„Sapere aude” - A Szegedi Történészhallgatók Egyesületének Második Konferenciájának tanulmánykötete

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Divitiacus: egy druida portréja? Kapi Péter Modern scholars think that Aeduan Divitiacus, who was a friend of both Caesar and Cicero, was a Druid because Cicero refers to him as a Druid in his work. However, several problems emerge regarding this opinion, as Caesar, on the other hand, does not mention in his work that Divitiacus would have been a Druid. It also seems contradictory that Divitiacus led the Aeduan forces against the Bellovaci for – according to Caesar – the Druids did not go to war. There is also a terminological problem regarding the word druidae, as Roman authors seemingly refer to all intellectual Celtic classes as Druids, while Greek authors divide the Celtic intellectual elite into three different classes. If we compare Cicero’s description regarding the Druids with Strabo’s account, we find that the two authors use the word druidae with a different meaning. As a conclusion – contrary to the common opinion – we cannot state with certainty that Divitiacus was a Druid. Keywords: Divitiacus, Druids, Caesar, Cicero

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