Horizons - Spring 2001

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Horizons Page 1 BSUCalendar April 28, 2001

BSU Alumni Association Board Meeting April 29, 2001

BSU Alumni Choir Concert Minnetonka Lutheran Church Concert 3 p.m. Alumni Reception Immediately Following Concert in Lobby of Church May 5, 2001

A Publication for Alumni & Friends of Bemidji State University

Vol. 16, No. 3, Spring 2001

BSUHorizons Alumnus Adjusts to LIFE IN FRANCE

Scholarship Benefit Concert BSU Alumni Choir Hennepin Technical College Auditorium, Supporting BSU & HTC Foundations May 17-18, 2001

50-Year Reunion of the Class of 1951 May 18, 2001

BSU Commencement Exercises

Bemidji State University


Bemidji State University Alumni Association 1500 Birchmont Drive NE, Box 17 Bemidji, MN 56601-2699 218-755-3989 / 1-877-BSU-ALUM alumni@bemidjistate.edu http://info.bemidjistate.edu/alumni



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Dr. Mark Kleven describes himself as a curious person, one who looks forward to a challenge and is willing to seek something different. It is a philosophy that drew this 1977 alumnus through a series of choices and to a new life in France. Kleven is the head of behavioral pharmacology at the Pierre Fabre Research Center in Castres, a town of 40,000 just an hour away from the Mediterranean in south central France. The journey for this graduate of Baudette High School to the Mid-Pyrenees region included many forks in the road, and each created new opportunities. “I came to Bemidji State planning to go on to graduate school in clinical psychology,” Kleven remembered. “This changed slightly when I became interested in a research career in neuropsychology after entering the Honors Program. This program reinforced the idea of learning itself as a goal.” On the more practical side, the Honors Program allowed Kleven to expand his general studies beyond the liberal arts core and explore multi-disciplinary options, from the sciences to mathematics to philosophy. He graduated with degrees in psychology, biology and math. His habit of reading university catalogs created another fork in his journey, this one leading to pharmacology. He discovered the Medical School at Marquette University offered a course in the subject to graduate students. After literally talking his way into the class and later adding one in neuropharmacology, he completed his master’s in physiological psychology. He completed his doctorate in pharmacology from the University of Minnesota a few years later. He received a post-doctoral fellowship in the Pritzker School


he advantage of science as a career is that one has many friends and colleagues all over the world, a real extended community.”

of Medicine at the University of Chicago during the 1986-87 academic year. That led to research assignments in pharmacological and physiological sciences as an assistant professor at the same institution, where he remained until accepting his current position overseas in 1992. At the Pierre Fabre Research Center, he works on the early phases in the discovery of new, marketable drugs. This pre-clinical research studies the effects of newly synthesized chemicals to determine whether they may or may not be active drugs in later clinical studies. He hopes his current research will one day lead to better treatments for depression, anxiety or schizophrenia. “I’ve always been curious about how things work or why things are the way they are,” Kleven explained. “It’s not a 9 to 5 thing. Science is a way of life.” His curiosity and willingness to confront risk have helped him adapt to new settings at each crossing on the journey from Baudette to Castres.

Dr. Mark Kleven


“The adjustments became progressively harder with each move to a larger place,” he explained. “Although it is essentially the same problem: that one is a stranger in a new environment. The advantage of science as a career is that one has many friends and colleagues all over the world, a real extended community.” The move from academia to industry would be enough cause for stress, but Kleven had to also absorb a whole new culture. Language was an initial problem, as was acceptance in the new country. “One of the major concerns I had was learning the language,” said Kleven, who had taken French in high school. “Teachers were hard to find. I had to find books and just try to survive. It required that you listen very carefully and be willing to make stupid mistakes. You also have to be able to say ‘I don’t understand.’ This is hard for scientists. “As for being accepted, this is more difficult. One can never ‘be-

come’ French in the way one can become an American. It helps to have a good sense of humor and not take too many things seriously. It is also very important to observe and try to adopt the manners of other people, something many Americans neglect when they come to Europe.” Kleven feels that living in a small town has made it easier to adjust, and as one of the few Americans in the region, he is well known. He is also sensitive about the concern his neighbors express on globalization and Americanization of their way of life. “I still think it is a Big World,” he noted. “When I was a student at Baudette, the view was ethnocentric and I had no real idea of the scope of cultural diversity or ways of living that really exist. “The Internet and the Boeing 747 have reduced distances and do influence life in other parts of the world, but the majority of people have not changed fundamentally in terms of their adherence to individual cultural norms or how they live from day to day. Experiencing La Vie en France as well as places like Israel, Morocco or Kenya has reinforced, not changed, this view.”

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Talent, Determination and Luck


Lead Pair to BSU


This year, 189 international students from 34 countries found their way to the BSU campus. Each traveled a different road and tells a unique story on how they arrived at Bemidji State in search of a better life through education. Among the most difficult would be the journey taken by Jasmin Mehic, 23, and Kerim Rizvanovic, 20. From Bosnia, Mehic and Rizvanovic survived the ravages of war, ethnic cleansing, and political upheaval to enroll in classes last fall at Bemidji State. Like many other international students, they look at education as a road to achieve personal goals. But there is more, as they hope the faculty and equipment will help develop talents and knowledge they’ll utilize in rebuilding their war-torn country and helping to bring about democratic reform in their homeland. As survivors, the pair may appreciate more than most the smalltown peace and stability of Bemidji, having survived four years of war that ravaged Bosnia and Herzegovina, including their home city of Sarajevo. They also have a special regard for BSU’s committed full-time faculty and well-equipped computer labs, having first begun their education at the University of Sarajevo where remaining faculty members sometimes have to split their time between two universities to cover living expenses and as many as 1,000 students vie for the use of five antiquated computers.

“ would like to study in the United States because I want to understand the educational system, the political system and the economic system, and when I come back to Sarajevo, to help move my country to the better tomorrow, to the world democratic reform.” Kerim Rizvanovic

Personal determination and talent, combined with chance and the generosity of strangers, all played their part in the chain of events that landed them at BSU. Following the 1995 Dayton Peace Accord that ended the war, United Nations observers, international companies and stabilization forces entered Bosnia to help re-

design and reconstruct the nation’s government, military, educational systems and economy. Among those were a retired U.S. Army brigadier general, Herbert J. Lloyd, who was working with a private company contracted to train B o s n i a ’s n e w military forces, and Don Addy, a senior vice president with Caswell International of Minneapolis. Mehic was employed with Lloyd for a year and a half as his personal driver and translator while Rizvanovic worked parttime with Lloyd on logistical matters over the course of four years. Mehic said that some of the interpreters working with Lloyd asked if he knew of any way to place them in U.S. universities. Within two years, Lloyd was spending all of his free time working to find scholarship opportunities for Bosnians and ultimately was able to place about 30 Bosnian students in the United States. In discussions with Addy, Lloyd told him of his efforts to help Bosnians and, in turn, Addy contacted Carl Baer, an old friend who had recently been named vice president for university advancement at BSU. The students qualified for scholarships, and were able to come to BSU. Both students also work on campus to cover part of their expenses. Mehic is pursuing a major in computer information systems with an economics minor and would like to find a job with an American company operating in Bosnia following graduation. Learning about economics from a capitalistic viewpoint is important to him and something he was unable to do at Sarajevo. “In 1998 I became a student in economics at the University of Sarajevo, but was unhappy with the unprofessional and inadequate faculty in our universities,” he said. “Our professors were not brought up under the system of capitalism and democracy, and can only teach the old system.”

Kerim Rizvanovic and Jasmin Mehic

As a result, economics lectures were couched in communist ideology and the phrase “as Karl Marx would say” cropped up constantly. Rizvanovic is a computer science major, choosing his course of study based on a strong personal interest in computers and on the belief that computer technology will play a major role in his country’s development over the next few critical years. “I would like to study in the United States because I want to understand the educational system, the political system and the economic system, and when I come back to Sarajevo, to help move my country to the better tomorrow, to the world democratic reform,” he stated. The students say their homeland’s economy is in ruins. Good-paying jobs are scarce, even for well-educated individuals. Many professionals must work two or three jobs at a time just to cover basic living expenses. Mehic said average monthly wages in Sarajevo total about $250 per month and added that cost of living expenses are similar to U.S. standards. In recommending Mehic and Rizvanovic for scholarship consideration and explaining the inadequacies of Bosnia’s university system, Lloyd told Addy that Mehic and Rizvanovic had the most potential and demonstrated ability among the 60 translators employed by his organization. He also noted that the war had cost them all or most of their possessions as well as their educational dreams. “The universities were rendered dysfunctional during the war and most of the faculty fled

to other European countries or are dead,” he wrote at the time. “The universities are only now beginning to recover and the standards are low. Most European countries do not recognize a university degree from Bosnia.” Mehic and Rizvanovic live in one of BSU’s residence halls and say they’ve found everyone to be very friendly. “It’s a nice place, and since it’s a small community without a lot of distractions that leaves lots of time to study,” said Mehic, emphasizing that he appreciates being able to have easy access to faculty members. Rizvanovic has made many American friends and also enjoys the multi-cultural aspect of BSU’s student body. “We’ve gotten to meet students who’ve chosen to come here from all over the United States as well as international students from all over the world.” LaMae Hawk, BSU’s director of international services, said reasons for attending BSU are diverse among international students. “In some cases, of course, they’re drawn to a specialized course of study. In many instances we see family tie-ins where one sibling comes to BSU and likes it - so another follows and then another,” said Hawk. “In some instances when students arrive at the airport they’re surprised at how small Bemidji is and at first they view it as being sort of isolated. But in nearly every instance they grow very fond of the campus, the beauty of our area and the friendliness of the people.” It is a welcome feeling for two students from Bosnia.

