5 minute read

My Shore Life

Janine Jones, loving life in Milford

Janine Jones of Milford describes herself as a mother to three young adult children, a wife, a fulltime nurse, student studying part-time at university (she will complete her Masters of Health Science at the end of this year) and until COVID-19 changed the Ian and Janine Jones with the world, was running the weekly community kitchen Takapuna Rotary Arthur Coombes Memorial Cup for Services to the Community. Eddie’s Meals with the support of her family and regular volunteers.

What do you love most about living in Milford?

The village feel, the beach and the ease of walking or cycling to work. Such a beautiful beach.

How long have you lived here?

Ian and I moved to Milford in 1994 from Whangarei. From the very first day we were made to feel welcome. It’s a wonderful part of Auckland with great people.

What activities or organisations are you involved with? Why are you passionate about this?

I lead a very privileged life. I have a job, a roof over my head, my health, great kids, a wonderful husband and good friends. What more could I ask for? It is very important to me and my family that we acknowledge and share our blessings. Like everybody else there isn’t a lot of free time (particularly when university assignments are pressing) what with full time work, family life and university, but we just prioritise our weekly commitment to our community. And somehow it just works; the house isn’t always perfect, dinner isn’t always the most nutritious and sometimes the laundry threatens to overwhelm but we get a lot of enjoyment from meeting our guests at Eddie’s Meals every week and that needs to be a priority. The housework can wait!

Everyone can find time to give back to their community.

What else might you be involved with if you had more time?

There are plenty of things I’d like to get involved with but the reality is that my plate is currently full and there may be a mutiny in the Jones house if I take on anything Volunteering with Eddie’s Meals. else. I’d like to get our elderly population out and about more; I saw a wonderful piece on a three-wheel bicycle that accommodated two in the back and the driver/rider. Wouldn’t that be great to take our elderly guests on a bike ride for fresh air and an outing? If someone wants to make the bike I’ll organise the rest!

Tell us about a place that is a secret gem in Milford?

The coastal walk between Milford and Takapuna is a gem in any weather. Unfortunately, you do need a degree of mobility to walk it the entire way. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone, regardless of mobility level, could enjoy this beautiful walk?

Do you have a favourite local event that you look forward to each year?

I’ve always enjoyed the food truck nights held in the Milford Village. It saves me cooking and is a chance for the community to gather.

If you could change one aspect about your suburb what would it be?

The entrance to Milford Beach via Milford Road is shabby. It’s a trip hazard and needs attention.

Who would you most like to have as a neighbour and why?

I don’t think I’d change my neighbours. We have great neighbours, but if Barack & Michelle Obama wanted to move in next door I’d be pretty happy to welcome them.

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This month in MILFORD


Have you added Milford Beach’s new sculpture ‘Beacon’ to your #instagram feed yet? Installed earlier this year the mirrored public sculpture installation was supported by the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and provides some creative photography fun. Auckland artist Lang Ea says: “This sculpture symbolises and reflects the significant and courageous achievements of the suffragettes more than a century ago and lights the way for women in the present and future. It has a camellia shape, coloured in violet, at its centre. The colour violet was adopted by suffrage petitioners to represent dignity and self-respect, and in Beacon it speaks to contemporary themes of gender equality and women’s empowerment.”


Kitchener Road’s unique, vintage fashion store Painted Bird has been nominated in three categories in this year’s Westpac Business Awards. These are for Innovation, Community Contribution and People’s Choice. You can vote in the People’s Choice category at www.aucklandbusinessawards.co.nz.


The Hospice Shop on Kitchener Road is open seven days a week for plenty of pre-loved homewares, clothing, books, games and more.


Local hairdresser Hannah Stead was touched by Lydia Golding’s challenge from been born with a very rare birth defect that left her with a shortened right femur and the need for expensive surgery. Hannah organised a girls pamper day fundraiser at Milford Hair Design to support Lydia’s Journey Givealittle page. Girls enjoyed a fun day with hair styling, face painting, nail painting and more. $4,546 was raised from bookings as well as raffle tickets.


Milford WEEPS – the Wairau Estuary Environment Protection Society – is holding a Big Day Out on Sunday August 30th at Milford Beach Reserve. Starting at 11am, this will be a hands-on fun-filled day for the whole family that will run through until mid-afternoon. The communityled initiative aims to make Wairau Estuary and Milford Beach free of raw sewage and safe for swimming at all times. Organisers say they have local environmental groups joining on the day to showcase their conservation projects. There will also be experts present to advise on how the community can assist with reducing stormwater overflow and maintain secure wastewater systems. There will also be fun games and entertainment for the whole family.

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