PT Introdução Porcelana de Indução Gastronómicas Travessa Gastronomia Hotel Hospital Travessa Oval Travessa Rectangular Travessa do Mar Travessas “Pirofila” Travessas “Vassoi” Travessas Fundas Travessas Rasas Pratos Arouca Prato Rectangular com Divisória Handware Frigideiras Caçarolas Prato “Coup” Terrina “Cabeça de Leão” Chávenas Canecas Bules | Leiteiras Jarras de Vinho Saladeiras Tigelas Ramequim Miniaturas Açucareiros Complementos Cinzeiros
EN 05 06 08 14 16 18 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 70 74 77 78 80 85 86 91 92 94
Introduction Click on the number on the index and you can go directly to the page Induction Porcelain Gastronorm Tray Hotel Hospital Oval Tray Rectangular Tray Sea Tray “Profila” Tray “Vassoi” Tray Deep Trays Flat Trays Arouca Plates Rectangular Plate with Divide Handware Egg Dish Casseroles “Coup” Plate “Lion Head” Tureen Cups Mugs Teapots | Milk Jugs Wine Jugs Salad Bowl Bowls Ramequim Click here Miniatures to come back to index Sugar Bowls Complements Ashtrays BEMORPORCE
INTRODUÇÃO Introduction
Fundada em 1987, a Bemorporce é uma empresa especializada na produção de louça de porcelana utilitária e decorativa.
Founded in 1987 to Bemorporce it is a company specialized in the production of porcelain tableware , decorative and utilitarian.
Face à flexibilidade produtiva que possui aliada ao usufruto das mais modernas tecnologias, a Bemorporce posiciona-se no mercado global com um portfólio diversificado e preços competitivos, respondendo na íntegra às especificações e prazos de entrega acordados.
Given the production flexibility that have combined to make use of the latest technologies, Bemorporce positioned in the global market with a diversified portfolio and competitive prices, responding in full to the specifications and delivery deadlines agreed.
Detendo um corpo técnico qualificado e experiente, acumulado à versatilidade das tecnologias de conformação, decoração e cozedura que possui.
Holding a qualified staff and experienced accumulated to the versatility of forming technologies, decoration and cooking.
A empresa assegura igualmente uma qualidade que lhe tem permitido o seu crescimento no mercado interno e externo.
The company, also ensures a quality that have allowed his growth in internal and external markets.
PORCELANA DE INDUÇÃO Induction Porcelain
Mais rápido e Eficiente Ao cozinhar/aquecer com indução o calor é gerado na base do recipiente ferromagnético mediante um campo electromagnético, quando colocado sob a zona pretendida.
Faster and more efficient When cooking or re-heating by induction, heat is generated in the ferromagnetic base of the dish by the hob´s electro-magnetic field.
Por esse motivo, apenas a base do recipiente aquece e não o vidro. O fornecimento de calor é interrompido quando retira o recipiente da placa.
Heat is only generated in the base of the dish, and as soon as it is removed from the hob all heating ceases.
A superfície da placa de indução não aquece, nada se pega ou se queima, basta passar um pano para uma limpeza perfeita. 6
The hob itself does not get hot, other than by heat from the dish. Nothing catches or burns and the hob is easily wiped clean.
Flexibilidade A linha Gastronómica é dotada de uma qualidade superior no material e nas dimensões. Encaixa com exactidão no sistema padrão de “Chafing Dish” e o elevado leque de tamanhos disponíveis permite uma maior flexibilidade organizacional e variedade de combinações únicas.
Flexibility Gastronorm’s Line is designed to last; no corners have been cut in the materials or the design. There is a good range of sizes to give you flexibility in use and all are designed to fit accurately into a standard chafing dish and food counter.
Cores Possibilidade de personalização de uma vasta gama de cores ou combinações à sua medida, com cobertura parcial ou integral.
Colors Possibility of a wide range of colors and combinations customization to suit you, with partial or full coating.
Indução A Bemorporce introduziu um conceito revolucionário na linha Gastronorm, a Indução. Agora pode retardar a cozedura ou manter o calor diretamente no tabuleiro da linha Gastronorm, descartando acessórios desnecessários e dispendiosos, e ainda, poupando energia.
Induction Bemorporce leads the market with dishes that are designed for use directly or induction hot-plates. The version of their gastronorms is a simple, practical and effective solution to heating and keeping food hot.
sistema modular | modular system
Gastron贸mica 1/1 Gastronorm 1/1 | 320 x 530 mm | 2344 gr | Ref. 3519711530 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastron贸mica 1/2 Gastronorm 1/2 | 320 x 265 mm | 1666 gr | Ref. 3510008324 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastron贸mica 1/3 Gastronorm 1/3 | 325x 170 mm | 796 gr | Ref. 3510008170 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastron贸mica 2/4 Gastronorm 2/4 | 160 x 530 mm | 1591 gr | Ref. 3519711560 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastronómica 1/1 Gastronorm 1/1 | 320 x 530 mm | 3736 gr | Ref. 3510008530 | Ref. 3515008530 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastronómica 1/2 Gastronorm 1/2 | 320 x 265 mm | 2119 gr | Ref. 3510008260 | Ref. 3515008260 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastronómica 1/3 Gastronorm 1/3 | 320 x 170 mm | 1541 gr | Ref. 3510008180 | Ref. 3515008180 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastronómica 2/3 Gastronorm 2/3 | 320 x 350 mm | 2699 gr | Ref. 3519710350 | Ref. 3515008350 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastronómica 1/4 Gastronorm 1/4 | 160 x 265 mm | 1216 gr | Ref. 3510008176 | Ref. 3515008176 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastronómica 2/4 Gastronorm 2/4 | 160 x 530 mm | 2287 gr | Ref. 3510008161 | Ref. 3515008161 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
sistema modular | modular system
Gastron贸mica 1/2 H100mm Gastronorm 1/2 H100mm | 320 x 265 mm | 2433 gr | Ref. 3519715320 | Ref. 3519715325 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastron贸mica 1/3 H100mm Gastronorm 1/3 H100mm | 320 x 170 mm | 1887 gr | Ref. 3510008172 | Ref. 3515008172 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastron贸mica 1/6 H100mm Gastronorm 1/6 H100mm | 160 x 176 mm | 919 gr | Ref. 3519715180 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Gastron贸mica 2/3 H100mm Gastronorm 2/3 H100mm | 350 x 325 mm | 3154 gr | Ref. 3510008350 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref.