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Fulbrights Fulbrights Send Faculty Abroad Just a few months ago, two Bemidji State University faculty passed each other on their missions to explore education frontiers in other countries. As Fulbright Scholars, one was just departing for her assignment in Iceland and the other was returning at the conclusion of a fivemonth stay in Estonia. Dr. Patricia Rogers of the Department of Professional Education is currently working on a five-month project at the Iceland University of Education in Reykjavik to finish writing its master’s program for teachers, all in a distance delivery format. Distance delivery refers to using a variety of electronic communication methods including the Worldwide Web, video conferencing, television and satellite feeds to relay information, in this case coursework for graduate students. Meanwhile, Dr. Louise Jackson, professor of psychology, recently concluded her Fulbright project where she taught counseling psychology in English at the Psychology Department of Tallinn Pedagogical University in Tallinn, Estonia. During her stay, she taught four classes and emphasized providing hands-on experience in an academic atmosphere that tends to focus almost exclusively on theory. Those experiences in-

Bemidji State University

cluded training psychology students in counseling techniques and video-taping their simulated counseling sessions, which were then utilized in one-on-one supervision sessions, a strategy for greatly enhancing the learning process. Competition for the national Fulbright Scholarships is stiff and proposals undergo rigorous review. The federal funding is provided under provisions of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Act of 1961, otherwise known as the Fulbright-Hays Act, in the form of grants to American students and professionals as well as to students of certain foreign countries for research, study and teaching abroad. Each Fulbright scholar receives a cost of living stipend appropriate to the region in which they are staying and their travel costs are also paid for them. “Teaching at TPU was a wonderful experience, one that I will treasure,” said Jackson. She describes Estonia as a clean, wellmaintained country and its people as hard working and rational. The Baltic country was under Soviet occupation from 1943 to 1991 when it gained independence and began changing its economic and judicial structures. “Estonia is a remarkable example of a successful transition

from Soviet socialism to a free market economy,” said Jackson. “I led a very comfortable life while I was there, but for most Estonian university professors one job is not enough. Assistant professors make about $300 a month and most have to take on two full-time teaching jobs to cover their living expenses.” Jackson said her students warmly expressed their appreciation of her experiential approach to teaching counseling techniques. She also formed a common interest group among faculty members at TPU which will serve as a team for training other faculty members. She left behind a complete training packet including class syllabi and tests so that the approach may easily be adopted by that university’s psychology department. She is also interested in trying to arrange future faculty exchanges. In addition to teaching applied psychology, Jackson conducted interviews with 25 professional women to add to her research for an article she’s working on about childhood experiences of professional women in the U.S., Estonia and the Ukraine, where Jackson taught for a year in 1993. Rogers requested placement at IUE because the two universities


Vol. 16, No. 3, Spring 2001

Editor Designer Photographer President Alumni Director Contributing Writers Editorial Assistance

Al Nohner Kathy Berglund John Swartz Dr. Jim Bensen Marla Huss Patrias Jody Grau, Cindy Serratore Peggy Nohner

Editorial Board: Dr. Jim Bensen, BSU president; Al Nohner, director of news services and publications; Carl Baer, vice president for university advancement; Dr. Jeff Totten, assistant professor of business administration; Dr. Gerald Morine, professor of chemistry; Marla Huss Patrias, director of alumni relations.

have similar needs for program and course development at this time. She also has a unique opportunity to work with a former classmate from the doctoral program in instructional systems and technology at the University of Minnesota who is now a professor at the Icelandic university. She will collaborate with Dr. Sólveig Jakobsdóttir to write about half of IUE’s master’s program for teachers. Rogers maintains that distance delivery of university programs is the wave of the future and becomes especially essential in locations like Bemidji and Iceland, where distances and foul weather create special barriers to students. “Students need and are increasingly demanding the accessibility of distance learning, particularly graduate students who may already be juggling a job and family responsibilities,” said Rogers.

Dr. Patricia Rogers

“Once we’ve developed the courses there, I will be able to bring them back and rework them for BSU’s on-line master’s program for teachers,” said Rogers. Currently, only one of six core master’s program courses is being offered on-line by BSU’s Department of Professional Education. The department plans to make all of them available via the Internet. A direct offshoot of these efforts is the future development of a project linking K-12 teachers and students in the Bemidji area with teachers and students in Iceland.

Where We Are ... What We’re Doing

BSUHorizons Produced by the News and Publications Office and the Alumni Office at Bemidji State University, HORIZONS is published quarterly and distributed without charge to BSU alumni, students, faculty, staff and other friends of the University. BSU is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Dr. Louise Jackson


1930s Conrad Stai (’39) of Montevideo enjoys painting, rosemaling and woodcarving. He also has taught woodcarving at North CountryArts & Crafts for many years ... Doris (Horns) Brown (’36) lives in Blaine and enjoys spending time with friends.

1940s Harold Melby (’46) lives in Minnetonka and has been enjoying his retirement for “20 exciting years.” He enjoys arts and crafts projects and volunteering his time in the community ... Phyllis Larson (’42) lives in Newport and is retired from a 40-year teaching career, spent primarily in St. Paul ... Dean Aker (’46) of Antioch, IL, still enjoys photography and water activities ... Frances Torgerson (’45) of McIntosh is retired from a 48-year teaching career which included 12 years of teaching high school in Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa and 36 years of teaching in colleges and university math departments in Michigan, North Dakota, Texas, Minnesota and, for a brief period, in Norway. Torgerson has visited Israel as well as 15 countries in Europe and 10 inAfrica ... Cheryl Horton (’49) of Fremont, NB, had a poem

published in America at the Millennium, a treasury of today’s poetry compiled by The National Library of Poetry. She has been writing poetry for 10 years. Horton moved in 1949 to South Dakota where she taught school and raised her family ... Harold Shellum (’41) of Sunnyvale, CA, is enjoying retirement and good health.

1950s Bob Ness (’57) of Dassel has been elected to a fifth term in the Minnesota House of Representatives. He chairs the Agriculture and Rural Development Finance Committee and is vice-chair of the K-12 Finance Committee ... Hilda Halvorson (’57) lives in Bagley. She retired in 1974 from Bagley Elementary where she taught third grade and served as the elementary librarian ... Harold Larson (’59) of Willmar is working on a family history and enjoys gardening as well as selling his produce at a farmers’ market ... Norm Reopelle (’58) of Rochester retired from teaching biology at Rochester Community Technical College and enjoys raising West Highland Terriers ... Travis Olson (’50) of Hendrum is a tutor and junior high school basketball coach at Norman County West High School.

John Thompson (’63) retired December 31 from his position as city clerk-administrator for the City ofWalker ... Bill Rasmussen (’69) and Chris (Berger) Rasmussen (’69) live in Sauk Rapids and have taught school in Foley for 30 years. Bill continues as secretary of Education Minnesota and Chris is involved in local union activities. They have one daughter, Kate, 19 ... Esther Mills (’64) lives in Montevideo ... John Fotenos (’69) currently lives in Colorado Springs, CO ... Wanda Petersen (’68) of Bemidji is director of the Kinship North Mentoring Program and a member of the founding board of the Fly By Night Art Space in Bemidji ... Michael Frohrip (’61) lives in Eau Claire, WI, and retired in 1995, concluding a 34-year career as a counselor and teacher with Eau Claire Area Schools ... Reuben Brooks (’67) of Nashville, TN, works as a professor of geography at Tennessee State University and is a widower of two years ... Bonnie Smith (’68) of Rochester recently became a first-time grandmother ... Kathryn Renning (’66) is employed with the City of Longville as a special projects coordinator and recently filed as a candidate for a fouryear term on the Longville City Council. She had previously worked for the Longville Municipal Liquor Store for 20 years, was a member of the LongvilleArea Volunteer Ambulance Service for nine years and also spent several years teaching English at Morris ...Jim Demgen (’67) filed as a county commissioner candidate for Cass County District 2. He is a district manager for Hillyard Floor Care Supply ...Harvey Hietala (’61), a retired teacher, filed as a candidate to the Pipestone-

