1 minute read

Wellbeing& Diversity

Moth, and even travelled to Canada to film a flight from inside a Lancaster Bomber. Many great times were spent on airfields with recording equipment and in unusual aircraft, not forgetting the stunt shots including him filming loop the loops in the air from within an acrobatic aircraft! Indeed, on one occasion I recall being in the Magistrates’ Court with Lionel on a Monday morning when another solicitor, having informed those present he had been on the golf course all weekend, turned to Lionel and enquired if he had done anything over the weekend. Lionel’s retort left him speechless: ‘I flew Concorde to Sydney and back’! As usual, his quick retorts would often amaze. To add to his interests, Lionel even made time to run his own video company making many recordings and documentaries relating to his great interests including specialist aircraft, all kinds of transport including ships and trains, together with a number of educational recordings on legal matters, particularly relating to licensing law, all of which sold many copies. Lionel’s recording company survives today, thanks to his sons’ involvement, and continues from strength to strength.

Lionel will be sadly missed by all his family and friends and particularly Kathy, sons Charles and Harry, daughter Natalie, daughter-in-law Christina, son-in-law Francis and new arrival, grandson Theodore. 


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