2 minute read
Editor’s Notes
Editor’s Notes
Greetings from the Editor’s office. The sunshine is over, those lovely walks along the towpath ending with a late drink in a pub are a memory but the ever-present factor in all our lives remains – COVID-19.
Much as we may try to blank it out or operate round it and adapt our living and working methods, it is evolving at will, and those of us without crystal balls are doing well to be able to maintain survival mode. Here at the Bill, we are no different. We have struggled to capture copy for this edition as all things Covid are offered up as the reason for lack of time and ability to produce materials for our readers. It is true that whilst we try to perfect the art of working from home, or alternating between the office and home, operating within the Corona context is proving very testing. Everything seems to take longer, involve more processes and yet the demands on us are no different and some say more relentless than before.
Middlesex members have fed back to us about their difficulties in adapting to the processing of ongoing business but others have demonstrated a willingness to look beyond the current issues and to examine how changes to working practices could be beneficial with a new flexibility and new collaboration techniques. Many are taking the opportunity to work off site and to change and innovate. What was seen as hindering productivity may now be viewed as a positive. The cost of new technology may well be less than the investment in physical
office space. However, there is always the issue of balance of supervision of home working and assessment of the quality of output with the compliance with professional standards and requirements.
PII Insurers who are considering renewal applications certainly have those matters front and centre in their assessments of risk and anecdotally there have been some eye watering renewal premiums quoted, so when our Council Member Michael Garson held two Zoom meetings recently for our members to explore their experience and issues around the renewal of PII, these were very timely and well received. Again, the lack of a model is hampering firms from making a reasoned and educated estimate of likely business and income.
We hope you enjoy this edition of the Bill of Middlesex and we really want your feedback on any aspect, so do email us or your Council Member with your ideas for speakers, topics for future events or meetings, problems, issues, information about changes in your firm and matters of concern you would like raised in Council or with our local MPs.
I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your support.
With best wishes in these difficult times. ■
Maralyn Hutchinson
Acting Editor Middlesex Law Society