1 minute read


The City of Coventry Freemen's Guild has great pleasure in announcing that once again it is looking for outstanding young people to honour in its’ Apprentice of the Year Awards 2023.

The purpose of the Guild Awards is to celebrate the achievements of local young people who are either apprentices or trainees and who are currently undertaking a contracted training programme linked to a recognised career path.

Nominees do not have to be in the final year of their apprenticeship/training scheme.

This year we are looking for two Apprentices of the Year – one in the small/medium employer category (up to 200 employees), and one in the large employer category (over 200 employees).

There will be a maximum of three finalists for each award who will be selected from the total number of applications submitted to the Guild by the closing date of Monday 21st August 2023.

The finalists will then be invited to meet a panel of judges on Tuesday 12th September 2023 who will select the apprentices who in their opinion qualify for the titles of Apprentice of the Year 2023.

In addition, the judges have the option to award The Endeavour Award to a candidate they consider has overcome some considerable difficulty in their life and/or has gone the extra mile to help others.

The Awards dinner will be held at St Mary’s Guildhall on Tuesday 26th September 2023 when the winners of this year’s competition will be announced. The awards will be presented by the Lord Mayor of Coventry, who is also President of the Guild.

The Apprentices of the Year will each receive a cheque for £1000 plus a trophy.

In addition, the companies/organisations that sponsor the winners and the training providers will also receive a trophy.

The Endeavour Award winner and remaining finalists will receive a trophy and a cheque for £100.

The application form and entry criteria (including tips for completing the form) are available from mickrawson1943@gmail.com. Further information about the Guild and awards, including downloads for the entry criteria and application form can be found at www.coventryfreemensguild.wordpress.com

We would also be grateful if you would use your networks to circulate this information as widely as possible.

We look forward to receiving your applications for these prestigious awards.

Michael Rawson

City of Coventry Freemen’s Guild www.coventryfreemensguild.wordpress.com

Email: mickrawson1943@gmail.com

Telephone: 07748687531

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