1 2-Role Play Speaking Test
Available Zoom-based Training Sessions
2 2-Role Play Speaking Test w/ Recording
The OET Speaking evaluation process is very simple. Once you book a timeslot with us, we will send you instructions, along with a recorded video, on how to join our online private one-on-one live conference room. All you need to do is follow those recorded instructions and appear online on the booked timeslot.
3 1-Role Play Speaking Test
4 1 R ole P lay Sp eakin g Test w / R ec ord in g 5 Speaking Training Session
15 complete OET Listening Tests, covering Parts A, B and C
Native English speaker voices in the audio
Follow the OET Listening Test format and standard Can be practised multiple times online Complete answers are provided
How can we help?
In order tO pas s the reading pa rt in the OE T, it is paramOunt tO have the right Online c Ourse with prac tic e m aterials whic h c a pture the ess enc e Of the real OE T ex am fOrma t and diffic ulty level. Our reading prac tic e m aterials , inc luding Pa rt A, B & C, dO just tha t, c Overing the ex ac t types Of questions that a ppea r in the OE T part. W e are Offering not Only pra c tic e tes ts ma terials , but als O videO c Ourse that inc ludes tips On hOw tO approa c h the various types Of ques tions that yOu will find in reading pa rt A, B and C. The Online rea ding c Ours e alsO has additional features s uc h as vOc abula ry ex erc is es a nd a free dOwnlOada ble reading e-bOOk tO im prove yOur E nglis h reading s kills .