BEFORE OBLIVION_Master thesis by Benedetta Falcone

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magna, Lombardy and V eneto

ETRURIANS Etruria P adana included vast possessions in Emilia-R o-

tribe belonging to the Golasecca culture

CELTS A ccording to istorians,h Milan was foundedby a C eltic

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legislation and technology

COMMUNS Vast improvements were made in agriculture,

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with th e gradual abandonment of agricultural Romans brough agr cu u e F u ree or ginal course 200 AD 1400

OLONA’S VALLEY HISTORY Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani -1 -

“L ONGOBARDI” The tribes entered Milan on 3 September 569 3000 2750 25 225 75 0 250 00 1250 1500 1 2000 BC AD 1995 1980 1999 2019 2019 1995 1980 1920 1890 FIRST SETTLEMENTS The fir st settlements date back to 3000 BC. T he tribes set tled on th e h igh est dr y areas, building pile dwellings and “terramare”. GOLASECCA CUL TURE The Golasecca culture is an Early Ir on Age culture of north ern Italy named af ter the ylocalit of Golasecca in the pr ovince of Varese in Lombardy, near th e Ticino River.
The CSNO was cons ruc ed s ar ng n he m d-1950s and comp e ed a eas n an n a unc ona a angemen n 1980 The CSNO has a eng h o app ox ma e y 34 k ome res and ex end om he Seveso ream n Pa azzo o o he T c no r ver

The project area of this thesis is located in the western area of Milan, and in particular analyses and proposes to intervene in the lower Olona valley, which straddles the Altomilanese and the metropolis.


Through the representation of rainfall events in Ietograms, it was possible to visualise the type of pattern that characterises Milan. The area presents a subalpine pattern characterised by two rainy seasons in spring and autumn and dry summers

HYDROGRAPHY GREEN PATTERNS INDUSTRIAL/TERTIARY TERRITORIAL ANALYSIS Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage

Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 2 -

Milan is characterised by a humid subtropical climate subtype in Trewartha’s classification of climates, characterised by hot and humid summers, where tropical air masses dominate, and mild winters. It has no dry season and where rainfall is between 700 mm and 1500 and is defined as such by the condition that average monthly temperatures must be above 10 °C for at least 8 months of the year and the average temperature of the coldest month must be below 18 °C. The climate change is affecting the temperatures and precipitation pattern. ABANDONED AREAS


In the second part of the analysis, previously found data were selected on the basis of their proximity to watercourses. In this way, it was possible to create a parallelism between the different watercourses and to observe that certain elements, such as the presence of industrial and tertiary areas and the consequent increase in abandoned areas, are recurrent. Moreover, in this map, with respect to the territorial scale, a narrower area has been highlighted, ranging from the strip of the PLIS in the north of the province of Milan to the urban strip with an east-west trend that departs from the metropolitan area south of Milan.

HOW DOES THE CITY MOVE? LEFTOVER SPACES AND GREEN POLVERISATION LEGEND LEGEND Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 3 -

fortresses are all those spaces destined for the exclusive circle of its inhabitants. These areas, often characterised by a repetitive pattern of apartment blocks or semi-detached houses, are inaccessible and isolated from their context.

Only25%ofthebanksofthestretch of the Olona examined for this analysis are wooded. Riparian vegetation is of vital importance for the self-purification processes that any watercourse normally undergoes and to ensure the survival of the species that inhabit

AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIAL URBAN INDUSTRIAL URBAN URBAN FORTRESSES LADDERS LEFTOVER TRACES TERRAINS VAGUES ENCLAVES NEW CROSSING INFRASTRUCTURES FUNCTIONAL CULTURAL CENTERS ANCIENT MILL ABANDONED WATER PURIFIER industrial fortresses terrain vagues residential fortresses canopy covered banks New crossing infrastructure Water purifier restoration Lura Bozzente Didactical fitodepuration park Agricultural land infiltration historical canals infiltration Water link Tertiary fortress infiltration Densely built up area infilration Future infiltration Residential tertiary infiltration INTERVENTION AREAS TREE PLANTATIONS SPATIAL GRAMMAR RESTORED CONTINUITY 19 ha 11 ha 6 ha 25% Industrial fortresses, like residential fortresses, represent all those inaccessible areas for the exclusive use of workers. Such areas, in the case of the Olona valley, represent an important reality and therefore one cannot disregard their proper urban and landscape integration. By terrain vagues
we mean all those spaces that, having lost their function, are configured as vacant areas, no longer included in the flow of human dynamics. These terrains, in which natural dynamics once again become the only
of action, most often represent situations of degradation and abandonment. Residential
THE OLONA’S DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica ngegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological nfiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 4 -


The connection with the dismissed industrial area will trigger a transformation to recover these landscape through the intervention of the entities in charge of the mantainance of these structures

In the space separating the purification plant from the river banks, three gravel-covered strips of different diameters and granulometry will be introduced for the filtration of rainwater and the creation of a bed favourable to the taking root of phytoextractive herbaceous species

The project proposal envisages the decontamination of the area through a phytoextraction action by means of spontaneous pioneer vegetation and introduced species in order to increase the biodiversity of the coppice area that separates the building from the railway

In the ponds, similarly, phytodepuration of rainwater will be utilised through the use of rooted elophytes and floating hydrophytes.