Jasper School Board. He’s spent 38 years as an educator in public schools and served 20 years on the board of directors of the Minnesota Federation of Teachers/ Education Minnesota. Hietala is also a former member of the State Board of Education and currently serves on the board of directors of the MinnesotaAcademic Excellence Foundation ... James Lindberg (’66) of Monticello retired in May after working in education for 34 years, serving for 31 of those as a counselor at Monticello High School ... Lillian Mathews (’67) of Bemidji has been retired for 17 years and enjoys traveling ... Kay (Wik) James Lindberg Wedul-Steiger (’63) of Thief River Falls retired in 1998 from a career as a Lutheran Brotherhood district representative and is a member of that organization’s hall of fame ... Ray Barton (’66) of Jacobson volunteers his time to accompany handicapped individuals on tours in the U.S. and Canada ... Charlie Mahovlich (’68) of Inver Grove Heights retired in June of 1999 after 31 years of teaching sixth grade. He served District 199 teachers as chief negotiator for 20 years ...Alice Fuglestad (’67) of Bemidji is employed as a substitute teacher for Bemidji schools ...Sharon Lind (’69) of Chisholm has been an office manager at St. Joseph’s Church for 15 years and enjoys working with the youth in the parish by chaperoning and (Continued on page 4)

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Going Global Gains Popularity with BSU Students

Going Global


“ very time we’ve stepped forward with another BSU program for international studies, our students have responded. All of our programs are at capacity.” Dr. Jon Quistgaard

Barb Lundberg arrived on the Bemidji State campus to earn a degree in social studies and secondary education. Along the way, her studies have taken her to Italy, France, Czechoslovakia, Thailand and Malaysia. The experience is priceless, according to Lundberg, who believes that her travels will be an asset to her teaching career and allow her to share special insights with her students. “I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge from my travels, things that books can’t teach you and that teachers just can’t teach you,” Lundberg said. “It broadens your horizons and opens your mind, like in Malaysia where we saw so much poverty, but so much happiness.” Lundberg is part of a growing number of BSU students who seek international experiences to expand their understanding of the world and enrich their education. The University encourages students to study abroad by offering organized study tours at affordable prices and building exchange programs with other universities abroad. As a result, BSU has a record number of students participating in international programs. In addition, the University has incorporated global perspectives into all areas of its curriculum so

that all BSU students, whether or not they travel abroad, are exposed to global issues and the opportunities that exist for collaboration across borders. Part of the liberal education at BSU also includes a study area called “Focus on the World” from which students choose courses that specifically address global issues and perspectives. “Our society used to be much more inward looking in orientation, but we’re entering an era of growing global interdependence,” said Dr. Jon Quistgaard, BSU vice president for academic and student affairs. “Today’s challenges and opportunities require students to gain a global perspective.” That interdependence is evident in all areas of study whether it’s philosophical issues, environmental concerns, world peace or scientific research. And BSU students recognize that, regardless of where they settle down, their lives and work will be carried out as part of a global community. “Every time we’ve stepped forward with another BSU program for international studies, our students have responded,” Quistgaard added. “All of our programs are at capacity.” Over the last few years, BSU has added new programs and opportu-

BSU J-Term students in Malaysia

nities for students to study abroad. Today, more than 100 students each year participate in one of three major BSU study aboard programs: • Eurospring, a five-week program of study in Oxford, England, and a three-week tour of Europe; • Sinosummer, two weeks of study at Liaoning University in Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, along with a study tour; and • J-term in Malaysia, BSU’s newest study abroad program, which includes study at the Higher Education Learning Program (HELP) Institute in Kuala Lumpur. More BSU sponsored J-term trips — travel aboard experiences

held over the January or June break — are planned including a program in Iceland this June, a trip to the legendary Mount Kilimanjaro in South Africa, and another to Machu Picchu in Peru to explore the ruins of the Inca civilization. In addition, approximately 60 BSU choir members travel to Europe on a spring tour every three years and others participate in faculty-led small study groups that in the last year have included trips to Spain, Italy and France. The BSU Sinosummer trip to China last summer was a lifechanging experience for Lori Otto, a BSU senior sociology major. She now corresponds regularly with three friends from

football, hockey and track and field. His administrative experience at Thief River Falls includes five years as an assistant principal, the principal at the middle school, and coordinator of educational services. He and his wife, Patty, have three children ... Cheryl Larson (’78) was hired this fall to teach eighth grade math atAnnandale middle school. Her husband, Lowell, is also a teacher in the Annandale District and they have three children. She’s taught math and science to seventh- and eighthgrade students at Elk River, St. Cloud Christian School and at Maple Lake. She was also a substitute teacher at St. Cloud Area Learning Center ... Scott Thurlow (‘ 77) was hired this fall as a teacher at Eagle Valley schools. He’d previously worked for seven years at the Bug-ONay-Ge-Shig School at Leech Lake Reservation, one year for the Bering Strait School District inAlaska and also at several other Minnesota schools ... Rebecca Tischer (’78) moved from a part-time to a full-time teaching position at Itasca Community College this fall and is teaching business and technology courses ...Kurt Marben (’74) has been named to the Ninth Judicial District trial court bench. He’d been an attorney with the law firm of Charlson, Marben and Jorgenson in Thief River Falls since 1977 and had become a partner in that firm. Marben lives in Thief River Falls with his wife, Brenda, and their three children, John,Ann and Beth ... Fran Roux (’70) took a position this fall teaching elementary music at Winsted Elementary School and at Holy Trinity Elementary, plus English as a second language at Howard Lake. She and her husband, Charles, live in Buffalo and have three sons and a fivemonth-old granddaughter. Roux had taught second grade at Warren for 18 years as well as choreographing

high school musicals and working with the cheerleading team. . . Rev. Glen Proechel (’77) and his wife, Maryse, of Red Lake Falls are currently in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China, where he’s teaching English as a foreign language and is active with the Si-Cheng Chinese Protestant Church. They expect to return to the U.S. in July. Proechel has been admitted to the doctoral program at Theological Seminary in St. Paul and began his studies prior to leaving for China. The educational program in China is being sponsored through the Minnesota Department of Children, Family and Learning ... John Schauble (’73) of Lake Zurich, IL, is in his 11th year of teaching and coaching at Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, IL. He coaches distance runners and has been nominated for a GoldenApple Award for teaching ... Thomas Leustek (’71) of Willow River has been a teacher at Willow River School for 29 years and has developed the schools biology program with a strong emphasis on environmental issues and an appreciation of the outdoors. His students have been competing in the Eviro-Thon program since 1995 and qualified for nationals by winning the Minnesota state competition in 1997. He and his wife, Jean, have a son and two daughters ... Steven Savageau (’74) has been appointed manager of administrative services for the St. Louis County Historical Society where he will be responsible for membership, volunteer Steven Savageau coordination, public

Shenyang and hopes to participate in the program again as part of her senior thesis project. “When you come back, you look at everything differently,” said Otto, who now has more interest than ever in her international studies minor. “Students in China move into a dorm room with five to nine other people.” One of Otto’s favorite experiences in China was the chance to visit with Chinese students. “Students will crowd around Americans when they see you on the streets,” she said. “They’ll sit and listen for hours. They’ll talk about movies, music, school, families, anything. It can be really intimate if you want it to be.” Bemidji State also has agreements with more than 25 universities around that world that allows students to start their studies overseas and then finish at BSU as well as BSU students to study at universities abroad. Whether students travel abroad or interact with international students at BSU, the experiences are invaluable, according to Dr. Bob Ley, an economics professor who sits on the BSU international studies council. “In the discussions that we have, one of the things that we talk about is how to make these experiences more accessible to students,” he said. “BSU can be proud that for years, they’ve taken the lead in setting up these opportunities.”

Where We Are ... What We’re Doing was a conservation officer in Crookston, a regional supervisor in Brainerd and DNR chief pilot at Camp teaching religious education. She has two Ripley. He and his wife, Verla, live in Brainerd and have two children, Kate and Judd, who both live in NewYork grown children, a son City ... Teri Brooks (’76) was selected from more than and a daughter ... Joe 2,000 applicants to tour Japan as a participant in the Rezac (’65) of Baxter Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program. The will retire at the end of this school year after 36 program allows distinguished primary and secondary school teachers in the U.S. to travel to Japan for three years of teaching and weeks in an effort to promote greater intercultural coaching, with 33 of those spent in Brainerd understanding between the two nations. Brooks is currently teaching elementary physical education in ... Michael DeWitt Sauk Centre. She’s previously lived in Bemidji and (’66) and his brothers, Laporte ... Rick McBride (’78) teaches high school math Joe Rezac Terry and Martin, recently exhibited their art works at Lizzard’s Gallery in and coaches cross-county running and track inWarroad Duluth. DeWitt teaches at BSU and creates small realist where he’s lived since 1985. Last fall his boys crosscountry team captured the Section 8A Meet and went on panel paintings and assemblage. to place fifth at the State ClassA Meet. He’s been married to his wife, Therese, for 20 years and they have two 1970s children, Allen, 12, and Kallie, 9 ... Mike Newman (’74) Richard Belpedio (’72) of Coon Rapids retired in June has been named manager of corporate contributions and from 34 years of teaching, mostly in theAnoka vice president of The St. Paul Companies, Inc. Hennepin school district. He and his wife Nancy, also a Foundation. He manages the company’s grants program, teacher, have two daughters, Erin, 11, and Emilie, 9 ... which will award more than $12 million in grants Bruce Phelps (’78) is director of vocal music and throughout the world this year. Newman joined The St. department chairman atAnoka High School. He’s also Paul in February 1997 to lead the company’s community the choir director at Anoka Methodist Church, teaches a affairs work in field offices. Prior to that he worked with choral music methods class at St. Olaf College, and is the the Minnesota Department of Human Services for 14 author of a sight singing series ... Jerry Engelbrecht years ... Glenn Chiodo (’75) assumed the position of (’72) recently retired from a 28-year career with the superintendent of Renville County West Schools last fall. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. He’d been He’d been working at Thief River Falls since1975 where a conservation officer/pilot since 1972 and was he was hired as an elementary instructor and coach of promoted to chief pilot in 1987. During his career, he (Continued from page 3)