Travessa Rectangular 1 Rectangular Tray 1 | 500 x 320 x h50 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005500 | Ref. 3525005500
Travessa Rectangular 2 Rectangular Tray 2 | 270 x 200 x h60 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005270 | Ref. 3525005270
Travessa Rectangular 3 Rectangular Tray 3 | 320 x 220 x h60 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005320 | Ref. 3525005320
Travessa Rectangular 4 Rectangular Tray 4 | 360 x 240 x h60 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005360 | Ref. 3525005360
Travessa Rectangular 5 Rectangular Tray 5 | 400 x 260 x h60 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005400 | Ref. 3525005400
Travessa Rectangular 6 Rectangular Tray 6 | 460 x 260 x h60 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005460 | Ref. 3525005460
Travessa Rectangular 7 Rectangular Tray 7 | 320 x 240 x h75 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005321
Travessa Rectangular 8 Rectangular Tray 8 | 270 x 220 x h80 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005275 | Ref. 3525005275
Travessa Rectangular 9 Rectangular Tray 9 | 270 x 220 x h120 mm | gr | Ref. 3520005271 | Ref. 3525005271
Prato Redondo Round Plate | 280 x 26 mm | 713 gr | Ref. 3736000280
Prato Redondo Round Plate | 240 x 26 mm | 544 gr | Ref. 3736000241
Prato do Pão Bread’s Plate | 200 x 16 mm | 371 gr | Ref. 352AFVW010
Taça de Cereais Cereals Bowl | 150 x 76 mm | 585 gr | Ref. 3736000153
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/saucer | 26 cl | Ref. 3736000082 | 139 mm | Ref. 3736000140
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/saucer | 6,8 cl | Ref. 3111099057 | 110 mm | Ref.
Meia Lua Half Moon | 220 x 115 mm | 375 gr | Ref. 3510006220
Prato de Sobremesa Desert Plate | 13 cl | 524 gr | Ref. 352AFVW004
HOSPITAL conjunto | set
Prato Redondo Round Dish | 218 x 35mm | 512 gr | Ref. 3340000220
Prato Redondo 21cm Round Dish 21cm | 210 x 23mm | 567 gr | Ref. 3521830210
Prato Redondo Com Divisรณria 21cm Round Plate with Compartments 21cm | 209 x 27mm | 633 gr | Ref. 3521140210
Tigela de Sopa (1 Asa) Soup Cup/Bowl (1 Handle) | h52 x 98mm | 28cl | Ref. 3080101052
Tigela de Sopa (2 Asas) Soup Cup/Bowl 2 Handles | h55 x 105mm | 30cl | Ref. 3003002219
Prato Redondo 26cm Round Dish 26 cm | 253 x 31mm | 766 gr | Ref. 3341001260
Prato Redondo 24cm Round Dish 24cm | 236 x 34mm | 584 gr | Ref. 3340000240
Prato Redondo Com Divisรณria 23cm Round Plate with Compartments 23cm | 229 x 34mm | 648 gr | Ref. 3521140230
Tigela de Sopa s/ Asas Soup Cup /Bowl (No Handle) | h52 x 98mm | 28cl | Ref. 3080119052
Tigela de Sopa Soup Cup/Bowl | h54 x 105mm | 30cl | Ref. 3003945728
(Termocontacto / Thermocontact Bottom)
Taรงa Rectangular (Fundo Raso) Rectangular Bowl (Flat Bottom) | 305 x 167 x 55mm | 1149 gr | Ref. 3390108305
Travessa Rectangular 1 Rectangular Dish 1 | 187x 125 x 42mm | 423 gr | Ref. 3390008190
Travessa Rectangular 2 Rectangular Dish 2 | 175 x 110 x 35mm | 343 gr | Ref. 3521814180
Taรงa Rectangular Rectangular Bowl | 168 x 118 x 47mm | 423 gr | Ref. 3390008170
Taรงa Rectangular (Fundo Raso) Rectangular Bowl (Flat Bottom) | 150 x 160 x 55mm | 561 gr | Ref. 3390105150
Tigela Redonda 16cm Round Bowl 16cm | 167 x 63mm | 639 gr | Ref. 3391001165
Taรงa Redonda 15cm Round Bowl 15cm | 154 x 50mm | 376 gr | Ref. 3390001150 | Ref. 3391001150
Tigela 15cm Bowl 15cm | h62 x 150mm | 70cl | Ref. 3524635150
Tigela 14 cm Bowl 14 cm | h57 x 140mm | 54cl | Ref. 3524635140
Tigela 13 cm Bowl 13 cm | h55 x 132mm | 42cl | Ref. 3524656130
(Termocontacto / Thermocontact Bottom)
Tigela Fundo Raso C/ Abas Bowl with Flat Bottom | 144 x 115 x 47mm | 388 gr | Ref. 3390001135
Taรงa 13,5 cm Bowl 13,5 cm | 140 x 70mm | 377 gr | Ref. 3521835140
Tigela Bowl | 132 x 62mm | 377 gr | Ref. 3390003130
Taรงa Quadrada Square Bowl | 120 x 50mm | 286 gr | Ref. 3390005115
Tigela Fundo Raso Bowl with Flat Bottom | 130 x 55mm | 389 gr | Ref. 3690003130
Tigela 13 cm (2) Bowl 13 cm (2) | h64 x 133mm | 52,5cl | Ref. 3520003140
Taรงa Quadrada Square Bowl | 117 x 40mm | 252 gr | Ref. 3521820120
Taรงa Rectangular Rectangular Bowl | 100x 100 x 50mm | 256 gr | Ref. 3390105100
(Termocontacto / Thermocontact Bottom)
Tigela 13 cm (Fundo Raso) Bowl 13 cm (Flat Bottom) | h52 x 132mm | 391 gr | Ref. 3524635130
Travessa Oval - 32,5 cm Oval Tray | 325 x 195 x 30 mm | 809 gr | Ref. 3510006325
Travessa Oval - 26 cm Oval Tray | 260 x 170 x 25 mm | 559 gr | Ref. 3510003260
Travessa Oval - 22 cm Oval Tray | 220 x 145 x 25 mm | 466 gr | Ref. 3510006221
Travessa Oval - 18 cm Oval Tray | 185 x 120 x 20 mm | 253 gr | Ref. 3510006185
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 350 x 250 x 60 mm | 1623gr | Ref. 3520008350
Travessa Oval Oval Tray | 420 x 240 x 25 mm | Ref. 3520006421
Travessa Oval 44cm Oval Tray 44cm | 440 x 260 x h65 mm | 2237 gr | Ref. 3520006440
