Kaleidoscope Magazine July 2022

Page 27


Innovative Technology in the Library The Kristin School Library has a collection of over 35,000 print items. One of the primary roles of our Librarians is to identify and provide specific targeted resources and instruction to support literacy, student wellbeing and the PYP, MYP, IB Diploma and NCEA programmes; however, a considerable amount of staff time is taken up with the circulation and return of books. Prior to the COVID-19 situation in 2020, we issued more than 40,000 items annually (approximately 1,125 items per week or 224 items per day). These items are effectively ‘double-handled’ if they’re returned to the Library, so up to 500 items might be processed by Library staff in a day. Budget approval was granted for a project in 2021 to update the Library circulation system from one utilising scannable barcodes to a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system.

With the completion of the Library RFID project, we are adding RFID tags to the 2,500 textbooks, novels and plays that are issued to students throughout the year. This will streamline the return of textbooks at year-end. The final piece of equipment that will support this process is an almost magic scanning ‘wand’ that can read the tags in books and textbooks as they are swept along the shelves. The wand detects any book with a tag that hasn’t been marked as returned and can update the student Library record via a mobile tablet that communicates with the Library system.

After a rigorous evaluation process FE Technologies from Melbourne was selected as our partner. Luckily the tags and basic RFID equipment were supplied well before the August lockdown. During Terms 3 and 4 of 2021 while the Library was closed, Library staff added RFID tags to over 30,000 books. From the moment the system went live we noted an improvement in the speed and ease of issuing and returning books.

This investment in innovative Library management technology will make a significant impact on the services provided by our Library team. I would like to thank the Board and the Executive Leadership Team for their support of this project, which has fulfilled its promise of significantly reducing the time Librarians spend handling books, meaning more time to support teaching and learning across our three schools.

In Term 2 of 2022 this project was completed with the installation of a self-issue kiosk for students to use with their ID cards and an auto-returns shelf. As students from upper Primary through to Senior School independently check-out their books at the kiosk, this frees Librarians to spend more time with students helping them as they choose their books. As books are placed on the auto-returns shelf, the loans are cancelled simultaneously in the Library account.

Alison Hewett H E A D O F L I B R A RY S E R V I C E S

R A D I O - F R E Q U E N CY I D E N T I F I CAT I O N ( R F I D ) U S E S A W I R E L E S S R A D I O SY S T E M TO T R A N S F E R D ATA F R O M A TA G AT TA C H E D TO A N O BJ E CT, S U C H A S A B O O K , S O YO U CA N I D E N T I F Y I T A N D T R A C K I T S U S E . T H E TA G C O N TA I N S E L E CT R O N I CA L LY S TO R E D I N FO R M AT I O N O N A M I C R O C H I P W H I C H I S R E A D BY A N R F I D R E A D E R O R S CA N N E R . R F I D TA G S R E P L A C E L I B R A RY B A R C O D E S . M U LT I P L E R F I D TA G S CA N B E R E A D AT A T I M E , U N L I K E B A R C O D E S W H I C H CA N O N LY B E R E A D O N E AT A T I M E .” ( R A D I O - F R E Q U E N CY I D E N T I F I CAT I O N , N . D .) . Reference Radio-frequency identification (RFID). (n.d.). National Library of New Zealand Services to Schools. Retrieved 15 May 2022, from https://natlib.govt.nz/schools/school-libraries/librarysystems-and-operations/library-operations/radio-frequencyidentification-rfid


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Articles inside

Alumni – Joe Davis

page 46

Alumni – Graci Kim

pages 44-45

Alumni – Jamie Phillips

pages 47-49

50 Years of Progress with Vision, Integrity and Love

page 43

From the Archives

page 42

Alumni – AIMES Awards

page 41


page 40

Junior School Sport Update

page 39

Sports Highlights

page 38

Cross Country

page 36


page 37

Swimming Sports

page 35

Water Polo

page 34

Sports Update

page 32

International Services

page 31

Council of Sustainability

page 30

Performing Arts Update

page 28

Innovative Technology in the Library

page 27

Middle School Adventure Days

pages 16-19

CAS Update

page 22

Shakespeareans Soar at Kristin

page 29

Junior School Update

pages 12-15

From the Executive Principal

page 3

Parent Masterclass / Little Doves

page 11

Wellbeing Update

pages 9-10

Junior School Welcome Centre / Transport Plans

page 6

Campus Update – Auditorium Upgrade

page 5

From the Board

page 4

An update from KFF

page 7

Foundation Day 2022

page 8
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