Topography of Being - Trend book

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translucent living. one of the first ways of functioning and being in the world. before thinking about our essence as a whole, we must consider its various domains: the translucent living is spirit. it is the diaphanous dimension of life. the sphere that crosses all our relationships, whether with nature or with the other. it is the moment in which the Being feels part of a greater purpose and energy, in which it connects with its inner, spiritual and mystical self. it is the moment when the Being surrenders to reflection, feeling, and experience. it is the search of the Being for its meaning.

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b o d y s p e c t r u m

the incessant evocation for answers. the Being seeks solutions. for what? we are witnessing an era of weariness. the Being lives in a reality that delimits a tension between the ignorance of the complex ways of human existence and the man who, in these ways, comes, making up the history that is not his, but that of all of us. unconscious fragments of the psychic worlds that accompany the Being since the beginning of its genesis.

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j o ur ney

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s u b c o n s c i o us t h e a c ro s s j ou r n e y

the Being leans forward in its search. the search takes on an ontological dimension as it introduces Being into existence and determines its way of existing. “existence precedes essence”? questioning is the starting point for knowing the Being and its reality. the Being on its journey perceives its plurality concerning the world, at the same time it perceives freedom as its essence, as spirit.

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our maps guide us to various paths, various trails are traced and explored. we are surrounded by choices and the Being is free to make its decision. which decision to make?

“man is condemned to be free”. condemned because he did not create himself; and yet free, because once released into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.

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s e a rc h t h e

the modern world was born anchored in the project of man's freedom and autonomy as a legitimate claim to be the one to decide his future, but despite the undeniable results, this dream brought with it contradictions from which existence in certain dimensions became a dilemma. the Being continues to seek “god” to resolve eternal issues that have crossed cultures and historical times. when the Being understands that everything that concerns “god” cannot be explained rationally, he surrenders to feeling, to experience. it is at the moment of surrender to the notion of “god, to the mystery, that the Being enters into peace with this search.

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re a m

journey across the subconsucious

i n c o r p o re a l



re a m i n c o r p o re a l

incorporeal realm. evolving mortal creatures have an irresistible need to symbolize their finite concepts of "god." the emergence of fiction, the ability to convey things that don't exist. the Being can talk about many types of entities that it has never seen, touched, or smelled. mystery. man's awareness of his spiritual idealism represents a level of values and an experiential reality difficult to symbolize. could fragments of a living “god” reside in the consciousness of each Being?



the Being perceives its limitations. a finite Being is perceived. when questioning its limitations, the feeling of anguish refers to the reality of an unfinished being, who is the author of his life, but who is incapable of constructing it with perfection. “man is born free and everywhere he is in chains”.

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what is freedom? does freedom really exist?

the hyper narcissism and individualism take care of this Being, for once it sees itself as completely free, it resorts to the idea of an independent “I”, a sovereign “I”. the existence of Being in the first place. those who do not move, do not notice their chains. no society can be free unless individuals understand that the general will or general interest should prevail over their own individual one. Is the notion of freedom compatible with society?

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t he understandi ng of s acri f i ce. t he act of b ei ng, w hi ch underl i es our rel at i onshi p w i t h t he ot her, i nv ol v es sacri f i ce and ri sk. i ndi v i dual i sm c haracteri zes t he m odern world, in which it defends t he aut hent i c ex i stence of an “ I ” i n i tsel f. i n t he Buberi an v i ew, i d ent i f i cat i on w i t h t he “I ” i s an i nter-rel at i onal e v ent , because i t has to do with the interpellation c al l t hat com es f rom y ou, where to pronounce t he word “ I ” m eans to be i n front of y ou. t heref ore, i t i s not possi bl e f or an aut hent i cal l y i sol ated "I " to ex i st . t hi s i s t he m om ent w hen t he Bei ng understands t hat i t does not ex i st al one. t he m om ent one d oes not ex i st al one, i t i s necessary to gi v e up f reedom and m ake personal sacrifices. these s acri f i ces, f or a greater good: a collective common good. t he i nt roduct i on to c oex i stence.

s a c r i f i c e o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e

the purpose of freedom is to protect the individual from being subjected to the coercion of others. this happens when a person makes use of their total freedom and invades the freedom of the other. so to protect everyone’s freedom, the state provides the alternative for the coerced person to defend using the force of law. the individual concept of freedom becomes very risky due to natural inequalities. for this reason, the laws originated

when absolutely independent men got tired of living in confrontations to determine their freedom, decided to sacrifice a part of it to be able to live more safely, and thus exchange the insecure for secure freedom. the state and society do not direct what the individual must do with their freedom, the choices and decisions are arbitrary, as long as they do not exceed, interfere or damage the freedom of others.