Travessa Oval 42cm Oval Tray 42cm | 420 x 250 x h60 mm | 2147 gr | Ref. 3520006422
Travessa Oval 39cm Oval Tray 39cm | 390 x 235 x h60 mm | 1669 gr | Ref. 3520006390
Travessa Oval 35cm Oval Tray 35cm | 350 x 215 x h50 mm | 1191 gr | Ref. 3520006350
Travessa Oval 31cm Oval Tray 31cm | 310 x 190 x h50 mm | 1040 gr | Ref. 3520006310 | Ref. 3525006310
Travessa Oval 24cm Oval Tray 24cm | 240 x 150 x h50 mm | 712 gr | Ref. 3520006240 | Ref. 3525006240
TRAVESSA “ VASSOI ” ”Vassoi” Tray
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 650 x 400 mm | Ref. 3520008650 | Ref. 3525008650
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 550 x 400 mm | Ref. 3520008551 | Ref. 3525008551
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 450 x 400 mm | Ref. 3520008450 | Ref. 3525008450
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 550 x 200 mm | Ref. 3520008550 | Ref. 3525008550
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 530 x 200 mm | Ref. 3520008530 | Ref. 3525008530
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 1000 x 200 mm | Ref. 3520008100 | Ref. 35205008100
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 400 x 350 mm | Ref. 3520008400 | Ref. 3525008400
Travessa Funda Redonda c/ asas Round Tray with handles | 320 x 320 x 148mm | Ref. 3528037320
Travessa Funda Oval c/ asas Oval Tray with handles | 420 x 266 x 148mm | Ref. 3528007420
Travessa Funda Rectangular c/ asas Rectangular Tray with handles | 420 x 266 x 148mm | Ref. 3528015520
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 368 x 228 x 20 mm | 905 gr | Ref. 3690008370 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. 3695008370
Travessa Rectangular Rectangular Tray | 300 x 190 x 20 mm | 674 gr | Ref. 3690008300 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. 3695008300
Travessa Quadrada Square Tray | 150 x 150 x 5 mm | 288 gr | Ref. 3340005150 | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. | Ref. 3345005150
Prato Quadrado Square Plate | 320 x 320 x 19mm | 1265gr | Ref. 352AFVW001
Prato Rectangular Rectangular Plate | 246 x 185 x 25mm | 507gr | Ref. 35215HC005
Prato Quadrado Square Plate | 290 x 290 x 25mm | 1394gr | Ref. 3340005290
Prato Rectangular Rectangular Plate | 142 x 290 x 18mm | 648gr | Ref. 3521814185
Prato Quadrado Square Plate | 270 x 270 x 25mm | 1014gr | Ref. 3340005270
Taรงa Rectangular Rectangular Bowl | 180 x 120 x 20mm | 319gr | Ref. 35215HC003
Prato Quadrado Square Plate | 210 x 210 x 25mm | 621gr | Ref. 3340005210
Taรงa Rectangular Rectangular Bowl | 180 x 120 x 35mm | 324gr | Ref. 35215HC004
Taรงa Quadrada Square Bowl | 110 x 110 x 35mm | 185gr | Ref. 35215HC001
Prato Quadrado Square Plate | 140 x 140 x 25mm | 334gr | Ref. 3340005140
Taรงa Quadrada Square Bowl | 120 x 120 x 35mm | 222gr | Ref. 35215HC002
Prato Rectangular Grande c/ Divisória Rectangular Large Plate with Divide | 280 x 185 mm | 802 gr | Ref. 3340108280
Prato Rectangular Médio c/ Divisória Rectangular Medium Plate with Divide | 250 x 165 mm | 647 gr | Ref. 3340108250
Prato Rectangular Pequeno c/ Divisória Rectangular Small Plate with Divide | 225 x 145 mm | 479 gr | Ref. 3340108225
HANDWARE conjunto | set
Prato Raso L Flat Plate L | 260 x 180 x 20 mm | 361 gr | Ref. 3521001260
Prato Fundo M Deep Plate M | 220 x 160 x 40 mm | 285 gr | Ref. 3521002220
Prato Raso S Flat Plate S | 220 x 160 x 20 mm | 264 gr | Ref. 3521001220
Taรงa XL Bowl XL | 190 x 100 x 60 mm | 318 gr | Ref. 3521007190
Taรงa L Bowl L | 170 x 95 x 55 mm | 243 gr | Ref. 3521007170
Taรงa XS Bowl XS | 85 x 75 x 40 mm | 71 gr | Ref. 3521007080
Frigideira 24cm Egg Dish 24cm | 270 x 40 mm | 955 gr | Ref. 3530006240
Frigideira 20cm Egg Dish 20cm | 200 x 30 mm | 523 gr | Ref. 3521141200
Frigideira 15cm Egg Dish 15cm | 200 x 38 mm | 336 gr | Ref. 3521141150
Frigideira 13cm Egg Dish 13cm | 135 x 30 mm | 344 gr | Ref. 3520001130
Frigideira Mini Mini Egg Dish | 85 x 10 mm | 55 gr | Ref. 3530000070
CAÇAROLAS Casseroles
Caçarola Casserole | 200 x h37 mm | 82cl | Ref. 3711101200
Caçarola Casserole | 180 x 42 mm | 76cl | Ref. 3711101180
Caçarola Casserole | 160 x 35 mm | 43cl | Ref. 3711101160
Caçarola Casserole | 140 x 30 mm | 27cl | Ref. 3711101140
Este Produto foi concebido para resistir a mudanças bruscas de temperatura, no entanto, variações de temperatura extrema podem quebrar a peça. Manuseie a peça com o devido cuidado. A garantia apenas cobre defeitos de fabrico. This product is designed to withstand sudden temperature changes, however, extreme variations in temperature can break the piece. Handle the piece with due care. The warranty only covers manufacturing defects.
PRATO “COUP” Coup Plate
Prato Coup 30cm Coup Plate | 300 x 60 mm | 1121 gr | Ref. 3340001300
Prato Coup 27cm Coup Plate | 270 x 45 mm | 1045 gr | Ref. 3340000270
