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6 Ways to create a healthier working environment

According to the H&S Executive, 1.8 million workers suffered from work-related ill health in 2022/23. Of these, 49% were stress, depression or anxiety related, 27% musculoskeletal disorders and 24% other type of illness.

Lost opportunity costs, absence and low productivity through ill-health are challenging for business. The business surroundings we provide for staff impact significantly on both physical and mental health and are closely linked to job satisfaction, motivation and patterns of interaction. We need to make our offices healthier.

Our physical working environment affects performance in the same way as extreme workloads, poor work-life balance or significant organisational change. They also affect engagement levels, productivity and the ability to attract talent, fundamental elements of business success.

Post-covid, workplace expectations when are so much higher, it’s time to look at our offices again through fresh eyes. What used to work for the business simply may not be effective anymore.

ONE: Quiet Space

Whilst open plan, hot desking and ‘flexi’ workspace increase collaboration and boost innovation it’s also important to integrate the option of space for quiet, private and focused work.

Higher rates of sickness absence have been associated with a lack of perceived control and privacy at work. Whilst some staff thrive, the hustle and bustle of open plan spaces can raise anxiety levels for noise sensitive staff making it harder to think or concentrate. Fabric screens, acoustic panels, rugs and carpets are simple additions to absorb sound and reduce impact noise. Bookshelves, cabinets, or plants can be introduced or re-arranged and used as natural sound barriers. Noise cancelling headphones can be really help. If there are less people in the office now due to hybrid working, try re-arranging the furniture to create some valuable some peace and quiet space in another area.

TWO: Agile Space

Agile working is based on the concept that work is an activity we do, rather than a place we go. It makes the most use of the available space and provides staff with opportunities to work in ways that suit them best across a number of locations.

Employee choice of how and where to work in the office is associated with reduced absence worand greater job satisfaction. Identifying the different spaces, settings and furniture needed for optimal performance of business tasks and processes will enable your team to thrive.

THREE: User Control

Control at work is a key determinant of health and wellbeing. The extent to which employees perceive that they have control over their physical work environment is associated with improved performance, job satisfaction and group cohesiveness.

Adjustable ergonomic seating, height adjustable desks, individual task lights and choice over work settings for different tasks enhance individual control over the work environment.

FOUR: Greater Connection

How do we connect with employees and provide an environment that brings out the best in them?

One way is designing physical office spaces which increase opportunities for access and live communication with each other – how many times do we email the person on the other side of the office instead of simply walking over to have a chat?

Zoning office layouts so similar teams are close to each other is an easy way to encourage more meaningful interaction.

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Encouraging teams to come together away from the desk is essential to create those “Water Cooler” moments sparking conversation, creativity and innovation. If you have the space, providing tea making, breakout and outdoor spaces to purposefully bring staff together increases connection and also shows staff they are valued.

FIVE: Inclusive Design

Look further than the needs of your current team to make your offices more accessible and inclusive to attract a wider talent pool and more diverse workforce.

Incorporating accessibility considerations into the office including greater adjustability of equipment and variety of working settings will help future-proof your business. Consideration of other factors including adjustability of furniture, colour coded zoning, contrasting fabrics and finishes, flooring which highlight steps and access routes will all help.

Work environments that go beyond the bare basics needed to do the job strengthen employee wellbeing and productivity.

SIX: Increased Ownership

If you’re inspired to refresh your workspace engage your team early-on in the process through focus groups, questionnaires and brainstorming.

This is an ideal opportunity to gather everyone’s ideas and get ‘buy in’ to the plans, also directing design. It doesn’t mean every idea will be included but it does mean everyone has been listened to, building a sense ownership over new surroundings and feelings of belonging.

JPA advise, re-design and provide solutions for every budget, making the most of items already in place to prevent unecessary waste, carbon and pollution. Our lifecycle support services for new furnishings give peace of mind and optimal financial and environmental value through longevity and circularity.

Simply get in touch to see how your organisation can create healthier offices for greater wellbeing and performance.

JPA Workspaces Sphere Industrial Estate Campfield Road St Albans AL1 5HT

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