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the authentic encounter with the spirit that surrounds us and penetrates the Being. the recognition of an approach to the authentic “I”. the Being sees itself authentic at the moment of assimilating consciousness and understanding the truth. here is the divine spark. the grace of understanding. it is necessary to sacrifice to exist. before existing, exists the coexisting. authentic human existence is not possible without the other. the relationship is the starting point. the essence, the search of the Being.

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the principle of thought, the principle of speech and the principle of action.


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the principle of thought, the principle of speech and the principle of action. the principles of Being. the Being connects with all the realms of its essence, becomes an amalgam. spirit, body, and nature give content to the life of this Being, who has multiple attitudes towards the world. the thought, speech and action arising from the dialogue are fundamental existential attitudes. dialogue is not just a matter of will. dialogue is constituted as an ontological disposition of openness to the other. dialogue is typically human. the rediscovery of the collectivity.

c o l o u r p a l e t t e

ETHEREAL evanescence emollient phenomenon scintilla diaphanous delight



l i v i n g

common and unique existence. every social human being interacts and is interdependent on the other. the existence of the "individual self" is only allowed through contact with the other.the concept of otherness. this coexistence should be conducted in a way that maintains the alterity of each Being as a condition of respect and fair cooperation between freedoms. coexistence should also avoid mutual objectification or annulment. this creates a world of interdependence that fights for mutual affirmation in the sense that it is only possible to build the existence with the inclusion of the other.

a r t e f a c t s

living artefacts. bodies and tangible beings shaped and manipulated for the benefit of a common social good. coexistence: (1.) simultaneous existence. (2.)

le av e

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l ea v e m y l o n e l i n e s s u n b rok e n

leave my loneliness unbroken. the “I-it” relationship. a way of being in the world that objectifies the relationship. it transforms the other into a thing, into something utilitarian. relationship always crossed by rationality and little contact, the little revelation of the authentic. Inauthenticity makes existence a stunted project. this relationship arises as a result of shyness, fear of the Being in front of life, as a characterization of a solitary Being. they are typical of that feeling of being alone in a crowd. individualism sees the Being only related to itself, disfigures its face. current society massifies the Being, there is no intersubjectivity, because there is no relationship, but agglomeration.

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the acceptance. c o n f o r m i t y . t h e meaning of human existence as coexistence and as a way of rediscovering the meaning of Being. If before we had understanding, now we have acceptance. the Being can visualize itself in the other. coexistence used to be perceived as a limit to existence and, therefore, to freedom. however, now this perception has changed.the Being partially lost its sense of collectivity and community. when catastrophes occur, assimilation of new perspectives and redefined meanings emerge. this leads to the acceptance of the sacrifice. sacrifice is redefined as an essential need to coexist in society.

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m o t i o n a n d b o d y

the body and motion, the “I-you” relationship. this is the moment when we have real encounters and the Being reveals itself. the Being offers its authentic “I” to touch the authenticity of the other. if we stop to think, this relationship is perhaps the rarest moment in our existence. body and motion belongs to the individual as a whole. they reveal feelings, emotions and dialogism. the encounter takes place when two authentic Beings touch and exist simultaneously. reciprocity.

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our particular infinity, the extent of the “I-thou” relationship. dialogism dictates the condition of man's existence as a being in the world. finity and infinity are both fundamental qualities of the so-called historicity of existence. despite its natural and organic finitude, the Being is not closed off from the other. on the contrary, they are always capable of new developments. there are multiple horizons in which existence can be realized. capillary networks and multifaceted communities.

