1 minute read
Design and Visual Communication
by Benefitz
“Architects can’t force people to connect; they can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers and make the meeting places useful and attractive.” – Denise Scott
“Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins”. – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
The Design and Visual Communication (DVC) students have, like everyone, had another unusual year, learning how to become more adept as online learners. Both teachers and students alike have accommodated the need to be purposefully working at home during periods of lockdown and re-connecting more fully once back at school.
The modes of teaching and learning have successfully adapted to change, and have reinvigorated course delivery. Being patient, resourceful, and resilient during all of the uncertainty, as well as open to change when needed, were the key attributes needed to successfully navigate through an unsettled situation. Students occasionally had to improvise and become resourceful, innovating ways in which to use their found materials creatively and appropriately. DVC students are always provided with a range of ‘real world’ learning experiences, within both spatial and product design contexts. They are able to fully explore the aesthetic and functional design principles of a design proposal within a design process, thinking laterally and with purpose.
Junior and senior students have continued to shape the direction of their design thinking, within the parameters of highly engaging design briefs. DVC students can be very proud of what they have achieved, in a holistic sense, and can look forward to developing their design abilities in successive years!
Ranen Narsey Year 13
Yoxuan Chin Year 12
Livi Lee Year 13 Cathy Jiang Year 12 Ione Tseng Year 11
Rebecca Van Bemmelen Year 12
Andrew Welsh Year 11