Terrina “Cabeça de Leão” Grande Lions Head Tureen Large | 190 x 150 mm | 230 cl | Ref. 3410001190
Terrina “Cabeça de Leão” Média Lions Head Tureen Medium | 110 x 65 mm | 49 cl | Ref. 3410001110
Terrina “Cabeça de Leão” Pequena Lions Head Tureen Small | 82 x 53 mm | 10 cl | 3410001065
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 30cl Ref. 372000102 | 160 mm Ref. 3280001159
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 22cl Ref. 3720000087 | 160 mm Ref. 3280001159
Consumé Consumé Cup | 30cl | Ref. 3720024102
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 12 cl Ref. 3720000074 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001134
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 9 cl Ref. 3720000063 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001134
Leiteira Milk Mug | 25 cl | Ref. 3720007048
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 20,5cl Ref. 3110098087 | 145 mm Ref. 328000145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,3 cl Ref. 3110098061 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,7cl Ref. 3110001062 | 120 mm Ref. 3110001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | | 6,6cl Ref. 3110003060 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 15 cl Ref. 3111002075 | 145 mm Ref. 3280000145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,9 cl Ref. 3111002065 | 145 mm Ref. 3280000145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,5 cl Ref. 3111002060 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Chá Tea cup/ saucer | 23,3cl Ref. 3111002080 | 147 mm Ref. 3287140101
P. cháv. Meia de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 16cl Ref. 3110098089 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,1 cl Ref. 3110098063 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,8 cl Ref. 3110098062 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | | 8,1cl Ref. 3110000080 | 97 mm Ref. 3285003100
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 31 cl Ref. 3080003104 | 165 mm Ref. 3280001165
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 22 cl Ref. 3080003090 | 150 mm Ref. 3280001146
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 13 cl Ref. 3110003081 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001135
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 38cl Ref. 3080003106 | 170 mm Ref. 3280001168
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8 cl Ref. 3080003065 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001115
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 33cl Ref. 3110003104 | 170 mm Ref. 2380001170
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 23 cl Ref. 3110003087 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 10 cl Ref. 3110003063 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,6 cl Ref. 3110003056 | 120 mm Ref. 3280000120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Coffee cup/ saucer | 18,7 cl Ref. 3110098091 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001133
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,5 cl Ref. 3110018076 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,6 cl Ref. 3110098064 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Coffee cup/ saucer | 18,6 cl Ref. 3110098090 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001133
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 29cl Ref. 3111017106 | 170 mm Ref. 3280117170
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 18,1 cl Ref. 3111017090 | 160 mm Ref. 3280017142
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 12,2 cl Ref. 3111017075 | 135 mm Ref. 3280017135
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,6 cl Ref. 3111017073 | 135 mm Ref. 3280017135
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7 cl Ref. 3111017065 | 120 mm Ref. 3280017120
Caneca Mug | 33 cl | Ref. 3080017100
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappucino cup/ saucer | 18,6 cl Ref. 3110000082 | 145 mm Ref. 3280000148
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,4 cl Ref. 3110000061 | 127 mm Ref. 3280000118
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 19 cl Ref. 3110004082 | 160 mm Ref. 3280004159
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 9,5 cl Ref. 3110004067 | 122 mm Ref. 3280004120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 21,2 cl Ref. 3111099084 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,8 cl Ref. 3111099057 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 16,5cl Ref. 3110001080 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,3 cl Ref. 3110001053 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 35,7 cl Ref. 3110001110 | 170 mm Ref. 3280001170
