Middle School YEARS 7-10
What’s so unique about Kristin Middle School? Big changes happen in those Middle School years, between ages 10-15, and it’s our job to support our students academically, pastorally and socially as they embark on their journey towards adulthood.
Here’s why:
Providing a holistic approach to education – not just classroom academia Specialist teachers to provide more insight and deeper learning A meaningful curriculum based on the IB Middle Years Programme Developing genuine understanding and mastery of academic skills, to build strong confidence in learning Smaller class sizes for more one-on-one support and extension from teachers
n Zero tolerance approach to bullying, drugs
and alcohol
During these pivotal years, we believe students need structure and stability, as well as an environment in which they can explore and pursue their unique talents – all of which sets them on a path to reach their learning potential. Our Middle School caters to students from age 10-15, covering Year 7-10. Our structure is different to many NZ schools, and we believe there is great benefit in keeping our students together for these four Middle School years. It allows them to develop a better sense of belonging and purpose over these pivotal years of development, it gives them a more solid foundation for Senior School, and also establishes many leadership opportunities.
A unique, nurturing environment that sets us apart and keeps them together.
Our Curriculum Engagement and challenge are at the heart of learning in the Middle School. Our IB Middle Years Programme is inquiry based, meaning that every unit of work begins with a question. For example, “Is Language Power?” With this approach, students immediately understand the relevance of what they are learning and find it more engaging. The curriculum is relevant, challenging, integrative and exploratory. It is also very adaptable so that teachers can differentiate learning to meet the individual needs of each student. CORE SUBJECTS
– English
– Music
– Individuals and Societies
– Art
– Mathematics
– Dance
– Science
– Drama
– The Arts
– Consumer Economics
– Digital Design
– Physical Education/Sport
– Future Problem Solvers
– Language Acquisition
– Visual Design
(Chinese, French or Spanish)
Kristin Middle School offers an abundance of extra-curricular activities for students. Opportunities available include; – Camps – International Student Exchanges – Robotics – Film Making – Performing Arts – Sports – Leadership – Choirs – Computer Programming – Art
– Outdoor Education
– Health
– Sport Studies
– Materials Product Design
– Technology Design
– Textiles/Food Product Design
Extra-curricular opportunities
– Enterprising Economics – Sports Academy (by invitation only)
Service & Leadership
Experiential Learning
It’s never too early to start growing great
Taking students outside the comfort of their
leaders. At Kristin we provide all our students
traditional classroom encourages them to
with opportunities to lead and learn through
embrace situations and challenges that
serving others.
promote personal growth and development,
It is said that true leaders rise by lifting others,
as well as team building.
which is why service is such an integral part of
From the Junior School to the Senior School,
our leadership model.
students take part in a huge variety of
Throughout our Junior, Middle and Senior Schools our Service and Leadership
experiences to build their confidence, learning, determination and independence.
programmes encourage students to participate
We offer:
in a variety of activities serving our local and
n Annual camps for all age groups
wider communities. It is an integral part of our IB curriculum and life at Kristin. While altruism is an essential part of the Kristin culture, our focus is on more than simply fundraising. Students are encouraged to develop a more holistic understanding of giving by serving alongside. We have developed ongoing and meaningful partnerships with many community organisations that support different needs in our community, including Ronald McDonald House, Auckland City Mission and local Retirement villages.
n Excursions and field trips to places relevant
to the topic of learning, across all subject categories n Opportunities to serve the community as
part of our Service Learning programmes n Leadership programmes n Overseas experiences and school exchanges
Smaller class sizes
We develop genuine
provide more one-on-one
understanding and
support and extension
mastery of academic
from teachers
skills, to build strong
– not just classroom
confidence in learning
Specialist teachers provide more insight and deeper learning
To book a tour or for more information visit W W W. D I S C O V E R K R I S T I N . S C H O O L . N Z
STUNNING GROUNDS Kristin Middle School provides a holistic approach to education