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human touch. it is basic, it is vital, it is in our social DNA. mere physical contact reveals feelings and an authentic “I”. it builds social ties and bonds. it is a form of dialogue - the guarantee that we are not alone in this world. ”our species belongs to the class of mammals that need nests.” when we hug, a feeling of warmth takes over our bodies. we occupy more space in the environment, and the inter-individual boundaries disappear, even if only for a few seconds. this is the perfect metaphor for the fusion of the encounter between two authenticities. a hug gives us the feeling of trust, affection, security, comfort, and belonging. bodily stimuli are substantial. at the perceptual level, touch stimuli are transformed into positive emotions. they become propellant of energy.

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c o ex i s t


you do not simply live, you coexist. coexistence - the fundamental law of the universe. it is the very basis of existential reality. we live so we can learn to coexist, and we coexist so we can learn to live. it is the highest principle that encompasses every element; the essence of the universe. coexistence is holistic. it is about the intuition, the subconscious, the natural phenomena and human essence. these things, thatcannot be explained by science, aim to depart from the mundane. coexisting is what strengthens us and allows us to live fully.

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p e r p e t u u m i n u n a

una in perpetuumtogether forever. the tree of knowledge. since the dawn of civilization, man lives with the other in nature. man was aware that he was stronger in groups or packs. man has always been a social being. the individualism propagated by modern civilization has made us forget this. with the cognitive revolution, man developed the ability to communicate and transmit vast amounts of information about social relationships. man evolved in cooperation and cohesiveness. here is the greatest legacy of mankind.



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“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee." S h a k e s p e a r e

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sonnet 18. the euphony of life. the expression of lightness and elegance when speaking. the Being, with its body and spirit, comes into contact with nature. a sublime, ludic, pictorial experience. man is, by his nature, from his origins, an inquiry into being. the moment is contemplative. it rescues the interdependence of man and nature. It is a reflection on how the Being is interconnected with nature - changing the environment, changing itself. here is the journey of the Being in search of its ultimate stage: the stage of harmony with nature.

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ENTITY assemblage insight boundaries molasses incandescence cynosure



i n n e r g a rd e n

life with nature. a relationship that doesn’t need to be mediated by any word, and yet the dialogue takes place. a sensory experience. the Being needs to deal with intuition, with the unexplored, and with its diverse perspectives. the world of the unknown.

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the inner garden. contemplation and harmony between the Being and nature. the Being finds in nature a way of escapism for self-knowledge. the encounter of the raw sense of “self” and intimate relation to the surrounding environment.

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f r a g m e n t e d

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f r a g m e n t e d

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f r a g m e n t e d p e r s p e c t i v e s

“ the map is not the territory.” this means that man does not possess the absolute knowledge of reality, but only a small part of merely possesses a subset of that knowledge that is then tinted through the lenses of their own experience. it is fundamental for the Being to know that their understanding of things, “the map”, is not a true representation of reality itself or everything represented by reality, or “ the territory”. by looking at something from a different perspective, we can see the essence more clearly.

a b s e n t a n d p re s e n t


p re s e n t

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p re s e n t a n d a b s e n t

present and absent. the collective and the individual - a dualism that leads the Being to alterity. the conception of alterity (otherness) starts from the basic assumption that every social human being interacts and is interdependent on the other. thus, as many anthropologists and social scientists assert, the existence of the “individual self” is only allowed through contact with the other. individual bodies are able to create a capillary network of organisms and multiplicity.


a n o d e

an ode to coexistence. concord. coexistence means nothing exists in isolation and all elements support each other’s existence. all spheres of existence are part of the greater system and harmoniously enrich one another. coexistence is the common good.

t o c o e x i s t e n c e

common good is defined as certain general conditions that are equally to everyone’s advantage. it is about accepting modest sacrifices for a common good (civic duty) instead of selfishly protecting your own benefit and personal interests. coexistence is authenticity.

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plural organisms. the interdependence of Beings and nature. the beings have always been shaping natural forces around them. how much are the Beings intertwined with nature? the relationship requires mutuality. what bridges the gap between humans and nature?

the Being is part of nature and nature is part of the Being. the evocation of a sense of peace and belonging. from life with nature, we can extract the physical and material world, but also the intangible sphere of the world: the new realm of imagery and beauty for the human eye to behold.

