeth • Constant thick green mucus discharging from the nose

Many doctors treat tonsillitis with a tonsillectomy.This procedure is the removal of the tonsils that has been chronically infected, or en-

larged in most cases, which would have lead to obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder where someone’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. However, Obstructive Sleep Apnea is most common in children. Signs of an Obstructive Sleep Apnea are: • Snoring • Heavy breathing • Very restless while sleeping

An effective way to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea is having an operation called denotonsillectomy, which is the removal of your tonsils and adenoids. Kids ENT month is a great way for others to know about ear, nose, and throat disorders that should not be taken lightly. Some of these disorders can lead to serious complications if not treated immediately. Take the action and get your children screened for these disorderss. Courtesy of healtheo360

Top Pediatric Dentist in Westchester 5 years and counting!

• Child-friendly environment and caring staff • Physically and emotionally challenged children welcome • State-of-the-art technology and sterilization techniques • New Laser Technology—Now Your kids CAN have their •

cavities fixed without an injection, without pain and without a numb lip afterwards! Serving the community for over 20 years

Penny Resnick-Graulich, DMD Francisca Ceron, DDS 115 Main Street, Suite 302 Tuckahoe NY 10707




Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016

7 steps

Westchester Neurological Consultants, PC

to help prevent heart disease

Premier Neurological Care 970 N. Broadway, Suite 107 Yonkers, NY 10701

T: (914) 966-0505 F: (914) 966-0515 www.westchesterneuro.com

Westchester Neurological Consultants, where we serve the greater New York City community with world-class patient care. Our multidisciplinary experts offer a comprehensive approach with advanced diagnostic and treatment services for all neurologic conditions. We remain dedicated to compassionate and empathetic care while achieving optimal neurologic outcomes. Our team of friendly and passionate professionals is committed to providing expert neurologic care through advanced training and the latest technologies, all in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. We take pride in attentively guiding our patients through their challenging diagnosis and treatment. Emad Soliman, M.D., Ms.C. Chief of Neurlogy, St. Johns Riverside Hospital, St. Joseph Medical Center

Manjeet Singh-Dhallu, M.D. Director of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases

It’s a muscle about the size of a fist – and of all human organs, the heart is the most vital, pumping blood through the cardiovascular system and sustaining life. Heart disease includes a range of conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart rhythm or valve problems, and congenital (genetic) heart defects. Dr. Srirama Kalapatapu, M.D., a cardiovascular disease specialist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital in Bronxville, says: “If you have chest pain, shortness of breath or fainting episodes, these can be symptoms of heart disease, and you should seek emergency medical care right away.” The hospital offers these pointers to help boost heart health: 1. Take a time-out. Stress is a key contributor to heart disease and stroke. Pause often during the day to take a deep breath; and try to laugh, stretch and meditate daily to help relieve stress.

2. Get moving. Activity as simple as walking for 20-30 minutes a day can be a lifesaver. This action alone can help reduce risk of premature death by 50 percent or more.

3. Butt out. Stop smoking – experts say it’s the single best thing you can do for your health. Heart disease risk begins to fall within just a few months after you quit, and it returns to the muchlower level of nonsmokers within three to five years.

4. Dump junk food. Processed foods are loaded with fat, sugar, salt and other ingredients that drain energy; they can also speed up the aging process and boost heart disease risk.

5. Practice “clean” eating. Choose fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts; replace butter with healthy fats such as olive oil; use herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor food; eat red meat just a few times a month at most; and opt for fish and poultry at least twice a week.

6. Get sufficient sleep. Try for an average of seven to eight hours every night. Lack of sleep induces stress, boosts blood pressure and appetite, and slows down metabolism.

7. Go for regular checkups. Medical evaluations are important to monitor health and to address any risks or conditions that may arise; yearly intervention can result in the most effective treatment.

For more information about heart health, visit the Lawrence Hospital website at www.nyp.org/lawrence or call 914-787-5000 for its “Find a Physician” service.

Rishi Batra, M.D. Director of Neuromuscular Disorders Brijesh Malkani, M.D. Director of Sleep Medicine

Calvin Natanzon, M.D. Director of Epilepsy

Gina Guarneri, ACNP-BC Pain Management and Neurology Nurse Practioner

Introducing: Dr. Adnan Qureshi

Director of Interventional Pain Management, Spine, Musculoskeletal, and Sports Medicine

Dr. Qureshi joins WNC as a Interventional Pain Management, Spine, Musculoskeletal, and Sports Medicine physician. Dr. Qureshi completed medical school at Ross university and did his general surgery internship at Drexel university. PM&R residency was done at SUNY upstate followed by a fellowship in interventional spine and sports medicine at Alabama orthopedic, spine and sports medicine associates. During his fellowship, he worked as an inpatient physiatrist at St.Vincent's hospital East and Trinity Hospital Center in Birmingham. He specializes in minimally invasive, non surgical management of musculoskeletal, orthopedic and spine conditions. Dr. Qureshi has a strong interest in electrodiagnostic, sports, and regenerative medicine.

