3 minute read

Why you should choose a Conveyancing Solicitor

Buying a property is such a common, albeit expensive, transaction you may wonder whether it is worth paying extra money for a Conveyancing Solicitor.

After all, there are plenty of cheaper options available. However, like anything, if you want high-quality advice and service, alongside the peace of mind that the most expensive purchase you are ever likely to make will not result in expensive problems later down the line, it is well worth choosing a Property Law Solicitor who has extensive experience and expertise. Taking time to understand the property you are buying

One of the advantages of choosing a law firms such as Askews Lega LLP is that they have more time to dedicate to each transaction, mitigating the risk of failing to see potential problems, unnecessary delays in completing the transaction and conveyancing fraud.

Thorough investigation of the property title

Unexpected property title issues can lead to a minefield of problems for new owners. An experienced Conveyancing Solicitor will look into:

Whether there are any rights of way or easements you need to be aware of.

• Any covenants that run with the property. The boundaries of the property.

Any defects in the title.

Third-party rights affecting the property. In older properties, missing an issue with the title can be too easy. This is especially true with covenants, which can run with the property for decades (or, in some cases, for hundreds of years).

Undertaking the necessary property searches

As a minimum, a good Conveyancing Solicitor will advise you to get a: Local land charges search.

• Local authority search.

• Drainage and water enquiries.

• Pre-contract enquiries.

Index map search.

Land Charges Department search (unregistered land).

Depending on the location of the property, you may be advised to obtain other searches related to the environment, mining, or flooding.

Getting the contracts


Before the contracts are exchanged between the buyer and seller, your Conveyancer must ensure that the searches have been completed and that the seller has answered any questions asked by the purchaser. Again, one of the advantages of paying a little more for a Property Law Solicitor is that they will have fewer transactions that need their attention. This is crucial because once contracts are exchanged the transaction is legally binding and it will be too late for you to address any problems. Furthermore, you cannot pull out of the sale without paying the seller compensation.

Ensuring that the sale and purchase agreement is drafted correctly is also an essential part of a Conveyancer's work. They will check all the details are correct and that appropriate due diligence has been carried out before the contracts exchange. They will also negotiate completion dates and check over your mortgage offer and contract.

• If you require legal advice for a conveyancing matter, email enquiries@askewslegal.co

Please note that this article does not constitute legal advice.

Warwickshire-based consultancy create new tech-based role

Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental Management Consultancy WA Management have created a new role to help support the development of revolutionary app.

To help support the growth of Under Construction, a project management system app developed in partnership with software agency Image Plus, WA Management are hiring for a new role within their organisation – Digital Consultant.

Joining the existing consultancy team, the new Digital Consultant will take charge of on-site app demonstrations and aiding the customer journey from onboarding onto the app through to on-site implementation. They will incorporate Under Construction into audits and show real-time how the app can improve compliance on site.

Training in both health and safety legislation and the Under Construction app will allow the new Digital Consultant to bridge the gap between construction sites and technology - an area in which the construction industry often find itself behind.

William Whittaker, Director of WA Management, discusses the importance of creating this new role.

“The Construction Industry in the UK is one of the biggest, but it is also the one that struggles most to modernise. This is because the majority of companies are SMEs or Sole Traders. Small construction companies cannot afford expensive software, nor do they have the staff spare to research solutions, or training in technology. But we also know, that not having the correct paperwork, the correct check in place, can cause fatal injury.

By blending tech knowledge with the guiding hand of a consultant, we can help our customers transition to a modern compliance solution.”

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