„Sapere aude” - A Szegedi Történészhallgatók Egyesületének Második Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete

Page 68

Konföderációs lobogó a Shuri kastély felett – Az Egyesült Államok Tengerészgyalogsága az okinawai csatában Domján Máté In this study I will examine the United States Marine Corps’ participation in the battle of Okinawa. The United States Marines played a vital role in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War, because the conflict took place on several small islands, instead of a large continuous landmass. The battle of Okinawa was one of the final battles of World War II. The main goal of the offensive was to capture the island’s airfields and the harbor of Naha, in advance of Operation Downfall, the planned invasion of the Japanese Home Islands. In the spring of 1945, the American troops reached the southeastern borders of Japan, but before they could attack the Japanese Home Islands, they had to capture the Ryukyu Islands, where great numbers of Japanese forces were stationed. The US Marines faced new challenges on Okinawa, like the urbanized landscape of the island or the presence of civilians on the battlefield. The US Marines suffered their highest casualties at Okinawa in World War II. Keywords: World War II, United States Marine Corps, Okinawa, 10 th Army, 1945., Pacific Theatre

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