Some of the procedures that Dr. Qureshi can offer you: • Cervical, thoracic, lumbar epidurals (interlaminar and transforaminals) • Caudal epidural • cervical, thoracic, lumbar intra articular facet joint injections and medial branch blocks • sympathetic blocks • peripheral nerve blocks • ultrasound guided musculoskeletal injections (all joints) • electrodiagnostic studies • botox for spasticity and dystonia • Radiofrequency Ablations of facet joints, hip and knee • vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty • Intradiscal steroid injections and Discograms • spinal cord stimulator trials • Platelet Rich Plasma Injections


February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

What is Therapeutic Recreation?

Therapeutic Recreation (or TR) is one of the fastest growing health-related professions. Certified TR specialists serve individuals with developmental, mental, and physical disabilities. They may also serve senior citizens and youth who are at risk in both the institutional and community settings. Other settings could include hospitals, nursing homes, correctional facilities, wilderness programs, community centers, and senior centers. The TR program is an emphasis you can choose within the Recreation Management major. The program allows students the opportunity to become certified by the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). Who would like TR? Therapeutic Recreation is the path for you if you enjoy: Serving other people in various capacities. The outdoors, physical activities, and other forms of unconventional therapy. Interacting with the senior citizens, people with developmental, mental, and physical disabilities, or youth.

TR would make it possible for you to serve others for a living. Careers in TR Recreation Therapist Director of Therapeutic Recreation Activity Therapy Adjunct Therapies Program Specialist: art, music, drama, dance, and outdoor recreation. Senior Citizen Programmer Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Supervisor Clinical Specialist Health care Consultant Senior Therapist

Therapeutic Recreation Certification Standard The academic path to become certified as a CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist) requires a major in recreation or leisure with an option in therapeutic recreation. Courtesy of byui.edu

Start Yo our New Career In Healthcare NOW! Become a: Certified Nurse e Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Ph hlebotomist, EKG Technician, Postpartum Dou oula, Mental Health Technician, Home Health Aide, Medical Interpreter FREE Informationa t l Workshops: January 5 & Jan a uary 7 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm 914-606-7400 ς sunywcc.edu/ossining Arcadian Shop pping Centerr,, Route 9 Ossining, NY

Westchester Commun nity College OSSINING EXTENSIO ON CENTER

Fordham Westchester’s Veterans Writing Workshop celebrates Publication of Anthology


Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016

Fordham Westchester held a reception December 8 to celebrate the publication of Afterwords: As You Were, the 20th anthology from Fordham’s Veterans Writing Workshop. The Veterans Writing Workshop is designed to provide veterans with the tools and confidence to share their military experiences through writing. Veterans participating in the 10-week program read their stories at the reception. Fordham Westchester offers the program free of charge to veterans. David Surface is the founder and instructor for the program. Veterans from the program who attended the reception included, from left, Matt Phair, James McCauley, Peter Stone, Matt Coffey, Terry Soloman, Rod Carlson, Nick Lamonica, George Kelly, program instructor David Surface, and Randy Swan.


School of Professional Opportunities for adult and Continuing Studies undergraduate learners

HEALTHCARE WORKSHOP SERIES Chef Raffaele Ronca wins $10,000 for the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation on “Chopped”

On Tuesday, January 5, 2016, the season premiere of Food Network’s hit show, “Chopped,” aired with the title, “Knife Strife.” Four talented chefs competed in the hour-long segment and chef Raffaele Ronca of Rafele Ristorante in New York City emerged as the winner. Ronca, who was competing for the children of the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, donated his $10,000 prize to the Foundation. Ronca holds a special place in his heart for the children served by the Foundation who have complex medical, educational and rehabilitative needs. Ronca’s generous contribution will help better the lives of these very special children. Please visit https://setonpediatric.org for more information.

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February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

Glen Island’s warm setting and family atmosphere serve as the framework for the quality of life at the respected facility

When Harry Wruble hires someone at Glen Island Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation, he carefully reviews their credentials and resume. However, Wruble also looks at something else closely. “They have to have heart,” said Wruble, Glen Island’s Administrator/Corporate Compliance Officer. “We want people that take pride in their work. We want people who do great work. I can’t begin to tell you how great our staff is. When we hand out our satisfaction surveys, we get great reviews.” Glen Island, located in New Rochelle, is committed to providing residents with compassionate nursing care and always respects their personal dignity. It has been certified as a residential health care skilled nursing facility since 1998, but Glen Island has been providing the community with long-term and custodial health care services since the mid-1960s. In 2013, Glen Island was recognized as one of the best nursing homes in the country by U.S. News and World Report. Glen Island, a 182-bed facility, provides patients with longterm care, rehabilitation, post-acute, respite and dementia care in a comfortable setting. Therapy and treatment is available 365 days a year. The caring staff is nurturing and is determined to make every patient as comfortable as they can be. Glen Island’s warm setting and family atmosphere serves as the framework for the quality of life at the respected facility. Wruble asks potential hires for more than just their resume and references. All Glen Island employees are required to participate in client satisfaction training. “We want our staff to be wonderful,” Wruble said. “We call our patients guests. When a guest goes to church, the grocery store, to a friend’s house, we want them to say great things about Glen Island. That has been the response we get, which is great. We teach all of our employees to say please, thank you, how may I help you, have a nice day and smile. Our goal is to provide the best customer service.”