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the epiphany - an illuminating discovery. the moment of complete comprehension of the meaning of the essence. the Being suddenly becomes conscious. at the end of its individual journey, spirit, body and nature become one. the Being understands that despite its finite existence, coexistence is infinite. coexistence is the essence.


“ d e u s

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m a c h i n a ”



m a c h i n a ”

the existence of a Being in the world must not be reduced to its birth and death. there is no beginning and end, it extends beyond. the Being is born in the personal circle that encompasses it and, after its death, there is still something that remains and survives. the essence that the being had forgotten will now be remembered again.

e x

if there is an end, there is also a beginning.

“ d e u s

from one perspective, the finity of the Being is a natural and organic characteristic of existence. However, from another perspective, infinity is also a property of the coexistence of Beings that transcends immediate limits. coexisting is the reality of life. It is a groundbreaking discovery for the human collective consciousness.

“ d e u s

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m a c h i n a ”

c o l o u r p a l e t t e

ESSENCE ripple morass luscious acre halcyon


a rc h e t y p e

The archetype is currently in the phase of life where they are about to enter either adulthood or old age. These phases can be referred to as either the pre-adulthood or preold age. Both are in their last decade of a certain type of freedom and youth in a different sense. The majority of survey respondents agreed that they felt free before the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020, and that freedom is an important part of life. Those in the pre-adult phase are enjoying their last years of youth before transitioning into adulthood, a period which is traditionally classified as becoming a total adult. They sacrifice the freedom of their youth to become either career focussed and/or to enter into a serious relationship/marriage and possibly become parents. They no longer have the ‘luxury’ of only fulfilling their personal needs, but now have a responsibility towards their work and the needs of their family. They sacrifice their freedom to be responsible adults/working people/ partners and/or parents. They can no longer simply move freely to different places either, as they are now kept in place by figurative ‘chains’ such as the responsibility of having to stay in one place for a job, or for their partner’s job, or for their children’s school. They are being faced with the harsher realities of life.


a rc h e t y p e

Those in the pre-old age phase are enjoying their last years of an older type of youth, before entering their old age. Traditionally, they are in their last years of working before retirement. If they have children, their children are traditionally starting to reach the age where they are moving out of the house and becoming independent. Those in this phase might retire soon and live off their pension. While they may no longer share the traditional responsibilities of adulthood once they enter this phase, such as raising children or having to work, they may now be forced to make certain sacrifices. While they have the luxury of more free time and being able to focus on their own individual needs again, they also unwillingly sacrifice their mobility and sharpness of mind due to the physical effects of ageing. They too are being faced with the harsher realities of life. Family, friends, health and wellbeing, love and freedom are the most important things in their lives. They are concerned with their own physical and mental wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of others. They prioritise the people in their lives and nurture those relationships. They respect both people and nature. Feeling a stronger sense of community after the lockdown, more than half of the survey respondents agreed that communities are important and that they are willing to sacrifice their personal freedom for the greater good of their community. The archetype has a Promethean concern with the wellbeing of others and believes it is important to be empathetic towards others. They believe that their decisions affect other people, and take others into consideration when making decisions. Making sacrifices is an important part of life for them. Looking toward the future, the archetype is happy to make sacrifices, knowing that it will ensure the wellbeing of others in the future. The archetype recognises that individual acts have a worldly significance.

He has been condemned to freedom, and is responsible for everything he does. But, he is happy with the choice he has made. He understands, and welcomes sacrifice, and over existence, he chooses co-existence. The Being is free.

“He is tethered to a tree and constrained by a fence, but the chain is not secure and the fence is low enough to leap over: The unicorn could escape if he wished. Clearly, however, his confinement is a happy one.”

a rc h e t y p e

The unicorn chooses to sacrifice his freedom for the wellbeing of others. He does not see this as a sacrifice, but merely as his own little contribution to the common good of the world. He is content, knowing that his individual acts of sacrifice are significant.


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