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 19,6 cl Ref. 3550009593 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 9,8 cl Ref. 3550009592 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 26cl Ref. 3550009594 | 170 mm Ref. 2380001170
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8,3 cl Ref. 3550009591 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
Taça Consumé Consummé Cup | 27,2 cl | Ref. 3550009595
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 15,8 cl Ref. 3111098080 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,1 cl Ref. 3111098055 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 20 cl Ref. 3110005078 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8 cl Ref. 3110005061 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 18,1 cl Ref. 3111021091 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7 cl Ref. 3110018063 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 19,8 cl Ref. 3110003079 | 160 x 120 mm Ref. 3280008157
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,8 cl Ref. 3110116062 | 160 x 120 mm Ref. 3280008157
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,7 cl Ref. 3110003049 | 100 mm Ref. 3280005100
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 5,6 cl Ref. 3110116056 | 100 mm Ref. 3280005100
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,8 cl Ref. 3110003062 | 160 x 120 mm Ref. 3280008157
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,7 cl Ref. 3110003050 | 100 mm Ref. 3280005100
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7cl Ref. 3111025054 | 100 mm Ref. 3280005100
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 19,8 cl Ref. 3110003078 | 160 x 120 mm Ref. 3280008157
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 5,6 cl Ref. 3110103056 | 100 mm Ref. 3280005100
P. cháv. 1/2 Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | cl Ref. | 150 mm Ref. 3280001146
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | cl Ref. | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 18,4cl Ref. 3110001075 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 12,4cl Ref. 3110001063 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,9cl Ref. 3110001058 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 31cl Ref. 3111017104 | 150 mm Ref. 3280001150
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 20cl Ref. 3111016095 | 143 mm Ref. 3997140143
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 18cl Ref. 3111016090 | 143 mm Ref. 3997140143
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 14cl Ref. 3110016065 | 118mm Ref. 3287120201
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8,5cl Ref. 3111016065 | 120mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7cl Ref. 3110018063 | 120mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 27cl Ref. 3116746215 | 158 mm Ref. 3286746178
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 24cl Ref. 3116746222 | 142 mm Ref. 3286746161
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 14cl Ref. 3116746246 | 135 mm Ref. 3286746147
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 12cl Ref. 3116746239 | 120 mm Ref. 3286746154
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 17,5 cl Ref. 3110001077 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 8,5cl Ref. 3119001065 | 135mm Ref. 3280001133
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 5,7cl Ref. 3110001050 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 20cl Ref. 3110009593 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8,2 cl Ref. 3110001065 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
Açucareiro Sugar Bowl | 38 cl | Ref. 3011003106
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 21,6 cl Ref. 3111003090 | 150 mm Ref. 3280001146
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 13,6cl Ref. 3111003079 | 135mm Ref. 3280001135
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 21,6cl Ref. 3110003090 | 150 mm Ref. 3280001146
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8cl Ref. 3110003067 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001115
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 13,6 cl Ref. 3110003081 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001135
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8cl Ref. 3110003064 | 120mm Ref. 3280001115
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 17cl Ref. 3110503083 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,6 cl Ref. 3110503053 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 20 cl Ref. 3111003080 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 13,4 cl Ref. 3110003074 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001133