The average stay at Glen Island for guests ranges from four to five days, to eight weeks. At the time of placement, residents are assessed for their restorative potential to return home. Guests that are evaluated as being able to return to the community after treatment are deemed short-term. The need for restorative therapy (physical, occupational, speech), or sub-acute nursing care are the most common reasons for short-term placement. Residents who are chronically sick, disabled, or diagnosed with dementia are more likely to be admitted for a lengthy stay and considered long-term.

In addition to Glen Island’s compassionate care, it offers: • Short-term rehabilitation to get you home safely and quickly. • Quality nursing staff that is available 24/7. • A warm and friendly environment that acknowledges every resident. • An intimate knowledge of patients’ food preferences. • Picturesque water views and a secured patio for outdoor enjoyment on the Long Island Sound. • A philosophy that enables each individual to retain their independence because of the skill and diligence of Glen Island's staff. • On-site laundry services, daily housekeeping, a seamstress, barber shop and beauty parlor. • A variety of stimulating educational and entertaining on-site activities and community outings including spiritual services, visits to restaurants and museums, shopping and watching holiday specials.

It’s no wonder why Glen Island’s reviews are consistently sparkling. “We are very proud of our reputation,” Wruble said. “There is a standard that our wonderful staff has set.”

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Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers: Lifestyle 360 brings out the best in seniors PAGE 23

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016

Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers is New York’s hidden gem of senior living offering extraordinary Hudson River views, beautiful walking trails and gardens, close proximity to New York City and something else that makes this community truly special, the Lifestyle 360 program. Lifestyle 360 is a holistic approach to active community living. The comprehensive wellness program has been designed to bring out the very best in seniors, so they can live healthier, happier days with activities to challenge their minds, build their strength, engage with new friends and enrich them emotionally and spiritually. Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers personalizes the program for each new resident based on their interests and abilities and helps them work toward overall wellness and feelings of wellbeing.

The Lifestyle 360 program is comprised of five different dimensions - Intellectual, Social, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. Each one is designed to promote a better and healthier lifestyle. Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers offers at least one event or activity each day that supports one of the five dimensions of the program. For instance, residents might choose to explore an online computer course one day or take an art class. Or, enjoy one of the regular exercise classes in the community’s Wellness and Fitness Center. Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers also provides support groups and workshops for interested residents and much more. Families are invited to engage with their loved ones in these programs and join in to see how they work.

Besides providing a unique wellness program for its seniors, Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers offers a myriad of home-like comforts, such as restaurant-style dining with chef-inspired cuisine, social and recreational activities, and a beautiful garden for outdoor activities. The senior living community also features the award-winning Bridge to Rediscovery program, a Montessoribased approach to memory care that is specially designed to enhance engagement and quality of life for all residents. With a dedication to wellness and active living through its Lifestyle 360 program and so much to do at home and close-by in the hub of New York City, Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers is proud to offer something for everyone.


About Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers Five Star Quality Care, Inc., a national healthcare and senior living provider headquartered in Newton, Massachusetts, proudly offers the highest quality service and care with the warmth and hospitality of home. The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) has awarded Five Star Senior Living many of its prestigious Best of the Best Awards, a national recognition reserved for the nation's most innovative and effective senior living programs. Five Star Premier Residences of Yonkers is located at 537 Riverdale Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10705. For more information, visit www.fivestarpremier-yonkers.com; (914) 709-1234. Or, visit www.fivestarseniorliving.com




ou c a re so much about you r loved one’s hea lt h a nd happi ness , a nd the older they get, the greater your responsibilit y. At Five Star Premier Residences of Y Yoonkers, seniors not only live w weell – they thrive! Our Lifestyle 360 program ensures activee community living, and with each new day, your parent grows in confidence, strengthened by services and activities designed just ffoor them. It’s a lifestyle that’s carefree and maintenance-free. So why not make every day Independen nce Day ffoor them and ffoor you? The Five Star Difffer ference • Priceless Hudson River vieews • 15 minutes fr from NYC • Gorgeous, gated grounds • Chef-prepared, all-day din ning • Main ntenance-ffree living • 24 24-h hour concier i ge services i s

Move in NOW and the 2nd person STA AY YS S FREE ffo or the life fe of the Lease!* *Spouse or roommate stays free





February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

What if a Lender financed your retirement benefits? By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC

