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The Role of Solicitors in Child Arrangement Disputes

Experienced Family Law Solicitors, like Askews Legal LLP, play a crucial role in resolving disputes regarding children. These disputes often arise from separation or divorce and require careful handling to ensure the best interests of the child are met while protecting the rights of the parents involved.

Child arrangement disputes generally involve disagreements over where a child will live, how much time they will spend with each parent, and how decisions about their upbringing will be made. These disputes can also extend to education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. The primary goal in resolving these disputes is to ensure the child's best interests are protected, a principle enshrined in the Children Act 1989.

The Role of Solicitors in Protecting Parental Rights

Family Law Solicitors provide expert advice and representation to parents enmeshed in disputes concerning their children. They will inform you of your legal rights and responsibilities, explain the relevant legal principles, and determine the best methods for resolving the dispute quickly and cost-effectively. In addition, your Solicitor will meticulously prepare and submit all appropriate documentation, including applications for child arrangement orders, witness statements, and supporting evidence, on time.

The first step to resolving a dispute concerning children is to use non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) methods such as round-table negotiation and mediation.

However, the case may proceed to court if these routes fail to resolve the dispute. Your Solicitor will represent you, present evidence, and advocate on your behalf. Experienced legal practitioners are skilled in effectively cross-examining witnesses, challenging evidence, and making persuasive arguments to support your case.

New Family Procedure Rules put extra emphasis on non-court dispute resolution

The recent amendments to the Family Procedure Rules (FLR) 2010, effective from 29th April 2024, place an increased obligation on parties, family practitioners, and the courts to consistently evaluate whether cases are suitable for non-court dispute resolution, both before and during court proceedings. These changes reflect the Government's and the judiciary's broader efforts to encourage parties to resolve matters using constructive non-court dispute resolution options.

Family Law Solicitors therefore play a crucial role guiding parties through these changes, whether support is needed for child arrangement disputes, offering legal advice, emotional support, or even skilled representation. Through negotiation, mediation, or court proceedings, they also help parents identify the reasons for the dispute and work towards solutions that serve the child's best interests.

If you require legal advice concerning family law matters, please email: enquiries@askewslegal.co

Please note that this article is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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