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8,7cl Ref. 3110000065 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8cl Ref. 3111601063 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,5cl Ref. 3110000064 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 17,5 cl Ref. 3110001071 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,7cl Ref. 3110001062 | 135mm Ref. 3280001135
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 10cl Ref. 3110001069 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,8 cl Ref. 3110001057 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 23cl Ref. 3110001082 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 31,6 cl Ref. 3110003115 | 160 mm Ref. 3280001160
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 21,7 cl Ref. 3110003095 | 140 mm Ref. 3280001140
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,4cl Ref. 3111001064 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,8 cl Ref. 3110003083 | 135 mm Ref. 3280017135
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,6cl Ref. 3110003066 | 120 mm Ref. 3280017120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 19 cl Ref. 3110003093 | 160 mm Ref. 3280017142
P. cháv. Meia de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 18,5 cl Ref. 3111005079 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Meia de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 17,5 cl Ref. 3550009593 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 11,3 cl Ref. 3110000073 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6cl Ref. 3110000062 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 21,7cl Ref. 3111003088 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 8cl Ref. 3111910076 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,5cl Ref. 3111910075 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 23cl Ref. 3111910074 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 31cl Ref. 3080004104 | 170 mm Ref. 3280001168
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,4cl Ref. 3114003050 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 19,7cl Ref. 3080004090 | 150 mm Ref. 3280001146
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 5,9cl Ref. 3110016062 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 13cl Ref. 3080004080 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001135
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 35,6cl Ref. 3111001100 | 170 mm Ref. 3280001170
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,8cl Ref. 3080004065 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001115
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,4cl Ref. 3114003050 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 5,9cl Ref. 3110016062 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 16cl Ref. 3110005078 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 35,6cl Ref. 3111001100 | 170 mm Ref. 3280001170
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7cl Ref. 3110005061 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 17,7cl Ref. 3110001087 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,3cl Ref. 3110001064 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 23cl Ref. 3991198093 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 16cl Ref. | 135 mm Ref. 3280001133
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 6,5cl Ref. 3991110075 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 30cl Ref. 3111910067 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 23cl Ref. 3111910070 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,2cl Ref. 3111910071 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 22cl Ref. 3111006097 | 150 mm Ref. 3281000153
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8,2cl Ref. 3111006055 | 130 mm Ref. 3281000132
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 17,7cl Ref. 3111000085 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 8cl Ref. 3111000064 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
P. cháv. Almoçadeira Breakfast cup/ saucer | 23cl Ref. 3111910074 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. 1/2 de Leite Cappuccino cup/ saucer | 21 cl Ref. 3111003088 | 145 mm Ref. 3280001145
P. cháv. Cortado Coffee cup/ saucer | 10 cl Ref. 3111003070 | 135 mm Ref. 3280001133
P. cháv. Café Coffee cup/ saucer | 7,5 cl Ref. 3111003057 | 120 mm Ref. 3280001120
Caneca Extra Branca Extra White Mug | 50 cl | Ref. 3080103112
Caneca Mug | 29 cl | Ref. 3081201076
Caneca Mug | 27 cl | Ref. 3080001080
Caneca Mug | cl | Ref. 3111003089
Caneca Aveiro Mug Aveiro | 36 cl | Ref. 3080003105
Caneca Aveiro Mug Aveiro | 48 cl | Ref. 3080003115
Caneca Mug | 57 cl | Ref. 3080003120
Caneca Aveiro Mug Aveiro | 23 cl | Ref. 3080003080
Caneca Mug | 30 cl | Ref. 3080103116
Caneca Mug | 20 cl | Ref. 3080103115
Caneca Mug | 33 cl | Ref. 3080017100
Caneca de Vinho 75,4cl Wine Jug 75,4cl | 75,4cl | 840gr | ø 10 h 13,5 cm | Ref. 3080001135
Caneca de Vinho 42cl Wine Jug 42cl | 42cl | 452gr | ø 8 h 11 cm | Ref. 3080001110