3 3 3 3

You finance your car, your business and your home… why wouldn’t you finance your retirement benefits? Our premium financed retirement plan provides a total living benefits package for you and/or your employees far beyond the typical 401(k) or health insurance plans. These include the following valuable Accelerated Death Benefit Riders:

$1.5MM of Life Insurance $1.5MM of Chronic Care Benefits $1.5MM of Terminal Illness Benefits $1.0MM of Critical Illness Benefits1

In addition to all these benefits, access to cash values using tax-free policy loans is available to create significant retirement income2. By using leveraged funds to provide approximately 60-75% of the total contribution, the plan allows businesses to reward their key employees without breaking the bank. Moreover, because the plans are non-qualified, there are no participation requirements or IRS reporting.

Here are a few notable statistics:

➢ One-third of all U.S. households between the ages of 30 and 59 won’t have enough money for retirement, even if they work until they are 70. (Employment Benefit Research Institute, 2013)

➢ 70% of U. S. households with children under 18 would have trouble meeting everyday living expenses within a few months

A s k A n

if a primary wage earner were to die today. (LIMRA Household Trends in U. S. Life Insurance Ownership, 2010)

➢ Medical problems contributed to 62% of all personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S in 2007. This was a 50% increase from a similar 2001 study. (The American Journal of Medicine, 2009)

➢ The average annual cost of an assisted living facility is close to $40,000. You can just about double that for a nursing home. (MSN Money/MoneyRates.com, January, 2013)

Whether you are an executive or a business owner, are you doing everything you can to protect your most valuable asset…you?

Our premium financed retirement plan is designed for businesses owners, executives, professionals, doctors, attorneys, realtors and similar key employees. To qualify, you must be able to obtain a standard or better risk class with the carrier and be age 65 or under. Premiums are paid for only five years but they are higher than traditional policies. Each plan participant will own a personal trust which will in turn own their policy. Each year, for up to 5 years, you contribute your portion of the premium to your trust. Your contribution and your policy are the sole collateral for the self-liquidating, non-recourse loan. The plan is jointly funded by you and by the bank; for every one dollar you contribute, the bank contributes three…! And with our plan, there are no personal guarantees or business loan documents to sign…!

This is your opportunity to fund the nest egg you have been working towards but have put off because life got in the way. Now you can not only protect your family with permanent life insurance but you can also protect yourself with significant tax-free retirement income and the three essential Accelerated Death Benefit Riders. Call us today for a FREE quote ...!

For more information about Premium Financed Retirement plans, please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free at 877-676-9900. Andrew is certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10606 and at 500 West Putnam Ave, Greenwich CT 06831.

Payment of Accelerated Benefits will reduce the Cash Value and Death Benefit otherwise payable under the policy. Receipt of Accelerated Benefits may be a taxable event and may affect your eligibility for public assistance programs. Please consult your personal tax advisor to determine the tax status of any benefits paid under this rider and with social service agencies concerning how receipt of such a payment will affect you. Access to the death benefit may be available through optional accelerated benefit riders in the event of a qualifying chronic, terminal or critical illness. Chronic Care is defined as need of support with activities of daily living; bathing, feeding, dressing, transferring, continence & toileting. Terminal Illness is defined as a medical diagnosis with an estimated life expectancy of less than 12 months. Critical Illness is defined as catastrophic illness such as: heart attack, stroke, cancer, renal failure, organ transplant, ALS and blindness. Retirement income is determined by the age of insured and the death benefit applied for at the time of application; insured must be under age 55 to qualify.


Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit. Withdrawals up to the basis paid into the contract and loans thereafter will not create an immediate taxable event, but substantial tax ramifications could result upon contract lapse or surrender. Surrender charges may reduce the policy’s cash value in early years.


E x p e r t

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016


Wartburg is pleased to announce our newest therapeutic program...

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Bringing together the latest techniques and ideas designed to maximize function, increase independence and provide a higher quality of life, the Outpatient Rehabilitation Center at Wartburg offers a full range of Occupational and Physical Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology Services customized to your specific needs.

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One Wartburg Place Mount Vernon, NY 10552


wartburg.org info@wartburg.org

Most Insurance accepted. Easy access from most major highways.


