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“Many of us miss the sports teams and societies that were so easy to participate in at University. With our Livery Company sports teams, it is easy to step back in to the joys of sport participation, even if you haven’t been involved for years.”

The City of London Solicitors' Company has and is launching sports teams for Football, Netball, Golf, Rugby, Tennis, Padel, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Skiing and many more.

As lawyers, we are used to frequently exercising our brains - but our bodies need to be on the move too, not just for their own sakes but for our overall well-being.

Many of us miss the sports teams and societies that were so easy to participate in at University. With our Livery Company sports teams, it is easy to step back into the joys of sport participation, even if you haven’t been involved for years.

At the City of London Solicitors' Company, we take sport seriously. There is a wide range you can choose to participate in. We are putting together teams to take part in Inter-Livery competitions. We are also registered in the Law Society Sevens - which includes rugby, touch rugby, football and netball. With the exception of contact-rugby at the Law Society Sevens, all our sides are mixed, and anyone can play. We have recently re-established our Ski team, Bridge Team, Clay Pigeon Shooting Team and Croquet Team.  So with the exception of skiing, even if your physical playing days are behind you, there is still a sport for you.

Luca Cordelli has recently been appointed as Captain of Livery Sports to head up a new found drive to reactivate participation and not just to take part, but to win!

“The Master and I are jointly on a quest to revamp the Company’s part in Inter-Livery Company sports events - and there are a lot to choose from. In recent years, we took more of a back seat but we are ready to be a lot more visible. With more younger lawyers joining the Livery Company, we are in a great position to put some seriously viable teams together.”

Playing sports does so much more than exercise the body and feed the soul; it is also a great way to network, to feel a part of something, to make a new circle of friends. The benefits are endless. 

“It’s so much more than just playing in a football match. You need to prepare and train before, travel to the venue - and then, of course, there are the post match celebrations or commiserations - all of these things are great opportunities to get to know people better, to build relationships and to encourage real team work.”

Being Italian and from close to Siena, Luca has always had an exposure to tradition and a respect for history, and so was attracted to the Livery Company for that aspect. He says that it is a great honour and privilege to be granted access to some extraordinary events that feature in the Company's diary but he equally loves that the Company looks forward as much as it does back - with sport being one aspect of that.

Golf is one sport where the Company has excelled in the past - and is hoping to continue in this vein going forward.

Every year the Livery Golfing Society organises ‘The Prince Arthur Cup’ at Walton Heath.  It is open to all Livery Companies but since it is a one day event it is restricted to 54 teams. Since 1945, the City of London Solicitors’ Company has won it no less than five times, second only to the Leathersellers’ who have won it eleven times.

Our solicitors are also getting ready to serve up some aces this September at a tennis tournament organised by the Feltmakers’ Company at the Queen's Club, quite a prestigious venue. We are going to love winning game, set and match.

Rugby and football are high on the agenda too and, recently, Oliver Williams was appointed Captain of both teams and is looking forward to seeing the teams excel in the Law Society’s annual tournaments as well as Inter-Livery ones. Oliver is looking for keen young players to join both teams;

“Playing football and rugby are great ways to leave work behind for a short time; to just let go of all the stress and pressure and focus on the game. I find it helps me so much mentally as well as physically. And there is a great social aspect to it as well; you are playing with people you already have so much in common with.”

We are looking to recruit more aspiring sports people - as well as those who just want to enjoy running around and leaving the stresses of the office exactly there. You can see some of our recent ‘recruitment’ posts on these pages.

If you are interested in participating in some fun sports with the Company, do contact Luca luca.cordelli@studiopirola.co.uk or Oliver Oliver.Williams@cms-cmno.com

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