granule (2-4 mm) pebble (4-6 mm) cobble (64-256 mm) granulepebblecobble granulepebblecobble
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 11Water filtration Soil decontamination Cultural value Phytodepuration Increase of biodiversityEnclosing Nature - Stage 1Enclosing Nature - Stage 2Enclosing Nature - Stage 3

The punctual introduction of trees will provide shade and cooling in an area characterised by low reflectance, which causes the so-called ‘heat islands’. The depavelling process will also increase the drainage surface at the expense of the permeable one

Through a process of depavenging, the private area is made accessible and suitable for point and random herbaceous emergence. The introduction of phytoextractive plants will operate a process of decontamination of the soil now completely covered by a concrete blanket

The deprogrammed area will be open to a wide variety of activities, removable temporary structures will be able to host events and open-air cinemas

The infiltrative action will propagate, through a unique movement, into the adjacent ‘ladders’ area, culminating in a strip of high and medium vegetation and into the tertiary area on the opposite bank of the Olona

v Residential fortress biological infiltrationIndustrial Fortress biological infiltrationContaminated area biologica indiltration Water filtration Soil permeabilisation Cultural value Phyto-extraction Increase of biodiversity Depaving process Ephemere structure for public events Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani TERTIARY FORTRESS INFILTRATION - 12 -

A hybrid HF-VF+FWS (horizontal flow - vertical flow + free water system) type system will be proposed within the park, i.e. a hybrid series of horizontal, vertical and free-flowing phyto-purification tanks. The system’s water will be taken from the Bozzente stream, which flows into the Olona river in this very area, often discharging sewage that makes this area particularly polluted and smelly

The area also proves to be important from an urban point of view. Surrounded by schools and residential areas, it is a strategic area to start a process of education and bringing the community closer to the Olona river

Educational activities could be proposed as part of school curricula to make the youngest aware of environmental issues and the importance of water, a resource, now more than ever, that is increasingly precious and unavailable


SFS-h SFS-h SFS-v SFS-v FWS 50 m50 m 50 m 50 m50 m50 m 19 trabucchi 1 trabucco = 2,611 m 1 trabucco 1 trabucco 1 trabucco 1 trabucco 1 trabucco SFS-hSFS-v FWS Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 13Water filtration Soil permeabilisation Cultural
Phyto-extraction Increase
Plan Section
of biodiversity


Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 14ABANDONED WATER TREATMENT PLANT RECONVERSION PHYTODEPURATION PARK TERTIARY FORTRESS INFILTRATION Masterplan 1:500 Masterplan 1:500 Masterplan 1:500 Section 1:500 Section 1:500 Section 1:500
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani - 15LANDSCAPE
ENCLOSIG NATURE 0369 yrs WIDENING FRINGE 0369 yrs PHYTO - PROLIFERATION 0369 yrs Trunks Shrubland Plantations plan 1:50 Grassland Herbaceous species Emerging rooted macrophytes Grassland Floating rhizophytes Pleustophytes Shrubland Shrubland Plantations plan 1:50Plantations plan 1:50
Humid grassland Helophytes Submerged
Gravel Gravel
LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS FROM BELOW Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni MSc Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage Thesis Project: BEFORE OBLIVION - Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Student: Benedetta Falcone 940502 Advisor: Prof. Andrea Oldani -16ENCLOSIG NATURE Section 1:50 WIDENING FRINGEPHYTO - PROLIFERATION Section 1:50Section 0369 yrs 00336699 yrsyrs + 0,5 m + 1 m + 1,5 m + 2 m + 2,5 m + 3 m + 3,5 m + 4 m + 4,5 m + 5 m + 5,5 m + 6 m + 6,5 m + 7 m + 7,5 m + 8 m + 8,5 m + 9 m + 10 m + 10,5 m + 11 m + 11,5 m + 12 m + 12,5 m + 13 m Paridae Eurasian blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus Coppice woods Emberizidae Common reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Wetlands, farmlands Passeridae House sparrow Passer domesticus Anthropic areas, vegetable gardens Upupidae Eurasian hoopoe Upupa epops Lightly vegetated ground Vertical surfaces with cavities + 0,5 m + 1 m + 1,5 m + 2 m + 2,5 m + 3 m + 3,5 m + 4 m + 4,5 m + 5 m + 5,5 m + 6 m + 6,5 m + 7 m + 7,5 m + 8 m + 8,5 m + 9 m + 10 m + 10,5 m + 11 m + 11,5 m + 12 m + 12,5 m + 13 m Fringillidae European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Open, partially wooded lowlands Sylviidae European goldfinch Sylvia communis Shrublands Fringilidae European serin Serinus serinus Urban gardens,woods Passeridae Eurasian tree sparrow Passer montanus Countryside Passeridae Eurasian magpie Pica pica Countryside, urban parks + 0,5 m + 1 m + 1,5 m + 2 m + 2,5 m + 3 m + 3,5 m + 4 m + 4,5 m + 5 m + 5,5 m + 6 m + 6,5 m + 7 m + 7,5 m + 8 m + 8,5 m + 9 m + 10 m + 10,5 m + 11 m + 11,5 m + 12 m + 12,5 m + 13 m Muscicapidae European robin Erithacus rubecula Woodlands Fringillidae European greenfinch Chloris chloris Woodland edges, farmland hedges, gardens Phylloscopidae Common chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Open woodlands Columbidae Common wood pigeon Columba palumbus Parks ad gardens, urban areas

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