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Leamington plans ‘excite’ local businessess

Business leaders in Mid-Warwickshire say they are excited by plans for Leamington town centre after they were set out at an event for local firms.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s Mid-Warwickshire Local Business Forum heard from Warwick District Councillor Andrew Day, who shared the latest developments on the Transforming Leamington project through his work on the Leamington Transformation Board.

The event, which took place at the Mercure Walton Hall Hotel and Spa in Wellesbourne, also heard from the Chamber’s head of policy Sean Rose.

Andrew described how the first phase of the Leamington Creative Quarter – which is being developed in partnership with CDP – is already proving to be a major success as a £5m project at Spencer Yard was completed last year.

It has seen the former Grade II listed United Reform Church transformed into creative offices and digital media space which is now occupied by Cogent and is also home to The Fold, a shared workspace that includes creative studios.

Now, work is also underway to redevelop the former Stoneleigh Arms and Old School site in Clemens Street, creating a centre for the creative arts.

Regenerative work has also started to transform Leamington Town Hall into a creative hub, with areas of flexible working space available.

Andrew also revealed plans to improve transport links – including rail, bus and cycle – as well as a future ambition to attract a top-class hotel into the town centre.

He said: “Leamington is such a great place to live, work and do business and this work is helping to reimagine some of the spaces in the town centre to attract people.

“The way people used town centres was changing before Covid and that has been accelerated by the pandemic. So, by offering creative and co-working spaces and areas for events, we can really make the most of what Leamington has to offer.”

Olivia Parrish, chair of the Chamber’s Mid-Warwickshire Local Business Forum, said: “The plans for Leamington are so exciting and we were thrilled that Andrew could come to give us such a thorough update on progress.

“The businesses around the table were really energised by the plans and it was also a chance to ask questions and feed back to Andrew.”

For more information on the next Local Business Forum email Sean at seanr@cw-chamber.co.uk

HORIBA MIRA, a leading automotive engineering consultancy, has been honoured with the King’s Award for Enterprise for Sustainable Development. This prestigious recognition celebrates the company’s pioneering efforts in advancing net zero mobility within the automotive industry.

HORIBA MIRA’s innovative virtual engineering approaches address the entire vehicle lifecycle, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of vehicle design and development. The company is instrumental in aiding both new market entrants and established automakers in transitioning to net zero vehicles. Their engineers develop advanced systems, including electrified propulsion and connected & autonomous systems, facilitating widespread decarbonisation.

The consultancy has a remarkable history of investing in cutting-edge technologies, helping remove up to 40 tonnes of carbon emissions during the vehicle design phase through virtualisation. Over the past five years, six of its clients have achieved unicorn status, underscoring HORIBA MIRA’s critical role in the industry.

HORIBA MIRA has committed to a comprehensive 20-point plan to achieve net zero for its 850-acre technology campus by 2030 (scope 1 & 2 emissions) and 2040 (scope 3 emissions). Initiatives include on-site energy production, zero waste to landfill, and creating 28 acres of wild meadows.

MIRA Technology Park, hosting over 40 automotive firms, stands as a hub for reducing global carbon emissions in road transport. Declan Allen, Managing Director at HORIBA MIRA, remarked on the award:

“The car is an emblem for society’s determination to decarbonise. This has made our mission at HORIBA MIRA to boldly pursue this goal so very important. I am really pleased that our collective efforts have received the highest accolade from His Majesty King Charles III, and I am sure this will add even more momentum to our work and the growing number of inspiring companies that we support with our solutions and services.”

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