relations, and administrative support while also serving as assistant to the director of the society. He is a retired Air Force weather officer and lives in Duluth with his children, Robert and Emily ... Ron Schoonover (’79) has been hired as an assistant director of communications for the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University. He took the position after concluding a lengthy newspaper career in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa and changing careers in 1990. Since then he’s worked as a graphic designer on several nationally known magazines and publications. He lives with his wife, Joan, and their children, Anna and Ryan, in St. Cloud ... Randy Fulton (’79) of White Bear Lake recently opened a new store in White Bear Lake called Vacation Sports. The business rents recreational equipment and sells outdoor gear ... Sharon Botelle-Sherman (’74) of Woodbury, CT, works as a marketing communications coordinator with Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Connecticut ... Nancy Ainsworth Flynn (’76) of Brookings, SD, is married and has four children. She works part-time with the Thief River Falls American Red Cross as a chapter manager ... Rick Nelson (’79) of Thief River Falls is taking a sabbatical from Northland and is working with the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission and serving as a lobbyist for MCLFA during this year’s legislative session ... Timothy Fairchild (’72) of East Grand Forks is president of American Federal Bank. He and his wife, Marva, have three children, ages 15,14 and 9 ... Jim Balfour (’78) has been named manager of creative services with JPG Communications Inc., an advertising, marketing and public relations firm based inVirginia. He is responsible for management and oversight of the creative department that includes strategic planning,

Horizons Page 5



from alumni and Marla Huss Patrias, Director of Alumni Relations

Gunther Retires as Men’s Basketball Coach

50 Year Reunion of the Class of 1951

Alumni from the class of 1951 will celebrate their 50-year reunion this May in conjunction with BSU commencement. Festivities will begin with a reception on May 17 and continue through May 18 will a full day of activities, starting with department brunches. Acting as grand marshals, all 50-year participants will lead the commencement walk across campus and be honored guests at the various ceremonies. The event will end with a presidential banquet Friday evening. Registration materials will be sent in the mail soon. Anyone interested in serving on a planning committee for the reunion should contact the alumni office at 755-3989 (local) or 1-877-278-2586 (toll free). Members of the wrap around classes of 1950 and 1952 are invited to participate in the reception and banquet as well.

BSU Alumni Opera Night Being Planned

Dr. Fulton Gallagher, professor emeritus and former director of the BSU Opera Night, is planning an alumni performance for July of this year in Bemidji. Former Opera Night singers interested in participating should contact Gallagher at 218-5862536 or at fgallagh@paulbunyan.net. More details for the event will be included in the summer edition of Horizons in June.

Homecoming 2001 Set for October 5-7

Homecoming dates for next fall have been set for October 5-7. A 40-year reunion of the class of 1961 will be held on October 6. Saturday’s events will include a pre-game tailgate party co-sponsored by the BSU Alumni Association and Beaver Pride, the Homecoming football game, a fifth-quarter alumni reception following the game, and the annual Alumni Association Honors Banquet that evening. Sunday’s activities will include the Carl O. Thompson Memorial Concert. Alumni should mark their calendars and plan to attend. More details will be sent to active members of the BSU Alumni Association this summer. Active membership requires a minimum annual $30 contribution to the BSU Foundation.

production supervision, layout and design, quality control and staff supervision. He’d served as an art director with the firm for more than seven years and has more than 20 years of experience in layout, design and desktop publishing. He is currently president of the Virginia/Mt. Iron/Gilbert Chamber of Commerce ambassadors program ... Marvin Sauers (’79) of St. Cloud is celebrating 20 years of service with the Minnesota Department of Corrections at St. Cloud and is hoping to return to teaching in the fall ... Terri Cuppett (’75) of Thief River Falls is pastor of the St. Hilaire Parish ... Nancy Goudge (’72) of Clearbrook is a counselor with the Clearbrook-Gonvick Schools ... David Stadum (’74) of Chatfield is the K-12 principal in Grand Meadow ... Michael Devereaux (’76) of Elgin, SC, has been retired for several years from the U.S.Air Force ... Carma Lee (Carlson) Wallin (’76) of Blaine is in her 22nd year of teaching special education in the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District and in 1996 was honored with the CEC Special Teacher of The Year Award. She has two daughters, Jody, 20, and Abby, 14 ... Mary Bishop Cleary (’77) of St. Cloud has for the past 10 years worked supervising clerical staff in the records office of St. Cloud University ... Sue (Ross) Schutt (’72) and her husband farm nearAmboy and have four children, two in college and two in high school. Besides managing the farm’s pork operation, Schutt is involved with her church, 4-H Club and school activities ... Rich Glas (’70) of Grand Forks, ND, is entering his 13th year as the head men’s basketball coach at the University of North Dakota ... Beth Tipton Moffett (’76) lives in St. Cloud ... Mike Anderson (’76) of Cottage Grove has

three children, two in college and one in high school ... Norman Hilleren (’74) and Karen Hilleren (’74) live in Maiden Rock. Norman teaches science at Farmington and Karen teaches physical education and health in Plum City, WI ... Gary Gardeen (’74) has been named campus administrator at Covenant Manor, a continuing care retirement community in Golden Valley. In his new position he will be responsible for the continuing care retirement community’s campus, including its 16-room assisted living residence and its 108-bed Medicareapproved skilled nursing facility. He was previously administrator of a 75-bed hospital run by World Radio Missionary Fellowship Inc., in Quito, Ecuador ... Colleen Schulke (’78) and her husband, Mike, of Bemidji announce the December 29 birth of a son ... Dave Holmgren (’71) and Mary Holmgren (’71) live in Annandale. Dave is part-owner of Litchfield Chrysler Center in Litchfield and Mary is employed as an elementary school art teacher ... Ed Jaakola (’74) and Linda Jaakola (’74) are beginning their 11th year of residence in Windom where Ed is employed as a social worker for Jackson County and Linda works as a counselor in Windom’s elementary schools ... Jackie Witty (’73) of Mt. Iron teaches 7-12 grade physical education in Virginia and is working on a master’s in education degree through St. Mary’s University ... Deb (Shoemate) Nelson (’78) of Wadena has been teaching elementary music in Wadena for 21 years and has three children, Aaron, 13, Kaisa, 12, and Shawn, 10. She and her husband also own Welcome Home Gifts & Designs, a business offering custom glass etching and carving ... Ardele Kimball (’76) of Aitkin is retired from 30 years

Dave Gunther announced his retirement after serving as the head men’s basketball coach at Bemidji State Dave Gunther University for the past six seasons. Gunther leaves the coaching ranks after amassing 476 wins against 328 losses at four institutions on the college level. During his career, Gunther garnered coach of the year honors seven times and he has been inducted into the Wayne State Hall of Fame, the University of North Dakota Hall of Fame, and the Iowa State High School Hall of Fame. Originally from LaMars, IA, Gunther graduated from the University of Iowa in 1959 as an All-Big Ten Conference and honorable mention All-America selection. After coaching on the high school level for several seasons, he accepted his first collegiate assignment in 1967 at Wayne State (NE), where he comPaul A Smith (’70), Deer River, MN piled a 70-13 record in three seasons and guided the Wildcats to three conAndrew Dolny (’49), Luck, WI secutive national tournament appearFrank James Kovall (’81), Annandale, MN ances. He moved to UND for the 1970-71 Brenda Eickhoff (’69), Chatfield, MN season, where he remained on the Santa Wallace (’70), Deer River, MN bench for 18 years. During that span, he recorded a 342-177 record, led the Carol M. Knutson (’68), Mountain Iron, MN Fighting Sioux to five conference James Berger (’81), Nisswa, MN championships, and earned four NCAA II Regional titles. Dean R. Aeling (’79), Park Rapids, MN In 1988 he left coaching and was Merle Baird (’50), Bemidji, MN named the assistant athletic director Richard (Dick) Otterstad (’47), San Diego, CA at UND, working in fund raising, teaching and administering different Anthony Rozycki (’38), St. Cloud, MN facets of the program. Lafayette Connor (’93), Cook, MN He returned to the college coaching ranks in 1993 at Buena Vista (IA) Mary Ann (Woodward) Larson (’36), Duluth, MN where he was 25-25 in two seasons Stan K. Medina (’75), Minnetonka, MN before moving to Bemidji State. He guided the Beavers to four conLuella (Drake) Streed (1938), New Brighton, MN secutive seasons with 10 or more Patrick Gardner (’64), St. Paul, MN wins, completing the most recent campaign at 10-17. His overall record Robert M. Haberer (’56), Brainerd, MN at BSU is 49-113.