Caneca de Cerveja - Grande Large Beer Mug | ø 20 x h 9 mm | Ref. 3080001200
Caneca de Cerveja - Pequena Small Beer Mug | ø 17,5 x h 8 mm | Ref. 3080001175
Caneca Munique “Munique” Beer Mug | 52cl | Weight: 436gr | ø 90 x h 132 mm | Ref. 3080000135
BULES | LEITEIRAS Teapots | Milk Jugs
Bule - Tea for one
Conjunto “Tea for one” Set “Tea for one” | 40cl | 504 gr | Ref. 3050199110
Bule Asa Recta Teapot Straight Handle | 40cl | 533 gr | Ref. 3051103090
Leiteira Asa Recta Milk Jug with straight handle | 30 cl | 0 gr | Ref.
Bule Asa Recta Teapot Straight Handle | 90 cl | 664 gr | Ref. 3050007091
Bule Asa Recta Teapot Straight Handle | 447 gr | 50 cl | Ref. 3050007077 | 28 cl | Ref. 3050007071
Bule Asa Curva Teapot Curved Handle | 90cl | 681 gr | Ref. 3050000091
Bule Asa Redonda Teapot Curved Handle | 50 cl | 441 gr | Ref. 3050000077 | Ref. 3055000077
Bule Teapot | 65 cl | Ref. 3050001095
Cafeteira Coffee Pot | 54,5 cl | Ref. 3650007120
Leiteira MĂŠdia Medium Milk jug | 30 cl | Ref. 3200007099
Leiteira Grande Large Milk jug | 57 cl | Ref. 3200007150
Leiteira Pequena Small Milk jug | 20 cl | Ref. 3200007121
Leiteira MĂŠdia Medium Milk jug | 31,6 cl | Ref. 3200007120
Leiteira Pequena Small Milk jug | 19,3 cl | Ref. 3200007101
Bule Teapot | 75,8 cl | Ref. 3050001115
Leiteira Redonda Round Milk jug | 26 cl | Ref. 3200007075
Bilha Facetada - Grande Large Wine Jug | ø 140 x h223 x 200 mm | 1177gr | Ref. 3040007220
Bilha Facetada - Pequena Small Wine Jug | ø 116x h196 x 168 mm | 809gr | Ref. 3040007190
Jarro de Vinho 75cl Wine Jug 75cl | H180 x 100 x74mm | 75cl | 764gr | Ref. 3040007180
Jarro de Vinho 50cl Wine Jug 50cl | H144 x 80 x 56mm | 50cl | 344gr | Ref. 3040007145
Saladeira Grande Large Salad Bowl | 350 x 200 x 140 mm | Weight: 4118 gr 80 x 88 mm | Ref. 3390006235
Saladeira Média Medium Salad Bowl | 250 x 180 x 88 mm | Weight: 2470 gr | Weight: 789gr | Ref. 3390006235
Saladeira Pequena Small Salad Bowl | 250 x 140 x 88 mm | Weight: 1435 gr 88 mm | Weight: 789gr | Ref. 3390006235
Saladeira Grande Large Salad Bowl | 250 x 180 x 88 mm | Weight: 789gr
Saladeira Média Medium Salad Bowl | 250 x 180 x 88 mm | Weight: 789gr | Ref.3760111210
Saladeira Pequena Small Salad Bowl | 250 x 180 x 88 mm | Weight: 789gr
Saladeira Oval - Grande Large Oval Salad Bowl | 250 x 180 x 88 mm | Weight: 789gr | Ref. 3390006235
Saladeira Oval - Pequena Small Oval Salad Bowl | 157 x 117 x 67 mm | Weight: 260gr | Ref. 3390006160
Taça de Aperitivos 15cm Bowl of appetizers 15cm | 150 x 75 mm | 62,5cl | Ref. 3420001150
Taça de Aperitivos 13cm Bowl of appetizers 13cm | 130 x 70 mm | 43,5cl | Ref. 3420001131
Tigela de Aperitivos “ES” 12 cm Bowl of appetizers “ES” 12cm | 111x 81,8 mm | Ref. 3420101111
Tigela de Aperitivos “ES” 10cm Bowl of appetizers “ES” 10cm | 104 x 64 mm | 20cl | Ref. 3420101104
Tigela de Aperitivos “ES” 9 cm Bowl of appetizers “ES” 9 cm | 97 x 52 mm | Ref. 3420101097
“Copeta” 16cm Bowl “Copeta” 16cm | 160 x 30 mm | 38cl | Ref. 3524654160
Copeta 13cm Bowl “Copeta” 13cm | 130 x 30 mm | 21,3cl | Ref. 352654130
Tavira Taça de Cereais Tavira Bowl of cereal | 168 x 56 mm | 43,8cl | Ref. 3390001165
Taça de Cereais 2 Bowl of cereal 2 | 184 x 48 mm | 68,3cl | Ref. 3390001185
Taça de Cereais Bowl of cereal | 156 x 60 mm | 72,5cl | Ref. 3390101156
Taças | Bowls
Scodella 18 Bowl 18 | 180 x 50mm | 83cl | Ref. 3525255180
Scodella 15 Bowl 15 | 150 x 50mm | 54cl | Ref. 3525255150
Taça Cónica Conical bowl | 200 x 88 mm | Ref. 3390101200
Taça Cónica Conical bowl | 170 x 70 mm | 88cl | Ref. 3524635170 | Ref. 3395101170
Tigela Cónica Grande Large Conical bowl | 113 x 65mm | 36cl | Ref. 3420001105
Tigela “Biscuit” Bowl “Biscuit” | 99 x 62 mm | 25 cl | Ref. 3421101950
Taça 24,5cm Bowl 24,5cm | h47 x 245mm | Ref. 3390001245
Taça 12,5cm Bowl 12,5cm | h45 x 125mm | Ref. 3390001125
Taça 10cm Bowl 10cm | h45 x 100mm | Ref. 3390001102
Taça 7,5cm Bowl 7,5cm | h42 x 75mm | Ref. 3390001075
Taça Multifunções | Multifunction Bowl
Tigela Snack 13cm Snack Bowl 13cm | 130 x 70mm | 53cl | Ref. 3522465130
Tigela Snack nº 1 Snack Bowl nº 1 | 125 x 60 mm | 45cl | Ref. 3420001120
Tigela Snack nº 2 Snack Bowl nº 2 | 112 x 58 mm | 33cl | Ref. 3420001110
Taça Multifunções Grande Large Multifunction Bowl | h135 x 168x168 mm | 2,750 L | Ref. 3390105135
Taça Multifunções Pequena Small Multifunction Bowl | h80 x 130x130 mm | 80cl | Ref. 3390105080
Tigela nº 4 Bowl nº 4 | h75 x 126mm | 48,4cl | Ref. 3420001125
Tigela nº 3 Bowl nº 3 | h65 x 111mm | 33cl | Ref. 3420001115
Tigela nº 2 Bowl nº 2 | h60 x 93mm | 20cl | Ref. 3420001090
Tigela nº 1 Bowl nº 1 | h59 x 93mm | 15cl | Ref. 3420001089
Tigelas de Vinho | Wine Bowls
Tigela nº 5 Bowl nº 5 | h90 x 140mm | 72cl | Ref. 3420001140
Ramequim 22 cm | h95 x 198mm | 240cl | Ref. 3520036220
