Junior School Update The idea of balance is one which is very much at the heart of our approach to learning in the Junior School. It’s increasingly common for adults to reflect on the importance of balance in their lives; often relating to work-life balance, but less discussed is how this same concept applies to the wellbeing of children. As educators of young children, we are keenly aware of the benefits a balanced approach to learning has on their wellbeing. One way we achieve balance is through the curriculum, which in the Junior School is under-pinned by the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. This unique international curriculum enhances the essential educational elements: Physical, Social and Personal Education, Language, Social Studies, Mathematics, the Arts and Science.
programme. We are focused on ensuring that the essential skills of social interactions are broken down, practised and reinforced. Taking time to equip children with the fundamental skills of self-awareness, self-management and emotional literacy enhances their personal development too, which allows them to reach their potential. Our values-based approach, reinforced through Chapel, assemblies and student leadership opportunities, sets the tone for a positive, supportive and healthy culture that is fundamental to supporting wellbeing for all Equipping our students.
Language includes not only a structured approach to literacy in English, but also acknowledges the significant benefits of speaking more than one language. Exposure to Mandarin Chinese and te reo Māori ensures children with the our students develop their linguistic fundamental skills of selfskills while opening a window into awareness, self-management understanding other cultures as well. The contribution that a strong Arts education makes to wellbeing has long been recognised. We are therefore fortunate to have a passionate team of specialist teachers whose expertise ensures learners also become confident at expressing themselves through a variety of creative and performing arts: Music – vocal and instrumental, Drama and Visual Arts.
However, it is through the outdoor education, co-curricular clubs, music and sport opportunities, outside of the and emotional literacy regular programme, which elevate the experience of our students to ensure enhances their personal the element of balance in their lives. development and allows Being able to stimulate intellectual them to reach their curiosity during the school day and then potential. participate in choir, sports or a fun club, such as cooking, art or technology, gives everyone the balance in their lives that is such an important protective factor to life’s stresses and strains.
Knowing that physical development supports social, personal and emotional development, our specialist PE classes enable our students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to participate in a diverse range of games and sports. This starts a journey that includes finding the spark for exercise that will keep them literally ‘moving’ for life. Our commitment to explicitly teaching social and personal development as a core curriculum area rounds out the
The focus of our children’s Junior School experience is to embrace the wide variety of activities available, be open-minded to new ideas and skills, and have multiple opportunities to shine. As a result, we see well-balanced individuals prepared to take their next steps.
Jayne de la Haye P R I N C I PA L O F J U N I O R S C H O O L A N D E A R LY L E A R N I N G