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Wellbeing Month with the SHJLD


Wellbeing Month with the SHJLD

JANUARY 2023 – Sponsored by College Chambers

To kick start the new year, the South Hampshire Junior Lawyers Division will be using January 2023 to focus in with our members on our mental and physical wellbeing. Each week, we will focus on different areas that affect our general wellbeing and mental health. Further details of our Wellbeing Month are below.

Wellbeing Webinar with Sandi Marshall

Thursday 12th January 2023, 1pm

In week one, we will focus in on mental health and wellbeing, starting with a webinar with Sandi Marshall. In particular, this webinar will focus in on the importance of sleep and looking at ways in which we can manage financial stress.

Hotpod Yoga Class

Thursday 17th January 2023, 7pm

Week two takes a look at how we can take care of our physical wellbeing and relaxation methods. We will be hosting a Hotpod Yoga Class at the Hotpod Yoga Studio in Southampton. We look forward to trying something new with our members!

Members walk and talk

Meeting at Starbucks, Above Bar Street, Southampton

Thursday 26th January 2023, 6pm

To finish off in week three, we will focus in on the importance of taking time out of our busy schedules for some fresh air and social interaction! We look forward to treating our members to a warm drink and treat from Starbucks, where we well then go for a walk in the local area, catch up with each other and checking in to see how everyone is doing.

Alongside the events listed above, we will focus on posting wellbeing tips and tricks throughout the month.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to be kept up to date on future events, you can contact us via our website or email us at committee.shjld@gmail.com ■

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