Ramequim 18 cm | h88 x 170mm | 140cl | Ref. 3520036180
Ramequim 15 cm | h80 x 148mm | 92cl | Ref. 3520036150
Taça Caramelo
Ramequim nº 7 | h37 x 70mm | 8cl | Ref. 3480001070
Ramequim nº 6 | h32x 60mm | 5cl | Ref. 3480001060
Taça caramelo nº 11 | h80 x 110mm | Ref. 3390003110
Ramequim nº11 | h60 x 110 mm | 38cl | Ref. 3480001110
Ramequim Octogonal
Taça caramelo nº 9 | h60 x 90mm | Ref. 3390003090
Ramequim Octogonal | h42 x 90mm | Ref. 352HC0024D
Ramequim nº9 | h46 x 93mm | 20cl | Ref. 3480001090
Ramequim nº8 | h42 x 80mm | 13cl | Ref. 3480001080
Taça “Crema Catalana”
Taça “Crema Catalana” | h37 x 120mm | Ref. 3521132120
Tigela Snack 3 Bowl Snack 3 | h80 x 178 x 148mm | Ref. 3521181180
Tigela Snack 2 Bowl Snack 2 | h55 x 117x98mm | Ref. 3521181120
Tigela Snack 1 Bowl Snack 1 | h35 x 75 x 65mm | Ref. 3521181080
Mini Colher Miniature Spoon Finger | 80 x 80mm | Ref. 3521115080
Tigela Snack c/ Asa 2 Snack Bowl with handle 2 | h50 x 100 x 75 mm
Tigela Snack c/ Asa 1 Snack Bowl | h 30 mm | 120 x 90mm
Concha Ladle Plate | h30 x 120 x 110 mm | Ref. 3130000120
Concha Mini Mini Ladle Plate | h20 x 85mm | Ref. 3130000085
Taรงa Concha Mini Shell Bowl | h40 x 80 x 80mm
Prato Snack Snack Plate | h45 x 150 x 135mm
Tigela Redonda Round Bowl 11cm | h35 x 110mm | Ref. 3340001011
Porta Azeitonas Olive Dish | h20 x 100mm | Ref. 3340001100
Mini Panela 3 Mini Tureen 3 | h43 x 178 x 150mm
Mini Panela 2 Mini Tureen 2 | h34 x 133 x 110mm
Mini Panela 1 Mini Tureen 1 | h53 x 136 x 97mm
Mini Panela Mini Tureen | 95 x 74 x 42mm | Ref. 3521431080
Tabuleiro Oval 2 Oval Mini Tray 2 | h40 x 178 x 112mm
Tabuleiro Oval 1 Oval Mini Tray 1 | 130 x h35 x 82 mm
Tabuleiro Rectangular Rectangular Roast Dish | 177 x 110 x 45mm | Ref. 3521814145
Tarteira 11 cm Mini Pie Tray 11cm | h25 x 110mm | Ref. 3590010115
Tarteira 7 cm Mini Pie Tray 7cm | h15 x 85mm | Ref. 3340001070
Mini Ramequim 1 Ramekin | 65x28mm | Ref. 3480001065
Mini Ramequim 2 Ramekin | 65x35mm | Ref. 3480001066
Caรงacola Pequena Deep Handle Dish | 75 x 65 x 25mm | Ref. 3521431070
Prato Sushi Sushi Plate | h25 x 145 x 95mm
Mini Prato Quadrado Small Squared Plate | 75 x 75mm
Prato Quadrado Squared Plate | 100 x 100mm
Mini taรงa Snack Mini Square Bowl/Coppetta | 75 x 75 x h35mm | Ref. 3520105075
Copo Redondo com relevo Round Cup with relief | h50 x 63mm
Manteigueira Butter Dish | 25 x 60mm | Ref. 3220001065
Oveiro Egg Cup | h28 x 97mm | Ref. 3621001045
Mini Sertรฃ Mini Fryer Pan | 70 x 118mm | Ref. 3521135080
Peixe Fish Dish | h20 x 145mm | Ref. 3390000145
Saboneteira Soap Dish | h15 x 112x77mm | Ref. 3360006115
Vaso Manjerico Vase | h78 x 97 x 62mm
Mini Vaso Manjerico Mini Vase | h54 x 69 x 47mm
Mini Copo Quadrado Mini Squared Mug | h70 x 70 x 70mm | Ref. 3611101070
Mini Copo Mini Cup | h50 | 60 x 60 mm
Copo para Ovo Egg Cup 2 | h64 x 43 x 35mm
Copo Cónico Pequeno Conic Little Mug | h50 x 65x25mm
Taça Bowl | h50 x 82mm
Taça Compota Small Bowl | 65x35mm | Ref. 3220000065
Taça Cusine “Cusine” Bowl | 65x50mm | Ref. 3390001065
Mini copo Mini Round Mug | h50 x 50mm
Mini taça Compota Mini Small Bowl | h35 x 50 mm
Porta Ovos Egg cup | 47x45mm | Ref. 3620001045
Açucareiro Chávena Sugar Bowl “Cup” | mm | gr | Ref. 3010101155 | Prato 28 cm - Ref. 3340101280 | Prato 24 cm - Ref. 3340101240
Açucareiro Redondo Round Sugar Bowl | 220 x 98mm | gr | Ref. 3011101220
Terrina Redonda Large saltshaker | Ref. 3540007170
Terrina Redonda Lisa Flat Round Tureen | Ref. 3331000070
Meia Lua Half Moon | 220 x 115 mm | Ref. 3510006220
Molheira Sauce Boat | 200 x 90 mm | 372 gr | Ref.
Molheira Sauce Boat | 140 x 65 mm | 175 gr | Ref.
Saleiro Grande Large saltshaker | Ref. 3540007170
Porta Tostas Toast Rack | Ref. 3620001180
Manteigueira Butter Dish | Ref. 3570101090
Porta Azeitonas c/ Divisรณria Olive Dish with Divide | Ref. 3700001130
Porta Ovos Duplo Double Egg Dish | Ref. 3620001180
Saleiro com Tampa Saltshaker with Lid | Ref. 3331000070
Bomboneira com Laço Candy bowl with Bow | Ref. 3570101090
Papeleira / Pote Grande Large Porcelain Pot / Papper Cup | Ref. 3050000240
Papeleira / Pote Pequeno Small Porcelain Pot / Papper Cup | Ref. 3050000170
Papeleira / Pote Pequeno “Papelera” Small Porcelain Pot / Papper Cup | Ref. 3081019106
Cinzeiro Redondo de Ă gua Water Ashtray | 105 x 65 mm | Ref. 3120001105
Cinzeiro Redondo Ashtray | 120 x 3 mm | Ref. 3120001115
Cinzeiro Redondo Baixo Ashtray | 100 x 36 mm | Ref.
Cinzeiro Cordoba com Relevo Ashtray | 140 x 6 mm | Ref. 3120004145
Cinzeiro Redondo Baixo Ashtray | 130 x 30 mm | Ref. 3120001130
Cinzeiro Quadrado Grande Squre ashtray - Big | 220 x 220 mm | Ref. 3120005180
Cinzeiro Triangular Ashtray | 109 x 41 mm | Ref.
BEMORPORCE - Fรกbrica de Porcelanas, S.A. Rua do Reguinho - Apartado 147 - Bomsucesso - 3811 - 997 Aveiro, Portugal Telefone: +351 234 379 450 // Fax: +351 234 379 459 E-mail: bemorporce@bemorporce.pt