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Spotlight on the Committee

Adrienne Edgerley Harris

Committee Member

Adrienne Edgerley Harris


Firm: Shentons Solicitors

Area of Expertise:

Regulation and compliance 

What attracted you to work in the law:

when I was about 14, reading that a notice saying “ trespassers will be prosecuted” was completely wrong; I learnt that trespass is a civil, not a criminal offence, for which you could be fined, but certainly not prosecuted.

What is the most amusing / intriguing incident which has taken place on a case you have acted on: 

This was a trading standards prosecution, where the client was accused of selling items underweight to a named person. I was able to show that the person who actually purchased the items was not the person named in the charge at all- but his wife, so one of the key elements of the contract had not been made out and the case was dismissed. No one will ever know now whether the vegetables sold were underweight!

What is your biggest career achievement: 

Being the Head of Regulatory Policy for the Law Society during the changes brought about by the separation of regulation and representation. I enjoyed the fast pace and excitement of being part of a new structure.

What is your favourite part about being a member of HILS: 

the friendship and ability to share work and personal experiences with colleagues. I’m on the HILS Committee and value the ability to speak about Law Society Council matters and seek advice from fellow Committee members.

Why do you think HILS is important: 

it is the voice of its members locally , providing a vital link with The Law Society.


Who inspires you: 

Ranulph Fiennes, the explorer, for his achievements of course and his tenacity in the face of adversity. His wife must be included, as she was so much a part of his expeditions and, as company, she took her Jack Russell, called Bothie, after which our own JR is named.

What was the last book you read: 

Arnhem Umbrella, Major Digby Tatham Warter DSO, by Neil Thornton. It’s about the man known for walking around the battlefield under extreme fire from the German army, with an umbrella for “protection,” during the British attempt in the Second World War to secure the bridge at Arnhem. (The film of that name showed him holding a furled umbrella behind his back going on to the bridge to attempt a ceasefire. But was it him?) 

What is your favourite film: 

A Room with a View, a wonderful, engaging story about a couple who fall in love in Florence and an Aunt who interferes. In addition to views of Florence, which I love, the story is much enhanced by the acting of Helena Bonham-Carter.

What is the next place on your travel bucket list: 

My husband Gavin and I will be travelling around Italy and Sicily later this year, including visiting Pompei and Herculaneum. Explosions permitting, we hope to walk the craters of the two volcanoes, Vesuvius and Etna.

Name one item you cannot live without and why:  

the radio- despite its ability to be very irritating on occasion (apparently you can turn it off!)- it provides company on lone car journeys and a choice of programmes from the very silly and entertaining to informative- oh and the shipping forecast, which I adore for its soothing and reassuring note (unless you are in a storm at sea of course).

What is your favourite quote:  

I saw this years ago, written in mosaic on the entrance step to a shop in Bath: A man without colour in his life is like a day without the sun. it encourages me through the grey of winter towards nature coming to colourful life again in the spring.

Michelle Hurst

Vice President HILS

Michelle Hurst


Firm: Biscoes Solicitors 

Area of Expertise: 

Childcare and Adoption

What attracted you to work in the law: 

My mother was a secretary in the family department throughout my childhood so I spend a lot of time around lawyers and offices.  When I started studying the law as a mature student, it just ‘clicked’. 

What is the most amusing / intriguing incident which has taken place on a case you have acted on: 

Because the subject matter of our cases is so heavy, it’s important to try to find levity where we can.  It would be indiscreet to name any specific incidents but my colleagues, both in my firm and not, keep me going every day. 

What is your biggest career achievement: 

Being promoted to Deputy Head of Department in April 2022. 

What is your favourite part about being a member of HILS: 

I have really enjoyed attending the committee meetings, meeting people from different areas of law and feeling as though my input is valued. 

Why do you think HILS is important: 

The law is an ever-changing beast, as is the society we live in, and it’s important that there is diversity not only in the workplace and in life in general, but also in committees like HILS.  It’s important to me to be part of that change, enabling people from all backgrounds to become successful in their chosen field and finding ways to assist with that. 


Who inspires you: 

Professionally, my many colleagues, who push me to be a better lawyer, a good person, and who make me laugh on a daily basis.  Personally, those who historically have stood up and made a difference in the face of ignorance and adversity, such as Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, Emmeline Pankhurst and the late, great, Maya Angelou. 

What was the last book you read: 

Something shamefully trashy – I love escapism!

What is your favourite film: 

Dirty Dancing, or Big. 

What is the next place on your travel bucket list: 

So many!  At the moment, Thailand and Finland (not in the same trip)

Name one item you cannot live without and why: 

My SPF 50 face cream, because I’m terrified of sun damage. 

What is your favourite quote:  

“I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should just go ahead and be one.” – Calamity Jane 

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