Resource Directory February, 2016


Westchester Spinal Decompression Center Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS 222 Westchester Ave. Suite 405 White Plains, NY 10604




Prepare for a Career in Healthcare Sector Management at Long Island University. Earn an advanced certificate or an M.B.A. degree in the growing field of healthcare management at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester. Demand for healthcare managers with business skills has never been greater. Responding to this need, Long Island University has launched a new Healthcare Sector Management program, offering two graduate study options in the field of healthcare administration. After completing your advanced certificate or your M.B.A. at the University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, you will be prepared to advance in middle and upper management positions in the healthcare industry. Option A: The Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Sector Management Enhance your credentials by enrolling in the advanced certificate program. Certificate candidates will complete four healthcare sector management courses for a total of 12 graduate credits on a part-time basis in just two semesters. Option B:The M.B.A. Degree with a Healthcare Sector Management Concentration Students in the M.B.A. program follow the standard 48-credit curriculum, normally completed by part-time students over a 24-month period, with a focus on leadership in healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Sector Management Program will be offered at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, located on the grounds of Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, N.Y. Courses are offered on weekday evenings and on Saturdays. “The healthcare management field is one of the few sectors of our economy we know will continue to grow significantly over the next five years,” according to Dr. Lynn Gunnar Johnson, director of the M.B.A. Healthcare Sector Management program. For more information, please contact the Admissions Department at 914-831-2700 or Westchester@liu.edu. Long Island University Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester 735 Anderson Hill Rd. Purchase, NY 10577

Healthcare News - Westchester

Elder Law Estate Planning

ETTINGER LAW FIRM 150 Grand Street, White Plains, New York 10601 (914) 684-6100 Trustlaw.com

9 NY locations. Call 800-500-2525 ext. 117 or email pbrown@trustlaw.com to schedule a free consultation. Combining Elder Law and Estate Planning, we address our clients’ needs for comprehensive estate planning to avoid probate, save estate taxes and keep assets “in the blood”. At the same time, we take steps to ensure that our clients’ assets are protected from the costs of long-term care as they age by using Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts. Our trademarked free maintenance program includes a review every three years to insure your plan will work when you need it.

Financial Planning

EASTERN PLANNING INC. 1 Blue Hill Plaza, Suite 1576, Pearl River, NY 10965 Tel: 845- 627-8300 Fax: 845-627-8237 Email: Donna@easternplanning.com www.easternplanning.com Our Mission: Plan with Confidence- Enjoy Life. With our experienced team, we manage and monitor our investment philosophy, we keep the vision for our clients simple: provide superior client service with personal and practical advice. Eastern Planning Inc. has been working closely with women and families since 1995. Our unique insight into dealing with divorce, taking care of aging parents, retirement, and other pressing issues that face all of us today and impact our money is the centerpiece of our Family Wealth Management program. Call us now to reach Beth Blecker for a complimentary consultation.

Life & Health Insurance

Legal Nurse Consulting

ELLEN KURTZ, RN, CLNC Member National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants

Attorneys are our clients. We work with plaintiff and defense; medical malpractice, personal injury, toxic tort, product liability, worker’s compensation and family law.

We listen to what the firm needs and we identify the blind spots. Our services include:

• ORGANIZE, ANALYZE and SCREEN cases for merit/defensibility • PREPARE timelines, literature search, demonstrative evidence • LOCATE and communicate with medical, nursing and forensic experts • SUMMARIZE, ANALYZE, ATTEND EBT’s and IME’s • EDUCATE counsel and their clients on the medical issues • SUPPORT with preparation during discovery, trial or ADR • TESTIFY

Lawyers need nurses to win cases in the most cost-effective and time-saving manner when crazy busy attorney schedules are an obstacle to that goal. Attorneys need nurses to lend their mind’s eyes and ears as no one else can.

The most precious resource for any attorney is TIME. Kurtz Legal Nurse Consulting IS “the cure for the chaos…just what the lawyer ordered”. Contact us for a complementary consultation.

Kurtz Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC 333 Mamaroneck Avenue # 350 White Plains, NY. 10605 O: (914) 722-0129 M:(914) 522-0677 Email: Ekurtz@nurseforlawyers.com www.nurseforlawyers.com


Burke Rehabilitation Hospital 785 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 914-597-2268

Nursing & Rehabilitation


Keystone Financial Advisors 50 Main Street, Suite 1000, White Plains, NY 10606 Tel: 914-682-2190 • Fax: 914-931-8400 Toll: 877-676-9900 www.Keystonefa.com • acavaliere@Keystonefa.com ANDREW J. CAVALIERE, CLTC Life Insurance Health Insurance Long-Term Care Insurance Long-Term Disability Insurance Guaranteed Fixed Annuities Medicare Supplements

VICTORIA HOME Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Person- Centered Care on a Riverview Estate Since 1916. Victoria Home is a New York State Licensed Nursing Facility. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a tour. 25 North Malcolm Street Ossining, New York 10562 (914) 941-2450 Fax: (914) 941-2962 www.victoriahome.org

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Physical Therapy


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All Listings are also available online at http://www.healthcarenewspaper.com. Click on Resource Directory on the top right side. To include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email Jim@healthcarenewspaper.com

Cellulite Treatments: Myths and Truths Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016

Despite being a completely benign condition, much like wrinkles, cellulite is a major beauty concern of women worldwide with corresponding myths and deceptions taking the place of fact and reason. Myth Busting

Men don't get cellulite: To some extent that's true. Physiologically, women are far more prone to accumulating fat on the thighs and hips while men gain weight in the abdominal area. Plus, for women, the connective tissue beneath the skin has more stretch and is vulnerable to disruption, which is the perfect environment for developing cellulite. Some men do get cellulite—just statistically not as much as women. Drinking water helps: If water could change skin structure and reduce fat we assure you no one would have cellulite, or would be overweight for that matter! Drinking water is beneficial (although there is really no research showing how much is healthy versus unhealthy) but there's no research showing water consumption will impact fat anywhere on your body, let alone the dimples on your thighs.

