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Building resilience in challenging times

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The world is facing the biggest health pandemic in living memory. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused chaos across the globe, with countries in lockdown, companies having to temporarily or permanently lay off staff, and the death count rising by the day.

In Britain, businesses that don’t sell essential services, such as food or medical supplies, were ordered to shut down and despite financial measures introduced by the government to protect jobs and incomes, there is huge uncertainty surrounding the state of the economy and how it will look in a few months’ time.

While the health and economic consequences of COVID-19 have been played out often in the media, less attention has been given to the effect the pandemic is having on mental health and well-being. How do businesses and the staff increase and maintain their resilience so they’re in a better position to cope, both during the crisis and after it has passed? One tactic that company owners and workers can deploy is to shift their mindset, to alter preconceived attitudes about the crisis that may be affecting their well-being.

Natasha Chatur, a qualified personal

coach, says: “Over the past few months, large groups of us will have experienced some of the same adverse events, including lockdown, furlough or redundancy. We may have also noticed how these same events will have caused quite different reactions in different people. “We often think it’s the event – lockdown, for example – that has caused the reactions. In cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the principle is that it’s not the actual event that has caused our reaction, but our interpretation of it. Cognitive behavioural coaching (CBC) goes on to suggest our reaction and behaviour is a function of our environment, thoughts, feelings and physiology. So, for example, if we were to change our thoughts or feelings about the event, we could change our reaction and our behaviour.” Natasha works with middle and senior managers in SMEs, helping them to maximise their potential. She refers to the ABC model – that adversity occurs, beliefs are created and consequences happen – which is an approach that encourages optimism not just as a way of being more productive and successful, but as a skill that can be improved and called upon in times of adversity. “It suggests that you can’t affect the event that has caused you adversity, but you can shift your beliefs,” she says.

“Sometimes our beliefs can be inaccurate, incorrectly assumed or influenced. Shifting beliefs can help open up different perspectives, evidence-based beliefs and crucially, more positive thoughts, feelings and behaviours to contribute to a happier disposition, from which can stem productivity and success. “As we all begin to navigate a way back to a new normal in both our personal and professional lives, it’s worth considering that to focus on what can be changed and accept what is outside of our control is a way to build resilience, thereby supporting ourselves to deal with adversity now and in the future.” Sometimes, the simple things can improve wellbeing. Focusing on something positive in the outside world – the sea, sunshine, the sound of birds – can help to relax the mind. Meditation and breathing exercises can help to control and manage stressful situations or even panic attacks. Joining a What’s App group to converse with friends, family members and work colleagues can also be beneficial. Taking these measures not only helps to promote positive wellbeing on an individual level, it also helps to put businesses on a healthier footing. Good wellbeing directly links to an increase in productivity, efficiency and effectiveness while boosting energy and motivation levels. It creates improved health, better concentration and problem-solving abilities, while strengthening relationships, which increases trust and cooperation between individuals and teams. From a company’s point of view, resilience can be strengthened by adhering to the old adage “cash is king”, especially in the current challenging trading environment. Many firms may be facing a loss of income due to being unable to trade normally, while still having to cope with the burden of paying overheads. Financially resilient firms with strong cash reserves can call upon them during this period of emergency, rather than taking out loans and other forms of debt which may carry high interest charges. Those without a lot of cash in the bank can focus on other practical measures to stem the outward flow of money, such as delaying payment of liabilities and conducting a business audit to see where further operational efficiencies and savings could be made. In a perverse way, some businesses are benefiting from the crisis; for example, those that provide healthcare services and medical products. Others, however, are quieter than usual and in some cases, have no work at all. Companies that fall into the latter category could use existing downtime to nurture client relationships. With face-to-face contact at a premium in this new age of social distancing, companies can stay in touch with clients via Skype, Zoom and other digital channels. It’s unlikely to be the time to be aggressively pushing paid services, putting up prices or upselling to existing clients. This could be viewed as blatant profiteering, an idea that might work in the very short term but unlikely to prosper for long.

Clients could even see this tactic as exploitative and resent it – and the last thing any company wants in an uncertain economic environment is to jeopardise a relationship with a client. A more subtle approach is needed, one that keeps a brand active in the community and at the forefront of people’s minds. Laura Shimili, a photographer in Wandsworth, adopted this approach when the coronavirus disrupted her usual line of work. Laura, whose business is called Laura

Shimili Mears

Photography, says: “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic I have had to put my work on hold as my focus is working with babies, families and businesses for headshots and website photographs. “To do something useful with my skills and to capture a moment in history, I decided to start taking “doorstep photographs in lockdown” for charity. Taking the photographs from a safe distance of three metres away, I am doing them for families in my immediate area in Tooting Bec. I have raised £1030 so far for St. George’s Hospital; the funds will be used for their coronavirus appeal.”

To donate please visit https://www.facebook.com/donate /556773628172149/?fundraiser_ source=external_url Phil Robinson of Paint the Town Green

(PTTG) is also taking an innovative approach to doing business in the lockdown. The company offers a one-stop bespoke painting and decorating service but has had to temporarily close its showroom due to COVID-19. He says: “When lockdown was announced, we decided there was a clear way we could do our bit to help during isolation. Aware that many people are keen to tackle their own decorating, we produced a batch of online tutorials which answer common questions and problems people have when it comes to decorating. The tutorials cover a range of topics including how to prepare cracks in the wall for painting and how to use decorators’ caulk. “We’ve also introduced a free knock and drop delivery for all local orders to help people stay safe at home. This has been a relief for many who are otherwise struggling to get hold of paint. “DIY is not for everyone, though, and there are homeowners out there who still want to forge ahead with a professional home redecoration project despite lockdown. We’re spending quite a bit of time quoting for jobs remotely and are getting bookings into our post-lockdown diary.”

Both Phil and Natasha are examples of how to build resilience by adapting and staying flexible in a fast-evolving, unpredictable situation. Some lockdown restrictions are cautiously being lifted as companies try to get back to work.

“When lockdown was announced, we decided there was a clear way we could do our bit to help during isolation. Aware that many people are keen to tackle their own decorating, we produced a batch of online tutorials which answer common questions and problems people have when it comes to decorating.”

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