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Hampshire Law Society Contacts
Hampshire Law Society Contacts
The following is an up-to-date list of committee members’ names and addresses and the sub committees to which they belong:
President James Gleisner Trethowans Botleigh Grange Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AF DX 154120 Southampton 48 Tel: 02380 820465 Email: james.gleisner@trethowans.com
Deputy President Mo Aldridge Jasper Vincent 44 Queensway, Southampton SO14 3GT Tel: 023 8063 3225 Email: maldridge@jaspervincent.com
Deputy Vice President Tom Mitchell Trethowans Botleigh Grange Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AF DX 154120 Southampton 48 Tel: 02380 820465 Email: tom.mitchell@trethowans.com
Honorary Secretary Ian Robinson Churchers Solicitors 13-18 Kings Terrace, Portsmouth PO5 3AL DX 2205 Portsmouth Tel: 0239 288 2001 Fax: 0239 286 2831 Email: irobinson@churchers.co.uk
Honorary Treasurer Tom Mitchell Trethowans Botleigh Grange Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AF DX 154120 Southampton 48 Tel: 02380 820465 Email: tom.mitchell@trethowans.com
Immediate Past President Joe Robertson Email: jrobertson2006@hotmail.co.uk
Business Development Officer Alison Plenderleith Tel: 07429 523183 Email: bdo@hampshirelawsociety.co.uk
Law Society Council Members Nick Gurney-Champion (Hampshire & Isle of Wight) Biscoes 67 Union Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 2LN Tel: 01983 615615 Email: ngc@biscoes-law.co.uk
Razi Shah (North Hampshire) Appleby Shaw Trinity House, 15a Trinity Place, Windsor SL4 3AS DX 3830 Windsor Tel: 01753 860606 Fax: 01753 860620 Email: rshah@applebyshaw.com
Administrator Nicola Jennings Tel: 023 8044 7022 Fax: 023 8044 7022 Email: administration@ hampshirelawsociety.co.uk
Complaints Mo Aldridge maldridge@jaspervincent.com
Education & Training Anthony Harris (Chair) ajharris@clara.co.uk Anastasia Ttofis David Ankcorn Tom Mitchell
Membership Sarah Coates James Gleisner Sarah Huck
Contentious Russell Evans russell.david@yahoo.co.uk Kevin Richardson Joe Robertson
Non Contentious Matthew Robbins Nick Gurney-Champion Alex O’Sullivan
PR (inc Social) Mo Aldridge (Chair) maldridge@jaspervincent.com Jonathan Rees Kristina Colmer Sarah Hallett
Regulatory Adrienne Edgerley Harris (Chair) Adrienneedgerleyharris@gmail.com Ian Robinson Roderick Hursthouse
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