Troy M. Nelson (’97), Bemidji, MN

Kevin L. Milbrandt (’97), Bemidji, MN Clarence “Bun” Fortier (’42), Bemidji, MN

with choir members, parents and professionals to develop talent, artistic abilities, musical interest and leadership skills in boys. She is a teacher at Staples Elementary School and previously taught elementary music in International Falls andArgyle. She’s been involved in musical theater and also many professional 1980s associations. Mary and her husband, Del, a Lutheran minister, live in Wadena with their daughter, Britta ... Karen Nudell (’89) was hired this fall as a special Bob Murray (’80), a business instructor at Rainy River education teacher at Rothsay High School. She’d previously worked as a resource room teacher at Forest Community College, has been awarded the 2000 Distinguished ServiceAward by the Minnesota Business Lake and also in Parker, AZ, for two years. She lives in Barnesville with her husband, Rob, and their three-year- Educators Inc. Murray has served as the organization’s president and on the regional board of directors as well as old son, Parker, and 15-month-old daughter, Natalie ... vice president, secretary, convention co-chair and Henry Knoblauch (’83) and his wife, Kippy, of Bemidji announce the November 15 birth of a daughter newsletter editor ... Douglas Loeffler (’86) has been promoted to vice president with Witcher Construction ... Scott Wallace (’87) filed as a candidate for the Co, based in Eden Prairie. He joined Witcher in 1993 and Albertville City Council this fall. He works forWells Fargo & Co. in the mortgage department and has lived in has more than 15 years of estimating and project Albertville since June 1998 with his wife, Donnetta, and management experience on commercial and industrial projects. Loeffler has served as Witcher’s director of daughter, Claire, 2 ... Jacque Kennedy (’85) filed this fall as a candidate to the Pipestone-Jasper School Board. estimating and project management since 1996 ... Sam Kennedy is a certified public accountant, has five years Wilkes (’85) is an elementary principal in the Mesabi East School District, sharing his time between the of experience in public accounting and is currently an schools in Hoyt Lakes and Biwabik. With close to 30 year accounting officer at Southwest State University in of experience, Wilkes began teaching in Iowa and later Marshall. Other experience includes working for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ... Todd Truax spent three years teaching elementary classes in Australia. Most recently, he’d taught for a number of (’82) has been a sergeant with the Mound Police Department since 1995. From 1981 to 1985Truax was a years in Virginia before accepting the position with detective and patrol officer in Mound and from 1981 to Mesabi East at the start of this school year ... Marian Norell (’81) of Waseca was hired this fall as a counselor 1985 he was a patrol officer in Prescott, WI ... Mary at Waseca High School. Last year she worked as a high Moen (’83) has been named by the Central Minnesota school counselor in Owatonna and from 1990 to 1999 had Boys Choir as its first music director. The choir works of teaching and is enjoying spending time with two grandchildren ... James Howe (’76) of North Branch has been employed with the state for 22 years and has many hobbies including watching sports, music, computers and transferring old movies and pictures to video.

served as a special education teacher at Waseca High School ... Dedra Zwieg (’89) was hired this fall as a vocal music instructor at Parkers Prairie. She has also taught swimming lessons at the Parkers Prairie Community Swimming Pool for 17 years and enjoys singing with a group called Prairie Harmony and performing in Alexandria Area Arts Association productions ... Ross Millar (’82) joined the teaching staff at International Falls High School this fall. He teaches industrial technology and woodworking. He and his wife, Deanna, a learning disabilities teacher in Eveleth, have two children who are enrolled at Mesabi East High School ... Barb Etter (’80) was hired this fall to teach special education at Menahga High School. She’d previously spent the past four years teaching at a public school in Ponsford and the two years before that teaching in Ely. She’s lived with her husband, Jeff, in Menahga for 25 years and has two grown children ... Jerry Ness (’80) was named Western Division Middle Level Principal of the Year, 2000, and on Oct. 7-10 attended the State Principal of the Year Symposium in Washington, DC. He is principal of the middle school and high school in Hoffman ... Terri Johnson (’85) of Shakopee recently switched jobs within the Eden Prairie School District to free up more family time. She is currently employed as the K-12 parent involvement coordinator ... Jessica Dewey (’88) of Shevlin is employed as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor at the Upper Mississippi Mental health Center in Bemidji ... Arlene Schwerzler (’85) lives in Winona with her husband of 15 years, Tom, and their two children. She works in the mortgage loan department at Merchants (Continued on page 6)

Horizons Page 6

Alumni Choir

BSU Alumni ChoirSchedules Concerts The BSU Alumni Choir will hold two concerts this spring and is looking for vocalists who wish to join the ensemble as well as those who want to enjoy the events as part of the audience. The initial performance is the group’s third annual concert, scheduled for April 29 at 3 p.m. in the Minnetonka Lutheran Church located at 16023 Minnetonka Blvd. The conductors for the choir will again be Dr. Paul Brandvik, BSU professor emeritus, and Sarah Aamot-Lundin, BSU alumna. There will be a BSU alumni reception immediately following the concert in the lobby of the church. Tickets for the concert are $8 for adults, $5 for students and $3 for seniors and children under 12.

Proceeds from the concert will go to support the Bemidji Alumni Choir. The Alumni Choir will present a second concert on May 5 as part of a joint scholarship fundraiser with Hennepin Technical College (HTC). The choir will again be directed by Brandvik and Aamot-Lundin. The concert will be held at the HTC Auditorium located on campus at 9000 Brooklyn Blvd, in Brooklyn Park. Proceeds from the concert will be split between the BSU and HTC foundations with the Bemidji State portion supporting the Paul Brandvik Choral Scholarship. The evening will begin with hors d’ouerves prepared by HTC culinary arts students, followed by a performance by the BSU

Alumni Choir. Intermission will again feature the culinary arts students with a host of dessert stations set up in the lobby. Tickets to this fundraising event are $30 and are available by calling the HTC Foundation at 763-425-3800. Vocalists who were part of the Bemidji Choir under the direction of Carl Thompson, Brandvik or Dr. Brad Logan can still join the choir by contacting either Sarah AamotLundin (651-459-1845, email at lund0651@earthlink.net) or Gia DesLauriers (Gia_deslauriers @hotmail.com). The group will welcome any voice parts, but are in need of tenors and basses. Rehearsals this season are held on Thursday evenings through May 3, from 7-10 p.m. at the Minnetonka Lutheran Church.

Bemidji State University Alumni Association PRESENTS EXCITING TRIPS FROM MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL

Faecke Accepts Position in United Arab Emirates Tom Faecke, vice president for administrative affairs at Bemidji State University, has accepted a position to serve as the director of finance and administration for the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) starting in July. Since February of 1982, Faecke has served as the BSU vice president with management responsibilities in such areas as accounting, computing, procurement, security, financial aid, student union, food services, environmental health, physical plant, and intercollegiate athletics. Founded in 1988 to provide post-secondary education to citizens of the United Arab Emirates, HCT enrolls almost 10,000 students in 11 college campuses. The education provided is designed to prepare Emirati nationals for professional as well as technological careers in all sectors of the rapidly developing economy and society of the UAE. In his new position, Faecke will direct the finance, purchasing, human resources, information and telecommunication services, facilities, community relations, quality development and several other functions for the HCT. The United Arab Emirates was established in December of 1971 as a federation of seven states. Faecke came to Bemidji State after serving as controller at Washington State University for four years. He received his undergraduate degree from Bemidji State and a master’s from Sonoma State University in California.