Water retention causes cellulite: It's ironic that low water intake is considered a possible cause of cellulite, and the polar opposite—retaining too much water—is thought to be a factor as well. There's lots of speculation of how water retention can affect cellulite but there's no actual research supporting this notion. Further, fat cells actually contain only about 10% water, so claiming to eliminate excess water won't make a difference; any measurable result would be transient at best. It's true that water retention can make you look bloated and feel like you've gained weight, but water itself doesn't impact fat or the appearance of cellulite.

Eating a specialized diet can help: A healthy diet that encourages weight loss may help your entire body look better. However, because weight in and of itself is not a cause of cellulite, dieting won't help. It cannot change the skin structure of your thighs, which is what causes the dimpled contours to show. For some people cellulite is made worse by the accumulation of extra fat. In those cases, weight reduction may decrease the total area and depth of cellulite, but general weight loss isn't going to make much difference.

Exercise can help: Exercise helps almost every system in the human body, but it won't necessarily impact the appearance of cellulite. Exercise doesn't improve skin structure and it can't affect localized areas of fat.

Detoxifying the body reduces the appearance of cellulite: Detoxifying the body for consumers has taken on the meaning of purging it of pollutants or any other problem substances in the environment or in the foods we eat. In terms of the way this concept has been mass marketed, there is little research showing credible efficacy as to whether or not detoxification of the body is even possible. However, "detoxifying" the body as it is used in the scientific community describes the process of reducing cellular damage primarily by antioxidants or enzymes that prevent certain abnormal or undesirable cell functions from taking place. There's no doubt this is helpful for the body. Whether or not this reduces cellulite is completely unknown because skin structure and fat accumulation are not caused by toxins in the environment or in your body. Furthermore, there are no studies showing toxins of any kind prevent fat from being broken down. Courtesy of Paula’s Choice


What We Do Know There are three leading theories about cellulite formation: 1. Women have unique skin structure on their thighs, which causes cellulite to easily form. 2. The connective tissue layers on the thigh are too weak or thin to maintain a smooth appearance—allowing fat contour to show through. 3. Vascular changes and possible inflammatory conditions may be to blame.

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February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

Resource Directory


Northern Westchester Hospital welcomes first Westchester County Baby of 2016

Senior Living

White Plains Psychology, PLLC Esperanza H. Steinberg, Ph.D. At White Plains Psychology, Dr. Steinberg treats both adult and geriatric patients to help them deal with life's dejections and disappointments, making them bearable and manageable - and ultimately seeking to restore hope, replenish optimism and regain the courage to press on... and to prevail. Reclaim your happiness and your peace of mind. Schedule a consultation today. 56 Doyer Avenue, Suite 1C White Plains, NY 10605 914-623-8822 www.WhitePlainsPsychology.com


DML LICE SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER (914) 424-1367 60 Blanchard Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

Dale Longworth, the Original Lice Expert of Dobbs Ferry/Westchester has removed lice and eggs from thousands of children and their families using all natural and non-toxic products. She has been in business as a professional lice technician since 1997 and is highly recommended by doctors and nurses throughout Westchester County. Her services provide a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere for you and your children during treatment and you will be guaranteed to leave satisfied and lice free!

Getting better…. just got better. We are proud to announce that our stunning new nursing center has opened and has private and semi-private rooms with magnificent views of Long Island Sound. United Hebrew is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, multi-service senior living campus serving the Westchester metropolitan area since 1919. Our dedicated short-term rehabilitation suite is staffed by Burke Rehabilitation professionals. The exemplary clinical team of professionals will design a personalized treatment plan for care in our nurturing environment. Features include country kitchens, recreation rooms on each floor, a courtyard garden for recreational use, private dining and family rooms and wireless internet access. United Hebrew Family of Services: • Nursing Home Care • Burke Rehabilitation at United Hebrew • Willow Towers Assisted Living Residence • Soundview Apartments for Independent Seniors • Long Term Home Health Care Program • Azor Home Health Agency For more information or to schedule a tour please call Admissions at 914-632-2804 x1148 or email Maria Hood at mhood@uhgc.org. United Hebrew 391 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 914.632.2804 www.uhgc.org

