Porta del Sol Strip Mall

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Investment Highlights:

Road #2, Km 121.7 Caimital Alto Ward, Aguadilla, PR 00603 (Business District)

Ideal income producing investment. High traffic area; Business District; Corner location; between Aguadilla & Isabela;

Description: Commercial Strip Mall in final construction stage (needs ceramic tiling, glass, paint, asphalt parking & other finishing details) composed of 16 commercial spaces (12 on Main floor & 4 on Back Area).

Contact Information: Bengie RodrĂ­guez BBA, CIPS, CRB, CRS, GRI, RECS, SRES, CLHMS, e-Pro Owner & Realtor Lic. 8268

Zoning: A-4

Land: Lot Area: 5,937.06 square meters

Building: Brute Area: 1,639.28 square meters 17,636 square feet Occupied Area: 1,014.93 square meters 10,919 square feet

Parking: 67 Spaces

102 V Street, Ramey Base, Aguadilla, PR 00604 Cell Phone: 787.422.2222 Website: www.bengie.com // Email:bengie@bengie.com

Be n g i e R o d r íg u e z , R EALTOR ® Br o k e r / O w n e r Li c. 8 2 6 8 BBA, CIPS, CLHMS, CRB, CRS, e-Pro, GRI, RECS, SRES E- m ail: be ngie@be ngie.co m


Fir st P u e rto Rica n R E A L TO R® to a c hieve a Se niors Re al E s t a te S pecializatio n(SRES). Awa r de d 2 0 0 5 R E A L TO R® OF T HE Y E A R by t h e S ale s & Ma r keti ng Exec u tives As sociatio n(SME). Awa r de d 2 0 0 4 R E A L TO R® OF T H E Y E A R by th e May ag ü ez Bo a r d of REALTOR S®. Hig he s t Gr a de i n 1 9 9 8 Re al E s t a t e Broke r B a r Ex a m i n P u e rto Rico. Awa r de d 1 9 9 4 E X ECUTIVE OF T HE Y E A R by t he S ale s & Ma r keti ng Exec u tive Association i n Co m m u nic a tio n s In d u s t r y. Fir st P u e rto Rica n R E A L TO R® to ac hieve a L ux u ry Ho me s M a r keti n g Specializatio n(LHMS).

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