Where We Are ... What We’re Doing (Continued from page 5)

Bank ... Lyn Hart (’87) of Apalachin, NY, recently became associate principal atAlice Freeman Palmer Elementary School in Windsor, NY ... Lori Kaufman (’89) was honored last year as the recipient of the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Outstanding EducatorAward from the National Parent Teachers Association. Kaufman has been leading the Princess Nahienaena troupe at Na Mele O Maui for eight years. Over the past several competitions, the Princess groups have risen to the top, capped by an outstanding performance in 1999 that netted two first place awards, a second and a third among the Maui County Schools. Na Mele was started more than 20 years ago as a Hawaiian song competition for Maui’s school children and has grown to be one of the outstanding showcases of youth talent in the state ... Rebecca Novak (’87) of Mankato works for the Minnesota Department of Transportation and enjoys volunteering at church and participating in community theater projects ... Judith Endresen (’81) of Stuart, FL, recently passed the National Academy of Certified Case Manager test and now has her Care Manager Certification ... Fred Wesely (’87) of Elk River practices pharmacy in Princeton. His hobbies include collecting minerals and building wooden humidors ... Craig Stubbins (’81) of Eden Prairie recently accepted a job as a principal engineer at a corporation based in Eden Prairie ... Jill Radeke (’83) and her husband, Jim Allroggen, of Crystal announce the Oct. 24 birth of a daughter, Ava ... Laurie Baughn (’85) of St. Paul is assistant director of theAMBA and day MBA programs at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Business ... Daniel Swalve (’87) of Inver Grove Heights is married and has two children, Morgan, 7, and

Nolan, 5 ... Marcia Bahr (’87) lives in Mankato ... Wanita Huerd (’88) is a computer programmer for the Department of Human Services child support division and works both at her home office in Williams and in departmental offices in St. Paul ... Karla Knutson Tansey (’82) of Houston, TX, was promoted in April to controller of Texas Orthopedic Hospital inApril, 2000 ... Joan Vant Hof (’89) of Merrifield has retired from Brainerd Regional Human Services Center and is now tackling the new challenge of parish nursing at Christ Community Church in Nisswa. Retirement travels have included a cruise to Alaska in 1999 and another to Europe in 2000 ... Heather Patterson Candels (’81) of Norwalk, CT, is teaching middle school English in Wilton, CT ... Lisa (Howe) Larson (’87) of Albertville works in the systems department of Wells Fargo Brokerage Services. She is married and has a daughter, Megan, 1 ... Sheila (Reinhart) Luce (’85) of Tampa, FL, is employed as an executive recruiter at the firm of Armand, Powers, Jullian & Jackson in Tampa. She received her MBA last year from Florida Metropolitan University. She’s married and has two children, Jennifer, 12, and Michelle, 6 ... James Kochendorfer (’84) of Plymouth still swims competitively and writes that he recently broke Minnesota records in the 50 and 200 yard breaststroke for his age group in the master’s swimming program ... Diane Sidoroff (’86) lives in McAllen, TX ... Brad Fevold (’85) of Roseau has been working for Marvin Windows for 11 years and is currently director of research and development. He’s been married for 16 years, has five children and is working towards his MBA ... Jill (Johnson) Meskan

(’84) and Paul Meskan (’86) live in Minneapolis where Jill is approaching her 15th year as a senior graphic designer with Short Elliott Hendrickson (previously RCM), a multi-disciplined engineering firm. Paul is in his 14th year with the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Department and for the past three years has been assigned to the Minnesota Gang Strike Force.The couple has five-year-old twin daughters as well as a daughter who is six months old ... William Brunelle (’88) and his wife, Wendy, of Cass Lake announce the Nov. 29 birth of a daughter ... Wayne Beaman (’83) and Louise (Gadbois) Beaman (’81) live in St. Paul Park and have five children ranging in age from three to 15. Wayne has started his own art business after teaching art and coaching for 12 years. Louise has been a metro volleyball official for 11 years and a stay-at-home mom ... Tom Wivinis (’85) of Downers Grove, IL, is in his seventh year of employment with People’s Energy and has two sons, Tyler, 11, and Matthew, 7 ... Nellie Wegscheid (’80) of Wadena has a quilting business and has become an avid golfer ... Lynda Tarbuck (’86) of Upsala has been teaching K-12 visual art for Upsala Area Schools for the past 10 years ... Lisa Habeck (’86) is in her fourth season of performing Amahl in the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra’s production of Amahl and the Night Visitors. Habeck, a Lisa Habeck 86

soprano, has sung and toured with many ensembles including the New York renaissance vocal ensemble Pomerium and Opera New England. Highlights of her current season include a concert of French Baroque music with Ensemble 392 and a recital of “Airs de Cour” with lutenist Philip Rukavina ... Stella Nelson (’86) of Chapel Hill, NC, has accepted a new position with UNC Hospitals Surgical Services as an assistant to the vice-president doing project management and education ... Susan (Barsness) Barutt (’85) recently finished her teaching degree and is teaching math at St. Francis Catholic School in Brainerd. She lives in Deerwood with her husband, Jim, and their eight-yearold twins, Cory andAshley ... Jim Retka (’88) of St. Hilaire recently accepted a position with Northland College in Thief River Falls as a manufacturing specialist teaching “the incumbent workforce at business & industry in northwestern Minnesota,” a manufacturing curriculum. He also works in conjunction with BSU’s Center for Research and Innovation and is a former mayor of St. Hilaire. He and his wife, Diane, have two children, Carsen, 3, and Erin, 1. Retka had previously worked forArctic Cat Inc. for eight years ... Jeannette Rieger-Borer (’86) owns a native grass and flower seed company and works as an accounting manager for anAnnandale company. She lives with her husband, Tony, and their three children in Annandale ... Bruce Kranig (’88) of Bloomington recently began a new career in theAmerican Red Cross ... Brenda Windahl (’85) of Warroad has been teaching fourth grade for 16 years in Warroad. Her husband, Wayne, works for Marvin Windows. They

have two children, Brittany, 12, and Jeremy, 9 ... Monica Larson (’85) and her husband, Kevin, of Solway announce the December 27 birth of a daughter.

1990s Dan Carter (’91) was hired this fall by Northwest Technical College in Wadena as its new electronics/ computer systems instructor ... Jamison Englund (’95) has joined Gina M. Benassi Chiropractic Inc., High Pointe Health Campus in Lake Elmo. He is a July 2000 graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington ... Thea Monson (’95) has accepted a call to serve St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Hackensack, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Monson was ordained into the ministry Oct. 1 at Salem Lutheran Church in Longville and was installed Oct. 8 as pastor at St. Paul’s. She graduated in May from Luther Seminary in Minneapolis with a master of divinity degree and had served as intern pastor at the North Star Mission Cluster of Puposky and Pinewood and at Health East-St. Joseph’s in St. Paul. She and her husband, John, who is pastor at Salem Lutheran Church in Longville, live on Mule Lake with their two children ... Bryan Sathre (’99) was hired this fall by Cass LakeBena Schools to teach high school physical education, strength and conditioning and to serve as assistant varsity football coach. He’d worked the previous year in Cass Lake-Bena district as a full-time substitute teacher ... Ron Kjensmo (’93) is teaching high school English at Cass Lake-Bena Schools. His first teaching job was in Texas near the Mexican border. He is single ... Ryan Kezar (’99) is a recent addition to the Thief River Falls

Horizons Page 7 The Margaret H. Johnson Scholarship Margaret H. Johnson, class of 1942, recently presented a $40,000 gift to the Bemidji State University Foundation to establish the Margaret H. Johnson Scholarship for Education. Margaret was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and, at the age of five, came to America with her parents and sister. Margaret remembers the boat trip to America when other passengers enjoyed watching her and her sister curtsy and speak Swedish. The Johnson family lived in northern Minnesota where Margaret graduated from Northome High School. She then attended and graduated from Bemidji State Teacher’s College. Prior to retiring in 1972, she taught junior high mathematics in Brainerd for 42 years. She also enjoyed traveling and, in addition to trips across the United States, made numerous journeys to Sweden to visit relatives. Education has always been very important to Margaret. In addition to having many fond memories of Bemidji State Teachers College, she feels the education she received was excellent and provided her with the tools necessary to pursue and live out her life’s dream, to be a good teacher. Now, at the age of 92, Margaret feels that by making a donation to

LegacyBuilders This column is a regular feature of HORIZONS. The column will highlight major gifts made by individuals or organizations to the University that support the mission of Bemidji State and build a legacy for the future.

the BSU Foundation and creating the scholarship she is giving back and, in doing so, will be assisting future education students in pursing their educational goals. Additionally, Margaret has made a generous bequest to the BSU Foundation in her will so eventually her endowment fund will grow, thereby allowing for more scholarships to be provided.