Senior Living Weight Loss

FREE Service Helping Families Find Senior Residences

Golden Years Living Solutions is a FREE senior living advisory service. We help families navigate the overwhelming process of finding and selecting a new senior residence for a loved one. We work directly and personally with each of our clients to guide and assist them through the entire process in choosing the right residence. We provide information regarding various senior living options (including care, services, amenities, activities and costs) and we help evaluate the most suitable arrangement for you or your loved one. These residences include: 55+ Communities, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Residential Care, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Skilled Nursing, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please call (914) 437-8675 or email info@goldenyearsls.com. Golden Years Living Solutions, Inc. 333 Mamaroneck Avenue #211 White Plains, New York 10605 Phone: 914-437-8675 Fax#: 888-900-9850 Email: info@goldenyearsls.com Website: www.goldenyearslivingsolutions.com


A Caring approach To Out Of Control Eating. Break free of yo- yo dieting, stress and emotional eating, and constantly making poor food choices. We are an 8 session program to take your power back and create a healthy relationship with food and lose weight naturally. The program combines nutrition and behavioral counseling with hypnotherapy to reinforce new behaviors and thought patterns. A guilt free, safe, and discreet environment where you WILL get positive results! Call today for a FREE consultation. Mount Kisco 914.220.8199 Wappingers 845.797.3564 www.HungryHeartNY.org

Women’s Health FULL CIRCLE WOMEN’S HEALTH Holistic, Integrative Health Care for Women of all Ages 450 Mamaroneck Ave Harrison, NY 10528 914-421-1500 www.fullcirclewomenshealth.com

All Listings are also available online at http://www.healthcarenewspaper.com. Click on Resource Directory on the top right side. To include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email Jim@healthcarenewspaper.com

Northern Westchester Hospital is proud to be the first hospital in Westchester County to welcome a baby in 2016. Nelson Garcia was born at 2:10 a.m. on January 1, 2016, to proud parents Marinel Garcia and Nelson Bautista of Mt. Kisco, New York. Nelson is also one of the first babies born at a Northwell Health hospital, formerly the North ShoreLIJ Health System, New York State’s largest integrated health system and private employer. Northwell Health launched an innovative advertising and marketing campaign on January 1st, 2016 featuring a baby born at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2016. See all of Northwell Health’s New Year’s babies; simply follow @NorthwellHealth on Instagram to see the newest members of the Northwell Health family. Share your own photos using #NorthwellFamily. Northwell Health shot “Happy Birthday,” a touching, first-of-itskind ad featuring emotional footage of a mother and baby meeting for the first time. The tender moments were captured in real time and inserted into the TV ad and broadcast within seven hours


of the birth. The ad debuted on January 1st, 2016 on New York area broadcast stations including: WABC, WNBC, WCBS, and WPIX. A print version of the ad is running this week in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsday, The Journal News and The Staten Island Advance as part of Northwell Health’s robust 360degree rebranding and marketing campaign entitled “Look North.” “There’s no better way to symbolize Northwell Health’s new beginning than to highlight the first of more than 40,000 babies who will be delivered at Northwell Health hospitals in the coming year,” said Northwell Health President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Dowling. Northwell hospitals account for 17 percent of all births in New York State and 1 percent nationwide, far surpassing any other New York area health system. "As the largest healthcare provider in New York State, we are pursuing new and different ways of telling our story of innovation, providing consumers with a glimpse into the advanced care and individual attention that our patients receive from our more than 61,000 employees,” Mr. Dowling said.

Phelps Croton expands holds ribbon cutting Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2016

Community open houses and a ribbon-cutting ceremony were held recently to celebrate the expansion of the Phelps Medical Associates medical suite and Phelps Radiology services located in the ShopRite Plaza at 440 South Riverside Avenue in Croton. Attendees at the ribboncutting ceremony included Croton Mayor Leo Weigman, New York State Assemblywoman Sandy Galef, Westchester County Legislator Catherine Borgia and Town of Cortlandt Supervisor Linda Puglisi, who presented a certificate commemorating the occasion. The expansion is in response to increased demand for access to Phelps physicians and radiology services in the Croton area.

At more than 7,000 square feet, the space is nearly double its previous size. The Radiology suite, which prior to the expansion had X-ray and ultrasound capability, now also offers 3D mammography, breast ultrasound and bone densitometry. Phelps Medical Associates is a growing primary and specialty care medical group, currently comprised of 49 healthcare practitioners located in medical offices throughout Westchester County. For more information about services provided by Phelps Medical Associates, go to www.phelpsmedicalassociates.org or call 914-269-1700. For information about Phelps Radiology Services in Croton, call 914-269-1701.



Michael Glennon, Sr. Administrative Director, Ancillary Services; Julissa Vargas, Phelps Medical Associates Practice Manager; Catherine Borgia, Westchester County Legislator; Leo Weigman, Mayor of Croton; Daniel Blum, Phelps President & CEO; Linda Puglisi, Supervisor, Town of Cortlandt; Sandy Galef, NY State Assemblywoman; and Richard Becker, MD.

