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Green and Digital: Employers to Pledge their Support to Local Colleges and Universities to Deliver the Right Green and Digital Skills in the Borough

Following the presentations from the Green and Digital session, delegates were asked to vote for one of the proposed four projects/initiatives they’d like to see taken forward for development by the SELCC. Once they had selected their preferred project, each table discussed the key considerations and next steps, a summary of which can be found below.

Which Green & Digital project / initiative is your favourite?

Employers to pledge their support to local colleges and universities to deliver the right green and digital skills in the borough

Encourage community/student engagement around green & digital projects

Provide green & digital training & employment opportunities for residents & employees

Ensure we capture the right to data across the borough to drive improvement

Ensure Greenwich becomes a centre of excellence for world-class digital technology

40% of delegates voted for the chosen project

Key Considerations

● Develop an event with training providers and employers on green and digital skills in the borough.

● Colleges and universities in the borough should communicate their current curriculum and the range of qualifications available for green and digital skills across all age groups.

● Employers, both large and small, should collate their respective needs and potential gaps in the curriculum.

● Employers should actively support sustainability initiatives by engaging in activities such as;

● going into schools to present why sustainability is ‘cool’,

● inspiring people to pursue careers in green skills.

● offering career advice and highlighting exciting career paths from school.

● supporting ‘train the trainer’ programmes.

● Placements and internships should be provided to allow students to gain practical experience in green and digital skills.

Next steps and actions

● SELCC to hold an event with providers and employers on green and digital skills in the borough.

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