4 minute read
Devonport News
By Katherine Downs Devonport Business Improvement District Manager Devonport’s Three Rs
Katherine Downs.
Reflecting, re-igniting and recharging are all on the cards for us in Devonport as we get in the Matariki mood! Matariki is about slowing down, stocking up for winter and spending time relaxing with whānau and friends.
It’s a time to think about the past and plan for the future. We’re in the process of revising our Strategic Plan – couldn’t be more appropriate!
Matariki is a time to recharge your batteries with kai, korero and entertainment. With this year being the first year of the Matariki public holiday (Friday 24th June), there’s greater awareness around what it means and how we might celebrate it. And this is exciting! To plan how we can enjoy Matariki on the Devonport Peninsula and to learn more about it, Restoring Takarunga Hauraki and Devonport Peninsula Trust has held a series of hui for local community groups. It has been fantastic to korero with representatives from our schools, library, Community House, Wilson Home, Depot Artspace and others on a regular basis.
As a result of this, we are collaborating to hold a whole day event, Puanga Matariki Celebrations, on Saturday 25th June with activities and entertainment, a lantern hīkoi and Matariki streetlights. Why Puanga Matariki? Puanga is a star that rises earlier than the Matariki cluster and is more visible and significant to many iwi around Aotearoa than Matariki.
From 11am there will be Puanga Matariki short movies at The Vic, face painting, a multi-disciplinary exhibition at Depot Artspace, lantern making in the former Westpac building, boardgames and storytelling at the library, kapa haka in the ferry terminal and more.
Many will recall the beautiful lantern hīkoi from the village to the summit of Takarunga/Mt Victoria hosted by RTH and Depot Artspace in 2021. This year, as part of Puanga Matariki Celebrations on Saturday 25th June, there will be a lantern hīkoi leaving from the village at 5.30pm followed by the first lighting of Puanga Matariki street lighting on our heritage buildings. Throughout June lantern making workshops will be held in the former Westpac building in Devonport village. Come and make your lantern for the lantern hīkoi! Go to www. devonport.co.nz for more details about these free community events. Mānawatia a Matariki!
Devonport is YOUR seaside escape www.devonport.co.nz Devonport Community News for this month with Maria Teape, Community Programme Manager, Devonport Peninsula Trust Devonport in June
Maria Teape.
Your community has a great variety of accessible activities planned to celebrate Puanga Matariki, happening during May, June, July and August.
Learn about te ao Māori, mātauranga Māori and tikanga Māori (Māori world view, knowledge and customs) through wānanga/ workshops, kōrero/talks, fun activities and festivities. Visit: www.rth.org.nz for details on events, times, and locations.
Our free Hōtoke/Winter Fun Tamariki (0-5) Play programme starts on Tuesday 7th June, from 9:30am-11:30am, and continues every Tuesday until 25th October at Bayswater School Hall. Look out for more information coming soon: Facebook or Instagram: @devonportpeninsulatrust or visit our website: www. devonportpeninsulatrust.nz.
Everyone is welcome to the Mid-Winter Dip at Windsor Reserve Devonport on Sunday 19th June at 12:00pm – registration opens 11:15am. There will be free soup and prizes for the brave and bold! Bring togs or come in a fun costume. There will be a fundraising sausage sizzle thanks to the 1st Devonport Venturer Scouts. For more info contact: Suzanne 021 412 001. Thanks to Devonport Peninsula Trust, Devonport Takapuna Local Board, Jeremy Schmid and The Officers Mess for the catering, and to the Druid of Devonport.
The Devonport Senior Forum is for people interested in identifying local senior issues, working towards solutions and assisting the older community where appropriate. Meetings are held monthly, starting with afternoon tea at 3pm, at A12 The Barracks, Fort Takapuna Reserve, 170 Vauxhall Rd, Narrow Neck. Meetings are held on the last Friday of the month, contact Nigel: nigelbioletti@devonportpeninsulatrust.nz or 027 924 3494.
Shining the community spotlight this month on Devonport Squash Club & Gym located at 69 Wairoa Rd, Devonport: In addition to three excellently maintained squash courts and a thriving squash community, the club offers a modern and well equipped gymnasium with authorised trainers, an in-house physiotherapist, pilates and yoga classes and is home to Alive Dojo (Judo and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu). The club offers 24-hour casual squash hire (rackets and balls available) and attractive membership rates for the Squash Club and Gym. Please see the club website for more information/rates and what is on offer: www.sporty.co.nz/dsc. Call the club on 09 445 1040 or email office.dsc@gmail.
This is my last Devonport Community News column for Channel Magazine. Thank you to all our readers, and the team at Devonport Peninsula Trust looks forward to continuing to bring you Devonport Community News in future.
Ngā mihi mahana,