What do doctors do to treat their own pain? PAGE 30

February, 2016

Healthcare News - Westchester

As a board-certified internist who has been in practice for over 13 years, I spend much of my time attempting to alleviate the pain and suffering of my patients. As a clinician, one of the biggest challenges I face is helping my patients deal with musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes—those all-too-common, yet frequently debilitating ailments caused by bad backs, pinched nerves, arthritis, and the like. Unfortunately, much of what I have to offer my patients boils down to the following: take a pain pill, stretch if you can, wait, and hope for the best. After a failed trial of “conservative” therapy a call might go out to the orthopedic surgeon for assistance; a truly satisfactory result is not common. The simple fact is that physicians are not well trained to deal with musculoskeletal pain, and patients can suffer as a result. Thankfully, my views on this topic have been turned completely upside down since I havepersonally discovered Dr. Jonathan Donath’s outstanding practice. After beginning a vigorous exercise regimen I started to experience awful neck and upper back pain, accompanied by numbness and tingling down my left arm and fingers. For weeks I tried to nurse the pain with non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, but the pain persisted and got to the point that I was almost unable to work, sleep, or most importantly, play guitar. I wasliterally in tears from the excruciating pain. A neurosurgeon diagnosed a herniated disc and pinched nerve in my neck and offered to decompress it with an operation. In desperation I called Dr. Donath instead. My visit to Dr. Donath’s office was an outstanding experience. He spent about an hour with me and combined multiple modalities to fix the herniated disc in my neck: deep massage, active release techniques, traditional manipulation, cold therapy, and finally spinal decompression. After that first hour with Dr. Donath my pain had decreased from a 10/10 down to a manageable 4/10, and I was able to comfortably move my head and neck. That very night I was able to play guitar again. Two days later I went back for another series of treatments and the pain decreased even further. After about five days the pain was absolutely gone. Unbelievable! Since then he has used the same wonderful techniques to help me overcome painful bouts of sciatica as well. My own patients and family members have become “believers” in Dr. Donath’s abilities as well--- the results he achieves are real and lasting. He is my go to guy for the majority of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes that I now realize are truly treatable. Dr. Robert Sidlow MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

I am a pediatrician and in my work, I have to bend down a lot and I’m constantly lifting kids. I usually have one to three bad flare ups of low back pain every year. When my back would "go out", I could barely walk to the bathroom and would have to lie down in bed for a few days. I have tried everything: doing nothing and "toughing it out", muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic, therapeutic massage, and even painful steroid injections. Nothing worked. When I moved to Westchester, I met Dr. Jonathan Donath. In just a couple of sessions with Dr. Donath, the pain completely disappeared. If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it. During my last flare up, I was expecting to be on my back for 2-3 days and in pain for 2 weeks. Instead, after one session with Dr. Donath, I was able to walk; two more sessions and I was fine. I could walk, bend down and I had almost no pain. Since that last back episode, Dr. Donath has helped me with my tendonitis in my right hand and with my chronic knee problems. I recommend Dr. Donath to everyone with back, muscle or joint pain. Even if you have not had relief with other treatments and other Chiropractors, give Dr. Donath a chance. I did and he changed my life. Eugene Dinkevich MD, Mount Vernon, NY It’s my great pleasure to write about Westchester Spinal Decompression Center. I really don’t have words to express my feelings about the care I got in last 3 months. I was almost handicapped, living with terrible pain all the time, crippling my day to day life. I am a medical doctor and work in a hospital with all sorts of amazing physicians, but after seeing a physical therapist, getting epidural steroids injections, many orthopedists and neurosurgeons, finally my destination lead me to see Dr Jonathan Donath. With great skepticism, I lied down for spinal decompression therapy. It was unbelievable that after only two initial sessions, my radiating pain down my leg had almost disappeared. Gradually, I started getting better, started doing exercises that they gave me midway through the treatment. Now, I am doing all my daily activities without any pain. I highly recommend Dr Jonathan and his colleague Dr Kavita for any problems related to the musculoskeletal system, you will definitely feel at home and will get better. Dr. Pankaj Jain, M.D New York, NY Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS, Clinic Director Joint Effort Chiropractic / Westchester Spinal Decompression Center www.jointeffortchiro.com www.westchesterpainrelief.com

222 Westchester Ave. Suite 405 White Plains, NY 10604 914-259-8104







Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800

15 North Broadway 2nd Floor White Plains, NY 10601 (914)428-6000

5 Coates Drive Suite 2 Goshen, NY 10924 (845)294-1234

30 Greenridge Avenue Suite 207 White Plains, NY 10605 (914)328-8555

180 East Hartsdale Avenue Suite 1E Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)725-2010

3 Michael Frey Drive Eastchester, NY 10709 (914)337-3500

688 White Plains Road Suite 210 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914)723-3322

334 Route 202 Bailey Court Somers, NY 10589 (914)277-4367

154 Pike Street Port Jervis, NY 12771 (845) 858-4444

105 Stevens Avenue Suite 101 Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (914)667-8777


August, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

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