Alex Milowski Honors Father with Scholarship

Alex Milowski recently presented $73,000 to the Bemidji State University Foundation to establish the Raymond S. Milowski Endowed Scholarship in honor of his father who retired from Bemidji State University in 1996 after 32 years of service. While at BSU, Dr. Ray Milowski served as professor of English, teaching American literature and humanities courses, and as coordinator of the Humanities Program. He also taught one year at the Minnesota state university campus operated in Akita, Japan. Prior to coming to BSU, Ray Milowski spent four years at the University of Minnesota as an assistant professor of American studies and communication programs. The Raymond S. Milowski Endowed Scholarship will be awarded each year to Bemidji State University juniors or seniors with preference given to those majoring in the humanities or in English. Alex Milowski graduated from Bemidji High School and received his associate degree from Bemidji State University in 1989. He then attended the UniMargaret H. Johnson versity of Minnesota where he graduated in 1992 with a degree in mathematics and a minor in philosophy from the Institute of Technology. Police Department. Previously he’d worked as a 911 dispatcher for Pennington County and as a substitute While at the University of teacher in Thief River Falls and Red Lake Falls. Hobbies Minnesota, he worked as a cominclude hunting, fishing, refereeing football games and puter programmer for the Minspending time at his cabin ... John Ott (’96) was hired nesota Daily and later at Merrill this fall as a physical education teacher at Newfolden Corporation in St. Paul. Elementary. He’s also a football coach at MCC and assistant girls basketball coach. He and his wife, Liz, who’s employed at the Thief River Falls Times, live in Newfolden with their sons, Hayden, 2, and Neyland, 1 ... Jannelle Knott (’97) is a fifth- and sixth-grade teacher in language arts and math with Win-E-Mac School District where she’s also coaching seventh- and eighthgrade volleyball. She and her husband, Jason, live in Red Lake Falls, where his is employed as an electrician ... Susan Anderson (’97) of Ely was hired this fall as an art teacher at Tower ... Karla Weishalla (’97) is teaching seventh-, eighth- and ninth-grade science at the Bertha-Hewitt School. She lives with her husband, John, in Bertha ... Jason Foster (’99) was hired in October as the chief of police in Nevis. He’d previously worked with the Hubbard County Sheriff’s Department since the spring of 2000 ... Caara Holmstrom (’93) and her husband, Roger, own Paul Bunyan’s Animal Land, located 10 miles west of Cass Lake on Highway 2 East. The operation is a combination petting zoo, wildlife park and gift shop ... Amy Bowers (’97) is teaching fifth-grade math and reading in Zumbrota. She’d previously taught at Longfellow Elementary in Rochester. Her husband, Wayne, is employed with IBM ... Eric Ganske (’99) is teaching physical education and adaptive physical education at Crossroads Learning

Center, an alternative school in Sandstone. The previous year he’d worked as a youth treatment specialist at Woodland Hills, Duluth ... Dan Johnson (’98) of Hinckley is teaching third grade at Finlayson Elementary School. He spent the previous school year teachingTitle I in Verndale ... Terese Ahrenholz (’99) began her first full-time teaching position this fall at MACCRAY schools in Clara City ... Sally Beito (’90) is an SLD teacher for first- through seventh-grades at Badger Schools. She also serves as the speech coach for grades 712 and as the seventh-grade advisor. She’d previously taught in the Greenbush/Middle River and Mentor schools as well as at Paul Bunyan Elementary in Bemidji. She and her husband Peter live on their farm in Juneberry and have four children ... John Weishalla (’97) began teaching physical education at Wadena-Deer Creek schools this fall. He’d previously taught physical education for two years in Martin County West schools. Weishalla is originally from Bertha and is married to Karla ... Tiffany Whalen (’96) is teaching this year at the school in Plummer. She teaches current events and

At Merrill, he was involved in the development of EDGAR with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and designed and built the first non-government software to submit financial disclosure documents to the SEC. It was there where he started working with SGML—an international standard for the electronic structuring of text. In 1995, he founded Copernican Solutions, a consulting and software company focusing on applications of SGML. Around that time XML — a subset of SGML — was being developed for use on the Internet and Alex was involved at the very beginning in the development of that standard. Copernican Solutions was one of a handful of companies that created software technology implementing XML in those early years. XML is now a fundamental technology for e-commerce on the Internet. Copernican Solutions was acquired by Veo Systems in 1998, all of which later became part of Commerce One, a global business-tobusiness systems provider. After the acquisition of Copernican Solutions, Alex moved to San Francisco to work for Veo Systems and later was chief architect for another startup company in the area. He now is working on

his next technology venture. “Alex was self-taught on computers,” stated Ray. “We bought an Apple IIE computer in our home when Alex was 8 years old and he learned by doing.” Alex admits that this is true, but added that they were not allowed to have games with those first computers, which were meant for other activities. “I wanted to play games and use the computer, so I had to write my own,” he remembered. “I don’t think I ever actually finished one, but I did know that computer inside and out, to the extent of writing my own font packages and programming language.” While at Bemidji State, Alex was part of group that founded the Association of Computer Enthusiasts, which is still active today, and was a member of Theta Tau Epsilon fraternity.

Heltzers Celebrate Bemidji Connection with Scholarship Jim and Marilyn Heltzer of Bemidji have presented a $55,000 gift to the Bemidji State University Foundation to establish the Jim and Marilyn Heltzer Endowed Scholarships. Two $1,400 scholarships will be awarded to Bemidji High School Students who will attend BSU and major in education or political science. Both are active in the community and the Heltzers wanted the donation to be a gift to Bemidji. The gift is a result of a Charitable Remainder Trust that was established by Jim’s mother, who passed away last fall. The Heltzers moved to Bemidji in 1990 when Jim accepted the position of executive director of the Bemidji Housing and Redevelopment Authority while Marilyn served as the station manager of Minnesota Public Radio in Bemidji. The have both since retired with Jim now serving on the Beltrami County Board of Commissioners.

Jim and Marilyn have always been involved in public and community organizations in their professional lives and in volunteering. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Jim taught junior and senior high school English and social studies in Beloit, WI, and Wayzata, MN, for 14 years when he also served as a councilman on the St. Louis Park City Council. In 1973 Jim was appointed by the governor to serve as the commissioner of the Department of Economic Development. He later served as the governmental affairs coordinator for the Dayton Hudson Corporation. He then became the executive director of the Minneapolis Community Development Agency, where he was responsible for administering a staff of 500 and managing projects over $1 billion. From 1992-1997 he served as the executive director of the Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Also a graduate of the University of Minnesota, Marilyn taught in an alternative education program in St. Louis Park. She then worked for Minnesota Public Radio, first as a volunteer and later as the vice president for programming. After moving to Bemidji in 1990, she continued to work for MPR as manager KCRB and KNBJ radio stations.

Jim and Marilyn Heltzer

... Shane Chapman (’97) and his wife, Stacy, of Bemidji announce the November 14 birth of a son ... Chad Turner (’95) of Roosevelt has been employed with Marvin Windows for the past five years and is currently a financial analyst for the Warroad manufacturing facility and the Grafton, ND, plant. He and his wife, Shelia, have been married since September of 1997 and they have a two-year-old Ray, Alex, and Carol Milowski daughter, Remi ... Dan Prijatel (’91) has been named creative director with responsibilities that include supervision of the overall creative direction of JPG consumer economics and works with special education area and enjoys outdoor activities, music, reading and Communications Inc. in Ely. He also provides layout movies ... John Thompson (’98) of Owatonna was students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Previous and design services, strategic development and recently transferred to the accounting department at experience includes two years of teaching at Badger. creative staff supervision. He joined the corporation in She’s single and enjoys many hobbies including playing Federated Insurance. He is engaged to Jennifer Mellum May of 1995 ... Douglas Henrickson (’95) was hired (’99) of Owatonna. She works as a graphic designer at volleyball, camping and reading ... Mary Zika (’90) is in November as city administrator/treasurer for employed with Tower-Soudan-Cook schools as a special Waller’s Publishing in Waseca ... Melissa (Baker) Littlefork. He lives in rural Littlefork and had Warren (’91) and her husband, Mike, of Bloomington previously worked as a U.S. immigration and education instructor. She’d previously spent two years teaching special education in Duluth, four years teaching announce the November 1 birth of a son, JacobAdam. naturalization officer for the Border Patrol in Pembina, at the Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig School near Bena and a year They also have a daughter, Samantha, 3 ... Glenn ND. His wife, LuAnn Henrickson (’90) works as a Amundson (’91) of Grand Forks, ND, has been teaching in Laredo, TX. She fulfilled her student teacher at the Littlfork-Big Falls Educational Center. employed as sales manager at Hampton Ford Lincoln teaching requirements in England, where she taught at The Henricksons have three children, Jessica, 11, the Royal Albert and Alexandria School south of London Mercury in Grand Forks for the past five years ... Jaeger Rylan, 4, and Liana, 1 ... Melissa Brelje (’92) is ... Stephanie Dailey (’99) was hired this fall as the junior Bellows (’97) of Bemidji has been employed as a police teaching seventh-grade English in Lake City ... Marti officer with the City of Bemidji for the past three years and senior high choir director at Mahnomen High (Klinkner) Schroepfer (’91) of Sleepy Eye is and has purchased a home in the area ... Jennifer School. She also works with sixth-grade music classes enjoying staying home and caring for her children, and seventh-grade general music classes. Her husband, (Kotten) Kelley (’94) is living in Robbinsdale ... Carl Evan, 5, and Jena, 1. She also plays volleyball and Mike (’98), is the instrumental and band instructor in the Rudi (’90) of Colfax, WI, is teaching seventh-grade softball ... Michelle Maas (’90) lives in Coon Rapids same school district and the couple lives in Detroit Lakes math and serves as the head football coach at Colfax High with her daughter, Kayla, 4. She works in Wayzata as ... Ann Marie Vossler (’92) is employed at the Barnum School. He has two children,Alexis, 4, and Jarrod, 2 ... an account executive for BakerAssociates, a consumer Kippy Knoblauch (’90) and her husband, Henry, of Public Schools in the Special Education Department graphic design firm ... Robin Reed (’95) of working with grades K-12. She lives in the Moose Lake Bemidji announce the November 15 birth of a daughter (Continued on page 8)

