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E m o t i o n a l H e a l t h


R Val ipp e e r r ie ger


Unlock Your Fullest Potential

Chelsea Olson Stress Reduction Coach

Everyone is a Leader- but not everyone embraces their personal leadership.

As a business owner, personal leadership is often overlooked as we strive to build our client list, our income, our network… but what happens when we face our first difficult decision, and our personal leadership has NOT been cultivated?

We spin into self-doubt, insecurity, fear, confusion, and sleepless nights.

Being a leader means doing the right thing even when it’s difficult. But how do we know what the “ right” thing is? Is it what our parents told us? Is it what our community says it is? Is it what religious texts say it is?

To date, these have been our sources for inner guidance. All it takes is looking at our current political climate, environmental climate, and the mental health crisis to say: “This isn’t working anymore. ” Because leadership curated on external guidance, only builds the external layers to the pillar of leadership, leaving the inside hollow. Hollow leadership will fall and crumble under the weight of that which it holds. The more you build, the more stressed you become.

So how do we bridge the gap? How do we build a business and a life that we wake up inspired every day to live? How do we generate more income AND impact? How do we cultivate embodied leadership?

Breaking away from the collective compass, and charting our own path as to what we believe is right, often comes with social consequences and a test of personal commitment and courage.

It is at this stage in which our spiritual fervor and emotional endurance is put to the test. It is at this stage in which many turn back and coast in the collective compass.

In doing so, we’re right back where we started:

Burnt Out. Self-Doubt. Confusion. Anxiety. Sleepless Nights.

Everyone is a leader, but if you’re reading this right now- you were born for this role! You were born to carry the torch and show others the way of what an abundant life is meant to be! You were born to serve as a guide in shaping a world that benefits seven generations to come.

But the time for hollow leadership is over. The time for Leadership Embodied has arrived. We are calling you in to join us.

Leadership Embodied is built not from the outside in, but the inside out. A leader embodied can see what is possible for our planet, for humanity, for our businesses. A leader embodied is committed to service, and putting their efforts into life-generating behaviors, movements, and products. A leader embodied is in service to the latent potential and untended beauty resting in the core of our bones, the breath of the wind, the crackle of fire, and the golden warmth of inspired action.

It is time for you to BECOME a leader embodied, so you can carry the torch and show the way for others, and most importantly yourself.

It’s time to create a world of beauty from the inside out! And It begins with you.

When you notice yourself falling into the symptoms of hollow leadership: anxiety, confusion, self-doubt, insecurity, scarcity, fear… Return to the four pillars of Leadership Embodied:

1. Courage: Having the willingness to explore the unknown with unwavering focus and bravery for the sake of a better tomorrow.

2. Grace: Embodying the fluidity, trust, and surrender that allows us to receive, and endure with ease.

3. Clarity: Knowing where you’re going and why.

4. Service: Knowing who and what you serve. Life-giving, and life receiving.

It’s not enough to reflect on them, affirm them, and visualize them. We have to BECOME them.

Here are some techniques to become, or embody, the four pillars of leadership.

Courage: Stand in a superhero pose. Close your eyes, and imagine you’re doing something that scares you. Stand strong in your posture and breath, and say with pride: “

I believe in myself!” Do this for 1-2 minutes, and notice how you feel in your body and sense of self-esteem after. Grace: Relax your jaw, fingertips, and genitals. I know it may sound funny, but I’m serious. These are three hot spots for chronic tension to store themselves unknowingly creating rigidity in the body, mind, heart, and intuition. Clarity: Focus your gaze, eyes open, for an extended period of time. Blink if you need, but let the vision of your focal point sharpen, and the periphery soften. Keep the forehead soft and a soft smile throughout. To add challenge, do this while in a balancing pose.

Service: Start saying ‘Thank You' to all that generates life! Say this out loud when you fill your glass with water, your belly with food, your breath with oxygen, and the trees that make that possible. Say ‘Thank You’ to your loved ones, your teachers, your enemies, and for the chance to live another day. Start to become familiar with the way ‘Thank You” feels in your body.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, come back to these four pillars and ask yourself, “Which of these do I need to grow into, to become my most joyful, successful, and vibrant Self?” THIS is the next step to stabilizing your emotions, empowering your heart, steadying the mind, and strengthening the body. THIS is the next step to fortifying your business.

Your dreams were given to you for a reason! It is time to empower these visions into realityfrom a place of unwavering and loving commitment. From a place that generates life, is in service, and tends beauty all along way: including yourself. It’s time to create not from a hollow emptiness, but from a fully integrated way of life. It’s time to become your own leader embodied.

Chelsea Olson


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