Horizons Page 8

Bemidji State University Adopts New Logo, Mascot Images Bemidji State unveiled the official University logo and mascot designs that will carry the institution into the new millennium during a March 28 campus-wide meeting. The unveiling was the culmination of a twoyear process that included a review of existing BSU designs, a research component, and the creation of new images. “The logo gives a good, clean impression of the northwoods location and the atmosphere of Bemidji State,” said Paul Jones, a graphic designer who was one of several BSU alumni who served on the committee. “The mascot is going to solve a problem that has existed for years. It gives BSU athletics a cleaner, more sophisticated look than the previous images.” The research showed that the BSU location was one of the institution’s greatest assets, and while the current logo did reflect trees, it neglected an important component, Lake Bemidji. So the lake and blue color were incorporated into the design to provide a fresh, new look. The committee worked with the public relations firm of Russell & Herder in researching the use of University images and developing design options. Carol Russell, a BSU alumna, is a principal in the firm while Pat Iten, a BSU alumnus, was the designer who created the final images. The former BSU logo was developed and adopted in 1974 when the school was changed from Bemidji State College to Bemidji State University. The logo and nameplate were revised and updated in 1987. Prior to the adoption of the new image, there was no official Bemidji State mascot or Beaver athletic image that had been adopted for University-wide use. As a result, several different versions of the mascot or athletic images were in use both on and off campus. Prior to developing new images, a series of focus groups and surveys were conducted with students, faculty, coaches, community representatives, and alumni. The research proved valuable in determining the potential need and direction for BSU images. The new images are trademarked and in the process of being registered for the University.

The current BSU hockey team carried Bob Peters off the ice following his final game as coach.

Peters to Receive Legend Award R. H. Bob Peters, who recently announced his retirement as the head hockey coach at Bemidji State University, has been named the recipient of the 2001 Legend of College Hockey Award. Peters will receive the honor during the annual Hobey Baker Award Banquet April 20 at the St. Paul Radisson Riverfront Hotel. The Legend Award was established in 1981 to honor an individual who has contributed to the growth, development and prestige of college hockey in the United States. Past recipients have included John Mariucci, Murray Armstrong, Glen Sonmor, John Maysich, Jack Riley and Bob Johnson. Peters announced his retirement in early March following 41 years of coaching, including 37 on the collegiate level and 35 at Bemidji State. “It has been an enjoyable time and it has been a great skate,” he said. “I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity work with the outstanding, talented players on the teams. But the time has come to pass the torch.” Peters has been the BSU hockey coach since 1966 and earlier this year became the first coach on the collegiate level to win his 700th game with a single school. He came to Bemidji State after spending two years as the head coach at the University of North Dakota. “We skated outdoors during my first year at BSU,” Peters remembers. “But the program has developed from NAIA small school to NCAA Division III, Division II and now NCAA Division I.” During his tenure at Bemidji State, he guided the Beavers to 13 national championships. He has won 744 games as a head coach on the university level, and is the only coach to lead a team to a national championship game in all four divisions of college hockey. He ranks second on the all-time win list among college hockey coaches. While Peters will be retiring as the head hockey coach, he will remain on staff at the University under a program that will allow him to ease into full retirement over a period of years. He will remain associated with BSU hockey as a fund raiser and in an administrative capacity. He currently also serves as the school’s director for hockey operations. Tickets for the Hobey Baker Award Banquet are available by calling 852-656-2630 or writing the Hobey Baker Memorial Award, 1550 E. 79th Street, Suite 680, Bloomington, MN 55425.

Where We Are ... What We’re Doing (Continued from page 7)

Minneapolis is employed with Wells Fargo and was recently engaged ... Debra Jelencich-Jensen (’92) and her husband, Floyd, live in Brainerd with their five-month-old daughter, Kelsey Janine. Debra is a teacher with Crosby-Ironton Elementary Schools and plans to finish her master’s degree in May ... Merri Swanson (’94) of Northfield is currently a stay-at-home mother Debra Jelecick-Jensen of three, Erick, Emily and Natalie. She enjoys volunteering in the community and at her church ... Deanna (Hamilton) Kruse (’90) of Baraboo, WI, is the new training coordinator at WalMart in Baraboo. She’s been married since 1992 and has a four-year-old son ... Jennifer Anderson (’98) lives in Lincoln, NE, and is pursuing graduate studies at the University of Nebraska ... Anita (Mock) Jwanauskos (’93) and Doug Jwanouskos (’94) live in Ruckersville, VA, where Anita is employed as a flight attendant with Piedmont Airlines and serves as vice president of her union’s local council. Doug works as a graphic artist with High Tech Signs ... Scott Gross (’91) and his wife, Sandra, live in Mankato with their children, Taylor, 3, and Kayla, 1. Scott works as a financial planner with AXAAdvisors ... Joshua Stevenson (’97) recently accepted a position with the engineering and consultant

firm of Rodeberg and Berryman in Montevideo where he is implementing geographical information systems, data creations and GIS applications associated with their line of work. He also does computer-assisted drafting for the firm. He’d previously been employed as the Region 6W GIS division director with the Upper MinnesotaValley Regional Development Commission. Joshua and his wife, Stephanie, who works as a field technician for the Yellow Medicine County Soil and Water Conservation District, live 12 miles north of Montevideo ... Anne Najjar (’98) and Jeffrey Haffely (’99) have announced their engagement and plans for a March 17 wedding at St. Peter’s Church in St. Paul. Najjar is a correctional officer with Hennepin County Corrections and Haffely is a lead telecommunications installer with Nortel in Minnetonka ... Wayne Bowers (’97) and Amy (Loeks) Bowers (’97) have been living in Rochester for the past three years where Wayne works for IBM in the software support center with a client/server application and was recently promoted to the position of staff software engineer. Amy works for Pine Island public schools as a fifth-grade math and reading instructor and intermediate reading specialist. Both are active in their church, working with children and young adult ministries ... Kelly StantonNutt (’90) began teaching high school art and design in New York City, NY, after receiving her master’s in art education at Pratt Institute and now operates a freelance graphic design business. She and husband, Rob, have been married for six years and have a four-year-old daughter. They hope to relocate their family to Minnesota this year ... Kelly (Parent) Flaig (’93) and Christopher Flaig (’93) announce the August 8 birth of

a daughter, Kiana Marie. Kelly is a teacher and Chris works at Polaris Industries in Roseau ... Craig Stenzel (’90) is married and bought a home in Rochester in the fall of 1999 .... Brennan Kelly (’90) and his wife, Martha, of Rochester announce the December 15 birth of a daughter. Kelly, a firefighter with the Rochester Fire Department, was honored Oct. 16 with the department’s Medal of Valor for rescuing a drowning man from Rochester’s Silver Lake in September. Kelly was off-duty riding his bicycle when he saw two women trying to support a man in the lake. Kelly joined the group in the water and guided the man toward a rope police had hanging from a bridge. He is only the second Rochester firefighter to receive the gold bar pin Medal of Valor ... Shelley Steva (’98) of Thief River Falls is teaching science at Plummer School in Plummer ... Alyssa Konecne (’96) and her husband Steve, of Bemidji announce the January 20 birth of a son ... Heidi Osmundson (’94) and her husband, Rick, of Bemidji announce the January 18 birth of a son ... Grant Frenzel (’96) and his wife, Rebecca, of Bemidji announce the January 17 birth of a son ... Valerie Jones (’92) of Baxter is working in the infection control unit of St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Brainerd ... Jim Hagen (’95) is employed as a math teacher at Grand Rapids High School. His wife, Maren, is also a math teacher at the same high school ... Gayle Yarrington (’92) now lives in Puposky and had previously lived at Lake Tahoe, NV ... Julie Johnson (’92) of Duluth is currently in her second year of working as an RN in psychiatry. She has a six-year-old named Mac ... Susan Johnson (’99) of Owatonna

works as a computer programmer at Federated Insurance ... Steve Ballard (’94) and Cindi George of Clearbrook announce the January 5 birth of a daughter ... Nancy Komulainen (’97) recently left the Bemidji area to begin a 27-month tour with the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic.

2000 Ben Brovold (’00) has joined the Jeffrey Radke Agency of Aid Association for Lutherans of Grand Forks as a district representative serving Lutherans and their families in the Beltrami County area ... Ben Baird (’00) is employed as a sixth grade teacher at Northome School. In addition to teaching he also coaches the Mustangs C-team volleyball ... Diana Tobin (’00) of

North St. Paul mentors school-age care programs and has been home schooling and caring for a relative’s children ... Matt Dahl (’00) recently joined the accounting firm of Kummet Larson Bluth and Co., Brainerd ... Arin Grinde (’00) recently began her chiropractic education at Northwestern College of Chiropractic on the campus of Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington ... Pam Skon (’00), a water quality outreach technician, recently was named to the staff of the Hawk Creek Watershed Project in Chippewa, Kandiyohi and Renville counties. She will work out of a new office in the Renville County courthouse in Olivia. The project is one of 13 watershed projects in the Minnesota River Basin working to reduce high levels of water pollution.

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